Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 4, 1897, p. 2

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boitny hcailitow in hock wood on sunday jau met tp mr ami mrs flqurrovv bod vjlhom at aslforovo on monday jau will to mr and mrs lloury wllaon a son- be4vkli in llbckwucd on ifridny jon iidtli to mr and mm itobt bowoll a daughter obtt attii married wpiron yicathjiytliu jlov mr xosyt 00 roflidfuco or ufjbtriilllliw unclo of tho bildo on tbobl junuarv betijaiuln tolton of era- 1h08o to maggie yeath ol ouolph wood piikwwkiwktat tho rookkiico ol win unrby broihcriiiluwofulu bride 01 u7th january by kcv j truux louitfu flow wolliiikto win yood of lsanatvlllo mupiiaii onipritu at tho roaldtfiico of tlio bridobparoiits on tho qotli january by ilev a mahafly p a mr l mofhall tomagglea oldest duuifbtor of mr hugh grl tilth all oi trafalgar woeachenn ucdocoall otiwoduobdayjai j7th at tho rohlrtoueo of tbo brldua father by tliollov w farouhartion donald john mo- kaohorn kan erin to ann daughter of john mfldaufjali esq of ohliiguaoouuy died tl hiinialu at fitroouvillu on saturday jau llitb thomas blubald agod b3 yoartr davidson at streetsvillo on wodmosday jan uqth jaiip tlioniphonbolovvd wifo of janjos h davidson aged toyeanl bwitifieu at lot 0 conb toronto township on wednesday- jan27th ucorgo j swltzor aged tv7 years vravoihataalt on wednesday 27th jauuary eiiimacoxevwjro of johopb voavoyjaaod 29 yonirp v nots and comments tie powers have presented draft of the reforms demanded id turkey to tbo saltan the arbitration treaty has been ordered favorably reported to- the united states senate by the foreign isolations com mitteo after boinr amended thu vote was aix to four li 1 hu fly of commoua by a vote of 325 to ilorhabpabeed the unanoial proposal in tlio educational bill to graut to voluntarybchools the sum of five s ings porouild sir herbert murray governor of now- fmindlandwll ieavestvjobne on febru ary oth for halifax it i3 stated that be is coming to ottawa to diaoabs another propoaal for confederation t mr chamberlain etatea- that the ques tion oran impettisthf the wort of the ottawa conferenoe to be held when the colonial premiere go to ijondon is under consideration the receipts in the inlands revenue department for the month of january amount to ffootsioirn hvfltfoinirf art be same month laat year was 96408313 leaving a dc thia year of 91631011 ttrrtj3bh6rsea commtbironthaa n nonnced that there will bono adjournment to san jfrancised and the taking of evidence at yictoriu ie completed a decision wilt be reached later as to the place of final argument there ia eonae talk of entering a protest against the return of mr geo e fisher as county connoillor for division no 1 what ia to be rained by each action is hardly worth the trouble and expenao it would put tbo country to milton lijarmer baron herachell formerly lord high chancellor of england and the right hon irionr6rbxttblhtf queens ban oh division of the high court have been chosen aa the representatives of great britain on the venezuela arbitration commission australia ho turned against tho cus toms of her mother country and agreed to aboliah barmaids the act does not go in to eflect until june 1890 bnt after that date tbe barmaid who baa little but tradi tion to defend her will be seen no more in the antipodes the people of the united states follow canadas good example in some of their moral reforms at a meeting of ministera 0f the rhode island congregational church ea tbta week a resolution- was pasjed re- qqebting pnmoraidriohtoseyery effort to suppress the saloon at tbe capitol building in washington and bring the matterbefore the senate at an early date neighborhood news news itome i pondenta and exchanges january examinations tho first teat of tho yoaria to tho supplied by corrosj proflfross ofl pubtlo schopl r jpubria ashqrove mryorter and mtsaqfl fortor of milton spent bunday with frionds in thie viuinity mr john oroary of toronto was yilt- in frionds here thlb weolt the pubjio aohobl of thin place has been oldbcrf for a aolipleof weeks on aocount of an attack of aourlot fever ajipeuring in boverarfttmllios mpst of the eases wore not very serioufl uud aro prdgresning favor- ably a number from hero attended the annivcraary bervicoa of the- baptiei cbwrch ocorgetowu on buiiday limehouse tlio lime company ia gutting in its btookof kiln wood sleighing baa made things look livelier here lately the iobb ol newtonn wbolleu mills to liruohoubowttfl never more keonly felt than thopreaentyekr there have be6n a number otloasefl of tomiiime herethe past week or bo at tho auhuarmoeting of the prebbyter- ian qborohtho reportnfrorar the rdiffeijeot organikattons of theohurom werepf a very encouraging u in the coveted pqsitionot not mavinif ouy debt anthcic olmrobrttnd haying a bftlanco ofobbril 8200 in the treasury refresh mebtswere served at tho close of the meet- ng which added interest to the occasion the pupils have recovered from the dis turbing effeotu orchriatrnuatido and imvo gofr down to hori6uo york again on their btudio8 thoitftimary examinations were hold laat imdny with the following rcbulta tlhht nrlautmtvnt oluaa v tina mcqgion- 2i chiyi molam 200 john moore and gertrudo barry 288 class iv sen kva- matlhows 2jo clara cobban 287 itbbt ilolmea 28 ciubb iv iutprmedfato bertha speight edith nibklln 288 eva perrymun 251 class iv junior edjth warwick 271 mabel moore 2ltf ilurry lovoyp wm luird and robio smyth 208 marka poeaiblolloo t t tmonrika teachor becond ueiahtmehp senioripmdbel sopor 250 ettienio donald 241 georgo oram 233 1- intormediatcbvflorenoe sopor 250 brant swackhammer jc0 josio stephen- aon247 magrio harvey 240 juniova edna sswaokhammpr 23q ethel milla 22 johu tetryman 102 marbbjpobblblo in all olaaboajijo 0 mopiraiii teacher tiunnlluvalltmest c ssuior clfte8myrto matthowa ljs pearl stewart and rgy arnold 180 ronnie mophrbon and howlfttid brown 18qi rjnuior clasqhflhol mann 101 willio prout 288 harold niokllo and john a hockey match betweon georgetown and milton wfll be played athe rink hero on friday evening the provisional board of birectora of the new wirerworks arpiliebbr8 js iea- on re porritt vv niementb somervilie end e dixon mrewiliiam bewb mrs william van allenmraf c willmott and mrs a mckay will bold an at home under thuauspioes of the methodist ladies aid boeiety atihe residence of mrs adam qcokay this ovening rava mid0t mahaffy and suider will hereafter hold weekly services altoruatoly in tbe jail at pspoodo hall toronto last week george hume obtained an order for the d ministration of the ebtajo of the late b w campbell rockwood straohan mdesra james gor- rev d don j btracban miss straohan attended the pro a by to rial conference last week messrs t soptt geo anderbpn wm argq webbmibaen b- argp jnglelk ipglo were in attendance from eden milla a report cornea from washington that a special treaty between britain and this statesprovidea for the appointment of a commission to visit alaakaaluj fix definitely the lip meridiitn whioh forma the bodnd ary between that territory and the british northwest territory this it is said will clear away one of the obstacles in the way of the adoption of tbe arbitration treaty by tbo u ssenate the ohio legislature is to consider bill forbidding th6 promtsenons diblribn tion by patent medicine venders qfvpara pblets aqd bills describing the symptoms of disease there are oases oojreoord 1 of well persona who havo worriod themselves 1ntoiteolhieavtirfanoiedtsymptomsrdd peopio of weak nerves are no doubt often maou injured by seeing these ugly pictures and oglier descriptions of disease couonial premiers invited aeked to london for the plamond jubilee celebration suyfyoukepl iaaao n ord in his apeoial cable- to tritium says the queen is credited with the project of inviting the colonial premiers to london to take part in the years fefctivlties bnt mv chamber- lain is probably the real author of the scheme this is tbe first proposal for making the celebration- a unique event and meets at nce with popular approval especially as detaohmentflof colonial troops pr apply material for a good town show all dther plans have been commonplace and ttujea to appear to jtbe popntar jrao- inatjon royal visitors rfcaye corns and g during the re bntnever before some young men from acton when driving to rbckwood on saturday were upset jast outbide the village the horse ran away and was hot caught for some diutanoe the only damage done was to the outter but it wab not of great extent the quarterly meeting of the edeo mills crewbons corners and rock wood methodiat ohurohes was held at rook wood on sunday rev mreestlc of the village conducted tbe aervioe miaa a gilflllan of rock wood was married to mr calaher of fuslinch on monday labt the ceremony was perform ed by rev j oxoane in tnvxhuvoh of our lady t gnelpb 8bbmccaruiyolcjbqrgjapen inff a few days at her fathers home near eden mills miss m stewart returned from toronto on saturday after spending a few weeks there wm mccutaheoc erin appeared be fore p m saunders guelpb on a charge of obstrnoting the queens highway and using insulting languageiowm mccarthy rockwood he pleaded pot guilty to both charges he was however fined tfl00 and costs for not turning but to let mccarthy paaa f l crewsons corners a number from here attended the quarterly services in rockwood on sun day- a sleigh load of young people from thia place attended a social party at mr johjp parkers mimosa last monday night and had a very enjoyable time another eleiiih load of the- youth and beauty of nassagaweya took possession of mr w lambs home laat thursday night and thoroughly enjoyed themselves v- jktrs jaa stevenson andjamity moved to ferguson monday they were old and highly ibteemed residents of this placo and their removal will be greatly regretted ada leich man went to the guelph general hospital last week io undergo treatment there her many friends horp will hope for her speedy recovery mr albert townsend- who has been seriously illis recovering tho miaaes carrol ot this vicinity are vjsitfng friends in mstsvllie mrs jos anderson went to gait on fri- dy to attend the funeral of her neice miss enamacoxe mr tan rgnifltin and mr ohas ram purvlglso markanoaeible 200 i e pattkiibon teaohor oulttli deiaittment senior part ii myrtle cook 100 hiltou jeane 154 malcolm moeachern 140 junibiartjtidaflatfpiesjjurt mooro 182 ruby clark 170 senvpr part i irene mullen 124 charlie matthews 120 alfred bell 110 total marka in eaoh aiase200 ii 13 mcneeiiy toaoher the qreat famine in india lord aberdeens message to the lleutenantqovernora of the provinces ottawa feb the indian faraino relief movement is making a a tie factory pro groab his excellenoy has bent a letter to all tho lieut gove mora in which be aays i shall feel greatly obliged if your honor will kindly inform me as to any stops that may be taken in your province with reference totliie most urgent and and grand work of obarity t am well aware that in eome rebpeots the time ia not favorable to financial benevoljince and t c ar nomerona bat i feoloon shaw spent jl- fow days in lowville last week mr j modermott of erin spent a few days last week wilh friends here i mr and mrs jas ram ah aw visited friends in erip this week georgetown the sunday school convention for the county of haltpn is to bo held in george town thursday and friday great interest is taken in this event of tbe season the last oonventlontflvo years ago waa ack nowledged as tlo beat ever held in the county and every effort ia being made to do better this vear anniversary services were held io the baptist ohoroh last sabbath the met withdrew their servi in the dent that tho peopio of yopr province will not bo back ward in doing what oan be done eapeotally do i hope that it will be recognized that while largo donations have their rebpestive value no contribution- if it be only 60 cents or even 25 aents is too small to be offered and in one eense a bum contributed by for iuatauco twenty different porsons is of more value than if the same earn were givon in one direotion because indicating a wider area of sympathy your honor wih very hkoly have considered and oooauued with your miniatora aa to the atepi whichshoold be taken andthereforerineed not pdrhaps offer any suggebtion beyond remarking that probably t circular- loiter mightwuh- ad vantage bo sent by you to mayors of cities to chairmen of county councils eto bringing the urgency of the appoal before them and inviting their oooporatiou of eourfle the effeotivo aid of tho ohurohoar which may be confidently looked for wih be of tbe utmost importance and it may alao be tbooght advisable that meetings should be convened at all tbe chief- oentreb whore accurate information could be given astotbeoimea aud oxtont of the grievous diaaaterwhioh has overtaken our follow- subjeota in india and whioh- we cannot forget may have bad indireolly the result of in a sense miniateriug to the propperity of canada county council committees the standlnb commltteea- for the present year were appointed as below at tho meeting of tho county council the following were chosen to compose the standingnommittees finance webator andrew fiflhor roads and bridgoejlawaon rpbineon pettlr county buildings robertson petti lawson j printing pottitfiahor7robin8on eductitlon andrew robertbon web- bter special communioatlons fisher web ster andrew railways and legislation robinson lawson robertson dr busk h gray and inepeotor dea con were appointed the board of exam iners for 1897 dnncatftiewar milton and dr flat fc campboilville were appointed auditors for 1 a s of ft e p dr stewart resigned his position as gaol surgeon and dr j k anderaon was ap pointed in his stoad fflr wheelbr wag reappoiutfd high sohoortrustee for georgetown jos barber was appointed trustee for the uri expired term of c ryanrpsignod johnson harrison was appointed auditor of criminal justice accounta canada wjll be repald fwndp and supplies for india will surety be returned with montiieai feb ja star bpccial flablo from london eaya tlio buoceaa of the famine fund in cunada continues to attract marked attoutlon uud ib in byejeybodys mouth the opinion ia ventured freely that bid fund prompt aud geuoroua aa it ia means thousands of emigrants for can- udu canada quick to tho roscue with vabt aupplos of focil which ita fund repre acutp is always rogardedas a land of plouty and tiionewa ig ringing throughout tlio length and broiulth of tho uud can- ad is euro to hear from its timely philan tiropy and tho friouda of canada here are rejoiced at what ia conaiderod aa tho most eucocheful popular fund in tlio hibtory of uio colony a gentleman high up in government clr cles auid to day that every dollar that can ada waa giving for india wonld go back a hundredfold the hongooro a eirkpatrlok lieut governor of ontario who recently under went an operation in london hospital continuos to make favorablb progress towards recovery although his physicians are unable aa yet to nx a date for his leaving lhat institution that wpn tencent a xecfao of disease veterans qf the war repalir in aurferi anj disease for over twenty years mrtrojin sherman sought releitse frwri the tprttireo of lnflarnratory y rheumatism pwai thetroacott journal thtjte is uo mart in tho township of- edwardaburg who la better known than tilr john sherman he ja pno of the many canadians who at tho outbreak of tho american robellionrjoiqed the army of tho north anrf to the expoaurera and hard- bbipa wbioh he endrtred during lhat trying and pbriloub time does he owe to long years of buffering wbioh ho baa binoe undergone the writer remembors seeing mr shermana feisr years ogp when he was eoor w r impobbtblo for him to walk and haviog heard tbata oure had been effected deter mined to investigate the matter for him self when the reporter called v at mr shermanshomehe found him in tho yard handling anaxstthd clfolinjsoodlike av young man and he found him alao quite- willingto relate his trying experience i have buffpred with rheumatism for twdnty yearb baid mr sherman and i have doctored with foar different doctors and yet i kept gotting worss and worse 1 was bent double with the pain in my back and both legs wore eo drawn up that j was unablo to straighten them and for four months when j wanted to move about i bad to do eo on my handa- and knees i trlod many medibiues but got ho benefit and i had given up alt hope of being able to walk again one of my aons tried to pursmadpmo to ueo dr whliamb pink pills but i refused to tako any moro medi cine at last one day my eon brought home threo boxes of the pillfl and after they had been in the houbo for over two weeks i at laht consented to take them bnt notbeoauael thought they would do me any good- before they were gone however i could fcol that my back was getting btronger and i oould btraighton up it required no further persuasion to get me to take the pills and from that time on i began to got hotter until now with the aid of a light cane i oan walk all over tho farm get in and out of a buggy and do most of tho chorea roqnd the houbo and barns i feel twenty years younger and i cohbider dr williams pink pflla the moat wonder- ful medi for rhenmatiam in world i began them only to pleaao my aou and it waa a most ugreeatile aurprtao to me who n i found my lefts limber and my back gaining new strength i oan cheer fully recommend dr williama pink pills to the suffering rbeomatlos of tbe world an analysis shows that dr williams fink pillfl contain in a condensed form all the elements nebosbary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves they are an unfailing specific for auoh diseases as locomotor ataxia partiat paralysis st vltun dance aoiotioa neural gia rheumatism nervous headache the after effects of la grippe palpitation of the heart nervous prostration all diseases depending upon vitiated humors in the blood suohaa scrofula chronic erysipelas eto they are also a speotflp- for troubles peoullar to females such aa suppressions irregularities and atl forms of weakness theybatld up thobjoodftod rosture the glow of health to pale and sallow oheeka in men they effect a radical cure in all casea arlbfng from rooutal worry or over work this la the complaint of thousands at this season they have no nppctitoj food does not relish theyneedthtftonlngupof the btomach and digestive organs which a courso of hoodn barbaparlllo will give them it dlbp purlflca and enriches the blood cures that distresss iter eating and internal mfciery only a dyflpeptlo can know creatos an appetite overcomes that vlred feeling ajid builds pp ondbubtalnfl the whole phyalcauybtem itso prompt- ly and efllciehtty rolloyes dybpeptlosympv toms and cures nervoue headaches that it seems to havo almost- a magic touch s istlicbeat in iact the one truo blood puriner wfcfi n ho beat ntterolnner iiood 3 pulsuus m tigtion 23c newsofthe day an epltbrno ofthe worldre doing urlngrtia week adoluth cttpualiat willbqild a 00000 bubhol eiovator atkingstpn the loriddn ereotiqn trial waa ttajdiirn- edon saturday till february 8 last years out of timber in tho ottawa valley ia oatimated at 014280000 foot r- itla reported that tho late treasurer of brant county left bia accounta 920000 bhort it ia said the queoua daughters are to jo made datobeaae in their own right io m tnmnnvi jnhhprt ywft the fourteon year old son of mr henry tripp of ridgeway obt was drowned in the lake off windmill point last wednes day whilo sleighing on tbe ieo hon mr foster iu an interview at winnipeg said the opposition would not object to a abort seaoion- if the moajt im portant matters were brought down early change of shops ab i haveiet the shop now occupied by mo fi3 a flour and feed store i intend to occupy the shop next door where 1 will handle flour and feed inc6nriecttori with geio adams groceries as there is a change in the business all accounts due me must be settled on or before 10th february after that dale ihcy wjll boplacedin other hands for collection bargains in groceries john arthues acton ont j h hamilton de4xeb in -r- marble andgpanite hamlltonjs blook guelph wp dont want the earth r we do want your trbl itwill pay you to give it to us good style perfect quality and reasonable prices with a selection of goods the largest in the trade fur furnishings are up to date buy your hat here re njelon v leading tailor and furnisher gg wyndham st guelph kfteii stock twkinq the bargains v remnant9 y- rnake3rfprne r gall in and lake advantageof the low prices 2 dozen cbrsetsfor 250 per pair mens uunderwearwefjjji f 85c- everything at a reduction o f gootldees nfixt post offi agton qllfeap oasli store v old credit is dead poor pay killed him after 1st march our business will be strictly cash so that parties who arc doing credit with us iu kindly take this notice as everyone shall be decidedly refused credit after that dale we think it will be better for purchaser aa well as merchant aa wo can sell cheaper no bad accounts no send ing out accounts and we can always take discounts patent medicines pyny pectoral for coughs and colds 20c kemps balsam for coughs and colds 20c havards bronchi i syrup 20c scotts emulsion 40c eclectricoil 20c pink fills 40c ayers pills v 77 7 7 carters pills 20c salts per lb 5c sulphpr per lb wjc groceries canned com 5c salmon 10c lard per 4b 10c pickles per bottle j t xoc coal oil per gallon 17c cheese per pound loc any person purchasing io worth of goods for cash within the next month will be given a barrel of choice apples varieties northern spies seeks tolman sweets bald wins and russets we have 125 barrels on hand everybody come and get a barrel eggs and butter taken in exchange cor mill and main streets acton ptot ijaftkino who uhob bltoonnted plogoo jvlrba as an antidote for tfae di6oa8o4rinoouled 166pri3onor intho jail at bombay on tuesday having on baud a large laauttty of scotoh norway swedlbh and rubbian crhnite and in order to dispose of it to make room for spring stock now purchased i wil sell at a reduction of 20 per cent and will auav all expenses to customers to and from our works john h hamieton acton steam a cook proprietor firbtolass work kuarapteein itaxaliy laundry work shirts coilrs j caffs etc work ailed for evry monday and thursday and dellverod every thorsday and saturday acook cor king and hughaon bts haniilton for new fast colored goods bhrghins in x hoice stockoilcsjerietr jl e gtn s co mill street acton our watchward is onward today makes abdtnoryear in oar baslness history makinj the lonj total of oer half a century sinbe the establishment of tho bight houso wo feel prond ot the house and with an abiding fallh io the fair oily ot hamlllou it will be our afmby being always alive io the interest of the pobllo to make this year moro suooessful thin any that have proceeded below are some items whioh you will and interesting first because the goods are tight and seoond because tbe prices are right i sresa qoods sept to open the season abont 05 itaneydrem- os rultableforihespridg at leas than aterllog jest i a nrlo u fanoy bilk iirlme msmiof oiwiiuu ituwluldiauli m0 fori mvsolranoy bilk and wee mixture i wobl atiztare regular only 11 inebel plaoes pansy tweeds flva sbadu-gs- 49 inebes wide renalar 40o for 850 fanor- dreas qoods bouole ttt eoujs lnabae wide regular boo for ase iffanny tweed rffanufllnnbns wide tenahadr alaska sable cane oxtra quality regular ase foraso aatraoban jaokets at a groat reduotlon from former prlooa mens fumlahlng dept instilinrnnln and i htmatflr t l mm wuito good generous biles good wolgbt 050 bpeolal lino of fine engllab wool bweiters white only extra quality regular asu lor 160 hoys sweaters- in wnlto navy and garnet bcavy weight 75e v bt s naf g f atlct sailor eollar aulta now aooordlns to alao 9qo tltmo mens bilk muflleri beautiful dark colors lldunmrwoar neavy union abula aria pantaalies1satb5oeaoli mods heavy o k shirts full 18os weight regular 60 ana dto ladlee white underwear ziast eall at present prlpe well out well mado bandsomely trlmmod garment in a fewdavstheprieeawjllbeadranoedto tbe reg ular value gowns obemlaos bklrta drawers oorset covers aprons notlone itusfr floe wy vera barony varn blank white oxford buotland and nrovru regular tljfis for 41 pound tbe latest novelty eatont embroidery foun dation letter several sixes any lottor or any initial bee tbera in eait seetldu pound floor farfeot fibre equal to fibre ohamola tbreo welgbts three oolorlnxe la e per yard bpeolal prloe by the pleee to droasmakers the flight house dreas bbleld oqual to the best alae 9aoo the bes of j you may talk about your posters and yonr ads upon tbe fenee dutibey aint the kind of mediants bat appeal to common senoe yon may-talk- about yonr dodgers and yonr i ittetri ablicrttbemtnlb dress5iain mibb noblq will rocolvo ordom for drosniak lup at bur rihsldciico frodurlck fllrout mibb norms wanted young womou unci motl or ohlur ones if utill young iu spirit ot undoubuxl ohnractor sooa talkers ainbltioub and indus trltnn cub nd cmployjuiout lit n hood cauho jwlth sco ttcr moutbana upwards aoaordlnr to ability rev t 8 mncott toronto out revolving bookcase for sale a bargain a patent rovolvipg uookottiuj black walnut neatly nijifllied will bold 150 voluinos in nratuoubb oidor cose diasgrwlll bo sold for afl00caeb apply at pheh pkeb8 okfioe queen victoria her life and reion 4- great blfltotlo work flellbou olnhf tq tbou- andfl lord ppdtsrio in trod aces it to canadians in glowing words bksv to uiikc 90o a weak aomomako twice tliat many nuue xoto lu spare timo than during day at rofiuor rimnloymodt this yeaxlfl groat bexa- gbnary oelobratloos aro booming it books oil- prospootus fresto oanvosaers terriwry- golncfaat thenbadle frest yaallretsqnco v v tetpnto on idpajjo tteaaon juste men to oagaco with ua as laloatnon kow tteaaon just openlbk new ltyle of- plate bter than a are tbe ipninr new ltyle of- plate book move attract and yet lighter than all supplies furnished freo canadian nuriory paying salary and lberal aommlaslqnt ever ezponbei from the atirt lib e art- time men xarge ltat ofbpoclalltles all avlng been tested t oar trial orchards if yon want a good thing foctrhajrlnter write us stone weiilikgton nunorymen and fruit owen toronto can over 700 ocreannderealtlvatloa- we can give positions to peraone of all grados of ability agepta bookkeeperiolerkajfarmeraiqdb lawyers moebanles phytlalans preachers stndenta married and single women widows positions are worth fromwocux to fl60000 jter annnm we have paid oteralonaaer 0000 weekly for yean uany nave started poor and become rich with us partfo njktvapvnatdteatlqir and u satisfactory and neeesury a personal inter view may be arranged this lsaon0nswaaer- tlaement and if yon wnt to betteryonr pomtion write before yott sleeps fitataaalaryrexpeoted neither loatrs nor tipplers need applyv the bbadleyoabbetsonooaxitd toronto ont the welllnarton mutual fiie lusuiaiice company tbe general annual meeting of tbo wellioc ton mnteal fire irtaonmce oompanyi will be held in the compaoys oflsoe qaelpb on tuesday 9th day of felvirnextj at jl oclock p m to receive the directors be bert wui the financial statement fortbe year io election of dlreotora fortheeiualdg yoar and other bnttness relevant to themeetlog by order gyycdbon secrotary the 7hfllilt0hs independent hiwspaperi 2ocjier month order direct or from agents wanted a ffenta i nod correa pondonta in every towo herald printing co hauiiton e b collii desires to thank bis namerbm eifltomers for tbelr liberal patronage since no commenced boaltteas last jannary and hopes tbat by earefal and oonrteods attention to merit a coniitmance of their cnatom a complete asaortment of nratclasa beef matton- lamb pork freeh and salt hams satiaageay poultry lard o in season prloea always as low as eonilstent with tho bestqaallty i- prompt deliyery- fatsfcwltwantod jb a coiiin acton- livery asp the nndersignedreepectfiillysoucita the patron age of the public and informs them that well equipped and fltyllih klga oan all wm ya be beoxired at his stables a oomfortudle bus meets al trains between 9 a m and 618 pm oarefnl attention giteno every order the wants of commeroialtravel- lerafauymea john tvlllmg pbornietob rabhing jfrade great jbatgains i thb8 c- moors s6h tmrr muoh lall i aaslst an advertiser anotespeelally in winter when tbe snow is on tbe ground 1 wonder where your posters and your dodgers een be found f- butwub th r r h w th im havine purchased the j a cornfield stock of groceries etc at 55c on the dollar are able to reduce the prices on tbrliulartookandoferextntordinary inducements to all customers reductions havo been made on overy line in our store wehavo a big stock ofteos at specially jowprlces5 j call while the stock j woll assorted it wont last longv tvc ftsffl4i wbw- rifr this is a bona fipe have eelfrovernlna ooloniea been represent ed by their premiere and the bodygnardsof thess offiolals at the queena commemora tion in the oopltal ol a worldwide empire call of parliament marbh ii the date decided on by the cabinet for legislators to meet ottawa feby 1 rhx saturdays meet- ior 61 ttie cabinet it waa dooldedlto qall parliament tdkother for the detpatoh of buainaas on thoriday march aith- the formal brterinoonnotfwill be passed n ftdayorwo and apfbolamatloto based thereon will appear in the canada oaufte jajfyfify rtieghb moypners iivr iuornirig pabtpr wlih a largennm- ber of his people attended the servioe in-lhe- presbyterian- and oongreirational aerviogs were withdrawn and the pastors and people joined their neighbors in their annual gathering chancellor wallace of mamaater univer sity preached two eicellent sermons the subject in tbe morning was thor lords my shepherd i shall not want and the eveniog subjoot was philip calling nathaniel to dome and sea jeans the past week has been a busy ono for those storing ice 1 no farmers havo laid away large quantities they dalodlale at leaat one or two large blooks for eaoh day daring the eeaaou the sleighing being drat olas large qnantltlssof wbodare being deliyerdav the paper mills and also to- private parties injths village v t the hookey roatoh on 1vi jay night last betoeen milton and georgetown was rooesi one our boys have eprlenrto hlst4sewrwpi 0thw pnrvlioyi a6cscasats pllf aji ipr sjipjbrirejbtv tjtjll combination ingarmulap 7so for boo hemnabteapoalal table ofends blaek and eolored some skirt lengtba some shorter at about half prlos jw1 lor stovea aglosr tbe newspaper lareadaloud to everyone we know x letter seoqrelfi 1 ypn -bsynspilslt- of bottonoresstabries is attrsotlng muob attention many drosaa asm tbe last few days afako yonr seleotlon wblle tbe assortment is at iu bast dresden grepons beautiful absdtngs lj la ibtso kaufte new seasons styles open worxwltb allk attlpea see orenadine llnena- llnanefrmtesflk stripe ate very atyllab hoe if avi ng a desire to please and entertain the yonng tho manufacturers of diamond dyes will send tho following valuable corn- blnation or ten copta to any address in oanada one excelsior bhylnlag a b c book ilrnstrated a gentqf lithographic art goo tullslsooabjqet plioloof iho three future kings of england every loyal canadian enould have one one daokago of diamond dye ink powder for blsmng sixteen punoes of best blaolt writing ink v thl ndisl jtnd valoabla oomblnatlon i amlh full sjeeves latest styles regular worth 15 cents to anyaddreat fpr ten sftu7 yy bend small sliver oolns or tbe proper amount in one two or tbaea cent stamps stamps of larger denomination aflll not be fh- for department f- hveryaruolelh thafor dpt la raduiud adlas baeeoon jaekets full tbreouuarter irlsfor tlio farmer aea the painted sign upon the barn and grins two dollars yearly for the spaoo ha usually wins and tberelbls interest n the ad bftglns and tbere it ends and tbe same is true of early all his nclgbbora and bis frlende llut tbey read tbelooal p per every day of every week and in itsweloome oolumns all tbelr informa tion seek eeruli svvf ep sale are alwaj therein displayed s read with interest ana aro sure to snmpleson application- freight or express prepaid io our nearest railway station in ontario on nil purchases of 5 aod upwards sntisiaciioij guaranteed wa s52srs i and yon may be quite eerhln herein df ways reai uake aouie trade it undstoraoo anyhow that wlit a fellow boys hes going to read and gat his money worth h bi is wise tbe father mother unolea aunt tin daughter and tbe son v are going to read the newspaper and to is everyone i bo it also atands to reason that a local mer- obanta ad will thoro attract attention bo it ell her good or bod and thevewapaper as medium loads all other undtjwitb ease for tbat is whore tbe mujutudo thoadveiuse- mentseea trxmimd i m rs4ixixr9prstool before stock taking are goimforttake a chiahng stuo w all our o1wa great chancejorvthe publics o aecare bargains in alltho different ilnea of dry goods cloth ing hats caps cents furnishings fur cops at liov spoclalbai ailc ins ta fine jhighlass grey flannels nt j pftci ewrythingmust go regardless of cost to make room for our spring stock and alatiawml como early and secure aomo of the great aa ybuwlll regret it as this lean ss oppoihltynotobelost mt is iv p lfod ucp r iiilrjeti- ci

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