volume xxiii no 24 acton ontario thursday december 9 1897 price three cents t ctdit jfe fjross every thursday morning at tim free press steam printing office uitjl stbeet aoton ont tanuaopbdqsoniption ono dollar vt y strictly in advanoo auaubuorlptloub duood- tinuod vrhon tlio tlmo for which thoy bavo btion aid has oxplrdd tho date to wbiob every ub9oriptlon in natd la demoted ou tuoaddroab label aimentiaina bates transient advertise- uionti looonta por nonpareil lino for first in- iortion a coats per una or each subsequent asertlon scontaaot iiatks thofollowiog tablo shows qtir rates for tlio insertion of advertisements for specified periods christmas spice ivn 0 110 3 ho lho lolnotiea to hobos 3 inohoa llriqll 6000 3300 2000 000 63300 2000 1200 h50 2000 1200 700 300 8700 800 950 100 advortlnomonts without spoolflo dlreotlons will bo innortod till forblcl jkta cbargod accord ingly jtranaut advertlbomonta must bo paid navanee y advortjiomontb will bo changed onoooaah month if doilrod for ohaugoa oftonor than anoa month tho composition mnat be paid for at refiolai rates obaogea or contract advertlalornontb must bo n tho offloo by noon on tnosdays accountapayablo monthly hpmoore editor and proprietor wusinm bimtorp medical j ubkn md om offloo and residence corner mill frederick btxeeu a s elliott m dm b 3l acton quadoate toronto univbhsitv office main btroot tfjrd door south of presbyterian church acton d r dryden eye ear tiiboat and nose atctoans blooki douglas st noar p o guelfh officb hbuiw 10 am to i pm and 3 to 6 pm bijatbr10amtblpm veterinary svrqkon a lfeed p husband v s graduate of tho ontario veterinary collero honorary member of the veterinary modical booioty office wm husbands lot 8j con 4 kasa- gawey oallb day or night promptly attondod to dental ll bennett iids dentist m okonobtown ontario dfl f 8 mercer dentist jbrsvumta of toronto university and rods omou over drug 8toro acton ylbltlsfl datb tnnnbday and fniday jm bell dds ldb 0 vbktibt dnookticxk hojjoi gnabcate op todonto univehbity work mado satisfactory prices modorato visiting days tuoaday and friday of oach wtelt d it g h cook dentist cor colloge 8t and spadina avo todonto will vlilt acton on the first and third satur day of each mouth opfice agqews hotel leqal w clean mclean barristers solicitors notaries convoy anc ore io rrlrate funds to loan qfflooi town hall aotpn 7k a fif oleuj jmo a mclean d otfalab murray danaitbns souoitoed notaries btc unoxs l06quoen hlparkdale v c v bt telephone 907 join doxjqlab toaonto a g mubbat j mackinnon bajuii8tbb solioiton cohteyakoeb oniobuill street in matthews block airs upsti t g m4theson 3 b mblieod anibtelu boucitobb comvetamobbs f and milton uoney tbloan ftt ionost titlot n 3 monabb mtsk fourth division dontt county ot hl- on oonoyuiooragontflroandutoamnranco ileal baateagont uonoy to loan eto ofmoi porrywmuuiopk aotok r 0 misoellansqus hiwbs obi6t ottiwi puuu solioitorblpstonta iei invontlon olo proostm appllcationi tor tho canadian affier- icau anaeurorioanpatodtoincm and for tlio lijsktratlon ol trada markbond or pam- pbkt ibirtvrtwb yoara mperhnco tjlbanoisndnan dookindeb oyer wllllamf atoro aooonnt booki of all klnda mado to order bnlinfneaiwa proinptlydona vk vabbiaoe lioense8 laiinir or mlnnnoa liqehare prato ofila no wltnobboi roqnlrad liaaod xevuleimu la tbo ovenlns freo prm offloo aoton jvtonev fibubbs if yon lh o reduce yonr lnloroot r aoonrfl a flntola loan of money at low iirter- mfl on eoy twmi of repayment wn i e i a o l sirnsof xmasaro matclnr their nppear- nnce in all depnrtmentsof our store our many years of buying andsell- ing have fitted us to do better for yon this christmas and we arc prepared to do bo wilh the most complete line of xmas novel ties ever shown in the city wc- have i he very latest ideas in cards calendars and booklets our assortment of toys and fancy goods is compleieand uptodate hockey sticks just arrived the largest shipment of hockey sticks ever received in the clly which enables us to- give you better value than you can get else where at days bookstore- jiielph traders bank of day sells cheap olie oil sorp complios with all hygienic ro- jj by reason ohts twtra- rordinary purity andmidness olive oil soap is entirely free from all delet erious substances and coloring matters listen it makes a difference what kind of sonp yon use on your skin if wt you want a well preserved and healthy skin use olive oil soap tablets 6 and jo cents alex stewart dispensing and manutacluring chemist the v limited toronto wilkinson ploughs last longest work easiest and draw lightest points andsoles l ast twice as lo g all cast parts have our name and address in full on them sec that you get thorn it will pay you the strongest and simplest pneumatic ensilage cutter in the market guaranteed to cut 20 tons an hourand deliver 40 feet full line of straw cutters and root pulpers roller bearings all kinds of wheelbarrows the wilkinson plough company limited t acton- livery bus line tho undersigned respectfully solicits tho patron ago oftjbepubhoaadinforins them that well equipped and styllih bigs oan al ways be seanred at his stables a etivaf oviable iui meeu si trains between 0annataav8lft p m oarefnl attention given td ovoryordor tbo wanta of oommerolaltravol- l john wjioilas w baipee bros paper makers georgetown ont authorized capital lo0oooo cuelph branch sums ot91 and upwards received on deposit and highjaat current rato of interest paid or compoubdod halfyearly depoait recoipta ieeued for laroybums dopoeited v j advaucda mado to rtieponoiblo fhrmers on their own names no oharfto made for oollentiny 3nka notca if payable in guelpk a general bunking buaihesa transacted a p bjone3 manager oitrg buying a razor is often ticklish work a 50c razor may look as well as one worth g times thatamoqnt how shall you decide buy of a firm that welcome kitio op glory welcome jesus king of glory in our hearts for thee theres room as we hear thy wondrous story it dispels earths deepest gloom choruh welcome jesus blest king of glory dear jesus welcome thrice wolconio here tpfjny as we hnrkentthtl hear the story tho clouds and shadows nil pass away of- the babe within the manger arigerstmng oer judajis plain of tho christ the hcavniy stranger who iwt conic to enrth to reirn ftlowqtl jesus tlunc forever 3e our homage hn4 ohtlpvo i wo would sopvo thoe hero wlthglnd- ness till we worship thee above always satisfies its custorriers that makes every wrong right and returns you yourjnoney if you want it theres no doubt about our german and english razors they are best j m bond co hardware guejph highest market prices paid for any quantity of wheat peas oats rye barley buckwheat dullverod ot acton elevator robt noble youll soon lie thinkinn of x5ias presents apd such like little things and quite naturally we yoqld like o have you call on us when wanting anything in this lino bricabrao one fanpy cltim are specialties and wethihk wo can sell you nice goods at lower prices than you can get- anywhere else we also sell pictures and do picture framing waters vbros st ceorce8 sq quelph mn jccqaeefi the id jlorne youve ot yotir new house most done havent you john sa4 4farth ail4 tfl ier brother ag tey sst together in the twilight yea mar thy i uees we shall be in it- well perhaps by thanksgiving martha nwa no reply frheftddrop ed qver her kntttiu breqontly she got ap upd poked tp qro kooping fast hold of the big fat oat that lay purring in bar lap then resumed her work which she did mechanically not reqairlog much itxht save when she dropped a etitpb say marthy yeu never felt qaite righb about my building a new bouee did you now yon rnhdit as well own it beoame thered no need of misanderatandingd at our time of life youre sot on living hero as long us you live anywhere john what made yoq buila newoqfle apyway wasnt tbig one larqe enoqjjh for ti two yon aint thinking of getiag ffapriodaaii jronf what put that idea into your heivl marthy i dont know unylhinit a boat that but the iojea oame near two nvbaftxoand jt has como to etay bpem though for i 0ntfcet rfdof it well now said john mills setting himself down more flrrply into bis chair ill toll you jest how it u youip- allow that ivo been a widower agixd respcotablo length of time nqfteen yaara agq silly went bway and left me d vet a mood deut qf dtore by sally atid gq if as qqe of he let wivo r rpe fgr tli year out i njnt go very old marthy onry 02 well go on john for mercys bake you neednt atop to tell roe youraue i know it boforeyou djl he mqs bo a proid orjttnr jf bu houge aitjt good enough fgrher j was looking at it tliii afternoon as 1 enmo along op the rond fropj maria saoiiderh and tbinkini how kind of picture- quo itwaa will the setting eun abiniiig on the big ehfmneya and lonk planting roof all covered with woodbine and then the old trees in the orchard all rod with fruit and the nice ample barn and tho corn field b behind 1 tell yon its enough eight prettied ban your place acrobb the road- with the house bo btrait and ptutoly you havent gpt attrjokoveu pither ijqat tbjnk qf this ovep of the bread jt has hacd and he pye and iujan puddingp not to rnentjqn the beana and the turkeys and duakfl and ohiokenav whob takiog up the time now marthy ttbafa an john i- wont gay any- mpre- well its maria sauuders you always liked her didnt you i xor tho lands sake i i dont know why i didnt think of hor bbes been uncommon obliging to me lately giviag me bome of her best eggs to make ons tarda with cause the whites whip op so oriap and frothy yes i ao i liked her well enourh it mththave been worse her boarfc smote her the het moment tho last olanse did not sound kind and it had bljpped oqt withoqt deliberate iotpn- jfon on ber part flut her brother was a aepbitive persop he had moreover expected aorpetbld0 of dirept oppobitjon tqhj plans and this extremely mild protest slid off the anrfaoe pretty much her own way without any trouble the htiy before the weddjnu was mild and annriy martlia had made up her mind to hayo one good vieit all by herself iu the old bouse the sitting room bad not been touched it wmb the only room that looked like home after diunor she went invmadu a good lire in the old fire- pluoo and aeatod iiorself with ber knitting uoyi pleaaunt and cozy it seemed and how ebb drpadod more and more to leave i dont beehow my mind i over gotntj to lit lutothoae largo high rooms s3 that it will work eleoras it haa done here tshall be all oonfuaed aud fljunderfd i knowlphat and theyjiasy im cranky about johns getting married again how quaintly tbo blue bpiral fjames qnrlv od arid danced in and ai qf tliqlogh rnak- fng faqtfltfo figures orf the oak beartis that formed the ceiling im afraid i shall never get need to stoves but ill try bard aba added with omphabia starting up as the door opened a tall rutber stqut man walked in yoa did pot bear my knock i fuoy mlkimillfl no i heard no kuock my room and i were visiting together- and i was busy thinking yes i know you aro not to live hero any more j uuderatiind bat dont you know m alartha ayou are mild searle i heard you were oomiag baok to stay well i abould like to if i oan arrapge thjnga to aojt mo ipont yotj like the west v in sonio respeotg x do but somehow the old town ban an attraction for mo that i cannot find any where else and not only the town martha but one tbat the town codtaid9j veo i euppose so replied tho other quietly bat i dont see why you should come to tell me about her i have beard all abonfc it youve beard all fthoat what martha i havpnt tod anyone my iuteutionu iperbapa she has then mr bearloig pleasaut blue eyeq opened l their fullest extent anfj bo rose from hid ohair and stood before mias mills will you kindly tell me who she is ha asked looking down into ber face arent you engaged to marry nancy liflal gqp saya you ire wat thai wlaened oldjnaid and bo laughed till the room rang why my doar woman ive never oared for a living sdnl all those yeira enoeptlng you and if you wont marry mo i ahull lave to go off to the prairies again i dont auppo90 i was quite your equal in thq old dtiyq bat x gqais ivejm proved sqmo x gqeia yoq have toti milo youre a good dealfthead of me now welt ivo been prosperous aui made money enough to retire on and whats the boat oftbe whole martha jvp got it all honest ly iiagool olein money every cant of it tlteredno need to toll mo that milo i know what you are wo oan live here if your brother will bell nio tho farm t nhbuldnt want a plea satiter pnoo i dont butiovo there will bo much trouble about that for wo ooutdut seem to decide what to dp with- the hou3o but bow about marrying au old maid 7 live boon ouo a good rnany years now yon know voyor to rqo my dear jnover tome i qaq see tbo batn9 pink andwbito skin the brown wavy hair and tho bright darkoyes that uisd to shlnb out from the little straw bat long g the flcedlud djwn but they did not care for they bad ona baok into the warm land of youth and springtime and the room was fal of apple b boston pott facts about the earth ijaspkoultfor machine fliifried book pa nioii obadb wkekiy nkw8 tho paper tuoa iu thil journal in from theabovo idilla wm baebter bnoa mil fjb jaw njww j money indbato plon of fundi i alio len qlbikiplrty vic jackson ookvvakon amd udott likmden tuicll wjndlliu3unear city hall ouelpn wollidgtoii intual fire insurance company ichttumhd 1810 tnsuuanob on oath and mntaal plan any i nmnnwnloatlod forwardod to my addroi boi or telepnona 68 will b promptly at- undbd io j0h1 ta7rj agont qdalpb m hbmbtbbkt llolhbbd aootiomwb votb6 conbtlap of welllagton nd halton ordortlanlnfal fan oooa anton or tmrmldooeln aoton will b promptly at- jjndidlo faoimdbmlito s foijoq job fabm balks i alwmbijolbwiotitbambiit farorablo v- oirtfloiftbean alio oaorelo prima and on ikaihortrto ap orrfdrej r blavvj ilii06bli 1 tf v ijwpiipoinco aotob wc gcorgetowu electric works tj 8peigixt proprietor manufaotiirera of dynamos electric motors water motprs arid hydraulic rams fipo and bteam fjttlns and general hapajr ing botng equipped with agaabrmeldgrambldo i mm jproparoct to do brasing on oiorole frnmet ac wbufljioontertodfrom direct to tangent hpolcos hafldle ban bent to any deilredanalo full lino of spokoa kept in alook batlafaeuod guaranteed bloyqlea enaafellexl lbanyoolor tj spbiahtv georgetown aoton macliino and repair shops henhy gbindell proprietor a bb well equipped wlib all tbo mmblnarr neoesaary toexeunte all re ipairaton la and to ery andaffrroultarallmplemenuiand to do all bi loaiatlllaotory manoar wo ca repair anil machine or jmplamont of any mua baw nmminr and filitir dona i jwritlrgvand shohhajid aclnniopicyerlfaapftcliilty write for clrcuar v j sbabp jprtnolpil outlph iv issrjmiwisi cgll leave your orders now for your winters supply none but the very best scranton coal delivered i can supply egg stove and nut sizes the liberal patronage accorded me last season by mr browns cus tomers whose business i bought waa much appreciated i can give even better service this year and solicit a continuance of their orders coal delivery to commence in september john mcqueen j h hamilton marble and granite 1 ham bi06 quelph havlngonband a largo quantity of scotch norway swedish and russian oragnite and in order to dispose of it to make room for spring stock now purchased will sell at a reduction of 20 per cent and will nllow all expenses to customers to tind from our works johk h hamilton eb collins butcher vtoksts ikhfa nomtwdqa qttawwttpifor r jltronaffe alneo be aqtntnaneed art janoairand hopaathat bfearatul ions ftttantiobto merit aconuunaaoo itemiaottwant of firatuh ld iwsmi ut itotibon l prioeiaiwaya m low aaoonilftjnt with tbo timt quality rt v promplelitory fa atockwanud of his mental oonscionaneaa without stir ing a fibre martha mills was fonr years older than ber brother bfae bad lived with him eioco the dark wfnter day when tbo meek quiet figure that had moved about tbvhonee an angol of good will and good works had been laid aside in the village chorobyard- the snows of god fell boftly all that night and next morning no one could have fonud ber resting place murtha bad fondly hopod that ber brother would not marry sjgalo bnt having by natoro a pbiloaopbloal spirit ahe acoep- ed the inevitable with aarenity and a roverent optimiam if ah o had read ber browning she would moat likely had taken for her- chief motto godaln bla boaven alls right with the word marthy said john mills ono evening i always wondered you never married milo searle i thought one spell yon was engaged to him sure to toll the trnth john i was almoit but somehow yon kinu o ptokod an bin and made bport of him so i began to think perhaps he wasnt worth having after all youd origin to have a mlud of yoflr own why blebs your heart i never meaut anything only juat to plague yon a little he waa about the likliesi fellow in town they aay bos mado quite a pile of money out west and is coming back to spend bis days here yon didnt know it did yon marthy yes said martha with a little tremor in her voice maria baunders told ma yea tarda y lies going to marry nanoy neal what that weazened old maid i dont believe any such thing 1 gooii its fo answered martbi in a resigned tone nanoy told it herself thehouaewaa not fin lib ed at tbanki- giving time but ibe flat week in december fpuw the brolbar and auter in tbelr new obode and vrry neirly fsettled for martbalhad worked nigriiapd day to get everythipinocjecolbb christmas day a live blllksd martha and knwihe no one can watch the advanoe of aolenoe in any direction without being impresaed by the fact that real kugwledgo is only acquired hy anooeeglvo steps and that some pf the atopet appear at first to bo backward oqfls bat even correction or dtror implies ian advanoe of knowledge and so after all there ia no going backward when men first began to beliova tbut the etith was shaped ilka a ball tbey evidently tboqgbt of u as a true sphere more exaot kaowledgo allowed that it was not a sphero but its realahapo waa stlllmlsapprebended many aoienuflo monin-bo-eigtbtoentb- what i think of girls girls are sweet ijttlo mortulp done up in ruffles and jaoca and tlounaes and rihbons tboy are curious creatures hop and fquoal if thoy see a mouse soream and run if a pig opens itb mouth and gruuthanywliero noar thtra tbey will not go outside tho door aftor dark unless somebody goes with them some of thtm are ust lovely aud aqiuo of them are excuse mo girh simply horrid theyaro a groat blessing at a pioniabata greater nuisance op a fishing excursion while there is nothing crjaal to a lot of nice girls f of ranking a success of partiqa taffy- pulls oyster buppers and all aqoh things and tbey ate indispensable for getting up eofertalnrnentir bmtthoy are soiiemers if they are particularly oartjfol to bavp their ruotber as many steps aa possible some day and are good tolfaby and bavb a cheerful word for everybody especially mother yon may bespre yberi dinner time pomes and mother is broiling aud happy tbey will ask ever so sweetly if mother oould spare them wednesday afternoon there is to bo a plcnio to the lake and all the other girls are going they have snob a oh arming way of coavuglhalmqtheitfqnionbi and then alas 1 tbey too often forget that the dishes are to wabh after dinner in tbslr eager talk aboutwbat theyehall wparbow to arrange their- hair and a dozen other trifjjes sorpe girls of fourteen or thereaboots are as rood as their yonnger brother of getting bohlndthe organ when their elder sinter expects her beau tboy torment tho life out of their big brother to know where be is going with tho ponies qnd carriage on sunday when they leave the sahoolroocn they tbiuh it is time to don long dress ss and do op their hair and iq behold a yonng lady full hedged a girl no longer koybkattie markdale qnt what think of boys i may not be a very wlso judge bat in my opinion he dverago boy eau stand much improvement boys are critterfl who love to raako a great deal of noise what tbey full to make with their voioes thoy sapplemoot with wlnstles drams or auything elie wbioh will mako a ipu din whenever tlierefls a fire a runaway horde or any other excitement there boya are conspioo ous and in unlimited numbers they aleo like to parade the streets when they bhonld bo in bed beeing drunkcu men and listen ing tq profane language itoyn are natorally inclined to be dis orderly thoy will throw their bats hi ono corner their books in another and oarpst the floor with their cants niid then when they need them again tbey will shout where is this or where is that until finilly thoir sisters have to come to their asiistanao t think if their mas would oufl iheir ears and teach them to wait on themselves more they would soou bo less of nuisance in that respeot boyb are very fond of eating to bee them at fiu ntes one would think they bad no other objeot in lifp than to keep pies and cakes from moulding tbey only eat ono rqeal a day but that beginn at 0 in the morning and laals until niup at night they are awo very inquisitive and find out all thoy oan about people places ad thing tboy oan tell tbo good or bad points of all the horsos within a olrole of ten miles from where they live should a stranger visit the town and want to know the history of anybody or any points of interest connected with the pluoe all he needs to do id to interrogate the small boy aud he wilt find him a walking enayolo podin he is perfectly tfuilelenfl inn and century believed that the globe was drawn ant in the direction of tho polef instead of being flattened at the pole and swollen at the equator afterward the fuot was estab- ltsbed that tbo earth is thicker through ha equator than from pole to pole then it was supposed to be a regular oblate sphoreoid that is to aay a sphere somewhat flattened at the poles bat further investigations showed that great irregularities existed by virtue of whiob the equator was not a oirolo bat a more or less irregular elleptioal curve ot ooursu tbsse irregularitiea aro small io proportion to the sire of the errfh and yet they are large euongb to make a diffefirioe of sever al miles in tbe diameter of the globes taken in different longtltndes ia a similar way our knowledge of tbe internal struoturb of tbe earth has ad van o- stnd is still advancing by snoodaslvo atepa tbe results ot which do not always seem consistent at first sight m oefforges has reoently described iu france a aorios of pendulum experiments wbiob show that pome slngdlardifferouacb of donalty exist in tho interlorof the earth these experiments demonstrate that tho feroe of gravity is greater over the ocean and lesi over the land thn theoretical con siderations demand and m defforgesang gssts as a reason f ur this ditterenee that where the cms of the oirth has shrunk as it seams to have lone in forming tho ocean beds hb dtuity hat as a conso- qasnoe bofn increased and tbere tbe ttraoiion of gravitatiri manifests the greatest power on tho su face with so many onrlun facta about the bapeot tbe earth the htiit and density of its interior parts its mnotlm and tbe aipeoted livegnlarlty of ln rotation on its stxtx daily oqmlng to light it ia evident we have yet a great deal to learn about the rooky bah on wbloli we are riding thronyh pace hard to dcflno will sally forth to regale the neighborhood with the last spat between ma and pa or all tbe particulars about sisters bean en tertaining that same gentleman whenever bo gets tbo chance with all tbe interesting items conn oo tod with the rest of tho family whioh tboy especially wish him not to kuow t ft is fun to see boys trying to assume manly airs indeed some of them have a queer idea of manliness when tbey think that cigar smoking wearing their bats on one side chewing and spitting and swagger ing along makes them manly but although boys have their fanltt many and grievous still tbey come bandy when tbe woo 3 box or waterpail ia empty or we want the horse harnessed or the cows the s pc ba anie hamlltox donneii whats dis mean what dem obillan up io now you spose oij xjuoxbatm uqo abram bad a funpyway of asking himself que tiuua he was trying to pick hia way up mis bepma front doordtep there were nine children on these teps 1 what you ttuk tis now old uuo aborm ciroaa mebbe or camp meetin then roy got- up importantly and 1- plained its the s p 6 brf uuo abram im tbe modrater be safd hefl de modrater iftfydat chile is liiusol uuc abram well now aint bo do liveliest one i call bim modrato bo i liei tbe nine members of tbe s p o b langhod too tixd then nuauimoubly they maids uno abram a life member bnl first you mubt swear joa wont ever kill a little bird urn abram aaid itoy solemnly counting on bib fingers ifob me kill a littlo bird hey you go away i but you mubt swear so uuo abram urged roy tjpo abernji you awar to iswar bo swelp me aberm lmkum i aud that you wont ever rob birds nsst tbe modrater went on ticking off another fingsr gway i what dat chile talbin bout swear it uno abram ibwar kor over wear dead birds or parts of eta on your bat three fingers suddenly boy stopped in confusion all the girlspg ba were giggling softly but old uno abram fingered his shabby folk bat and aaid solemnly tf swar uwelp me aberm xinkarh now what dat modrate chile gwine to say u all exclaimed jroy hastily now youre a member of the sclety for tbe fervention of cruelty to birds an youre all joarned the whole of yog tbe little moetlng adjourned hurriedly and old uno abram on the top doorstep watched the small members disperse his old blaok fane was fall of gonlle approval you proud o yourb hey old uno aberm he baid well you wn datu the beat sciety dt a bro soolety is you ever jlned sence yon iined the man oypatlon sclety an got free huh aint it ttmedenpore little jrcttnairreejomi too hoy i wish all do chilians atop o de lords yearth would jine that a b c soioty an dats a fao old una aberm her name tho now york san lias been buying a good word for a class of people who are commonly treated as if tboy hai no names in tho ordinary aaiitr of the word as one boubekeeper expressed herself i always call my cook berks my maid mary and my man johu were constantly chang ing aud i cant bo bothered with learning and trying to remembtr ihjir real names it might have boon pufgeate i ti this lady that ber indolenoe in learning ber aervantd namoa bad perlmps bomt thing to do wlththbir short tunna of servicv ser vants being human beingn it it not very surprising thitt they hhould like to be treat ed as such if the cjjk ia u tnirriei woman why ebon id ubt the fact bo recj- nizjd mrb while mrs browu would like to aoe you was tbe message that tho book eeot to her rail trees the mistress ramonstatod mary why dy yon not say mrs while he cook would like to see you ob maam mrs brown wouldnt like that but i wiah it nttnrw tbo girl ro turned aire browu says maam that she wasnt baptise 1 cook the cook wai indispenbibie and a coord iogly remains mr brown andwby nol teaching politeness banted up od a wot day strange as it may seem i have soen a few really nioo boyb a really nice boy is ono who is respectful to bis parents kind to his sisters and who does not teoie children smaller than himself or needlesily- hurt dumb apimala and who would scorn to smoke or obow tobacco or swear or toll lies mim- clint almonte ont first prizo oomp jbitions in the montreal star walking four miles an hour theres no end of people aid a man- who walks a good deal himself who think they could walk four mites an hour and very likely tbey could bnt they would have to movo along veryjr lekly to do it asa matter of fact very few people indeed do walk four miles an hour three miles li a very fair gait and when one exceeds that bo is beginning to walk fast if my recol lection ner yea the pld common time in tho army carried a man two and fiveeights miles an hour and quick time two and be ven- eighth miles an hour thedlstanoss whioh the soldier covers in an boor have now been increased somewhat by slightly increasing the length of bis steps bat my impression is that the common time re mains under three miles an hour certain ly three miles would bs good fair walking and fully up to mops average speed boston journal i jesus comes to hearts to day jesus comes to enrth this blessed christ mas dny comes to earth in lowly guisl jesus comes to earth to wash on sins away and to fit us for the skies chorus lie comes he comes to earth in our hearts to abide we with love and joy would greet jitm today he is come toour hearts welcome him this blest chrtstmas- tide jesus comes to earth this blessed christ mas day conies with lovo to save the lost jesus hears his children ever when they pray and he aids the tern pest- tossed jesus blessed snvior unto tlitx wc sing thine the glory thine alone jesus blessed savior our mesiah king claim and keep us lord thine own the origin of mrand mrs in earlier times the ordinary man was simply william or john that is to say ho had only a christian name some means of distinguishing one john or william from other johus and williams became neoes ary nicknames derived from a mans trade or bis dwelling place or from some porabnal peculiarity were taoked onto his christian name and plain john becamo john smith as yet there were no misters in the land some john smith accumulated more wealth than the bplk of bis fellows bepamo perhaps a land owner or an employer of band labor then be began to bo called in the normanfrench of the day tbo maister of this place or that or of these workmen or those in time tho maistre or maister as it boon beome got taoked on before bis name and he became malater smith and bis wife maiatress smith gradually the sense of pobboasionwai lost sight of and the title was conferred indiscriminately mirrors are not truthful in bpjte of the widespread a so ot mirrors it is an astonishing foot that none ot as have ever seen ourselves as others see as in the first place the reflection in the mirror does not portray our likenesi with any attempt at nocaraoy tbe hair fs wrong in tone the eycsare not correct fa color and pur complexions are hopelessly libelled by thiabpeoioub household deceiver secondly you cannot assume yonr natar alexprebbipn while peering in the looking glass the eye mast be in a certain poi tfonbofbre yoa can see it at all and the eye so far as expression is conoerned gov erns tho face tlie cbnseqaenoo is that you can see only one of yonr expressions in tho glass and ibtt expression it ouo of attentive examination all- the other expressions by whioh yonr friends know you favorable or unfavorable jou have never seen and probably never will see a matter of opinion an irish gontlerain was reoently attend ed by an eminent london physiotan who pausing an looking at him with an inquir ing glance said i should lrke to know air if your family have been longlived longlived is it responded tbe patient thoughtfully well doo tor ill tell you how it h oar family is a west of ireland family and the ago of my ancestors depended entirely on tbo judge and jary a sensible girl a mother noticed a remarkable change in tbe doportmem of her bixyearold son rombeing rough noisy and disoo hs bad suddenly become one of tbe gentlest and moat considerate little fellows in the world he was attending tho kindergarten and his mother naturally inferred that the ohange was somehow doe to bis teachers instruction miss smith teaches you to be polite she remarked in a tone of interrogation sio said th shn n na ft- word about it the mother was puzzled and all- tbe more when further questioning brought only more emphatic denials that the teach er had ever given her pupils lessons in good breeding well then the mother asked finally it ntlss smith doesnt say anything what does she do she doesnt do anything persisted the boy she just walk around and wo febl polite we just feel ae polite as any thing that was all he oould tell ab it and his mother began to see through the myalery educational nctoa natures good and evil tho tilsonbtirg liberal saya thai miss jessie carrutbers of north walslngham was to have been married to morley thom as everything had been arranged tbe parson and the guests were tbere when miss oarrathers told them there would be no wedding it seems that tbe yonng man in quostion bad promised his betrothed that he would never touch liquor but n the morning ho went to laogdop and retained about eleven oolook tbo worse of liqnor miflb carrutbera told btm that as he had brokon his pledge she could place no farther eonfhenoajn htm and told him ho could burn tho license whioh he did aftomhbjhqproaohor tho herotoyonng lady and the guests who had come from baybam delhi and other places sat down with mr housoand family to a samp toons ropsst hamilton tempfar one of the most deadly poisons and a common article of food are combined in a tingle plant tliis is tapioca a soutb amerloan shrub that grows to a height of she or eight feet the root as well as the wood of tho plant hocretes an acrid milky the crossbow iiow i dislike bo w jid eoopomy on what grouudavv tii is tibh a tilings the world con- acuis us fwe dont prabllce it aud despises ui if ffl1y at hastings the english bowmen first killed the norman horses the crossbow was a fairly dangerous weapon for it had a pertain weight and it is carious to lesrn that it bad been forbidden in war at one time but it was sanctioned by the pope in tbe crusade of 1181 the trouble about theoroiabow was its weight tally forty pounds and tbe strlugs were ablo to be come uisless when it rained in the time of hi chard i among the equipments of a soldier after his iron hoadpioce bis coif his ooatof mall had been indiated wo read of a tissue of many folds pfllojanidlffiealt of penstratlonhnd artiflcaily vworked with a ueedlr palled a pourpplnt v jaloobo toxio that it kills in h very few mlnates this quality is elimiuated by hoat arid that which in a raw state is so deadly is thereby con veiled into a nourish ing and agreeable aliment the root is grated into pulp and subjected to great prenauro whlcbcxtraota all the poisonous jqlce it is then heated on metal plates whioh transforms it ihtp the tapiooa of commerce it is to be- hoped that ibis in formal ion may not disturb the equanimity of oonaumera of tapiooa the process em ployed in its conversion from a polsouons plant into a substance entirely innopnous is absolutely infallible a pertinent query i dont believe in unything i oaut see asld tbe yonng mau wbo alms to be consid ered a sceptic the middleaged man with overalls on looked at him pnuslvely for a moment and then inquired young feller did you ever ketch hold of ameothowirerwashlugtbn star medloavmen aay rheumatism is tho fore runner ot heartdiseosf hoodv barsap srllla onrts- r heumaliaui by its action on i th wood are yuu going to dye successful dyeing can only be pott with diamond dyes 7tbonsahdr dye this month tbe vast majority makp- the work profitable and pleasantrwhlle others are confronted with disappointment despair aud ruin tho happy aud successful dyers are those who always me the diamond dyes that produco tho brightest fastest and most lauting colors tlio discontented and uuhappy ones are the few that ass the common and crude paokage and soap grease tlygyrgivin mbddytandblofohy oolorr- if you doairo to miko your costumes dreads capes jaketsbloueeq eta look liko now garments buy some dark fashion ablo color of the diamond dyes and you will bo hstoniahed with the resnlts now ia tbo time to look nut chb mens and boys light colored and fndud clothing and make them ready for another bensons wear fast diaraondbtaok ssal brown indigo or navy bluo will give magnificent shades on all garments insist upon yoar dealer giving yoa tho diamond dyes every time yoa bay then and theu only is success assured now willie said the teacher aa school opened yoq may reolto your geography lesson where is afghanistan 1 willie hesitated a moment doni yoa know asked the leaoher yes ive got it la my head bomowherebut i cant lay my brain on it just this minute wi ii la replied william henry oil alias mustang bill says that ho ased ayors hair vigor for nearly five years and0wks to it bis splendid hair of which ho is justly probd mr otthai ridden ihsvlalns for twenty- flvo yearn an ills wellkbbwn in wyoming ud he northwest m imemimmmmmm mmmwimissms