Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 1, 1894, p. 2

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t- i- i rr dtimntv in ksuiuialdg nit tiimulay jjnl octw bur the wfuuf altm 1iitililt of aoli uiicn uf tin a miilr hi hi baa wig toyl hi i nil luuithuir n win limit if dnwiito llfckiikiiinw al ilm uarsntlsun llvnr r rot lu iph tif rhurodsy 1 oo lobar li llio ulnar ql thubrlrle joliu krftoii nl i omnia la may lii of 1te llr muiidnrinn ktattiibmoaiiaiia on welnoauy ool jlth t iho real loriee of lire hrlilo a failior by ilia llirv dnvjila mnlr h t 1 brother in law ol llm hrlifii itwl by iiib itev lr iarknr ariliur m kuttlmws tn llty a fourth lthltu r of llr joljn i adam all of rnmu nihn i tun is in krln mi monday slui on to i or llaltlwln ortniii ajel lit oors ti wodnowlav imllioot litua at iiraytnn monday uctolifi- j ootl j year anil ill htlni i is limit on tunauyott 10 isllii a mi in webslnr beloved wife nf noah hunlo agikl rim yosra mtdtisai ii in aototi octulmr htewart infant alii aiitxl 10 moiitlii of i ii million iain at hliorluu on krlrtay monilni ool nlth kllsahlialti widow il llm late haiuuai mislu utma nil nan ay 7hlli roar of tili lie a great convention tht 700 dologotob dollahtfin with ttiolvvlbltto thn bo nut i fu i v clty of bellovllla tmany helpful addresses the twenty nlutli annual oniivemlmi of llm kabbalh hclioil association of ontario held in urldgo htrect c hiirnh ilnllcvhie inst week waa perhaps tlio moil successful end inttfnly nttomlctl in tiro history nf thn aaoocliuion tholirotfrbuiuio wa nun nf great internal and profit tbo dolrgminn wi iiniiinally isrkoond representative the weather was ttumiiritliipirmxih win in thn welcome cxtcntlfld by llm city anil llm lionjiihillty iliahiniunlliy ilm tilttuin wi rt sincerely cordial and i njnyalilu i ver tiling seemed lo toiilriliuln tti tint mirrcnn of the convention ami front llm armiil nf ilia ofiloorh and exoeiitiva on monday muni iiih until tlio drparliiro nf tlm uat deligate an friday llio city ami ie rulcnn ii public oflleo mid in prhntt spher wire fllvoli ovi r 10 lhfl cnjnrtrtlnnipfit nf tli- army uf hundi holiool worltm i iho flnh woro iromll hyiiift tlio rhnmiaii liomia wcro onnti tlm railwaju froely carried tlicm llm cliuroliin wor6 t linir diapoml tlio cntlrtn invitcil tliuir proaonim anil i lie tiowhjuiimra in kimlhtbt jorma lmioka tlio ally wuluuinaaiui fooil la il any uudor tlx n lliat all worn in iho iint lu enjby tlio convmitinti and lo jirojlt from ila evrry aaaaion 1b tlio drurct nut divijljjwi wliy etcry dulrgnto returned liumo with the very kindaat cinrcabiona rlbjicct inn llellovillo and iu wliolo heart tiple atiil nuartiiij hint tiny had mjnyrd tlir viai lilhlily a local dally tumcttrcd on durinft tlm rafljnd minsin inniuh iiailih with rwl hiuliluutuiululiluiitu tliljr otj driving with ii nunttu- mutty of it alroau urn htindcd nnd otilo krif avou ovuejiri lied wftti ikianilful tfiaplo milt utlirr attrnnlltn alindu rnrn ilia vouiifl iity hjia tnimeroiit nlntoly rtaldoulia nnd man huiiiu lio liotim to tlm jwiiani nrru than urn lo bo found in inotil cltiim of li u nil nil nnd puhllu build lufli it luil n full flhmx 11m jnu olllco nnd itj hull uiul uul prumimlill lie u llm loftj coik luwur of ulu rij ball u lit up itt lljjlll tlu dial urn imi mluii iriioi down iho luy ijfljuinti nnd la a hi knniu inucoii to iimniiiiri liiirruij bomiuiird- hullo villn la illiuiiiiklly in win t n n jwl of burn iii hun l hiuit i tlcrl nlbt uiu jnttru lliilm u 11 m1 illlotillo iliihilkbt i iutrti lb inurlo itihli tiitiun fur lie hnf mil ihtnili ban no rx tduuku iibi of uiiimhif jimt imijoiiii the cily liiiilu i in kiji uf lltllovillo vilio tin ml cuilluill nhnutaia hlfjhly und ftvl i im it in lulling iji fii umijj uf thtlr bttidculh luivn xwin iliatllnttoii awd in luium in iibnrlli mi i ntuli vn u bu in na uiitri itolluwllo rmikn wull i ui ii u tunn tv hob nub nul rutail n iniibur of important uiiiuiifiiiuiii a mid it uurruuud nl by n fnrtilriiiuunil community it u tht maiklt lown for a wnlo aro luiiuhlhuli i iiiwh tb iimiuriiil hin taking aienqs advice mr thomas adams tclub the happy result that pollovbd u wa sufrorlnu itrom a bovuro attack of nhaumotlsmwoulcj hvo glvon anything to aocurd rbllorhow a curt wot hrotinht about i llirnril ttnrlor a ttiw nviremont in reniect to lite re covory of mr 4i0maa adma of bt uoorko will no duiibt bo of cbimderauo itilerlwt to biilfnrlii buiuamiv in onorml and particularly to uimii who may profit huuioivbkt by tbo ixihiiinen licroniaftcr t fnrttl llrailami niuuu uibmiir by ljrailo and roidea nlxim a milt caat of kt jcort at pre it b i iporfcljn tba patton mill ami i f known and ru w poo led lu tlio tit fhl nuaj lit ordf lu kin all tbo infurni iti u uiblo couocrn hill the lirouiuntatiliit uf tba curt a repre oirtallvc of iijl t uiti prcxlod tbithar o inttrnttftbto tttr rnir mr adarna was found at work inl mi i he i a man of aliuut thirty llvo bualtby anil vioroua a man whom ofin would not auapcot uf imviok auy ailninut wbon interview lie clitor fully mado ilia following atalamoiit about three ycara ajjo when at work at my trade i pantracuul tbrooju oacxpm- milton iw i u b u ii tun in whiili nonfluad ma to tlia bousa fur throe wooka during which lime i no to rod tbo moat exoruoialink pain bctn hardly able tj movf i wm bo bad hat 1 could not liu tlowu ban jutl to lol myaalf fall into hoi when attamptink to rim i had to turn over ujioii my fco and crawl up tbcro beliih only one nmitiou ffom wliu ttir ilankjjf ifattlilton aiiibaritp- iravo comniciicfhl opcralloub lo rubglld thai bank hern by maiinu it two fmlwiivr and iwehn lonrtor with an additional atorey in bright and iaut kuoh front maator newell abn if ur w j nawelft near milton fell of thn alraw ataok oua iny lait werk anil broke hi collar bone v i hern will lie an at iiojiib at air- law tbo rcatdence uf mr wm ilowa all lunula next good proraminp will 1m rrnllrrrd i jualail lirolilosi inipular ea m 1 i habccii aecured one of the pcakcra at tba harvest htmio aupiwr to tra ulveu in the mothodiat hunh nil the tmniiij- uf thanhitivui l- vl a full mettim of llm ut j cm btudeuta of ictona i ni orally toronto it f luhoc pf iajcrmo noa elected iccaideal of tbi laaa biia- hrhacon of milloni wan elected mntloal director i ha anuubl mooint of tlia curllnu club w at tujld toil week wlion lb rottowtik o flicer a w r l oc ted for tbo cuauinfi oar mijur alccoriuin iatron wra mcfol loin ialfonebi judge binder 1rciilpnl it h iorter ice trcmidant john j lead and p w campbtll keprakinlatltea itev it hoddow liaplain jubu 1 han i mint bo y trarna tt henderson co acton agents fur tandartl patterns iicadiuartirs tor all kinds of staple and 1 nine dry goods mantles millinery boots ac shpesj boys clothing and groceries you do notr hood lo tro toquolph with the ooid weather we ire now having cornea the n p wwwwe e i big ningc f ladies and girls cloakings and mantle cloths the ire of correct v les and marvelous cheap our stock of read made mantles is complete good stlcs good its and low prices our values in ladies underwear is beyond comparison range of boys and mens iinhrrlnrhn itftnvtiyatff watches repaired a p symon practical watchmakor- nnd jowollor ntartcil iiiiihh in acton and it nrnparpd to lvn hu moat aroiul permonal attention to rniairinu watchea clocki jawallory and bpeoliclim all wonk wannanted a p 8ym6n monljy to loan fallu ut vlllaun irnmrty al rii ual id ri apply to itj rain wanted illf titiloriflin1 la iroiarnl to lay ibe lilkl rub rim fur til kind u brain do1uiradalluoarlniin at g t it llaiuu actau john k collinriuyr hwrt wntoi apjlyatancn du uckkaol v thunatlay nulmulh 1 w notes and comments oftbrllti nf ij k ii iijuy all tlu ivl kaiitaa uf mi uttriu uw witir front 1 bu cnmmuriiiu fiiiturun uf linn lucatuui aru well kvaloyhl ulidu ibo h nido in moat ultractivu during lliarauuiiiior muntlia a innrnitijt curuou dnwt tlm bay fi hollotillctu iii ton and tht i ski on mountain m unit of thona duligbtful in i lie iltlkidoj ilea in n l llavor penile iiirr nir thn h liy np for winttir nforoncc dollmlk la tliubcad of one of tbudivihlnmi of tin rand i runk liujway and bna til mm branab line ruiiniiifi out to ibe mentor ami mammm kill iiiiiilb i h 1ruii tout au imhtl in bin work by an attciitui but iinobtrmuvo piartettt of bright hiihualii bcluxtl hay ibo hunintan culla of nlutli llrllosill k fawirml with tbrm ai t d iho mirrulnrit n by bipiliib kriililuualy rirtir4 for tlm vanoiih uiifcrmtm nhuaday ibollcture tatikabi of mr mmmtford n ihurmbiy ovliiiij hum much ujuyod liiu rflrcla of byrup of n need of a laxative aud if the father oi mother bd coalive or bilioun the mail ratifying reaulta follow it use bo thai h ip the boat family remedy kliowu and awaaylawitty ah hi h bowle on h i and ace for youroelf that the prio 4 are rilit for thnaa llanuololtca fruit i ceiita up at i ii ni tnts a to if you nam ilrat claaaoualph aaah and doura at cuclph pncoa 1 hniuuk can till your order at hia planing null frtnttor kmn pttrftfnrutatr miiiit when you areliavm auy printing done you miiht ai well have it well done the h ukk 1ntsa ot printing tlepartmeul does work of the lllicnl iguality ajid price are alwayi reasonable i r u with your next order o- ilso a la mish anme tuhten teapheb of violin nog w al tba meeting of the exeoutive of the haltou iloform aaaoglatiou at milton laat week it wii decided to bold a repreaeuta tlve convention in about a month when a candidate will bo talected lo couteat the county in the approaching tfouoral election for the do m n ion the manitoba ooverumeul baa mt an anawer to the dominion government in reply tq the memorial of the horn an catb olio regarding ihonohool gueattou which had been referred to the provincial author itlea hy the dominion government the reply late that the itomau catholic have no krievanoo that the legislature refuacb to bubeidlsn particular areeda and that the diaallowanoe of the act of ihui would lie moat uujuatinable an effort ia to be made by loading mar tragi h meotohwva t uooawtit tucaday with the fo lowing rliyitiiud bead linoi leaded out to half ft full pa no report in liiimlredii have tlig flnl inl from far an t llnar tluiy ku of put rwtilt aixl rtijeot tr tlm car tnuwflfl tntri liar- ihmui uialr lilfil ml aim tliaj t htlilnn now tm llltlc urn wtuiiii lhrlt bluiioir 11 t uln fair ikill ihib in llor ailtlluili lrli ialc tlm ibht llfllit on yuli hlnrti a hirthcr urmulu the irofjramine included a i government ahanga the data of thnka rflvlnfl day to tba aaraa day on which it u obaorved in the united state iho laat thursday in novrfmber there uruly could be no objection in thin i be fact of the peoplo of a contiuuiit elicited in acknowlodglnk the bleiuib of the a i mitflily durluil the ear would have a aalu tary influence upon the nation bejond laat december the montreal ii iiumi made an attack upon the management of the kingston penitentiary and went to far in ila telegraphic oolumn aa to caat uaptolon on tlie boucaty uf the auparintendednl of the itihtitutiou ii haa now retracted the ohargea in their entirely the investigation held proved that an injoatiao bod been doue to dr avail and the wtnnu very properly oeeki to repair the injury it did btm in too many cooe it la aaaumed that whan a public official ia accused of wrong doing lie mull be gailty it i always batter to wail until the facta oan be ascertained our u teemed contemporary the george town hrrtim worked itself into au excited elate of mind and was led a lot uf valuable apaoe last weak in the effort to persuade itself that the fur a puoti was anxious to do oeorgetowu au injustice the mump tiou was arrived at becauae the bur 1iicna in a four lino item stated that one of the pupils from acton attending the george town high hcbool was down with a mild attack of diphtheria and that there waa believed to be a oasa or xjto lu our good later town the uxi put need hardly late thai il had no i u ton tiou aa it haa never had lu the paat of giving georgetown undue prominence to its disadvantage it good authority and careful enquiry waa believed to be a legitimate item of newa in the drat plaoe it is a fact that an aaum pupil attending the high hob ool waa ukdn ill with diphtheria the second place it la a fact thaflbe klut iucaa was informed by a well known cltiscn of georgetown whose place of baaiocas ia not half a block from the hrratd office that there waa at least one case of diph thena there it also a fact that it waa freely reported bora that a diphtheria placard waa posted upon an infected house in llfat town and in corroboration of the whole a medical man informed us that be was given to understand that there was diphtheria lu georgetown these are the grounds of the simple nioutiou of the mat tar in the tiiax lsmn wilbuul comment wo aru glad to t a to roil by the ifrrntit that so far aa it could remember the town boa hod uo diphtheria for eight years wo axoeedingly regret buwaver ihal the of mlit allowed its angry taaaluua lu arise to men in biumi ta inilnaauetfoeraie untruth on the part of some uf us frii hon mr mercier dfcad ilp rrnih of addretoca ami coufaronuta wtinli wore imlb profitable and eucourifiiifi wlnli a dsp pi ritual foeliug pervaded all the usniona in addition to tle part inken by workers in our own province mr h i looln uf chicago president of the world uiivlii tiou aflu mis bertha 1 veil hccrolar qf the maaaachueetta 1hmry i nion affunlcti goneroiia ami prat lira aid ibo teftcliing of the loaaon fur the iuiiing babbatb al ii 15 on iburaiay morning by mr jacobs wai au event of gnat inuriat over 000 wore present to profit by hit teaching of thn able faujfr of the inter national i easoti hystem ilia oiltlnnils on world wide hundnj h houl work and organised 1 tort wtfi inntli enjoy id mill el in rtmicrcl valuable imaiatancc to primary teachers lu her ooforenm n anil lessons her simple and practical incthotu aa demon i rated in the teaching uf llm primary cum of bridge htreel sunday school were highly appreciated the spirited address if itev wm 1 alter son of toronto on iho r nrces of thn twentieth enlury at the uciiiug aeasion enlhused the large audience tbo treatment of hi aiibject sabbath er ance by john barlton m i loot tit w importance to the ijhihc bn haa w fuarkasl championed in the honor of timmuun the lerncd stil masterly addnhn uf lto a courtlcc 11 u of klngntou upon the goapela a fourfold and authuiitir pbolograpb uf the world s saviour was thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated by alt 111 bio atudenth it gave a ooiiiprtihoii vn and barmnnixed view uf the lortl jrhu cbnal and uls work uon earth itev join mnhweti nirtraythl 1 1 itul tcarhcr in carefully prepared uutllim mr george anderson sbowetl the mlim uf ilu lnlaruatlouaj hlble lteadiug aaaociallun for the regular and con iooil llvo daily road ing of ood s word hi connection with the habbath hcbool lrshon 1 he ijucalion of how may the h k reach the wpulation qutsidet was touched upon by mr i m hoi lilt uf llm ilm aud luuots of lisua uith xlmuiliuus of orluiiui life atirruumlud iiiuny of thu pmmh the ixiipola ulth new light i iil ujnrli uf mr d guun tlm ml nicut of tin g 1 lt hiim by the way wan prumolc i fruin tctuii lu hl11h illo a flflfcoimr moro ytara ago in prosuting frts trams from tin depot to i ho p at ytll uun tboruufcliiy npjir itud i y tin d kgstei i tn altuiiduiii1 it irbttl ila biguusl point it was poaiiblu la riaa i would have givon anything al this lime in order tv ccuro ro liuf my llrst tbougtit was to call in a regular practitioner no 1 procured one of the bunt phslciaua in the neighborhood hut he did nut ncum to get control of the malady after treating me for aomi lime he left or his own accord aaying ho could da nothnjt for mo aooai thin umei friend uf initio tmrbuadod mo to try dr william 1 ink iiw finally i decidnl tu glvo ilium s trial i noon oxiwrienccd a decided improremeiit aud wan meudiug rapidly the lernblo pain left tnu and 1 bad couaiderablu relief and was able to gel aruutxl with tlm uho of u crutch after the further use of tbo inik tills i was so far recovered as lo bu abb to resumo work aud aiucu that time have boon frru from the complaint i du not now feel an ytt tb- boroiilwi and itilfness of the jouitn i can getrihtun in the muriung and off lo t imrhoiue willow htroet llm puiilu to glio leakona on aiiilcauon mens imported natural wool underwear h n to i mow ineelliij t f nt vt rul hundred tvon hild i tlu otbotil t hiii mi jatou nnd minn ellu itry kindly ihld tin u altlrea holltmlk b nrln till lluiimtilvm grliit credit uud uiu pillillc udmiblt nurtito in tluir mtnrrilliih mil i tailed r of tin variuuii hlimtutin of llm t otiv utl n ilm irlhj sir 11 i the acuntly chlablihol s iltl ith catii other in w uriiih lb rutxlli f timir din i y udltloim much uf iho iui1 i tlu iiivuutiou was duo 1 lu in lufuligallu hurls uf m win iuiiiukiu hairmaii and 11 gonluu barilitr tif llm itkul uiu quobeo fixprmlr pa qulotly away tuned y musiuku oct to hon flonore mer cier is dead ha breathed til laat nbortly before 11 u clock this morning aurroundod by the meiiibera uf hi family and sflur having been uuoonsoioub for in bours at no tlmu during the last f ur woeka would the biinouuoameul of iho doatli of the m pronnor of tjuabec have ores ted auy iur prior and thooa who have been awaro uf ilia terrible sufferings for soma days past wot0 relieved when the news of the end came hon mr marcler loot vmiuid bis law oflloa in tba new york life luourauoe building on tbo tlb uf august aud since then be haa beau gradually aiukiuk hon llurmie merqier was born in october ihk in the county uf iberville sud allhoifjth hie deoeaae1 naa bylio ineoiii nileot iho nile uf a groat man or a atateainau bio ihjlitical aareer baa been one of the moat aatoulbhlng ever given tu french cauadlau public life he waa educated al ht mary college muntreal au luatltutlan directed by the jaauil tathara udward murtarily an ayleaford n h farmar lost his llfs at a neighbor ore ndjba bone of two tramps were found in the ruius whloh ojcooamta for the origin uf uiu urn n tbo prod viator missluu ball wbioh baa been erected by mr ii a maauy at a coal u 10000 was opened friday and presented by mr maaaey to the turnnto melhodiat mioalun boole i y al uranlford last woaltho oaea far the jruwu in thai hartley murder trial waa i kllinlt of napan sjid suppnmoiitd bw mr joooba home to houoe visitation and the formation of the home laoo depart ment were rccominoudod successful means itev 1nncipal grant uf juoen university kingston delivered a grand address on wodaeaday evening on tlm sabbath school in relation to national trourca a strong puiul waa tba nuurl anoo in teachera qualifying tliliusalves by moans of normal training for their imhirl ant work 1 ho reliorts of the oxctiutlvo uunmlltoo the geiiorsl aeemtary tlm normal weure tary the hon irimary so rotary and tle i res n rot each luauifealed the progreh of the work uf the association throughout ill province 1 hoy wero very euuuuragin ami were culuulaled to llltluonoo every ollv county autl townshlpoigaulcatiou lu greater affurt ami tu a more iomplnla tcliuii uf tba importance of the work pluod uiu uo by uur heavenly hatbar who baa honor ed u with thn privilen uf uo titration in the work i hr treasurer s rnjhirl iliiwoil faaai e4 h du theyrar wnti eainmllturiia uf soiiio v 1 11 it 1 h plnkea an i oullectiuus at the uuvi ntion for the miuilng year s work wt gen rou anil aatif oils ooshiuii wits lr voted to snjmiralti t n foreucea uptin all pixmn of hit v irk suoh as i bu i iiatura huimriu tendon t illtilu i loachers loturnioiliati i eauhers 1riuikry iuuullor km ro tarir au i 1 ibrsnaus snd uiiuty ilih township heorutarleb 1 a ii oufuimu waapreoldwt uvtr by a tlialr man wo ii tali flei in hi loiurtmetil u 1 aa a pall inuuy valuablo hints wuruirouhtt out fix tbtf be no ml uf those luleroaleti iho cuuvoulluii 1huii iller cfil taivui nf llm iuoallun hy a ooilliiiltlto t prailiual btlsiiea itiun dm inj ilia jianl year and llm ktiiu aurutluy of llm cuecu the publication u an llltial illlv juurual ii will ba jiii clgbl xige uiut i i t irlts ih n f uanmt ksbefon until th 1 lb ill c 1 of 11 joiivo mob 1 1 t mel al riu 1 1 1 i a nl a j ixitily t t imlmr urn slid i ularv of th hi jbiihkb llltllll le 1 h iut1 sou au 1 hut 1 all rl mm in a n 1 lu ll m hltn isrius uov 1 iii i 11 1 and dr w 1 1 lllny t ajrtlal jinuiu i ib urn for hi tun i 1 t uf 1 l lualti an m 1 ill at t manful ari lll ol 1 ll j i gm ii im lb nm k ut 1 mil l slrucl o motlel huuli ij sb ill in un hiualk otlmireil 1 1 ual ii tost 1i1hi ai 1 1 l ll iis iii iimeruiib tlans r mimit u iliitra l th iu 1 nor and primary tu s du irltik lilt pji uug and clubiii ourvit e ful ling lii t ai opened wblub throw the tntiro a lhi into oui a mr william lull lllhltl 111 a lion urmuupo rm tend ut ttaa tmtt ouuttttmhmhl hie tweity4lrwt year i u llmt ollitu iho publi uadiug iuii ii in cm modioli with hrdg b mrect hurcli ope u daily from 10 i ii ll lo l in lo urn general publu ib v v rill a i 1 1 ifchlj to uinoiiil ubh i ijum t u ll n in f tlm iluirtti oil iptli ill 111 ina t in employ ld 1 llm iii- ol tlm ntorv hi 1 ll last i tie of ll m furi hate work without ally fmlllllj of utloaltlcan wbatuiir i have every confidence ni il k tills anil heartily rcroinmend them 1 imlicvl llitiin a lool tiling to taktr si suy timr tugil the blutkl lino kootl tjindltiou uil if i ftll any lllim cliui uu i would luataad uf culling a duett ltd ml i hob fur alki uf rnk 1 ill when alruui tril til at lloo call be had lo llm wonderful uicritx uf pink tills it is lutli wonder that llmir sales reach bui1i enurmuu pruporti ut and that limy aru dm favorite r on inly with all classa dr williams inik 1 111 uonlain the ele mania ucrcsaary to five no life and rich iicso lo iho blooij and rcatort shattered tmrvoa liny are an unfaihni apecihc fur ltcoiiintor ataxia jiarlial jiaralyai hi 1 1 tin duiiti bciatma naiiralhi rtieuni ham imrvotin heatlachc tile after rffrcla of la inp- papulation of urn heart nrr vtiua proalrnlfuii all jiaeaacn drjkeiidltf upou ill a ted huinora lu the blood auoh as rcrofula limine uryaiwlaa ir 1 lie are also a npetiht for truublea ullai lo a complete range or ladies black and coklrcd kid jlovi s cashmere clows tnd plain and kibhed cashmere and wool i losiery sodk thing special in hosier for bos wear call and kaini io rent iot il lou 7 sauoiavua coiu4tllu 100 j acres tl acres of which lo llllabto anil ro uisludar miller liuah and tautura oh tlio ln inloea ore fairly ood lulltlhih kootl orohard au i s unvor falling uprlim tossoasloii 1st of 111 cents st ml us leu ceula in raal nr uimi all lll j ui au a i lr u tli wurld ul a ruin of uip hianu lamum on lord lisle fc daughter ftandsonioly jirlnlml siul boutid a j tiro 1 i iatla t k ti aud gait plj tockin j nl i5e per lb wanted aud all turn i fleet h radi from luaiils ol u pr in all tr mm the ly uwurk of a 1 tullfui of t willh bnll young ilia lvlcauia the miui mt mallu ttih llm tnstflintiii ibu kllidinl ntuntii i lufuiialiin llm chat iilll j hfc muhtjbhfclt riu immp auuatotl in brl con dr willi link i ills taumfac lured ly ibo dr william meditloo aiii pony brock villi- lut and hthelieqlody s anil aoltl in bukca tuatnr in loose form b the tioteu or hundrr1 and ihe publiu are uiulluuod aaiual man inula lima sold in ibis shaiwi t ill cents a hoi or oil boxob for sj ml aud may be bad of all druggiottt ur direct by mail fruin dr wtlliainn medicine company at cither addrosa talk of thc bav an bultume of the wurld a oolnato durlnu the wouk kokjru from kasoala 1 g pi j the madhl haa proclaimed a holy war hir john 1 bomphuu aud hrualoi hoitid left uttawa uu monday lor liulaud negotialioiis have beou nj killed for a it iso japanese troatv of cummoroe a itrautfurd hutelkeemr has lu niod i hnl timln fur selling liuoi tu indians jacob hurst boilormakcr agod il wa druwued while nil otiiig in doudaa nnirnh on hlurdy of mrs hartley tried al itiautford fur poiauniug her huiband molithn on led heptcmlmt ullh tu mure than rllmioik au oarllnjuake luvuut ii uld ny i t in f ii at an evening teaalon of tha aourt th medical evidence mmm to the goutcal effect tlml uecoaaod died from araaidcal poiaaii w look the itutufri mr m i lliuti uf naianeu ani raperiunuoil jouriiallbl wim ikj its editor mid will have aootx isltnl with liml aa a publication on mil i too muinra george aidcron i uroalo and 11 1 moore acton llm dloatug wordo oi itov dr tsnnau gcucraj tiuicrjntpndsiii of uui meibimlmt riiunh wore received with uiuih appn iiuliuii by the ounveuuuii lo ibooa nuomaiulid with thia ruud utile city ti few words will no 1 nbl bo ap- prrulaled a well known oaimdmtl lllilot imi maya lioliovllto off or oil in tbu uriginal forin uf us name uullvlllo a oomjluimiil to arabella ho wifo uf loveruur gore juat aa the gore diatrict waa designed tu immoftalioe biii traoclo hluiaell mid aa lb counljlof halton gull aummaiuonkuia ilia aaj ma for-tta-ntwn- ed name uetleville fliidk iplo juatifloullou in the tjoauly of tha cty tknd ita uaigbbar hoojaa to lb ireiiuh qnpoot of ther lojl in the bead ni nfttttlfo bflj still fliaon tleltlvsjufijr oulit relief apjadiiy tin r ilmiidel i nfease llo uileieat in tlm vd agan by hie faet in i u uiortlreti and after thn tvitit trwt ju i i- ull colo wba rher iilt ride llini lo of urn llcolrlti i igbled and hlaalu llruuil uallbule awrllildlit lto4ua uf the cuieaiu iliiuuktu x til hul hallway snd yuu will be as cumforlable and i hreiful a in your own library ur buu hir lo iravul batwlau gilluuo hi tail i and m hllioapolla ur between inn ouiahu and slum ity h flieae iuauriimialy appultladiraius 10 a supreme oatlsfaatiuti and as the soma what siicicni advertisement unllo fosd furfurtlur particular- aw anisll bills rfiuall bill- faml i aru utwa loo will be bciaul fur pooaaitv and sloepiug oar tick la 1 or detailed lufornijouun adilreaa i the arutiluia lutpubln limlf in iho wthl a tulle uorlli af i rm by slaliuli on 1 nday mghl it is rujhrteil thai tlm renigustiou of ounl von pfu iho llmuiiu i bauoct iur was a virtual dlsinisml hugh ityau a oa xiwor huuoo aud matblim shop were burned si hault bie mane eillaillinf s loos of i ihm hilda may ampudl u urllil girl of he lttbli knowledge hnnga eomf rt and improremeiit avnd ctula to tji naj eiij jincitt when nht ty uwt tlio inain wati iito hot ter thai i hrn sud enjoy life mora wilk 1 sa oxhiii iitura by inorw promptly almtiiib uiu world a beat product bo tbo luttla of pujpncnl bctng wll stttont tbo valuo to hullh of the pur liquid lmiiio ituiciplua embraced ia the it i ly p i up of fio ia oxculluiila u duo to it presenting in llm f i tn in uit arnpuai e and ltaa ai t to llo luttu tlie ruf ruahiug anil truly u in ficiil prvprtirai of m jwrfect lax mho iltcttually cliitaitig tlio ay itt m d ig e ida bi luboaaiid few ra mid h inutuily ci i ii ij onatipau u it hjvs pin ii bultfirt ii u nillhoua id utt kith tbo a i ttlof ua mixlioj pr ftaiu i iktujo it acta on tlio kid inn luroutl ii la a itbnit w ak ciuiiij thm an 1 it ia i ft t l ly froo fruiu eicy ohjtt tllaaiitmtiici t- nip of h ib is for neja i mii drag giiti hi 7 ixtlbn but it a tnaiiil fatiu i ly uiu lif rum fijj jyxtip co o u ul u timite li pi uitriloii oirry pacltt al t 1 1 o nauu sj tup uf ln aid 1-ii-k- ru hifiunl yu wul 1 i olcipt my ouimiiiuuj if tiered 11 yean diapiear4 iron th rtlhi laat week andlllll niiil i h ollei ward of irtml oi llm dlaiotery the nurdorei uf 1 rank witwood of tarkdale llio railway do arlinoul at ottawa haa tailed fur eliders fur lbe rooalrm liui uf auiul iioe mile- ir 1 lent allf y tanal j her a arm u lu riilii beehive yarn 3 knots for 25cts wl ii tve lots of bargains in ircs roods our stock ifor tlu all and wintci is now complete piles of beautiful joods corrtct stlcs and patterns clicap for cash jcai inn i rarpiiinrtitrirnan u ninai our liar ly anadlaii tirown nurwiy utock ituaraol m liuf action to raiireanlilatlvea cubu imirn our nurserloa are urn largest m douiluiou rr 711 acres no lubbtltu hi erden lxciubib tarritury olid liberal trtttvh whtil iipbii inicwi toronto out in onh mirnut in catitula liavlllg teatliib ia nil accouuls mitnt ho 8ettlett t once henderson fe co ornamental hmuuomi eveu is beauty when defective irfhl is relieved by the right pair of glaaaea we keep iho laleat improvements in frames for spectacles and oyrglaaae aa well aa lbe puruat glaao 1 tie greateat of care is exer cioed m fitting glaaaea to the eyei tkttiod uplmiaiis only balug ciuployod tlm al llattliewk u n rloui oil it iu store to let iuled by john l fowl ainro will ti vaoatwt lei on reai nobis torn a ann ahtiiiii8 ikuiert in ksquesing for sale r in dorltitd ptfors lor solo bit property 1 uu ttl wrt lot 3 con i eatjuosiai bwiuooloi which is ereeted a undo autl nlsstorod ircbard well fsnecd tlio iiroiwrty la all dloaiod jil lu a bimhi tuii uf euluvatluti tills ludls- iu table kur liortlculars ajply at tlio sffloo of hondorauu acleii or to willi a 11 onuiokr ictou april utb ih0i all vhlk farm for sale hm il r eat lialf of i x fourth cuuhbhoii 1 ouuc tf lliuutu ilnir ton iu1111 of btrlu lg ico una id0v hi im in s savage co ihtlkrs cuhl ill the oldest drug store in gfcuelph v 1ivl a plliidld ubbul tipcnl of 1 h 1i111 hiushci ivor kuhlxi iiiji at piut to mill tin tunes lali uj u 11 lit i lllji country gentleman the uttx oh thfc wccjuici wtille ii oihi luduliasll inlitir d artm ill in luk 1u huiiu tn ol iiilll lrliaj ll iui liungukiiiu tl 1 rltuat l u- l ku ftui1111 1 all oil ii 1 ill il i a tlir hi lllu u oi t all ll wl ull ll i i all iii 1 11 ut a millii tialui ia uli il u il la 1 m l m ifliii ruiv in perfume t 11 tht leading 1 icnci 1 1 tu 1 mat ers 111 bottler and b i in spnn chamois tkins hath i cls ni 11 r tnd 1 oilct rcjuisitt s in fjrt at aricts w q smith co or v lulhun ami mttilonilt ts guiulh horsemen attention tu1 a uuo1 lieuse btm claaa fratno twin and uulvr bulltliiit tiiow if on ibo form a juod urobonl an 1 i till ii one ol lbs boat farm in tlm county illuledaiuul u mile from uuolpb and a miles from aeuin coutanlent to uhtwd hwi olfloo aul ivruia aiily to it j johnhtom hhoh u eliurt vor iwrilcuun ucsabb ac tou amna 04 4ut thbntcknhl ml dalaam ukcdhlltuli irtrrlhim att ukrltrld dhll nutjcl to contractors trl h tksdhthoilli l btml autl auloraa1 ol iflatlis ultlor- toidor lor trent 1 al tlm office until noou on tl day if ftivemlior ion of alhtil ave la 1 omrboru and lajmflol 1 iii i tauaatklbimcinau tlm i i b if tbo ottawa dfflou tewrtiuflat of hall i elarlmr wli re 1 i y irn lor ulul un tu i tlm m nla toiler will imm 111 lbe oaao of nn urn luliat j attoctied tto actual alnalu ht fuirliame iba f oarti manilmr f llm aalnr stil fitrtber ui acoeiito1 lank rli i i dm auui uf r uiuil aoouui bih tv tu- calata ow4 will tip firf iii f 11 iu iuu i una i 1 i w ik al llt rate ami lo nil uiuuxl tloacoil 1 tu will l rwlurunl tkw trsotiun a wtl c ual bi i li j 11 llll tklts ol club itatks for 1806 two uulocnpuuni r im ai ctuuooniitloiia i ten tjubaurtuuoua i ill in i jauuary i lutlitlt tu okjju ttqm 1 uuniiwa albany n y livkky a j lavl joruniii c t iukiihu ioaoeuger agen 1 llli uithlvoi fall li im uk aud tlu iiunlud tu jll i jll ihki mr jubu kelly buluher uf himaluii alartod on knttr la to f d tu a fjl uuusultallpu ou llm llircsbuld uf the ducwr a surgtr y ho uu dd mr william hunuei ur who lil on the shuro uf kilo lake want uul in a canoe numunday to h and ded body i f jsjkf flwrds found by hloou th cjuot f kqulppod fcnd blyu r m mr eblll tl uuuual fur jooepb wayo bej soqund itmluii iln fuutji mwwi- bis line er applie i tu tlm luuimuiatiun uf tlial tha acuused of juall on llm k molhifiatblu r til stbhtesj 1 u a in and 01 iaitra x lr fully uiul omrwttrrams m 1 i a sett of harness robe fur coat blanket whip tutlnii il tin hoist furnishing iur it will j j h mattlieara lit lias ilwas a larc stock of single and double harness made of tin best stock in the latest style largest slock of blankets and koim that ever came into acton prices away down to suit the lnms dry goods clothing an fancy articles paul sanc has a well siwortrd alock o ury uuti iiluthius m pn m i i i muoh uller 1 ill ii ii t i u i vi halo la i a llltuln day paul sang mill streot acton main stroet planing mill acton ont john cameron architect nnd contractor auuufaiui ih1 m i- vuxsrtu natcuinu au i moulititia will qutcklv cohft diphtheria quinsycoldandcouch john oamehott proprletpr mnim jxiuiuti ut ri ii v thj w httt m

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