Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 1, 1897, p. 4

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fifty years ago whroulthnib5lnellifthltlftloulluo the place where in clglitcenniiietyllirce that white worldwoudcr of etch and dome r should shadow the nations polychrome herent the fair was tlmprlrc conferred on aycrh pilla by the world preferred chicagolike they n record flhow since tucy started so years a ayers cathartic pills avoi from the time jot their preparation beent a continuoua eudoesa with thepblic vaxul- that meaiib that ayee pui accomplish what is promised for them they cure where othevfli fail it was fitting therefore that ttie worldwide popularity of these pills should be recognized by the worlds pair medal of 1893 a fact which emphasizes the record so years ofcure3 m tian isttz frss thursday july 1 1997 ij ijhmnjj jolkfi tbe boyless town a cross old woman of long ago declared that alio batod nolao tho town would ho so ploaaant you know if only there wore no bojb 8bo scolded and frottod about it till her oyas grow hcavy as load andthenof a euddon tbo town nrow still for ail the boye bad fled aud all through the long anddubty atroot thoro wasnt a boy in view the baaebalhot wboro thoy usod to tnoat was a algbt to niako ono hluo tho grass was growing on oyory bnao and tho paths that tbo runners made for tboro wasnt a eoiil ih all tho place who knew how tbo gamo waa playod tho doge wore bleeping tho livelong day h55y 5ld thoy bark or leap tboro wasnt a whlstlo or call to play and ao thoy could only sloop tbopony ndlghod from ms lonely stall and loagod for saddle and rain and ovon tho birds on tlio gardouwall cblriiod only a dull refrain tbo ohorrioa rotted and woiit to waste tboro waa no one to climb tbo trooa and nobody had a alnglo toato savo only tho birds and boos tboro wcant a moaaongar boy not ono to bpood eb bucb maanongors can if pooplo wantod tboirerranda dono they bent for a mobsengqr man tboro was littlo i woo ii of frolic and noise- tboro was lessor choor and mirth tho aad old town ainco it lackod its boys waa tho dreariest plooo oil earth tho poor old woman bogan to woop then woko with a sudden acroam dear mo 1 aho cried j havo boon aaloep l and o what a horrid dream 1 robert clarbion tongue in st nicholas just for fun a boy who ijms brought tip in ft romdto region of scotland had oocuaipn to ucaom- pany his father to u villao uour whioh a branch lino ot railway passes ihe morn ing after hia rtrrival ho behold with won- doridg oyoa a train go by for a moment ho remained btaring at it with astonish ment and thou running into tho house ho hatd xaytber faylhor ooomo oot theres ft smiddy run off wi a row of houees and its hwa doon by tho back o tho town littlo tommy kay iinuralcd witli hirt qistar aud wonhuiqt hihh ftud ho friends his aunt said o dont you remember what papa read ut farnily pruyero thin morning that wo wero to forgive sovonty times soveri yea replied tommy but i uotkod it was to your brothor not aister professor deaoribing an ancient greek tiioator aud itjmti no roof junior feoling aure that limintr caught tho profea or iu a mistake wbt did they do suy whon ibtttthed proleseor ttikjng off hia glasses and pausing angrily they qfc vat sir jbhnriyvif ybd eat sfll eix of tbcue apples youwont have any appottto for your dlnuer it is neqdleaato state that it waa johnnyd bachelor iinclo who made the remark no mail with experiencoin grocery bills would have mado auoh an error the iriah lecturer the superiority of the oldarchitecture ovor the new ib beyond question for whero will you find any modern buildings that have lasted as long as the ancient onea lawyer mveatigutiug olionts story now you must keep notliiufj from mo client i havent i paid you ovary oont i had in tho world for your retainer just l some men you ought to havo aeen potorby eat at tho wedding breakfast ill wager ho put away three dollars worth of stuff yes and then kioked becauep he hud to buy a twodollar present hertaste boston girl do you like orchids albany girl no not much but i paaaiooatbly fond of watermelons weary wivea motiiora and daughtera tired nurees watchers and help tiredj women of all claaeoa bholild tuko ayers sareaparilla it is the kind they need to give pure blood firm nerves buoyant spirits and refreshing bleep there is no fconlo equal to ayers saraaparilla if you wish for that which belongs to another you lose tho enjoyment in what you already possess whatever may be thecauae of premature gray hair it can bo re to the sam popular hotel man i was troubled with pimple on my face and hoad which cauaod mo miioll annoy- unco after trying niihronrellieh with out benefit i was ndviayd to take hoods sardaparilla tho ilrat bottlo helped mo and i took four bottles 1 am now com pletely cured jus hollly proprietor oliftpnniti ilauac sarnia out- ilootla pilia aot easily uiid promptly on tho liver iiulboweld curo biok heudueho a rolling btono guthcrs no moab aud an empty barrel soon goa to atuves con g mvcoid bttntrotltrnurrrra thnnrrbtonr chitia and all lung troubled aro quickly cured by ilanyurda pootonyl liilhuip mnuners tmiko tho mim with the aid of course of the dentist and tailor a dinner pill mmiy poraoua suffer excruciation ugony uftor parjuklug of a hearty dinner the food partukeu of js like a ballof loud upon tho stomuoh and inateud qf bujfijj it lualuiy nutriment it hecomt8 a pjiaon tolho uyuteni pr xurmbleosveetablo pills are wonderful correctives of subhtroublee thoy correct lacidity open the eccrctiqna and convert tho fawl parjaken of into hfaltliy rjutri- ment whey arfl juat the modicino tp ituko- if troubled with indigoa wr pynpeula tears are oftou to bo found whoro thoro is little borrow and the deepest sorrow without any tears wiakuesg and pypljsla cured divu siuh 1 can heartily recotnmeud burdock blood bitters for a long timo i waa troubled with dyspopahi and weakness tho least exertin would tire mo out i am glad to buy however that your bnb has grautly benefited me curing the dyspepsia and ihakinj me atrong and woll jleyxikbvasat ilfhpeler out oolor as in youth by halls vegetable sicil ian hair renewer small books are read most tike biliousness dyspepsia headache constk patlopsour stomach indigestion are promptly eared by hooilj pllla they do their work easily and thoroughly bat aftendlnner pills is cents ah druggets prepared by c x hood ck lowell mass the onlv rill to take with hoods sarsaparlua how liquor hurts business men spend eaohieftr for intoxicating drinks enough moopy to bring proaperity to every hranch of honest industry the more than one billion dollars spout laat year for liquor did no possible good to those who drank the staff but it did prevent them from parobaeing food olothingfarni- ture boots and shoes carpets and the hundreds of other arttoles conaidered jieocfliary to comfortable living theao mpn and their families bongbt only enough food and o and thacof the poorear kind- to eke out a miberable- existence had thoy spent this vast earn for thoas artiolea needed in their homes does anyone donbt what would havo resaltcd 7 they themselves would have been much happier better citizens bettrr parents while tho money wdoiafbavipgivon employment to hundreds of thousands and brought pros perity to all except llioeo engaged in the damnable business of making and belling liquor why thou bhould not every manufac turer every merchant overy producer bo intereatedintheliquoriasae can- they not see that the nfle of liquor impoveriahes their customers and prevents them from purchasing their goods they should unite tb protect their customers from tbo ravages of this monster if from no other reason than that of selfprotection the prohibition of tbo liquor traffic would result in an era xt prosperity un known to this generation we air want prosperity but wo are not willing to adopt a bonsible practical method to seoare itf we generally admit the evils of liquor aell- ing snd liquor drinking but seem unwillipg to apply the remedy wo want to sell our goods and grain but wo are dot yet roadiy to aetist our customers in spending their money for articles of necessity and com fortrweknowtbe people cant est their cake and keep it too yet we sot although they oonld bpend thoir money for liquor and at the same time buy our products consumers are impoverished largely by the liquor traffic this t raffia lakes their lnohbyifdlijavea little for legitimate business lbi tho farmers manufacturers and merchants got down to business aad oombino against this common enem of mankind this vampire whioh nooks tbo frorntne people close op the salooub and soffhow quickly the mills and the factories will begin to call for more men and greatly inareniie tbefr production outlaw the liquor traffio and secure a sober people and yoo will havo a prosperous people and prosperous consumerb means prosperous manufaoturers and meroliatitn chicago lever the suffering and crushed in spirit 33- slmilating ihc rood and retf ua- tind la 3t5mti jis anulfowcla of promotes digestion chcctful- nessandrcst contains neither opiummorpliine normmeral moikabcotic jhfivfombrhyeapircnai jimfjtw st lapcrfect- remedy forconslipa- tionsout stomach diarrhoea worms convulsions fevcnsh- acss and loss of sleep yacsjmito jiig t newvyohk that the facsimile s is oit the wrapper of every botttf of 9 wyndiiam street j aniadtiiiceiiieiit on wednesday morning june 23rd this store will open as a strictly chsh store -no-goodq-oharefom-abovo-datei- i heliuve it lo be the only tiplg date way of conducting a successful business and i have decided to adopt ii cash and one price i t in tin hlw r tejn sp dil uirihl lb h ii uict of the week in hits iml c ips cl he oil ir c ufi i ljicyclc suit jliccl sox ind ill men i urnishnn r e nelson leading tailor and furnisher 99 wyndham st guelph cash and ono price 44644t4oeooo6o066ooo4 frk0fr 00 fr0 0- shops mtl wireroonib 1 oot of willow st ciiis attendttd to day or niht oaatorla la put- up in onoalia bottles only it la not sold in bnk dont allow anyono to noil yoa anything also on tho ploa or promlfio tbftt it la just as good and wjl snww vory pur- pwbim bcs that yoa get 0astoria tho ao- -ilmlli- f itts of vrippor mm 0urc9 golbg cholera choleha- morbus diarrhoea oysieiitehy anl nil summer oomplaihtb of children or adults price 35c beware of imitations degradation begins when the point is reached where one isquito satisfied with himself and his attainments ltchlngiburnind skin disea- sejbvqljhed for 35 cents dr agnows ointment rcievo3 in ono day and cores tottor suit rbeum scald head eczomo barborfl ltoh ulcers blotches and all eruptions of tho akin it is boothirig aud quieting and aote like magic in the euro of all baby hpuaors 35 cents sold by a t brown meed words of cheer their only avenue of escape is through paines celery compound truo words of encourogomont hope and cheer aro generally woloomod hy suffering humanity at least hy that pirt of it with crushed spirits and doapondent hearts to those who are martyrs from rhnema- tiem and neuralgia we have a fow words of honest advice wbioh if followed will cer tainly lead to that coveted goal perfect health that mary aro bo earnestly pray ing to reach up to tho present you havo failed to babish your rheumatism the modioiuo yonnre using-lmve-not- removed lie float ing acid poison from your joints and muscles you are as bad todiy perhaps worse than wheu you commenced to doctor and somo of you are pronounced inparable cheer up sad souls t there is hope yes more than hope there is a new lifo for yoa and freedom from all pain and agouy if you rive that heavensent remedy maines celery compound a fair arid honest trial it has completely cured tho worst forms of rheumatism in the past and its grtat and precions virtues will do the same good work for you today to those who suffer from that merotlesb tormentor neuralgia wo say vifr all candor nao pa i nos 7olory compound and your future wil fsttm bo happy and bright this dibsaso always indicates a low or depressed vitality and is the most nguniz- ing and exhatibting that can aillict tho narvous system tho ablest pbymoians now ireely prescribe jpaiootf celery com pound for nearalgia and aflirm that no other medioine can so completely eradiaato the caasoof this terrible disease jdno bottlo of the great healthgiving medicine will produce oheoring results and will strength nrust be found in thought or it will nover bo found in words high-sound- iflgjbqrdawi thoult hough la floeresponding- aro effortb without tffecls a cure ibr chilhhuiin dear snia i used hagyarda yellow oil for chilblains this w inter and found it most effectual it relievos tho irritation almost instantly and a few applications resulted in a complete cure 1 f lsfitiunoi port sydney ont 10 is goldoii may boaveb give you sufiiaient faith to mako a trial infamous russian proverbs russian proverbs about women acemtb indicate cither that russian men are un kind and ungallant or that russian women tiro hard to got atong with here aro some samples of the popular rnyiagb of tho peoplo love thy wife as ihy soul nhako hor iko ft ptumtrec always boat our wife before dinner also before supper long hair short momory the dog la rnoro ititollifient than woman for ho nfver harksat bis mskler twice is h womxi dear when she oomeai to tho liont d when alio loaves it before going to war hiy a prayer before going to eta ssy two prayers bofore marrying iy three praytrs we know that codliver oil is a fatforming food because takers of it gain rap idly in weight under ks use and the whole body receives vital force when prepared as in scotts emulsion it is quickly and easily changed into the tissues of the body as your doctor would say it is easily assimilated perhaps you arc suffering from fat starvation you take fat enough with your food but it either isnt the right kinder it isnt digested tfou heed flit prepared for you as in- scotts emulsion it is easier to run with tbo crowd than to walk by yourself do- gf r they cure constipation and biok headache tho real giant is tho man who overcomes himself wo are not toblamo for tho first mis- tako wo make but we aro for tho second tho medicine for liver and kidney complaint mr victor auger ottawa writesr i take great pleasure in recom mending to tho general publio parraeloov fills as a euro for liver and kidney com plaint x have doctored for tho last three years with jeading physicians aud liavb taken many medicines which wero recorii jn ended to me without relief but after taking eight of larmoless fills i was quito relieved and now i foel as free from tho disease ae beforo i was troubled tho man who is ruled by bid feelings will always travel in a zigzag course when all other corn preparations fail tryhollowayjecorn cure nopainwbat ever and no inoonvonionco in using it grand temples aro bmlt of small stones and great livea are made up pf small ovbntb satisfactory results so says dr curlett an old ant honored practitioner in belleville ontario who writeb for wasting diseases and sorofnla i havo used scotts emulsion with the most satisfactory rcsuitb castpma for infants and children tbofio- lmilb slffutoro is ob ry t truo wealth consists in health vigor and courage domestfo quiot concord public liberty plenty of all that is uocobsary and contempt for all that is euparilous rheumatism can be cured even a wooden indian gots taken in bbmotimcs the horfle noblest of tho brute creation wheu buqering from a cut gbrablop or soro derivos aa much bejiofit arits rridmer in a like predicament from the heating soothing action pf dr ttipmab eoleotrfo 01 lameheap bwoljing ot tho neck stintuebs of the joints throat and lungs are relieved by it the soul isa boil which requires to be dug and stirred deeply otherwise nothing will grow in it but weeds to destroy worms and expel them from children or adults use dr lowb worm syrnp it is hard tofeclaft homo with people- who nover mako mibtakesi for week people milburna heart and nervo pills for weak people having heart or nervo troubles such as palpitation throbbing spasms dizziness shortness of breath smothering feeling pain in tho breast etc are an in variable modioiuo as hundreds of certified cures bear witness for anemia debility after effects of grippe and loes of appetite thoy are a specific r an advertisement m this is an advertisement which tells the truth about mjlburns heart and nerve fills people who suffer from slcipliiilsi dizziness shortness ofbrcaiiimmhlierhig fculingypalpiia- i of i ho heart pains through hc hivihi and heart anxious niorhidconj5 tliiion of the mind groundless fears of coming danger anaemia or impoverished blood after effects of la grippe general debility etc should try these pills as they euro these complaints every box is guaranteed to givo satisfaction or money refunded through the party from whom ihi pills were purchased and we nuthorize them lo do so on tho strength of the above staumiuint this offer is limifetl to the first box used by any one person t mildlkn co toronto in juno 1895 i was attacked with in fla mm atory rheumatism with which i suffered undor continued ihodical treat ment uvo months the- last five weeks i was not able to get out of bed i fjieu sent for dr ilalsted his troatmont gave mo immediate relief and in a few days i wabatmy work and i havo had no rheum atism since hiium soiniiunuiu mclntyredeo 2pth 1805 dr liatstcds ilhcumatio curo may be had at thq med oal hall main street acton tho discovery of what ia true and tho practice of what is good aro tho two most important things in life fourteen years in terror but dr agnows curo fortho hoart j oaverellb 30 minut and threo bottles effected a cure whioh baffled tho beat of phy- slclana doing good will mako you richer than digging cold here is hie way- to cure all heart and norvo troubles and that woak weary tired feeling sleoplosh- nesh etc do us mrs thos glovor chdt- ham ont did siyxjmrs glovor oue box of millnirna ileart and norvo fills cured me i was so bad that i fear ed paralysis but am now well and strong thanks to these wonderful pill many people pray moat for the things thoy need loast every time a bliny man looks at a dollar it shrinks his hoart e1chtv in every hundred suffer more or less from that moat offensive of diseases ca tarrh that dr agnows catar rhal powder is a wonderful remedy is testified to by thou sands who havo been cured outrlfirhtmr alex edmondson of roaemoth ont says i have been troubled with catarrh for a great number of years ii uvo suffered greatly from it i had tried all tho so called oiiroa but never received any relief from thorn seeing dr agnowb catarrhal powder largely advorliscd i determined to try h although very scoptioal about any relief but i wrb greatly and agreeably dis appointed for from the first doao i receiv ed very great relief and today i onn honestly nay that it has curei i itaep it constantly hi the house as we and it a quick cure for cold in the hpa it elves almost instant relief i have no hemunoy in proalalmfug it tlio best cure for citarrh and i heartily reconiraaiid it lo all auftvrcra from this malady sold by a t brown this is what mrs j cookburn of wai it- worth out says for fourteen years i have been a groat sufferer from hoart disoaso troubled vory muoh with bharp bbooting pains uoustantly passing through my heart vary often the spasms ware so aovoro that 1 would become unconscious my limbs would swell and bocomo quito cold for theso fourteen yoara i dootored with boat physicians without relief having soon dr agnows curo for the ilf art adver tised i dptcrmiuod to try it and before i had taken half a bottlo 1 found great re lief i felt tho boiiellcial o feats insido of thirty mhiutoi i havo taken throo bottles and it has done mo more good than htiy medipiuo or any physicinn ever did i can conscientiously rcoommond it to allsnf fcrera from hoart trouble bold by a t brown it takes a big fool a lifo timo to liud out what others can seo at glanco the great luog healer is found in that excellent medioino sold as bicktod anti- coneumptivo syrup it soothes and dimin ishes the sensibility of tho membrane of tho throat of tho air passages r is u sovereign remedy for all coughs colds hoarsonebs pain or soreness in the cheat bronchitis etc it haa cured many when supposed to bo far advanced in consump tion remember this that though we pass away and the loaders of a cause fall ouo by oue prinoiples nover dio they aro eternal worldwide and unchangeable tlio head master j a speight fc co r undertakers ad embalmers acton ont- latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges furnitorfe of all kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speight co orders loft wilh j n stinson bockwood will receive iramediateattenllon w hfrm hendlbrscdim 3t go readytowear clothing boys andmeiir in all qualities and styles a very serviceable suit for men all wool only 500 shirt waists we are constantly receiving addittions to pur stock of these goods and the speedy way in which nice stuff is picked up shows that our taste in these goods is appreciated new laces embroideries muslins sateens prints etc i r- in selecting wearables for the coming hot spell give us a look it will pay you full lines of gloves mitts collars and cuffs hosiery etc four spools for ibc best roll butter only 10c lb railway time tabl rand trunklrailway i01ki1 vhht mali i ujuni kxjtroth j ii 11111 iilh 7 oiiu- uoinq kahl rxpruhh hxprohu mull jilxoll 1 uvain 10 47dur ii 11 ptn 10 w p111 i timb of clohintl 1iaiih golntj wont j w 11111 mid 0110 pm kliig kimt 10 15 11111 luul 5 4ri pm thlhtlmtrintjiu wurll mco uhfccl oil aiollddj ndvaotli lsmi brhntpord steel wind- wills interna cov j orcd qoar pat ont ltollor and ball dear jnun on asr roweny nonbii tu 20uoubh ton inch reversible l rt riatehof flpoelal design ha pl fy liull ucarlaga for tbo ur pj kupa oaayi grinds utlbonil fast our 13 foot ideal powor will will run it aatlafao- ms tt torlly thia 1b by all odds brantfordcan ht grinder made jghm queew agent for above atsofor frost and wood binders and mowers a full line o all kinds of farn implements and repairs robt7 noble the highest price for pbrs obts bhruey at the warehouse acton station henderson fc co aeton flour b rhn shorts sd and all kinds of feed at acton flour and feed store try norval flour the best family flour in the market frank harris manager acton saw mills and wood yards ohntlkmin i havo fqund great satis- faotion in tho usp of dr fowlera kxtract tavim htlawborry and conuidoricmvuiu ablo in all oases of diarrhoea and himmor oomplainjt it is a ploasuro to mo to recommend it to the publio r b mabteuton priucipal llifih sohool river charlo wb though tho body may hjlirk labor tho bruin is oot idle if it riwsnot grow corn it will grow thistles thtro is no rojialroad to adylhiug onrt thing nt a timo all thiugs in succes sion that which grows fast withers as rapidly that which grown slowly slowly ondurrs in spring time gat pure blood by using bbb no other remedy possesses such per- feet cleansing healing and purifying properties as burdock blood bitters it not only cleanses internally but it heals when applied externally all sores ulcers abscesses scrofulous sores blotches eruptions etc leaving the skin clean and pure as a babes taken internally it removes all morbid effete or waste matter from the system and thoroughly regulates all the organs of the body restoring the stomach liver bowels- nndblood to healthy action after a term- of years association with thin lmninnhm gorging closely on a quarter of a ceutury tho present proprietors have decided to severe their connection with the lion and havo closed iicgotintionswith the firm of messrs d b mcdonald bro which they take over the stock and leabo of the premises we wish to express our thanks to the public for the generous support jiiey have given us in the past and to beapeak for onr successors a con tinuance of the same good will it is with keen regret that we sever a connection that has brought us into such close business relations with such a large portion of the community and we will always cherish pleasant remembrances of the personal friendships that have resulted trusting that all our friends will continue their support to the new firm who have secured the business on such a footing that they will be able to do even better than wo hnvirdohe r wishing you all the joy aud happiness in the jubilee cele bration that should bo felt by loyal hearts at such a time aii illfntcil train mr j riirhmor of wjnchor ont waa on tho train whioh wont through iho brjdgo at st goore ont in 1889 in tho accident hia kidneys and- imok woro eorionay injured nnd havo einoo caused him tfroat rufterinfl mr pjimmcr h tyn until i obtained uoann kidnry tjiib i nover know what it was to bo irco from pain tuey havo cntiroly romovtd lie pain and i am ablo to work every duy now thoy havo prodacod ituttur romilte than all tho othor modioines oombinod whioh i havo tned in all my yours of bf- forlng i rogard thorn aa a bpcoillo for kidnoy trouble ho who would bo strong in mind niaiit have facta for his diot norway pino syrnp mires oouiib colds honreonoss boto tluuai aailima bron chitis oto purest nnd best fortailc and dairy no sduluratjdn never cakes if you wish buooobb in lifo make porae- 9t 08pm friond kziiorionoe your wieo councillor caution your elder brothor and hope your ynardiiin fioniua thero never was and nover will be a univorsal panacea in ono remedy for all illatowhiolioebliiaheir t teryn ofmany caratives bdnk auoh that wore tho gorma of other and difforently mated diaoattch r opted in tho ayblom of tho patient what would relievo ouo ill in taru would aggravate tho other wo jiflvo howovor in qulnino wino when obtained inaaoupd unadulterated btatc a remedy for many anderiovona ills ly its yratlual judioioua use tho frauobb syhlomr are tod into con valescence and strenrlh by tho inlluonoo whioh quiuino exorts on natures own retitorutivcb it relieves tho drooping bpiritsof uiohd with whom a clironio state of morbid dcbpondeut and lack of interest in life is a diaoaso aud by ranquitizing tbo norvee dippobch to sound and refrosh- um sleep imparts vigor to the action of tho blood whioh boing stimulated ooureea throughout the veins strengthening the healthy animal ftmotionb of iho pyatero thereby making activity a nccehsary result blrengthenlug tho frame snd giving lifo to tho digestivo organs whioh naturally demand incroancd subatanco result im proved appetite north i op lyman of toronto havo civen to iho publio their qnlulne winottt iho uhial rate and gnaged by iho opinion of aclentistb this wine approaches no rest perfection of any ou tho market all djtuggibb sell it j d williamson 6c co wyndham and macdonnell streets guelph ooooooooooooooooooobooococoobooo6oooc90ooooo6oooooo at the seeside ponot take any clinnccs during your summer outing- have your travelling gar ments nintle of righy waterproof cloth if caught in n rainstorm you just slmkc yourself shortys make of iheycic- ovcrconts are nil kighy n rnitist liedr imit and you arc suits aiut ijlgl waterproofed rigby is suitable nlikc for inrlics mn gcutlctucns garments porous yet wnli-r- iippcpol dry and comfortalile 20 50qqpponnoo mahopactdneil and deaiienln zumbcr znili shlnlea wood etc ah kindi of wood in ntook and promptly doll anyriartnf hitnwmt roaaouablo pricoa hardwood ana alalia out atovo lougtb alwaya ou hand tolniitioaoooniniuulcatlop acton- livery bus line tho uudoralgn od roapdotf ally souolta tho patron ago of tbo public and informs thorn that wall equlppol andstyllsh riga oan all- wajra be secured athuatabloa a eomfortablo bns moots al trains botwoen 0 a m and 818 n m caroful attention givon toovoryordor tbo wanti of oommorolal travol- loraf ully met juejv williams pnopnieton job printing inoluoino ilookn lainpblot roatoranil hoadircuurflo ac oxooatod to tho bost htylo fl tho art at modorato prtcoft andon abort cotlco ipply or addroiin h r moore fnbs pnssb oolco aotou qnownnsoredaffrvxeriiiyby qr0wer8 in the finest tea gardens in the wodldtblended o tested bv experts am pr0noun0ed the bml at all grooms lead packets only 25 30 40 60 and 60 cents a pound black o mixed 6 the davidson a hay ltd wholesale agents toront foe j 131 lutomtmuuk cheap 1 cheap cheap these fencings v a well as mcmullens choipo steel wiro nettings for trellis poultry yards lawn fencings etc are sold much lower this year than ever before they are tho best ask your hardware merchant for them thedooksbesfriend lahoitsalt iw canada 5opyri0hts ao ipfl dotoriptlon mar oor n invntlpn ja 80ientifio american iqiiir rjpeoirarm onple mid v unmmiiim aoonu munn a co 301 prsadwnc how twk

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