Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 20, 1893, p. 1

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v bm ho to fcith v s volume xviir no 4 zt jtciimt jtrec ress isfccbukhed every thursday korniko it tbi- free pith steam rrlntinr ofllce hill street acton ont ttr op soikiipins one dollar per year strictly in advance all subscriptions dlioon- tbe ume for h tier tare been paid has erolred tlie date to which eierj subscription it paid it denoted on tii address label advarttsrso rxras transient ldvertfse- meou 8 cents per onpereil line fof first in sertion 3 cenu per line for each subsequent insertion coxtiuct ratrstho followinj tcile shori oar rues for lie insertion o advertisements for a peclned periods inches 10 inches 51nobee llnch k3c0 sim km 600 1500 s003 11 cd 3m 3003 7 cd s03 50 lcd teth 0ut specific direction t3 isht mi ch 4 accord- ntjv transient sdvertiseaente mil t be paid in sdvsnoe m wi ehanrea inco each once a month the composition mutt be peld for i for advertisement in tpeafflce by noon on tuesdays h puoobe editor end p oprietor asitteisfiitdorp j f dren m d c m offlce and residence corner mill streets acton sa mckeague md graduate of trinity colltre coueceetphyelcians end surgeons of boyii college of rnrtlciens end edlnbargti ofieeesd residence dr lowrys dcioe head oj frederick itreet acton livery wee we are getting new effects in ingrain wall ol i centiste f orseonfi je wilkinson d d 8 a d 5 burgeos dentist graduate university of toronto ilemker of the boyal coljece of dentaj surceons ofnce open every dsy except wednesday tb nrsday end saturday orer the drat store actox bennett ldis dentist qe0rsetowx oktario m clean 4 mclean c wk solicitors notariee canreyeneeri lrcteriudi to lou ofldetown hall acton hclta jno a mclnx t 1 mowat iilleistib soucnob notirt pcilic money toloen drricz dili tneedey end setnrdey orncl keunawins block acton upstair ft i mcnabb heats life honey covtrrivcrb collector etc md tccoanta collected aceat fire led jsundca property boocet od teli to lotn on the meet urormble tean j a 1iowat6 offlce actoo s hi ton wallbridge stone om triderfe w kor th orders it mj tended ajco tcrmt sutato bututen solicitor toeokto jlxo geoegtroirk creelmtai bioe oeorsetown and ibank chtmbcc3 voncetl toroata bl wn willesidoe h e stone ales hutcheon lnd surreyor icd cixil enciner oee idioinicg j a uoitati llidoanell btreeti jdclpu iatest8 secured for iisventiokb 3enuy glilfit ottawa cjjixa tweot y pnttlce ko titent no pit i hemstbeet licensed auctioneeb coantiei of wellington and hilton ell t tbe fbee pbeba office acton 01 r sddence in acton will be promptly at- vo terma recaonable noaey to loaa on the moet aiortble i ad it the lowect rtei ol iaterect la cmc and upwardly john day architect jcelfh oki orncb wrndham fitreel f wt ancis nukan boosbisdeb i st quelphonterio orer ftillitme store booke of ill lindi mide to order period sis of every decerfptlon etref nlly bonnd leatly end promptly done hanlan barber shop millsteiiiaciok areliy snare styjithhxircntaeoodiearoain tiiierhl iaratincshtmpooaltfeyigiren rexorf bofaedelndpnt in flrsfrclcss condition ladles aachl drenshelrtestilycnt j hw0rden toniorial artista job printing including book pamphlet rotten bill heidt circular tfcc ac executed id tbe bt kttle of the art at moderate pricei and on thortnptice apply or addrets h p uoobe pbeepaeuomce acton agents wanted in tjerj townthlp tosel the pictorial cyclopedia of lire stock and complete took doctor the u ost complete tnd comprebensire vork erer pa jlltbed ite ecthors ttiad et the heed of their profession and hare a continental repa uuoa wortb ltd veicht in gold to any one bsrtnc sorfiee bheep cettle svlne pooltry ioi or beee a grand opportunity to raefce money beccre territory at onoe address e k koyee publliliar 120yongst toronto hatniltons marble works h lrji stroets s liloek formerly hatchs block ecore corner ol woolwtebend norfolk guelphont vholct l and mi uublel bad an tbe pu articles in tlie i n b celred jqhn h hamilton proprietor t le and reuil dealer and direct importer aafmturerof al kind tii grtaite and uotiameau toiuutodm etc ravine tensive experience for the lut 1c years jllc may rely an retting all superior at a cheaper rate than any otbtr dealer ect 15 per ecnt off oa- a direct order re- the uextsodvi ior m cook co qeoroetotjjn llcemsd auotloner appnlxsri vtla- in collacton ral etutq tsi oonerxj lend agents ror rax conmesop htll nplwemagton8iieco toifc uid oaurlo vloneyto loan from iconpatsiz percent parti i plaein their sales or other business in our nsdslilhttheun3epromptiystteruiel to at mpderst bsetges u qmt ucp tulu booicii1 stox 3n i ir tidress bot lie g it cool co isetia eers brraortkeji queen steuttorbnt t 0 jis co anctloasen 0otgawwn tad toronto 8 z papers with borders and ceilings to match these papers are dsed by the best families tlie are as cheap as the common papers only is cts a roll and much handsomer when you are in guelph cahjlt days book store and see how nice and cheakhey are day selils cheap bank of montreal capital rest 51200000 6000000 a savings department has been opened io connection with this branch interest allownl iitcurrcnt ele8 jas hifenlay usjlacergcelph bkancif spring seeds field and garden red and alsike clover ttmotby flaxseed qilcake tfyjrtey fooysaedcrain of every tin dpie wand old vcrieties bsed0tat0et5 esilv and late rarietiefl gafteken peas 0x10x13 c0i1n beet carrot to by packet ocnee ih lcli or buebel 4 the product of ruy mangel carrot and turnip seed took all thefleading iriresat the towmhlp bhowi lact ear am the only seedsman west of toronto im portant direct and avoiding the toronto and hamilton teed combination tseo t tkorp jiaeorjic block gdelph a business ejjqcatiqii is a source of wealth erezj yptin person will find a thorough bucineas tniaicg the cratest aid in get tine a good ttittli butiacetb me thiiafiecahsfor active intelligent welltrained help in all departmeqta of trade- tboce who make their fisrvicii valuable have no difficulty iu atcaring desirable position where adtance- mtnt iiatstjrod the demand for capable reliable a si tan u it constantly lncreaclnc a practical posincts education not only fits one for a succetful itart but with energy perscvtranob and hard work leads to prot- perity andwealtb tbii is within the reach of every ambit on b person who attends the gnelph ibusiuess college locatrd at os 101 aod 103 wyndham street guelph ont call or write for particalar m macoorjiick principal w barber bros papee makers geoegetown ont fkfake 1 bpecuttt 07 macfiins finistied book papers high ghade weekly xew8 thd pipet ubed in this journal is from the above rnills wmbahbeeft bros i money to lend ok good farm security iii lower rate of interest and on better terms of repayment vcr before offered in canada intending borrowers should writu or call at onoe and be convinced b tfore applying elsewhere s jackson real estate loan insurance agent iuelph canada season1893 t17hile xbturning thanks to our tiisny pat tt rons or their liberal support in tbe put we wish to lntorm you that we hare entered into an arrangement with r stewart guelpbj to keep constantly on hand a full stock of the ordinary since of sash doors etc and will also supply any special sices on short notice at guelpt piicct fcames of all kinds made to order we also keep in stock a line of baso window and doorcesing comer blocks fcc tour lamlicr dressed while lon walt t the abtot oktakio thuesdat traders bank op oanada sfstemeric tairea trom oovtrameat re- tarn honn2bez 1882 assets gold j rss76 dominion kotea 211613 deposited with government to secure circulation rt505 mocea and cbeones of other banks 1qu9 call loans on stocks end bonds 795963 balances dae from other banks- 10sts3 government debentures 9323 assets iitushutelt avatunu bills disjointed bills dlleacsted overdue bank preinllcs ifortgegec indotber assets total assets j liabilities paid up capital surplus m notes in girculatian deposits ttifm public deposits from otberbaaiol eiracs sitsa 6157 uub kaa mos9 607mo wan k9s50 317 e21 alabastiiie rlcetlbopm pumps being better able than heretofore we will supply either wood or iron pumps promptly all work guaranteed satisfactory pjotce call land inspect before purchasing elsewhere- thus ebbage sfanatrer acton tt ivellldfitoa mutual frejtrtsurance comaany i ektabufihed 1m0 ixbuiiasce on mutual plan anycommuni- cationt forwarded to my address box 723 or telephone 03 rili be promptly attended to f ion ratxqr act guelpb ac jvitn makupacttren akd be ales dc caubetf i4u1 fiiialeacoai add wood saw mills akd wooyabdfi bromn it wont rub off it is more sanitary and is cheaper than wall paper it can be easily applied write bond st co hardware cuelph for sample card and prices mclhtjen st cos climax purrle m e a p q w 0 y r n r li i directions for climax tuzzle l cnt the cardloa the line in rdnecqaare and arrange them in three rows 10 that up and down across from corner to corner tbay shall spell a wow ol three letter eifiht ways a form a croj 1 with the nine letters so as to spell a word of fire letters in two ways 3 spell a word of nine letters with all the letters in a row i form a triangle and show a word of four letters in three ways nb the above puttie is printed on a card which will be supplied by mclaren co tbe letters x r l i appear on reverse side of card under the letters w c r x tbls puczle can be solved the first person sending us the correct solution of the puczles will receive 503 in cash and any pair of shoes in store valued at f550 the first person sendlne us the nearest correct solution of the puicle will receive 6sl50 in cash and any pair of shoea in our store valued at 250 all replies to bo eent in on or before june 1st 1eb3 all replies mart he sent in sealed envelopes wlh fall came and addess given to tbe leading boot aad shoe store quel ph wm mclaren co tss leading boot sboe store we take care to keep our prices low an quality high we have a fall assortment of ladies american handmade kid boots in all widths we lead in all the novelties ip foot wear in catering for tbe best trade in ladies and gents pine goods we do not forget tbe children oar stock is large and always of the best quality wm mclaren co millions in it tut money in thy punte if not alas he who steals thy purse b teals trash i go said william shakespeare and all we have to add is that a lean parse takes a new lease of life whemit comes in contact with the prices we are offering on all our furniture wc wont quote to you any big t3 per eentdlsr mnt out just sak yon tolook oter the following- a good bedroom suite at 10 a better one for v a daisy 12 j a beauty 13 j a dandy 14 j and the best in the world 15 f next t a good sideboard for a better one with mirror a daisy with mirror ladies rocking chairs from childrens rockets mm 16 00 7 60 8 50 1 00 so ettentiou tablet all lite from 00 svo bare opponents but no rivals in the furniture business we ootcluc them all and otsrybodyttnoirs it give us a call eno sea for yourselves if it is cot true doaoc bur rotn oi our baby carriages are tbe finest eter seen in the city just sea sea them we bsnaie the celebrated hib cuac newcombe pianos ter it pass ialu mar crnjgea psls sihecspxjlbk bone a ue brod whlc i strife echo think bince ci t scitt to take offence crfttt pcift is a foe a feriss let it pass not darkly oer a wrong ill disappear ere loci datbi r eiog this cheeif song- let it pasa 1 let it pats surioands the pdxest mlndi letltptml as th i unregarded wind let it pcu 1 any yjilgarsdals uatt live hay c mdemn withoat reprieve tie tl e noble who forgive utit pass let it pus 1 iot an td word let it pass 1 how often yoa have erred j let it paxe arjoji matt paw tway like t io dewdrops on the sptay wher fore should our sorrows etcy 7 let it pan 1 let it pust if forood youve taten ill lee it pats 1 do not oorn the maitoie all letltpata time lt last makes tii things straight let tii not reeent bat wcit and o tr triumph shall be great let it pawl f i letftpaut bidyor apfet to depart rxftpaesl lay tbote hotaejy rorda to heart let ii pats 1 koiiow cot tie f4dy thronff bettei to be srtongedthtn wrong there ate ting tw cheery tonc- lettlpcsl letftpaasi soutliern jkurcltman 8tllct jfiimlp iuftitttij d iq the itch e i1t uttlt ele dilus the cok baa given warning and tho ohambezm dd says that wbert susan gog she goes u ewis said ln uontgomery in a lone o dcspiir and tu i have just paid their vagea they are packing to go what wicked wicked women not a word of warning why nammal what is tho reason of this sudde i desertion queried emily the only daughter of the house aged eighteen and she laaghed your ijather foand fault with the beef last sunday ah there is nothing to gig gle over 2 am 6ure nid the matron dropping into a rooking chair a week at the intelligence office for me while the house goes to wreck and your papa loses his ternpar over the dinoers for old mrs champ the only person i can fend for always ru m every dish she touches and w 3 cannot have mrs chump this time mi nma said emily she it in bed with rhcutrjatism i met her little niece in be drog store buying medicines and lotioqa for ber and she eid the wac very bad then he end haa come1 sighed mrs montgcmi ry ret mamma iudo the work i think it might be fun for dont uid emil a while do sarcastica its tl and ill mrs montgomery asked ah 1 emily liaghed again e best you can do sho give papa a high tea said with coal a ndfrtocd always in stock and promptly delivirred to any part of the town at reasonable prices hardwood a id stab cat stove length always on baud tsleptrt rf d id mimtmmima ksili bpys and hens biogtss j w1u be in a little later walt for ua wo are goinff to put new life in this town audiu good people p sprkggel the peoples popalar furnltum btom upper wyndbam flc cuatph at pay nlflit on all bull usotutlng to ms omelette nd chicken sandwich and all the things he ikes and no doubt you can find some one o como tomorrow oh nc doubt biid mrs montcomery in still i lore sarcastic tones 1 wish i had your sanguine temperament emily vqood pye mam and misc said cook looking ip atthe door good bye and i wish you luck suiting yourself im sure no doubl there is them that might if they had the atiecne of job not dse good bye ladies said the chamber maid m loath to leave yon but susan and ma oes ihe two of us together always and if si d is insulted i am likewise goodfbye said emily calmly mrs montgomery turned her back and rauttere 1 ungrateful wretches between her teetl and actually made overtny navyblue bedford cord dress for that woman she said aft ir the door closed and never hai she had o buy an apron there ill go and begin nry martyrdom aid emily if your go into the kitchen put- on my rubber gloves s 3d my mob cap that i wear for dusting ny room coal ashea are the rum of tho i tair and a big apron your looka are my ride emily kissed her mother saw that she went off comfortably and then obediently donned ap gloves and apron and descend ed to the kitchen cook n her wrath had left the kitchen in a stt 9 of chaos dishei piled high in the sink towels on oil the ft kir pots and kettles in sora need of scour ng overflowing tubs a pan of potato reelinga a kettle of ashes all by way of r ivenge for the insulting criticism of last b mdaya dinner the r rospects were alarming but miss emily w mt to work with a will finding it rather m are difficult than in her inerper- ienoo she ud supposed and wishing that her mot ler had not so carefully guarded her delic y at the expense of her usefulness in kjtche i affaire jest a she took her pots and kettles in hand ja k spinner the millionaires son flying al jog upon his bicycle came very near rot ning into a yoong man who sat upon a urtutass moaning piteoaily and at once a ighted good ieavenil ihaventhartyon he cried ko si replied the person addressed who was enveloped in a mysterious water proof cot tune and covered from head to foot with ashes was claiie dead when yoacami up ive got the cholera or the typhua danno which and ill lose my job tor i m able for it no longer and there is no met 73 oa yoa if yoa neglect a thing ii it is ev it so with yoa no mercy that a vary crnel said yoong spin- nsr who had tbe tenderest heart 14 the world is ft that ashcart yoa are driving 1 j it is indeed raid the unfortunate and th e is tii barrels to empty yit and me not a lie for it i could drive back bat i couldnt lit the barrels i at hoo e they called jack dan qaixote for he w being in s always saccoring some forlorn istress maid or man it male no nutter w lioh now he instantly bethought him what fodc for this poor ashcart driver come along he said taking the rnsn by the arm and leading him into a drag store hard by ill tell the doctor to see to yon and empt the rest of the barrels foe you jolly fan or me yoa know and yoatl keep your job ind all that the man petrified with astonishment coold only lift lis hands and in a moment more a still m te astonished drug clerk had a patient wel paid for in advance and was mixing hot water and whiskey and spicing it wel with cloves and dropping cholera mixtur 2 into a glass and applying mustard plasters in the little back room behind the store six more loasev said jack walking beside the cart straight down the man said he shouldered tie first barrel and damp ed it a shower of ashes covered him bat he only laaghsd next came a nno can quite elegant in appearance but filled with decaying vegetables and ornamented by the inanimate- forma of three murdered kittens mr jack gakped but he intended to finish his work of charity now that he had began it and witi varied results new experien ces to him th i young athlete emptied five barrels on he sixth pavement he found none what an ai hmsns duty waa he did not koow bat he had his invalids interests at stake and mast dps best for him so be descended th suraay and rfcng the bell in a momeita gitt in a rdop cap a big apron and rubber gloves opened the door beg parden i am sure said jack bow ing but do you wish your ash barrel emptied he spoke in the most elegtnt manner but he was covered with ashes as with a garment hik moustache was whitened his bands begrimed cinders adhered to his kair and his facelwas dirty tbe maid before him was not quite free from mirk- of kitchen labor it was emuy who had been washiug the pois and kettles for t io first time in her life whaj a beautiful manner he has she thought vh 3 mast be someone in reduced circumstances and she 1 miled upon him yon are the the ash gentleman i sup- pose spe queried i call ir that capacity said jack then if it is not too mach trouble the ash can sta ads in this little place under the front steps call emily no trouble whatever said jack diving into the pliee indicsted ill bring it back when it is implied you an too kind said emily unaware of the pot black on her chin not at all said jack of the cinders and they towed as if thoy were dancing the lancers in a mo nent jack had damped tbe ashes and retnrc ed with the can he wss greeted by a great poff of smoke and emil blushing and coughing came out into t ib area for air beg p rdon said jack but the house is not on ir i hope not said emily the fire went out and im trying to kindle it but it smokes s perhaps it is the damper said jaak iil looklifyoa dont mind i shall be grateful gasped emily it is the damper said jack and these things in the ovens now if i may have a bit of paper and some wojd 7 he fotnd them himself made a fire opened the windows and waited nntil the srhokehak vanished from the kitchen and then shut the windows wha a wonderful ashman emily thought what an elegant girl to cook jack said to 1 imself it is so kind of yoa said emily so stupid 0 me bui i did not know- about the dan pers i never made 1 firehefore but the arvants have taken french leave oh i said jack to himself j the young lady of the house doing amateur kitchen uousework i might have known it ani she thinks me the ashman nd hosighid good day he said bowing befon emily could reply a head was thrust i 1 at the window that of the origi nal ashman an 3ete yoa air but he said an sure thi medicine the doctor did be givin me has made me a new man an im for ever obi iged and sorry i am youve spoil ed the i ne clothes you have on ye and youll f nd your boysuckle in the doctors shop ive trounced tho rascal that was goin of wid it to a jelly ill drive down sir and never forget your kindnes3 hay iyoa be nayor of new york yet oh you are welcome said jack and now ei lily was staring at him not the ashman i she was siyiog under bebreith and jack laughing answered her glai oe my irst ash cart as this was your first fire hi said the driver was ill and i took his place it hasbeen great fan though rather dirty work may i intro duce m self he 1 3k a card from his pocket and pre sented t 1 at 1 miss montgomery said emily and i think my father must know yoars very wi 11 if you are mr william spinners son xhey are in the same business 1 so it proved for special occasions who can say what the equitette may be 7 emily said t i herself that it woold be simply human i to help this martyr to his kindly sympathies out of his coat ofashes and sent him to her brothers room to find clothesferush and wash basin whe 1 he met her agahi she wore neither mob up nor apron but was attired in a pretty morning dress and ber bair curled bewitc1 ingly on her forehead and since this was the son of herfathers old fri nd it seemed but hospitable to ask him to loneh mamma woatd not be at home i he was quite alone it was awfully impror er bu this latter point never occurred to emily nor to jack and these two we both young and liked sweet things and ji k declared that he never had so delight al alanch before it as a romance which is different from a flirtation that little episode and it alwayt remained in the memory of those two yo iag people as the sweetest moment of their lives wbt a her mother returned emily wore cap a iron and gloves the high tea was ready and all the work accomplished liters fashion and the girl looked so pretty so ha py t co iking must agroo with yoa mrs hon j ornery said but emily did not speak of the smatear vshmi 0 or her lunch party of two until long s eter oh long long of ter for it was same lays before mr spinner called on tbe ither bringing the son with birr some eeks i eibreihey were asked to an af er- oon te 1 somv months before jack became frienc of the family and quite a year ba re faisj engagement to mim emily mont mery was annoonoed to his friends and it was only on the eveof her wedding iat erjjily told her mother that jack had lien ii love wili her at first sight and and where and mrs montgomery declared that it mid have been very shocking frightfully prudent if it had been anyone bat ick j at that j made all the dfference j ick was sach a nice fellow a f hankvou mctebox allen was fife years old he had bright sianl tosy cheeks and hawarwy i deawike when his sister beasienoiued tl e ejtio i star mislaion circle there seemed ti be no good reason why allan should not b allowed to join also allens first mis- si in meeting was an era in hit history for 4 ien win an attentive listener and ha re ft rued home with some new ideasand a teb0x which letter he huggedtohis miart in warm affection when papa ant returned homo that night allen ran e erlyfo meet him he kissed his papa and then asked in6 yoa glad yoa got a little like ji oe arse i uid his papa oare thankful aint yoa papa ti it im well aa- strong an bait ran to n let yon y j certilnlynetq replied his papa won- fl ring mhch what this auusuil style of estionlngmightmmn then paps- please pat a penny in my teboxi and allen triumphantly pro ced bus box andheldit up for his papa ering well well said mr grant holding i en an i his mitebox off at arms length pretei ded terror this is some sort of rap tc catch my hardearned money i r ist look into this and see what it is all ajpat papa this is a thankyoa mitebox whei anybodys thanktul they roust p fc a peiny in it allen explained ithep 1 suppose i must take care not t- bethi nkful said mr grant oh i ut yon cant help it papa now t a pe lny in thats a dear ilr g rant looked at the eager smiling le fee ei and patting the little fellows id ht dropped bright ten cent piece ii b the box allen was so delighted he 0 tld ha dly contain himself li iht i expect ynu to tell me all aboct tl 3 mitibox business alter sapper said ill grait i oh res said allen if only mamma w let tie stay up long enough jlen was acoastoraed to retiring very mptlf alter a simple repast of bread mill but his mamma consented to iw hit 1 to sit up half an hoar later that ht th it he might tell bis papa all about miss on meeting and how he came to ng home tbe milebox yoa see said allen there was a mis- ry 1 idy at the meetin whod been y off i eaohta the iitlla turkey children klciiks what we have thankfgivin bat ii le boy 1 aagirls like bessie an me do yi j spose hey have lots of turkeys there i a yway the children poor little things e orft 1 hard times i wouldnt like co 1 theru when they go in school they lei ve the ir shoes by the door an they hare sit oa their legs bout the teacher an si dy rltht oat loud mustnt their legs gl tireat papa i yes said papa solemnly and the r teat aers mast grow dsaf ob they cant have deei teachers said en ea mestly cause if anybody stops he teacher knows it an hits em h a roil an tho children go to school ka lie sun gets up an stay till five nd t lcugh they stay so many hoars nteerjd bessie thetere lota oftshihl- in a rxim and they dont learn mooh nc appose they woald prompt ed mr grant well alien j oms are dark an- they aintven- oa splain it bess i ma have no windows on the out- said bessie the schoolrooms are bl t aboi t a hollow square and the win- do s opei into the square so it makes the ro ndart and the air isnt good thats wl t allen maana bless net said mr grant and is m tencent piece eoiug to such alschool as th f why coarse not papa said allen as niaheaat bis fathers ignorance are hs 3 boeo teilinyoa boat a turkey school lurkiih said bessie tarkti h repeated allen but our ti nkyb 1 moneys going to build a lovely ne sebo 1 like ours where the miasionriec tetcl the children boat jeaas an riiimeti an jography an all em things ap i we vi got to be thankful a lot for- 1 wi it to iet my box full tore the next rd tin whew i said mr grant id like to kc w whit oar being thankful has to do wi i ydar box i it will have lots to do papa if every til a yoa re thankful yoa pat in a cent i allet nothing daunted and why do yon call it mitebox al inr prhata cause its so little mamma to cillme a mite but im a big boy nry today gifiaj bessies face cleared jthen hell know thit i tried she said bat miss brayt she will know thatyoa tried too said het mamma smiling iii tell misj bray announced all ma nanimously that everybody pat inmy bdx cause i wasnt big enough to be thank ful rlllone papaandi hare about concluded that we aught to set up a thinkyou mitebox of t ur owe said mrs gralt- hi thauk- offaring to god for bis great goodness seems sach a very sweat way of helping those who lack tbe priceless blessings which we enjoy only when a little girl happen 0 want soma candy i said bessie archly 13he mast think replied her mammsi how little a gift is worth that never costs us oneatom of effort or sfsacrince and candy makes my teeth bad too sail bessie cheerily l bessie and allen relnrnfcd from the quar terly meeting full of bnihudam juildings going np allen assured his fall er my thaukryou muneys gone for a dor an bessie bqaght some brickswith her offerin we are real estate owners now papa lauihed bessie i shall have to go to smlrna some day to see allens door and myjbricks i mean to buy uotherdoorsaid allen audi i some more bricks said bessie see here are our mitebares ajiin c7tiacliiaa an he handivvorkofman aa englishman has iuvt5ntd a combio- tidn folding bed billitrd table settee table and bateau all taking up no more room than an opright piano an elecicio acidmeter or inctruraenl for measuring the amoant cfacid substance in liquids haa raceatly been perfected and is expected tcj come into exteued use in refineries breweries and similar places a clerk in a bicycle store inlciaiis city haidesitfned tad is bailding h nev baq witp pneamattctired bicycle ffhecla ind a number of traprbments qalcalated to add strength iightae and speed to the rehicte ko eoonephtve earopeau aeromats im proved their balloaat- almost to ihe point of perfection for military ueeathart along cone a russian aienkt wituanapptr- atac which captures hd ray of toe sun and employes them to burn theisflioocs a rcssim paper states that the balloons can be burned when at adiitanco of three m lie from the persons handlin the appar atus f a watchmaker in newcastle recently corapletci a set of three gold shirt stadr in oue of which it a watch that keeps excel lent time the dial benonly threesixteen ths of an inch in diameter tbe three studs are connected by a strip of silver in lidc the shirt bosom aud the watch con- tatted in the middle one it wound by tarn ing the ttud tbove the hands ace set by taming tha one below- 1 i ittaid a watchmaker of geaeva switzerland named catimir livau has jus completed a wstc which instead of trikiug the hoars and quirtecs aunaances them liks the phonograph themechau- b of the watch is btsed on phonographlo dittons the bottom of the plate contain- a phonographic sensitive plate- which has received the impression of the human voice before being iaserted ia the natch the dukliafoctyeiht concentric grooves oi which ttrelva repeat taa hoatf twelve those of the hours and quarters and twelve more those of the hoar andseconda and third quarters j onejfpected alarm the church a c had a row- com- mauion service solid silver- of htnltome design the gift of a weal thy rieod it was kept in heavy iron cheat securely placed in i stoatcloset iu the church yet it vcia near being stolen before it had ben iu thtj soc etys postissiod a month vie waa ccmmaaioa sunday the new serrice waa used far the first time and was then replaced in ilt btrnn chest and tbe doet securely locked ileauwhile a thief had secreted himself in the charchliiid whi ti thebailding wai clottjd and locked for the night he began operatiarrs with the aid of skeleton- keys and other 1 tool a he opened the closet and the iron chest he jacked the silver in a bag slung it over hit fcack and prepared to make hit escape through one of the vestibule windows suddenly he was startled by a sound as of approaching- footsteps at the farther corner of the vestibule itmay have been i i a i rat or a moaie for besides the thief then wtsuo human being in the houae the fellow made baths to reach tho win dowstool and feeling his hand in contact witn a rope on tbe impalse of the moment he seized it it was tha bellrape and the nest instant a series of sonoroas peait broke the stillness of the night air fool said the thief to sound the aiarm myself tbartnging of the bell aroused the village the thief wat caught and the coco man to a service was saved introducing a lecturer tha b 3e gets its name from the story of t jwidoi rand her two mites saidbesale u becif read it toutonceandlfemecn bi i she eiid the richest gift was tbf ode tt tcarr ed the moat lore with it pfease m ftit read that beautiful story to a inf not totttght interposed mnma g int w 10 forthwith proceeded to capears h rsmatj boy and lead hi of off to bed he ra tebox however waa henceforth acknowledged instltatioa ia the grant faj lily allea ran a bo at with hit so ia d tnoaa y soliciting the thankofferings of ft i entir household that hit brilliant sac- a pbecineat length a source of discoar- a imens to bessie alien t miubox is almoit read to it iis tofull while my poor little pjbniea nust feet quite lonesome laid twuthedayof tha 6aar1erly meeting jsn iht miteboim were o be opened ybate a big girt replied her mamma ice ai big aa allsn and yoar boxte- pssenu yoar own iadttidaal uvings for tl i goal ante roar box represent n ire selfdenial than allen although it c itaini tbe smaller sum dont you top p w tha jesa site over tgiiait the treat de of those engliih customs which shaald be more honored ia the breach than iu the observance is that of presenting a iecfaretrto the audience by l chairman jthw aaneceftary presiding offimay hiring read up on the s abject rises to say a few words of introduction and sometimes an ticipates tame of the lecturers best poinfe in an english village a ibquacioua sqaire and gnulous rector both iat rodaced a ieciarer and their few words occupied nearly all the time which hal been allotted to the lectare tbe lecturer however was eqiai to the occasion he tpoke about twenty miualei anil thea looking at hit watch said jliadtes and gsntlemen i must now leave- that i may catch- ray train- bat i wilufcyocjr permiuioa before ideptrt to iiggest rocyoareonsideraitoaaaoccar- en h which took place on beard a small atiexican vessel the captain the mate and passenger dined together a roiiypomy padding wat pi lced an the table and the captain said to the passenger stringer do you like ends kb p dejnt yer t ife and my mate dcec aud the caputu cut iii pudding in tbro gieiug one end to ihe mate and appropriat tie other the audience taw be point erdoeartily applauded there will be wriotk tronbie if yoa dont o eroome thoee dyspeptic symptoms boodt rarsaparlla is tbe medicine you need w re ttanding- in tfcs doorair ifyliftla wife and t the aosjfcn saa qjiaaiac hxlc fell doirn sa s0eatl j- aemiii hltebialupaaiur ari wbs coaii i asfcfoc mow thaathe kindly gtaacs ci louaj tym asshb fcissad ne aftis uwr i kmirehe loves vuivau her heart tbc one whettanis beside and die years fcava bees soioyjas sjacfli ural called her ui jc wevahad somuchliiijpasa eiofltt tcwraiia vears belore bavtliebappiesi tiaieofau was whia she kissed me at the doer utio jjires foe wealth ociaal ergom forfame ormatcaiestpoxar it doe not give the happiscss of j rtoaelitue haiir wlth ae who loves me a hsruie- shs art sae isvatmts cure led i aoaghtttt3 did thiitnorcina rzlfasjadiior attheuasr attiajstsjeoicthiii tbe woru vkj tflltiwtxuthacli32d is vcr son 11 aadioor coo sued with what hold and ieu tho cloads hacj griai and dark i onl r thiak the more ofoaa whawaiti thecooiicgstcp to k ss me at uie doir if she ivesuuipa shall tcitttr its 1 osts nponber head ikaofl shell love rnejeutthssaine as tl 4 morning w were wed batix he aagslcau her aad ficlgoes to heaven before e shall liaow heriwhear meether for i hell kiss mo at tbe door vf too early to creet tbe be euu early i ihiug was a fteqaeut subject of contentio rjbetweeu kahum briggs and his wife ei r ability to wake in season for esd start wss tit question otien mooted kahura and the result wis lhat allrespo ibilityaf waking fell upon him soit chi need that 03etiiht when it seemed to mrs brrgiia as if her tired eyea had- but just closed kahum spoke up briskly rcome lairycome ifmcter git up itj illhsbit slepiu so much tho roosters are crowin ia good shape his wife rubbed- her heavy lds and rose reluctantly the clock bldi stopped bat kahum laid it was nearly fix for there was a litht in buukeri shop and he usually c peued the store atthit time soon t le kettle j wfi steaming cheerily and wliih breaktist wasbeiog prepare nihnmtxikhis isntern and eul out to jo the t liores jilt watered fed his stock an 1 rttacnal to eat ahirtt meal theu 1 ley sat xiown to wnip tlioitusf streak ol dawn bit alter tn hour it seem- ed it an thing darker than before aint it errible longcomfrig libt think asked lire- briggsto the carp- tng jadft u j i 0 id used tejrjbem ap dity sni ted kahuna i iatas will be ai 3and oa timf sooii ii i wife looked oat ftin ior 11 e love of john turner 1 she ex- j ekiuaed bufikcr lits put ua lii light auis toi i home- do c cat eh hail him an find hattima it i- v its diy time ilell ye said khuni but he wi nt out tod hiiiel his neighbor i damp exiotljv slid mr bunker with som jmoderstiou but when i shot apshopl ihinkitwisaboat 10- oclock i j then j ahum dame in aaj shut the doer while irs- briggs prepared for a second nights k st he wound thetlbsfc awl set it she nolle 3d lhat he took adecided ecmfprf in windirg it more vigorously thin eeein ed quite icccessaty 1 the stanoing army of the i qnited states oecers for thearmy are oba iued first fromithe nililary academy at west point second promotion alter elimination from the ranks and third by appoint- meat also after examination fromcivil lljer- one cadet at a time is allowed at west point frc ui each congressioail district nominate by- the members of the house ani are appointelat large by the president those vha gnduite usually not more blu sixty aonuilly are appoin ted secoaii lieakiiints- when the uateado rot fiuvll the vacinciei enlisted men who have qualified before exsmiu- ing bcardi eto5rers ate selected and if there still be vacancies civilians may ly- appainled euliste med ire obtained byau organ- ired genersl recruiting system whose bead- quarters ire in sew luwyork and of which a colonel of thearmy i4 selected the superi itendenti there are three gen v 1 era depot meuts am l with officers detaiiediroui regl- smill permanent fparty to i m partiilly prtpare all recrnits for their com panies s so recruiting rendezvous in a jozen citi is and temporary jebnriting parties in irhaller places applicants are required o be- between twentyone and thirty 5 eas of age ofercelient physical development to furnish evidence of good diameter and areallowed toi remain oa probation lix days ifter they have pieied the medical cxaminsticn a description of the recruit is made on a card giving allmarks or scarswhich is so died in the war rjeputment as te com nasi to a possible previous description of the same man to detect him if he be a dishonorably- discbarsed man oca detertcr trying to en list again the euljstuient is complete ibv the ad- miuistralida of an osth to serve honestly and faithfully and to obey the orders of those placed over him according to the rales and ktttiies of war a codeicreateo by congrese luuuaaiit ga hvkardi fjt- s a t tjic cliairanjmitpr ieyt clrivelanids wealth he is worth over s2bo0op and mrs clevelanct onethird as much when mr cleveland was first elected to the presidency he had to borrow i 1200 to see him id the white house the pur chase of jred top however oleared him over j80000 and he saved ebmeof his salary wbiie president- then on leaving the white hoase a law firm engaged bim at a salary of 2oeoo a year besides which he got several large fees for refeeing cases good deal ofnaoney tooin com- williiin cjvhitney and his in- in chicago fas have paid bim u those in the northern pacific cleveland cares mori for fame obey and has at various time i at least i250co toward the ex m democratic party today mr cleveland it worth about a30000 and mrs clei eland has 80kx of her own dan iii moot it quite aartoh ai the pre sident a thongh he had net more than start with ciieogo timet s ita tw iiif 11 ia l i v 15000 te warden lavell says that the namberof nativebe ra canadians in tho penitentiary if small vi5is a w

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