p r 3tr ct 1 hanc of srii omot turirbull cittaaa hamilton ha1cmon us0uo 490000 h s 6tkvek aaax dreira directors job srrwi ircao wuslt wife 4 b tfiwtws ssnre po pcfats ob kavtkas dspalmthkt i specar demsits eot accnt the methodist chur6h aotok rsv joseph edoe parsonec boweravonae ffuton theews at home mostly of a local character and vary item interesting if tarn ir althct school uo rtor blhi ffund b all cordially inrited ve carry a complete stock ew lines ii silverware kogers knives spoons and forks nickel table desert and tea spoons gold ud inr watches ladies t iew dwen lq fhe7ar t2k k yoa wui find i ii onr pe tight illu clock jewellery jpectaxj wunl bring year repairing in wat charge reasonable geo hykd8 acton ont ztljri pkri ailfte ftriannge a lnjooklu bajtfvcn tt htmstho- dlsf 1trsouege dower avenoe on mon day ecoing 10th oftjuly under the eat piece of the ladies aid those bo have ittended he very enjoyable ocul at the parsonage tiaae rev and mrs edge m to acton know tfwtthe ootniug ercut will bo a pleuakiijv toatil evenjng ezetcrsloa to toronto the fourth annual excursion conducted by eremoca sunday school aasoeulion cill take place uett xhnrtdav gth jul to toronso the excursion include a ml on the itko on the etmer ktmroie tickets for the roans trip ere raid t i l00 children is ccim a special train will leave llockwood at 6 ta returning will leae ihe union station torouto at g so tbo trim will stop tt acton both going end returning the jcgatt fathers mtbdra the juelph ilrrahl etvs it wns ncuncja in these columns last week lhi rhejbtjnthy aroond navl 30nl suppllad by corrai- ints and exchangee erin td ell pnudj beea scaoa wnifi sandi dffeel ai uled ttct will be celebration at hillt bonon bitordy belfo mla idet aid boctaty at the iwhod it charch parpoie bering igrand dea ptrty tt duffenit leko oa the- wnfagrf jaly 6th moorchead of cleveland it tt the home of hit mother ninog mooed her by teegnph oa t herulneu mlchicl of htueborg died oo tjornfng lltb ini from the ctacer ior by tw u very frequently vie- lp cfttit fvee gzess th0ksday juhe 23 1893 lrftle tocal brieflets pisd tha eyas or ear of frea prat r thla week sttardtj dominion diy schoore oaf to night in acton etrtwbemce hate been down to five cenu hie week the evening trein from the wet is iovuubly utenow iheiooue1 meeting cf the ciecntue heallt officere of ontuio met in goelph week 0knlle hu jatt pwdthetamof s701 j3 tmonnt of claim and law costs re appelte mr john warren depotj reeve of ltqnmg u moving into hu new residence on liiil street single m tickete over the railwaja oo dominion day good to retorn op to the iti jalj a patrons of induatry pic uio was held in kcdoogalla grove doban yetter day afternoon a maple of peripatetic foreigners wuh a eriiily bear did the town on towday their ptofita were meagre the fine new bank tarna of measra brown on the second line were both enc ceatf oily rted icat week pottiooe of willow and agnes streets have been tornptked the pitt week and vanooa new croatinga pat in the new- tfojoot foar sidewalk from ioong street eastward has already been chrutened the lovera walk loti on satarday a ladies victoria chain with cqairrel and acorn ornament beatable reward if left at the fuzz pros office i the new building tt the tannery of the canada glove works is up and encloe ed when completed it will ie ueurlj doable he capacity of the prtetut build inga j a very interesting flower eernce and rocall wu held by he epworlh league onjtoetday eiemng re6 w brjeri audhip chncae took part in the aer vice rev coking and going vltltora varloi o and from other pereonalmotai aotort and urte churtell of fftrriiton visit ing aofon rleadt mrs shi ver of indians is a guest tt knot cbui h ifauie ifr petei mcgregor of toronto visited friends hen i on honday miss gar h mcphail of new york he guest of acton friends kri e ghrty of hamilton friends a visit lest week mils iftui brawn returned c rewsons corners last ridy evening a number of tha member i of this appointment called upon end jin hart tt the pareonage a mclctoeh of crewsous cor nere bro ight a mammoth stalk of rheabarb to town on saturday tbe stalk to the leaf mea icred 29 inches and to the up of the leal 5 inchea stra wbemei are a splendid crop this 3er the fkee pbxss receiied a efy fine aam le frcm lr a laing the other day of tl e sharpies variety the bernes are very large and rif fine flavor the ladiea aid of ospnnge prepy tenao ci arch will hold a garden party on the grom da of jdoogald if cttvish on day eren ng a fod programme haabeen rranged and an enjoyable time is looked for they evidently have brtezy tieie6 in uilton coancil the ctampwn soys the mavor ordered the constat to arrest ooe of the coancillors from tbe north ward at the coancil meeting on ilonday evening for wenttog to aak a question reffrrmg to a reaolotjon while the ma or wished to ddreaa the coonnl cboiie groceries crocker and gltas ware at t h biannvo b acton wo l knitted goods complete line tw d ic in eichaoge for wool at kewtcn t sone mills limihcuie if yoi i want firttohuagselpb stab and doors at suelph pneet t eacioe can fi i oar i rder at bis planing mill wool waxm 60 000 lba of clean merchant iblo wool the highee price in caih or trade irill begtven wu mcllodaco georgeloi o dtrrar ornca in future dr wilkin son a effiap will be open every day eicept ttedecsday and batnrda tnd the first thuradey of each roodth over the drug store act 30 paint ng and psper lianqing in all its branches orders left at the hontew receive in mpt attention carnage faint mg aleo executed in the best manner c c breioii paris creen a report is being circulate that the pans gnen which i am selliug is not pure bein miied with flonr now i with toaav that whoever origins ted or circulated such a repsrt are guilty cf circulating a downright alsehood c t hiu acton jun 27th w3 grimsby park programme tbe grinw park prograttmie for 1833 has been inoed and it it more ban oca ally attract vp residents t f the ptrk will find the- tin e most agreeably aid out be tween jecurea eicariions and entertain aflnxrd s h ulment it tlie beat a9tqiv puslic school the bo ants estimates the same as last year the board of truitees of acton pobllo school met on monday evening rev g b cooke chairman presiding j the committee on finance presented their foaph report raooidmendu g pay meullf tbe accounts as follows xt j alumon cleannic closets cuktoaatl fell fwuxlry oo bdl oulg thoidss brunt griding eco looo 7 63 ii 1 jjocre stationery and postage g lqodbjs 1 0 jfliucfcfent cartage 100 th9 muved by ttjomae lltrdicg seconded by georeennds that the report of fiuanoe committee jatt read be adopted carried tkvmportant matter of tbe estimates of the receipts and expenditures of tbe current year was carefully considered the committee on finance presented their estimate as follows ripewjituret ulttiot fuel insarance ew bcliool flxturet lleptlrs interest coutlnccccles deceiits govcrument grant uunicipsj aiiefement 1s0 us 03 6 75 ua oki 00 to co j soi co s 151 co 1s50co mmco moved by geore6 hynds seconded by james mclamithat tbe board request tbe municipal copucil to provide the sdmbf sixteen andred aqd fifty ooltart tot school purposes such ton being the eat mated requirements of lie board for the current year carried the bosird ben adjourned woorslwting yarns in great variety oj bettjmaliy fn jnetnge for wool at nawtodseboot ltiiinsenogse the meaions of acton and georgetown hit been relinquished by the jesuit fathers aff this city it liss since beftu learned tjmtt outlic alio iikb been ctven up by tl which fact tvas announced to that ooi ration on bundav to their deep retret the members of our ledyi congreiptioa will be pleased to learn that this will not necessitate the removal- of the lathers from this place acton cornet band a serenades i during the rast couple of wiksthe bind has eiteu several dcliitbtfal ipen air concert winch have been enjoyel by our citizens lieu eveimg they hat rmtad t numbr of citizens on mooiay even ing mr sod mrs john ctmerocfwere ser enaded and they hospitably arertained the members mr 3 c hill leader dotiret thefcia pira on behalf of theband to ten der hearty thanks to meters j warren j v keunaiftd jf otineronr of cmnnlkrt j e corry for lietr lberaliaunbiiu0m la all f25 0o rsltan temperance socetf t nlon the annnal meeting of halloo temper ance societies union was held in miilon lust etiday major dice presided and representatives were prefcit from vanou points m the county ateasrs t will lams ilrancis r j tcnabb and albert laing were delegatej fm acton temper ance union tbe ootfcok was fully can vaased and it was decided to make sys tematio effort to secore a large vote in favor of erohibition m the plebiscite to be taken at the next npuicipal elections a meting of the uuia willjje held in acton on the thud tbursiaym janaar a word for itakfa soft camp niagara res broken op oo j3atnr day and tbe vanois battalions left for their homes the caop wts very succeful the work well daie by the menaniofficert gained ranch expenence by the instruction which they has to give the toronto avir csjs aotwitbstanding the nrtiie that theblst oref btttaliog received from tbe minister omlitfaft is by no means certain tfcat irwrn win the gtowekf csfl the slat arl aopeoor esomoers and pi ysijue but for cleanliness and smart drill they err inferior to the 20th lome rifles of hon the rradessbiidl past letr tbe liicvof the traders bank seem to have fallecin pleasant placet for the year jnst closed not many banks can point to so hilhly creditable a record in a brief eight vraes of ensterce and the very satis factor cmiditiou of the bank a xluaocee in t penodof marked commercial depression attests he keen foresight andijonndqess of judgment of the board of directors it will therefore be learned with no small measure of satafaction that the retiring board were unanlboasly re elected the net prottti for he ear are 5c1 194 and the total resets el 7c4 706 the increase in de posits amounting to f g57 010 eioeeds that of toy previous jear although the rates of interest paid have been lower than former iv the mjcaement may therefore be ei cured for congratulating themselves on the excellent state of affairs set forth in aiothcr column lev dr psions visit the people of acton aabjvicinity were fptcially privileged monday evening in being permuted to hear rev dr paton the venerable and succeseful missionary to the new hebndrs dr patons time is so fully taken np that places outtide the cities and larcer towns are rarely visited the conrresation was very large and listened wifh undivided interest to the history of tbe remarkable work tmoug lba aancihal islsn2s of tbe new hebrides group the murderous attacks of the savages m tbeit barlarous condition and the marvellous change wrotrgtrt to iftelfdltracter when thelraoe of god had touched their hearts was vividly portrayed there are now abont 15 coo converts to christianity and tbe people are calling loudly for mission aries in many quarters dr paton s address throughout was trighiy instructive and calculated to torbtijutnuvlslnz micsiodary aeal has entire being seem oeotred in the grand work of evtngalinng the thohsaods still in heathen darkneas in the country referred to a liberal collec tion was taken at the close of the meeting a considera nflmbtr o turtors from the surrounding country were pcesetit rockwocld to ik farewell a very oomplt- tusntaryi address and parte of money were presents- and a pleasant evening spent the eagle farm hta been told to mr danfel tpwnsend slmonville for t40o0 rev ii r hrt preached his farewell ser moo last sunday to a laree congregation his remc val is generally regretted misses jennie snd minnie meteatf of gualph jwnshlp were vituort here over sunday mr hmry townseud lias hit cheese making ipperatus in full blast and is turning oit first class cheese now tt medina oi mr hngh made acton ohechome haturdajv cameroa of point edward rat n town k few hourt oo bti ardiy mitt wngi it of porttge la i rtirie wax a gueat at tha home of dr uren daring the week mr wetlef tod miss emm cook of sited acton returned ednesdsy oeorqetown tbe ildd did he town prond on sttar day and didnt we show up well that new ofmatn street looking southeast would grace city the descriptive mat er is good and georgetown will no doubt reap much benefit from ihe ifaifj efforte n mtkic the place tha subject of au unitrated edition t itev d a moir the now pastor wilt preach his inaucural sermon here on run jay rev a j irwin b a of korval arrives thi i week and oocupiet the pulpltt tl hit circcit ou sunday for tbe first time 1 a numb r of oar citizens tttended the 0 e convenlion at acton last week knatchbull on thurtdty june 22nd mr george dredge of natchbull raised a sue bank barn 0 bj co feet mr jas logle is ffamer and mr wiiliam ltmg mason tht auteivs tfp captained by messrs john i vine of e dom and duncan mcphedran of brookvillz tbe former coming in away ahead his side having their plates and n iters up before their opponents got their pirllne plate in place after the raising w u over the youug people hod a game of bttebtll anil foot ball bo let us ing long live the queen and george long live he and wbenbe uext doth raise a barn may be there to see mrs lsnfiili is putting anew roof on her lionse md mr john anderson patting ap a fine woodshed so khatchbull la getting qc to lively sgain the sprint wheat is out in head alto the barley haying will be on in another week armers a otkville arp oakville d fruit growers in and around bewaring theiiselvea for all their fond ho pet or sf heavy fruit crop this- year have bet u dispersed at one fell swoop the storm that struck the town sundsy evening abont 5 oclock was lesvier thaa any in the memory of theoldestinbabttant trie hailstones came down in a fast and futious manner and completely depleted ibei trees of their store of youu fruit tie the st swbernee for tbe toronto market will bs more conspicuous for their for their flavor during the the road to the pier and re road near tbe bridge were absence than ing week lake bh tlitl boih b washed outand made qqtte impassable for vehicles almost the entire fruit crop wai destroed the delevjtes from oakville to the christian endeavor convention at acton last week speak in high terms of the char acler of tlip oonveudon and their reception at kcton i rev and mrs craig loave uext week for montreal to attend tbe great c e con vedtioni milton the counci is about to return the new beli tjbe rev mr gillespie formerly of the u church mansewood it on a visit to bis- many fri mds in milton and bcotoh block j a demonstr ition will be given here on dot union day under the auspices of the mil on firebrigade the programme will continence at fo a m a monster call ion headed by the bend will parade tbiottgo tbo priacipat afreets to the agricultural grounds where a baseball mch will be playeej by the campbelinlle andlmiiton clabs the afternoon wdl be taken up with games and sports the anniversary services of knaxchurch were conduct on sabbath by the rev d j maedonnell b d of toronto asocial meeting was held on monday evening at whieih addressee were delivered by ear j pitajering and rev p t mignot of milton rev w j clkrk london and rev d motaviab toronto splendid mouc was rendered by tin choir assisted by a if gome toronto tenor and robert elliott baritooe judge bolder acted a chair man the attendance was large shorove hj r mtgee preached his farewell rer mem hens on 6a bsth morning mr magee wiltilwiys be i indly remembered in ash grove and bat t le best wishes of bis many friends for fad e success in the futare 3tbbh school will be tt 1 oclock p m ind church service at half past two although the evening was rather cool the garden part y tt mr o p prestons was i tuocest the program wa well re ceived tad ep atlly pprectsted were the- effortji of miss mtrgaerite evan eloca tioniit of torot to the proceedt were in- the nlfghborhoe 1 of fio a tardea pirty in tid of st johnt charoh 8tewtrt awn wat held at jhe reti- deneej of mr hi uh marnton of his place laateveijing 2hh jane ivo paint were spared to make this the moat esjoytble one of the seaao t comlog and i oiug jmist annie hall guelph w the guest c mils ida hood itataeetv mr juo bhankt and sister hornby and mies barbara holmes georgetown tis ted at mr h nnojt on so aday mi w jessie mcdowell vfeiled miss attended t pfcnls at f mfat mary fnends aniiu lorne brow iridgeotdjtgb hu been he guest of near i imagbj st week alexand r par oi sttofdty mitt lo dictfi ritome ume ballintfad sunday mr and itrt jobn cameroii from their be id tear last evening mrs win i imitrect left ou monday for glovcrsvtlie i y where she wi t spend a week or so wit i relatives bev f w iloiirhrake of mi ton won he ryerson i rise at the recent victoria university e animations rev and mrs joseph unnorth of toronto spenl several days daring lot week with frli nds at churchill mr f kich is managing direc or of tbe canadian geieral electric- company toronto has b co iovltel and tl horited to sit tt a mi tuber of he ioternttioatl electrical coo rest of 1893 at chicago rev and mr bryers of bhedd in hare arrived m aoto i and will mike tl is their future home lev mr beyers male many friends in til denominations da fag his pastorate here aloe years ago an 1 be la heartily welcon ed a a citizen on i ii sides the brilliant city editor of the guelph erad mr joi eph p downey la it moo day became a b inedict mfit kell s cogli ian was the fai maid he woo if y their path through i fe be strewn with horn less roses v at the midsunmer examination it bis hop strachantj school toronto misc augusta cook o itained the price for music and blackboard drawing she was also one of the number jelected to play at the pablia reception and rendered very credit ably a sooatai by mozart rev dr wild formally reaigied the paatorateof bonastreet church oof auday he will preach his farewell sermon next sanday he will travel for a year for hta health the finance committee of the charcb meet bit week to make an effort to raise ihe monffy to pay lis em an of salary the fmrr ptzs it inreceiptot caioord and unmnl lard 7 ivutte monthly journal j edited by the conn test of aberdeen who is shortly to graoe th qor ernment house at ottawa what c astoria castorla is dr samacl pltchera pre cripf on for inaou ttndcbllclrotu it contains nctficc linn llorpliino nor otltof karcotla cnbstaflco ii ii ra loss gabstltnte tot parofjorio drorxi doothtj ctt pv a rid castor ofj it la ploasanfc its rjaaraatco 1j t lrty jcora xuo by mlliloaa of mothcn costoriadcstre 73 wjimsaud allays forcruoncss castorla provenf 3 v mlfl ip eour curd cores diarrhoea nsd wind cokc ccutoru rcurvoa teatbine trottlilcs carca conotlpaf oa t nd flatnlonct castorta cisimliatos tia food riz tfitc 1 tha ftomacn nntl botrols frlvfnj ttealthy odl stn al sleep casw toria lt tlio chtldraaa ltnnaoosv th uotherii friend i castorix father of twentyfives m01ctov n 0 june 26 there old gentleman tving at amherst who has 2b children the eldest years of months age and tbe yoaniest progress it it very important in tins tge 0 vast material progrei tht a remedy be pli asmg to tbe tasto and to the eye essiiy f acceptable to tb 1 stomach aud healtii it nature and effect possessing qualities syrapjof figs is the ooe laxative and on st gentle diuretic 20joworth of other tedfefnes faftio but i bottles if hoods sarsagartlut cured it u with pie isuro cut i tell of the gveat benefit i derive torn hood s rtrupirill for 0 yeari i iiive been badly ahueled v ith erysipelas breauiz out wll 1 running sores durtns iot d iliave sometlmet notbsea rbletu use ray hubs for two months at a utae eumrnr motitlw ruletuusemyliu beuis rutuecd to one bottle lilt sii tui eommeneedttjiuglti sot two bottles more h so much 1 etter them luring the houscworv and t heart sarsanaritttijrot a jok sonuner was able to do wall two mites ione for ill years think i ipelas andjreconunend any to use sarsaparilla done more far me than ijoq which i had not am cured of cry person so attllctc hoods four bottles his fox mltoflstttsmi monster of other n sdlctne i tuink it the beit own i jttur h d yfr i purine- ki cli street co nwams n b hooo s pit l8 ear llvac ma coast amxus siefe hssaaea to ancient c rder of foreetera demonstration city dom i ckzutlxthx df atjelph ox nton day eatue jirjolytatmb uader the aas ileeff of soath ferssterai ge 6860 a o f ml so a grand parade of fort it ers will take place rrom market sqort to its il- bltioa ptik md w ii be beaded by tb watarl w and doth battaua banifs and visiting bac is in order otfroeoa ion tfaefollovhigwul bi few of the attract cms lacrosse match and dogs bicycle drill by sbenroodlosdett ea under cape wtlti clarke a raeesfor ifen boys foales oftvareihlwttin i bigulaod cadi tf lew mlaijat unitn com setltion drill for uio javenili corpc uid adalfc corp li- tidet 1 loagtbr prt gnmrns of iports aflmirilon 45 t mtt cbildren ander li att la tbe eroflfog t ia waterloo bfld vfll glf ooe o thetr celvbi utsd promenade concerts a number of til bla prcwu vfll be glfia in admlafon to eoooert 10 cents i a- king jhnai8klth cbeirmeii sccriuiy ntrelietcikennicla outorfi is u ciocllc3t ndivi fc- chm drca itothas ho nztny uh mo et its fiwddloct opott tfiarfrctlljfcx d g 0 oaooo gutoritt is uia botf temy fcf ch idpa ct 1 ich i am ccqaaaiod i hops t jo j is rot fafoirtaatrhimaithhcrawnicoatujtwrcsi atercst of lclr cuurcnj nffl a dstoriiii- kteadotuiatitioumixi3cknoscnsitvhleiieta cftxqjta their istod osej brfcclasorfinn mtjrphlne oodloij fyrup ead ciht i iifcl tai dotm tltelf throtus tiicrclir r cfma to pcmata crarec dz j f kntcrtlqx coawzj- ar r known to cistorix cade- ijt3trltctiedt3clreneht i lcj porlorioaayittscrlntioa i it a aectits if d l co c xferu x erooura s 7 crpl seiuu a tio cblldna s depart- nct jur riceu luyy c uict eipcri caco fa d r outaijo pracilco iihcztati cd cjtho i wa 00i7 have ao ncdee ft fb bat b knowa as rer 1 rodactaj irot fwa la eoees iufuu ncrta cf artoria tai run cs to look irith favor cjoi t ho inwa aae dtsreysiat beaton xsaa irrar c sjcmz aex tkt sam4swnr company tt hur sfa iot saw texh orty elg new merits order a factory jusl finished iis watches tock lade thfe ot watch move- 1 to our special elgin watch received well reliable timekeepers safageco j iwel our carpet trade has been a perfect marvel to us this season being the first season with ever so many people not knowing that we keep carpets with the awfully upset condition of our premises carpet sales have been simply phenomenal over and over again have we sold to people who have look ed all through the trade and then came back to us beautiful patterns and low prices have been the attrac tion par excellence xs we are making a complete revo lution in our prenjises bringing the carpet and fur nishing department i down frorn the third to the lower floor we will offer for the balance of the season every piece of carpet at a big bar gain we are importing heavily for the fall and want to clear out ewry piece in stock now lace curtains also good at our clearing prices and we have hundreds of pairs of most lovely goods to choose from e r bollefit co 25 4 27 lower wyndham st gtjelpii to look well ha sited a occai and is prepamfto and estimates or all oxseute alildn sof dbk88ikc ers guelph new planing mill i aim saa and lioor factory johnca ercjn contractor sited opt a bnlldfugottualnecnet lately sled act i onlc factory with new maeniaery prepare to fan usb plans- specifications qrsrmcr up business ml ouxgreit stock must go aft aiw prise thousands of bargain stil remain t this sale cannot last forever but while it does last you can 3uy a good union carpet for 35c worth 50 other carpets wih go below cost you can have curtains below cost you can buy floor oilcloth- english make t jd 45c is a common pnetvfor canadian made delay is dangerous 12 dozoc lisle gloves will go quick at ice 15 doz black silk gloves great value at 33c 20 cents will bijy them row i 250 parasols any- color at 75 cents on the 1 take advantage of this great sacrifice sale 5 doz ladies biouses just in to be sold ata loss 10 doz leatherbelts can be had at cost 1000 doz buttons for 8c regular price 12 and 15 cqnts 5000 yds silk braid for ic per yard 10 doz corsets at cost watch for new list next week i eerytliing must go j cash 01 fradj no credit s4 h- 1- r b jewvn c01j 1h1i aud main streets act0f the auldjr high wiieel-higk- speed tuezcelled in design quality of mater ialand workmanship durabil ity esse of operation and cleanness of out latra mower 1 i i uaxufactpiedbt the gowdy iifgco ouslph grind6ll si bright jut sashes dodk and frame atcbiko and mooldrkd smxaor windows and door u plans- specincations claasea of bullduigs and andl re nod lomoer and keep a sto oa ba id all order prombuy attended to johk cameron acton talian peel for 25c bapen waiting boda for sssc a quarter i liar buys at the qatrter stor twenty five k ie wejit hamilton on come binaflon the ollowi ig extraordinary bar gains 5 lbs choice 25 8 eiiellat eici for son 6 super laui dry starch for jio 10 qoodc okiug raisiut for lie s package irn st irch for 25a g lba choice itixed bird seed for 35o i monster btys gocd laundry sotp 25c hamilton that i w 20 lbs t six lbs any coffee cocoa t for 14 50 t 825 t 275 for 100 t t t i7s 150 l25 kind of t eta for i loo company 6 usa currants for 1 25c 7 superioi ttpioiafdr 25c s5 cakes toilet soap for 25c 15 itjs bertba ingsodafor 25c 7 biueiog orl 25c 7 extra q ahtv baafo for 25c 9 kieefri ih bisfcuit for 25c 5 boxes lucil e matt hes for 25c 12 bar electr 1 goap 25b 12 boxes mafci a t tljsteaj bank of lamlll t v hziiolitox ttia coitpajrr 13 st king gtre t wear south side near the s02 ia hstmiltoa qro kcbnts acton sries nd j cro6k3ry charles co r have just opened out a fine new stock of fresh and seasonable groceries and a well assorted line of crockery glassware etcjand desire to inform the public generally that they intend selling goods for cash at a very small margin of profit i call and inspect our stock ask our prices for staff goods required chahes oo mrc secords block pmre mhite for hellebore i destroying caterpillars crude carbolic acid phenyls copperas and chloride of little x 1al guelphjsonr for disinfecting purposes g smith 5t op dispensing chemists no 12 wyndham st m6r mamts it is goto to be hot now to that you will reqifre goods suitable for the summer aud holiday sei on wise women prepare for tbe warm dsyaj that are sure to come by buying their v h dress goods now tbe assortment ot them ii past telljoe in a newspaper t t magi see hem sufficient here is a description of i omn crinkle check and strfiet til scotch goods kew scotch fanoy c ueeed and slripsd qlnehamt and printed mull i alto a large co ction flouncing em older i more he retait of good judgement and taste than mere lavish use of money my stock ot boots shoes is adapted to fill be wand ot bore who having slender income still desire to make their appearance creditable belts my experience and close relations manufacturers enable me to present a i line of with i footwear unequalled in the county for style quality tad pnoe j wot wauana i i aoton dont neglecseeiuf fanoy belt tome like a whether of leafier fli in addition which have ooi large t ephyes fane lies fsncy printed silkalioe muslin soluble fe r blouses ftocy fhife ground sootch muslin withwi ven colored spot ot white lawn nainsook and indian mot for ladiet and children dresaea ins deep swiss oor assortment ot othiug fioisbes off a cos- itty nd well fitting belt r i lbbou or metal bel a we have a nice assortment of isttel inen and bigporses complet seasons hamilton 3 le intoureat favor ind most i a play of ioods v how abont white chamois gloves white kid gloves wht e ribbons white parasols white ties white blouses whit shirt waist wi ite dickie white frilled front it it white in canvas belt or white n othei fathiooablegoodtl if so we have tajem for yon hew and 80arce goods jibt received new style very cba xuing in zatdlh ssllor haft covered ire ftnoy trill- insbot8ilk paraaoli cream milan gloves black and cream silk irish point ltee new dreas trimming blank and colored bilk vilvet hoptaoking draa goods eatamine new silks inolod- ing pengee borahs rysuhne ind he travelling bdgfi fashionable satin daohpta oar steamer or driving prices are more con vinclng than words i satisfied customers are rood advertisers gentlemen we havsaurga assortment of furnish ings at moderate prices whit and fanoy vest neckwear in pleating variety braces special lot moeb let than regoltr prices neglige shirts pretty detigna onr own make white 8hirt in ou own make from loo each a special white at tflie esuh or 8 for fiio fmttoh balbriggap underwear bummer weight of natural wool under wear to alt sixes t lot 111 1803 carpets beluiiful qualilu in wiiton axminawr tod ntoqiotie otrnetl have beenmsrtrd dowi tovery low prfoes style art very elegant tad are jnrted in uklng art shades ni arly a doaen different pattarn in these pile earmttto snow yoo brnsels and tapesuy jajuattpeoitlprioe canswegtocladlngtaelatorita furniture protector ainted window shade turd curtain pole id grvrarity 8peoial sal 1 xhq goods formerly ottered in the barpib rootof have been removed to t je different departmentr oa jhe grptmej floor cn- find drees goods at 2d ind 3io which sta formsrly told jtpm lots otgooos at very sp cial prices stttplrj watto njr idi entrtncetotbebightl bote tmtiaoi tbe corner wklnjii