Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 4, 1897, p. 1

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oiht ctflttrw pss 18 puuliadkd every thursday morning at tim free probbsteam vrlntliifofllco mill8tbeet aoton ont tanmbopbodsonutiok one dollar poryoar trlotlyin advance all subscriptions discon tinues wbenthp time for wblob thoy havo boon paid baa expired tho dato to which ovory bubiqrlptlon la paid is donotod on the address lab tv advrtibino jkatkb transient ddrortlso- aieqts 10 pontspor nonnaroil lino for first ln- sertion 3- cents per lino for oaoh subsequent insertion contract baths tbofollowlng tablo show our rtea for the f usortion ofadvortlbomontbfor ipoowodporipdfli scrubblers are tiiade of better paper than tiny 7 others in town full supply of nil saob miijeheji ffnt6mo- 13 mo 1 imp i minim 6inouobj r7 1 0000 ssoo 3000 sou 3500 9000 woo am 2000 13140 700 aloo 700 800 9w 100 advertisements without bpsoiao directions wllto ldiort till forjua and charged accord- fcj trwmletafadvertseniontarnust bo raid inadvabe yldvertisemfehts wfll bo obaiigodonco eaoh month if dslredfor ohanroa ottonorthiu rwdea month the oqmposltlbnmdst bo paid far trgulai ritos objinboior aonfcraotadvorusomantb nist be neue oflxoe by noon on tuesdays hkmoobe editor and propriotor wxtsiritb jdiredorp f ubenmdo m 701e69an4realdenoo oorner mill frederick ptroeta aoton a 8 elliott m b aoton cmupuxtctonoiito university oppjob main btroot third door booth of preabytotan ohurob abton jp halbted m d p l u o ir o pria sotn gwiok medical hall iialn street acton patronago solicited llhonmatfatn adacatarrhbpeolahlos veterinary sub qeon tat jusbanivvts graduate of the ontario veterinary college honorary member of tho veterinary medical qoelety officsravm hnfibaads lot 21 con 4kass- agaweya calivday or night promptly attendod to pental i bennettlds dentist oeobqbtown ontabio jm bexl pds lps dentiht bdookv1lxb hokob qnxwaua of tobonto vnivbusitt work mode satisfactory jprlooa modorato vihiina datb tcoflday and friday of each rck tiill p 8 merger rtmjf dentiflt qiradaau of toronto university and od8 offloo ovor ding store acton 8rb0iil datb monday tdebdav wednesday and satobday lxoal pm oleaitcrheair barrliterasolleiton notarlo conveyancors io private funds to loan offlee town hall aeton wh a mdlixah jho a mclean dougias mdrrayi bansistena solioitoej notabieb etc urnoee 12fl8 qneon ht parkdalo viotorfachamberaolviotoriabt tolepbono 807 tronokxo jonhdoualab a o muhbay j jmadkinnon j baiuubteb bollctton conteyakceb on ice corner mill and maln8trcot above kopmana atore aoton m atheson a j bmoleod annlstxitfl solicitous oohveyanoena georgetown and milton filonor to loan at lowest rates e b j mcnabb wurk fourth division court county of hal on conveyancer agont firo and llf o assurance baal eitato agent money to loan etc orviokmattbewavblock aoton ol miscellaneous henry qbist ottatva oahada bolloltor of patents for invention oto prepaiea application or c auiui- lean and european patent oluoos and for tho koalitratlon of trade marks bond for pam- pblet thirtytwo yoars eiperld isbamgisnunan bookbindeb wvnosamfltir quelph ontario w oyorwllllamsbtbro aoooun books of all kinds made lo order varlodlcalsofeverydescriptloncarefnlly bound bnunnesiad promptly done m abbiaoe lioenbes h r moobe ipsnkn of mannuae tjicknses prltateofllcii npwitnosbesrequirod issued resldenae in tho evening i- free press office aoton aoton i be will winlppeji with lalltba maohlnory a iioesary to uavute all repairs to macbln- kluiitanlitjunjhcwbboelng and general olwsxtklbgww6rkiipalii per7prrood p vsoio ropair any any make saw lnsaotory manner w maeblnewor fmploniont of i soaotdatand fillfikdona weuldgton mutual flro insurance company v gitj a0 j wan any tdzikl soia8 or telephone m- will joe promptly t- john tatricob igint imflnltahflh all clmhl mil mutual pi eoinrannieatlonl forwarded to my krm8 or telephone 68 will bo prot w hbmbtbeet liomsn adotiokmb for the counties of wellington and halloo ordarahftatthefgawpbass ofllee aoton or itraaldenoennvoton will be promptly at- jsnomtbrtamiidi u mttjhttnw o loanoniha most favorablo sunistand at the lowest rates ol interest in iltfv bros ont tolikadiwbfckly wws school boo vat- 0 a ybookstore iviauek pysellp cheap hockey players skaters and athletes v stfould usb- v- stewart ernbregatien iqr strains sprain8 and bruises always apply it after severe exercis5 when in training prepared and sold only by abe chemist cuelph price 25c a bottle weddin pr jp to dhte eramos pictmes artists supplies fatiey goods good value waters bros st qeohqes sqtjake oublph the campaign prepare for wlndfj- we would cauybnr altimlion to the fot that wo are prepared to supply yoo wilh luipberof bailable length for your barn doors viz 10 12 18 or 14 feot also sash- v- doors pra1iies mo0idincs oto for building storm doors pnt up at as low it rufe as possible pumps bcpair your pumps or put in new oues before it is too cold wchboit shop at foot of blvor street acton tho8 ebbace manager acton flou m ill cheyne cheyliie p wo have our roller mill now in complete and satisfactory running order and are in a posl to aupply tho wants of tho publlo with flour bran cuelph branch 5 i sumb of 81 and upwards received 05 s0n dopobitaridai perc6nt intorebt r pajuor coripouudcd httlfyoafly p epos it recoipta leaned vfor aro h bumo doposited advances irado to reaponfliblo fiircnjera on tboir ownnumee c nocbarro made for ooiieotiiifisalebnoteb if payable n guelph ragdnoral banking buainesb tranbrcted a fjt jones mattager trass gat- saw if you buy a cross cut saw here antlit isnt satisfactory bring it back and we will give you one that is by buying only the highest quality saws we are enabled to give this guarantee you take no rish our firms good name is back of every saw we sell j m bond co hakdwabe goelph waps for ono month we shall oflerthe balance- nf our stock of tweed suiiiufrs and winter overcoatings atn reduction of twentyfive per cent 1 wo have between fifteen and twenty of this seasons scotch tweed suitings left all- choice goods and shades frisb about a doen fine overco stings we are prepared to sacrificcthc profit on them in order to clbar our stock completely we gtve theuarahtce ofa reliable tailor ing firm that neither the trimmings nor vorkmanshlrrwillbeshited1hnartypar- ticular shaw turnek merchant tailors quelph main street planing mills acton ont john architect cameron anrltontractor manufacturer of sash doors frames moulding in all stylos drbssmo ind moulding to order on bhort notico woll assortod stock on band at prlcos tosult the times john cameron proprietor j h hamilton bealett in m anb i e an d g ran ite hamiltons block quelph having on hand a largo qusullty of scotch norway swedish aqd kubblan grknite and in u lu d uf it lu muka shorts ahdajlklnds of fied j j at rioht prices hvory order will reootve prompt attention and will be dellvored to any part of tho town our tortus aro oash aud ono price for all dont forget to patronise home industry give us a fair trial and we will leave tho matter for yon to deoldb as to the quality of the goods wemannfapturo orders taken at tho mill or ata t browns drugstore zoheyne oheyne acton saw m and wood yards if amdtaotuaeb amd deatavb 111 jmnber xatti shlnglea wood etc all kinds of wood in stock and promptly delivered to any part of the town at reaaonaulo prices hardwood and alabaontitovo lobgtb alwayn n h and tjfpbonocommunioftuop 0ueiph j business college shorthand institute -w- j- bupbrioii fxortiitlbl8for lliorough and prutleiuto huorthaba a room for spring stock now purchased i wil sell at a reduction of 20 perjdm t and will allow all expenses to customers to and from our works john h hamilton acton steam v- cook proprietor flratolasb work guaranteed in rmnlly laundry work shirts couurs 4girrffyc work ailed for ovry monday and n thoreday and delivered ovory thursday vdd satarday j 111 eumaatilce jlltowke olaiibl olatirl in tho startled oar of ntglit from a huiiilrod brasou bolls i olang lolaugi and tho dreaniarsohaok prows white asthq dissonance sinks and swolls i flush i btfrk ist tbo wiui from tbo taroft hills or tho trttmiloofmyriadfoet whoso cortiiuo vublio16wobbo alls kochdarkdoflertedbtroot flrolkhwl firol flrol nlghortho wild cry rolli andulghor huzza hero are llaniboanxtoaaldgrboutl thurofl a rutnhio of wboola and auanawerlng slioutr a blast is borne of tbosuiniuoblnghorn and tbo jlromanhote ar6 out t thonvp a baddpn gldro like auapgry dawn eluaing thcmiilnlglitsky aud tholaniorooi bells ring hoarsely on asiho onslnoa tnirnder liyl fortheklroflond waves hla crackllng v audtbobbaylowsater vithdiatb aud tho climbing vopora stlooand scorolr 7 tho stars wltbtljolriurid breath 1 flroifjrolptrerfirel highorthe wild orvwolle aodblghor huzza i there aro rod lights ttmsjog near wltlrtbo thunder of wbools and a ringing cheer hol el oar tbo track 1 the crowds sway baok and tbo gallant boys ro bore i a thousand tortuous snakes of flro cractflo and lilsaaud crawf they leap and strangle the tall chufohflpro aud tho lonlbjr boniobtod wall 1 butthopytlionh bwlf bocoll tiitiiinfallubky lengifh itgmpples the 11 am 0 and tbo fiend is foiled and shorn of its terrlbto strength huzza i buzral deopmouthod and bold wild oheors from sturdy hearts aro rolled a ahuddor rooks tho steaming walls tbo balhodkiroflohd quails and falla like a tropical blast tho porljo past and the itedsblrt horoes win at lust meutt yatttity juaihij gieraldirp uer as qcmldines companion ceaaed apeak- ing be- looked np from t lie road at his feet and his eyes fastened their utule appeal on her face the bun waasottinp the smoky- atmoaphoro wae filled with a reddlsh low that struck upon the clear pallor oflho girls nbeeka and turned her boauty into a lucid radiance if waipi oaolfthbfle jnoiitbinjiicji burns itbclf indelibly upon the mau who loves her and terencoedgiawater was the typo of man who loveb forever ger- aldine doer knew it- but then what cared uhefor bucii matters how very foolish or any man to address her in the strain to which she had juwt listened i marry bbe eaid with curt impatience and a haughtier pose of horhoad never i noverl its nob my deeiro to love ny man i rejoice profoundly hat i never have loved any andthat i am uot likely ever to love any i wihtn be and i intend to be in all particulars a new woman and mr edtfq water you must notrtake-iw-amibe-im-teh-you-tbahv-woold- beof alllbtnga ini possible for me lb bo happy married toa country olergymau it is only a marvel to me that you should be content with bo narrow ad horizon with 60 stunted a life in ttiie forgotten little oornor of the earth i bhoujdhave other needd wero i a man and to me aooh taok of ambition is despioablol seel i am frankm i noti suppose i shook yon but i mean to eprak out for once obi bhe drew a long breath euddonly threw out tier graceful arms and then folded them tightly over her breast i have really been stifling in tbia little hole i think i ono year i have been here and never once have i been able to show myself as i truly am i wonder if all the good people around here really think that to be a village eohool maam io the very top and culmination of all my dreams i wonder if they think that as i eib in the little stuffy school room teaching tom and jim and betsy jane to ojpher and spell 1 am leading too life that suits mo beat dear me 1 bhe laughed scornfully her flash ing eyes her wh g face ware bet toward the lurid sunset bhe did not look at her companion when ho spoke vie htarted as if returning from afaf and what fa the fotaro thttyo picture to yoartielf ifnbd yon wish uot to lead the peaceful life fluednwith the porformanoo of quiet duties i list so 1 think at least the maker gives na as bis oholdeet blesog terence edgewaterjipoko slowly and bis dolicate faoa the delioaoy tho spirituality of the fine featuree bad always seemed effeminate to the impatient imperious temper of miss go raljno doer had a strange new look upon it bat tho girl was too absorbed to see or care a future of independence of travel twolve hours had accelerated the work of destruction to an nppaliug ettent with the nightfall the wind bad abated but tbo viluore stood awe struck utlheir cottage doors with tho red light upon their blanohod faces thebuming woods were near let the wind but rieo egaib aweep- ing tbo flames iu their direction ahd- what would tho coming hours bring a flyinjt shape oamo down the dno street haggard singed and distorted and uttering pwfoing cries thut shook the tibrvea of thobe that heard with horror it- was prio or the- traddb tboao neerd6wells whoso hut was in- the wood and the vlllsgers remembered now fortbo urst hadftslroko twbdayibefqie i that he jty in the burnidg forost paruiyzed and htlp- leeb awaiting tho 6ndr of hli life of drink anddiseipation it was the eldetff giriat frowzled wildoyed creature who had been running tohe village with the newsy ivy- i tbe traildoyb were away who 090id tell where sbpleraolf had got the youngest children but iu tinie but how move her father tbo orowd was pushed apart and ter- rtfnce edge water confronted the girl did you neglect my warning did not i tell yun two nays ago to go for your hrothera to have them carry your father ffwuy out of tho woods did not i teltyou that there was danger with- the ed he drew her bead downward until it firoepreadingonevory8idq tho wind- nobedhiheekndutheeurren3f rose the girl began tol cry half delfantly how could bbe tell the fire would spread bo soon or he the niiuinter cither sbo did not know where to flhdrlrr brothertj bnt even as bhe spoke terence edjewater had turned from the mall wbitber was- he bound say miblerl not iuto the woods you behtikoin for jerry tradd truth ho aint worth it the old buok paid a voice butuiveu aa it spoke thio villagers had the convibtiun that renionstranoo wae ueelebb 1 frbmmtb uarmbris porch geraldlue dder had wijuemjed tbo soeue she atood very htilli nud 1dt beautilul lipa closed a little lightly oue upon the other a muffl ed sob cauitht her earaud hetty harmon tried to brush past her and enter the houae geraldine in the btrunge liglrt that tilled the nigbit ooulosseethe girls s lieave convulalvely and selfonltnre and elfimprovemeut i a future in which i shall know tho clever and tho great of the world and drink life indeap r lottsi angblin rifrwftb7txbii ait rquod oat my own personality and be some one something 1 can a woman do these thingb when ehuja marrieii ohoe in- a ihouaand times porhspa i cannot will not be tietdown to the bamdrnmt she turned abruptly on her heel but there 1 lot as go back to the village have toms add jims and betty janes copy books to correct as a first step towards the msgoificont iodependencrof wbiob i have been talking bo grabdlosely she laufihed bdt it was not a mirthful langh bather it was one of disdain at her own lifo her slender opportunities for gaining what she desired terence edga- atetpokenonortafler his lashques- hetty 1 she put out her baud hetty what iait vioiently the girl llunn oft her touch sbo raieed her face aud geraldine doer btarted hetty had a vnldarand insignifl- oaut prettiness but it was all obliterated how in the exprcbtjton that distortedher small features let me bo aho panted let mo be 1 i bate yoo mibs geraldine duer jyes i dot if hed goiio into the woods after jerry tradd to eavo him and it bo never- comes back alive what will it be to you you dont care fur hira or nothio but your own belt but you can talk- with biro and walkwitb him and makobim love you oh i been ydtrb5lh two dttys ago on the road down by watts i seen him talkin to you and i seed look in his faoe arid ita yonr fault 4f hoionr keerer what ho be i lu tbo tdmnltuoos flow lof her- joaloua anger hflttys langaage lapeed from its acquiredelegance into the vernuoular moat uatural to her but her meaning was clear eqoogb to goraldiue hetty in lovo with teronce edgewater of course why had she been sostuptotaa as not to bee it before the haoghty youpg echoolmis- trebs recalled in a flash a hundred bmall bigna that would have disclosed hettys soorotto ono ioeb blindly self absorbed than herself geraldine threw a light ecraf over ber head and went to the end of the btreet and beyond there she btood with her face towards the woods qroupa of anzioub villages were about ber andsomo of the men had ventured au olose as they dared for the smoke to tho woodland the wind had died coroplotelyd6wn 7 the people had lost present feur for themselves but the to was another- fer common to each ohb of them ndwthe fear for thayoung minister who had labored- among them with aoant enoafjh recognition for the pabt twoyear they m lovo him oil i geraldine tiept spying to herself und hettys face roeo boforo her hettio loved him pol only becanse he was good aud noblo and walked a stodfaat path true to his calling but because the touoh of bis hand was happiness to hor beoaube the glance of his fine dark eyes made her tremblo better go in aud sleep miss duer eaid one man with jough kindness we are io do danger for tonixht were only ffrriyln np fnr hn mlpiator- goroldine turned slowly sleep 1 n etched againat tho light bao kg round j w window how often as he lay ill bad ho seen in halffevered droams that look that she had turned uponhim as be swuonod away i how vainly binco bjs oonvales- oenoo behad watohodoritb retnrn and at length today rr she sat reading to him coldly and calmly he had told himself that he had never soon it at all it was ahalluclnatioo could never love him eho never would i bavehad en offor to i eavo- here and to teach in towu aho said suddenly ah i thatwill be a beginning for the larger life that yon wiebvmie murmured ho stopped and icokcd up a hor white afcthbpilhw pii which haloy she bad riseoand in three swfttatrtd ideof hia sofk nol shpcaurhjerbrffath and her oyes oh wonder ihsry eyes v tbtai etrapge doep i06r buoe moio havb no care any more forjelro plans and dreams iljat i told of thoy seem to roq absurd i changed 7 1 have no wish to bpttuew woman v i oh terence iv 8he eank 6u her koeea and put- out one tremii ing hand 1 dont know how it is it oamo about on the day when you baved jerry tradd when i eawnfow noble and gpod you were i i have learned to care for you bo dearly dearly 1 and jour love is it mine btfll l there was no answer nona was need- of that moment geraldine relinquished her ambitions onoe for all busine9b letters business letters are written -for- business purpobes therefore they should bo conn nod to buaino3b brevity is a merit except when it inter feres with a olear underatanding of the bubjept writs all that is necessary and then stop v but dont stop until allrhab been eaid drie letter will do as much work as eix ifthedontentbof the six are inolpded ib qao rr andit eaveb lfio in postage vrite only on one bide of the paper if the whitepapergiveabut finish on a piece of yellow talk about tbo weather whenr it- crowds oatmaterial busidebsfaotsasjnbadtaste ppfnrw yonrfl tmly la mrittftn rpiilii over tho letter to dib cover posbible oroia- sions add tbom to tlie bpdy of tho letter v it will look better than a postscript fanoy signatures should bo accompanied with a diagram a lawyer onoe bad occasion to write a justice of tkojwace he know bis town but not his name though he had tbo jaticea signature to a letter which lay beioro him hi cootd not read it t lawyore are not bo easily baffled how ever he out the signature oiit of the letter with his knife pasted it on an envelope and addressodlt to tho town whero the jastice rebidod- 7- ttxeaohed its dsstiualiou aafely and in good time tho local po9t master knew the justices handwriting still thieia oonsiderablo trouble but it doesnt often happen a good business letter consists simply in stating plainly and fully all the writer wishes to say it is uot as bpmo people suppose one bf the hidden mysteries s the gramatioal construction is of sooond- ary impdrtunoo to baying all that is to be baid and then stop st lquib dry good hcportcr j pat in the dock uyn a 6towkll t knduring the present with grim aulleo- ness arid looking into tho fotnre with hope that rpoi times will ouiub altar uwjiile is deflned by a domeatio philoaopherws putt- log discontent out at compound interact vo are all very muoh given to diacouot- ingour present pleasures and laying up jforfutures of unadulterated blins that we rarely or novor reulize on auch inveat- ments those who curnjfully compute the resultsof such transactions know only too well lifo fan thefle terms turus out tto be merely a monptbnoua uriud destitute of beauty andfbrightnefla and handicapped jwithjaoippiainiuasbdjfelfuluebs existooco i9to a great oxttnt what we make of oourse- wo onunot always shape qrrornjitane 611 it what wo will tato or luck or provldqiioei it must tie raittedvuiat ihere is in many iqetanoes a power quite too strongtor our feeble strength tocombit with any hope ef fluccosh bnt while we are forced to u ok now edge all this wb muat riot loose sigbtof the faqt that in tho minor items of ovorydiy affdire we may have bur own wny to an extent muoh grnator than many of uh aro aware of the world may ho to im h rtftfgtfri and rough as the jagged rocks of a mountain pass but we may plant on thin little pro jection a trailiuit vino that will cover atl unbightlinfts or u t t it of barreu- tableland dropa few iieedd ihut wilij al- moat before we are aware hpring up and make a etrong and luxuriunt growth of velvety turf that invitee tin to repose as upon ousliions uf down clefts in the rock give sholter to whrubs that may floaribh aud givefarjii ubuudaiit bloom or grow into treeh that will strike deoprooi- into the fissures and q down to their very foundations drawing from tluir hidden bourpes- nutriment that u poured into- trunk limbs twig and leaves 6nduouribh- ing a mighty fpreat monnrch thai may overshadow all of tho ruggednvsd aud make a thing of beauty and perennul pleasure of what wae at one time only a dreary waste we give too little attention to seeking put tho favoring epotd and oasea of life in order that we may decorate tbein and make them more fit for placcs and refreshuigofour weary souls borlpomyveliherflhbuldrit7bfieverli intthe valley uf lbs ottftttowj advanoea thinkers thobb who go far beneath the earfaoe and into the myaterfos ot our com- plex and f arreaobiog poaaibilities tell ub that it wilt some day be among the ordi nary incidents of our days to eend our thoughts over space and to our loved ones wherever they are by mero fbroo of will a telegraphic instrunientor a telephone ia only a few bits of senaeleaa metal in un skilled hands so our wonderful spirits ata merely clods of inert matter because we do not comprehend or appreciate their capabilities for somq strange reaeon we have been taught that we bhould not strivo topeno invtflintq th hi i nhflmixalpbenotix there would be no bleep for hfr that nifiht shefeh harmons stepft she heard a great ehout and on winged feet scarcely knowing what bhe did she retraced her way down the yillvgo street tho men whp had ganoto thevdge of the wood had ooino back- ran ning in advance of the minister and old tradd orying thafboth were baf i how had ho dpneh how had he dragged tbo helpless load 011 body out of the js of death it seemed a miracle until terepoe edgewater assbred them that he had been iianbiuch peril as they thooghfc for the fire had not reached tho little olearing where the hot stood but yon aro hurt all the aamal terence btattob the voioe wai that f-giahwl3trefr- hurt 1 he satdbbnfuaedlyv and he we arc showing sornc nice fanct jjnes at vejiy close ipeic such as porrtdqb sktts individual teas r anct cups and savcxns brkad and butter plates cajcs dishes derby setts lamts o slsiws the prugqist and station pure drugs correct stationery rock wood ttranthdssvehal faitdpui mkn oh w women to travel tor reapottilble estab- juhe4 house in ontario hilary bo payable and through tho darkening gloom geraldine jwas strnok with 1 hiplor vwillyooexoomlpabjf i go no further with you lie said howevirrln hiiggual gentle quiet way it was as if nothing hsd passed between them i muat go into tho woods to look after the tradd s they have illneva there again ob of coarse said geraldine a little coldly n sbo walked on alone at mrs har mons door bat hetty in the gloaming mrs harmon was her landlidy hetty hor daughter was mist doers pupil good evening hetty eaid mini- duei bijt htftty for iomo reason did not seem to hear bbe made no reply to the greeting thowpoar we a great cry that went mp from the heart of ovtory hamletilo that irderv yen thawiirfl llag4itbieppl put hie hand to bis head then tho exciter llnnm ftaralrlina j ik 1niinn nuut- liaarasalsauwl the other day an irishman who was oharged with being drunk and disorderly nearly drove atnftriatrato mad the fol- lowing colloquy took place between the two magidtrato will you sigu tlie pledgoif i let yon off this time pri80uershure oi cant wroite yer honor magistrate but you can make a mark 7 prisoner phwat kolnd av at markyer honor magistrate testily a cross man a croebl j prisooer aoross phwat yer honor mrgiatrate out of all patienoe ten shillings and coats or soven days hard labor vriboneraghast tin ahillinvn coats i sure oi haveufrcoatanywan auythiug yer honor oi paid fer all ma drinks mftgistr dowt7etrr stand down i prisoner 01 always sthsrid up when oi sthaudatall is it sjt down yer honor manes then thp jiilor took tho prisoner in hand and tho magistrate mopped his moist brow ment and the ncuonpverherealised what bad befallen hiry- -r- hohadasbanirraggled to the edge the wood wfth hla burden reoolveda bl from ft l fallen brbneh as bd took his hand from his hca i it was wet with wood he tried to walk on but be btagwed then he was ennecicuu hat ono of tfw man had caught him lu hu iims he had a stranne vi ioni of getaldines eyes bent upuu him with a deep new look- the look he had droaired thaiher eyea wonld wear if love should ever oujtne to her and qncouboious closed over i 1 111 the little plor of mrs1 harmons house her two boarders the minister and- the bchoolmistrena sat togelhei terence hjgeyiter sllll whitr bufc convalescent lay upon the hard hevebaif bf miss doer by thr witdow has jeen reading sjoodtothejnvalid rasileqce fell ppon the ioro in the the american cuckoo tho american cuckoo does not adbpt tbo indolent and disbpneat ways of the kura pean ouokoo about its neat it lives in thicks woodfi and butldvaneat of atioks and grabboo the branch of some low tree its eggs are bright green and it lays tour or five its food is chiefly initfota snails and berries but it oonie times steals and soaks tho eggs ot other birds there are three kinds of oqekoo intho uqitedstatpe- the commonest hasa bill about an inch long and is greenjah- brown above and greyish below one of eworliagrdat poets wordbwortnrwroto lomtrbeaullful verses addressed to this bird in whioh he asked whether it wero really a bird or only a wandering voipe it is very shy and soli tay bat its note is bbeery in the spring and summer ena of our own being wo mut take for granted the axioms aud eaws the precepts and preachings of past agfs we must lop- off all outgrowths that seem to ub aoaord- ing to suoh teaohines to be growing in the direction of belfindulgencftp whioh are only weights to drag us down to deatruo- lion suoba course isall wrong and ends in producing dwarfed and crooked natures and souls- ab destitute of warmth and geutlenesass tho stony creeds themselves if we would grow a strong beautiful and stalwart tree we must give it light warmth an dbuodanpe of moisture and feed it to us fnllest capacity with nutri- ment best suited to its poculiar oonstitu- tion anil needs it will bo labor lost to offer it unsuitable uanriahmont or to attempt to force it in an uncongenial atmosphere do what wo may it droops and pines and finally dies outright or lives stunted dwarfndand of uo uao or beauty other than aa hu exuuple of mistaken theory and practice and of how much more value than trees are the- immortal boala that are sent into the homos of tho eons of men anil how little do wo realize the importince of providinij the moat suit- abls environment either for ourselycspr for them i 7 to make the beat of humanity it is necessary to look ttt leaat as oarefnlly to the situation and requirementa of the in dividual as to the plants wo whh to make flourish n our gardeus tend to this end we mast feed and water aud poor sunshine nponthem every day and every night bee that they are sheltered from all dangors and perils v sending a telegram the ljtfzt iita tealot whon tho aky darkens down on 11- cold wlntu d u day yiion woloug for tlio bunahlbo tocomo and to stay 7 wool thu angry wind rugci each cloud comes tho drift that envelop nil thin ltl shroud- to warn mo and choor 1110 i havo aoinotliliir ut band e- in tho ilttlu blapli teapot tlialaiiioucti on tliu stand aud this toaporrtllourli tiny 1h handsome ml vrtflkt with its niatoi tho email ctoaiuor ouluoj ltrud and white thetitlhrsagar dish has cip its linudlc a bird aod it inakoa aa shrill wliistliug aabo ovqr i wiyrd4 r aud forgat-mc-uot- this is its golden com uiand 7 bothto lim and tuotoapot that umoku3on tho stand 7 7 77 7 whltoo- pile qlcrdaiucwiokbrti bijthuo for a lunch ive iio lobgiiig for wluu37 asmthiiioor to punch aud i nivor am ualfodon for bulvattue hai aoiuyorodit lagpodiiiid inyiiaiior dt jtiix whoti i thlratrvou iuvo rag o ready at hand in tbo little blaok toapot that hiiiokus on tho stand tjet them pljo 011 thulr silver thutr kinilto uf nlato- lot themslt at dolnionicoti tablo in mat j lot them qnoft at tho caiiltal khiojils 11 h wiuob and wring ftio ilfulilood froiu tho for i 11 r vihob im content u nil o i ouvynolord lu thp land avhmhollttlo blacktoapatrth auiukus ou etatn 7 the bankof england regard iuy the noieirimjinij powers of the bunk i may ineniioi hero tha until ilia ye ljll n iintehuliijtihrtviiluihun 1ji0 had lieen put- into circulation in that year he bank beun to inaft nouri for i10 but it was not until 173 that notes were tirst issued ifour yoin lator oi g to the groat demand for bpeuie t carry on the war which follpwtdthe- frouch lito lotion tho aniount pfhuitlon iiom by the bank was reduced to but little more ihun 1000000 aud the cruie vvus cgumdered so grave that tho king waa requohuj to come from windsor on a sunday and assist at a privy oouncil held at st jarnob paluce auofd waa immediately issned stating that it wire the life is real aod earnest but it needn-ot4- 0 the collricu thlfct lll direotors of thobankrdfi3nglahdbhouid forbea4ohtiake- eu p und in order tpaocomniodurtu their clten s tbo dlreatdrs bexan the lhbqo of ono and two pound potes the order in council having been supplemented by a special aot- in 1817- having accumulated nearly twelve millions of coin uud bunion tho bank gave nptico in the month of april that all notep of one and two poundu value daled prior to1816 mifht bo reeeivud in gold in the september following a farther notioe wasiven that gold would be paid for notes of ovory deecriptioh dated prior to 3817 the effect ofjhebo mean urea was to drain tho bank of 0 largo portion of its bullion 8othatjn augustr1819 not much more than three und a half million sterling romaiued fn its cofforn antlkii act wib hurried through parliament to r strait the bduk from acting any further ip conformity with tbo noticea mentioned in the same year what is known aa peel a bill was passed which provided for tho z gradual return of cash payments und on may 1 1821 the bank resumed absolutely the payment of thtjr notes in speoie at thid time too tho ihbuo of notet of a smaller denomination than five pounds practically ceased whilo by a special aot passed iu 1821 it wan by law provided that from tho crh of april in thatjuur five pouuda should bo the lowoat earn for which any bank in england might eend forth its notes payable to bearer hqhace town bend in the chautatiqtian pbookl ma ffilh l w laborioualy wroto out bis ttileftram and haiidcd it to tho rccoivingoerk willthat go riltt away be asked tea bir replied tho olerk as be oount- ed the words and laid the telegram on tho pperatora desk twenty flvo- contb please told mau paid tho raonoy but still bung around the office and every fow nitnutes bo drifted to the window and glanced in tbo direction of the operator bay he eaid at last when are you going to send that there telegram it a been sent repllod the olerk jonre a liar retorted the rpan hotly yoo think you dan fool me caned im from the country but 1vo got eye an i kin uao them the teleuratna lyin on tho dftkyltton iueletlervou glvo it to aint done nolhln bnt read ituqd play on that ticker i want it bout to the toiler whoso namoiwrlroultanyolatdurnlu16v tdo of know the small graces life to remove mildew if yon bave mildew oh any white good dissolve k small enount of eblorido of lime in cold water stir until entirely dissolved train through a tine ololli and pour over the mildewed artioles ljo odoailonally to watoh the prooosa of bleaomng and soon s the stain dieappeara rinse the goods thoroughly and dry the ijme w ill destroy the fibre of thegoodn if too strong or if left in very ioug it- ie said mildew ean be remove by weltlog be spots apply ing powdered chalk and bleaohlng on the v preyeutaioknesi and bavadoojors bills at tlii aeaon by keeping your blood rih imauroyiiiridios vfliasplfilkv mx- i dontgive brandy tho moral efleot of early acquaintanco with bpecioo truth ia illustrated by a httlo story which rev 1 plumb tells in tho bobton trannctipt a millionaire brewer a senator hi auather state hnid to mrs huut i pliftll vote for your bill i have sold out my whole brow cry and am clean from the wholo bnsines- let mo teltyoti what joocurretlattijy table a gubst wus taken -dangerously- ill at dinner insenmble and here was acal for branny to rcstoro him my httlo boy at onco- exclaimed no that is just what ho dont iieadl it will paralyze tho nervon and muboiesof tho bipod vesacla eo they wilot send back tho blood to the heart whnjho liquor was poured ou to ivo the mautbe lad insisted on pubhing it back you will kill hira ho lias too much blood in his head already how did ypu know all that his father af asked whyit ibiu my phyfciology tttuhool it tieema the- textbookb prepared by suoh men aa prof nowell martin irs of john hopkins university had encceod ed in giving tho lad some definite iuforraa tipn which was proving useful senator said mrshurit are you oorfy yonr boy learned that at school madam tho man replied raising his hand i would not tako 5000 for tho assurance this given me that my boy will novor bo a drunkard youths compam n er gal tab er doll an do hoy is dollar bimebv when doy grows up she takes is dollar ter make ersalf is doll donohor know ju4ael6ekswa30ny yortog mon shoald not get the idea that to know the small graces of life is useless or frivolous what we call the social graoea are very valuable to a young man that is the great trouble withypaagfel- jows who are earnest they are 1 00 earn eat and upon all occasions they catt have a high aim in life a lofty purpose and yet not oloss themselves up to all sooial plots- ore or amenities girls feet uncomfort able and pardonably so when tuey go to a concert or any other fprm of entertain ment with ft young man who constantly makes mistakes in hi tie things the small rules and laws which must be obaerved on all social occaslous aro not to be frowned aoynthvy aw inipbrtant and a young fellow makes a great mistake when he con- sldera them beneath him or unworthy of ini epwii vv bote in febra- m home jwwl inflammatoryhoumatlofn-eocuter- he could not attend to hla pauxhtlebtuvadthr in ag p that aodci samsfttanv oifai i c urea south amerloan rheumatic cure passed his waylt helped in a fev hours atid speedily cured costts center- w mr b a norton a wellknown oitizen of griraaby ont wbfasoveroly attacked with ifaflommatory rheumatism some so years sgoiaftero timo ho recovered bnt flvtorsix weeks ago tho droaded disease retarded so violently that ho had to give op work for nearly threo weeks he lay in bed suffering terrible agony another resident bf the town who had been cured by south american rheumat io ouro per surded him to try it and to his grpat snr prise after using the medlotno but one week ho was so far rapjuerad as to go about towu from the hrke taken be felt marked improvemjkud today he is most enthusisslto psnning fla praises no- oase too sevore for south ameriesn rbeumatio cure to check in six hours apttre permanently sold by a t br6wri7 s

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