Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 11, 1893, p. 4

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s3ssje jtjritaaiaj rt im i i is k k j v k t a r r i mf i b rw- fje jtctinr m ftcess thrrsday may 111692 etje ttouttg jfoltis wasted thereg ft jurfiarptctqer wtatod hy will enced co who do thririce buiinws wy np in fortane row iveueu tbelr tdrrtumat nocftpiul required hut boys willi jilnckmd coue6 arcjmt the kind detiited i tlirynrstit ft boy wbobi no foir of stdy iiloddlrib work wiiodom not wiit for luck or fite wboecomis tstk to shirt who slowly tcrely dlgl tils my tliroujh rrobiotni bird to ecr and till hu grit and eoiince telt to fry it rasuy more who tikes etch echooltime leooa and nukes it all his own thai tying npuli fatare on cool foundation itona who does uofvtu for help t4 come from fairy witch or elf i but liyincholdon fortunes wheel tarmit round hlmtelf l and if it crinli and does not more with ulhli care and toll flerubi each thaft and gearing well vitb tencterancc oil who know tht lack u but a myth and faith iibniaoame that plod jsa path and patience at list wilt win thi cm and ladi like thli are jait the klud for will baoceed a co who are wantfcij janior pcrtnn way np in fortune bow notes here and there items of genarl tnterast to fraa press readers of conrsc yuu read lean cisterns ctre shooldbe tfcen to keep cisterns tlttn when water which is stcodt it kepi for months in intcemion in the same cittern it become to soma extent impure snd there should be renewed occtiionsllj it ii not sufficient to renew it ti il were by running in fresh supplies the wtter shonld rather be removed entirely atsitxted intervals sod these should not cope eel- domer thin once or twice t year eveft where no water cin get into the extern ex cept what ii cingbt upon the roof the witen will soon gather a lirge amount of dirt pirtlcolirly soot from the smoke o the chimneys in rnmy places the waters of citterns are a menace to the besjtb of the householders more especially when thyare nse4 for drinking and this not infrequently happens in section where water is hard to cet by means of digging or boring imparities often get into cti- tems even when contiderable wtchfal ness is eioercised vermin of rariona kinds find tbfcir way into them sometimes and when they do the waters of coarse boon become offensive if they can be drained and clean by an opening from the bottom good and welt bat in any csee they should be occasionally cleaned never do it never ask the age of an unmarried lady when ehe is past fiveandtwenty mever expose your poverty to a rich relation if you would have him treat you as a cousin never let it come totee ears of a rich and childless relatire that you secretly pray for his sudden and premature dis solution never speak of the gallows to a man whoso father or grandfather hat baen hanged nor of the oorraption of offics- holders to a government defaulter never impose secrecy upon a man to whom yon communicate anything in con fidence he is eure to tett it to some friend if you do insured against twins or triplets the erovidentboutity association of london england is prepared to insure married cob pies against twins and triplets paredts who desire ibis kind of insurance payjn 25 and in the case of twins they will receive 250 and in the case of trip lett 375 the officers of the association are confident that the idea will be very popular among the lower middle clacsee in which case the profltb will be enormous since the number of iwinb and triplets fa any community is oompiratitely small kcxc york tribune a writer asserts no man can matter the whole range of hnmau knowledge it is plain that he never conversed with a sophomore connected with any one of our colleges oar lives aro very much at we make them true othera may help bat may we not encourage those who work for onr good and avoiithose who seek onr injury by cleaving to hose who make di better and seeing from the ones wbo would dam age at we certainly improve oar condition if your child asks for a light in the tied room and if you notice that the little brain oonjureb unanny sights fcnd thoughts from the thedows of a tetmdarknets let the light burn bnehtly it ib a mistake to force a child to become accustomed to the darkaesj if the neivous system is so organ- iced that this forcing process is productive of frights we mnst never forget that the nervous system of a child is a very suscep tible organization and that deleterious im press ion made thereon will sometimes make their influence felt throughout the whole after life if therefore your child asks for a litlht do not refuse the trifling request mliiard liufmtntforbhcttinatisia lowh worm by rap is the standard of excellence mothers recommend it chil dren cry for it torms tiy from it a treat deal of steel is waited on lodge bworis which would have been useful m pick an bhovela i a curse islike a stone fiurig np to the heaveubjnott likely to relnrn on the liead of him who sent it neit it money rembrandt loved noth- ingvo will a his monkey he ebedjtesrs when uieape died and paiuted a portrait of it from iiuinon philip the duke of burgundy fpent much timein contriving trapdoors in his house and grounds to eoute unwary strang ers in wfttfr beneath the tettimooitlt frequently pumihed in thn paper relttingto hockvb straptrillt they are from reliable people state simple facts and chow beyond a doubt that hqods ctjres why doot yoa try this medicine be tare that yoa get hoods constipation and all troubles with the digestive organs and the liver are cured by hoods pills unequalled as a dinner pill jnlias citr was ashamed of bit bald bead and when it became shiny he con suntly wore a lanrel wreath a losq frocessioh z fm rt pon torpid iiver and m- pofood ihpieroeldeaitedicildls rrend tiyoa iir0t jti lujjguot loss of op- gffed wiaeickbmiai and rigor the public should bear in mind that dr thomas eclectrlooil has nothing in com mon with the impure deteriorating cltse of socalled medicinal oils it it eminently pare and really efficacious relieving pain and i a me new stiffness of the joints and mutoles and tores or harts besides being an excellent ipeeifio for rheumatism oonghs and bronchial compliint the soldierly dafce dkpernay became sick for hoars if he taw a hare and once kept his bed for a week because one leaped on him guard acainst cholera keep the blood pure the stomach in good working order and the entire system free from nlorbid effete matter by using bar dock blood bitters which cleanses strengthens and tones the whole system cholera cannot attack the healthy cowpetforpd pets and had at one time fire rabbitsthree hares two guinea pig a magpie a jay a starling two canary birda two dogs a retired cat and j squirrel do not delay in getting relief for the little folks mother graves worm exter minator is a pleasant and tare cure if yoa love yoar child why do yoa let it suffer when a remedy it o near at hand a con tan sportsman wants the game laws amended so that book agents can be legally killed from september 1 to ootober 1 what can be done when the system is overloaded with impurity the circulation sluggish and the stomach oat of order as is often the case in spring time there is no remedy to efficacious as burdock blood bitters to remove erery trace of impure matter and restore perfect health you can tell more about a mans charac ter by jrflding horses with him than yoa can by hearing him talk in prayermeet ing of pure norwegian cad liver oil and hypo phosphites xjmpowcritltm end jmpttrc blood u il- tey efffcfijf rttforcd to clanovx n diitan ty thlbtcxmderful rrmaiy cum i ontgkt coldm and all wtuthtg dumtt iimo rtj palatable fi muk rwpared oaly by sott bawae bellerulf a prompt care gestlekejt having- suffered over two years with constipation and the doctors not having helped me i concluded to try b b b and before i used one bottle i wu cared i can also recommend it for eicfc headjxhe erect d hukcs lakeview ont a lady says that she coald alwa3i know when the had taken just tpomuch wine at dinner her hatbands jokes began to teem funny if yoa want to buy k sell a farm ad vertise in the toronto weetty mail that paper reaches 100000 farmers home every week and youradvertiteineat tfaoaid meet the eye of someone who wants to pur- phase advert item en te of this class are n- berted in the toronto wttlly mail for five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions address the hail toronto canada some peoples eyes are a regular pair of stares c c elchabitb co ggntlekcx the top of roy head was field for several years i need aiinards liniment and now have as good a growth of hair as i erer had mub alrekt mckay wheatly river p e i i have we mrnard8 iiniment freely on my head and now have a good head of hair after having been bald for several years it is the only hair restorer i have ever found mrs c axdeebos stab fey bridge p e i j mr john anderson grassmere ont writes the vegetable discovery yon sent me is all gone and i am glad to ray that it has greatly benefited those who have ued it one man in particular fays it ha made him ajiew mo and he can not say too much for its clealieing nnd oorative qualities i while fetkitig- after perpetal motiou richard arkwnght revolutionircd the cot ton spinning indastry i few are the remedies whose beneficial qualities and real merits have made them so popular with the pnhlic and increased from jer to yer their comsumption which whilst oippiiii ilie most valuable remedial propntirs are yet so timpfem their componurf and so eky to take as the quinine winr prfpnredfrom he pure salpbttta of quiiiiiir comhiiexl with fine ghetry wine and iioxos arothntiw which relieves ihn quioinenf it- hitter tnte in 1 does not impair in the least decree the efficacy of it action upop the pfitietit wbile small dowf fretpientty repeated ftrengtlieu the pulfe incresi muscular farce and inviorkui th- loit of tlm ner- voas system and thu by the general viuor which tt impart ere leu til appetite which gives to the stomach tone and energy aad furtifjcs thetyttem kgiut all tnfectt oas 4jeemti ak for kurthrop t ly- ruaus quinine wine fold by all feeding draggists conn corns i t tbder cor ni palatal oorns soft corn i hiruocmsoocni of all kinds and ot i 1 sice areilike removed ia a few daji 1 y the ue ot pasmaas painleas cora extra tor never fails to care never caasec pal nevir leaves deep spots that are mo e toying than the original dxioomfort l a care and give p mans painless cora e tractor a trial beware of labsulafep sold by dragguts every w here poi4 co kingston proplelarf- when people beooms thoroughly clvilla i tbey will have no bones to conceal frctn their hungry nsighborc j a dinner fulmy penooa lai r eicraciitiar iloy ifler ouuktog of i hmrty dioner the tooi ncrtakgaac like a ball ot lead npon ha atamach an inatead of being a healthy aatritnrat i beoomea a poifoa to the ayatem v pattiuleea vtubla wit an wondatti 1 oorrectivea of aacb trooblea tbey oortw t acidity oped ha kocatioaa and conttu the food partaken of ioto healthy natr meat tboy ate jait the mediclna to tii if trooblcd with iddigeition or dyipepah since yon cant raard yoar halghbor i tongue pat a check on it by karding h i yoa poar into bit eara ctxrea oonanmpalov cooca ccov i throec ssldfcr tvnapu ottaowm fort uma emabukcrcsatsluialiareta fuataraillaitaatcitff aa shtlohs vitaliier bioatrits3rsaybr lots t emaiiratfiabatradorabaaudici icvcrtoau vmdmmesurats14att trottbialttreca grlcowca lcatarrr hararoaoatarrhrtrrthfabemedr itwfll msjutciyreileroandcuroyoa prfcosjeta this injoctor for ita anccewfnl tnatnunla lursiaaodcna eoacmbcrbmjohjkamisdlea aro aota oa a sturaatco to pvo atiffarfnn float efer hae du 6im i can highly rtoaameai hayarda pectoral balaam aa tha mat remedy ever made for ooagha and colda i am never withoat it in my hoam i j hibi piikcb lornerille ont extravagance does notdepead apon the amodnt of- the erpenditare bat apon ha relation to what we have toeipand drafuecs cared 6hm for yeara i wca trqebled with deafqeea and laat winter coald scarcely hear at at all on applying htgyarda tellow oil it restored my hearing and i now hear aa well aa aoyoaa mas turn cooe weyraoulh n 8 when a man makea a propoeition and yoa accept it promptly he ia uncomfortable because of the fear that ue bis not asked enoagii ohtppad haoda and lips cracked skip sorta cuts woanda and hrniieaara prompt ly cared oy vletoria oarbolie 8ure cardinal ricfaaliea hated children and loved cits when he died hla favorite an gora pet refused to eat acd soon perished j menof sus1nes3 yoa cannot afford to hare your office scantily supplied with stationery of an in fetior grade first impressions are strong and yoar faasioesa methods will be judged by your btaineae forma when the highest grade of printing can be had at aa low a price aa the pooreat grade yoa should get the best i the fin paisa job dept ia filled with modern facilities for the highest class of work call write telephone or telegraph to the acton fzsx paras the third page ot the toronto deilti hall is noted for want advertiaementa if yoa want to bay or sell anything if yon want a situation a mechanic a busi ness machinery lodgiogs if yon have lost or ouad anything or if yon want to ficd out where anyone ia advertise in the to ronto daily mail and read the advertise ments on the third page of that paper the charge is two centa a word each in- aertion address the mail toronto- can ada the neat time 3on have a trouble and feel that you mobt tell it write it down then when your trouble has blown over yon can burn it you cant if yon tell it to a friend fatnl result of delsy sicknegb generally follows in the path of neglect dont be reckless 1 bat prudently take a few doses of sootta emulsion immediately following expose to ooli it will save you many painful daya and sleep less nights confuciss it is said was passionately fond of watermelon seeds whn psby nrrj rick wo piro lier cutorta when ill was a child sio cried for cutorlc when she became- ilia fho clang to castoria whcatse had children bliocarolhemcastoria i flow to jet k sanlleht picture bend 25 sunlight soap wrappers wrapper bearing tha worda why doea a woman look old sojner than a jfan to lever brba ltd is toronto and yod will receive by post a pretty pio- tura free from advertising and wall worth framing this ia an easy way to decorate your home the soap ia the best in the tnarkot and it will coat lo poatage to send in the wrappers if yoa leave the ends open wnfayaur address carefully 8amnel richardson wrote hie novel while attired in a fall dress suit a wonderful new combination ia b starks headaohe nearalgia and liver powders nice to take perfectly harmless mr wills chief of police woodstock says a aure care every time aid farmer barrister hamilton say i experienced almost immediate relief from their use for sick headaches mr ker- oer contractor hamilton saya i con sider them a very valuable remedy and far euperior to many othera i have tried mrs oaaton hamilton says have derived great benefit- from them having been a loug time a sufferer from headaohe biucmadesa and neuralgia atraorlst hamilton saya no medicine ex doctors did my daughter any good until we heed starks headache neuralgia and liver powders they have effected a complete cure lira keats hamilton aaya yoar powders have been the greatest messing to me price 25 ccuts a boi sold by all medicine dealers jakwg powder th rial jakino powder rmst phoaphstif t or any lajoriaat e w aeuenv toronto out i am so tired la a common exclamation now remarkable how susceptible tha system ir to hslpjto be derived from a good medicine at this season possessing jostthote puri fying boildiugnp qualities- which the body craves ihoods saraaparilla soon overcomes thit- tired feeling realores the appetite porilletthd blood and in short impart fiealth its thousands of friends with one voice deofan it hakes the wtk strong k twain la fond of oats and baa one named satan another called sin oh what a cough will roa heed tha warning the sigisj perhaps of the sure approach of that mote terrible diss canwoptiori atx your selves it vna can afford for the sake of saving 50c 0 ma the risk and do nothing for it we know from experience that shilohi care will core jonr oongh is neter fail samuel clarke was fond of robust ezec- cite and wu aometimea seen jumping over bis chairs and tablet then are so many cough medicines is the market that it ia sometimes difficult lo tall whlth 0 bay j hat if we had a cough a cold c c any affliction of the hroat or laogt rs would try bicklei anticon- sarnpf ive 8yrnp those who have used ii think itls far ahead of all other prepara tiona raoomraanded for aaeh oomptalnu the uttla folka uke it aa it if at pleasant harriik the poet wa fond of pfgi aa peti and trfghl one to follow him about and to drink beer oat of a mug for severe colds gcrnj i had a severe cold for which 1 took drj woodt norway pine syran i finditaaetoellentreaiedy giving prompt relief and pleasant to take i pldttkm hantsnlle hands uied when travelling to order dinner fox three or if hungry for live and then eat the whole himself hoastn the old scotch name for a soogb the english name for the beet are for coughs is dr woods norway pine 3yruji coxbbliptioh cured an old physician retired firom practice laving hid placed in his hands by an east india missionary the formula of a simple regetable remedy for the speedy and per- nanent care of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma and ail throat and lang sections also a positive and radical cure or nervous debility and all nervosa com ilainta alter having tested ita wonderful nrative pdwera in thonaanda of cases haa ell it his duty to make it known to all his offering fellows- actuated by this motive nd a desire to relieve human buffering i rill send free of charge to all who desire it his recipe 10 ttermtn french oc english rith full directions for preparing and 1 sing sent by mail by addressing wih 1 tamp naming this paper w a notes 1 10 bowerv block rochester n 1 i weakness debility paleness anaemia 1 te are cared by sfiiburns beef iron 1 nd wine klnirds llnlrafntfor bheumatlsin pes your flfei i her own racing if you regard htr heilth ind frength ind want to keep your lome free from hot steam and smell jid save fuel washing powders and he clothes set her sunlight soap rises hencdr totcturfr ta ha b cnstdulogtapwanfclieanest m carrh isold br dmcslsts or sen t br mail ale i e t nucuino wfircn p v s tl f a quirter dollar bays at the quarter ator tv eatyfive king west hamilton on come bi iatioo the following extraordinary bar- lit choice italian peel foe jso superior washing soda for 25c excellent rica for 25a superior lanndry starch for 25c io good cooking raisins for 25c packages corn starch for 25c lbs choice mired bird seed for 25c ifonater ban good lanndry soap 25o hamilton t forfim t sis t 275 for 100 r 17s t 150 r t tu kit tin any va v kind ot t coeej cocoa wmmm etc for 1 100 company 0 incarrenttfor 25a 7 baperior tapioca for 25c 80 akec toilet8oap tor 25c 15 1 hi feat baking soda for 25c 7 niaefnp for jjc 7 extra qaslilv 8o for 24a 0 nice freeh biecaitt for 24a 5 1 oxet lucifer katchet for 25s 12 i art elecfrieboan 2so 12 i oxeaafatehet 25c it tlite 24o- sajoltoir txa coupjutt ts 1 1 r kin btraet wwt boatli side near the sank of hamilton ftsitiflton springs brings new hopes new circumstances and new id ia it also brings spring fash- io is in dreis goods silks m llinery ifantleg wraps para- so s laces qlores hosiery co sets ladies underwear cress trimmings dress buttons and a large variety of othergoodstoo nnmerons to mention to the mi mmoth hoqse ivo have purchased largely and early this season in tbeabove farjcy goods and staples in anti- cipktion of a rise and all the goodsare on the move up from 15per cent to 25 per bent so really we can sell yoa goods alt this eeason at about wholesale prites we never had larger cheaper or better dtocks of shirt ings cottons cottonadesdenims tictingg towellings linens tab lines than now inr prints are superb and the cheaper by 15 per cent than the wh lesale price we have a big stock ofcarpets and oilcloths cheap t variety of all kinde of goods is 1 trge with the latest novelties i adies and gents footwear in imnense variety and extraordin ary cheap our millinery opening will be in tie beginning of april e ress and mantle maki ng will be i p to the mark as usual c nr tailoring and gents fur- nisling departments nothing to beal thira in ontario we have several leading lines of gjods we are slaughtering tie public cannot be served chetperor better anywhere and the are cordially invited to in spect 1 i goods see them lj see them see them l re beauties itheyre beauties they beajuties i t iyre novelties theyre novelties theyre novelties i theyre cheap trteyre cheap theyre cljeap i alllast years ii eent print to be cleared oet at tieentf isjo black worstect pants to ordar at m-m- j d williamtof icit wy ldnam strset qsslph iwald strsat aiasavr co guelph will be robbed cjhicago i iribg me worlds fair ybu are 3t posted every sabecriber of jhrsatarday blade or oblofttri ledger will receive a free certiboate entiiliog the bolder io call at onr offloe ai any hoar day night or sanday daring the warldt fair and wa will looate priced room yoa wish we personally rnveatigase boarding ijooses rooms iotelsjeto and can save yoa a great deal of njonej thia dspartmsbl has a read- writing roomt baggage and parcel room teleg offloe welling mom all rftiht are absolutely free to every subscriber t atardiy blade la a highly illustrated weekly laper the chicago ledger ia a well known and literary ulastrafed ijeekly the papert most interesting weeklies extant and have the circulation of any weekly newspapers in the 500400 copies weekly the of either fa tloo per year 1100 for six months or three a for io cts send in yoar subscriptions a chicago and the worlds fair also sample sent free lo any address i j d the sattirday blade theccagjyledger lartreafr weeklies in the world 500000 aa boyce ijlsilt 5th kiatb chickgo john speight xfe son rurniture st undehthking our 8 ock ot faraitare ia now complete for the spring trade and we jean topply a tide yna want at the lowest pooibla prices wa dodt steal oar- farnitare nor i any one in its manufacture bat we pay cash for it and oan aell at law for cash dealesjih the trade wecan give you a bedroom sot complete for 14 wove mattresses for 4 sprinsypr 3 sideboards tt cost lounges for 750 1 extensionttables s75u chafrs at ahjfj pries i unqbbthklnc ineof colenscajketaj robes etc always in stock i we can give yo aa lo prices we deaire to impress apon the pamio the feet that we hare n 0 lion with any bombinatioa and onr prices art not governed by the tladertakera we oan give yoa the best the markets afford at very reasonable prices good hearse and outfit for funerals speiohton will open atnoj 13 the tar i eelet rated all fitted with the seddon or la rce tires re also have a ewcushioi pay you to see our wheels send r catalogue see our diamond frarne pi best value the world whitworthjhuma fi etsize anidlsp wheel8 h hired wheels that wejkre quoting veryjlow to clear d prices before purchasing if you cawot call i i i majiq tire guaranteed safety for irjbco the ipujkson grcetojatf n crartd trunk railway rl ati oontawitt oowonsi irfttaitwai asaesear i am bxpreas u 05aj mill i 01 cjd i mixed hpjn v bxpreaalajn mul jo t asn zzmtu i pan tliall a jn pm paaaenger t 55pjn ina afaottta ciua kjoing westt ajn and i 10 pjn ooiimbastlotsam an4 50pm 1 this time table went into sstetoo deeember lib ll r acton saw mills ooal ahd wood t jrmes brown icurcrictuaxb aia ioulbb di lambsr lath shiojlesr coal and wood coal and wood always in stock ani promptly delivered to any pari of the town at reaaonaola prloea hardwood and slabs est stbts length always oahand tsiapbonegoaunanleation dunlsm baking powder thecooksbeatfrlend largest sale in canada wt titmelr err compound elfectuar porttianetrt agretabk ldal bilious 8 -fld- s jpiii bpf a tun curt fori all hladpalm silloutiilfit ani stomach complaiati 0 cnta a or v stark hsof clrmiit ciurew utl- ismljl sailed w the r stark medicine co rajtfwbtku ijtvfljto risadaehcxeuralrlaajsdiltex kica ccrtnlc ttaraleaf ims bf aa vt avl ifafthf ptn l ooptirjht etoj tor inforasuot and free handbook wrtta te ulnrt cqv s3 bnoanwatthtw ycmx oldest bflreaa for steorlnt patents in anesiea ererr patent taken- out by tuts brottcfat set ore the pubiio 6j a nouoe siven me ot ebarte u toe larrest dreotatfohofmnr sdeatnte paper ps tat world ipitneidlr uliisuaud no irnlbstwii win ihoqie be tuboes v weefelr voe a rear iu0 six montlla address 11 vsslt co pcbuctiiis 301 uroadwar ksw fork qtr wonder in wellflndi arejjresentative fawner speaks i mrclchabn j the foucwfegjexnarkahlefaai aretolly eertined to aa being undanlably correct in ererrtrteilar fc ham uwell known ta the tioioitjr hamng resided hen vm airy years and is highly reapeoted u a man of tharetrictcet honor whoaewoxtl ia ubpodmiitborid at wfflte teen from bit letter toot phraiciant had attended him and it wat only after he had given an hope of onre that hedecdded to try fiordock bldbd bittert on the irecornmendation ofa neighbor who had been cared ata ahnihtr disease by its nee mr haan write af follows j dm gaei t uy9 of the worst tnfferert youhata yet heard ol haymg jbeen aii ydara iittna handt of too of our best doefcrs wjtfiotrt omalning permanent relief tat continnauy cwwinl ss tjk hopefflf in a few days every organ of my body wadedtheureresate3 iand torpis the heart and aors ery derangoda largelbsws lmy left in fact the lower hiai of my brjrwrm kk from a powerfnl battery m very after th wa rt2a2d tilonr immanent teeing that forfcaitonr yeu i had aa pxahskul had t ttat ineed it bnt btoto t t b0 w semarwoati thn what i have myself nuasriizra rsc wuncll0 ia60metiontlir i zrz ins lollowini t klbtimx fiftsfttism5 ptrtmtb it n tn 3 ss

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