Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 7, 1897, p. 1

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volume xxiii iso 15 acton ontario thtjbsdax october 7 1897 price three cents ib published every thursday morning at tub free prcsssteam printing office viiltj btbbet aotqn ont terhh or sudbohiption one dollar per yoar strictly in advance all bilbao rip tioiib diacon- tfnueof wbon the tijno for whioh thoy have boon paid has expired the dato to wuloh ovory subscription is paid la donotod en tho address labol advehtisino rates transient advertlbo- moats id oonta per nonproll lino for first in sertion 3 cents par lino fox oaoh subaoquont usertlon oonthactkatbb the following table allows our rates for the insertion of advertisements for specified periods new styles for fall 1897 fine slock to hand all marked in plain figures see snmples in iur window bfaob jkhnohes kmnohes 5 inches j 1 tn 6 mo i 8 mo 1 mo 6000 3500 8000 nrw e 3500 3000 1900 ilm 2000 3900 70oi -am- 700 boxh 05o -100- advertisements without apeclnp dlrootlons wlllbe inserted till forbid and charged accord ingly transient advertisements must be paid a advance advertisements will bo changed onco each month- if doblred for ohanroaoftonor than ence a month tho composition must bo paid for atrogolai rates changes for contract ad vortlaomonts must bo n the otfica by noon on tuesdays accounts payablo monthly 1 hpmoore editor and proprietor extra xow prices rat days b00k8toee -thb- traders bank of canada olrg authorized capita si 000000 guelph branch sums of si and upwards received onw deposit and highastcurrent rate- of interest paid or compounded halfyenrly pepoait rocoiptb igsaes for large flams deposited advances made to responsible farmors 6n heir own qamob no charge ma for collecting sales notes ttpayableinguelpb v general banking business transacted a f iljonep manager a kxtcue fre tho fork said tho corkscrew was crooked tho rotnark mado tho flatlron sad tho stool knlfu at ouoo loutita temper and called tho toahotdor a cad tlio tablespoon htood on its tuettlo thu kottlooxulbltodbllo tho otovo grow hot at tbo discussion hut the ico remained cool all tyo vrhllo the way that tho cabbage andlottuco kept tbolr beads wasfioniotblairbubilmor tbo grbciia darod tbo ooup to mix with thorn and tho latter while it hadnt much thyiuo got ao mad it bollodovori4heflro eclt put ontond started tocry the ovun thon roastod the turkoy atidtho cook gave bo grease spot tho lye tho plato sal j tho elook in the p j day sells ceap vnumsz jdirwtorp j fxjrenm d cm office and reeldon cocorn or mill it frederick streets acton a- 8 elliott m d m b aotoa gludoatb toitomto univeiisity office main btreot third door foutb or presbyterian cburob acton tr dryden v ere eau titnoat and nobk mcleans block douglas st near p o guelph or pice bouns 10 am to 1 pm and 0 to 6 pm bundatij 10 am to 1 pm stewarts i parisian and dressing promotes the growth of hair prevents falling ot the hair provides nourishment for the hair renders hardhaysh dry hair soft and glossy x- removes and preven is not a hairdye but an removcsand prevents dandruff lprd p husband v s graduate of tbo ontario votorlnary collvgo honorary member of tho votorlnary medical sooloty office wm husbands lot 21 oonkaji- ogawoya calls day or night promptly attended to dental y l bennett lds dentist dr f p mercer dbmtist graduate of toronto university and itdds office ovr drug btoro acton vlsitutq datb thoithday and fniday j m bell dds lds dentist dnookvjllei honoo gnatopate op tonontounivensixt wprkmado batlofaotory prices modorate viaitina datb tuosday and erlday of oaoli week d g hcook l dentist cor college st and bpodina ave tobonto w411 visit acton on tbo first and third satur day of each mouth omen a gnowshot le04z m olean mclean barristers solicitors notaries convoyancors io frivatefonds toloan qflloe town hallacton wk a molkak jho a mclean douglas murray babnibtena soiaoitons kotabies etc offices 1206 queen st parkdalo victoria chambers6l victoria bt tol r fajl goods in millinery mantles dress goods jjyisndtboys readymade clothing special value in these lines a full assortment of fresh groceries always on kand try our teas the best in the market joqn davanfl a o mubitat j maokiion t bahiustbb solicmm convetaxcer of ice mill street in matthews block upstairs gmatheson a jbmoleod anbibtebs soucirobs c0nvbtah0eq8 goorgotown and milton mo nor to loan at lowest ratos t i j mcnabb ulork fourth division court county of hal- tn7 conveyancer agent ffreand lifo assurance uoalestato agent monoy to loan etc office pcrrymani block acton ont mlscmllantfo us henry gribt ottawa canada 7 sollottor of patents for invention oto prepares applications for tbo canadian amor- lean and european patontoulces and for the begutratlon of trade marks send for m- pbfet tblrtytwo yean experience iraisiois ktifnan bookbinder wyndbam st guelpb ontario r ow william store aoeonnt books of ail kinds mado to order periodicals of every description carefully bound bullnpnetani promptly don ttarriage licenses h- prmoorb ikbtifp of mabjuaqb llcenbeb private ofllon no witnesses required isiued rosldennn in tbo ovoning free press offlce aotok i armers if yon wish to reduce your interest b or secure a firstclass loan of money at low interest apd on easy terms of repayment 41 on ma- i make a specialty or londlba h on villago property- f low interest apa on easy wnm ui call on pie- i make a specialty or londlba wmb nroperty- w c jackson oohviiahokh add money xjknden oifiog wvndha btnear 1 1 weulngton mutol fire insurance company insubanob on cmh ud mutual plu any inmnnlotlon forwrdwl to my addroai h vox sw or talophone 08 will be promptly at tondod to john taylob agont gnelpli w m hembteeet iiitmmid aoonomm kor thooantlea of walllngton andballon orlltlilatihpb fun offloa acton or t my rmldno in aaton will bo promptly at- undwlto roearedooodto bo0 fortabm saxes also monoyto loan on tbo moit faronblo aamiand m tbo lowoit ratei of interest n safisff wimsjiil pwsrds ideal dressing and ipanic 1 free from stickiness and con laining no deleterious ingredients j 25c a bottle 1keialled bv alex stewartv dispensing and manufacturing chemist ont l guelph j laiiaamitemi j if youre in town someday soon we want you tc- take a look in our lamp window the south one lamp time is with us again and were ready with everything in lamps for hall dining room parlor sittingroom bedroom and kitchen if its only a 25c lamp its here and every price notch up to 1000 early buyers of course have the advantage 6f first choice jmvbon dgo7r gu elp hv 26 per cent oki terms cash or produce j g mcbeath acton ontario acton livery bus line tho undorilgnod rospectf oily spliclts the patron ago of tbe publip and informs tbom that well equipped and styliib rigs oao al ways be seoured atblsstables a oomforitable bus meets al trains botwoen 9 am and 818 pm order careful attention given to everyoru tbewan to of-oommreialxravl- lersf ally met john williams i porxuktoil w barber bros paper jmakers georgetdw ont uu a arioialtt of machine finished book papers sbr iii01 obade weekly nkw8 summer suitings ve have 25 scotch and canadian tweed summer suitings this seasons goods which we will sell at a discount cd 25 per cent for cash only these goods will be well trimmed and made up in our usual first- class style when we advertise a discount sale we mean it see tho goods and prices in our wlndowh shaw turner merchant tailors guelpb at wholesale prices waters bros are selliug their handsome stock of wallpapers at whole sale pricesto make room for their christ mas fancy goods the picture gallery guelph we keep things moving by keeping- things that move thopapornnedin this journal is from the above mills n wm bliebbr bros acton saw mills ndwdoei yards jk7wsbs broinin manbvaotdlsb ahd rjhaxim iff dumber ith hlagttsb wootf etc all kinds of wood in stock and promptly delivered to any part of tbe town at rasonblo prices hardwood and slabs out stovo length always on band telepboae oommaulcatlor ciiei pu business college a gublph whtefor circulars jsbarp prinbiptl a stupid fellow who guages the quality of boota and shoes by the price has no hiisu neas to be married yetone of this class directed his wife to buy footwear for herself and the children from nnoiherfirm because they charged more for them and ihey must therefore be better his better buff bought severn 1 pair from us and several from the other house and showed her hus band ihey were identical being even manu factured by the same people this proved conclusively how foolish a man can be when he really tries the lady of rhc house gen erally knows where sho can get the most and the best for her money nnd if you were to ask the ladies of acton the question where can i get the best value in boots and shoes the answer in nine cases out of ten would be vat w williams our prices are hard to beat try us for nny- lihingyouwantinourhne w williams mill street acton ebcollins j butcher doslrei to thank bis numerous ousomers for tholr liberal patronage since be commenced business last january and hopes that by oarof ul and courteous attention to merit a oontluuaooo of their custom a complete assortmont of flrstolass beef mutton lamb pork fresh and salt hams sausages poultry lard ao in season prices always as low as consistent with tbo best quality prompt delivery ta stock wanted js b coljin3 d ageuts for quosn victoria her jliian aud dlamond jubilee overilcrwlng wltrj latest arid ricb- hpoiiwus the endorsed blograpliy jtytvlth aotbetiuc lllitory of lier srlraljlerfflfn and foil account ot tbadfa donijdamsi for agents oomibls ootnr pa laly jmtd wrllequlok for outnt atirt lrrltarfi 4hh pouinion com vahy pout 7 306 dearborn st obloago trnrjenotedita bubfncbs on tick anil tho plate which ior years bad been sifcj ustterod i tito clock bald was full of old nick tli o salt said tbo croanibbouid bo whipped tbo cinnamon laughed in a rage tbo cream bald tbo salt was too froab and its frioud waant tbougbt to be sage nexr tbo poior wboso bumor in spicy i daro any follow did cry to cantor roiloptloa upon mo i tbe mirror took up the dofl them tlioaxo with a wit sharp and cutting declared tliat tbo rug bad tho lloor while tbo key said tbo knob should bo wor shipped cuiibo it was tbo right thing to adoro tbo boll ringing in said tbo cook book must bo bashful jelso wboroforo so rood tbomtovobvush7a thing of some poll oh looked down on tbo saucer and said it tbougbt that tbo same was too shallow but admitted tbo cup was juito deep tbo coffoo tried to alinibon tbo toa leavos but discovered tbosamowero too stoop voud not tblnk a thing thats so boloy ab the sieve would have mlxod in the fuss uut it did for it said that tbo butter was a slippery sort of a cuss no ono knows bow tho row would buvo ended had dttbe cook magglo odowd her work being donot closed tbo kltobon and thusly shut uptbowbolo crowd chariot j cotton in the veto orleans nroarinesf and striving toappear interest ed iu tho prosy lalk of her visitor and raesnwhjta two yonng men both very hungry both very tired returning to town aftor a day spent in duckshooting outside tbe city limits hud taken a bbort eat through tho bruntons orchard they were obliged to pass quite close to the house and ouu of them a tall maanuliuq young follow with pleafant bapk eyes white teeth and the sunniest ot smiles paused by a window which a great old- oberrytree bbaded a wiudow i but was low and open eobk tom ihe esid tom hilton iabiguiqcant of stature but iloioally correct ab to oostame turned his head in tho directjon indicated lie puck ered his lipb hie pmall blue oyea twin times- democrat ektt jfttmtlij hcauing taught by a yartar ily kate si cceanv tho juooi of boarta sbo mado somo tartn all on a summers day tbe knavo of horu be stole tbo tarto and took tbom all away nunaunr rutme there 1 paid chryatal with a eih ot satisfaction she poinod tbo labt tart uirily on the hpex of the pastry pyramid and stepped back to view tbo effoct and indeed the effeot was as artistic sb appetizing the oval dish of polished beleok creamy with age dotted all over with prim little blue forgets mo no t a aud primmer little pink rose bud a would have delighted the heart of a china counoibeeur and the tarts round crisp flaky goldenly brown each inolosing a crimson lako of strawberry pereerve and all towering up in regular and tempting prodigality quito rewarded- the cook for labor if thobocoddidered cbrystal as she earefoilyrtjarriedthodelootabledintiea into the buttery and laid the dish down on tho ehelf by tbe north window if these do not suit even glarenced city friendb they are very hard to please very hard to please she repeated hyphenating her sen tence with a series or convinced little nods j she went back to thekitoben and looked up at tho clock half past three and everything fsdonc except to set the table i think ever thing is done the ham ia sliced the chicken jollifcd the compote m th 01 e w aud the lartfl baker yes t may go and dress and pcr- hap9 have time for a bit of a read before i must bet the table she tidied up tho kitchen olosed the buttery door drew down the blinds and wont upstairs tho home of tho brantous was a gray old frame- iioubo standing on the outskirts of aaliiand ohrystars pareptbiere in tbo pleasant oircnmbtances generally deslg- nated comfortable and olaronce ber twin brother held a confldentjitl position fn a city grain firm yesterday be had learn ed two college friends of his were in own he had called at their hotel but failtto find them in so he had left a- noteatating that he wduld call again on thlb parlicnlar evening and bring them out to supper at his fathers house the bruntons happen cd to bo without a girl at the time but clarence with a young mans thoughtless ness failed to consider that fact perhaps ho knew cbrystal would prove more reli able than a boat or domestics her genius foiyhousekespid does imply genlae had been proven fresh breezy and blowy was jhoafter- noon delicious drifts of annaliiuo and tantalizing shadows followed each other in bewildering repetition within tbo houbo there was no bound the only inmates were cbrystal and her mother the lattef was writing letters in her own room one i two i three i four 1 chrystal oountod the strokes as she slipped into her pretty marguoritn gown of rustrod china silk a ill jdbtglanoe through those new marfizinos before upper she decided as sbo tied and patted tho soft sash of her dresa deftly twitted tho big bow back aud then turned her bead over her shoulder u admire tbo result in the mirror bat alas for tbo vanity of human resolves i at that moment tho boll rang oh dear i who can that be she ex- oaimodwith emphasis more-provoked- than flatteribg hastily sho tbaret a bilver pin through tho deep fall 6 creamy lisse at her throat tuoked away a couple of rebellious oarlfl under the braided coil of her brown hair and went out of her room and down the stairs she opened the door to a bold young breeze to a chilly dsrzle of sunshine and to miss stckes to miss stokes of all women i cbrybtals heart sank a spin ster of au sge decidedly beyond that known as uncertain was miss stokes her per iodical visits were invariably jong invar iably gossipy invariable tiresome tbe bunions had known her many years she was one of those formidable and familiar s pea era a friend of the family and sho war therefore- emltlevi to toleration if not to exalted regard halfpast our five 1 a quarter past five i will she never go dejectedly marvel ed poor cbrystal littlng there amillng great scott i dick oanyou rcbibt them- dick bertrand who had not remored hia ctfzo from tbe beleek dish and tbo strawberry tarts slowly bbookhis head like the father of my conn try be declarod i am the soul of veraoity no 1 voracity you mean corrected hil ton a you like 1 i cant rsbist ono and i wont 1 with tho expression of whiuh desperate deoisiou he deliberately thrust his handrf through the aperature and lightly picked off the topmost tart hilton looked on enviously la it good good dont talk he could not converse with ease himself so full washij mouth of pastry and jam he swallowed the bweet morse and boldly extracted another suppofo some one were to come around tbe bouse or or open that door ven tured tom timidly this is a christian oountry where starvingmen are not refused food deolar ed bertraud reaching tot his third tart bu w w she drew it from her pocket and handed it to him by georgo i ho cried hi surprise and delight he sprang to his foct and then sank back in hia uhair with a rosr of laughter clarence 1 protested cliryetdl if tbo writing isnt lie gasped bertrand interrupted him minelv bo confossed yes youhp and off ha wont inl another paroxysm of laugutdr cbrybtata eyes bliie itb the forget- menats on the beleok dib grew very wide indeed was that habbmofeliaw tho jetnivs o hearts wlib stole her tartb they the thieves attempted explanations and apologiea hilton put the blame on beytrand and bertrand qd hi lion tborrj scierjce utilizes all the ox i tub autograph hook ov jilvlu ail joined in young brunt on a faoarty and contagious mirth that was juot a year atjo and there are those who avow hat before lie april sunshine wakes all tho world to beauty chrystal brunton will bo cbrystal bruntoo no longer for if not oxuetly a queen of hearts tlie is at least queen over one heart and that one ia dick bertrand countering om john ed hie friend terrified by bucii rabbneaa if if any one were to oatoh us you i mean id run decided dick as ho calmly purloined another tart stopl tom wsb fairly dancing eh stopl i say thats yoar fourth 1 proves bow fine tbey arc responded bertrand brushing the ornmbs off hia rausteohe but you wont leavo any for me 1 wail ed hilton his scruples were quito gone dioka enjoyment of the tarts hjd been too much for him hunger bad conquered con aaiencerr ho made an onslaught on tbe shrinking pyramid he captured two tarts whioh ho devoured in buocebbivoly distributed and impartial bites when five minutes had passed all the prim littlo forgetmenots and primmer little rosebuds were visible on the oval ditfh comically guiltily tho criminals looked at eaoh other then as if moved by one impulseythey pnt their bands in their pockets dick laid a silver dollar on the plate and hilton followed suit then bertrand po out bis notebook and wrote to tbo queen of hearts who made somo tarts with tbanks and oomplimontb ho tore oat the pago laid it on the beleek dish and weighted it with the money after whioh both conspirators took up their gnns and shaking with laughter ran across a vacant lot around a oorner jumped into their wailing buggy and drovo rapidly into town it is after four remarked tom we mast make haste and all tho time chrystal brunton bleabedly unconscious of the theft being perpetratodi sat and liatoned to the chatter of mlsa stokes it was a quarter to six before that victimizing visitor made hor welcome ad ioux graoiona how i will have to rush 1 groaned chrystal as she oloeod the door behind the brown silk back of maria ange lina for that was her guests noveliatio name into the dining room flew miss brunton puehed put the table wbisked off the velours covers spread on the cloth of milk- white damusk took the solid silver from its chamois wrappings and brought the company china from its beolueion under the sideboard then ebo put on a big nainsook apron went into tbo kitchen brightened tho fire hurried to the battery osrried the meat into the dining room and went hack for tbo tarts where had thoy vanqapihed there was the dish sho stood stitl and rubbed her eyes the faco that wai so sweet and youthful and aunnyeouled if not- positively pretty grow scarlet from brow to ohin oh it was too bad i after all her trouble too i who oould have taken thorn probably those horrid- littile vol mouth ohildren tbe gleam of the dollars caught her eye she went forward took up tho scrap of paper and read the hoes thereon sho laughed in i spite of herself assuredly the volmouth ohildren woro not the culprits to be robbed and paid in this fashion i what hungry and gentiemanly villian larked in the neighborhood oh it was aggravating and ridiculous too i well im glad it was the torts and not grandmothers beleek dleh lie fancied she told herself by wayjsf consolation half an hban later clarence and his friends appeared mrp brunton emerged from her room and the bead of the family osnicup from the rftyr at tbeflniirfavorj able moment ohrytal beckoned her broth er into the hall olaronce 1 well the strawberry tnrta 1 did they fail his particular enehant was strawberry tarts he wa interested in their possible fate fail iudlgnsntly they never fail with roe thoy with muob solomnity were stolen i no she nodded sadly by whom i dont know and then she told hjm of the note and the money left on the plate ak snpper be laughingly insisted on telling ihe whole slorj hilton and bertrand who hid grovn ptiiu fully om- barrasied jwien claret u bruuton had pointed but bti fabme etulq startled glances av obsr the tse prooeeded trie- see thar scrap of are you the marriajje license clerk inquired a comely country dttxisel- cf the young man who diuhes out tbat sort of emotional pabulum to hungry victims 1 am miss responded tboyoqdgman with tbe soft suavity a pretty girl iaalwaya sure ofbriogidg to tho burfnoe of a man old or young has there been a man in bero today after aliceope three or four miss timan must bo batter i moan a rudbeaded mail a ho ex claimed ignoring the yoodg mans allusion to tbe improved oonditiou of lhe times ye miss iho last one i gave out was to a redbeaded man here it ia and the man opened the book john f gul- lion to miss ma m duator every particle put to use only its dylna breath losti- id an article on tho wutiders of tbe worlds wastowilliftmgeorgnjerdauiu laduv home journal details bow science at the present day utilizes tbo ox not many years ago he says when an ox was slaughtered forty per cent of the animal was wabted at tbo present time nothing is wasted but its dying breath a but onethird of the woight or tho animal coaiets ofprdjuots that om be eaten tbe question of utilizing the warlo is a beriou ono tho blood is uapd in re fining sugar and in sizing paper or manufactured into door knobs and buttons the hide goes to bo tanner horns and treats thats tbo mau bbo exoliirnod and thats mo now i want one myself make it oat qulok for mary 1 cuaterand henryhooker tho clerk was quick about it how much is it 7 pheaskcd as ho hand ed it to her two dollars miss did gullion have to puy tbat intioh for his she abkod laying down the amount oalled for certainly thats tbo legal price miss well i wish to goodness it was 95 john gullion baa been courting mo for two yeara and he is the stingiest mau i ever seen thats the first money ho evor spent on me and be wouldnt have apent tbat if i hadnt been sharp enough to let hinxget the lioenao beforo i got 0 do for me and henry henrys uow looking or apreaob- or and lam to meet htm at the hotel right away goodbye 1 am ever ao much obliged to yon and she started oat with a rush but oame back in a minute oh she bald if john galion brings tbat license hack whon bo beskra liow ive fooled bim please dont give fclm his dol lars again will yon and aho looked so pleading and so pleasing that tbe young manbwbrejohnsbonld rioverbqehib dolv jars again singular siqms of unwittingly ludiofoua or humorous signs there are plenty a tinsmith near exeter england has a sign which reads quart measures of all shapes- and sizes sold here at a market town in hotlond- shire the following placard was affixed to the shutters of a watphmaker who bad decamped leaving his oreditoralthoarning wuuud up aud ill 6 malubprlog broke equally opposite was ono in thomaaton ga- on one of the principal streets the same room was ocoapjed by a physician and a shoemaker the disciple ot galen in front while be of st crispins trade work ed in tbe rear over the door hung the sign we repair both soal and body on the windows of a london corxeoroom there appeared the notion this coffee- room romoved ap stairs tili repaired tbo proprietor of the place wa not an irishman though tbo fraraor of thfl botlee over a french burying groand only tbo dead who livo in this parish are buried heromubthaye been ono may see iu tho windows of a con fectioner la fourth avenao new york picbopon au night a bdwery placard reads homemade diningkoonas fam ily oystors wbilo a weat broadway restaurateur sells homemade pies pastry and oystere and atlll another caterer on east broadway retails fresh salt oysters and lager beer boots polished inside is a frequent sign in new york ana on amafilidavfuup drool lynrtheroibosutionary library- and the latter is really a circulating library and tho word stationary adorni one win dow and wibrary iho other pblladolphia has a ligu reading ho mudo plea i and a barbers bhop in tho samo city bears this inscription on its window washing ton smith tonspria abattoir bern or es ts magazine alphabet of proverbs a grain of prudence is worth a pound of craft boasters are coubins to hard denying a fault doubles it env shoots at othe anil arminhs imr self foolish tear doubles dungor god teaches us good things by oar own hands hebus hard work who has nothing to-do- endeavoring to repress iodicailom of xlhrittu cvek0 ssidiacncluilon paper it coats more to rove n go wrongs than to suffer them knavory is the worst trade learning make a man fit oompany for himielf modesty u a guard to virtue not to hear cousoienoo la iho way to silence it one hour today is worth two tomor row proud looks inako foul work in fair faces quiot conscience is qoiet sleep richest ia lie that wants least small faults indulged are littlo thieves that let in greater ones the boughs that bear luot hang lowest upright walking is sure walking virtue and happiness are rnother and daughter wise men make more opportunities than they find you hover lose by doing a good aot 1 arnfraubformed into oombs and buttons thighbones are worth eighty dollars person are cut into handles for olotheabrashes foreleg bones cell for thirty dollars per ton for collar buttons parasol handles and jewolry tbo water in whioh bones are boiled is redticeduo uo the dubt from sawing the bones is food for oattle and poultry tbe emallest bones are mado into boneblack each foot yields a quarter of a pint of neats foot oil the tail goes to tho eoup while the bruuh of hair at the end of the tail ia tod to the matresamaker the choicer pans of tho fat make tho basis of bulterhte the intes tines are used for saueogo casings or bought by gold boaters the undigested food in the btoniaob which formerly cost the packers of chicago thirty thousand dollars a year to remove and destroy is now raado into paper these urp but few of the produota of abuttoiis all scraps unfit for any other use fiud welcime in tbe gluepot or thoy do missionary work forfurmors by noting as fertilizafd sbo gavo hi tn hor book to write in hor autograph book ot blue aud sbo said wrlto it utrailit now tommy aud something nice and true stiflly and bciuarely bu wrote a lino for bis quooii wltlttuo oyoa or bluu proudly and alguod it tommy mogdlo i lovo you true a youth camorom a colloso a btudont jravo and wlao ho16okoditthu little old autograph book lie looked at her true blue ojtb audbo scrawlod with cyni jal ainiliiig iu fbo old old book of bluu of tbo folly of lovo and aidiiuull tbbniaa robluald jlush ainancaino from bis loboia loornod in tbo school of yoora oanodattlio littlo bluo bpokan dre and bftzoaottrornroanlodttirouait tears thoi be looked and saw iter biniiint wltlitoars in hejoyob of bluo audbowroto and siftuod ittomniy morbio i lovo you true wjaktway in lndtcti jlumc joitrmtl glimpses through lifes win dows there was at baalbek ages since a mag nificent temple of the sun boroo of whose pill atbareyels auding near by iathe quarry from whioh came the e tones for tbe wonderful temple in jhe quarry almost detached from its rock dresbed and ready for its place in the temple is an irameube oolauin seventy feet in length a vacant plaoa in the temple ia waiting for it and for four thousand years this column has lain there in the quarry it has never occupied the place for which it was de signed there are many- men like that useless monolith made for a noblo deatiny with grand possibilities thoy have missed it all for want of a lofty purpose and a worthy energy they folded their talents away in their napkins of euppoaed humility of ealfd is trust or of indolence and disobed ience and burled them ia the earth they will lie forever amonjf the wastes and rains of life pale ghostsrof gloriou might have beens while he places in gods temple whioh they were meant to till re main vacant it is a glorious thought that each of bur little lives is a plan of god that god made us for something definite and particular let our highest aim be to become what ho made us to be letab never shriek from any task or duty to which he calls us let ub train our- selvas toobeyeveryoftllotgnd lobtiuooru hesitancy or disobedience we fail of the mission f of whioh we were made and meet tbo doom oi the useless in gods universe an unfortunate mistake- a langhabla but rather embirrasiug oaao of mistaken identity occurred tho other day io a large drapern shop a gentleman who ia a littlo too fond of joking entered tbe bhop for the purpose of meeting his wife at a certaiu counter sura enough there stood a judy dreesid to hie eye at least just likg tho woman ho was after her back wart turned- lind no ono was near hear so ho quickly approached took her by tbo arm and vaidj in a voice of stimulated severity wall hero you are spending my money hb usual eh v tho face turned quickly toward him was not his wiftis it was that of an ucic angry keeneyed womun of about 50 yearp who attracted the attention of everybody iu that part of the shop by saying in a loud buril voice no i aint speuding your monoy or no other mans money und ill i be your pardon mad brie the artificial diamonds about a aenttfry ago the groat french obemiat lavoisior learned that the won derful gem known as the diamond id really composed of the same material as charcoal namely carbon at once it was suggested that it might be possible to mako diamonds t but mua tbe idea the diamond was or natural mineral and nature processes could not be duplicated in the laboratory becentiy however m motsson has taken up the sqbjeot and has aotually succeeded in making true diamonds in bis forge tbe gems thus manufactured uro very small it is true but iho principle has been found and who oan doubt that its applica tion will be extended until gems of aoy de- sired aiza aro mado at will it would be nothing surprising if within the next generation or two diamonds equal to tho flnebt jewels were to bo turned out from faotpries by he ton and sold at eo many cents an ounce instead of so many dollars a carat read1nq the signals the captain of one of the big solioouora that bring ioe from tho kennebec to wash ton tells a story ot an iriuhmau he shipped pal wanted to get from washing ton to norfolk and had no money hia atory ex cited the sympathy of the shipmaster who rmlly sgretirt tn lt him work hja pass pat was willing but densely ignorant of all things maritime arid no real boa duty fell to bim until tho vessel was sailing down chesapeake bay with a fair wind and plenty of boaroom tho captain then told pat to tako a turn at lookout forward jd instructed him to promptly report anything he might see it was a cloar night and flooitafler tho lookout took his pbsition ho bang out ah capain well fat theres something out here foreninet the boat what is it said the osptaln to tost pats seafaring knowledge tho lights of ai approaching steamer being visible i rally couldnt say for bhore bar says pat but i suahpeot its a drug store theres a red and a grano light wash- ington7o she missed it that time niece nbowing the wedding prosonts to undo tom 1 i wanted yon to see them ell dear ancle tom so that yoa wont send a duplicate duplicate wedding presents are very annoying you know tjnole tom hni whats this niece thats papas check for 500 isnt it lovely uoole tom very i intended to bend yoq the same thing but rather than annoy yoa with a duplicate present ill send 100 confused gentleman i supposed yt u were my wife atd well i just aint 3 our wife nor no other mans wife thank fortune to bo jawed at every time i buy a yard of rib bon 1 1 pity your wifo if you go about shaking her like you did me if i was her id the chagrined joker waited to hear co more but made his way out of the sbcp amid the titters and sly chuckles of thoee who had witnessed his confusion tit bit he gives away brides in addition to our business of letting our weddiog droaeea on hire eaid a mem ber of a wellknofwn firm of cobtumers iu the west central district of londbn wo often perform our littlo borvioea for the bride yon of coureo rccogujzo tho fact that in this great otty there are scores of hard working girls who are far away from their relatives and who have always been too busy to cultivate many friends wei when these girls are about to marry young fellows who aro similarly circumstanced the question aribea as to who shall give away the bride ttlcananswerihatqueationfoirtbbnrat once for i have connected with my busi ness an exmajor in tbe army s member of an anoient family and a man too of an- impeachable character he is poor but ho dresbes well has beautiful white hair and looks tbe kindly father to perfection i introduce him to tbe bride and bridegroom and he for a moderate feo gives the former away sometimes he takes thu whole arrange ments ot a breakfast and so on upon him- se u afi speak un coua he is always a welcome guoat with the e people afterward st louis globe- democrat by the children freddy basd the teacher to freddy faogle yd have spelled the word rabbit with two ts you must leave ono of them ont yest maam replied freddy which one johnnie had been accused of crying i des i aint ho itiuintaiucd fuiping what are you doiug then uostioncd uncle henry letting my eyes leak edna wants a baby brother a baby would bo bo nice to wheel around in a carriage mamma dolls are always get ting broken wbon iho aarriugo tips oyer papa buid billy tearfully after a playfal romp with the goodnatured hut rather rough bt bernard puppy i dont believo bingo knows what kind of a dog ho is he plays as if ho thought ho was a little pug lknpw how we walk said willio wo put ono foot down andielit stay till m 7itgiftw way hfiltint pnthnn do the same thing with the other untf oep doing it chicago new do you intend making your robins look brighter and cleaner thousands of women all over canada will this season clean houno aud maktp rooms look brighter aud more cheerful it should be remembered thatkilsomine ban be beautifully tinted with the diamond t a very trifliugcxpango onepaok age ot diamond dye tints ten to afteen pouuds handomo shades fur walls tho favorite colors are yellow orange cardinal elate crimson bismaro violet green light bluo and pink torna-ktr-good- kalsom i nord iesoivo oncu fourth pound good glue to each ten- pouudu of whiting mix with sufficient wator to give the required bonatitouav to tint it dissolve a package of dye in a quart of water and add as m uoh as necessary to givo tbe color desired when you buy dyes for tinting bo sure you ask your dealer for tho diamond dyes aoing any of tho above mentioned shades your dumb beast he cant complain bat sods ausoslnfl oyo beholds tbycruolty and hsaradiis ory he was doslguod tliy friend aud- servant not uiydrudgo aud kuow that bis creator is thy judfio ifatdilufo farmer fbystoal strength and energy oontribate zal withool knowledge is firs without j to strength of chs rooter and both may be light phiuaeiphui 1 b4 by ukiug hoods sarsaparilu mary go into tho sitting room and bee how tho thermometer stands ii stands on the mantel just agtlnat the wall sir the empress of russia ia nearly two inches taller than her hatband and is just the kind of a figure to carry off a 9800000 corona t ion robo the universal providence of icrofula la a fact well known to physicians the ouly medtoine that lifts hitherto proved a speoi- flo for this dreaded complaint is ajcrs sarsaparllla which expels every drop pf pojson from the blood you cannot begin towo it too soon m

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