y volume xviiii no to hie rtott jree impress it fcbukked every thursday morning it tee frc prn steam prlntlnc office jiill street ctos ont tcaita or spscriitios one dhar per year atricur in advance all tubicripuoni diicca- tinuod when the time for which they have bean paid hu erplred the date to which every cubickptlon u paid ii denoted on tie adirecc ull i aptebtibrxa rates transient adtcrtlte- mentt 8 centa per nonpareil una or flirt in- tertion 3 centa per lino for etch sabcqoeat interttoo i ccxtuact banta the following uble thowi ocr nte for the insertion of advertisement for peclfled periods crice 1 tjt 6 ko 3 kn lxo s3 inches gaaoo tlico s7t 1500 two aoo it 00 t00 150 6 co ssa loo 100 win l55 ise directions isslvaica adwrfcaemauts must be paid oas mtsrx for fhangea clteaer than in tu oltl by noon on tuesdays flphoore editor and proprietor finsirwss biffdorp j f u3en1i d c m itfse f corner lilll 4 frederick cj a mckeaguem d rslll r trini college member of tallage aipbrsieians ud burgeons licentiate 2 of physician and surceon ii t dowrys lt resl- dent head of frederick street acton j wilkinson d d s l d 6 eurgcov dektibt gradnata university of toronto member of the ttoyal college of dental burgeons office open every day except wednesday thursday and saturday of er the drug stare acton l lfiennettjijs dentist oeoaoetown ontario m clean 4 mclean barristers solicitors notaries conveyancers c private funds to loan omeetown hell acton wh a mclrox jko a mcleiw t a uowat llutieter soucttqb notabt pttbuc money to loin ornce dats tuesday and saturday optice kannawios block acton upsteirs every jweek we are getting new effects in ingrain wall papers iwith borders ind ceilings j to match thjse papers ate used by the best families they aije as chtjap as the cofnmon papers only i5ctsaroll and milch handsomer when you are in guelph call at days bo6k- store and see how nice and cheap they are day sells cheap the traders bank op oanada kkxd optice tosokto v aoxjojbt- wrarrorthtjesday jauay 26 l9ft ctiz cimttt arjtttold currai pam u kect ftitro had 000 kxoojo aublph branoh cottjcra or wtkbhih jikd qoiatc itmetf sivlngi bink doptnment i per cent ptid oo lanil of c i and apwarfifrotn dat4 of deposit to dato of vithdntin or cam- ponndd faalf yecxly on 31st ifcy tfid aoth ho- wmber dpoait receipts istasd c3advtncm msde torespontlbie farmers fiterllqji eschanco boncbt and som drafts ssrsd payable at all poiou in too united states and oanada a ceoeral banaln business transacted a f h jopserr uanacer qaelpb branch bank of montreal 12000000 eqoojodo capital rest a savings deftlithent i- has been opened in connection with this branch interest allowed at current bates jas hfinuay llanscer gdelph bkavch w barber bros paper makers i georgetown ont uath 1 bpecialtvj07 and high gbade weekl the paper used in this joornel ie from the above mills wm bahbep ft bros- money to lend ox good farm security special january sale at- ren9lsons a moiitli of bargains stock must be redoced one half and price redncedaooordingy choice baitings reduced in price 20 per cent fine west of england pantiogt in blioi sod bine cboioe patterns or 550 per pair former price 760 tod 8 abont 100 saiti til wool undsrweir 75o a tnit hits caps tics gloves white shirts mtf top ehira and gents fnrqishings tx greatly redaoed prices a lot of bemnsnta it yonr own price r e nelson uercnant tailor and gents farnlcher 80 0ppr wrndhjtm st gaelpi at a r i mcnabb covvetivcer collectob etc reals and accounts collected acetit fire and life areoraace property boocnt and aold money to loan on the moet faroraole tenni j a mowats office acton s hilton wallbridge stone barriiterb solicitor iu toboxto and geobgttofs officei creejtnine block georgetown led trader bank chambert c3 yone tt toronto 8hil10s da ff h ffauttniige he stone patents 6ecured fob invennokb henbt gbist ottawa canada twenty t an practice o patent no pay w he11street llcbneed acctioneeb for tbo coanties of wellington and ralton orjersleflat the fate paebs office acton or atmy residence in acton will be promptly at tended to tsrmiremonble aho money to loan on the most i favorable trmiand at the lowest rat of lntret in dm of 4560 and upwarda lower rate of interest and on better terrns o repayment than ever before offered in canada intending borrowers should write or call at once andjbe convinced before applying elsewhere mitchell jackson real estate loan insurance agt gvelph canada fohnday architect guelph ont rrici- wyndbam btroet f rancib nunan ibnccetaorto t p chapman bppkbindeb stgeorgetsqnare gnelpn ontario account book of all kfnti made to order periodical of erery deaeription caref ally bonnd tnlininaatlrand promptly dona nphe hanlan barber shop mill bibem acton aneaitinate a btylitb haircut a gooiieafoam an eihlllaratincibampooalwayagiren bacon bonadaadpot in antxlac condition ladiea and children hair tactlly cat j hwobdentonorlalartiiu salesmen wanted irewant botb travelling and locafaaiebmen t to represent the old eeuwisbedtfontbill noraerifi balary paid fbom the 6tabt to aalectnen frperienced in ocr line liberal termi to beginner and a permanent aitaatiou asiured we bare 700 acrea under cnltiratlon and f nrniib only firrtclaai stock outfit foef hardy varietlea for northern ontario and if an i- toba a jpeciajity we guabantee oub btock apply for terms at once we wict yoq now btone wellington toronto pnt agents wanted in every township to sell the pictorial cyclopedii of live stock and complete stock doctor the most complete and comprehensive work erer publish it authon stand at the head of their profession and bare a continental repu tation worth it weight in gold to any one baring horse eheep qattle swine poultry logs ox bee a grand opportunity to mtke money sax territory at once addrecc e k kotee pahlwier 120 tonga st toronto hamiltous marble wtjrks hauiltovs block formerly hatchs block the gore corner of woolwich and norfolk street guelph ont john h hamilton proprietor wholesale and retail deaier and direct importer and manufacturer of j1 kinda of granite and uaruje itfonumenutonibstonea etc harlng bad an eitecriv experfenee for the last 1g yean the public may rely on getting all superior article at a cheaper rate than any other dealer in the wact n b is pertant oil on a dlreetorder re- ceired for the nest s dar- new planing miff sub and door factory john cameron contractor has fitted cp tne ljulldine on usln bureet lately occupied as a trnnk factory tith new machinery and prepared to famish plans specifications and estimate for all classes of buildings and exceate all kinds of drrsbikq hatching and uouldinq kake six sttleb of sastea doors land windows and door frames andpressed lnmbei and keep s stock on hand all orders promptly sttendedto josh oambkon i acton xrad tiation from the- guelph business college zkcosfpcetexess u6t tr much there seems to bo it cay ufa ot urectaew and at ailayed faucity t lere till ti incomploteumf when i a bans reached the goal w seek t 9 height fit lifes inquiring we oft a find the mountain bleak 1 ti which were been aspiring there 1 t cougia sweet varscar ti ere fsnot tttll sweeter f where s a life so good and purs ti ere is not ana completer t where i t the thought so grand and terse 8c uketiioughti own creator that so m where in the nnirerse ti are miay not bo a greater f where is a grief so deep and denie at d blank with mortal sorrow that it aay not find raoompeow c n e where in hopo tomorrow these b okeh in discordant mottnj ocr uveal hare long oocgiren leay yet bo mallowed till their tone l ke harmonies or hearao this lift at beat can never bo w th all it fine contrrinc more th a a moving tendency a sateless upward striving jo iyj eddy in cliautauquan t aunt ans warniqg i bv rakciia uesbhaw dales annie i vjhy dhild what are yoadotdg with those little parcels and with such a grave faoe too one might almost think yoaweteabqnt to keitetb8tvx5- ats ria- tion oh aantj noiqaitaso bad ai that i im baljftryi ig to astist fate maybe her decision in the case of a ew dear friends of ml ne -meanb- enterprise character capacity success illustrated circular seht free to any address m maccoemick principal tm jut filing soma pieces of kidding cakafor the girls to dresm on writing the names of seven thtis the m lgio number in this affair even vbiing nen to pat round each piece i have enonj h left or another aunty et as tx thi fctr yem o dream on i no ho lo r my dreamsof that kind were over ion j ago lly dret mi of love are sadly oer annie sang gi yly and the merry reply she was going t make was stopped annie hardly knew why by a oft sigh that reached herei r and caused her to raise her eyes to aunt lmys faoe although n i longer young it was still very fair to ic k upon and traces of great beauty still n mained there was i depth of pathos in the dark violet eyea ti at told annie very plainly aunt amy ha i a story of her own and perhaps the n igbt win it from her she had often wondered why her aunt had never married she had heard of her many admir n in years passed she knew of mote than one now who only waited an e loourageiog smile to piaoe heart and bar 1 before her aunt amy was veiling her eyes with their beaatif tl dark lashes when annie stole qaietty t her side ana pssfng her arms oaressin ly tnjuns the slight form pressed her bl loming cheek to the pale one and whlsperec aunty tel youc little girl why your dreams were c ver years ago binea i was fifteen ibid worn cbnsfant- ji- ly around my neck n chain holding a iwljlsneredi locket given me that birthday when 1 1 ilporgiy o first knew henry he used to tease me about it onoe asking me serioasly if it contained thtf 8eats0nl8t3 ti7hile returning tbanki to par luany pat ront for tbeir liberal rapport in the past we with to inform yon that wd hare entered into an arrange meat with b etenart guelph tokeepconttantlrdtthctida full stock of the ordinary stses of ash ddor9 etc and will also supply any special sices on short notice at goelpt chiceu frames of all kinds made to order we also keep in stpek a line of base window and door casing comer block ttc vottrlnmberdrcsfed while von wall trlcaiuopermi pumps being better able than heretofore we will supply either wood or iron pnma promptly- all work guaranteed satisfactory 1 please call and inspect before purchasing elsewhere thoebbage ha naffer acton bfell pianos organs i flledal ttebe awaitded the gold jamaica international exhibition 1891 in cooj petition withamericangcnnannglish and canadian manufacturers fob 8ale on monthly of qnazterly patiuent j only at c w keljlys v h0sic store 5 lower wyndhkm street gjiclph phona its i s m cook co qeoroetowh llcenseiil atictioneart appraisers vau- ators collectors heal estate and general land agehtx fob the couktzes or halton peel welltagton stacoe tort and ontario uonsr to loan from s10o nrj at tis per cent tartles placing their sales or other tjnsfness in oor bands will havthetamepromptlratteaded cq at aiodtntf laercea orncxixn kslm eooitsuul esaotse- torn or sddress bos 196 b if cook t co 4setioit4rs t baaxcsiornceil5neea st east toronto s if cook co aaooofuersj georgetown md toroato wellhkton mutual fire insurance cornoany esraiushxn 1640 ineluakce on mutual plan aby commnnl cations forwarded to my addrei box 7m or telepboue g6 kill be promptly attended to john taylor arent f guelph rnd now pob new years gifts i beaufiful banquet tamps handsome piano lamps music cabinets in oak walnut liahogany and curly birch oak secretaries from 600 up and the best ash bedroom suits in the in the world for 5500 come and see for yourselves p sprkgce guelph christmas presents fres a present to everybody who will buy their shoes at the leading shoe store during the holidays such an offer is rare corne early our prices are the lowest our goods are the best wmclarenco cor wyudhxm st and st georges sgr gveipb the likeness or hair of kome loted one as seriously and truthfiiny i answered both the likeness and hair of one very dear t gentleman or lady h continned and i saw greater anxiety than heft and to show when i replied oh i i think you would say a get tleman young andhandtome besides if i should show you j frequently after this when we grew more intimate he would ineakof thelocket and beg to see it bat i would neither ex plain nor permit him tojopen it iliad something to tease him with and gxtlike i wanted to keep it the day he put an engagement ring on my finger be said uow my darling you will puijaway that old love touching thi locket and i will give you another to wear oh no indeed i neve can d i that but i can vfear yours coo besidm it is not an old love i will lei you see nowto prove it i j and opening the locket i displayed a faoa of wondroas beauty delicate per haps to bo called a band me man the lieutenants uniform in which thewctore was taken caused harry to start pi i suppose the reason t have not been hoaared with the acquaintancei of this young sjentleman is his being at sea prob ably were yoa ever engagstiio him amy never engaged i answered with a provoking emphasis on the lastword but adding directly oh payer mind about it the one who- gave ma this wil never trouble you nor be any more to no than now i this seemed to reossuoe him end for several months we were oh so very lappy the demon of jealously samterecv but there came a terrible awak ning of it and t me i one evening after wa lu d been engaged about six months harry et tered the par lor unannounced and foam i me reading a letter just received from a dear irieni as he drew near i made a i how ot hiding it from him the spirit of tantalizing possessed me i saw he wa s worried and whenhe asked who is your letter from amy a friend i answered ii an embarrass ed tone j the friend v pic ure yo t still wetr his voice was so changed sosternrl should have been warned of the otning danger but no i was possessed an i went on replying i yes from the same i dared not raise my ycs to 36 tho effect of my cruel words i i oh aunty how could yc u tell him so of coarse it was not so j yes annie it was true he istterjwaa from the friend whose picture i wore ob aunty i could not believe this of you as bod as i sin i wot id never wear the likeness of one man cor correspond with one when the promt ed wif a of an other nor would i my dear but i iidal rtrrst trembling woman price threij ce ii- jt m jes lo his heart and oh my jariing forgive i and iojimesfflil j i ii c have nothing to forgive henry j and 1 1 ve never ceased to oye you tie fault w5 all mjj own bunhowdidyoiifindthe tri u amy laid i rtoin our friend idbliie- now mrs ler i mel herfii fit louis i sha in of y a and your intimacy and then the sory of uie ociet i could not my a itation and so she learned my stdfv and hen she sen me to you never to1ave agi in amrj until i take you kith 1 j j 1 ajpe nexs day theec was a double tedding ilw which annie whispered how my happiness is complete for my pcteruttniweredj i id aunt amy immag throagh the jjoy- rrrijpued id mmbtary completed with a happier g that i dreamed coald ever be or i desefcred it hoaldy cc ver be c ittle tesse that i might live take care of a very wild calls me atraty isupposa what would sych uule ones do without an why yon an old maid tj little bird that old maid aunt no no aul i wonder lty you cannot laugh me off 6o andyiu are forcing this merry mood besidf i heard dr uason say yesterday he t uly believed there never was a gill but ha 1 her jack waiting some where to go ud or down the hill with her and yon answ red xes you truly believ ed it was to now if tec that aunty you cannot del y your jack do tell me i annie las evening when yon were worrying and teasing carl so about that picture i seen ed to be living over these bygone days rou reminded me so much of my own fo y then i made up my mind to tell yo i a little story as a warning given but to lay i shrink from unravel ing the past i till psrhsps i ought and sa to ydur plee ling i shall not say nay but th tne fin i didjvoa destroy- kichtos- picture or prori ise w send it back 1 no indeed i did not neither the one nor the other it is all nonsense in carl he ought to ha re more confidence in me he onght to k tow if i loved richie i would not have consented to become his he is too jealois a sweet time i shall have if i do not cure jhim before i belong to him the it ea of pot being allowed to keep a friends lictuxp 1 pouted annie annie you have made so much of the picture showing it and declaring it to be the handsomest picture you ever saw yes my dear slid yod wera almost beyond the bounds of maiden modesty i think when you pressed the picture of any man other than a very near and dear relative to your lips and that jin presence of your betrothed i an sorry to hurtyoa dear but i blushed fc you then ohj aunty i only was in fun just to tease carl wh n he said he would destroy it or i should s md it back and how die it end oh be went off very indignant saying if i preferred th i pictsre to bis love i could keep it annie answered with flashing i let my tyver feai nor did i gi ve the i ti t poor bovs i i j l j jeit men are a nations thoicett tress- there are manly stately and eiolas- woors orjen bow lo those who bear titles anjjhegreea buffo the hearts and homes i true imarioini those who have risen iir own exertions jfrom poverty and ity ui waslth ana eminence find wtlfcme ithuneonsiid ibiogrtpiy is the most ajiversauy pleasant and prbfit- abl jbf all reading it we would ubier- stailjlwhatliaroumis we mast itady the of herdie men and women a living pit 3t will teach us more of patriotism thai a thousanisbooks i j 1 bus reeall the lives pf someof thejtnen itive ilia who were ooca poor boys whrfs fathers icamesjare unknown in wh by years of persistent ieu- atta ned wished for and desirved sue j is vrtshiogton franklin grant ga ild ar men belonging to this class thi have made the world richer and bet i and ijave passed away leaving othjtl to make for themselves lirhiisr poatoos we i hive poets inventors stat i men civines who havebecoma popu lar nefact rs riot for an age only but for 1 i a ong iojventors sach as if arse whit ney i id rot act fulton thomas a edison rise ireem nintjin hit superior practical iuveive pier born at fian ohio youiijedisc3 began life poor tliougnjof hun ie pare i iage yet be his surpassed ha profp rndest linkers of oor times to him we at 1 iodal fed for the electric light he riificih light whose brilliancy sp- les thslj of the isun fany of our bhavaaiedjiuj poverty reoeivitii pecun ary henettj for their genius out ediso i receifed llooloo for tha disoovery of tlcarborjteiphone o famt roonj this acton saw mills coal and wood yabds steel engrawgs rroof etchlncs colored hctnres plctora uanldfags ivort oak frsmh silvee orxt eyes adding sfith power ttrn jffweslbrt i i sukctactukeb ano de1lkb lnmber lath sjitngles goal and wood promnlly town at tsj isn ta rvth v kardffood and slats cut stove uugtlj always in tand telepaoue ebtnmdaicsubo artistb ittaterlals a full stock of wlnsor kewtons flske white doable tubes sawneys ioc 6 c 10 deep hoto frames complete soc 5 feet coftitca fole bras fsttfagr tsa 1 smile of conscious but hejwill dome back this even ndt- hn could not stay coal and wobjvlrint in stock jjid del sifzpartrstiis reasobmblo prieec i oiir wau papers aresam to bsj tha best selected m tha city wateesrosi r egtabliahkp 1stt sraeosasaguabi quelph iog and be lovitjg enol suppose he slionldj oh huf he will away annie yon a re very confident of your power so i wis onoe oh yea too con fident andfoc ss alight a joke my lover left me never u rctajtri i couklndt sup pose it possible bat ha would not aome- ha tha next evenii g years hava passed seventeen of t lem yet tifo eveping to bring him back ias never coma te the i am thirtyfive n w annie but still you ig and beautiful enough to win theiove i bat ipighttrsghtaan and make happy the years to com aunty my dear no otkerlove can ever fill my heart i woul not wrong another by bringing to him ova a wounded and crush ed as mine at uie rhen just your age i woo a iova w ich iiade me supremely happy i was ta otiy daughter- whom the devotion of areata and brothers had somewhat spoil d i fear a marry fan- loving girl like mrself annje yet loving with her whole heart tha noble earnest man who soug t to i make ma bis al though there wa t no time fixed i felt sura at no very dista t day hayfons wife most as badly wrong of me ed for explanation even whe i ha said amy there doubts are terrible iyoa must tell what this man is to you 1 you must put an- end to thisafair y a to night i must have this prom sa or ij shall bid you farewell forever i did not believe ho coulc or wodlt do this my tempter urged me on to try him a little longer and so i ausw red only j i cannot do it taking his hat be left the louse without another word annie i hav 3 never heard one word from his lips since i believed he would come next day but i w as disappoint ed a week passed and ye he cam s not just then my cousin a midiipmaai ame horns from sea we had been a most raised together intimate fro n ehildhiod so during hisvisit we were n uch together one day while walking we came face to face with harry i longed to place my hand in his and explain ai i believe i should have then had not a ink of wither ing scorn met my gaze taat evening i received a note requesting ha return of his letters and picture accompanying it was my own picture the little keepsakes i hod given him and all my letters- a few days after i saw by the papeis he had sailed for tha west indies i hava never heard of him since i oh aunty how terrible i thiuk i should die if carl left maso but of tha other the man whose pictori i you w re did you ever lova him 7 annie my child i should lava ho ight you might have guessed i w re no n arts picture it was tha picture ol my da rest friend and schoolmate dome- dorner taken in an officers dresi which the vote when acting my lover in charades whil we were at school for a piece of fan she five it to me to tease niy beaux lha said and making me promise to wear it always yon see dear now the cost of such a joke now my child do not try carls love too severely indeed o aunty ill hava him back tonight abd there is no timeto lose either n annie ran away to retarij in minutes holding the folio wing note aunty to read foria kxchiad while loosing- pvecj niv desk i few days tinea i came across the inclosed picture thinking you have nevatr had so excel lent a ifksaasa send it to you for tha lovely girl whose love trust will brightoh your fapro years with sincere srlshasfar tbejhsppuieesof both i sm roar friend ijon z fosrail now auntie i shall encloie this in a note to carl asking him to m til it an his way here this evening l- a few months after this the evening be have been men whsa earl latrugijies tgsiuat adverse circuin- ston i s strerjstheaed and prepared thsm for teir important positions benjtisia har rjn when 1 at luiianspolis living in three plain a young man with his olis living in three pajin notsshamedof hit poverty or tha self- j jdeut f lot tijat clients would be e ceivi j bordit ly at u hours had no visions of ii ig in he executive mansion mrs har i on erforining the monotonous duti i of a b usewife could not ice ih tie futu i thapotition sha would hold in the ame jan m nd and heart they oeijtn life i povect r which is but the beginning of w i 1th at d power having tha bound less ssibilil es of the futnra always before then 1 i in all tbse lives thre have coma patie 3a by b ing jpoor co irage by coming in tx i tact w th opposition knowledge of chart er the j would not liara gained had they i sen ca efullb ihielisd by the etir- roun ngs wl ich money gies to tha sons of tha i hu rcliast statu el a mistletoe th i mistletoe has alwaj s been an impor tant i uest at english winter festivities from ie tim of ha ancient druids until now the evergreen plant hat was held id gi i it veneration by the briton priesd is no i jvaluedjcext to the christmas tree ever year it becomes mow popular this angli unia is joyous and heallhfnl the housi hat haa not at this season a twig of mistli oe peiched over same doorway or undei k prominent chandelier has either no child i in it or ii unjtbl to procure the rare raaita th iariraiaon bi gern a wol have eferente to the belief that the seeds are d ositad iy hirds whoi eat the berries tiet ipronj of s tree br twig btormonts dictic try spe is the ward jnisletoe thi ihrub i xtenas fronj sweeden to the medil taneai ji is common in the south jn cout lies of england where it growi trpoa n my ivarietiesj of trees especi ally la appl tree wfiicii it sometimes fiqht with a wharf rat ffarptrt toting people wharf nti areas you mi or miy not know much larger than he ordinary rat and i lately saw an enormous 6ns hat had been killed under peculiar and exciting oiroanutahces i a young man who ijvesia a flat in bos ton fully threemilesfromthe nearest wharf wu finding before he batinia hie bath room wssbiag hir hsads when he heard a noia as ofiomething moving around in ha little closet under the basin stooping over he opened the door when out jump ed an immense rat it wat so ilrge that the gentleman at firstthought it jwss liat the ligrtt ia the bathroom being dim the rat jumped into tha bathtub and the gentleman climbed upon the marble slab around tha washbowl and called for his mother o briog him a weapon of ioma kind to kl the biggest rit in boston he said finally his mother brought him an iron carpetstretcher with a handle six feedoug she opened tie door just far ejwngh to thrust in the weapon after being assured that the rat was still ia the tub and tbea the fun begsu said my friand when ha told me the atdiy7the moment i picked up the carpetiiretcher tie rat was on the defensive it was get- ting dark in the bathroom and i lighted tha gas and the instant i did to the rat gave a squeal and jumped upon the edge of the tub i struck ft him but missed him and he seired the handle of my weapon and clung to it with his teeth un til i could hardly shite him off when i did shake him off ha jumped for me was still unite mirble and when he landed on ft i jumped into the tub wheu i attack at him the second lime he dodged the blbwandmida for me again squealing as loud as a young pig i didnt suppose thst anything in the shape of a rat could make such a noiie the fsmiiiu living in in the fiats khove and below ours heard him distinctly and came to aik what it all meant qoite a crowd collected at the bathroom door but i warned them not tft open the door the rat and i charged places three times before i could hit him snd then his rsga sfss something terrible he squealed louder than ever and buried his teellr in tha handle ofmy weapon i shook him off and ha tried to jump up to where i was but he fell short- it was wonderful how ha dodged my blowi and i narrowly escajskl being j bitten three or four limes finally i pinned him down iu a comer with the iron teeth of the carpet stretcher holding him so he could not escape but he fought and straggled and squealed just as long as he could jand he died with his teeth fastened in tbehandle of my weapon tha kathrcom presented a ggry ap pearance- there wss- blood i everywhere the rat waa almost as- isrga a a wood- chuck and habore marks of age but how did ha ever get into tba closet under the basin ii asked ihac mystery will nevecbaicleared up in full was the reply there wis a big toe bruickkraptriiox a hungry- thromnisr oul- in the wflfls nebraska pbump the fallowing pathetic petti tfon to ynlch msbr of t e eastern travelerf will respond to cipte ft b r i backward tncu ibackir rdoh linwiln h 1 vi feed me on mash aisiu iui 7or touigml e havegrown wcarjclreit nrant fakeiij petrified landtricuel vnlca jsed iteakstj oysters thatslaep id a rst ty bath k batter ss itrangugofitli f gsfu t- weary of paying foe what i suit eat chewing trunk hnjes and i illing it meat backward tnrubxciwanlfe i woacy t asi give me a wliaefcalmy gr jdmotberiiiam let ma driuk of thfi rhuk siat has uevr been r- klmnist let me eat batter whose kilhhuboca tzimmed et no bat ancn hava an old- thereafter in peace i mlchtji t iute bieh chndnfotd i canyon tfcen wonaerrmml -dd- ott mhianed iue furl apandjlie iran for jfoari injin teaj tttref cvmnicrte black something of some- t i the man wax in a hta a atady wjienhv went into the drag itore j- 1 whitcia sedofory it clerk i 1 want buck lometbii j he aaid hive joagot kj i probiblv we have r blied the clerk bnt yoall iute lo oetnoii deqite to gtl iti ithe cistomecthoaghtf rjl moment j got saybuck theepak i btsbmthiar he mreo ko we doat keep i leepakins i we- tiarechamou akini thoail ttaaf isat it i know laidths cqaom- got any other kiact odtkirii i skint skins skins j itruggliog with hit si bested he man ppery mamoryi i ingy jtnythii clerk lasghed 5n the facel it isnt a i skin i i lj suggested tha 1 vl i aimed tke calfskin seems to be something like t got any black calfskins ci no not a one and tbji the customer grew fed by jove he said if what iuthunder is it t possibly it is a hide clerk kindly i thats it that ttj man j ettve you got any hub chides of borne- thing or anything j i not that i am awae of and the cus fbmer became tho ighiful again l hide hide hide ha jrepaated jgot any rawhide of anything if i the clerk shook his bead laaiy ai the man tramped up and down the itorej got any blackcowhide of anythlngi he asked after a minutes thought- j the clerks face showed a gleam of in- felligence andtben btosatptoa smile possibly it is black oxide of madlnesa you wanthe said quietly the customer almost hraw his armis around the clerks neck i i of coarse thats it ha erclsiuiii i knew there was a skin or jsbruethiag some where ubout tiia tiling fad he canned 1 1 1 hole ia the floor aroaud tle escapepipe of the bum id the closed and he hid erideat- lynjadti hi debat thruh thav hole i unok he- rnait have cbraatrom the wbccf through theaewr pipe bat jnt how hd broaghc an ia tint cloiet dont know i do know fait hsffxi lliera acd on the warpath and morfr formidable tx i never waat to exicooater within the narrow iirnt of a bithrooro where authorit ies differed dowoiod waited foe what lie waatedi t m board was the wird is from j he miit which is supposed to bless his dear heart fifteen for and denblak kills tha e lglishj varjetv is ha focan- ouicfc cifcum i i th uneric tn mistleoe is quite different from i engi ah cdusinji it has leaves of si mot yellow sh green its stem is brittle pk and it pas translucent peatlj ta bet ies inutlali an american natur i at bar 2 in jengland made a new genus or it md called it piiarnctoidroit borni j to a i ree what we see in the as boc is is the ariety known as teens j j entf thinc worth knqwini- j fore annies wedding aha sat wjthherpead in aunt amys lap ffou are very happyjny darlinglv 0auotietjhauldbe perfectly set bjut for one thing7the shadow on your lli ei you have been the only mother i ever knew and it- hurts ma so to leave yon so lone y ever since yon told me your sorrow i nave prayed our father to brighten yonr if amy there is an old friend waiting to see you in the parlor and here is his cart annies father said entering the siirg roam with a wild hope annie started qp 0 glance at the card and read henry pay- ton go go aunty my prayer isj answertd i ob your hair is all right and yod look oh so lovely- now never saw yporwes so bright annie said ii with loving arros i sbonld bheriry ffiihti her aunt front the room j hdnry peyton hastened fonrsjrd to threat pud planfsjj tjocfij eggs 1 ti bl ronxhmfleegrbunds rvpjs orjers young people tha reading class were standing in 1 stiff raw upon the floor af an iqiiio school- house and a brightjitlle fellow was drawl ingout apsrsgraph about a roman mis- sacre the president of the school present on his regau tour of iuipection and he pompously requested that the boy read that verse again the vena wis read again aal hml said the great man ia a load voice why do you pronoince that word msisskerj the boy was silent it i ihould jie prouoanced msssakre continued the great mau with a patronis ing smile tha bay remained quiet butthe teacr suaily spoke pardon me sir sha laid but tha fault ii mine if the word was mispronounc ed i have aught the das to- pronounce itmassaker but why insisted the great mau as a look of surprise wssfolowed by 1 look of pain upon his benign features i believe that webster favors that pro nunciation laid be teacher sueekly impossible laid the great man tha dictionary fsi broaght and the president turned over its leaves unlit he found the word there was breathless silenceana looked op i am astonished madam he said at last that daniel webster should have madesuijh amiitake as that younc menvlt pays the 00 er on the painter bui amp b timnays with dry salt thi v chioi ide of liffl ii rat holes wa i oilclo h with skimmed milk ben carpet on the wrong side first j jbv apple barrels with newspapers i rise every ling clean around he welt apt i harts iorn to the slings of iusecsa poo boiling water through fruit strains 1 dri 1 crea u for a nurhadmouth and shells j boi 1 i vinejgor daodo mrs use batmeol instead purpo s i i and 1 he best aniimoth preptr- instead of water for making with brandy and ahojni to bring bjick colon faded lisp on your house always hae dulllooking rrh ore good i i soap for toilet it pays betteriand better every year for young men- td become total abstainers even from a business standpoint not only do the railway companies openly express their desirs totalabstainers fbc their servicaibut every ohey jclass of i men seb clearly the advantage 0nlyiast saturday ajlarailtou liquor selipr offared a yobng main five dollars a week extra for a bartender because he wsa a total ab stainer he doesnt want a young msn hat drinks himself to sail drinks 0 others it pays far better to get abstain ers if possible the same day another man was given to auderstand heicould get aposidonoathepolica force beta provid ing ha could get a certificate from the editor of the temp far as to his abstin ence principies these hints are well worth taking in these days the templar sangfrotd ofan- enqlltjh general j ai correspondent writiug of tha lata lord strsthpair lays faswastbe most in dolent lackadaisical languid- persou- wbp ever dawdled aloug piccadilly- whea hi wa dbvasiiug central india winning the splendid victories that immortalized hs name he was 10 isiry tuaf ha conidnat be got to dictste the diapiicbls recording bis own trinoiphs says uie fehieffield eug land telegcspii mouths cltcpiwd before these documents coulibe extracted from him and then they were hrief and meager to the lest decree- f oneday when sirhugb rcseihejwm antertiining a gailani cprnpany id dinner during the crisis o the mutinyi jfith the utmost sangfroid he vis delighting those neirhim ot his bast atreo- doles in the middle of it his orderly en tered and afler laiutiuji exclaimed we have captured 200 rebels sir i i to him lliegeueixi turned and withtbai i elegant courtesy of manner on which he prided himself serenely replied thank you sergeant 1 but the miu itill remained again tft- lerrupting his chief he said but whrt ate we to do with thenviir 1 i oh replied sir hafh with a soft smile haug them of course and he re- iumed his mecdoie j in a little while sit hugh was again in- erupted in the middle of another story by the sergeant who came iu and skid pleise sir weverhussfthe lot sir the general turned bowed slightly land in the sweetest miuherj lisped- thsoki i seirgeant very mirythankt ihei went on withj his sneedbte as it nothing had happened i this story came to the ears of the qoeen and sha was io ingryihat it nearly boat i sir hugh his peerage i teacri ig1rls how to use moriey h 1 from harper ibttir would it not be vise if sjune exercises in tha myiteries of monary iwere added fo the curriculm ot every dirts studies f i boy finds it sll out by acwsi contact with the public as icon as ha is aul add a part of it but a girl may become a mature wbmarf ihrinking than through the habit ot long ptoceoiion and be thrown on he j mercies of the world- with her fnosey to i fall the prey to the first cheat and cozen she is taught at school tha spectra of the stars and the mag ot mars what a pity that ilie should not hi instructed in the workings of life ou he planet where see lives i that a knowledge of ilia nafara and meaning and bare of money pbquld be made a part ot every girls educaliofi is nr j auroddcorrier growing mors sad more evident in thisiage wajnin gr ase j will take off warts and protrflingniies j j is will stop a dis- quxh empty heir a hungry boy worth its weight in gold a double eagle- j the plsca to keep op ones spirits a haunted house large retarnstfat folks oomiug home from the county i dont say a crowd of swells but a sock of ehappies deeply interested a man who has tum bled down a well a assburner the suitor who stays tata at the house of his best i a sermon ir more voluminous hat lum inous when it docs not illumine us of enlargement aud prospafity which bats money iuto the bauds of somany women and in the coming century the womans century as it is already called in which so many women willbe wbrkers aaeveirn- era ot mooey it is all thejtnere importent in order that they jnsy neither be haudi capped nor 00 far outstripped hat tney should be well instructed as lo business movements snd injreatmbnts- thai they- rnay be directed in lbs right way before they let out to earn i biuks came homajrateer mellow ihe other nightand wtren was nearly ready to go to bed his wife inquired john- hows the baby and hotr lsfa is iir binks couldnt take jiu mora than una question but he iiappentid 0 make an apropos reply when he said oh it stir iy icieariyj- j catarrh in the head is 1 i constitutiojnal disease and requires a codbtitutional rtm- edy like hoodabarssparills- to efteeji ipv- s