hie qittnx jfriee jwss s rcblikhed every thursday morning it tki fire pirsi stm wntluc office istll street acton okt tctiusor stbktrirtiay one dollar per year strictly in advanoe all subscriptions discon tinued when tie time tor which tbey have been paid ha expired the dtt to which erery tubtcriptlon ii paid u denoted on tha address laul anrebtiitko n arts transient advertise- meets 8 cents per nonpareil liae for fin in sertion 3 eents per lice for each sabsequent insertion contract iutmtub following table shows our rate or the insertion of advertisements for specified period i fl yb i 6 mq rslcotjl ko cinch uoki ojsco txfb s7 00 lolnebs km soco 300 s leche km isto tk1 250 1 inch tjd s9 im loo adrtrtiiemenu without specific directions will be iortj till forbid sue charted accord ingly trtntlent advertisement mast be paid iq advance advertisement will be chmccd onco oichi month ii declred for chance oltener thin once k month the competition mnit be paid fop t rrgulti rate change for contract tdrertiieteenti mnit be id the oflce by dooq on tuesday hpkoobe j editor and proprietor ibusttitss fiirirforp j f uren m d c m office and realdenco comer hill 4 frederick street acton sa mckeaguem d graduate of trinity college hember or uollflaerpbrtleufl and burgeons licentiate ol jml cono of pbyiielami and sareeon edinburgh once and residence dr lowr lite resi dence heed of frederick street aewn j e wilkinson d d b l d s scrgeok dektibt graduate tnitcreity of toronto metuecr of the hoya college of dental surgeon osce open erery day eteept wednesday thursday and saturday t orer the drug store acton every week we are getting new effects in ingrain wall papers with borders and ceilings to- match these papers are used by the best families they are as cheap as the common papers only 15 cts a roll and much handsomer when you are in guelph call at days book store and see how nice and cheap they are day sells cheap bank of montreal traders bank iot oahada bud orticz tohoxto 1jk0ox kdlcom isftojo car- mil aothooixed oapttalpalb dp best fttkd qtjelph brakoh oonxrn or wtkdeak urn qtrcsrc mati bttldji bulk dtpcttmanl 4prcencidoaiawioaiihdapwtrdafroni date of deposit to dxta of vlthdrtvil of com poanied bilf yetrly on lit uijr nd xhh kc- vember dopocit bjcef pts lunect c3adtinee mide to recponcjble fcrmert sterling bccbtnee boncbt tud told drtiu lured piytlile tt ill point la ui united stttee ind ctdtdtj a cnenl feiottaj batiaai truixctod a p s j0ne8 utnter oaelpb braeb capital rest 12000000 6000000 a savings department has boea opened in connection with this branch interest allowed it current ete jas hfinlay lluuer ouelpn eliancii j w barber bros paper makerb gbqr6btown ont iice a sfeciixrr or wacfirna ffrtfsfied ffaak papers asd high grade weekly new8 l l bennett ld6 dentist ocosqetowm oktaio j m clean mclean the paper used in thib the above millb joornal it from dvrriitrisoliciton xouriei conveyqcer 4c prlrate faodi to loin offlcetown hall acton wm a mcleas jno a mcleas t a mowat baejiisteb souciron notaet pceuc uoney tolxuvn orrjce dir toeiday aud sturd4j orflce kauflatia block acton uptain rji j mcnabb wm barber bros- money to lend ox good farm security at a lower rate of unterest and costetanceb collectoii etc ilenl indacconnu collected apent fire and life axsaruce iroperty boucht and told money to loin on thesnoct ftvortole termt jaliowarfi office actoo s hilton wallbrldge ston btnisten solicitor ii toeosto akd geobgetowti oficei creelmioi block georcetown and traden dank chambers 3 yocfie l toronto j6hilt0s da w b wallbeidoe b e stoke patents becured i fob invektiosb hesbt glilst ottawa cakada wenty y an practice no talent no pit w m hescstreet licevbid acctzoxeek for the coanftei of wellington and halton orden left at tha free preci office acton or t ray residence in acton wcl be promptly at tended to termiraaaonabte altotnobey to loan on the moct fatorable trrtnfand at the lowet ratei of interet in i unit oft 56x1 and upward on better terpis o repayment than ever before offered jin canada intending borrowers should write or call at once and be convinced before applying ejeephere mitchell k jackson real estate loan insurance agrts guelph canada graduation fbou tub- quelph busfrtess college enterprise charaoter capacity success illustrated circular sskt free to any address m macoormick principal john day architect gcelfu out orriceiwycdlum btroet tjlrancis nunan l6ncceiortot f chpmn boosbindeb itgeorgesqnre guelph ontario account dookl of til kind mide to rder perlodleail of erery deeeriptf on carefully bound builnrneitltind promptly done mhe hanlan barber shop mill stexii actok anenyinftre ttyllhhllrntacoodfefocm nierhlllrtincibiinpoo honej andpnt in nrctklus condition ziaxora ladlee in eihlllaratincibanipooalwayigiren honej andpnt in nrrtkilaf co ind cblldreoi bair uctily cut j 4 h wpbdev tontorlal artllu salesmen wanted jewtnt both trareludaiand local aiefimen tt to represent the od tabllbed fouthill naraerln balahv paid fbom the 8tabt to alemcn experienced in onr line liberal terini to becinnert and a icrmaneot sltnatlou auured we hare- 700 acrei andefcaltitation and furnuhonlyflrntclamitock oltritfnrr hardy rariatlee for northern- ontario and liani- toha a tpeelajlty we guarantee ouh stock apply lor tenm at onca we want j ou now btone ttf wellington 1 toronto ont acxents wanted in erery towrnhjp to sell the pictorial cyclopedia of live stock and complete stock doctor the moctootnplcteand eompreheniire work everpubllihed ita anlhore ctand at the bead of their profeaciou and hare a continental repu tation worth iti weight in gold to any one hating horaei sheep caule swine poultry doga or beet a grand opportunity to make money secure jerritory at once aadreca e n kofer publuhei 120 yona st toronto new planing mill asd i suh ind door factory john cameron contractor eu fitted op the building on utln street lately occupied aa a trnnk factory with new machinery and u prepared to furnlih place tpecincatlona and eetimatea for ail claaaca of building and execute all kindest dbe6sik0 uatohino andluouldiko 1cxez all ittlei of sutm docn tn4 windows snd door ritmii find dressed jlttmber and keep a stock on hand all order prompt attendedto john cameron acton rnd noisi for new years gifts beautiful banquet lamps handsomeptano lamps frtuslc cabinets in oak walnut uahany and curly birch oak secretaries froo 903 op jand the beet ash bedroom suite en the in the world for 1500 come and see for yourselves p sprhgce cuelph mtt zstix tkqusakd bt tototttt tickle writ tax foe do actoa fexz pnxia sit tl aiandjaxt roar not d illarc bit coali were oct yecpoct tooar land by ni nl plgt ty power ajmoi t oneeti ry boar wu i latched y its bloodredden d ltod not i s mthy yoa y slsu laettrydayl that cannot fc true you but jett nay t if ttid tia trae whit 7ro writ m to you but it oaj till not of the rccl how 1 1 coih xle fftrl and tl o ftthcrjc boy and tt a heftfbrokea wife ia her need are i tvlnf today and ft iat by thj way on aoc saat bt tiiit cini txtaoi ered thorje i tit hojucad is targe and a ad wwul charje on oui landto luppcrt iaeb a cutte there tin winy time mors of heatts that are core and who feel tiieir pocltiou the wone and ihkll nlnatythree in thiajland of tjhe free see tia thotsaqd mors find their gttvet in dukonorkndthame witboli honor pi fame bouudlwlth caalni and die rum powers ikresf whose son falljof life whocjdaactitelr whose wife whocejbutbaod or father or friend bhall cln past cilerace anddlsln dlaffrkce ere the yeat ninetythree shall bars cud not cjtne you may lay and why not i pray have jiur friends a special safeguard hare ypn done four best and tri id with ho rest to mal easy ypar hoys path or bard have y m prayed that men klht i ear you not come to dec roy and to curse and to blight and th n bare yoa east as you did in the part yourv teagalnit that which wasrlghtf then ji tua who vote and all those whopray vote ai d pray oar dominion to free uay th i tlm coon come when e atan and rum shall ti godand the right bow tho knee 8bason1b93 whilb re tarn fee thanks co our many pat ronsforthelrllberal support in the past ve wish to lutatm you thatiws have entered into an arrangement with b stewart goelpb tokeepeonstantltonhanda full stocki of tha ordinary sicefl of 1 sash doors etc and will also cnpply any special sizes ou ahort n6tlceat0nelpt prietu frames of aid kinds mada to order- we also keep iq stock a line of jjase window and door casing corner blocks c i your lumber diwed while yon wait price 1 50 per pumps being tetter able than hem to fore we will snuply either wood or iron primps promptly aljwork guaranteed satjeftfctory please- call and inspect before purchasing elicwbcre i taos ebimge if imager acton bellt pianos ihe organs awutded gold medal were awabded hamiltons jiarble works hauiltone block formerly hatch block the gore corner of woolwich end korfolt treeta gnelph 001 john h kamelton proprietor hholesaiend retail dealer and dirtsct importer and mauuracturerof all kinds of granite and marble monuments tombstones etc haviuc had an eiteneive pxienence for the laat 1c years the public may rtly on getting all superior articles at a cheaper rate than any othtr dealer in the wet nh ceivedfor 15 icr cent off oq i r the next 30 days diroet order re- jamaica international exhibition 1891 j j in coqj petition with american german english and canadian mannfac urers christmas presents a present to everybody who will buy their shpes at the leading shoe store qvelpb i during the holidays such an offer is rare come early our prices are tlie lowest our goods are the best wmclarekco cr wjrqdham si ta j si geareb sqr i g0ezpn with tha yoang gentlemerj lothe houal nothing whatver bat i im not jooc msiimrvnfc tho itoat yoaag person tri h the daffodils in-hechst- j ko nocyoawoa tbe aid itre wedge- wood sererely i would tt hare yoa iti the home bat if yoa ooald work fair me foe nothing stxsndtwenty indeed 1 end trtificisl sowers in yoar hi 1 1 got back to ifra major pifceaffe snd tell her that iho has mode a grcitt mistake in tending you here add at this moment howei eri littlei loaisa same once mora into the re oro her coanle- nanoe liberally bespatter d with stove blacking snd a polishing brash clasped tghlty in one hand 7 if yoa please maam said iloaisa laboring hard to keep dowt the obnoxious sniff its a girl from mrs major pike- staffe which ier name is bridget wileara highly recommended for general casework as yoa can see the lady as the lived at last number nine bilberry place second door from tha door of third av nue and mrs wedgewood stared helplessly first at louisa then at tha stoat yoang person with the daffodils in her hi t didnt yoa come from sirs itajdr pikestaffe she asked certainly i did calml responied the stranger to obtain a sitation far generar hoase work certainly i did not said the stoat yoang person with lach mplete concha- lance that mrs wedgewooi herself began to bo flattered this is very singular i he said may i ask what yoa did come hire for i was recommended by mrs major pikestaffe to come here and inspect with a view to purchasing i plotare called moonlight in tho woods answered the yoang person who hod undergone suoh severe crosgeramination at the hands or rather the lips of mrs wndgewdod elett jamilg httng ag ive no fusion of ideas 31v imv rakbolph patience with em said mrs wedgewood polishing energetically away at the surfs of a marble table with a silk dusting clot 3 if i wasnt twoandsiity years old xterday i wouldnt dream ot snch a thi g as keeping a girl a lazy idle goodfc rnothing set thats what they are and tl ay want you to pay em wages enough to p vo the kitchen floor with gold mrs maj r pikestaffe who had dropped in on her ray down stairs from lionel wedgewood it cdio on the third floor where the mils wero draped with soft crimson clo h and the ceiling had been re placed byai cylight of nsthetio ground glass gave a symr ithetio groan my deai mrs wedgewoodj she said i know all about it im a housekeeper myself the matron turned pale that by her illjudged toug prived her beloved nephew was it possible le she tiad de- of an opporta- i really think of employing a china steel engravings proof etc hi dbs colored pictures boom and pictare uonldincs ivory oak ifksmeg silver oilt man said irs wedgewood dont do that said mrs major pike staffe th lyro a thieving set and you never know what they will serve you np for dinner or of bre iking np housekeeping added mrs wedge rood with an air of despera tion what wc lid thai dear gifted nephew do without borne said- mrs major pikestaffe that picture of his of moon light in the 7oods i declare it is exquis ite trajan bees looking at it my dear it took me bt ckto the days when i was a girl and pis stafie and i fried to walk out of moonlight nights and get such delight ful colds in t ur heeds ani neuralgias i wish i e could sell it said mrs wedgewood pensively i think i know of a customer for him said mrs m ijor pikestaffe who delighted in managing other peoples business for them mis focvunata foxell the california boa ds at oar hotel and she t col ecticn of choice oil paintings ry of their new mansion at i will make a point of mooplight in the woods to nicy of disposing of his favdrite painting i i beg yoa pardon nhe stammered i never supposed i meanl i didnt think that is if i had dreamed- dont apologize madam eaid the heir ess with a calm superiority of manner which mrs wedgewood wo idered she had perceived before i dare i ay the mistake was natural enough perhips the flowers in my hat are not in the best taste al though i purchased thera from madame dupineau in paris very xmribly i may look older than ray years 3ut one thing i must disclaim and that is any intention of running after your son oc your i epbew or whoever the young artist of the estab lishment may be 1 the words sounded caustic but atmiss forell spoke them there was a merry twinkle in the corner of hereye whi sb be lled their impart j i am forgiven said mrs wedg iwood in accents of deprecatory interrogatiin freely and fully miss foxell msde reply j then said mrs wedgewood yoa will allow mo to conduct you npsti irs to lionels studio and miss foxell graciously allowed it she bought moonlight in the woods at a fancy price and delighted the enthus iastic young artiitio with her sincere praises and mrs wedgewood engaged bridget omeara for general housework at eight dollars a month and the tangle of ideas was straightened but at last hmpufied hc usekeepinc if is so very kiherent now from the t te whin lw yaangsaid a lady re- 0 tly in speaking of the arts of house and h ne chen houiekeepiug was a harden leumeithethoow of its terror bat w h the change tee how everything is li itened there is net longer the need of h a nutiaa tumbling over each other b aw stairs and above j the work isbetter li w and the whole thing simplified and 111 i men ly hy the help of a few yoang p sons ex ming in from outside lei do cec il 1 spici j uungtij dndec this cd jfctfe n ime aor pakors are full of brioxbrac y ii know some of it immeasely valuable ii cost s ime of it precious from sjsocia- ti i bu now a yodog woman conies in oi stated mornings three or four times a w jr a oung woman- of good breeding of m of gooo fatrdty bat who ieeds m ley c imes in wilh her paraphernalia 01 nlceloths and brushes and goes to work quietly at d softly and the di wing rooms and reception rooms ai librar are in spot ess order when she gt i oat o fill hep nut engagement and ev ythiu is as it shoe id be and you have hi dly b n aware jhai she was there the pi e paid her is trirlin bat she receive ti same price from io many houses that it imoan s to a con iderable sum in the se ofj i he week anc makes her feel her- in a good bufint as while you or to ir hoas ieeper if yaa have one the result isl loxnry then another yeaug person tit ia with her bg of appliances and nds to the jlanjps which in thesedays of ovely 1 imps iu multitude is no small m tterj ai d she hss them all in some closet at rubs the metal bright with oil and pc shesil dry and clean and brashes oat th barne s closely and wipes the crust off th wicki insteaoj of cutting them and cj tus th i chimney with a few drops of ai ihol or ammonia oa her piece of flannel at ishakei the dust uut of thesilken shades at leave them ill ready and without a i t for the uoiuemaid a set in their pi es i ut perhaps as great a help as-any- is he you lg lady who tomes to pock she is ilso a lady she knows what pretty sr and h w the should be taken care of c she dies all the folding laying away ct iping iteppjtog aboet either the pa king of your trunks for a jourheyr the eld ing of your i hcusel for the season and sh comes to yoa in the city- or obeys your her down to the parted lovers n her engage and life until another is somethiog b atone thing is gt ovet it be aanuoc hear mrs wedgewood and if yoa tolerably good girl out of a on ifontbly or qnarterly payment culy at c w kellys music sto lower wyndbam itreet ibouelth tele- artists matebttals a full stock of winter t kewton flak white doable tribes bowneyc zoo 8 s 10 deep photo frame eofflplte kc b feet cornice pole brass fitting is oar wall papers are said to be the beet selected lntbe city waters bros established is7t st oeoroessquake quelph s m cook go aeorobtowk licensed aaationeert apprtisers vslu- atorc collsctorc eesj estate and general land agenu roa vee oottjrrns of halton peel wellinglon slnxoe yoi k and ontario afoney to loan from s103 uo at ala oer cent fartloa placing their cal or other bdrineu in oar jiand will bar the came promptly attended toataodcrafi bacrge otttck isdkilra kooutf- vlll gc oeorze- ton or ad irea iloi 196 g li cook co actlaueer hlicotricr3jcjucn ste4jtoroato s k coos co aactiottoers aeorgetown and toronto wellincton kalt fire lasurartco cpmoany ettxzui itro imt in6ukaxce ou hnjual plan j any couimsnl cation fonrardedrto tny adijre bor rtt or lepbcno te lll be promptly sttebded to johjf tkxum agent goelpb jswes acton saw mils coal asd wood vaeds i takltxctcttzjl ixd dcuea lumber latfa shingle coal and bromn 1 d wood and prom g tly coal and wool aiwsya io stoeld delivered to any part of tie town at reasonable prfei krowood and slabs cut store aliaitl 1 teiefbtrneccnuatuiicau6tt the leader 99 upper wyndham st i i choice kew korellie in scarfs ties and neckwear just opened- dp- blue and white cup and ie- eboard f do wish ungtb always the finest bang of choice new suitings ft ftn trowaarlngs in uie trsde- ciose prices for cash mr brxratltt rerfeet fittingr h faau ta i order re nelson i ucrchant tailor efld qattta fornufaer 99 wftc wrndjam st jafph- making for the gall santa barbapi mentioning her do said bear of any place if i hear bf any i will send her here said mrs major pikestaffe bat good girls dont f row on every bash my dear like blsckber ies kobody k lows that better than i do said mrs w jgewood ingubrioaily mrs wed ewood was washing up the breakfast cbi ia the next day at kn hour so early that sb i deemed herself exempt from any intrusio i when the redhaired little girl who can j in i for tweajysve cents a day to clean nirrors carry coil and ran on errands to the grocery burst breathless ly into her pi esence itsayouigotaan maam said she is axin for 11 si wedgewood maam mrs major pikes tffie she sent her be i to ax her np stairs maam oh sail mrs wedgewood carefnlly orrouging hi r aaucerf o- e looiia yoa would break yourself of that dreadfal hac it yea have of sniffing when yoa talk y a yoa may tell her to come inhere yot ngwimantoastoatsabstan- tlaiooking j janf person in a gray sail with a banch of yellow daffodils in her hat who was pre ently ushered in by the sniff ing louisa yoa come from my friend mrs major 1 ikestaffie i do sail the stranger i dont ac iroyej 6 those flowers in yoar hat sam mri wedgewood severej yoa are nt t pretty hat is fortunate dont color u 3 sof she tmail trath is truth how m are yoa 1 i am sixi ndtweuty wis the answer sixandu irty yaa mean said mrs wedgewood dont try to impose upon me upon t ie whote stop a mi rate inaam said the strange yoang wdmt between laughtermiadaoger is there a gi ntleman in the house by the djameof a gentleinan indeed 1 cried mrs wedgewood irind ing up i am surprised at the sadaci y of he women of the present generation 3o yaa ere runninfj after my nephew eh 1 l me tetf yceftiy effie whose letter is blotted with tears writes to ssk me whether sb i will ever be hippy again she hu brok ment with young linepeiny seems empty life will seem very empty lover comes along a lover u necessary to the wellbeing and happi ness of the ordinary yoingldy as let us say a plenty of hairpins certain those who do not always make up again if s your name without turning pale r he yours without turulng red if yoa reread old letters slid treasure locks of young hair and if vou weep in secret and cannot bear to bear romantic songs sung and be takes speaking bitterly of women and scornfully of love yon may be sure that some ball or picnic some chance encounter on a jour ney or merely tho mutual neemerism of your raututl love will draw sooner or later in two wards people who the unftgoqed writer i will not undertake to tell lest iihouii pot be- believed how miny letters i receive a monthfrom literary sspirsnls who lack- the flcit eisentials of preparatiod for the employment they desire onespecimenisasgoodfu a thouiaod my last was from a yoang perioawhotells raethst she is tired of sewing or a living and wants to write auo that she wiihesme to remember that i once struggled myself alia that she wishes me to inform her how i went to work to ret a publisher now to begin with this young womao mispel every other word in her letter bev we rlness bi ar te gram kammbning co ntry oi tha seaside of soul ot rlreared srd body 1 varper and saves you what for quests yoa together have love do not pirt but if yoa did not love each other if your emotion were those of flat tered vanitytnd hit the pri is of owning by the right of a betrott prettiest girl iu the place amazed to tee how easily over yoar misery it is a taie of shock yoa sre not positively wounded yoa want a tonic which it generally mixed with a new moustache mysterious as the coming dtlore n sud denly ss we find oarselres cngsged so mysteriously and suddenly dc we snd our selves disengaged how diet it hsopeu why f we gasp snd stsgget a little and then are conscious that a wave hat passed al ring the you will be you will get famili irity breeds contempt ii asay- ingot ten i rue in regard to articles of food wij eh haje loit their flavor of excellence be use t ley are too readily obtained w item t irmers usually have enough and to pare far man and beast and ore inoted foi their hpspttality the only fear is that th stranr suay be dissatisfied with such foi lias they can offec i on one occasion an i tern gentleman daring a horseback jo mey t irquga the west enccautered a sej sesho vstorrh and seeing doable log ca in rest iv d to seek shelter there can 1 1 to here for the night raadauf he sked o a woman w io came to the door well she said hisitating it dont set i like a body should turn a stranger ire i the d x ron tt nigb t like this batjwe ait i fixed k keep travellers weaintgat ho neat ic the house j- j he sni was drimng and the cold grt ring se rere l i i lave yia any bread andteaiatked the iraveiii r o tea ljut coffee ind plenty of bread am butter and eggs oticourse j i dont rant better faro than that said the weary lan preparing to dismount j i i he er ered the haute after patting bis horse in a comfortable stable the wai nn ren swed her apcdogies i most wish i hadnt let you stay j i knr i wo i aint nothing to give you like wh i yoad been used io at heme i ir gueft renewed iiit assurances that he i lauld 1 e quite litis iod jvilh what the had the happening to look about the roo i he id- sides e itirely ignariug capitals and punctu ation this of course settled in the out- set thi tuestion of her pcoseut literary poiibiliiief editors do not expect tofind these tilings for their corrf tpoudeuls now as to how i got a publisher i didnt get him he gat me and- when thit ydung woman proddces anything a publisher wants oc thinks he wsntt she will probably have a call from one too nextiy i dont forget thit i once struggled myself it sdds zest to my life every hour to remember it i love the little cozy house i live in as- 1 never else could do became i earned the money to buy it lyteif and i thank ckd that if i lost it today and coupons snd banks also gave out that i m bale audstrong enough and have the will and the courage even at thit lata day to begin mew so much for that but i do not belisre it b be kindness toiadvise this unedacated young wonjattto tbrow up her pretext meaut of tuppoctrhow disagreeable soever it may be far onethst in her present illiterate state is nttely hopeless scares ot such letters i yet so that i have sometimes thought i would hva a priutea circular embodying lie above obvious difficuftieiiu the way of literary aspirants and mat it ou the receipt of their eplstlei today i concluded that i wouldronce for al air my views on tho subject iotue this journal after thisevery letter front a literary aspirant which is murpelledtoes into my wastepaper basket nb bet such alto remember that after shelving como ideas aud after that the editors indisputable right todeciie whether those ideas are felicitously put and wuetheri if so the aro suited to hit- ptrticilar paper i trust i am sufficiently explicit hugsitd all thie imay in jastice to myself own up to the fact thit ime and again e have given up my own most im perative writing to correct and try to mike presentable mss forwhtchrl wis requested to find a publisher and which i i iuewhid not the ghost of a chancer and alt because i did not as this young woman advises me forget that x ooce struggled myself e never received one wqrdof thanks for it but instead dis satisfaction that somehow i had not in insured success somy conscience is quite clear ou the sabjeci of remembering and in the best way too my own early struggles i have tried iiu this arljcleto express myself not to be misunderstood still i have np doubt that some literary aspirant 10xers hope fray who told yoa rbat i loved yea f cried thermaideu stect4nd fair looking ibyly athcr loter f at be smoothed herjliacy hair p true ransb told ma t lores stceetitary every fcarnicg oftheevea bet you knoa- a real anttcr i btvo never kevcr given ah i tuy darling a you lurtened to the story old yet new with a blbih lite loo camitibn wakuottbat an aniitertrae aid the lovohjbt soft and tender shining ia your eyes of brown aatntpsver uait einrcsaive lfay i not dear set thit down 7 e hive hope itill lore has conocc though yonr lli uay tilentbo tee i trutt to hear tomorrow 1ovoyou at yon lore me i there thjy go tbl i hippycoaple sheas radiant as the rose e little dirliag shes not lorry that bar iccrtt vell ho tnows i iv- fadam mo r in 1 pra iefow hut lagaitj ihsir over something written oa life and obliterated it tht was pretty it was pleasant the sands of engagement but there is i thought y- ie house be i surely these ate pointing o thfee or four thit tt tho wall i id sue would you eat prairie fow 7 thit ican you out a supperv hy d i yoa roppos 1 1 disliked ptairja fow qur itioned the livelier j j fell s o replied tl yoa had themra tha nornii f noon and night as we have you iiroald t like eta we cad shoot em anj rhere tnytime t ie gue i i says that he broiled prairie fo cook 1 to a turn f ie coffee fair with rioi crcei and the delicately browned bite lit w h unexceptionable butter am egg mad up as good a supper as he eve test d altb aagh hjs hos es continued her apo giesftrthe poorness of- her taber ym ht ca ipanlon no girl so toostont that given a little con tempt to help her out she may not stand still aud breath a long craatbj and say without affectation or pretence he is nothing to m now there will be no faster pulsethrob when she hears his name uohiddepi woe ia hee soul some day you will meet hitnj snd wander if he is always so anattraotive- somedsy when you are happily married to somebody else i doubtless these thiugt will be borne in upon yoa very soon if yoa do not love your fiance hot if yaa do long far reconciliation with yoar linepenny if yotj feel that yoa mast make up or die and if his demean or expresses the tome seiititneatsj jut wsit that it all the needle in par com past always points o tua north tbiip will fxik aadtfaataroome back te the true lor of hlslieart one way oc the other yoa will get over it i tesare yoa effie ijroken hearts and disappointed maiden at ie who occu pied thirty odd years id dyir g of love went oat witbilde curls and poki bonneu and black silhouette and i in slad they did la 1893 if one beau goes a g ri gets toother i v acd lliell giro him soup her answer and hell give her soonarim and youll hlir if you bat liieu wcmttg belli somerrilyricg unujlerma rm 1i at feeliug himself cr herself aggrieved will haste- to set me down 4a an unfeeling wretch i can sfind it faxxtfiaif u said yoa hid no 3erf onsin sehtences appearances t- handsome is that handle me does and if hoods 8arsapsrilla doe nt do haqd- omely then nojthing does pave yoa ever tried it ba all other life x ie gat of heaveu ft not a toll gate 0 ilidishj simplicity it godlike power 0 leit n t ready to li e uutil he ia readyj tod e 0 id detvls not with witl realil x 1 be a ervsat of god one matt be on eue iy of sin 1 lose oily live who love is n ire exii tence s rangrr power thsa ete iited b f man t ie tai bea it i stam the riew 1 ie nil evei do it s me a pea h a pi- hint and easily arranged evening entertsinmeat saitabte for winter or sum mer it prepared in this way fin put in order the room in which jjlu intend i to entertain your guests ss any change iulhe positioa of the furniture is undesirable after the party is resdy it it a giod piaa to remove aay frsgils articles bf bricabrac or furniture that may bet within easy reach of the hunters dot a good supply of peanuts according to the size of the room and the number of yoargojealt j coo at the peanuts snd record the num ber then let tbem be hidden in every imaginable bit particularly every unim aginable place exercise all your ingenu ity and remember that wits jutt at bright asyouraare tofind wlnt yia have conceal ed sometimes however it hsppens that a very conspicuous place it the last to be searched now jrepare tt many little baskeft or receptacle of some- tort as yda are to have rteats j the little cat btskete srejrery giod for this purpose but hoxes oc larger basketsjwlll serve ii well a little decor- atioadt same sort enhsaces the pleasure of the ieekert and at the close or theeven ing the jiatkctt mtybe given as touvenirs tho small bttkett maybo prettily grouped in a large baskev and both may be tied with ribbons if hecomptuv is large the players may bo asked to hunt in couplet and the batketslnty bo arranged to match each otu- j when the hujt begin lhoewhc have placed tie nuts are to act as urqptres in coise there should be any question as to the- firtt fiuiiert aud they mutt tlsoj notice whether slllhenult hare been foand and ibdeterrainetheendof the gtme sometimes single nut it dipped in ink or dyed a red tnd hidden awny very securely and the person wio finds this particular red or black nut is the winner of the game but fceaerilly the prize it given to the penap or tlje coapte whote basket shows the greatest number of nutt routfct companion little ditchers have tug ears well yea lhtt homely provtrbfis ver true aud the oiilv wonder to me is lb people fo not remetnber1ia ume keretiti the child nith us nflnd like s wbjfe sheet of pager uuwritlen opoo and bowl iti big dyes and eir open and you to oa as it it were uot present and talk talk talk until tuddeuly a thrill little voice utters a remirk upon the tubjeot of yoar discourse and yod cry out dear me t forgot littht pitcher 1 bmtrtt is justvhat you hive uo bati- nest to ifo tbjttory hsd better uot be totot the siauder not uttered the hard name given to a neighbor the rash verdict upda bit actions misht well be rettiained writt exqusecan yosgita for ruling your childs mind with ihonght alien to the innoceoce of childrjood kone it is a childv nature tcj trust to think j people good to believe thit strangers kre- kind to be sotry focpenpe who sufijr without looting into the cause and sayfug they deserve it t grown olkt fo at timet they do not criticise until they ire taught to dojoi they believe whsi is stldfo them and they hive no doubt that the angek wttch over them ail night long to disturb their faith by long irreligious arguments by exposures ct sly tricks and wicked defines br revelttiaut ofmotitetof which they could not steim snd poisibil ities in this world injlhe other that must terrifysud uuseltle them iscrqel if yoa must talk against your heighborir or speak of siu or draw pielores ot evil- doert arnlter doubisidf heaven ot indulge in ridicule ot worthy people or above all if yoa mutt tell wicked storis under- the guise of jokes send little pitcher oat of the way firrf honest- simple wholesome talk it il tuit should enter hit big eirs 1 dont cry out little pitchers have big etrtl when yoafia3jjruor child titling auderths uble lisfetung but remember the fact before you delight yuarself with yoar own opinions tin daniresoai subjeets for a lcltle pitcher d pon viihote memory the words of the catecutsm or the numbers of the multtilicatioo fable iftll wiliiorit making an impression will never forgtfc a dreadful story or a waked nurd ihatit once dropped into his big etrk uku 1 a native off devon rii love can never- be riugt a cloud will wind thatqt y again does hot ien enchantment the crott1 x sgreeable if ing tome men ever make their exit n are proudi of their humility of a new suit of clothes- i j dty it jutt ai dazzling ia a per as it can pouibly be in silk jurch jsimpucityj hie vf 3rlds bio librartes s rae ii i eretting tnd little known figures regi rdlnglie number bf tha voiamesjia the ig li 11 trie ofllu world arerrnsdo pnb a by i ie bar drfobo 0 zacadtof cot er iiion new jyork the astprj lib iry layidr satjhos is the tartest n 1 r 1 3 k bat it rsnk iu site ia only fort one imong oiber libraries in the wor j 11a astor cojijtajn 336101 vol- um i lb s natioual of carls has 190 000 thai the brilithjmuaenm 1500000 and the i a penal publlp library of st pet rbuw 1000000 jfiith in the rank is t e co i tettiontl library at wabingj ion 1 1 6651s1 uelamet seventh bot otthiwloubrrjtao509 kempen ft town in hqliandou the lower bhine theoirlhpltce otthomasakemuia is a favorite residence of people with smslj income the imaginition of these dutch men mist be at limited as their incomes jadgioglfrom the droll stories ihti are told of ihenx at one time a fire broke out and much damage was done because the eginea were out bf repair the council met and tfter muchwgument it was voted thtl an thef eve preiediug- every flreia town officers thoalri carefully examine the engiow pomps ste one c t the greatest proiti of the towp was lh toll exacted at the gates the council wiihedjd incretass the income tnd instead of increasing the toll it voted to doable the number of gates this fame council also brdered ther-sun- dial to be taken from tba eomthoase com mon til placed under cover where it would he protected from the weather bat at all the queer thlngt that are told of kempen and it people nothing it to absard a this oris grew on the top ot a very high toer and the only way these of there usi to be tcrtsiu item old col- one stationed at alderiiot wlip wit threat stickler for all the offimt being acquainted with the mmeaiid geoealogie of the var- iout men of their troops the welljtndwn jovial captain who wa neteryet at a- lott fora reply to any questiiu askel jiim was once put tublimelv throuch hit fkoingt captain dash said tiii superior officer overlooking a pjso of- joung rtcruils what is thit mans uameand whjredoei he come from 1 j his utmejs brown sjr tnd hes a ni tiveot derbyshirct responded the jalm captain prepared for any amount of fabri- cation but- iu reality bot knowiog one tingle poiqt upon which he is likely fa be questioned i ad this man whni is his name and where was he born wisthenexleoqdiry oh bit namei smith and het a native of devou answered the plunging captain as cooly at though he i were telling the truth j of dcronl repeated the colonel dear me i myownnstite plica 8o my mtu addrettiug tha grinuiug recruit yoa are actually from devon t fait yit yer honor and troth its a grand place intirely i was the reply the colonel fell bsck very much asfou- ishtd sndipiitin dash hsd to tee him lsteron in prirsle t it l happiness- when yaa rite ia the morcipg form- the resolution to mtie the diyalhtppyone to a fellow creature it its easily done a left off garment tq the mkn who needs it a kind word to the sorrowfeljan encour- agingexprestioa lothettrfving tiflet in tbemtei vet light as sir irilldo at seast for the twentyfour hours x and if yoa are yoang depend upon it it will tell wbenyoa are old and it you are old rest assured it wilt send you gently and happily down theatresni of time to eternity by- the most simple siithmetlcalsumlocik at the resalt if yoa send one person ttitay happily through the dayjlhat it rwlnf ii wu to wist a oowup and let her- eat it ffrroer tnmf pvplt w n coarse ot a year i and oppose fii droll bjitchcnin pould ihink of to get if orfforty yesrs ouiaxter yttt cbmmeiaji r coarse of vedicia yoa pextons happyei all ev ive tnadej fmj