the bank of hamilton hbad office hamilton capital all paid up 1 250000 oo roaorvo fund 726000 oo total assets 9846678 45 noarly lun millions of dollars ohn stuaut proaldeut board of directors a q llambay vlaoproidaut 4ko itoaoa joun rnootod a t wood a b lieu toronto war cjinsonmp turndull cashier u b bteven abbt oabhior b m watson iuspuotor ceorcetown agency a general banking business transacted notes of reaponsiblo farmers discounted and special attention given to the collection of sale notes and commercial paper enerally drafts issued payable at all principal points in cannqa andunited states drafts on great britain bought and sold savings department deposits of fi and upwards received interest allowedat current rates and added to principal every year whether passboolt ja drought in or not spccisp deposit receipts issued for large sums j p bell agent georgetown ont for xmas bibles books albums toys dolls china and glass- ware watches jewelery silverware fancy novelties the virtuein values the beauty in well chosen goods the power in low prices make our storethe best place to do your xmas shopping santa claus headquarters the news at home montly of a local character and every item intereatlnsr geo hykds jewelery and stationery store acton ont 5 look at the date on tbo label on your paper nod yon will soft bow your eubborip- benew promptly it will confer pi tlon jtancu favor m ji ttartfxit xts thtjbsdaydeoembeb 2 1897 little local brieflets which caught this byes or ears of free press raportsr th waste rcolder weaiher this week y sleighing will be welcomed it vthrpe weeks till christmas tbe country roadb aro pretty rough at present jt go to the firemens concert to morrow digbt bobt agnpw haa entered hia boga for the uiieinb fat stook show to those who have not paid their taxes the coutolor baa a word in another oolumii mr wa coleman haa sold to john v murray bfnaaaageweya hia property at crewsons corners if- you deslroto bpend a really en joyable evening spend friday at the v- fireinens concert 5 jthe rain ra thanksgiving day spoiled the akalidg but it is all right now and the boys and glrla are having a merry time rtbo annual sabbath sohobl ontertalu- tnbeni in connection with knol churoh will be held on monday evening 3rd january tho flreinenare always oh the alert to aay qniproperty j let usehowour loyalty totheiivby our attendance at their concert j the eutteenth convention of nelson pfv ixbwnabp sunday sbhool association will v5be held in nelaon on thursday oth becemher thsuksgivlng day waa very dieagre- anntvcrsary services the anniversary aorviaos of tho motho diat church will bo hold ou sunday 12th december appropriate eormonb will bo preached by he rev john milla mr mills priaclud here somo tlmo ago and hta bcrmons were muoh enjoyed hfa visit on this ocoasion will be looked looked forward to with interat the choir of the ohurch will render special mu9io there arc no 506 government hills one dollar bills- of tbe new dominion isbuo are being raised to five by taking the figarcb from the revenue stamps used on cigar- boxes and pasting tbem over the figures on the bill the ground work of the bills and stamps is the same and tbe ohanco is easily cffioted and bard todeteot in the ordinary handling of bills num bers have been cirpulutod in wiunippg fellow- worlcmcus generosity borne thrao months tko thomas branti jrj was ajen serionaly ill and ho has ever since- been under the doctors care and onablo to work tho other day bis kind hcartedfollowworkmen at the aoton tanning cos worka circulated a anbborip- tionlibtin his behalf and madoup a purse of a very respectable amount their em ployers hearing of thiakirid action aupple- niented tbb amount by a good donation tho parse was banded to mr brant the othor day with best wihes for his speedy recovery and return to work fraotjoa aympatby of this character is obristlike and highly commendible christmas evenihg entertainment for manyoafs paatthp methodibt san- day sohool has provided an enjoyable entertainment for b cbrlstmae evening thia annual event will materialize again this year and the ocessiop js expeoted to be one of anusu merit and interest a very pretty cantata gbrietmab chinos will bo rendered by the school and aoconv panying features of tho programme will ensure a delightful evening replete with christinas 1 flavor chriatmassunday will also be a speolsl banday sohool day special sermons will be preaohed by the pastor and new choruses will be rendered by the oboir and sunday sohool pay voar money tttlce yourctioioe the g t r have just iasned a now tariff of passenger rates from all points in canada to points in alaska and british columbia for t benefit o thoso who are intending to seek their fortunes in the gold fields the route is by way of ohioago benoe to seattle and taootha and then by the veasels of the pacific coast steamabip company the rates from toronto are as follows dyea flratciass j10180 j teoond- olaso 1 8080 jnnean j9380 and 7380 bitkas10180 and 17700 skaguay 101- 80 and 88050 wrangel 3080 and 80880 ths amount of baggag ailowed nn thnn an eloquent leoture rev j w raea splendid effort at knox church than kbtrlving entertainment ej able from the standpoint of the woatber kv but the day was pleasantly spent in tbe i homesof the community mesus w ii storey is son have r added oil tan paca and bunting boots to kjlhjrfliltier mannfaqlures and havo got out allnoof soporiorbsmpieb itho chrilms offerings of gibson jllar co of flaorgetqwns llveat store riiaiiaul attraotlva givo their adyertisement in auotber column your ttentipr i- atbeplonlabtweok wm denniaon roprivrojiilii atealing horses waggon and srioffsirins in ti conntry waa- j ehlenoedvtb three years in the kingston jfiulll gi itiisplant and property of the guelph esiamii and steel company were pjioiai tljewills for i07060 to mr john mtyftrsioar t troperty cost thifoajdflp fc has sent the fbze pbksbafarmiloot the flrat lain the vtowttweithv viiiinif9iwno- it abounds in the naual wining town oxperlonoea and its t benatural jmprefijlmstfiiwmt lively i town the aetoabnbtoriptlon price is ism litolflv cbtuisofca iranulitv weigbing- wme 1 iidseaohyealbroy m kvsmployebaaanajtweacmpefromaerions ipjofjsiprrollln iitsliunotuire tnbung and the esoapsd atu fispwopsd h menin its fumes mr john bodjljuhha bh floe suu hmi j ptaih xy v lilnailttil5uianwi to ladies hiny noipjiaotiioiii assiay- afternoon 3peovtfc h oolobkilyaiimenima a bbivotiipiua canadian vfavi co free feiitliirtywond is snoh a iloitels is 160 pounds excess being ebarged at regular tariff rafeb the puhlo library almost assured the agitation for the establishment of a fobiio library in aoton is regarded very favorably every elector who was asked toeign the petition prayingthe council to take the bteps necessary attached his aigna tore the pnblio libraries aok requires that thirty eleotora give their assent and over fiftywerp seenred by the committee in a couple of hours canvass the petition received the approbation of the council which body intmduced a bylaw to be voted upon at tho ooming mnnicipal elections ou jan urd next it is earnestly hoped that ratspayers generally will give their assent when the voto is taken the establlah- meat of a public library is in the interests of ibe literary culture and edooation of the rising generation fire in r e kelsons store our former townsman aid b e nel son of guelph had a very unpleasant and unprofitable experience on thanksgiving morning but his heart was ailed with gratitude nevertheless becaaso thedani age to his bpsinesa by fire was not greater mr nelson went to work at bis store on wyndham street early in the morning started the furnace and then went for breakfabt about 880 retarning about 020 he waa noar the atora when tho bra alarm soun a go ther jest ahead uf th it aeomod as natural as of voro in soo bov j w rae of toronto junction ontho platform of knox cbtlruh audroeaiiig an aoton audioncc iio was perycatly at home and tho oordial welcomo of tlioso proalrit was manifest in their luces au well 1 in t lie hearty handolasp given hun by his former parishioners and friends at tliq outset of his leoturo mr rae spolts tenderly bf hij forhsorrelattonsbip with the churoh undl oongregalion btating that at it waa his lirat oharge and conbrquvntly hid lirst love it would always bcom like home and be very dear jo lilmhpre ile rejoice in thd bus oes wbiph is attending tlio present ptatpr and that he haa a united people ho also spoke of his work at toronto junction and expresaed full opnfideticolhtft god hand had been in his removal tile weather on thauksiviug evcuing was wet and disagrceublo bul this did not delor tho gathering of a large audicnoo tholadiea of the piurgii exoolled -tiienf- aelvos inthe splendid suprorbflrredaqaprp- lade to the lecture and their kuosts did it full juatioe shortly after eiglit oolook itev rfrrlr maopheraon pastor of tbe churqh took the ohalrandin a few very happy botitehcea jptroduced the loctureroftho ovonlngi rev mr rae npoiinocd hti aubjict -aa- vgreat britain hor elements of power sprl permanence emphasizing tho point that it was not england but great- britain upon hjoh his tliomo was baaed tbo elements in the national lifo were first referred to the form of government was dwelt upon history recordb only fourdiatinot forma of government 1 theocraoy sacli as rxijted in the early history of israel snd which tended to develop spiritual life 9 absolute monarohy whioh cliaraolerized the rpigns of david solomoo josiub etc and whioh sas found o fee edvautagous in tlniea of straggle 8 democracy productive of re publicanism but weajf inaamuobas its con- atjtntipn hadno high ideal j aritocrpoy represented in the rple rf veal tt in tho constitution of great sritajn these four forms are beautifully blended tho high plape given to religion aud fiii interests represents tho theooraoy the power paced in queen victoria is equivalent in many respeots to tho monarchy of biblical times the domborady id represented in trie house of commons and tbe aristooraoy in the houss of lords a beautiful oology wab paid to queen viotorla for hefwomanly virtue her queenly bearing her acute per- aentjon and the fact that she ja always well informed and ou tbo right oldo of all great pnblio questions the oonatitntion of great britain was declared to bo i nccmpanible it frows with the demands of the age it is one whioh will meet all possible emorgoncies the rational deb wab regarded as ik power inr sleaa ot a weakness from the- fast that alt coming and going visitors to and from aoton and varlousothor personanotes tho fnah fnuss invites all ub roadera tooon iributo to this column if 1 ou or your friends aro golbg away ou a holiday trip or if yon have frlouda vlbltlus ymi drop a card to tho fjuu 1aebb mioa bllolue of giielph visited apton friends tbla wtek mrs rev j broley of fergus is visiting aoton friends mr b j guruey bpent thanksgiving with frieuda in guelpb miss minawaikor waa home from toronto for the holiday mrs m 4- mann spent thanksgiving with friends at burlington misies mouteith wore gaeats of their aoton friends durin the week firemen a quantity of woollen and other roods were destroyed by flro and muoh damage waa done by water the woollens were badly smoked the loss has been adjusted and waa 600 to 700 the stock worth somo 10000 waa folly covered by insurance as a result of tho damage mr nelsons customers are now securing some rich bargains monies are borrowedfrom her own people her literatureand ianguago were extolled and oharaaterized as preeminent among the lenguagesof earth and tho prediction wasmade that it would yet be tlislangupgo of tho world in this empiro patriotism is predpminant in the unitod states the politician is tho patriot while in great britain everybody is patrioiir she rir members ber honored dead her army apd navy are the admiration of the world tho army bompoaca tbo bravest of the braye while the navy ia equal in extent and ability in the ratio of two to ono againt the world- a apeoial oharacteriatio bf grest britain is her colonizing power she haa bolted tho globe and today the auu never beta on hor pbsaessions amongberooloniea bhb recognizes canada aa the greatest of them all the conquering raoeahave alwaya come from the north and this faatiu many respsots giveb oanada ber proeaiinanoc i do not believe said the talented lepturer in a paragraph of eulogy of hia native laud thai in all this earth there is v fairer land than canada beyond her colonizing itorts are the spirit of willingness for abritration in groat international differenocb which eho mani fests tho balance of power bhe ossessep and the fact that she is houorecf ol god aa t g e nati the worlav misa bella barry was horns from elora high sohool for thanksgiving mr and mrs thos hamilton of forgua visited aclon friends this week 7 ir ben gorry of toronto spent tbankbgivjng wti otfn frjends mre w bj brown of torpnfp madp aoton friends s brief visit last week rev h a msopbsraon went to lpudbn on tuesday to rpeud 0 few dajb thfio mrs dr lowry and master edwin of guelph visitedaoton relatives last week mr aagteun mias kestlp of book- woba were giiestf of anion itienda last week mr r slierlook wife and daughter of toronto vlbjtpd their aoton friends sb wpeh mr chab ii mocrb of the ioqrloi ofhee torouto waa home laat weekyfor a fpw dayb s mr thomas c moore has improved a good deal tho past week batisstni cbnfln ed to hid bed mr m e mcpann of he horw t pnt a few payb last week with aoton friends mr and mrs b t xepage and babe of toronto were guests at mooreorbf t for thanksgiving misb lulu howell made aoton friends a brief vieit on tuesday while en route home from toronto miss angls tyrell of hamilton spent a weok with aoton friends returning home on saturday morning mr and mrs robt boot ar n comfortably settled in mr firstbrpokg house on bower avenue mra david butohart of toronto return ed home last week after spending a pleasant vlait with aplon friends mrs barney of markbam was a guest at the home pf mr thomas eaton several days daring the past week mtsajjaiay ntobliu and the misses fyts were homo from the guelph collegiate institute for thanksgiving mr t james moore and- bis daughter pearl of guelpb spent two or three da a last week with friends here misses helen symon ami elisi mcqueen were home from the milton model sohool for the thanksgiving holidays rsv and mrs j w rue of toronto jane lion renewed acquaintances with many frieuda during tbeblvlait last week mrs aid r e nelson and miss mar guerito and the babe of guelph were among the thanksgiving viaitbrs last week mr wm mcgregor of brandopmadi urrived hero laat week ho will spend the winter with friends in hia boyhoods home mr john hunt of fergus was a guest at tbe methodist pareohage during the week mr hunt la mrs molachlana father mr and mrs j swaokhamer and master boy of hattonvllie were the gasbts of mr h swackhamer for several days tbla yeek mr and mrs n f moore visited friends in erin on tuesday mra moores sister mrsmokeo left yeiterday for manitoba whence her haeband preoeeded ber some time ago mr and mra n p molam apd mine it pays to buy at bolurts it pays to buy at b oiler ts there are people ditioa and luost prepondorous protensiona hnd tboee who vo them credence this advortwemout doea not appealto that clas but th botmblo and diecriminatino public whtch after ah said comprises the minority pnco quotations may mean anything or nothing but tho following discounts leave no mistake as to what is intended among the many mtraclions of our winter bargain sale these special ofionuga force thomstdves for our consideration mantle room 10 iur lined and fur 1 rimmed cloth wraps and circulars in various prices from 15 to 47 50 it a straight cash dis count olt the market price of 25 per cent here is what this means 1500 wrap reduced to n 25 2a 00 wrap reduced to 16 jo 27 00 wrap reduced to 30 25 47 5 wrap reduced to 36 6j 22 capes in plain beavers twilled chevl ots plain and broche velvets and other materials at reductions of 20 per cent or one fifth of the regular price 17 ladles long tweed ulsiers rcgulir storm coats at a discount ofl33 per cent this means 6 ulsters reduced to 4 9 ulsters red uced to 6 li ulsters reduced to 9 27 ladies black and fancy heptonetto waterproofs all warrantedgeuuino water proofs it astralght discount of 33 per cent 4 50 waterproofs for 3 g 00 waterproofs for 4 15 00- waterproofs for 10 childrens coats 34 beautiful coats in bea c and fancy tweeds the very newest and not tieat styles in children s garments at a cash discount ofzo per cent ladles and misses jacket we have all in all about 130 ladles and misses cloth jackets in stock from 3 25 to 17 50 each which will be offered at a cash discount of 10 per cent oouaideiing the dose pricei tlieso gooda aro maikedat thcso diaoounts offer enormous itttructions we arealway s ready to show goods and give prices to those wjio come and look for we generally sell to those who do as the stock is large and prices low come kcton e r bollert cfe 25 and 27 wyiidliam street guelph co umbrellhs hnd a complete range of wet weather umbrellas and rubbers un rftgeper milton ball1nafad swaiffisimdr nfftttbpst mr wm shortblll jr ballinafad while driving home from georgetown on the night of the lltb nit met with what might have been a very aerlons accident to himself as he was crossing a culvert on the 8th lino of esqneslng opposite mr stalls farmrhiehorae ca its f lu a h in the oulvert and stumbling broke its nook mr shortill was pitohed violently from tbo rig bnt escaped with a few oratobea and brnisoa ro the following delegation attended thai south wellngtbn liberal convention at gnelph on monday from ersrropsa townr- ship- v7m ramsay m p barry joseph crolt- j w parrlos striokland daffleld miobael cummingi george parkinson john dnflleld john black geo lores jphn3tohabb wm toveil wm greste jamssjprveir itobti harwood george woodmlohael hogao john oconnor jonathan baker william bunur john mutimppm also of this township was- the candidate ohoaon to contest the riding in tbe ooming provincial election the sohool oopoert on thanksgiving night- met withita nsaal auooess the hall km paoked to tbe doors frizes and oertlfloalei wem rrramntwl hy bev mr keatle messrs matrle m jp s spoil h block and bailey the programme waa given entirely by ibe sebool ohlldren the drills of tho smaller ohlldren were much enjoyed arid certainly the teachers who have had agteat deal of work in teaching such intricate figures to such tiny yonng- aten deserve great credit for their efforts v the i o o p lodge of the village had a sopper at tbe lee house 00 monday even ing it was the occasion of a visit from the deputy grand master mr oolham of giali mrs sinll has returned from buffalo where she attended the funeral of bar ton georts who met with aaerlons aooidanl a fewweeke ago whioh resalted in his death iiaitir- j5 thanksgiving visitors to the jiltswre bar dstraobari and family god has placed tho biblo in the baud ot the anglosaxon raco and luroagh the euorte of that race the world ia edrely being evangelized u thejeotare abounded in apt llluitrationa and well- timed preaaan tries and aneodotes which mr rae ia so well ablo to rohearsc from beginning to oloaa if was full of in teres t and tho aadieuoe waa not only entertained bat iatraoted and their loyalty and love of oountry wero oonbider- ably intflueiflod a vote of thanks unftnimoasly aupporteil wm moved by beva t b forbes and j a molaoblftn m a tbe oboir of the obaroh added their quota to tbe proceed inga vory acceptably berlio epfyjt two or three daya i hie week at 6irnia mr mclama brother there baa so fnr recovered as to be able to remove from the hospital to hie home mr a hoffttr painter died laet week after an illheee extending oyertwo months the oauijo of death was consumption mr bailor father of mrs charles al berry iva foand dead in hia bed on banday morning of last week the reside ti oe bf mr thou learmont of the base liue efqaealdg waft barbarized laat week and jewelry to the value of 9100 was taken jade hamilton delivered judgement last week in the onao of robert aon vs harrison it will be remembered that the caao was heard before tbtjude about a mouth ago dr bobertbon and v j armatroog on behalf of tbe milton ooanoil of the boyal templars of temperance baed james harrison to reoover poaebsion of the old frame tempo ranco ball ou mill etreet mr harrison ia the enrviving traatee of the balli which bad been deeded to trustees for the benefit of certitiu temperance societies mentioned in the deed his honor a jujg ment dismiased tbo action on the ground that tbe plaintiffd had no riyht to raauitaiu the action qoftoada ov at lust w w constipation causes futty half the sleknesslnme world it retains the digested food too long in the bowtls and produces boiouineas torpmjtver indt the roll of honor list of the public sohool pdplla who stand at the head ot their respective olasses as a result of tbe november examinations fisst dbpabtltbkt class volarai cobban 271 r edith niokilnand bertie speight 205 tom henderson and eva matthews 2c0 class iv hattie noble 255 benie wsllsoe 245 rebio smyth 210 oiaas iii ettle mcdonald 272 lottie ebboge 200 mabel super 20 marks possible 800 tx moons tenoher beconn beniorb ida laird 225 mary qoodsvo 210 florence soper 206 intermediate mabel mophall ko janiora maude henderson 210 ethel coleman 208 myrtle matthews 183 marks possible 225 0 mopiuil teaoher tnpu nspabtueht senior class harold nicklin 188 ens p a h m 1 flor murray 173 junior class ruby clark 160 vida folater 182 daniel ritchie and myrtle cook 171 marks possible 200 ipi e pjkttknson teschor vouptu dbpanxmbht senior bart ii myrtle dills 200 myrtle boper 283 chsrlie matthews 220 junior part ii clifford btmsfaaw215 alphaeos bell 218 martha storey 307 senior part f 8am rotsoll 251 lissio weleiprd 250 j lasiab waller 240 intermediate pt i eva jeattii 278 david folater 258 laura coon 254 marks possible 375 h e monekii tenoher btin corns next to a stinging boosolenor mike life lllsyifc i jiimi v fal jdorrlbjsircj oj hours alter potnnisra mifbi s8 an unofaial estimate plaoea the wheat yield of now south wales at 11000000 bushels and it is antiolpatedthattbe probiblo surplus of wheat from australasia will bo 5000000 bushels acton markets sao 1 1897 flour a to to 0 to pall wheat white 63 to 73 fall wheat rod 81 to 69 qoosa wheat bs to 71 oats u to 23 poaa 13 to 43 bye 7 r3-to- barloy s3 to guelph markets bee 11807 flourboller 9 99 iso fill wheat 7 to 88 goom wheat a 0 to m barley 98 to 89 oata ai to sb bye 40 to 49 peas 4s to 47 ray s 00 to 8 00 eggs per doa li to is butter dairy paoked 17 to 18 butterroiia to 10 potatoes por bag bo to so apples 60 to so toronto markets dee 11107 white wheat 81 to 89 lied wheat a to s3 doom wheat 78 to 78 oats 39 to st llarloy 99 to 84 foaa 49 tp 47 hay 8 so to 1000 batter rolla ib to 17 egss 10 to 18 it ifeals thelnngs mra bproat and daughter wero at- church her residence on mill street was brobon into and two watches stolen when mrs sprbat reached home she found every drawer jn the houae rifled and the contents strewn over the rooms eotraoco bad been gained by atnasliinfi iii the door of tbe kitchen it was evidently tho work of tramps miss ethel soott who is attending tho normal col lego at hamilton wab homo for the bolidayp tho bar dp bbodn driving bouse and blacktmith shop of john cadmore wero bnrued qb friday the contents belonged to james job u aon his loss will bo about 2 mr oodmorea froin 3000 to 40 estlon bod tongue sink brawtoebe omnia etc hood iwaf eurecoiutipatloaandaulta results eaally and thoroughly aoa acdrucfbta prepared by o i hood co toweh uosa tbo ouly pius to take with hoods sarsajwul right values in ladies and childrens under wear a full line of hosiery blankets gloves and general dry goods for winter needs also a full stock of groceries p l nodes bookseller cuelph he would ask for holiday business frpm the aclonites fancy goods books games gurnet fe co mill st aoton prinqles christmas stock photograph cameras dolls and novelties our stock ano our store leads in prices and pretty things a dinner pill many persons buffer ezornclsting agony after partaking ot a hearty dinner the food partaken of is liko a ballof lead hpon the btomaob and instead of being a healthy nutrient it beoomca a ppison to the systsm drparmelee s vegetable pills are wouderfuleorreotlves of shch tronbles- tbey corrcot acidity open seorotiona and odnvcrt the food partaken of into healthy nutrient they are just the msdiolnp to take if tronbled with indigestion or dyspepsia j i g crtrnetlfsr bookseller cuelph millinery gentlemen with weak lungs and could get no relief but on trying norway pine syrup found j acted splendidly heallog and strsngthenlng my lungs i f ej furlong lower woodatook carleton co 5wrifinbioy- mantles fancy china japanese novelties canes and umbrellas fountain pens gold spectacles watches ch kings and everything which jewelers sell in guelph theyre good if bought at prinoles- 09 wyndham st telephone 40 ltmi they alto relive distress from dyspepsls indlgmtlonandtoohcartyeatlng apcr feet remedy for dlirlncjs nausea drowsl ness bad tjstc in the mou a coated tonguo pamlntfmetollpir liver they liebttlstetbe bowels purly vegetable ertinlfill cmall doo vsmall price substitiitiph iho rrraclof tho thiti- co yoticlifer in order to clear out the balance of this seasons stock we are offering these goods for the next two weeks at greatly reduced prices our overcoats and ready m 7r this weather clothing still to the made front freh groceries always on hand nbbttbr thin ouor p still thbb1 jrfil heavy fleece underwear at 100 150 2 a suit good values wrights health underwear from 285 to 5 per suit hygienic health underwear from 230 to 1 raait 7 a special line of heavy ribbed ok all wool very special at 100 a suit fl nelson tailolt and ftfbslsblgr cnsh and ono ph1c guejliph cvjaft ibwtb tobontd filviei 1 v