Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 17, 1897, p. 3

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bank oft hamilton heap office hamilton uallial 1aiii vi ikhkhvl- furd total ahbinb eiu5iooo felitsooo shulhl taut ob r directors- ma stuaut au itallkay lrualiltilit i viiiorrphidolit iin 1itootoit uio llcuni a t wooi a 11 beh toronto wsi gihon hl txthnlluhh cutilor h b httilllisk anbtciurilor ii m watbon iiiupoctor agenofes huuilltoniljtirton st fc hunt km ahinton uorliticiiehlovtloorktitownurlinuliy libtowiil lucknow milton mouut foruut urcititjovlllo owuii bomiu 1orb elgin kimcou toronto viiguau brlfcibh london- addltd national iroviiiclal ilnult of kng the news at home mostly of u local character and ovorv itemlnterestlnfi jixtctthlous nt the tanneries tho biiilderu uro butty aufii at the- works of duardmoro a co uud tho aotoh tunii- ivh co and jujjjiiif from tho iinuntity of titnbur lunibur uiul other material being tnamed to tho premises tho works uro to bo oonaidomttly extended- an addition 0 sixtyfour vuttr h being made to ono of tbo tun yunlu u now drying loft of four storey a into bo- put tip a hair- btoro homo and two luro birk shoda uro to bo buitt already between twonty und thirty oara of material imvo arrived m a j i fifth annual convention a splendid gathering of haltons young christian workers horo yostorday nmw yon k fourth jsutloual hank mid elan over notljual uauk ilobton internation al truetoo yufalo mnrinobank oiiicaoo tnational itank at illinois and up ion national ilauk nsritoit detroit nartloual bank svhbaa city national bank of coramoroo agentcln montr e 91 tho bank ot toronto qhorgetown agency notes duicoutotod and advances in ado on fluit- tbloboauntlob hm r collections niadoanddtnria uoufriit and sold do all accessible points luoaimda unltodbtatob great britain ana tho cou thteuiof europe upon jmost favorable torma 8 dopoalu of 91- and upwards rocolvbd and interest allowed from date of deposit to into of withdrawal special derosits also reoolvodat current ratoa of iutoroat- nm livingstone acout windo s you want some new shades wc keep the best all colors mounted and unmount ed in fringe and lace plain or with darlo we fix up free of charge all shades bo tight from us window ulind paper in green and cream shades call in and sec our stock headquarters for wallpapers t -wfnbbwshades- curtain poles- geohykds acton ont look at tho date on tlio label on your panor and you will floe bow your bubucrip- tlon stands jtouow promptly it will confor a qije jutmt xn vtss thursday june 17 1j7 uttle local brieflets which caught theeyea or ears of free press repdrt this week queeua weather god bsvo the queen new mown hay ib the preaept popular perfume the ryocropia beiofi housed haying is at hand neit monday wihjbo tho loosest day of the year mrd feruloy camo to aatou froui hor homu at brmiiforct last christmas aud has ever uinoo boon lyhig ill at tho homo of her brother itobert jolinstou eatj after much aufforin death camo to hor rolief on tuesday morning mrn fernloy was the- eldest daughter of the lato dr richard l jolinstou and waa married to mr joseph fornley about nineteen years ajjo mr fernlcy died at loudon bopio fifteen years arq- mrs fornloy waa acbnfidihfc ohfistiau and died trusting horbayiour tho funerlwill tuko place this afternoon to tho oemotory at churonjii jcaak church ypscie at tho annual meeting of tlltj christ tab eudeavor society of- knox church the following officers wore elected for the ouauibg year hon rroav itov ii a mucphumou proaldtit 3t kennedy vlcopres mlab armstrong hue bocy mibh t mcquoun- cor bucy d ti hontloraoii truauuror hjuss latuburt ornaulbta mifib modouqij and miua j 5mitli lookout com mibbblnolalr cou rrayermoutitiguom mr jjackio con sunday school cooi miss cobban con callbir com miba a smith con social com mrs collins con flower com miee minnie holmes cou good lit coui mr lawsoul cou acton attain victorious aotou played brampton on saturday in a haltoupeel leagao gnmo and won again aoton put clark in the box and be pitched extra lino ball brampton being only able to gat three runs off him tho runs were made as follows aqton 11 beattieof 1 uttzlewood bsi lawsbu hi 1 clark p 0 fuyder o 2 e ryder 2b 1 hunter u 2 mcdonald lb lstoabor rfo bramp ton warner lb 1 thayer cf 1 ke- hooo 0 seymour lf 0 mcconnoll2b 0 downs 3b 0 adams rf 0 scott aa 0 modougall p 1 acton 3 10014 10 111 brampton 10 0 1 0 00 1 0 3 batteries clark and ryder mcdougall and kohoo umpire rowel iffe jubilee bonfires across the dohiluldn the idea of celebrating the diamond jubileo with bonfires from one end of great tho fifth animal convention of ifaltou christian endeavor union wast hitl in tho mcljmliut church ythtcrduy and win pro nounced bythoso prouunt a nioat oucisnrul convention in overy reopeut- there waa not perhnpr tho tamo spirit of enthusiasm winch characterised the con tention hold hero four years uro but on tbo other hand the practical buiq of uhris- tiim work ou tlio part of tho youn peoplo in connection wilh thoir souiotits ran through all tho addresses with emphasis andolcurnessj andmaiiyholpfu huygcstipup coming nd going visitors to and from aoton and variousother personal notes britain to the other has beon received par ticularly well in scotland sootohmen in canada have taken up the project and the grand chief of the boob of scotland has made an official request to the 200 osmpb of the order in this country to arrange for bonfires in their own part of the country on the night of june 22nd tho sites ll fltga and bunting float everywhere chosen will bo hills in the neighborhood of next xuoo jay patrons pidnio on jubilee day in mcdpngalls grove strawberries are much later in matur ing this year than usual tho boys havo got down to swimming in earnest for the season a party of oyolistb went to hillsburg for a trip on saturday afternoon farmers 1 some of your homes would be vastly improved by a coat of paint in honor of the diamond jubiloo royal purple is the color alao royal tartan attend the public school jubilee gathering in the town hull tomorrow afternoon the economies of the g t r has effectod the staff hero by tho cutting off of the night switchman a lawn social will boivon by the epworth leaguo of the brick churoh on wednesday june 30tb a meeting of the public school board will be held on friday ovening at 8 oclock in the council chamber y the continued wet woathor ot may baa seriously retarded the growth of corn the crop thib year will not bo up to that of last season we smith haa decided to dlappse the towns and at j oclock it ia the inten tion to light the piles so that almost at the same hour bonfires will blazo from ono end of canada to tho other the matter has been enthusiastically taken tip by the sons of scotland here and the biggest bonfire acton ever saw will blazo on cobblo hill on the evening of jabiloe day the jubilee programme tomorrow much interest is being manifested in the quoons jubilee celebration by the public school tomorrow afternoon tho follow ing programme has boon arranged tho pupils of the public school the teachers and the public school board will vmeet at tho eicllool at 13u framed portraits of queen viatoria will be presented arid placed in each department the pupils will then be deoorated with banners flags and bunting and at two ootook will form in procossion beaded by aoton cornet band the route of procession will be down education lane to main street theiibo to mi iv street along mill to frodo- riok street np frederick to bower avenue and thonce to tho- town ilall tho scholars will bo admitted first to tho hall after which the doorb will bo open to the publio at 230 the programme will bo proceeded with it will- include patriotic songs by the scholars a review of princi pal events in queen victorias reign and brief patriotic addressed by local clergy- men mombera of tho board and tho municipal council mean and wanton depredations now that flowers and shrubs are in pro- fusivo bloom several of our citizens are being annoyed by a number of despicable and unmannerly young men and boya who trespass upon private property help them selves to flowers ac indeocrimately apd croato havoc generally where much pains taking effort and expo nso have been under taken to boautify the home and surround ings and aid in rendering onr pretty town attractive a notable instance was the wanton destruction last sunday night about ton oclook of tho beautiful border ot flowers and plants at fairviow plaoe which extends from the conservatory to the ebu thorn limit of tho grounds by a party of youog men not an atom of bloom not even a bud was left and many of the rarest plants were torn np by tho roots and scattered over tho lawn wby mrs smith should bo made to e offer such an outrago is difficult to determine hor generosity in dispensing tho products of her beautiful gardou is well known and no request for flowers or bouquets have evor been refusod it is to bo hoped buoh outrageous doings will not bo repeated elsewhoro in town every resident young and old should take a pride tn actons boanty spots and do all in their power to enhance rather than destroy them a former citizen now in kansas eight or ion yoars ago a trio of young mon left aoton to try their fortunes ip australia their experiences did not lead wore advanced tho attehdaticoor delegates throughout tho aounty waa not aa largo us antiuiiiucd and tho wolknown hospitality ot our citizens was not uh largely callud into requisition as tho committee on billeting andtho hoetcseca who had made preparation could liavo wished there was however- o very good attendance and soverul socio- ties iu trafalgar aud nelson sent largo delegations of-entliubinatidondeavorers- tiro programme was obened at ton qclofikvrev c t tough- of hornby -pror- sidiugi briof words o- greeting were cx- prebbed by local ministers andworkors and this wosfollowed byencourging verbal rbportsfroma number of bbcietiob the keynote of the program mo was otruok by theeicelioitt jftid liojjpfgl papor prep a red by rov t w kelly b a of polormo on holy spirit- in our work in the abserree of mr kolly hta papor was rdud by tho second vice- president j mrs itp moore acton gave the next paper entitled definite work its north her conclusions pointed to consecrated individual effort and in illustration refer- ed to the caro of tho fruit grower in secur ing iiaudpicked fruit thqbubjqotsoul winning waatruated in a masterly way by miss- jardine of neleou and bhowed ways and meanj for sucaobsful work by young christians revo g langford b d presided at the afternoon sossibn tho dnttos nnd privileges of christian citizenship were defined itj an- ublo addr6bsby rev h a majspheraon every phristiah man should manifo3t a licun and unbiaeod interest in public matters and in tho welfaro of bib townand country a most helpful and inspiring paper was that presonted by mr howard a goodo- now of georgetown on fellowship with christ in life and sorvioo the unavoidable abbenco of mr lucy m smith of oakvillo khh regretted her oxoellont paper on tho important place of the young pcoplo in the work of the congregation how thoy can be helped to realize this was however sent to the convention and mias davie tho eocrefar road it with good effect a subject which croatod considerable diecuasion and in which there waa per haps a trifio of difference of opinion was that of mr a loubly of trafalgar reoreation and amusement in tho christian life mr luubly gave un able and carefully prepared address and advised christian young people to eseroiso the greatest eare in indulging in those amuee- mentswhich do not develop equally the physical moral and spiritual faculties tho importance of tho pwdgo was em phasized by miss featheratone of nelson who showed mobt vividly the duty of members of tho young peoples societies in being loyal to tho plcdgo taken upon their admission as members one of tho best addresses of tho conven tion was that of rev it j m glass- ford of guclph on benidite of tho annual convention to our individual societies he declared these conven tions to bo ol incalculable benefit to all who take an intcrcab in them and instanced tbo benefits which mudt accrue from tho carrying out of a programme so excellent as that of the qonvention in progress tho prominence given to the holy spirit is a moat pro lit a bio topio in all conventions lately this in itself is most desirable mr g las if ords address wilt give an impetus to convention work in halton as wo goto press at tho cjoso of the afternoon bobbiod tho roport ei tho prboeed- inga of thocvoning ietnecossarity lefc over until noxt iflbuo tho officers elooted for the coming year are as follows president rov o 6 langford 1j d goorgotown thu lakkilleflfl luvitm all its readers taoou- tributo totlila column if you ory our friends aro goliik away on a holiday trip or if you have frlomlu vlditluy you drop a card to tho fnae imips mr robt grant of toronto ib visiting at tho old hqme 1 mr dr mckeaguo visited friends iu toronto last wuok mrjtmos matttiuw spent bovoral days in toronto thia week mibj contor of puru has been- tho guest of acton friends thia week mias sherlock of parfcdalo visited friends hero during the week miau nellie moore haa beon spending tho week with friends in toronto mrs r fiannagan wont to bowmanville on monday to visit relatives there rev and mrs h a macpheraon visited frieuda in gait and guolph last week j mr ii bingham veut to chealey last week to visithis eidtor who is very ill mra keatle and hibb keatlo of kock- wood yieited fnonda in towp this we6k mra robortaon of toronto has boon the guest tbo put vfeek of mrs w p friok mrs turuorqf oore bay is visitiug at the homo of lioriatlior alex grunt eso mrs inhn v bocord of orillia wai the gueat durinthe week of mra s a secord mr pc fjeury of stauffvil niau mr c c speight and family a flying viait this week miaa johnbton of milton aatno to aoton to attend at tho death bod of her aiater mrs job ftjruley mr j m feruloy of brautford camo to actou luat week to viait bid otepmother mrj job fernloy llokgoddpn at wolland jast week attending the tnarrisgo of his brother mr herbert murshall of toronto and dr o a mardhall of pioton wore guostb last week ol aotou friends mr w e smallfield tho energetic editor of tho reiifrew mercury has been elected a member of ronfrew town council to fill the vacancy caused by the death of a member the mtiu ami empire has sent kit the popular editor of the womaud- king- dom page of that jonrnal to england to write up the queens jubilee hor vivid descriptions of tbo prominent features of the jubileo will be perused with avidity by the readers of the mail and empire mr f w goodove son of our fellow- citiien 5ir c f goodovo has graduated from toronto uuiveraity with the degreo of b a ho was very sncceb3fu in his examiuntiona securing tho first place in the firut ciubs for general proficiency mr goodcyo expects to graduato in his course in theology next year holidays for tho past twisters postmasters throughout tliecountry havo received notice from tbo department at ottawathatjhe following liolidays may bo obsorved in their poet oflloob nowi years day cbraimas good friday quesns birthday dominion day labor day thanksgiving day and any local oivio holiday a aether counterfeit t watch for new oountorfoi 91 isominion of canada notes aro in circulation la3y dufterius portrait is poor and the signaturo cf t d harringtou is written on tho oountorfelt instead of engraved for minister of finance for poooiver-gen- oral and british american ba note co are omitted from lheoougtcrfeus damages owing to bad roads at the labt meeting of tho county council ed downs of trafalgar pnt in a claim for sb2 05 for repairs to hie engine wbjclf waa damaged by an upeot near hornby ou tho base lino between eeques- ing and trafalgar on the recommenda- t ion of tho road and bridgo commit tea mr downs was- paid the full amount ql bis claim a new volume byoueofactoiia sods a neatifttlevvolumo of over iot pages entitled vtbe ages of human history wan recently received from rov chu a cook paator of the ftst baptist churoh bloom field njc the volume contains a beriee of sermons by- our old schoolmate published at the earnest re of many of the membors of his ahuroh among whom they awakened a very deep interest jxhciy are the result of d lengthened period of careful btudy exhaustive resoarch aod much thoughtfal refieotion a novel sutitteauqq one way ot enriohing tbo troaaury of on tario has been aqggested by a sheep raiser it is to put a high tax on dogs and to make it a misdemeanor for any one owning a dog to let it run at large unmuzzledfrom sun rise to sunset or belter still from sunset to a wh groat hnlking should curestaurirrfavot of hoods sarsaparllliif as for no other medi cine its great bares recorded in trulbf ul convincing languago of grateful men and women constitute itamoat effective ad vertising many of thoso cures are roar- ycloua thoy have wbn the confldenco of tho pcoploj hnvb given hoeda baraapi rilla tho largest ealea 4a the world and havo mado necossary for us manufacture tho greatest laboratory on earth hooda sarsaparlllaiajcnown by tho cures it haa mftrtftcurw rhtiuptg just an example ofnour prices all round corn 5c a can gran sugar 20 lbs for w w brushes 20c pickles ioc a bottle shoebrushes 15c ecioma cures ot rheumatism noiiralgla and wo nerves cures ol dypopslallver troubles catarrh euros which provo sarsaparilla ts tho bcstlntactthepiiotriio blood p a large shipment ol seasonable hosiery just arrived those shirt waists are the talk of the town buy one a visit yilt well repay you y o f goodeve co acton hoods pills ffilig s attractive death of registrar awrey hamilton jnnti 11 after a bdvore ill- noes of about three weeks mr nicholas awiey registrar of wehtworth county died laat eveniug at his residence on poplar avonue ho had boon ailing for bovcraf monthb boing affected by- b rights dibcaae he was 11 years of pge- and loft aj3auglitermias graco awrey and three bona hardy georgo and ralph he waa one of the most popular men in wentworth county and for eighteen years ho reprcbentcd south wentworth iu the ontario legislature having an unbroken record of victorich at the polls ho waa a prominent supporter of sir olivor mowatu government and his services to the province as ontarios com mission or to tho worlds fair were very great he waa appointed registrar of wentworth early in i8li be allowed to ran at large in the streets snapping and snarling at other dogs as well as people and ranging over lawns and flower beds in search of something to eat ia one of tho mysteries whyi allow dogb to roam at liberty and not cattle and pfgu when you seeau error just smttst readers ofnewipapers frequently detect errors all kinds of errors rhetorical grammatical and typographical there are a thousand and one reasons for these errors to err is human althongh read ers of papers rarely think so when errors are found the public laughs aud is not infrequently allocked at tlio supposed ignorance of bome oue in authority errors are cmbarring at any lime but there aro times in the uvea of printers when errors are inexcusable when tho average per user of papers finds a misspelled word he says why i can spell bettoro that that follerd better go toaohool a while longer so you oau epsll better but an is often the caso with the printer haste and loss of bleep and lack of proper time and duo attention play their parts you criticise vvhero criticism is worse than wasted becaueo the party mak ing the error knows of its exis tence long before y onr eyes rested upon it or your polished intellect disoovered it have you over thought just bow yonr own spelling capitalization and punctuation would look in print if not send your manuscript to eoids printer with instruc tions to follow copy there would be more than one reputation to rent if it were not for the kindly supervision oxoroised by charitably disported printers and proof readers for instance in a single column of this paper there are over 8000 ems or over 10000 separate and distinct pieces of metal the displacement of any oue of which might asuse a most exasperating wo so when yon seeanrror juet- iqh vtcij capt a ii noble norval canon mulook late of st georges cathedral kingston and uncle of hon wm malockdied at his ltume in win- nlpdk- it is reported that barnoy baruato the diamond king committed suicide by throwing himself off a bhip in morocco waters edward dyer was sentenced at the middlesex seaeions to aeveh years tho kingston penitentiary for robbing bert madolo of doroheater of 05 among the honors premier lanrior will receive whilo in england ih that of the honorary degreo of ll d from cam t h is the expression of visitorsto our store that our stock is niost com plete attractively displayed and re asonable in price tlio jilbilqd spirit is abroad the air is full of it jutt as we expected our gcreat jubilee sale 99 omile eaw wood and say nothiog belles gnelph enormous business in 5azhll phper this season price and quality did it window shades have a glance over our- slock if you require wall taper we can suit you cloth 3x6 complete has stirred up an immense en thusiasm right along with the patriotic jubilation of every british subject our great bargain sale brings most practical and tangible cause for rejoicing to her majestys sub jects in this part ot her domains hundreds and thousands are thronging ihe procession of buy ers to our store and tho opening days of our sale went indeed with a rush thisweek the enthusiasm will grow a stock such as ours unequalled in the city for extent beauty and quality not simply an aggrega tion of rubbish for niakebeiief cheapness whenoffered afc-cut- prices such as we aro doing at present is bound to crowd the btore with customers its worth anybodys while if for no other eurpose to see our store and ehold the extent and wealth of material displayed its aikobject lesson of pleasure and profit if ypu cannot come writo for sam ples sale continues all this week- a dollar is no bigger here thati elsewhere but you will find you can buy a lot more goods with it than anywhere else during this jubileo sale fakes and we can suit you in your personal wants and if it is wedding presents or friendships tokens pur stock offers exceptional variety just now jubilee medals pins c are in demand we have them gb d piirrgle jeweller guelph convention groceries jubilee j goods jubilee latest styles and colors in gents jubilee tie large range of jusilee flags newest styles in jubilee hats assorted range of umbrellas convention groceries our grocery department has allthe require ments in the grocery line for the ce convention to be held in town on the i6th new corned beef salmon fancy biscuits canned goods oranges lemons and banannas a e curmey co gents- furnishings mill street acton jubilee flags kellys music stor will be found in future on corner of wyndham and quebec sts premises lately occupied by traders bank of hia grocery bqeineas aud nil hold- auo- tion sales on friday ovening saturday afternoon and evening an excureion under the auspices of the halton county farrnora institute takes plaoe per c p r on june 2gth to he model farm gnelph farenta t spend tomorrow afternoon with yonr girls and boys at tho school jnbtteo celebration help to mako iho event a happy one to tbem there are a few thonghtloaa boys in town who take liberties with thorardena of oitiaenfl thoy are likely to get into tronble if their depredations continue landlord clark of the clark home pent a few hours at hilleburg oue day lat week in trout flahiog lie brouplit liome eleven pounds of tbo speokled boau- ties mr john clark abcouuuut for beard- more ac co showed the fbbb f fteas a scr ies off very pretty diamond jubilee medals be had just received from friends in his old home tti oambridgeafaire england a naw time table came into effttot on beg t b on monday the only change which will tffeci passengers here ia that the morning train going west will hereafter be eleven minutns later it now calls nt aotcnato40 in some placebkldng the highways the wild cherry trees aru festooned with hun dreds of oatsrpillars nosts these trcch should be destroyed they aro the cauao 2nd vickpheh ooorgo vincont acton bucitetint mias minolo davlo ialonno tiikahuuen misb jardluo nolaon exec utne john sbanua hornby goorgo frasor union o l wilaon kufttchbull prod doaconmiltoii mm lucy m smith oakvillo mibh ella rinydur silofim and miss austin sjitoon tho delegates wero all dolightod with aoton and its hospitality and our reputa tion aa a convention town was in all respects well snataiuod local brieflets the queen long may aho reign queens jubileo next tuesday street sprinkling bhoqld bo a livo sub- bridgo uuiveraity an attompt was mado to aaaassinate president fanre at fans whilo on his way to tho racos a bomb was exploded close to hia carriage 4 a oablogram from londonderry an nounces tho safe arrival of the vancouver haviugou board the canadian troops for tho jubiloo under thocommand of lieut col mason the united states secretary of the navy has ordered tho battleship oregon to viotoria b o to be present at the festivities attending the celebration of the queens jubilee with kolicr sjct felt pnper ditto 15c childrens carriages priceand quality everyone wonders at their great value sporting goods books etc remember the name chas l nelles city bookstore cuolph iakirs not excepted f lak- ing in this btoro e r bollert co 62 and 37 wyodlittm stroot orelph ont the public are are invited to call and see the finest miisig store in western qntarte joot now fgeoetatiogencugh caterpillart todeatroy- them tofallio4uifowith4hoaatipodobanc all the orchards in the country saturday evening as mr and mrs ohftrles davidson were driving up main street the front axle ot their buggy broke letting them both into the street the horse stopped at oooo and noilliar of tho ocoppants of the rig received any injury boys guilty of blrdnoiting aro remlndod that tbey are liablo to a ilno for destroying nests of any of the inpeotfvor- oas birds that abound in thia boot ion not a few you nga tors have of late been indulging in this cruel sport a word to wise boys aboald bo iumolent an inebriated farmer from erin town hip narrowly eaoaped aeriom injury in town last thursday afternoon lie drovo down to the foot of willow street to the point where beard more a gos hridga for- merly crossed the valley but which was removed last year as the horso reached the edge of tlieiiigh ombukmontit euildon- iywheelol around upaatit tipay driver and atartod for home alone a step or two further would have meant serious if dot fatal injury to horae and driver thoy all returned to america one of the number mr p 1 mo art bar who will be remembered as oonnectod with the gtr staff here in remitting for the fiikk vurua the other day gave eomo interesting par ticulars respect inghimbofif and requested to be remembered to hia friends in aoton back in tho eighties he has been agent of the paoiflo express company at white water kansas over ainco bis return from australia bo mo eight years ago and is doing well ho is now a well matured hcuediot and the father of a bright five- yoarold eon nnd heir and a dear little daughter who is now onjeying her first summer like nearly all other families mr moartlmra has had experiences off a trying oharactor last summer he was down with typhoid ever for four months liis wife fur five weeks and his son for an equal term had it not been for judioibas handling of bin salary previously ttre doctor- bill of 91000 which was aub- sequen lly presontedi would hlivaabed calamity dire and sorious petes aoton friends unite in beat withes to him and his the mercury roao tobovcnlytivoin the ahade on tuoaday jubileo sorvicesvill bo held in allthe charahes on sunday take a holiday next tuesdayyoull uovor have buoh an occasion agaiuy tho milton licformcr sayb tho tramp nuaianco thoro haa become quite intoler able six crowdod oxouraiun trains passed through aotou this week for the ontario agricultural collogo guolpb it is probable tho aoton georgetown and milton oranemcu will participate in tho great proocssion in brampton on july 12th mill stroot is not particularly attrac tive to whoelmeii at present tho gravel ing is making a vast improvement how ever kdqtlesiug fd iuu fair way to henur ing improved roads the council has wisely expended 000 in threo now road machines apeoial meeting of aoton fire bri gade will bo hold at 7 0 to meet the firo committe of the council a full atten dance is requested if yon want flretolaaa guolph sabh and doors at guolph prioofi t eddaob can all your order at hia planing mill fruit culture is more profitable to the farmer now than hia other cropj brown bros co tho moat oxtensivo nursery hooflo in canada have a vaoanoy in this seotion write them at browns nurseries p o ontario for their terms the people of canada uro not surprised that tho jubileo portrait of the qneon gotten out by the montreal star and the star jubilee modal of solid aluminum are carrying everything before them but the people of k fig land are now adm both of those souvenirs aud cablegrams say the star souvenirs are tho bobi out either in england or any of tho colonies beside can ada tub wanzer lamp and ovjbn turnip seed swedes orey8tone aberdkens globes etc all qilt edob stock im- ported by xffyqelf and cheaper tbineverbeloro hunqarian mlltbt bu0kwheat pabisorben hellebore potato bus killer laud plaster salt binder twine all kinds now in on the string for c irt icllv telephone 178 guelpii 100 j fo raunitnor snfo sura choap ijk8t in the world bavea mon ay work worry cliocpar tbau wood or coal always ready one lamp with waneerovonwiii oook largo tur key or ham koastiuft or steaming aa you pro tor wo will bo ploaaoil to alvo you intormatlon wanzor lamp amfg co 134 king streets hamilton geo j thorp maiuet sq and macdonell st quelpii fruit ornamental trees 70 acr shrubs ros6s u1nbs hnd s66d pot7ttos better thrn eyor and still till bbst sold inleadpaxikeu only never in bulk ali grocers we havo tho lnritiaionmont and employ tlio very latest and ni t itnprovod meth od for propagation ail stock carefully paeked under our imtnional superviidon and all nowj varieties tested at our trial furmi before being catalogued thoso are the only testing orchards oonneoted with any mnraery lu tho dominion agents wanted to represent u snoelal attention given to park cemetery and boulevard orders estimates furnished for applying autlre oretiardi why buy of foreign ooueerrn or of middlemen when you can pureuue as olapiy from us and get better value onr atook isoanadlan rroit andaoellmated o english orfminli iroo pa appuoa- stone wellington fonthlll nurserloa toronto ont the zfoaduib canadian tree men housgfurnisliings si new an muslinifnst colors choice designs curiain width just ihe ihinr for beach collages s crctonno j6 inchcjl wide new designs fast colors special price a 15c regular price 20- hi lirnin beautiful bidden nauk iuwiwiw oaiidh loveijr ploturm or 10 handiatne oalllug ouiil oaah wltli ordmr btainna ukin aiidrch canada card housu instnoll out carpet special very rare prices will rule this week in 100 pieces of best five frame brussels carpet regular prlcctlljji now being sold for tioo made and laid this is an unparalleled opportunity for you to secure a handsome carpet at a price that in all probability will not occur again wise people will take advantage of this great offer while it lasts a very attractiy decorations line of rope iortiers the very thing for summer hi hammocks in all sizes and styles with pillow and valance price ranging from 87c 3-75- new white quilts very special at rjoc india seats very new and novel in oak birch and mahogany i5oand 0175 screens in oak and mahogany from lit 25 to 1500 1 new japanese tamboured and colored bead curtains tjso 45 and 1550 www w w v w w ww 5 c ins the rigt house hamilton m issssei

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