Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 1, 1897, p. 1

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volume xxiii no 1 acton ontario thursday july i 1897 price three cents ib 1ublibhkd evlry thursdaymorning at tub free prihhstcftiu lrliitingoluip mill btrdlt vctom ont tkhmhof huuhcuiitidv one dollar pir jour strictly lu advance ah miuolrlptioub dlucou- tiuuod whon tho tiino for w liicu thoy lla a buun paid liab oxplroil tbu duto to which ovory subscription ia paid in denoted on tbu address labol advpntyhintf hatlb trail bl out advertise tneutfi i0autapor nqnparoll iio for flrut in sort ion 3 couts io r lino for each aubsoquont lanortlon oonnucrttans tho following table shows our rates for tho tneortloii of advortisomohta for apoolflod periods to cleaii the balance of ouil ystall paper c hi u reduced the price to cqst and in bonic cists below cot price i 1 t 0 wo j mo 1mb ux 435 00 2000 7 00 j3 00 2000 1joo 300 10 00 woo voo 250 000 j 50 9 00 100 advortlbomonta witboitt epoelflo directions will be lrjpofud till forbid and ohargod accord lugly ttanblput advettifloraontfl must bo paid in advance advortlbomenta will bo changed onco oaqh montn if dasired tor changes oftolior than euoo a month tho composition inuat bo paid for at rogiilru ratob chatjcob for contract advortlbomonta must bo tho oul o by noon on tuesdays h p mooke editor and proprietor fiustiuss btridorpr j r urln m dom office and robldonoo corner mill trodorlck stroete aoton as elliott m b m d acton gludcate tonohto umeib1t officemaln stroot third door south of i reabytcrian church acton 1 ikj st ck ib well absprtltl conibinntionb ptrfcct wl cm sboijon tht nicest ind cheapest imporaniltic cu ou 4at mamy 6frlrj time bj dciling a i days bookstore ouelph day sells chap tradersbanic ofcanaoa veterinary surgeon a lfred p husband v s graduate of tho ontatlo otorinary collogo honorary uiouiborof tbo etorinary medical society office wm husband a lpt 21 con i nass agawoya calls day or night promptly attended to dental ll bennett l d s dentist akobqetown ontario dr t 8 mercer dkntihi graduate of toronto university aud it c d b o 111 co ovor drug storo acton vibitiinq dayb thursday aoj ihiday j m bell d d s lds pkntibt unoonvillk ilonon gjuduate of tojionto univunmry work made hatibfaotory pricoa modorato visitisa days tuobday and trlday of each wtek d r g h cook dentist cor collego ht and hpadina avo toiionto will vlfit acton on tliollrgt and third satur day of each month officeagnow b hotel m clean mclean barristers solicitors notaries oonveyancorn to private fond a to loa offloo town hall acton wm a mclean jho a mclean douglas murray banwstejlb bolicitocs notaries eto offices 1236 quoon bt parkdalo victoria chambers 01 victoria st telephone 297 toronto jodn dodolafl a g mubray 3 mackinnon haitnistzn sotlclton convlmiscbh ofucf mill stroot in matthews block upstairs rry a matheson j b mcleod ml armbteilb bolicirorb conevlncer8 georgetown and milton monov to loan at lowest ratcfl r j mcnabb uork pourtb divialon court county of hal on couvoyancor agouthrtiandxiifo asaurauco uoal lata to agont monoy to loan etc otftfice pcrryinau slllock acton ont miscbllaubo us henry grist ottawa canada solicitor olpatonts for invontlon etc prepares appllcatlona for tbo canadian amor lean andeuropoanlatontoulcos and for tho uofihuration of trado morlta send for pam pblot thirty two years axporionco f iban0i8 nunan dookbindbr wyndliam st ouoliili outurio oor wllllomt storo aooount booka of all kinds mado to ordor porlotllcttlbolovorytloborlptlonoarofullyuouua ttuilnpnoil promptlvlodo our prices low beyond precedent bath sponoes r toilet sponoes surgeons sponoes moulder s sponoes slate sponoes bath mitts neither toilu nor rurser is complete uithjut a pur of jinth l mitts bath brushes all best mikes in stock bath towels llest irish linen cm t wear them out olive oil soap for the bath this soip is the purest and best s soap for the shin i alex stewart family and dtsp ens iag chemist t i cuelph ont 1 89798 iiikll pkp6rs- styles and prices to surprise you authorized capital 1000 000 paid up capital and surplus 785000 assets over 6300 ooo cuelph ftrandh 3 sums of 81 and upjwurda received o on dopoaitand ij poroout intoreat paid or compounded hull yoarly y deposit rccqipts leaned fdf aro sums deposited advaucps mado to responeible furmors on their own namea no charge made tor coheitink sulea notea if payable in guelph a general banking buaineas traubaated a i- li josrb afn it tiger our coaljoii stoyes make quick work easy no waiting for fire to barn or stove to warm up ready to cook as quick as lighted safe handy economical no dirt ashes or overheated kitchens write for prices if you cant call 33oirp wjjifil a huirul of whiuky contalnu oouiothinn moio than tin ordinary barrol of lio namo hio far in addition to tbo regulation j 2 rnllonn it con tiub a barral of lioadathe3 of boartacbob of woes b inul of cutblb a barrol of blowap bttiiel of tcara and a world weary wifo a barrol of borrow a barrel of btrifo a barrol of all unavailing rbgrot a barrol of cftroa and a barrol of dobt a barrel of uuiitfor ol poison of pal u a barrel oi bopos over blasted ah i vain a barrol of falsehood a barrol of cries thalfall from tho manlaosllps as bo tltct a barrel or poturty ruin and blight a barrol of terror that grows with tbo night a barrol of crimes and a barrpl of groans a barrel of orphans most pitiful tnoana a barrol ol aorponts that lfieo as thoy pa36 i roin tboboad of tbo liquor that gldna in theoelaaa sooiu banni n bonoiia co oat a barrol of whisky is tbo doviib most aotlvo agent through which ho debtroys man b body and soul home family and all that is bacrod faabion they woro no no tho lo reully prepared to bo truo lover and to hottle down into good huaband and wife in tho futuro but while thoy wuited for that jedc dtau s ltfo was soarooly a bod of rosea aa bia graudfatbxr bnoamo moro holploaa ho bepamo moro exultrng and tyruuuioal while hie earcaama were uh bitter an they could be raadoi n6tlung that bibrraudbon cob id do pteaaod him and tho moobebt patiqnco could not ward off tho hard lauuta having tiven tho lad the cduoatiou of a fentloman and allowed bim to ibdulge tbataatpp anfi niilmvain tho refluement k sbeltct jfaimlg jlcnamg j m bond co guelph frames pictures artists supplies headquarters for presents c waters bros st qeorqe s square queiiph j h hamilton ilealen ih marble and granite hamiltons blook guelph havlag ou liana a largo quautlty of scoteir norway swedish uua russian grhnite and m order to dispose of it to maxc room for spring slock ndw purchased 1 will sell nt a reduction of 20 pee cent and will nllow all expenses lo cumomen to and from our works johnh hamilton main street planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor m arriagi licenses ii p moofll ipsiifii op manniaob licfnhkb irl ate ortlc no wltnosiob roaulrod ibsuod roflidonnn in tbo ovontug froo press onlco acton k0n6y ttallmeils if you wleh to reduce your lutoront j or soouro a arntoiabii loan ol money at ow lotcroat and on oany tornu ol repayment call on mo i mako a ipoolalty of ion 1 no monoy and liavo plenty otfundb i alio lend on vlllkbo property w c jackson convevanoell and monfy lrndi h okfick wyndliambt noarolty ball oueli ii wellington mutual fjra insurance com bataslibhed 1840 inbuhanob on oub and mutual plan aoy aommunloatloua forwarded to my addrolfl uox 028 or tolophono 08 will bo promptly at tended o jo tay10i1 acont clnoli h w m uemstreet llobnabd aoctjonkkb kor tbo countlos of wellington and hal ton ordorbloflat thofiteb pnkhh olllco aoton or at my residence in acton will bo promptly at tondod to poos reduced to s5 00 for farm sales also monoy to loan on tbo most favorablo tuns and at tbo lowest rates of intorest in umeof 000and p words e b collins butcher dosinrn to thank ills miiiioroni omtomon for tbnlr liberal patronaga siuca lio oommoucoil bunlnohs last janiinry anil hopes that by oarufnl and courteous attention to merit a ooutluuauao or their custom a oomplato assortment of ortolana beef mutton lamb pork fresh and salt hams sausages poultry lard o in season prices always as low as eonilitont with tho best quality prompt dolivory tat stock wanted v n collins manufacturer of bash doors frames moulding in all styles drjsssinq mjltchincf and mouldinq to ordor on short notico well aaaortod stock on hand at prices to sul tbo timos john cameron proprietor the campaign prepare for winds wo would call your atteutiou to tho fact that wo aro pnpared to supply you with lumber of suitable length for youf barn doora viz 10 12 18 or 1 feet bibo sash- doors frames mouldings oto for building storm doora put up at bh low a rata as possible fj7vfs repair jour pumps or put lu now odcb hofore it is too cold wx can o it shop at foot of rlvor street acton thos ebbace manager georgetown electric works t j speight proprietor manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams i ipo and htoam fitting and ueneral ltopalr lnf iloluk equlpimid with a raa braxlna machine 1 am prepared to dobrastnajon flieyoleb frames ao whuols converted from direct to tangon hpokon handle hart bent to aoy deslrod auale full lino of ipokes kept in stook baliafaolton huarantood dleyolol enamellod in any color t 3 speight oeorgotoyvn ligm summer tweeds that look cool and feel cool stylishly cut properly finish ed and generally well tailored not high priced but high enough to ensure every satisfaction to the wearer the pleasure of first choice is yours if you buy now grardfather higginss yyi bo i n lumiomi i uk flnidqldmr hikgiob shaw tubner merchant tailors guelph more than haff ydur life is spent in your shoes then why not have them comfortable the ease of a shoe depends on the material and fit that is the reason our shoes give general satisfaction all grades of boots and shoes in the latest spring styles and best quality at w williams boot shoe 8tore mill 8treet acton the- j int stinson store rockwood special bargains ordered clothing and mens and boys hats su7ut7ubf2 bssion wit i in in 1 1 at till guelph business collogo and shorthand institute 1 rom july 5th to august 13th write for pirlicuhrs j sharp principal aoton machine and repair shops iinnityohindem lroprictor a hp woll equipped with all tho machinery nooouiary tooxoiuto all repairs to inaohln ery ami agricultural imploiuunu and to do all klntls of ateaui flttlnff horna hhoolnrkiu oanoral lilaokiinuhtnn woodwork ropalra rorformoi in a aatibfaotory tnanoor wo can repair any machine or linplomont of any make baw gumtnidft aud illlitk louo iii ltfafontb for quoon vlrtoila her w ar i ell ioru nui illauiond fulillno nil a over howl nn wltlf latoht and rich oi t pictured contains tho ondomod hlorraphy of nor majoaty with authentlo history of iter roiqarhalifu rolyti and full aenount of the ula mond inhlloe oulylw lildhouk tromon dons demand lionauaa for aitonta rointnti blon ao por ount credit slvon kroiuht pat i outfiit flikf duty paid writo qnlnk forout fuaud tirlurv tlk dominion comlhnyl dopt 7a5rtdoaruom at chicago fully rodrdiur bis grandson aorobba am all round breakfast table so so 1 you think hitriua is a vulgar name do you and that jodcdiah is detestable 1 jeddy hujgina ib not very protty atammored jodediah junior wonderine who had repeated hta opinion to bia grand father irettyl protty i said the old gentle man with a eoornful emphasis the idea of a man a man wanting a pretty namo i you would hko to be oalled albert alphonse mootmorenot i buppoee jedcdiau hung lna head very muob would ho have preferred albert alphonse montmorenci to jedediab higina 1 jodediah iligtjina was a name good enough for your father and your grand father aud his father beforo him t bhout ed tho old gentleman and it is good enough for yon if you ureobllogooducated and spoiled 1 yes eir spoiled 1 i ve made a fool of you aud a foot of myself and now i m paying for it i you d hko an jalof the lbgblftlaro to ohmge your name would you jodediah writhed vho who had been tolling hia grandfather all those aspirations ho had thought could bo kept forever from him jodediah higgina coutmaed the irate old gentleman ia a nnrao good for a quarter of a million on tho faoo of a check now you look out sir or it may not be good for two cents when i dio 1 then ho rang tho bell and judadiah robe and meekly followed his grundfathors wbeolod ohair into the adjoining room for a stroke of paralysis had made the old gentlemans lower limbs uselesi and while his mini retained its full vigor hn hand a their fall power ho n as hopelessly crippled very few of hid friends wore ad rail tod to ece him and jodediah hud thought him self freo from gossiping tougues it was bard ho thought at twenty four to be tied to a wheeled chair to bo absolute ly dependout upon tho oaprioo of an old man for tho piece of a necktie and to bo called jedediab higgiop aud to bo ex pectcd to tuko prido in his name but it was worse still to tiud that his grandfather know of hib secret detestation of the name and bia desiro to change it already had he applied to the legislature for permission to call himself francis henderson and already ouo sweet troblo voioo called him dear prank hre wm a c i g might bo revealed what woa- secret that would become of him if his grandfather found out that he was betro to hia cousin estollo louiao estollo louise was his first cousin ahar mg with him the plebeian name of higgins tho father of estollo louise was named thomas and it had been with difhculty that ho bal persuaded a lady a vtry tlno lady tor consent to become mrs tom hijgina when her whole exhttenco had alroady bean poisoned by being named boggs to oxchango that for bomo maaioal appellation had been the desire of her life but she loved tom aud love aon querod but tom b father waa mortally offended every day by mrs toms airs mrs tom shuddered at coming to breakfabt beforo nine o clock aud noor shared tbo morning repabt served two hours earlier mrs tom protested when tho orphaned child of bor husbands brother was namod for his fathor jodediah upon his adoption by his grandfather mrs tom woro silk morning dresses and vol vet cloaks whllo her husband was roally only a olnrk in his fathers employ and mra tom would not have her precious baby called hannah after its grandmother but chnatenod it hat olio louiso it wai all bad onough while tqm lived but when ho diod tho om gentleman beoarao moro irritable tho widow more airy until a grand quarrol ended by mrs toms being requested to find another home long years beforo poor mrs toms rather empcy bead had ceased to plan costumes and htudy fashion plates and rested quietly in the village church yard while her eistor miss susan bogga took tbo mother s plaoo to tho orphaned daughter miss susan bad a comfortable income and estello had been educated in a now york seminary coming homo at nineteen pretty attractive and ready for conquest but her beauty her society manner her low sweet voico were all offenses iu tho ejeaofher grandfather who plainly lot her see his dislike and forbado jadodiah to visit her ill havo no more one lady airs in my family 1 he growled and j oujl not call upon your cousin eitolls louise biggins i and jodediah obeyed to the letter no formal on in wore eor made but estello mot hor cousin in tho shady lanes nt twi light together thoy mournod over their dreadful mutual ofilictiou it wm latallo louijo who suggested the act of tho if tidln lure and solemnly pledged herself to become mrs frnncu henderson whenover the frttch were propitotis they uover translated that phrase aloud but in plain english it meant whenever grandfather higgins died trrty were young thoy woro foaluh fancied thctneclvm molded of superior olay but yut they were hafneslly and faith fully fn love with each othtr and if thoy gushed and cooed in rather stilted thosame he was disappointed to and that the young man preferred poetry mama and art to the drudgery of a clerk in a wholesale t store he know that jodndiah hated lo luvoice molasses and soud samples of sugar or starch he was anarq that every pound of browu soap was a wefghtm jedediab i soul and he de lighted in exacting the closest inspection of tho blbineas in whtoh his own boui delight ed it was b imply wonderful to see how hie memory could recall tho minutest details of tho warehouse from which he had been absent three long years and ho had a system of mutual spying among the clerks that made everyone afraid to make tho slightest error in any statement he called for jededuh jearniug for poetry flowers and lstello xjoqiso- had to bind himself down to soap molasseb and brown sugar but he dii manage an occasional stolen interview and a constant correspondence was kept up through the medium of a hollow tree known to thomselves alone one night there was an alarm in the higginb household and before morning jedojuh biggins senior had goue from earth forever it pas a sudden blow to his grandeon who had given htm all tho love he would have felt for the parents ho had not known beforo they died he was grateful to him and loved him with sincere affco tion and ho mourned for him very truly it was little comfort that beforo the funeral he received the papers that gave him tbe legal right to btgu himself francis hen doraou in tho future the funeral was over the familj asaem bled in the parlor to have tho will read to them estello louise was there and susan boggs and some ifephewb and nieces who had hopes for legacies many were re membered but the anms left to them were not bufficiontly lare to diminish very much tbe bulk of tbe higgins estate but the lawyer in a monotonous tone read on the legal phraseology omitted the bubstauco of tho will was this having beard that hip grandson contem plated repudiating the name that had been honorably borno by three generation he waa disinherited if he carried those inten tionb into effeot to hia grandson jedc diah higgins he left tho entire estate after the payment of the legacies already men tioned if jddediah hiina had changed hia namo then tho entire property passed to hia granddaughter estello louise hig fiiua no conditions being specified a few more words followed and then the lawyer foded tho document and said i suppoae you understand mr hen- dorjqdtlut your couaixtutb jjticgrand- the cost of a dinner recontly a gentleman who is foud of arithmqtioinadouplng mtud-that-he-would- wfatloafao w lootnnraveirthebilloffnre fathers heiress i understand baid mr henderson tho company departed moro or less oat lafled until no one was left hut miss boggs her meoe and the disinherited man with a great effort the latter roe shook biraaelf with a sigh and thon taking estello louise by the hand said i will leavo you iu possession of tbe house cousio and i hope you will believe that i rejoice in your good fortune oh frank dear frank bho sobbed dont speak to mo as if i wero a stranger find out how muoh a dinner really coat this gentleman asked how muoh a bimplo dinner that ho was eating co9t and he was told bevcnty hvo cents ho contradicted this aud then in ado out the following statement about tbe cost of that dinner tho pepper be said camn from ten thou sand miles away it grew on a little bubh about eight feet high which muat have had a growth of at least five eara the peppev waa picked greep it bad to be dried in the sun and thin moant employing women it took one ship and a thousand milofr of rail road to bring tho pepper to canada tbo tea on tho table oamo from china and the coffee from south america the oodtiah had to be brought from newfoundland men bad to bo employed to catch the fleh other men aud women were employed in drying packing and boxing it and it too had to make a long railroad journey the hour of which tho bread was made waa grown in manitoba eome ono owned tbo land and that meant the investment of capital and thon he had also to pay wages to workingmen tho flour had to be ground aud 1 ho building of tho mill aud the plant or mnchinory meant moro money imeated the millerb had to bo paid cooperb had t be hired for making in the line of a hint it wab ovident that he was ill at oaao the barrels and of course the wood of which the barrels wore made had to be out and sawed and shaped and this meant the employing of moro men then tbe flour had to be ebippcd over the railroad and handled again by cartmen before it came into the house the salt came from windsor the oannod peachds oamo from niagara and they loo represented tbo employment of capital and labor the spices in the cako came from tbo spico islands in the indian arobipelago after the gentleman had pointed out what the dinner really cost ha asked what on the table could be raised within tho limits of the county where they wero jiving the answer was only the corn bread the butter and buttermilk and it was deoided that tbe family could not live on tboae alono tho gentlemen estimated that that little dinner represented directly or indi rcotly the employment of ave hundred millions of dollars of capital and of fivo millions of men it would bo quite a los eon in geographyifor each of the little folks tofcrylmibcover whro their dingers came from outlook bat sue didut seem to lo ice it and ho oontinuod to urga hor to order whatever she wiahed she did it laut nooeaaary to enter into thedetails of the order horo but in tho booluaion of hia own don with his chum as his onl auditor he would have designated it as 4 beaut ho wa nervous while tho waiter was getting id but auin it did not seem to attract her attention as a matter of fact she bad discovered a diah on the bill of fare fofwhioh she had iiad a hugermg longing for a ion lingering time and alio was principally interested in tho faot that she was about to go it at his expense aud she claimed to be a new woman too m read a btory a short time uio bo baid finally with some race of nervous neaa in bis mannor of a girl who wan s progressive that bho insisted upon treat ing just like a man where did yoa road it 7 alio asked quickly in nowbpapor ho answered oh woll 8he returned you know you cant believe all that you seo in tho nous p justifiable tho little man was excited tho big man wasoalmand determined and the justice was pulled qif him ten years sbudgo said tho littlo man gif bim ten years und nodiugs off for goot behavior when your honor understands the caso put in tho big man 1 am euro your honor will bob that thero is certainly no occasion for a bo ere penalty 1 lots get at the facte said tho juatioo as i understand it yon live near eaoh other and if ub only a little neighborhood row i dont want to treat the affair too aenoualy i havo the flat juet abovo his jour you love mo still dont you love you 1 baid rrank openiug hia arms in a moment edtolle louise was sobbing on her breast andfrankconsoliug her after the moat approved fashion it took some time to wind up the bubi nese and frank nendurson continued to occupj his grandfather a house whilo tho heiress remained with her aunt but one day thero was a quiet wedding and the two young people had their own way mr franoib henderson still oujoys his grand fathers property in apite of hia grand father s will a brave butcher the author of the breitmunu ballads mr c o loland was living in munich opposite a mediaeval tavern called tho ober 1ollinger hia landlady wai a nice old soul with two daughters on tho ground floor of tho honso was a btoro in which cutlery and fireworks were sold early ono morning leland and a friend wero bitting on a bench before the tavern waitiof for a stage coach to take them out of town suddenly bang i bang 1 oraok t was beard from the fireworks und puffs of amoke were boous coming out of tho burst ing windows the front store was ou 11 ro it was full of oraokera rockets and othor fireworks in tho the baok store there waa a barrel of gunpowder whtoh mr loland had soon a few days before when buying powder for bis pistols the family were asleep lelard ran aorosb tho street and rushed up three flights of stairs screaming it burns 1 thcros gunpowder i snatching a small bag containing his money ho tumbled mother and daughters down btaire he w asjul in lime to see a stalwart butcher buret open tho two inoh door with an axo and roll out tho btirol of gunpow de7two hundred pounds aa tho flames wero itakiugita staves 1 the batoher sav ed them all doing i113 work as calmly as if he bad been butchering an ox peace hath hor victories uo icbi rcnownd than war information desired paw say pawl little johnny bo gan 1 now what do jou want asked his snttring frttlirr with tli emphasis on the now will my hair full jt when its ripo hko yours difficult some years ogo the anihontiua of a eer tain tov11 iu iowa took praiseworthy- stops to bring about tho destr lotion of the gap hern that infested that prt of the country it wae publicly aim turned that tbo munitloient sum of tuulvo aid a half cents would bo paid fur osoh ono kilt provided ttiat the tails of the same were decapitated and presented far redemption lionor explained tbe big man leetlo neighborhood row nit not broke in tho little man i bat yon it vaa a great pecg row und dont yon forget it ho bust irtgbt into my flat von i vas away is that true asked the justice i picked the lock admitted the big man but when your honor understands did be bteal anything interrupted the justice addressing the little mau you bet you bo did ehudge- burglary said tho justice looking solemn this ia evidently a oae for the criminal court i ahall- tobiod y over to the grand jury that is unless what you took betonged to you and even then ou had no right to break in to got i it didnt belong to me admitted tho big man but if your honor lived in the next flat to it i feel sure what wae it demanded the justico a cornet said tho big man justifiable theft roarod tho justice cornet in a flat building great mack crol i plaintiff u fined 95 for taking up tho time of tbe court with such a ridiculous case chicago pout a windowbox flower garden a wiudow box may bo a very cheap or a very exponstvo afllair but a cheap one made ont of a packing box will grow flowora just aa well as a cobtly one made of tiles ah that ib necessary re something that will hold soil it ia not enodgh to simply nail window boxes to the wall a brace bhonld rnn lengthwise of tho box and bo strongly braokoted at each end to furnish support for the box the soil with which tho box is filled should be nan plants will not grow in poor earth it ib often difficult to get good soil in tbo oity but tbe addition of a little bonemoal which may bo procured from any store where garden seeds are sold will mako a poor aoil sufficiently rtoh in all elements of plant food to inburo sua ccob if you do not feel able to afford a fertilizer tho use of soap suds on washing day will tnipplcment to a considerable extent whatever nutriment is contaiued in such soil as happens to bo aailable juno lathed home journal marrying a man to reform r kim the most subtlq and deceitful hopo which ever existed and one whioh wre6ka tho happiness of many a young girls life writes fvn ngolnl dwlght l moody in tho juno kailtctt home journal is tho com nion delusion that a woman can best reform a man by marrying him it is a mystery to mo how people can be bo blinded to the hundreds of rases in every community whero tottering homes havo fallen and innooont hvos have been wreokod because samo youqg girl has persisted in marrying a scoundrol 111 the hopo of saving him i linvo never known such a union and i havo seen hundred a of them result in anything butsadueaa and disaster let no yoong girl think that bho may bo able to accom pi inh what u loving mother or sympathetic a i nler a have been unable lo do beforo thore is aiiy contract of marriage thero should bo convincing proof that there has been real and thorough regeneration a natural inquiry you havo bten gone some time yen four or five of ih have been taking a long tramp through the woods what was the matter was tho tramp afraid tago through alone ho aighod aud ahowod soma evidence of being just a little moro diatrossod than bo fore but ho baid meekly of oourbe not she talked gayly about ono thing and another until tbo waiter had returned with tho order but ho was btrangely silent i road in a papor devoted exclusively to women a day or two age be ventured a littlo later that dutoh treats wero all tho rage now in the swagger set thoyxe always springing absurd atones like that she returned anyone who didn t know better would bo deceived a bundrod times a day then in desperation he leaned aaroas the table and sajd say bo a good fellow cant you all my money is in my other otothea and i never knew it until we were in here she waa ao tioklod at being addressed iu the nmaoulmo fashion that she not only paid for both but refused to let him mike it good later although abe did not intimate that new woman or not she did not wish to establish that kind of a precedent ministering spirits lit 1amaii ansk ki i1mou1 ngolh fiuard our foothtups i ijn tlm i tboirsllont viela whilo wo calmly bleep when morulas a twilight brightona into day whon euiibut a radiant coloru fudu away in all our hours or joyfuluosa and ijuo in all our momenta of dobpondouoy do thoy watch o or us with untiringciirit soothe tho hoartd yoarnlng hoop ft from lu npttlr i dp thoy with goutlo strong inylslblo immlu fold tho muok poujtont u woury tioinuhiif bauds list to tho murmuring boba tho imporrtut 1 iyn take up to hoavou tho bougu of irayor mid pralio how bloanod is tho thought that by 0111 el do puro angol fojruie will ovor softly jjiclo i o gpd myjodt my fathor and my kin accept my prayors my pranc my oltvfut still lot thy uinlatoring spirits bo around my path drawing mo uoar to tuol guiding mo onward to a bright ojernity simplexenough ab a change from the story of columbus and the ogg which may now very prop orly be laid aside nntil 192 draws near an incident related by a trenchmau of boience and vouched for by him may be told tbi gentleman relates that ho was at hia work before a glowing fire when a young girl belonging to a family on tho flat above him came in verbal ducks and drakes some men make docks and drakoa with bhillinga others with worda an irish man who bad begun with an old junk cart having by his industry and knowledge of his busineas become prosperous thought ho would hang two or threo pictures on hio parlor wallb i m uo coumeer aaid ho to a dealer in pictures but i know a good thing when i see it you moan oonnoiasenr doubtless iu terrupted the dealer maybe i do and maybe i dont ho replied juat thatl a well known wealthy rner chant stopped to look at tho engravings dia played in the window v that mans a millenary exclaimed tho junk dealor millionaire you mean 1 retorted the picture dealer weill you may call him rb you please but i call him a mllenary i replied the unabashed irishman mr lo tana in his stonea of irish life tells thia one a neighbor of mine said that a very fine horse he had bought a few dayn previously had gone lame what is the matter with him asked mr t 1 am greatly afraid he has got the vernaou la s qf dear mo 1 said t i never heard of any quadruped having that disease except balaa ass girls expfect too much of young men if you eipeot children to bo polite when you are rude gontle when yon are harsh considerate of others when yon aro eel flab andrehgioua when you are saturated with world noaa then yoa aro sure to bo diaap pointed the average young man ia tbe agreeable follow who earns enough monoy to tako oare of himself and to put by it little for special oooasions writes ltutb auhmoro in the juno jjadtft home journal but he is notft millionaire and ho ia not tho young man drawn by those illustrators who in blaok and white give us eooalled booiety bkotcbes a cpmbination of fool fob influences makes the girl of to day ex pect entirely too muoh from the young man of to day she reads or is told that when a young man is engaged to be married ho eonda his fiancee ao many poundb of aweetti bo many boxes of flowers aa woll as all the new books and all the new muaio that may appear each week if there were more honest girls in thin world honest in their treatment of young men there would he a greater number of marriagos and fewer thieves yoa i mean exactly what i say it is tbo expectation on tho part of foolish girl that a man should do more than ho can lionoatjy that has driven many men to tho penitentiary and many moro tpjives of so oalled siuglo blesbednoss glnehous sympathy what consideration for the unfortunate a to be depends often upon tho person who is to do the considering some people aro bo thoroughly egobtitical that their mean est acts seem gouerous to them an amns ing oxample of this factwas affordedin the caao of a certain aolflbh person to whom another spoke of tbo financial misfortunes of a common acquaintance who had failed in business yes baid the ogotist he had plenty of money and now he has ucxt to nono but ho has hud proof that i at least don t turn my baok on him wliat havo you done for him why when he was rioh i never bor rowed of him because i knew that ho had people enough after him all tho time but tho other day i mot the poor fellowaban doned by everybody you know and i stepped right up to him and slapped him on tho back and aaya i hello old fellow 1 lend mo five dollars i and did ho he said ho hadnt but threo dollars but ho let me have thatl a good follower bogga does your dog follow well hanley with a daughter iguebb youd have thought bo if youd seen him follow yonng han bury tho other night only liervous ia a sure indication thai tho blood is not pure nooda sarsn pa ri la pnriqoa tho blood and restores per fee 6 health sir bhe buid would you kindly lend moahvo coal or two to atari ourfirowith it b kope out certainly my dear eaid tho savant but you havo brought nothing to carry it in take my bhovel oho sir answered tho child i will carry tbe coal a in my hand iu yonr hand what do you moau you 11 be be burned oh no bir 1 11 bhow you how the child dipped up seme aihca from the grate and placed them in the hollowed palm of hor left hand then with tho tongs she laid two burning coala on the top of tho littlo heap of aehebr then she- bowed smiled and went out bearing her coals unharmed well well i eaid the man of science to himself here ive been studying nator al philosophy forty years and never bad tho wit to do that whether bo ever repeated the experi on bis own account we aro nori told but if young readers attompt to dreo wo should advise caution no woneer the author of boad track and stablo like overy lover of horsos goes about with his eyes open often bo confesses when vexed by some legal problem for be is a lawyer ho has looked from his offioo win dow and envied the teamsters in the btreet in particular he has observed a certain negro who drives a very fino pair of jot blaok horseb bolonging to a coal merchant these horses havo taken many premiums at horse shows and bear the appropriate named or king cole and chloe evidently the negro is wrapped up in them onoe or twice ut least every year bo exhibits them at a show or fair and on these occasions he has nothing to do except to talk and i know of no machine that runs moro easily and pleasantly than the tongue of a horse man under a i discovered accidentally one day that tho very color of tbo horses is a source of pleasuro to him it was in winter and tho pjreots were heavy with enow and blqbb the team pulled a big load of cool so neatly ont of tho alough that a byatan der was moved to exprebd his admiration at their prowess huh 1 exclaimed tho colored man grinning from ear to ear you soe mis tali them horaea is blaok 1 mere sparks your intreity is your moat preoious posbeesionand should bo held fast to with e von more than usual tenacious grip when everything elao is logt to circulate an injurious story which you do not know to be truo is nearly as bad aa to aid iu giving currendy to ono whtoh you know to be not truo tho man who has not learned haw to endure the opposition and oven tho con tompt of tbo world is not the highest stylo of christian the resurection tho time may never oomo whon soienco will absert immortality as a necessary dogma but it is doing something far more helpful than that it is declaring that beyond the utmost oonfluea of its knowledge lies the source of all that is which oan only be apprehended by the intuitiona of faith not the christian only to day but reverent bcienco it is which puts forth tho cry of the poet thou wlt not loavo mo in tho dust thou madofit man ho knows not why ho thinks bo waa uot mado to die and thou bout made hiiu thou art just how to avoid wasting time and money a word at this timo to the ladies of can ada nay bo the means of putting them on their guard reotbatti mo andmoney may- not be wasted there are certain dealers and storo koepors whoao life object is the making of largo profits on every artiolo they bell those dealers are now endeavoring to bell adulterated and imitation package dyea for tbo samo price as tho honost dealor aaka for the reliablo mid never failing diamond dyua few lad lea havo tho inclination to upend timo and money to exponmont with worth leb and poisonous ingredionta put up to outwardly imitato the marvoloua diamond dyes if yoa want good work you must use the best dyes years of thorough test ing proclaim tho fact that diamond dyea are the brighloat and moat economical thoy are tho only dyea in tho world that aro specially warranted lach packet when directions are followed will give satisfactory and astonishing results no man can keep right wbo does uot dooido that hefwlll always do right sines modem science has fully establish edthe germ theory of diueaae the value of ayerd sarsapariji as a purifier of the btood iibb been more appreoluied than over not only germs bacilli and microbes but poisons ofall fainde aro driven from thof body by this powerful medioino j

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