Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 25, 1897, p. 1

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j volume xxiii no 22 acton ontario thursday november 25 1897 pbicie three cents ije ctoit xtt firm id rddtifliied every thubbday morning at the free preaa steam 1rintlngollcc mill street acton ont tbrmb op bddbonirtion ono dollar por year strictly in advauoo all bubsorlptious discon tinued wlion tho tlmo f or which tboybavo bonu patd lias ox pi rod tbo date- to wuioh ovory subscription paid is denoted on tbo address label adventftina rates transient advortlbo moata 10 acute por nonpareil lino for first in- v- loruon 3 cents per lino for oaohbubaoquout dsertlon tbroliowitib tftblo shows our rates 6r tbo inajo udvortlaomouta for ipociqed peilode vzl sfagb vyu 0mo 1 3 mo 1mo tolnoiioa lotaohos sinabob i insta 86000 3300 2qo0 600 sm 00 1 82000 3000 1200 1300 700 a 50 1 b00 8700 300 250 100 advorttsomonte without apeciflc diroctionaj will bo inserted till forbid and obarged accord tranaient advertisements must bo paid n advance advert eomonts will bo cbaugod onco oacb month if doalrod for changoa oltonor tban bnooamontb tho composition mubtbo paid for atregulai ratoa ohanuoa for contract advortiaomouta muat bo n he offloo by noon on tuesdays accounts payablo monthly hpmo0rb edltorand proprietor hubiiusb birtjrtorp out sale of v- at- reduced prices is still on great bargains days jjookstore guelph day slls cheap parisian hair restorer traders bunk of canada j f tjren m d c m olfloo and roaidonco cornor mill st frodorlck btreetstaetoin r a s elliott m d mb xxe acton gluduate tonohto uhivkraitt office main stroot third dooreouth of lreabyterlan church acton ttjr dryden eve eaii timoat and nome mcleans blook douglab6t near p o guelph omoe hoikb 10 am to 1 pm and 8 to c pui bdndath 10 am to 1 pm veterinary surgeon 4 lfred p husband v s graduate of tl ontario veterinary college honorary member of tbo votcrlnary medical society office wm husbands lot 2 con 4naaa- agaweya calls day or night promptly attonded to l bennett lds dentist akoboetqwh omtabio drf 8 mercer dentibt graduate of toronto university and rcd3 dttlceovur drug store aetou viaitika days thuiihday and fhidat j m bell dds lds this preparation is simply what its name implies a hair ro ne wer and in no sense a dye it will cleanse ihe head from all dandruff it will prevent the hair from falling it will change gray hair to hs original color it will keep the hair moist and soft i- it will promote a luxuriant growth price only 50c axiuiorlzed capital 1000000 guelph branch sums of 81 and upwards reoeived ou deposit and highest onrrent rato of intorost pajd or compounded halfyearly depobit rpcolpts ibsued for largo bums deposited advances rnado to fcspofibiblo fiirmerb ofa their own- names no charco made for colloitiny sales notcs if payable ia guelph t j a general banking buaincbb truusaoted a f irjoniss mnimfler ijodpg sold only by alex stewart dispensing and manufacturing chemist guelph ont j buying a razor is often ticklish work a 50c razor may look as well as one 77 the wilkinson plough co limited toronto bnookville dentist honoo 0 11 ado ate of toitonto univenbltt work maltdbatlafaotory prices modorato vlbitlno days tucodiy and friday of eaoh wtok irr g hcooir dentist cor collogo bt and bpadina ave tobontoi will vlait acton on the first and third satur- day of each month office a gnowo hotel m ole an mclean p barristers qolloltora notarloa convoyancerb 0 private funda to pan offloo town hall aoton wc a molxan jmo a mclean il ptjglas uorray itanaistensrfiolioitona notajiies etc offices 1206 queen a t parkdalo t victoria chambers6l victoria st jotln dodolab a g muitray 4 j mackinnon bajuubteb splicrron comveyanceb ofsice illll street in matthews block if fjpatalra w ib g mitheson 3 b moleod i asbistbus sollcirobb contbyanceiib qeorgotown and milton monov to loan at lowoat ratov j monabb l- otorirfonttbdtvlalon court oonntr of hal- rc bn gonvoyancorasoatfiroandlilfaasquradoo k heal katato agent monoy toloanoto f ovriob porrynaanablook aoton y o miscellaneous rtenrx qbist xfl ottiw outlsa svnntsrpf6in7iotiw6btrdnrold mprebaroa applications forttao canadian anior- i loan and europonlatmtqucoi and lor tbo of trade mark hond for pirn- pmot tnlrtttwo yoara exporlenco tianais ndnan dookbindeit wtriaham 8t ouelpb ontario t bvorwilllaravbtoro if aoeo book of all klnoa made toordor 1 perldoleala of evory deaorlptlon oaref ully bound j abnlaoh licenses h p moobe jafttntb or manauqs tiloehbks ftiiati offlm no wltneawa required lunod retldenee in uie evoolng free preu offleo aoton tutonev pmimer8 it you wlib to roduoe your intoroat or aoeuro a arsvolaaa loan of money at lovintereat and on oaay terma of repayment oall on me i makoa apeeialty of lending and hn nlentv of fuuda i alio lend wilkinson ploughs last longest work easiest and draw lightest points and spies last twice as long all cast parts have our name and address in full on them see that you get them it will pay ybu the strongest and simplest pneumatic ensilage cutter in the market guaranteed to cut 20 tons on hour and deliver 40 feet full line of straw cutters and root pulpers roller bearings all kinds of wheelbarrows the wilkinson plough company limited toronto worth 5 times that amount how shall you decide buyof a firmthat always satisfies its customers that makes every wron right and returns you your money if you want it theres no j doubt about our german and english razors they are best j mi bond co hardware guelph acton- livery bus line thoubdoralffnodrobpoctfuhybollcltathopatron ago of tho public and informa them that well equipped and styliih rigs can al wayabosftcuxed atblaatabloa a oomfortable bua uootaai trains botwoon 0 a m and 8j pm careful attantiongiven toovaryordor thto wanta of commoroial travol- lon fully met john williams paopnieton w bakber bros paper makers geobeto wn ont mil a srkoultt or machine finished book papers akd hi0i1 grade weekly news tho paper used in thia journal is from tho above mills wm baeber bros nmii 1 w 1 on tlllairo property w7ci jackson golfvevaxcbr amdlomit imwdbn omcl jvynduystbar0ltynall6uetrh wellington motnal ftro insurance company v birtaauamuilo inbuttanob on cwb and mutual plan any noinmnnleatlona forwardod to my adareta vbox 8av orjtelopbono m will bo promptly at- endod to jo t agent guelpu m m hqhstbekt v bvi liovkmd aoanomkii kvot tho oauiitioa of welllngbon and halton ordoraloiltttbofbu prbbb offloe aoton or katmyieildonmln aoton will be promptly at itendedto feee roduood to 500 voic farm 8aies aiaonnonyto loan on tbo moat fatorable joppittntina frsofjudinfi boili wnipiileta roatoraitll ajfcrheauaolrqularoo laonleil in mm ibaitatyle of bo art at fnoderato prleoe and on jabott ootlco apply or addreai mi- h raioobb fnneniliaonieo acton georgt3town electric works t j speight proprietor manufaoturera of dynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams ripe and sloiun pltelnjf nd general repair- inft ilelngenalnpod witn affafcbntetbg maebloe iamprepnatoaobnalngonb10fol6 ffiuea tj speight georgetown and wood yards jk7utbs brosatn lunoraotqnsnaiinskaiabuf jnmbor xath bhintle wood jstc all lilnila of wood in atook and promptly dollveredl to any partjif tbo town at reaaonabto prlooa haidwoodand alabl out itove leugtnalwaya on bandv jy r f- i- twepnooonimujieufe ijioii i guel w bustmmcpltsst rthid1rstltute ptnmanslitp ihotini tctiijilf avtlto for clrcuiiin isbortfiatid and actiinj pffica work nnpecially guelph sbarp prlaclptl highest market prices paid for any quantity of wheat peas oats rye barley buckwheat delivered at acton elevator robt noble tltji turkey mistake it must bo tliankaglvlng tomorrow so tbo turkey waa hoard to say and bo thought ho would glvo a party just to colobrato tho day 1 bo ho issued btainvltatlona on cabbago loavos rcftd ouoa i romora- a bor t gobbler rpqueata yourpreaoneo on tbo twontyllftirof novoinbor i and nowbo uiuat hud tho provisions tberowaa corn both for stow and for fry of bruadommbs ho know bom have pronty for doasort tueycoutd havo a worm ilo with a foutbor ho found la tbo hencoop 7ho bwdpttho bar nlloor with great caro- thou set out blafoaatln tbo eenter anil addod a groon winter poar j thuu bo bruahod up bla foathers bo neatly and awaited his gaoata with great prldo forbokuew that the feast aot before them thoy oould nolthor rof use nor dorido next night tbo gueataeamo in good season and each ehowod hlb card at tbo door tboro wcro dubka tboro woro turkeys and obiokona and of gecso tboro woro fully a ocoro thoyato alltho turkoya provlalona and aald theyd had auoh a good tlmo thou started o slog in fowlfasbiou tbo famillaratralnauld laug syno hiltjust aa thoy aang tbo laat oliorua a shadow foil ovor tbo lloor a lid tbo farmer whoso barn they bad mort gaged cropt quietly in at tbo door ho boitod upon mr t go and boro him in triumph away ivo uiado a mlbtake cried tho turkoy tomorrow la tbanksglvlug day i thou all of tho guoats lu a panic took warbiug and wdv hod not tbiukiug of qbbblors mlafortuno but only of what ho bald next day aa they saw aomo loose foatbora lyiog round tboy said groat caro well tako to lnd outjuat when 1b thaukaglvlug and not uiakosuch a fatal mistake r tselecteb only bo tbeoystera to cook little fayo waa asleep while maudo and mabel were building an imposing blook houao on tbo rug in front of the open are how happy ibey are the young mother thought if i could have a nurao to caro for them and leiuura to teaohthem i aa it ia ive hardly time to liaten to tfaoir prayerfl jaet then a loud ory reached bar the ball door of tbo house opposite waa darted open and a woman came flying down tbo atepe shrieking fur help it win mrs aebley and cloaobehiud her oume llio fifiore of arrian edith could eoe bit olbricbed flat uplifted while dreadful oathe reached ber eard in a moment tbo acouo wai ono of con- fobton the sqrvanta raahed out sortiam- ing edith hurried to tho duor iu time to see a polioernan trip up tbo fraotia man and to hear the nnrae girl wholiad the aebley ohfli in herarma say oh hell be all riht in the morning 1 wish they would hurry up aud got things quiet tbib baby ia ehivering with tbe cold will you bring tbe littlo tjirl in by my tiro edith naked im glad to maam for a minute waa ybu soared or did you know the girl continued ns alio followed mrs mtthowa into theeittiogroom know what i3dith aakcdtiihting a lamp who waa that man lnd i it waa the master mr aabley and norah proceeded to rub little bernioes handa ibhora dont believebuuder stand nho wout on ia it possible we the boy as i like him deti sfamtlir staking youll soon te jpfunkinfl of xmas phesents and such like little things nnd quitejaaturally we would like to have you call onus when wanting anything in this lino a bricabray and fancy cfyina atfl specialties and we think wv can sell you nice goods at lower prices than you can get anywhere else we also sell pictures and do picture framing waters bros st ceorces so guelph jehn mcqueen ot lcavp your orders now for your winters supply none hut the very bo9t 8cranton coal delivered i can supply egg stove nnd nut sizes the liberal patronage accorded me last season by mr browns cus tomers whose business i bought was much appreciated i can give even better service this year and solicit a continuance of their orders coal delivery to commdnce in september john mcqueen j h hamilton de1lk11 in marble and granite hamiltons blook guelph navlug ohliand atarge quautlty of sootoh norway bweduh and bnsslan grknite and in order to dispose of it to make room for spring stock now purchased i will sell at a reduction of 20 per cent and will allow all expenses to customers to and from our works john b hamilton eb collins 1 slisflbger deelrft to ibank his nameroqroqitopjera for mace welbooominonoe4 ims that bvearerul ipnt a oontluaaaoe their btutnl and ooaheoua l of thelrcustorfl a wmplete aiortmeot of qramium beef muttoa lamb pork treah and batthiitnjiflaubafiea poultry iord fto in season frloe always aa low acwnslsteot with he boitqualtly v prompt dajlvory jfa atock waited- i vcoliixa jier jeighbors lessiqgs a thankboivino btoitv why edith what is it mrs matthews asked aa ahurobugaradlbo oatmeal of maude thn larger ono of the twins tho day after tomorrow is thanks giving had you forgotten it edith matthews pauaod before replyiug to her buabanda question the pause might have been aooomplisbed for by the fact that mabel tbe other twin insisted that ber oatmeal should likewiao be rc- sugarod after attending to this mrs matthews said listleselyi no i bad not forgotten it but it doesnt make aoy differenoe auy way what thanksgiving not make any difference why edith what id the matter i and hiram matthews set down iub coffee oiip and atared at hia wife she shrnggod her shoulders ii it the dinner you mean well lend up what- evor you like aa to the spirit of thauka- giving ive nothing to be especially thank fulfor ohdearl the baby is oryiag anil leaving her breakfast mrs matthews burritd away- 1 poor utile woman thonght her hus band she baa to work too bard i wiah i could afford to keep a girl for her but nothing to be thankful for that doesnt sound liko edith when baby faye bad been huahod to sleep it waa time for hiram to start for the store he hid lifted the twitia from tliehrbig a nii biba he bad also thoughtfully pat tbe coffee ppt on the stove aud the steak in tbe oven that edith might not find her i rdk- fabt cold when she had time to qnidh it goodbye little wife he said drawing her to him t ill send up something for thanksgiving and see mrs murphy about ooming to help yon tomorrow dont do muck extra work for there will be j not ourselves how i wih we oould have gone to the old home still i feel like giving tbankp edith for my home my babiop and yoa words like tbeae are usually sweet to a wife but edith had been kept awake the greater part of the night by a teething baby no she replied wearily oat what ever you like perha i s feel thank ful if we wereirich ihopo we m be da hiram began but she interrupted him impa tiently some day i when i am old and gray it is now i want the things money can bny luxuries for my babie leisure for ybu and me time to develop my nature well ill postpone toy thanksgiving till i have something to give thanks for in spite of ber flippant words edth clung for a moment to her husband his faoo was grave but he whispered tenderly my darling and going oat attempted to close the door eoftly behind him bat the sharp november wind caught it from hia hand and it slammed u so loudly- that fayo started up with a frightful ory at tbe samo moment maude managed to upset a glaas of water forwbioh she bad boon reselling and added her orfes to fayv thankful indeed ejhh said as affer a few moments of altefnate aoothlng and scolding she snree ft ded jp quieting bolh children she sat down at the sitting room window with faye in her arms and was looking at the bouse aoroas tbe waje the nurse iv dressing little bernlco ashley she thought i can ttee- her and there ia the cook at the door giving the grocer boy his orders mrs aebley was at tbe ball last night she is sleeping this morning undisturbed by work or children plenty of money three servants the entranco into cultivated eoolety yes im euro mrs ashley can truly observe thanksgiving oh 1 fear im wloked she went on as faye nestled her curly head on her mothers shoulder bat ran so tired of being poor of course i appreciate my buaband my bailee and my cozy home tbeae arc just common bleislngt though everyone has thm and sopae so many others 0he neit day edith waa iifting by tho window waiting for her haa bands coming mrs marpby had just gone hcra andln the pantry waa ilo tnrkeyail rtady fpr the oven minoe and pnronkln plee ormnberf y tartraiida dainiyroi the table waa laid fpr tea jo ibv diinif room when hiriim came there would have lived bo near for three moo the and you never knew that mr ashley had them times whenever ho went ou u spree the mistrcsa waa watching for hjm too but he moat osoght her oh how terrible edith oiied ho might have killed her ho came precious nen it wbeu thia baby was three months of d ho knocked her dowutttaire there there dear for little beruiae was crying lit roe got bor a glaae of warm milk and edith hurried away when she returned she hud regained her composure sbo noticed naraha tender ness with the child and alno notioed what a wan little face it was that turned away from the milk to watch maude and mabel the child was dressed in pink cashmere trimmed with coatly lacq there was a oonpleofringflouliertlny band but edith turned from theseidetails to study a peouliar look in tbe dull blue eyes is she ill she asked gently her eyes are ao heavy theyre always ao norab answered with a sigh ivo nursed her since she was born and i love her better than the mother who bore her doos but maam iij easy to see bernico isnt jubt right the doctor siys she oant live long there was two babies before her and they both went sudden like no constitutions yon bee an tjtolamation of horror hroko from mrs matthewu lips f the poor mother 1 how cau alio bear it i norah ad rugged dscbhouiders and rose i must be going evo been very kiud maam j as to the mibffffab ehohasbooiety and fln olothea dont blame ber too much i think that brute killed her mot h ereboul years ao wettive a big diunor to morrow nigbt tho master will be sober- id by that time giving thariltb know now bernioe pot norah will tako you homeand put you to bed edith accompanied her caller to the door ai sbo stood watohiog her cross the street a brisk step came up the walk im late httle wife and hiram mat thews stooped for the kis which ho never forgot why edith yon are crying lam no clad tomorrow u we boar a sort of halt grown rap on tbe door and oponit to sea the bright eager face of a tonyoarpld boy he wants our boy and in tbe freedom of a conference on tbejabroh be folia 000 of the girla that he ia in search of liolp to drown out a wood- cbuck iu return aho tells him that our boy baa been keeping two bumblebees nests until bugii a time bb they oould join skill and hats in the btruggleaul share tbe riak funund hooey secured c i dd liko a boy i liko him genujno and a little 6lt in ihe rough with a- hearty acorn of olotbon and just enough pt the old adam to keep from being too good for earth with a tied up su spender a patch or two a recent rip a pooket containing bpmqibtonob nalli leather string empty oar tridgea a dull broken pooket knife and a certain ring i liko him to have in tbe bureau drawer bssigiiod to him a lot of articles sualt as these with a live dollar bank a broken toy engine avalontioe a tooth aud look of tho mune once belonging to au old fmnlly horae and away down in one corner a rumpled blouse auda bhjrt or two ipreferliim freckled tanned and awk ward with hair wliich breaka iuto curls that bedoteats and that his eiutera envy i dont svant him to be cruel but be must never bo sotirod that the sight of a obipmunk on tho fence fail to ronse the spirit of contost and start an impromtu race away they o nip and tuc boy andbeaetionn nna eeotionb of tho rail fence jumping aoroas corners dodging btutnps and btpnus mindlesa of thistlea or bruab i like to have him a adventure with a deer thanksgiving no glad may tbe dear father iu heaven forgive uie for my wloked words and thoughts ive bo muoh to be thankful for como in by the tire and ill tell you all about it as they bit togothor at the cozy 11 reside mrs matthowa thoughtfully rehoaracd to ber hudband the details of tho ovent whiihhad boon enabled in the borne of wealth serosa tho btreet she then con trasted her own happy borne pure and devoted haabind darling bibles and com fortable bqrroondings with those of which she had that afternoon been given a brief insight andoonoluded that bhe bad indeed mriy thlngsto be thankful for thankgiving day was moat joyoubly spent and genuiue gratitude to god was cxpreaaed for the rich blessings of tbe year hon oof or ih there wybejiocovot ousnesb in woman the heart of this enlightened he kissed the bride the rev dr b a wollknown clergy man givea an amaaing history of his first marriage fee he was settled over a country parish and bad his study at hia boarding boube one evening a young man and woman geunino specimens of tbo rustic lovor called at the houao and asked binvto nsarry them i performed the ceremony and dooord- ing to cnatom was about to kiss the bride who was really quite a beauty wljen the groom stopped me no you dont mister be said good nataredly ill attend to that myself i smiled and yielded the point and as the couple started ont i followed tbem to tbe front door there the groom invited mo toihe wagon where be had something h mw ha bn the bride in got in blmaelf beaide her ard reaching down behind him lifted ont a sack- of potatoes and bended it over to me i thanked bim and waa about turning away just tben the groom looked proudly at the girl and then at me aint she a beauty mister aaid ho very handsome i mimitted notbio purtler in the oountry eh ho aeked not that i bfve en air you intrried 1 u inquired kindly im sorrv to sy i am not nothin like thia in tlm bouse eh and be chaokad tbe blunhlug bride tinder the chin no im all alone the groom muat have detected a note of and nee in my voice for he looked at me ooromiaeratingly look here mister be said ill tell yon wbat ill do if yonl uivo me baok thoto latere and hlt a i illr to boot im be blamed i yon cant ka the btlde of oouree i couldnt if so ungallant aa to refuse the off rfr if indebd it would hava beousareto do ap audhandod over tho jpotatoeeaud the only half dollar i bad 1 sal a ted the bride little sorry when the ohipmunk pops eafely into hia home but a good deal sorrier when he kills it and sits down to look the tiny creature over and to think of the free happy lire ho had robbed it of for i waut him above all to have thoaghtfol spelle to bou bitbaahful very fond of pie green fruit sour sorroll his raothor and other good thinga i want him healthy enobgh to go to bed with no thought of hia body except when there may bo a stone bruiee a stubbed toe or afewbeostlnri troubling it and ao fall asleep bb aoon ashe straightena out know nothing until morning and then nive the family oonaiderable exeroiso in rousing bim of cooreo i want him to live on a iarm for itrno btliet place banbe growbo freely orconae so near lonniraated n7toreav to find aompaoionebip iaitb bpeoies insulting the government the position o postmaster a ono of no little import an oe and of ton the artiatler the place the more important the official a very good deaoriptiori uf a oountry post- offlco ia given as follows in veaty of the bub in a the ilriver of the atage atood about aoven foot iu hia boots many voiaea beaet him 8ay will did you bring down ray tnerlasbea say will did ye match that ribbon for ma you bet i did ovory time be au a wo red jovially ahowldg his white tooth interest in tho post was comparatively quiet a goooral parcel diatribating and bandshnkiog followed until we were startled bya ory from the poatmlatmss look a thia will hnnson 1 siiil she look a this will ye 1 a wliulo pot of btrawberry jtitrj sottked rbjht plum inter the middle of tin puited stutva govern ment i it waa only too truo the letters and papers whioliebo had emptied ott tho table were red ai a rose i didnt mean to mid will didnt mean to i cried thepoatmistres didnt mean to lived in ajcanto theres got to ba somethin doue con tinued the poalmfatroaa folks got to learn thattlie united states government ajuiahigan correspondent o the cw- panion says that she was botaoiziug one afternoon on tbe tabquamenaw river iu northern michigan when she saw a doe and ber fawn in a thicket the wind being in the woman favor she bad come within a few feet of thodaerbefore ber- presenoe was discovered the moment the doe saw ber however she uttered a quick nee of alarm and was off like a flash followed by the fawn the womato had no thought of overtaking them 7 followed on with excitement for the sake of seeing tbo graoefol oraatqres ruu l bad not gone far bhe bays before t hoard a pitiful cry from the fawn and hurrying forward discovered the little creature floundering in a bog it was aoon tired out with ita franlio atrugles and stood helpless unable to extrioate itself bleating pitifuiry ltd mother baa dlh- appeared i had on a pair of rubber boots and determined to reeane tbe poor creature tako it home and make a pet of it i picked my wayoauttoualy stepping from tussock to toaaock and was foon up with the trembling creature wbioh i took in my arms i reached dry ground again without difficulty despite the fiigbteited struggles of wy prize i tried to still ite bleating and talked to it bootbingly careaa- ing it for i bad of ton heard how easily a fawn ij tamed and i thonght it would soon get over its fear lwastralwngielsarelynttdhgritftokiug y if a nk day ovor tbo river and through tho wood la urand fatbora houao wo go heliorsa knows tho way to carry tbo jlolfib tlirpnah the whlto and drlftod anow ovor the river and through tho wood oil how the wind doos blow i hatlnga tietoea- and bites the npto aa over tbe grouud wo go ovor tbe river and through tho wood toliayoa flrstratoplay boar tbo bells ring tliigaiingdliigi xlnrrmb for tbanlrsglviiig day ovar tho rlverand through jho wood tiotatniy dapple gray bprlng oveittbo ground aulko a bnntlns hound korthtiu thankaglvingdayi ia a avyful an 1 tolemu au a turrible thing what i u ebould bo lold we had nt auy more reipeot for her down here than to eok ber through with btrberry jam an morlaeeo those here a otlons havn been goiu on too long n thia here poet offiae im goin to tilt out a blauk an aoud it to washington here la jennie crosbys letter from hor beau down to new london with a card board dagarrior kit yep said the post- m la trees manipalating the envelope anrioualy and holding it to the light i knowed the next ihing hod bo eendin bis picture howd you feel will huuson ef you was atandin in hia uhoes au bad gotae an combed yer hair till yer arm aohed an stack the end of your haokeroher oaten jfja then sent it an when ahe took ft out have it jook likolnjamycllin on tbo warpath will hanson dont je ride no more stra berry jam and roofloes down here in the middle 0 the unitod btatca govor- mentl exohaore good work for endeavorers there are being sent ont all over ontario by the lorda day alliance from he headquarters in toronto petit ionstpjbe signed ashing for the amendment of the present lords by act so that it shall represent the trod sentiment of tbo people of this provtao nnd prohibit the doing of babiness or work by all classes of persons wfthoot limitation and by corporatlqnb with ezoepliona only in favor of carrying her majestys moils and carrying passen gers by way of tbrotirh traffio lelling drugs and medicines and other works of necessity and mercy our endeavorera oan give their valosble haln in bfonr a large slgbatare to tbeio petitions that should be attended to at once aa the alliance wants them in time for the meeting of tbe legislature in toronto let no time be lost if yon hve heard nothing of these petitions send to mr a q omeora con federation life building and he will send you what jou want na txona i ima nk3qi vino swell the anthem ralae the song pralios to our god belong halntiand augeli join to alng pralioa to tlia heavooly ling uloaslnga from ilia liberal hand plow around tlila happy land kept by lit in no foes annoy 1oaeo and frendom wo enjoy hero lioueath a rlrtuous sway may wo olieflrf ally obey mover fse onpreaaloaa rod bverown apd worship uod hark i tbo woloa of naturu stag crauoa to ilia king of kjnga lotqa nn tlia choral song and tlieistntofql notes prolong the si at 1 men 1 1 ot thoie who iiave been oured by llocwi flaveaparllla prove the great merit of ibta vnetllolnev qet only hoods the captive when i beard a rush auda loud bleat in the bashes at tbe right thinking it whs the doe returning for iter you nit one i paid alight attention for i knew the timidity of a deor and hd no fear of its attaokiug me tbe next moment a large buck dashed from tbe woods arid b track me iuiontly on the side and nhoulder and i fell to the ground the unimal stood over me snort- ing furiously while i lay perfeotly quiet ho bunted me twice with his horns and- then the fawn having eaoapod be dashed after it into the woods as forme i lay almost atanned my arm waa broken and i was so bruised aahirdly to be able to move for a half hour or moro i lay there then i recovered suflloiently to rise and painfully made ray way home tbe buck bad probably been summoned to the attaok by the ories of the fawn its reieaao and my motion leea position bad baved me from further assault overthorlverand tbr6ugbino wood and itrilgtittbrtrasbtlio barnyard bo we aeium to go extremely alow it ii so bard to wait over the river and through tbe wood nov grandmothers cap i apy ilurrau for tbo fun i la the pudding dono hurrah for tbe pumpkin pie i it jlf anie child the need of relaxation his farm tbe publisher of a uewepaper has one thing to sell and one thing to rent he baa the newspaper to sell and the spioe in his columns to rent can anyone inform us why he should give away one or the other he oan if he so chooses and be does as a matter of fact forniah a great deal of space rent free but it does not follow that be ought to do ao it ouht to bo recognized ara contribution exactly as would be tbe giving away of sugar- aud coffee by a grocer but strange to say it is not looked upon in that light st all yet anyone knows that the existence of a news paper depends upon the rent of itt space and the saloof the jtaper a a merchants encceas depends on selling his go49s instead of wiving them away it tub family hoard- though summer haa gone with its verdure and flowers and muto are tbo birds that uiado vocal tbo bowers though leaves of tbo autumn ara scattered and aesr wo hall thia aa tho happiest day of tbe year f01 oncp more woaro inetbnneath therooftroo where wo sjwrtod in childhoods innocent glee but alas tbero aro souio that jolnodin the play oan never mnrn mnnt n on tlinhiylv dv but smiles for the living a alglj for tlio duad tla uaoloatroidulng for pleaauro thats flod bo lot aa bo happy foregatberad once moro tbank god for bis bounty and eoaso to deplore though our lives have been checkered like april day with bunsblno and shadow in fitful display tbe blessings remaining are moro than we lost should we value our grlels at their greatest ooat at our family board then let joy only reign where parents and children were met once lot na hvc oer tho past forget all our sorrow bo joyous today oen though grief como to morrow for peace love and health and a bountiful store wbllo thanking the g ivor the waif at our door with us will rejoioo that its thanksgiving day and f oel as if borrow had faded away n macdoxaxj trti country boys tunity oppor- tbe boy raised on a farm has a better obapce in life than a citybred boy this is our profound conviction after years of experience and observation in city and country with young men in a wide range of industries tbe farmbred boy almost invariably has the better constitution those elements of health end ability to stand bard work that mean so ranch in this life he is usually endowed with a stronger moral oharaoter we are shocked if a country lad in onr employ goes wrong city yontb are more likely to be auspeoted absolute integrity was never in greater demand in young inen the city boy of ten bas- apertnese or smart air that tbo country youth do not possess but the latter more frequently develop the manly substantial bearing that denotes real character his mind la better trained than the average town boys he may not be quite as glib in his book learning but the farmbred boy taught in natures school to observe and nndar- staod has a rare foundation upon wbfoh to build a knowledge of industry art solenoe or any branch of farming the boy on the farnfl doesnt appreciate all this but he ought to be tbankfnl for his oountry life after he has had son years of experience in other vocations be will reallxs how trne these words sre the farm is the place to rear a family a dinner ta in jerusalem an american travelling in jerusalem describes in the hartford hurant dinner be recently ate in jerioho we fat down on the porch of the hotel he say after a dinner at whlph we were served with batter from jjorwaypbeese from switaer- land marmalade from lpdopfrvrlns from jerusalem diluted with water from the well of etlsba rallns fnmibrooth gilead oraogea from jerioho n no reapeokiuferlr to hose froru jatta or the indian river iiorija and simoiids from iho of the jordan t anda c pi ooffee from he corner grocery of jerioho i a wife and mother said not long since aha had diamiased ber cook in order to save her ion now she does the cooking herself being a senaible woman with brainain tbe afternoun she takes a bath ndliedorwdoirailwptt other wives and mothers with ino brain work from early morning till dewy evehaviug no rest let all snob read wbat onb woman writes the need m relaxation is one that has been aokoowfepged by the sagest men of all agea and climes and it was the great iadp poet philosopher and weaver of traisma into pithy fables that so obarso- teriatloally rcpfovod an atlienlsu fop who sneered it him for indulging in an outdoor sport decrying it as as a trlvlalocoupatipn demeaning to a man of intellect hand- ibg the tfftsxnlnate yoatblan onatrang bow he said tblais my answer then ae the yoaog greek gasod qpon it vacantly and witboat comprehension the philoeo- pher explained the mind of man like that bow if always benti would lu time 1cm its elaaticity and become useless by giving it ocoaiional freedom yon preserve its toon and it willjaeunju parpose a grocers joke a bath me grocer recently perpetuated what be eapposed to be a praotioal joke on a competitor and sent him according to an exchange a communication informing bim that the master of a certain vessel in porldeaired to see him his purpose waa to pat hii corapetllor to a little trouble and then laah sit him taking the letter for si genaina communication tbe grocer called on tbe rnftster of the vessel and though in formed that the letter was not genuine be found tbe oaptaln in a mood to lay in some eupplieei ts he was abont starting on a voyage aud sold him 18000 worth of goods for oabh and delivered tbem when the joke leaked ont it was in the opinion of the man who wrote the flotitlous letter not soy muoh of a joko after all money in manitoba from tlia beat information obtainable it is oaloulaled that at least 12000000 bush of wheat have been marketed up to date thia fall by the farmers of the province ahd territories tblt should mean that 89000000 iibi been placed in tbe hands of wheat raltera in the canadian west the reolepta at fort william wro 6804000 bnihela during beptember and ootober and tliealiipmeliia during the same period were 4300000 bnabelb this u thejargeet movement of wheat during ihosetmbnlbi ti fort william in the history of the canadiarteaoiflo line thepomber of buabels of wheat in store at interior elevators is placed at fioxklooo winnipeg free prtu her te limit this ia the message the telegraph mes sage ihe telegraph meisenger banded hm comedown as soon as y can i am dying kate eight hoara later be arrived at the sum mer liotel and was met on the verandah by kate herself wbywliat did you mean by sending mo aqoh a raeasage t he asked ob ihe gurgled i wanted to say i was dying to see you but my ten word ran out r would any sane house keeper use oleomar garine danger in another rection- di- would any sane housekeeper in canada bay oleomargarlde or imitation batter instead of tbo flneat production of creamery or diary we think onr canadian women are toojttte to be deceived on this impor tant matter lard oolored to resemble good batter willnever be aooepuble to our people- v there ire however other deceptive agents that sometimes find their way into our bonus we refer to imitation and adulter- ated package d yes for home dyeing some dealer a wll imitations of the celebrated diamond dves the cootente of these paokageacarry ruin and diasapotntment to every asir i- a few daalsre for the sake of long pro fits are now aelling soap dyes composed of a vary large amoont of oommon grease and au ibflnltesimal qaaotity of coloring matter 8ooh dyatrf after trial have beep found weak and uncleanly giving doll and muddy oolors fading qulokly in washing and sun light aimllllooi of thrifty and experianoed women already know the diamond dyes are tbe only reliable home package dyes having atood the testa of long years diamond dyes are easy to nae and give brllllsntind lasting oolors that oan not be eq nailed by any other make what you achieve is dne to pluck dot a friend uoooas it always myok a cup of mbddy coffee is not wholesome neither u a bottle of mbddy medloinp one wmv to know v reliable and killlnlly- prrpar blopdparifler ih by u frtedo honismlffrjant ajers sraparilla is alwaye irixhl end sparkling beoaose ft la an sxtraot and not a jtooctlon w

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