Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 16, 1897, p. 4

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v before retiring take ayera pills and you will sleepbettcr and wake in better condition fop the days work ayers cathartic tills have iio eqal as a pleasant and effect ual remedy for constipation biliousnessiok headache aind all liver troubles they are sugarcoated and so perfectly prepared tniat they cure with- o yt the annoyances experienced in the uselaiiso many of the pills oil the market ask your druggist for aryers cathartic pills when other pills wont help you ayera is the pill that will ilpt thursday september 10 1897 jt tyaxriq jfolkb a maxdws bapy day uv johbpnimb rolljuld ohl i laavo had a happyday i exalaluiadan artlossmaldon wi10 ohoolta w hko tho bloom of may wftoso eyes wiutmlrth wexoiadent but tlion it stormed said toll or and gloomy wait tlio woathor saldsho twos all tbocoaior for ub to bo together i what did you do to mako it gay laskod woro many proaout baldsho i really cannot bay but btlll twas vary plbaaant tla always bo in ovary place sho finds boma satisfaction and eomehow raakos borowttatvootfaco tho centre of attraction and bho who groat odatoutniotit draws from wandringa hlthor thltbor is sure of happiness tjetnubo bbo takes her banablnid with bor she lost her ryfcad thia girl thinkrthat trainmen ttro jnet horrid ono of them uenrly tored her into adt the other day bho whb uoinu down 10 tho lovco ferry landing ad visit n friend whom bomo unkind futo hud driven over ilierp it was hor flrbt trip and ahehud1uard owful storieaof how murder wan coiniuuedbevital times a day down on tho leviio whoo ikiisieua aim hud been told thought less ol cutting u throat tbau of wringing a chiukettt houd-olt- sho wan nervous and hctroii a a alio pouotratod iho oityd puriletih a freight train was bomg bwltoliud duwn ilhtru and- 0 loudvoiced switchman wuh fciviug in structions to another nf inn araft switch men bave a language all thoir own which ia inooroprehonaibto to tho plain ovoryday nonrailroading oilizon among other ihings they call a train for and alio juat asa sailor refers to a ship and just na sho noared the awitolimun this is what ho yelled v t- head her off jim cut nor in two and aend tho head end up here she fled from tho murderou vvliuin and poatpoqed her voyage across the raginrf mississippi meantime tho other switch man obeyed orders lip cut the train in twoauptseht thejadood baok presence of mlnd sir andrew olarkwia onco o top of a tall building in loudon admlriug the view of the surrounding country white thus engaged ho wan touched ou tho shoulder by a qnietlooking man who tilowly remarked to tho great astonishment of sir andrew sir i am going to throw you off as the ijuietlooking man was tho larger andlhero was no help at haqd the matter for the moment assumed a very aerious aspect fortunately for sir anduurt jlflj fllppjfsebaed l r arc lpa59 pi miardandin a bantering way exclaimed pooh thats nothing anybody could throw a man off here now if you want to do something great try and throw mo up here from the ground well i con do that eaid the maniac foruohjbe proved to be ami if you will kindly descend to the street i will prove it with pleasure sir audrow ropliad and with great decorum the two descended- into the street where the maniac wan quickly handed into tho custody of the law snakesscientifically con- s1dered a sensible wedding present a young bride who bad a large cirole of admirers and friends made up her mind to go to housekeeping when bberotarued from hor wedding trip her father gave her a prattybomerandaha anticipated a great deal of pleasure in fitting it up and enter- taiolug her friends on tho wedding day she remarked that a- great many of her frlonda seemed to have forgotten her bat in the excitement of the event she thought little about it when she returned from har trip bhe foand a little house famished from eellar to attic be deolared that there wasnt a thing laokmg from piano to sink brush from refrigerator to window screens the place was top full of surprises a little door here diftoloaed a mneu closet an other a put away place for workbaskets and sowing materials a oupboard was packed with towels wash clothe hoobe clothe dishcloths and dubtera and a furni- tqre beater hong on a nail in a convenient looality there were doormats and kitchen pokor shovel and tongs and even u ash sifter was not forgotten to make very thing doubly sure three young cousins o the bridqandaoompatent servant kept lichee there for a week and when anything wab required it went down on the hat arid game up to the little bouse in due course of time uulil theptdaaaht task was oompleted and thore is one bride in tho world who believes in sensible wedding presents rt whisky did itr seldom have shakespeares words obi that men should put an enemy in tbeir months to steal away their brains been ao strikingly lllnatrated as in the following tooohing incident related ina late newspaper it eoema that ono of the best greek scholars in now york is a guard on the gicth avenue elevated road not long ago a famous professor in ono of oar leading universities published a volume on certain featnrob of the anoiebt grecian dialects of interest only to soholara the h aaard referred to wortebnt several errors made by the professor in bis book he signed faimself sixth avenue elevated guard mo a reporter sought out the nian whose badge bore the namber and after a few rnlnntes conversation asked how does ft happen that yon a greek scholar should bo doing snoh work as this the man hesitated and his face joshed till dna it is said that ninetyfive per cent of visual ballaainations in delirium tremens consist of snakes or worms in one form or another dr davis has been investigating the subject io the alcohol wards of bellevue hospital with the opthalmoscopc and haa bronght oat some interenting facts in every one of the sixteen cases examined the blood vessels of the retina wero found to bo abnormal instead of being pale and al most invisible as in their ordinary con dition they were dark almost black with congested blood the blood vessel of the rotinawhiobtebrbnialland semi- transparent in health that they are not projeoted into the flold of vision assume auoh a prominence that their move- ments seem hko the twisting of snakea ioiiuhir ifotuj bi1111 i wai troubled with pimples on my faoo timl ho ad which oaubod ino much annoyance after trying many remodicb without bqnelit i wuh udvined to take lloods baraupurillu thu llrat lioltlo holpedmo aud i took four bottlen i am now completely oovcuj juimn- rtilly proprietor chvpriiiii ildus sirnia ont v llooci lillu uot uiinily ami promptly on tho tivur and bowelu cttro niuk hutidaobe on eery tou of pennies produced tbcro is a nrotitpf ovor fil20q for tho mint right from the mines- family ties may bo broken in the grand rudh for gold but whats wealth without health dr agnows catarrhal powder is a wonderful ourelt never falls to relieve in tnn mlnutflfl fred liawric of trail crcok b g witea i have uncd two bottles ol dr aguews catarrhal imudor tincvjiave been wonderfully holped i can recommend it very highly to all 6uffirerrf iron catarrh and hero in unothir mr 13 l lgn eaaton bw aaya whon t uad that dr agnowd citarrlial powdor would re liovp catarrh in 10 miuutcs 1 roust any i was far from being convinced of tlio fact i decided to try it i purchased a battle a binglo puff of thu powder tlirough tho llowrtiifforded instantaneous relit f sold by a t droun on every quarter turned out tlio mint makua a pre- fit of ubout 5 cents pkusiuit sure iiiid quick gentlemen i am pleased to recommend your luxa liver filla for oonhtipation dyapepeia and sick headuohe 1 have used them for tbosa troubles and find them a pleasant eore and quick cure free from tlio annoying griping opotker plils x liaye heretofore ueod signed h jamo st nicholas hotel hamilton ont at tho last census a number of people described their religious faith on iheir census papors aa dollars and cants iii fitting boots causo corns uolloways corn cure id tho article to uao gtt a bottle at onoo and care your corns slmilatlngilictood andrcdula- tlug tie stomachs andbpvels of miintrx see that the facsiiviiie -signature- ifjimaflls promolcs digestion cheerful- ness and rest contal ns neither simnmorpwne normncxal otnahcotic jittvxartxjiysamuarmuim jmjhn sajt wovj- aperfectbemody for constipa tion sour stomach diarrhoea worms convulsions tevensh- ncss andloss of sleep tacsimile sign of vox is on the wrapper jof eveey bottdile of 000000 oooooooctoooooooo o o o a rigby waterproof bicycle suit ii shoreys make f p made of all wool tweed coat with four bafety pockets pants with 2 two side and hip and watch pockets made cither to buckle at the knee 2 or button with cufls all double stitched scams can be bought retail x for 475 worth 900 made to oidel- for sale by all firstclass dealers in canada 6 rv so rich so pure so wholesome so delicious jaatorla la put np ia tasthis oottles only jx t not sold la balk dont allow anyone to gall yen anything elsson tb ploa or promiao that it iljnstas good and will answer every pnr- bw 49- bco that yoa get 0abtokia btory wnppir a clinching statement a cure that was permanent the medicine used was pain es celery compound the amount of money actually in ciron- lalion in thia country ia estimated tobe 1qoo000oqo still another triumph mr thorxi8 ballen sundorland writes for four- teeh yeara i was afilioted with piles and frequently 1 was unable to walk or sit but fonr years ngo i was oured by using dr thomas eclectric oil i hovo alaoboen subject to quinsy for over forty years bat electrio oil cured it and it was n per manent euro in both aaboa as neither piles hor quinsy havo troubled mo ainoe it is estimated that on ah average each cent in circulation chaugos hands eleven times o week speaks from exqorleiiec mr j tomlinaon amheratbiirg ont spoaks from experience when he says i am well satisfied with doans kidney fills they are undoubtedly the best pill on the market for any one afilioted with kidney or urinary troubles auoh as pain in the back tired feeling cramps nurabneaa oto they oured mo and removed all pal a a and achoa 1 loather money circulated in rnsaio as late aa tho time of peter tho groat day after day home and foreign onres are heralded as the result of using this or that medicine it is bafe to assert that many of the published letters ate bogus and others will hardly bear the light of in vestigation the onres effected by fainea celery joro pound and noted in tho press of tho country have all the ring of gouuinoness and honesty about them and the original letters oan be seen at any time by an in- terested pablto it has also beep prpyeh in numberless in- or bot bo finally replied my greek is till what it used to be but my career haa been ruined by whisky sapient sucker my my exclaimed tho sackor to the boy who had jail yanked him ont of the ifkter with a snare my my how modern lroprovoroenta are apreading to bo sore modern improvements retnrned p tblat boy inqoirlorly i yen answered the captive annker as ba flopped hitnsblf over to a more shady retreat on the grassy bank whod ever thought for instance that telegraphy mould be wed fa fishing telegraphy in fishing obboed the boy in a dazed sort of way what are yon talking about anyway your lift into this climate must have rattled yoa a little v7hatv this sort of thing got to do with telegraphy iri fishing i like to know v wny- responded the finny logician as ho lazily fanned himself with bis gills now would i havauwu that you wanted xno if yori hadnt wired mo 7 childrens sa vinos one day whko carried his ihoes to the cobblers to have them mended lie entered ho little shop unnoticed for the minister was there talking with theoobbler willie heard the minister say t so yonr daughter u tobe married soon i whom ia alio b umrry rtmr wrilsr answered tho oobbler ob epokb tip wuiio wifti ia shake of bin small ihoaldsrsaqd a tremor in hi voice if ho were at tanked by a uilderibhlll wont the itliuor edrflo omo rklnt in ood mprning with viry solenp fa and a urye rent in falsi iltlo kilt skirt niid up to bis mother heaskedntamm will yon plsase j glasmyarefrlolhr7 t i st an pea that the onres made by painoa celery compound are permanent another letter has juat been received this time from mr p j kilbride postmaster inverness p e i testifying to the permancyof his cure his case was one of the moat aerious and critical ever given to the publip and his oomplete oure astonished bis many friends and the residents of hia town mr kilbride bays over three years ago i gave you a testimonial for painea celery com poo nd after it had cared mo today i am in splendid conditiob and have not been bick a single day since i used the famous painea celery compound i certainly owe my present health and strength to your modioine and i am fully con v in cod it saved me from a condition bordering on insanity i oan now sleep and eat well and i thank god for painos celery compound and the great change j have received and answered 350 letters sine my testimonial was published these letters came from all parts of canada and the united states it baa been a pleasure ausworingthew lettera from sufferers aqd i trhst my reoommendation of painea celery oomnonna yiil holp bofferlog humanity ubn and permits food to ferment and putrlfylh is sfonuwjh then follow dlzilness headache losoraina nerrouaneai i u not reucted bli16ua feti or blood polsonlnti iloodi pills stlmulato tlia stoniaeh anaemia means want of blood v a deficiency in the red corpuscles of the blood its cause is found in want of sufficient food dyspepsia lack of exercise or breathing impure air with it is a natural repugnance to all fat roods scotts emulsion is an easy food to get fat from and the easiest way of taking fat it makes the blood rich in just thtfeivelements neces sary to robust hestly by supplying it with red cor puscles foraic it 5qcerilsnd tioo by h jrtggl t fcott u uowne ijrlevtllfopu chronic derangements of the stomach liver and blood are speedily removed by the active prlnoiple of tho ingredients eutering into the composition of parmo- leoa vegetable pills these pills act spo- cifloally on the diseased organs stimulating to action the dormant energies of the sybtem thereby removing disease and renewing life and vitality to the afflicted in this lies the great secret of the popular ity of parmelees fills kidney pit cure ubaokaohe lame baok iheumati8m diabete8 3riqht8 disease 3i2zine8s noil jtldney ft urinarv oi8ea8e8 are cured by kl0fj pi l b- s only 87 por cent of te gold in currency ibof tho proper weight dr lowb ploasant worm syrup re moves worms of all kinda from ohildren or adults when the sermon is long and dry man wants but little hear below rheumatism can be cured standard gold contains olovontwolths of flue metal and onotwelth of alloy a itullwey maimgor says in reply to your question do my ohiid- dren object to taking scbtta eraalaion i say no 1 on the contrary tboy aro fond of it and it keeps them piotnres of hoaltb in june 1805 i was attaoked with in flammatory fhoumatiatn with which i suffered- under continued modioal treat ment live months tho last five weeks i wftr npt able to get out of bed i then sent for dr halsted his treatment gave me immediate relief and in a few daysi was at my work and i havo had no rbeoui- atiflm since hmmi soitnnnnakit molntyrcdeo 26th 1895 dr halstedfl kheumatio cure may be had at the modi cal hall main street aoton very many persons die annually from cholera and kindred summer complaints who might have been saved if the proper remedies wero need if attaoked do not delay in getting a bottle of dr j d kel- logs dysentery cordial tho roediojne that never faila to effect a euro thobewho have ubed it say it acts promptly and thoroughly subdues tho pain and disease to dot soda water or candy for nothing get some follow to boy it for you undoubtedly tno beat gentlemen 1 wish to aay that dr fowlers extract of wild btrawberry has proved a wonderful romedy in my family we would not be without for twice its price i say it is the boat not merely one of the beatbut the beet medioiue ever brought before the public for summer complaint or diarrhooa either in children or adults john underbill license commissioner stralhnluir man tho bafest way to gather chestnnts take a pair of b0ibs6sand cut them out of the comio papers norway pine syrup cures coughs norway pine syrup cores bronchitis norway pino syrup beals the lungs btaoknmixeotrr half and one pound packets only at all grocers 25 30 40 60 and 60 oents a poumd r 4z davidsons hav ltd wholesale agents tofonto besi tecl yi ontlrta cheap cheap cheap these fencings- t as well as mcmullens choice steel wire nettings for trellis poultry yards lawn fencings etc are sold much lower this year than everbetore they are the bct ask your hardware merchant for them merchants business men newspaper ad vertising br iqhtly started rightly stuck to solidly backeid up ensures business success adverbise in the acton free press shops nndwarerooms foot of willow st calls atlendeld to day or night that uttokin couh oan bp quickly cared by uagyardd feotoral bftlsam price 2c burdook pille email eafo and sore regulto tho liver and coco ctonbtipatiou to loard ta dappe ia ono icaaon walk on iho eand ai tho peoahoro at midday ia midsummer barefooted castoria tor infantys and children baby was cured titkn sirs i can highly yecom- mend dr fowlers extrnct of wild strawberry it cured my baby o dinrrhcrn nf tcr all other means failed o i rivc it treat prolso it is excel lent for nil bowel complaints mrschas nott harlow j a speiglit co undertakers and embalmers acton ont latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges flrnl of all klnds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited lja speight co orders left with j n 8tin8on rocltwood will receive orit j the head master gentlemen x have found rrcat entfsfnctlon in tho iihcof dr fowlers isxtrnct of wild strawberry and con sider it invaluable in all ennes of dlurrhpcn nnd summer complaint it is n plcnmire to me to recommend it to the public r b masterton principal f high school river charlo nb tho presont bent is oomposod of 05 parts of copper 4 of tin and 1 of xtno cherrys troubles were of the heart human skill was almost defeased when dr aanews cure for the heart pell into the breach and in a few m aftm quo pua u found 0 rent relief and five bottles made a bad heartaodod one rouse the lifer euro headnohb dtrilneu obn upa e m miim hy a tuooniy 1llu to toko with hoods sariaparula i consider it my duty aays mr f z diai of san diego texas 40 certify that ayer pillg have compleliy cared my wife of neoralia from which complaint sho waa for a lon time a threat tuffflrer thoy are easy to take and always effective the london people nro com po tod to spend 10000000 dully brush the hair daily through tothosoalp and occasionally apply hall hair lie new ef and a inxurisut head of hair will be malnttlned of a nataral hue the notea of tho bank of england cost boat 1 oent eaah cancer can be our oil fortlxyeari i suffered from oanoer aud sot no relief until i used burdook blood bittera i uted seven bottlei faith folly when the cancer fradnally dried np and finally disappeared i am now enilrely wsll aod rejoioe that by usingb b b i have escaped death either by die nurgeou koifo or by th6aocer kielf signed mmkliz jtuffoi purff wm cherry ntqwen sound ont writes for the past- two years i have boerii greatly trooblod with weakness of the heart and faintiil- bpells i tried sevral remodies and consulted best physicians without any appntont relief i noticed testimonials of great cures made by agnows coro for tho heart i prooarod a bottle and the urat dosogavo mo great relief the first bottle did wonders for me after using five bottles there are toms re whatever j shlnk it ii a great boon to mankind sold by a t brown tho burent way of remembering dates is to fix them firmly inyourtnind nnd dont forgot ihom wronffhcnt action wrongaotion of tho heart anuses ner- vousnees nervous dynpepaiir sbortueis of broath and other distressing symptoms mr samuel yolland of london oat was oured of tueao troubles by taking milburns heart and nerve bills mr yollknd stya thoy aro a romarkable medicine and 1 have not been troubled in the least since taking them the fie- to avoid swallowing watermelon seeds and cherry stones oat no fruit but bananas and applet as parmclbee vegetabto pllla contain mandrake and dandelion they ouro liver and kidney complaint with absolute oer- tainty they also oontatn roots and herbs that aro trnly wonderful in their aotion on tho stomach and bowels mr e a cairn- orobb sliakospearo writes i considor parmelcvd pills an excellent remedy for bilionsness and derangement of tho liver having nied th for somo time tho best way to mind a baby is to dot ovcrything he tells you it holds the key- inslsnlfioantbeslnninflrsbut they stealon one as a thief in the nlfiht and before one has time to wonder what alia jilm he is in the tlrm graap of dlseaao south american kidney cure will break the bonds and liber ate no matter how strong the oords tho thousands of nabes that have been helped and oured by the great south american kidney cure la tho best reoora- meud of its curativo qualities the romedy is a speoiflo for all kidney troubles tho formula ia compounded on tho very latest eeienti d th m constipation slcjiililche people aro otlen told lo no mit th ohaapoat way ia to lorn yonr baok on tba eaat and walk alraigbt ahead 4 hd all as nlucative6ne pill acts jierfectly and if a stronger action is desired a cathartic effect is produced by tno pills in obstinate cases where a purgative is necessary three pills will be found sufficient- these pills leave no unpleasant after effect one pill taken each night during thirty days will cure constipation prick ho oa roa aiop jon nifi porcelain coins for a long tlm6 were urrentln slam a summer specific dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry onres oholera cholera morbus disrohoes dysentery cramps colic summer com plaint canker of the month and all bowel complaints of obilrjren or adults it is a soothing effect ub1 and never falling uedi cine which givta fuintedlato relief and speed hy effeots a cure world there aro thousands today who do truthfully say i am living beaauso ubod south american kidnoy oure it relievos in six hours sold by a t brown tho wealth of new york grows by 1q0 000000 every year to kocp yonr feet dry on a rainy day stand on your head there never was and nevor will be a universal panacea in one remedy for alt ills to which flebh ia heir the very nature of many cut atives- being auoh that were immediate attention mm railway time table r cjrajid trunk railway ckinu wkht ooiko kabti nlnil i hlli am kxprtis i aulil kxprohh u 5 pm kxpromla47ani nlnll v ip- wail fl llpm i mixed 16 capm timk or cioh1nu 5iai1k cioiiid vpt j 25 a 111 and 01 it pm aoiiif kuat 10 15 11111 and 0 45 pm tliihhtno trtlilo wont intouitvob onmonda nov uotli fi0 acton saw mills and wood yards jfstuves brojnzn hanufactulli 11 xd p kale ft ih lumber iatli stiinuh woot ta all kiuda of wood in stook anil i ronytly dollvorod to any part of tho town at riasorjabjo prlcon hanlwoodaud slabs out stovo loneih alwajn on band tulortiono communlcattor fruit ornamen trees 7q acr shrubs rosss wines rnd s38d pothtoeiis we liavo tbo larrost assortment and employ tno vary latest and most improved moth- rfdi i for pronogatlou all stock carefully packed under our ioniona1 auparviaion and aji new varieties tcstod at our trial farms before tiolnir eatafoauod tlioao are tboonlytostlngorotirda con ueo tod with any nursoryla the docatnlon agenta wratej7tokepreae bnoclal atteotlou glvdn to park oemeujry ana boulevard orders estimates furnished for buppiylngoutiroorohardb why bay of foreign concdroaor of mlddlomon when you can purchase as cheaply from ui and got bottor value our stock is canadian arown and acclimated stone wellinton fonthl nurseries toronto ont tho loadtnfi canadian troo men wxeeiy things moving by keepings things that move a stupid fellow who guagea thfc quahtyof boots and shoes by the price has no busi- ness to be married yet one of this class directed his wife to buy footwear for hprself and the children from another firm because they charged more for them and they must thereforebe better his better half boughrseveratpair from us and several from tho other house and showed her bus bandtheywere identical beingeven manu- factured by the same people this proved conclusively how foolish a man canbewheri he realtytries the lady of tho house gen- erally knows where she can get the most and the best for her money ind if you were to ask the ladies of acton the- question where can i get the best value in bootsand shoes 1 he answer in nine cases out of ten would be at w willnms our prices arc hard to beat try us for nny thing you want in our line w williams mill street acton itvjr brhntf0rd qalvanized steel fnd and towers jtorpowar ingtwithln ternnl covered qoar patent roller and bmub6kriitga in your pocket when you order your clothing here we just opened a new range of nice new style suitings they should sell for 2i and 2350 our prices for them in the best style of the tailors art is see our all wool pants to order at 325 new ties the latest just in all styles at r m n blsen cash- tailoring and mens furnishing store of guelph 99 wyndham street tho germs of other add ainbretjtly diseases rooted in tha eystom of tho pationt what would relieve one ill in turn would aggravate the othor we have however in quinine wine when obtained jri bound nnadulterated state a remedy for many and grievous ills by its gradual judioious use tho frail oat systems are led into con valescence and strength by the in flu onco whioh quinine exerts on natures own restoratives it relieves the drooping spirits of those with whom a chronlo stato of morbid despondence and lack of interest in lire is a disease and by tranqoillzlng the nerves disposes to sound and refresh inr sleep imparts vlor to the aotion of the blood which being stimulated courses throughout the veins strengthening the healthy animal functions of the system thereby making activity a necessary result strengthening the frame and giving life to the digestive organs which naturally demand increased substance result ira proved appetite northrop dr lyman of toronto hsyo given to the public their quinine wine al the nsbal rate and gnsged by the opinion ot scientists this wine- approaches nearest perfection ot any on the market all dmafirsts so ft glffisggjitf house fancy ribbons flowers straw shapes and everything in bur millinery department clearing at greatly reduced lrlce8 the stock is resh and clean and will be cleared out regardless of cost bargains in parasols dress goods muslins ging hams etc to clear out immediately full assortment of gloves hosiery summer under wear ladjies and boys belts ladies collars and cuffs fresh shipment of these goods just opened makers of ihe light ssi running and est constructed galwin- ied steel wind wills and towers niade alao tbe celobrated maple laf grain rahaw srinder writ for brantford cah lllhstraied circulars john wvueein aoent foe ooyi atsolfor- frost and wood binders and mdyv a f ull lino of ajlhlnd of farm implerrienta hndersojqt co acton llouk munn a opjf sui brondwnv now tmrtft iimssiiii dimkmmss u4a

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