m i volume xviiis 43 die jutan jfrce jtesr it rniusnrd eery thursday morning t tbe- fne frets steam rrlntlncomrc ill6treer acton ovt tcaics of subscriptio one dollar per year strictly la advance all subscrii tions alteon tinned when th urns for which they beve been paid cat erolred the elite to which every sabecriplonlspaid u denoted on the eddreas label aorcariiiva ratretrantlcnt edvertise- menu 8 cents per nonpareil line tor first in eertiaa t cent per line for etch subsequent insertion corraier runtthe following uble snowe oar rstee tor the insertion of advertisements tor specified periods trice 1 rn 6 ko 3 ho 1ko ninchm j43 0d 33 03 toco sice am oki is 00 ico 5 inches 1am 1100 00 8m llneh 0s iso too 100 adttttlusienti without cpcelflc directions wiu u fonl till forbid mi charged accord intf trtntat stertimtnent muit b pcid id rue advertisements will bo changed once eeb noatb u dimd for ehxwim oftener than oaoe a tnontb the compoaition must be paid for cbtngsi for contrtct advertisements must b in the ccej by noon oa tueadara h p ifoorl editor and fyopr etor u sttbtttfss jbtrectotp f urls m d c m office end reaidonce corner ulu l frederick streets acton c a mckeague m d cu oraduate ot trinity college uember ot ollsce ejphyslelens and burgeons licentiate f koyel cculeie of physicians end burceoaa dlnlmrgn ofieejua reeueace dr lowry lite rcll leucbeutotfrederlckitreet acton f wilkinson d d 6 l d e brncr05 dextist roduete university ot toronto member ot the edrl collece of denui burgeons office open every day except wednesday h urtday end saturday over the drue btore acton eer wee we are getting new effects d ingrain wall papers with borders and ceilings to match these papers are used by the best families they are as cheap as the common papers only is cts a roll and much handsomer when ou are in guelph call at days book store and see how nice and cheap they are day sells cheap ac tohi ontario thursday april 27 bq8 the traders bank of canada statement ttkea tram ffoveramene re turn kortmbtr 80th z8b2 bank of montreal capital rest 512000000 6000000 a san ings department has been opened m connection with this brarch intcrcit allotted at current betel jas hfincay hne guelrh bkaivch spring seeds field and garden l bennett ld8 destibt oeosetowx oktixio cleais mclean burtszr sollcitort notaries conterarjcera private funds to lon office town hail acton t a mclcax jho a mclei i mowat iijlrtxstbb soucrros notabt pdbuc uoaoy to loin oftice dat toeiday nd siturdiy orncs kinaawin block acton upttiin r j mcnabb covrraicen collectoh etc rteota uid iccojnu collected aceot fire and life afsuruuco j roperty boacot end told mpney to iolu on the matt favortble icrmi j a howatsoffice actoo a hilton wallbbidge 4 bone buruten solicitor l toeosio iad gcongrioirs offices creelman block georgetotrn and tntdert baalt cuainber c3 tonge st xcronto j boiltp d i w a wiilebnae h e btoxe james hutcheos land snrsor and citii enclnfter oelce adjoining j a lowat li ted on dell ttreetvooclpa rod and alsike clovor timofhtftiaksesal qlljsafa thdrley coosed crin of cic rj iirjd net iad old wjctieii bfed rotatovs orlj nud lxtt txietl guides teas omosb coem beet carrot tc bf jacket owx peck ot busbc tbejrroduci of ray uangel carrot usd turnip bed took all tbc leading j rizca at tle tormbfp bbowi last j ear i i am the onli koedbtaan west of toronto ira bartlng direct and afoidine tbc iprodto and amil couibiqttipa ceo j thorf m6onic block guelph afsbts aoid l domlnloa hoteii depotlted wlta qorerdtncot to 6ecure ctrculuwa noteeuidcbednee of other lunkl cell iod on btockt tad bondi bltncee due from otber benki government pbentaree akct lkkedttclt atailiblr billi dltcoanted bllli puconoted overdue bnk preuiliec uortte ud other ktutt toltl xuei uibojttes paid op cepltel burplui notee in circulation depoclte from public depotlu from otber benlci wtrt ibis 106 tsj 3012 s3 8 767 ia 18033 710s9 awtaj 5 0m s9s60 31mm7 221 su alafoastine a business education i a somce of wealth it wont rub off it is more sanitary and is cheaper than wall paper it can be easily applied write bonds co hardware cuecph for sample card and prices fatfrr i03t wclhren si cos climax puzzle ditzms secured fob imesnoss benbt gbi8t oniwirclxidi twenty y re prictlce no i nent no pit w hembtbeet licensed auctiovecb por the counie of wflhncton and hal ton orders left at tbs fhee pees a office acton or at my residence in acton will bo promptly at tended to terms reaaonable- alco money to loan on the most favorable tsrmi and at the lowest mtes of interest in samsof 4540 and np wards ererj younp j orson will find a tborougl business training the craieet aid incetttnc a good startln bnsidetslifo tbisac caltsfor acuc intelligent well trained belp id all departmerits of trde fboe who make tbeir services valuable bare no difficulty in atcurlngdwirablo positions where advance ment is atturod tbc demand for capable reliable cisistanu is constant increasing a i radical busineas education cot only flu oi o for a successfnl start bnt witb energj perseverance and card work leads to pros pent and wealth this la within tbo reach of eier ambitious pcrcon who attends the guelph business college located at vob j01 and 103 uyndbatn street guelpb out call or write for particulars m maccoiuirk principal w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont m e a p g w 0 y r hake i bpecultt of john day abchitect gvzltii om orrick wrcdhud 8tret micfiine finistied book papers inon geadf weekly evts n r l i dilltctioss fob clis1ax tvz7ue 1 cut tho cerd on the line in nine enutrei end trrngo them in tbreo rows so tbst up end down ecrots from corner to corner tbey shell spell s word of throe letters eight wsys 2 form s crose with the nine letters so ts to spell word of five letters in two wtys 3 iel s word of nine letters with all tbe letters 18 ft row 4 form e trlsnglo end show word of four letters la three wtys n b tbe sboro puizle is printed on ft cerd which wdl be supplied b ucleren co tbe letters k r l i sppesr on reverse side of csrd under tbe letters mm this pacele cn be solved the first person sending us tbe correct solution of tho purzles will receive 95 00 in cssh end sny piir of snoes iu store valued et 350 the first person sendldg us the nerest correct solution of the putele will receive 2j0 in cseh end iiny peir of shoes in oar vslued at jim all replies to bo sent in on or bel juno 1st 1833 all replies must be sent in scaled nvelones witb full name and addess given tot leading boot and 6hoe store win if civ co guelph kyboy lost f t hare losthim when did he jo i lfguttr i clupod urn how eoald i know out of my dwelling he voad depart ercaacibamhlro close to rar heart t lost 1 have lost bhxj eotncwhero betweea bcaoolhouie and collets lest be iras teen upcfullot whlsubg curl tangled bair lost 1 1 bava lost htm would i know whsre lottljl have lost bio cheater my boy pieture book story book marble and toy stereo la tbe attic useless they lie why should i care to much uodicrs tell wh tea he haa cose from me learlo no thru bat there 8 another calls himself mine handsome and strong of limb brilliant la ho knows things that i know not who can it bo fait like tbe father face eyea bfcck as mine step full oi manty graae voice mtseullue let btit o gold ofllfe hat one alloy- why aoea the mother heart long for her boy long for tbo tnlchietous queer little chap goonac taettionjog held 1a my lap freshman jo tall aud rite answer me tbit wherela the little boy ifokiatf good uoiikbxpliq i used t eftiecf jfamilp iuaiittj thit he was givca tho ohoica of ao silro 1 1 the batlaeh ocleanng hltfl half a an j ha hid gone from his exiled to accept position as t the co lege whero ha hia been odo by cloi a economj he hid sivci ial from h 121117 to itady foe tho mi tad hi d takea hit place la greyr earnest minister of the gospel honors and beloved ia bit choten i he had married tad ethel waa born weeki i ofore her mother died far i jrae waelu the babe had bee care of me of the memben of the chl ndh then been confided tolfjrj stone i f widow af three months tvhoi fmt ha 1 followed hit father to the gi and ilkrgaret stone had never gtrf her aia she had token tbe pls hoateke pr in mr weldont cottage taught isthe to cook tew and kuit had takmcire that her father who her tea her from abc to latin verses not ovei til the willing brain md ege tellect the organist of the ehnreh given i tbel mutio end eiaglnj leeetnc cnltivat ng carefully fair amount ot al ent and a tweet clear voce j 1 not a itil the had passed her ninetei bth year wt i ethel left alone and the to aw for her ather had been comforted by lie popil aid tticeetsor who had beea ier childho id t beat friend sharing her tin let her pit tares and gnefs for nearly i en yeart he had been at college retort ag only for holidays until ethel wat twr y onoyeaiold whea henry ifocvtlle at offered he pdipit never filled tinoe r weldon t death and accepted the cha e it wt nearly noofl of ibiday follow ig ethelt reception of the lawyer let it when si e came into hit office tendinf a card la idvince he ha4 expected to a tby wintry girl overwhelmed by ec change if fortnne ready to allow him to control md goido her pootlbly terrified at the novi ity of city life and the grand ho se open to receive her hit grave elde y face asc imed itt most fatherly and encc r aging ei one drop wa told for farther mischief- rrjakln the money wat given to hosp- ttlt free liibnrietj chanties ot virion kinds and a faad jtet aside under sir daponttcoattol a be given o wldowi tod ocpbini of dtoqkttdr or to reclaim these who are on the road to intemperance ljy noble cict i ily own ethel i henry cried i wa tare yoor own heart too eanicieuce weald gaide yoa right though forgive me darlilg i did net hope ii woald be to tooa j we are no poorer i httf- we were a few months tgo richer dear for we can ttart a home whenever yoa wiiu i after all thia weary btftineis it over ifr oipoat gave ma a tealed letter directed to me by ray grwdl father henry it win written jatt before he died and wat no to be given to me unlets i followed the teaching olmy father and refated the men iy he woald not to oept in thit lette he told ma that yielding to my gran mothers entreatfet ho had set aside five thoaiand dollars when he told his old iiatiaess my grandmother wit convinced thai evil woald came ot the new venture and thit money the ookind kept apart as a reserve when ram came after her death my grandfather still held it tpart asing the interest in hit batinett forg oqscieqce 5ake lit avm buields wai an hour and a scene for romance sentiment an evening in jane the sir filled with the prfumo of rose of cloer blossonis of all tbe tweet country fragrance in the lane where the rev he iry jdorvillo and ethel weldon walked tlo ly homeward from their ttroll that oft n made their rett and recreation after the labort of tbe day they were lovers loo 3 bethrothed for the salary of tbe mi utter of greytton wet very small and et lei was the village schoolmistress so tin had given up all thought of an early marriage and denied themselves eviry lumrjand many comforts in the pr sent to lay by a few hardearned dollars to rard the furnishing of that honso they ho ped to sliaro some time in a vague future they were a fine looking couple both ll both handsome and in each face was eipretfion that told of earnest parposa d high aim enobling their lives and pression bat changed oddly ai bnt never touching money untouched by rest money honestly and he did not the pcincipal it is the carte apon the tamed ia a basiaest that could harm no rnn 1oa will not ro tate to share thit henry 1 ithets little cottage wat sold a small but comfortable hoose taken and modestly tarnished the whole village lendfcggiftt to the ministers bride and although there jsre many privations la her life and laiarr is unknown fa the home over which she jptesides ethel ifor villa hst never regretted the fortane she sacrificed for conscien e sake how ke won trfe school teacher les said the yoang man s he threw himself at the feet of the pretty school teacher ifove yoa and woald rcfta the worlds end for yoa yoa ooad not go io the worlds ead for me george the world or earth as it is called is roaud like a ball iliehtiv flatten ed at the pofes one of the first lessons in elementary geography is devoted to the shspe of ihefilobe soamait hive studied it whea yoa were boy of eoart did bat and it it no laager s theory ciriam stances have established the fact i know bat what tmeantwas that i would do anything to peue ton ah angelina tf yoa bat knew the achmg void there is no saeh thing ae a v oid george nature abhort vacuum hat admitting that there could be tach a thing howcoold the void voa speak of be a void if there waa an ache m itf i meant to lay that my life wiljbe lone iy without yoa that joa are aly daily thought and nightly dream i woald go anywhere to be with yoa if yoa were in darkest africa or it hie north pole i would fly to yoa i fly i it will bd another century before man can fly even when the latvaofgrav itation are- successfully overcome there still remttct taya a late scientific authority the difficulty of obtaining a baftnoej well at ail eventt eiclaimed the yoath i ve a pretty fair baliaea in the bank and i want joo to be my wife there well george since voa put it in that light i- very wonderful doqs c1rakci6 ndnan bookbisdeb vtvndhsmst gaelph ontario over vvjilums store account books of all kinds made to order period leals of every description carefully boned sulla neatlvcnd promptly done ftlhe hanli barber shop hill binra actok anetsrsnave astllsh haircut agoodseafoem an ezblliaratingshampoo alwaysgiven baaors honed cetd pal in firstclass condition ladles and children a bait tastilreut j h wobdes tonsorial artists the paper mei in this journal is from the above mills wat barber bros money to lend o good farm security at a lower rate of enterest and job printing including boots pamphlets potters bill betdj circuurs ic dtc executed in tbe bst style of tbe art it moderate prices and ou short notice ai ply or ddrcts h p moore fncb pbrss office acton wellington mutual fire insurance company estxbuehed isslo isglitaixce on mutaal plan any communl cations forwarded to my address box ss or agent quelpb ttltiboney will be prompt attended johstailor a hamiltons marble works ha wilton s block formerly hatch a block tl e gore corner of woolwich and sorfolk trocts guelpb ont john h hamilton proprietor wholesale and retail dealcrand direct in porter and manofturcr of all kinds of granlt and liarble monuments tombstones etc having bad an extensive cxtwjence for tbelut 16ean tbe jublic ml rel oi retting all mnerior articles at a cheaper rate than ah othtr dealer in tbe west n h 15 i ct cent off or eeivid for tl c text 30 dab a direct order re on better terms o 4 ftqpflyfrq thau eer before offered in canada intending borrowers bbould rr te or call at once and be conwnced before applying elsewhere w s jackson real estate loan insurance aeent gijelph canada sagason1893 vi7hill rcturninp thnnki to our many pat t roni for theirliberal support in tbe pbt ve iriib to inform jou that we bave entered into an crrancernent with it btcwart guelpb to keep constantltpii hand a full stockl of tbo ordinary sites of sash doors etc and will also supply anj t cclal sites oh short notice at guelpl piicct frames of all kinds tnade to order we also letnin stock line of titie v lndpw and door cumg corner blocki c iourltjnbcrdro wijiic ion walt price fl 60 per i tbs leading boot shoe store w e uw care to keep our t rices low and quallt high we have a full assortment of ltdisa american band made kld boot in all widths we lead in all tbe noreltlm in foot wear in catering for tbe beet trade in ladle and gents pine goods we do not forget tbs children our stock is large and alwajs of the beat quality mclaren the odell type writer a on w ill bu ca writes witb characters war mated to do belter work than any machine made it combine siwucitt with dubibilitt trztv eabi dr oiehatios wears longer with out cost of wpalrs tbao any other m4whine htm no ink ribbon to bother tbe opertttor it eat bt7bttiltul nick el placed ptriect and adapted to all klndi of trne- writing lfk6 a i nntiug press it iroduces sharp clean legible mauoscrinta two or ten copies can be made tt one writing any intelligent penton can be come anopetctorlntwodaya weoflertl 000 to any operator who 011 equal tbo work of the pdell rellable agtintss and sfclestueo wanted spec ill indnccmerru to dtajers for rniphleti giing indorccmente fete suldreca odell type writer co boom 96 cnwla lifts building toronto 3 w rulherford ifgr for dora n ion pumps being i ettcr able than heretofore wo will suiply cuber wood or iron pnmps promptly all work guaranteed satisfactory i lease call and inspect before purchasing elsewhere tuosebuagg uanacer acton put money in thy purso if not alas be who steals thy puree 6teis trub bo eaid william bhakespeare and all we have to add is that a lean purse takes a new lease of life wbenilt comes in contact with the price we are offering on all our furniture vt woat quote to jonan big u per cent du count but just sek yon tolook over the following 11st t a good bedroom suite at 10 a better dns for 11 a daisy 12 a beauty 13 a dandy 14 and the best in the world 15 kext a good sideboard for ts 00 a better one with mirror 7 50 a dai6v with mirror 8 50 ladies rocking chairs from 1 00 childrens rockers from so extension tables full sire from t 00 we hate opponents hut no rivals in the furniture business we out them til and evert body knows it give us a call and see for 1 ourselves if it is not true do not boy from us acton- livery bus line the undersigned respectfully solicits the patron etge ot the public and informs them tiat well equipped and styllah riga can ej ways be beoilred i at his stables a comfortable has meets tl trains between p arn aob 18 p m careful attention given toevcry order tbo wantfl of commercial travel pers fully met ouft baby carriages aro the finest ever seen in the city just se see thsm we bsodle the celebrated hujh class ndvvcomba boys aid men8 3iovcies r will be in a little later wait for us we are ointf to put new life ta this town and it good people psrkgge rbe people s popular farnlture storo upper wyndbem et cualpfii v e pay frelgutonall buls amounting to tti ting them abovo the often vexing rontiue their overyday labors on this evening there wat a set rather hi jd look in henry ifortilles eyes and in efthel s a vjiitful tenderness at she told m ot a strange most unexpected turn of fortune s wheel in her fat or we are so very poor henry she said ter they km walked some distance in science true we are ery poor bnt what e hate is carnbd by no trade that burdens tl le conscience we load no souls to ruin 7 e take no bread from the lips of starting n others and children i will not advise y u ethel you must go to new york a id see this lawyer and i leuve the rett to j jur own contcience if it was only right to take it 1 ethel s id we ooulil do so much good henry you could he answered with strong ei aphasia i am too thoroughly your fi thers pupil ethel even to touch a dollar o your grandfather money she said no more walking silently be si le him nntil the reached the gate of the li tie garden leading to the cottage where ethel kept house with one old servant e ere they parted with a strange new con st raint ethel saying sadly i will go to new york on the early rdorning tram but henry did not as she had hoped ol er to see her again and she left him her hi art sore and heavy when that of most w men would have exulted in the news oi ly that day received that she was now hi iress to a large fortune a sum of money si vast that its mere look in figures upon p per had dazzled her her first emotion upon reading the letter tt it told her her grandfather hod died lving her sole heiress to his property hi d been one of exulting joy here was th i road to happiness she could put into hnry mbrvillefs hands the power to do god to seek wider fields of usefulness tl ey could travel make holiday for a time ar i then return to work faithfully but wi shout the necessity f rigid economy tni painful selfdenial that bad so long cr mped their livei ter this first outburst of rejoicing there cr pt slowly a cloud of mirgiving and doubt a i tinging recollection that would not be pt aside ethel knew that her father wl o had been the pastor of tho little white oh irch over which henry uorville now pr tided bad left bis home his father a lit i of luxurious ease because of this very mi oey now offered to her had seemed to hi i laden with a curse stained with sin id john uorville had mode his fortune in selling liqucr he hod owned large dn tillenes and eased his conscience by tel ing the liquor in large quantities ignor an i of its destination and at liberty to be he e it was used car medicinal or harmless pu osea he hid not inherited the busi ne s and be able to plead that a an excuse foi contiutungjtj at forty yean of age he bad been ml another business and to ipted by tbo large profits had deliber at ly bought a nourishing saloon and bar ro im adding alother and still another ai i seeing rnonky flow in exceeding his m itt sanguine expectations 3ne son alone represented the heir to this w altb an earnest lad of seventeen at the ti ne bis father changed his business the it cling of a christian mother and his fa her s idol ill the struggles of her fa heca bis were not known to ethel bnt st did know that aa he grew to manhood hi i whole soul revolted at the mooeyearned as his fathers was and that he had re olutely refused to become a partner in tb business he condemned there hod i bo in terrible scenes and tbe retolt ra tall gra za perfectly self possessed ii ly entered the room and aeknowleged is greeting with an easy grace ethel 1 a not beer lady of the parsonage mistress if school for years without letrdlugcoorti y self control and esse of manner and 1 it face and dignified figure w e m to better advantage than wh n er bupont something of t e at which she had arrited in 1 r k eyes interview uas a long ono ai i when it mded ethel found her own car age had been sent for and ur dupo t accompanied her to her bouse where eve r luxury v ealth could command lay aroui i her whe re her feet tank into soft carpe cushioned chairs tempted her to lazmes choice j ictures asked for admiration jk grand puno wakened mus cal longing aim attentive servants wated her command it was new bewildering and certain pleassnt and mr dupont wondered aga i at the aheuoe of all shyness and tbe eai r acceptance of ell the npvelties yon will find mrs carter tho bst housekeepers and she will see about mtidforvou in the meantime i suppoi f she can ram one of the house maids fojf your wants airs dupont will call morrow xnd will be pleated to assist yi iu procuilng your mournmg then 1 e left her to wander about tl house to ting in srite of her diguinsd mi neralmoits childlike interest in her ne possessio is and listening to sri carter rather long winded descriptions and expla ations with exemplary patience refini in taito and with a keen appreciation ol all her dlinty surroundings ethel foum her room with all its luxurious appoint ments a delight such as she bad never e penencedj half despising her own pleas ore she reveled in its space its beautifuj furniture the large adjoining bath room the profusion of gas burners the loa mirrors and dainty little feminine detdili mrs carter had provided as soon as mr pupont li id warned her to be ready tt oeive the beiresi petce theee cents x ihsbasd tkfac lout to besucofessful we boeidojig woman t vu for a wcetoworc and pu own it isat anj thing lje fun far wfcau jou try to thhik last joar labors jnearlvosr ou kill often qui yoj veoulj laj begun v there u boding suit ere s baklnil ttiee u swecpingd bd lining ra thouiaojio ter ihlcgs not unierttood iljsowvico t j sll andyowoa t juic 1 3tnotbetw3miiiir i c3id i s is how ii time abo j 11 w la wsi tskaa ilet vo help wsilo bohsj to 1 lcadaaa ifhougutldirymyhlad bj ffoinlcj vory qclzk itai i coalda t thlnt o ever jim j a- on e tbelirc wasilowly dying whsnrputthetakt ryin ani the cat was nttlag havoc w a the bread i bedpcparal for toes mg while the sip e tlut wis roisng waiapaythingfor th pjg lpan tue hei ivfeon i reat tt waiulio dj- l fcad the tl kc jo dry tee trout wis mccd off andon he coar it isy a pefect wreck cis awoke a penirve sih li i thought crjjn the hi py dsys c yott ireuectedonlhebllfa of dorrrcic sc cs like thj andj i coulda t hit oa snv o he- r it might be called bew hlcg t bgtthevorkdoaem the utchen it nit within the seope 4t caulruoa nis- so fd iilo to men tea this to every fr effll and neighbor thjst woaixa a werfc h never overdrawn ur respect it sacaejiinf grster for the ho le- wlfe f daily labor else trials i have latey najtrgoac theicwoes aw no ints s a ed i oc i ve been initiated ra boaad to helpthem dvcy time i cea there s a recompense ia do ng i bit eloao worth parsleg romiat loving uho- is a blcfslnj nata maa gtors i sun ifljc there is a story of t french dog whose breakfast was forgotten whereupoa be ran out into the garden a id retornlng with a sprig in his- mouth deposited it tt his masters feet it was a sprig of target rue not tbe truth o j th s story is perhaps open to question but i story almost as re mtrktble comes from a florida correspond ent whose veracity is undoubted jack is a handsome newfoundland doz every evening at nine o clock be is taken to walk by his muter who bat an orange wood walking stick which he pirticulsrlr likes and usnally carries every evening on the stroke of nine jack riaries to the hat rack in ihe hall noses about among the walking sticks and nmbrellas until he finds the orange wood stick tnd immediately after wardappears before bin master carrying it in hit teeth he wsgs his ail and dances delightedly about audi hows aa plainly as possible that he will to s broken hearted dog- if his frieud and usual evening stroll family were iu the sitti guest a shower had raining hard whea the the strokes bad hordl jack danced gaily into orauge wood stick in hi no jock said his matter omits the one evening the ig room with tome lome up and itcwae clock strack nine v died away when the room with the mouth master we asunat 614 and and i i do to night it is raw ug too hard wo should get wet just listen to it rain jack with that tbe host timed bis attention once more to his guests and presently they heard jack pulling ovei the things in the hat rack they tuppoied he was putting away the walking stick like the clever dog that he is afewmommtslaterabeseech ing little bark was heard there in the george w cbildt editor of the philadel phis ierfjer a joarnalist who does not print s sunday edition of his paper says would yon learn the lesson of success here it u m these words if has just three rounds industry temperance frugality betides these i hire dad during my bust ness career the following raottos be land be true keep out of debt do the best and leave the rest what cant be cured mutt b endured the perfect man it one who has aclear commission an honest purpose a bnghf mind and a healthy body i can t bring too great stress on tho matter of strict temperance drinking vine beer or spirits is a useless and dangerous habit it does no good and if persisted in it is almost sure to lead to destruction and death yoa shoald have courage enough to sery no if you are asked to dndk there is no safety in moderate drinking the man who touches alcoholic drink is in dinger as to sociolibirity you should try to make companions of tbe best people that yoa can become acquiintod with in order to do this yaa must have som m yourself that may be a return ro them for what tney give yoa a man is known by fhe compiny he keeps i can not sum up my advice to yonng people better than to say the greatest pleasure in life eoraes from doing good to others do good constantly patientlyand wisely and you will never have causa to say that life wasiot worth living i umbretlas tftlcksin trade sitting room door stood umbrella in his mouth tho rubbers waterproof of tho hoose and that i entleman bearing the umbrella so persua ively offered him took jack out to wal delay ioutk coiiipsni jack he had on everyone flew for tnd hat of the man without further why do so man y f eople wear glasses the question is often asked why do many people wear glsstek nowadays the answer is easily g ven la the srtf place the eyes need more help now because the amount of work they are required to do is much greater thaa at any previous period in the worlds history the sewing mach ine and many other invention of its class save the labor of tke htn is only to odd to j the ju le roseshad faded july august tnd sep ember were over and october half gone and the rev henry morviile had not once teen hit betrothed she hsd written vi ry seldom her fetters giving him very little information being guarded and he fancied cold and be was conscious that his r plies invited no confidence his that required of tbe eye oontoieno i diotating he sternest disapprd1 new employment new amusements tnd val of etl el s acceptance ot the money her new fashions arsoonstan ly being infrodac father hs to absolutely refused he bad ed to increase the strain upon these delicate not actuallv asked her to choose between and sensitive organs her lover i nd her wealth but be knew that secondly the spreading of s taste for she fully i mderstood that he would never liferaiiare and the increasing use of arfffia share witl her the money he believed to be ial illumination extending tbe hours of eye ill gotten md accursed work both combine to overtax the eye and and yel he loved her loved her with c render it an organ most tfible to give way pure devol ion be hadnot fully realized him self before these dreary weeks of septra ation 8t e had been so long bis other self that his 1c lehness bis bitter sense of loss was mdesi ribible and tbe desire to ruth to new for to bring her back oa any term i at any cost nay even to stay with her was at times almost maddenini hvery hour of her ibsence increased i us lovo even sgaiust the grow ing oonvktion of her nnwortbineae he tried to dc ipise her to set ber love of riches against all the noble qualities of her heart and mind aud failed conscious ot bis owa love at power his own temptation to grasp the riches offered him through her now for instance let us suppoie jou hate put up flo on ten ehtrw of ifenbat tan forty hino other customers have done the same that makes 500 in the bucket shop manhattan is a fairly lively stock we 11 say and it closes several poiuts higher than it opened yet you and your fellows in misfortune lose how it that i simple enough my dear fellow the backet shop man goes to a member of the stock exchange tnd tells him that it will be worth his while to break the price of manhattan one point the broker quietly sells 100 shares of manhattan atone point below tbeopempg price regardless of the fact that it bas since risen one point this transaction cost him 1200 or two points i share the bucket shop man pajs him this and tlgo mora tor his trouble thus the backet shop msn loses 1300 subtract- that from hit 1500 and yoa see he is still 200 ahead had ha allowed the pricea to go their coarse he wouldj have nad to return to tbe customers their 500 and f 1 000 more bat the quotations on the ticker show bis broker s transaction aud so the customers cant kick when their margin is wiped oat kt t oje of as remember the lira when the people went ttrroaeh the pouring row like 10 many poor dfowiid rits foe we have alwajs been ued to the sight of an umbella byt the fact is that though uinb elloa were uid in enteru lands hundreds of viirs ago bv tie rorqsns cree it persians aud chioesei hill no one had he courage to imrojace them into lnglanior this countrj fo- man yrs somi where noir the end of the suteeuth- centlry a traveller wroteoenjindaleltar sijiuvthit sonsvottho itilitni earned a liitlepeiihec csnopi oter tltir heads whicn the eille1 ombrelln maniag somelhiae that ministers fo shsjow tod shellw thcru from the lorejiin win iu a lettei from gea wolfe wnuei ioti tears later from parube sp- be u of umbiellas there and wonie i why any tbini so tftiul hai cot already bona in trodahiintoeriglind batthet were only exhibited as i cjnositjf in tv mwrrn then end no effort wis rnj le to ruinasc ture iheia sudjealj a tcrtt waravsoi mio ene day appeared o i tl e hired carry mgai umbrclu i km num ta lor reiitskhd hi coain on sen eorercsrae any feir if njioule jinuuie th- crowd he malt lute collected as he strode along not canni wjhtt people thoatht the boys jeered attwrt ttlnle the croivd icciod him of being fceucltj ibit otm name was jams hanrntj tbejoauder o mag daleni hospital he hsd ven iu persia whersj ha had fouud how very sensible people were to cirri ambre lis aul haw they administered to one comlot so on hurelarn he stw no retnn fo- exposing himself o the sua and ram loa jtuow tbere always lias to be a first lime cbildk ren and dotibje there wero nuu wait log for someaao who hid the couxoije to brtv jhe public opinion aa jonas did ai first ad tbe umbrclas were made in france and sent fa lnglaud and america and cost aj great deal of rcooet th sticks were heavy and solid like tlioe 531 see on the umbrellas of the grocer or express wsggorss and other carts it that go ruihiul about be cit the frame troflt at the top was of iraa coterei with a heavy waiedkilky the handle hid a has wofld- en knob that reatd ou the round the other eca possessed a solid nugbythioi tbe affair coald be hutij lallogelher it weighed three oc four poands compare this lumbering heat ihmg wrh the deli- ctta light sunshades and the best tyons silk umbrellaj and jouttill sed what rapid strides have been made m ibitjiue aunt kailarvie ut cfinrfiax u liorl h 1 c 1 ibo that its aid and protection are matters of great importance within the last twenty five years a great ileal has been learned alout the value of glasses and the range of their nsefnlness has been greatly extent ed as a cause quence of this and other i mproved methods ot treating the eye statu acs show that the number of persons losic their sight bas reatly diminished j when person suipecti or believes that s eyes may be benefit xl by the use of lasses tho best thing for him to do is to iousuie a responsible oculist or some one cquainted with the structure of the eje nd who possesses special knowledge in this how to treat them antlldfaskioned maid and making it ta instrument of widetpeod jfene the oculist will determine if glasses usefulness be could fully appreciate its overwheln ing attrtotiou for one reared 1a- suoh a hard school of poverty as ethel bad been it requi ed all his mauly strength bis religioas icaviction to combat the ever recurring sophistries that tempted him and bet 001 id only brace himself as well u possible to bear the separation that was so hitter for ite ho was noting upon it all his heart fall of grief an i sore pain when a fight step in narrow entry a tap upon his study door aroused hi n and moment later ethel sobbing tt imbllug laughing an ethel ut terly unlua the dignified lady at mr dupontt 1 oquaiatsnoe was in his arms ho couli think of nothing st first but the joy of teeing her of holding her fast and it was some moments beioca either of them oouli speak ethel was the first to command ier voice it was all gone henryevery dollar of the m iney mads by selling rum i would not write until i was free yoa should hat e seen mr dupont horror i i had to figl t every inch of the ground bat i was of a e the money was mine and i cold him aiuty he miht obey me and pay himse f whatever he pleased or hand over tbe b isines to another the saloons re necessary and if necessary will tarnish formula for the glasses required the fetisfaction derived from using well chosen lasses depends considerably on the fit of e- frames the lafe bishop simpsoa who was a very wiseman used to sty to the annual conferences if yoa hate a man amoog yon that thinks he can do a certain thing let him try ll iu no other wav is it possible that men ot special aptitudes should be brought to the front and made available for prtcdcal utefulness a thing that must be seen 0 ern if it involves the certainty that tome persons of overweening conceit will thrust themselves for a time into places whiehhey are unfit to fill thirteen coincidence there are a number of people in the united states who believe that cleveland would have been elected four yeart ago bat for the fact bat his was yoked with the old roainn alien g tbsrmtn this tame set of people they are a filtla superstitious of course also believe that tharmaa might have been elected bat for one thiag the thirteen curse has followed him through life look at this ailed tcrsizet up his constesrsttlon are sold and the stock destroyed now said the professor of magie i a about to undertake a feat in which i all require the use of a pint flask of hiskey j there was a dead silence will soma gentleman- la tho audience jivor me iwitb pint basic of whiskey kect the professor sdvtt cing to fhe front the platform there was no response and things were looming embarrassing surely he taid in a southeastern entucty community i ought not ta have askl ha second tune for sach a thing i ledge ocj my word i will return it unin ired is there no j- stringer pte up a toll gnant hard iatared man on the fron i seat wouldnt quartj flask do jest as wi 11 1 wh certainly i mer iy but he generoas open banded audience d rrsen as one man and was oa the way the olauorm ctticejo jviotwte allevcj thttrsfas born nor uj 1su dominated june 7 election day vov ft tnx ken biotas he was born the 13th of november 181 the words alien g thurman contain thirteen letters the words snd f gures in born november ii ifiljcontsia thirteen characters add the 7 of jane and the gvof november and yoa have 13 add the 1 6 1 and s of his birth year sad yoa have another 13 finally count the letters in the red bandana st loon llrpullu she can peel and boil potatoes make salad of tomatoes bat she dcesnt knowj 1 latin noun from greek aud so well she cooks a chicken thai your apj3tita twoult qu cken but the can not telllwhal s modern from antique i she knows how lojtet a table and make order ejat of bibel but itoesn t kno euripides from kant once at mskinrfpie i caught her jovsl an expert mutt have aught ler bat sba doesn know true eloquence from rant she uaa a firm conviction oae oaght only to read motion and she decent caw for science aot afcit 1 and be way she makes ber bonnets sun is worth a bousaud sonnets but tbs doesn 1 3eirn for culture not a whit she osn make her wraps ancfjresies till a fellow fast confesses tbst there s not an other maiden half so sweet shea immersed iu home completely where s je keeps all ihitjgs so neatly but from browulngtiot a line she can repeat intact ihet just a roman gentle md human tud her anils tbe if quite wflllsj to admit tweee footsh to have tarried ro we went off and were mirnd and i telt yoa i am mighty glad of it boston globe well lovable somathlns like a catastrophe i plain definitions the religion that ia to sanctify the world pays its debts it does not cobsider that forty cenw returned for oae hundred cents given is according to gospel though it may be according to law it looks apod a man who has failed in bank cr trade aud who continues to live in luxury as a f biel and the man who promises tb pay fifty dollars oa demand with interest tad who neglects to pay it on demand wilh or without interest is a liar i sar a funny ihmg the other rooming i in front ot the tecamseh hoase- said polteeralol a cxt pounced upon two sparrows in the road and started to carry them to bole under the g t r platform in an instant a whole drove ot sparrows in ihe trees near by- darted at the eat tod pecked the tmmals back turioasr taa cat was forced to drop one oc the birds just at she was getting the otber into the hole the sflarrowt renewed the sltaok and yelling with pain she let go ths other aal ran into her retreat trondciusdperuet why did you pui that nickel with a hole in it in the coutttbatiou box eased one mtabf another because i couldnt put the hole in without the nickel and 1 had to put in tonjethtnfj u i1001 you feel nil tired out and brokn up generally yoifoeed a good tonic hood s sariiparilla the best try ut