Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 30, 1897, p. 2

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z v vlpt lr1y attentive fojbis dutiiu watojbing mfr z i- bkemaji botuiotf s at the imldfuioo of if f iiarrowflkiu jdntbatu ftri ouelpuion olirliv tnuday byluvk j m olmf ord of obfu- morohqmh john bblmtnftoaf quelpli to flotrenob d4aghtar ol wlllfttu burrow- ol bdomllu jlhynoldhaownr at thsvruldonm at- mm- bride pfehnu auelph on tbunrtyr88rd dqooptber by ilav b bollorr bt asulited by v o w iieynolds or ciodon j b rey nolds m a matbomatlmljduur t tho o a o to miifielf cituiflbuir of tuoa jowdy eq udqiiih- dij5d nicjiolb atqakvlhe monday morning doa s7- tbm ntoboli agod ttyow r timxnia acton oa banday mornltia pecstjtb wiliuinbffiutoagsdsbymrt v uooiuutrat hall lo on tuesday december uui fiuth widow of tbolatow tt bpqipor aaedeomura m foe tf oit j ip thursday december 80 1807 to our subscribef1s tho laot mouday indooemberla alvvaya an evoptful dayfor tho munlorpaliiieo of ontario that day beiug apt apart for tho nomination of oarididatoa for tho ooonoils fortbp approaching year tho usual intereatwas tsken in the nominations hero on monday in some reapeots the mooting was unique- tho recent legislative enactment requiring all nominatiooa w be m adein writing though it dobs not some into force for a year u very generally observed and as a result the proceedings daring th hour for reoolv- ingproposilionsweroyery quiet indeed it la somowtaatolngnlar that the names i tj mjy tho end of tho year is at hand when thegreat majority of newspaper snbiorlp- tioha expire and aa the domoatlo olrolo la rrtadejjpyoua onaopount b the approach of ta fcjhtiya aiflrtj attendant home githeriogl end family reuulunaaolo tbeheat of the pabllaner gladdened and piiooiirbgod aa bl lla of patrons retain tbeir popneption ypitb ihieipanerbyarehiwi 9t aubaorp5lba lor another yearthe fjikrpnesslietwaa never more satisfac tory ihan at present every eubiorlptlon paid in od vanoo thla la to na a caniefbr kratjaoitioa arid indeed a reason lor par- donable pride we hare oopfllenoe in bnr readma and beliove onr large hat will not only bo oontlnoed bat that aa a resalt of returning prosperity id tbeoonbtry gen orally and espeiilally to oar farmer frlendi many now aobaoribara wjll be added with the new tear wo wlih the eomplimenta of tho aaaaou to all notes and commbnts lord- salisbury hae written to tjditod stataa abibaiaador hay in reaponae to amerioaa lateit propoaala that great britain abonld enter into anbgreebnt with th united statoarniiia and japan to stop aealing deollnlng to onter into booh an agrtement aoton aoeej 8olc to hr firet love and klfrpte mr storey ty aooldmatlon jrvlfl nominations elsewhere of only two membor 01 the o uf th lb ia onrrently reported aaya the herat i that mrv john b barber will be asked to be the liberal oandidato for halton for trie ontario legulatojre mr bar bar ia one ill ttieiiiberal party in halton today and if oleoted woald make an able i aaooeaaor to the ntfmorolr worthy tepraentatlveewhi have ooonpied teats in tho parliament of ontario from the ontario aovorntneathaa deolded thatafter april 20ih 1893 all pine logaont wltblb the bonfliea of theprovlnoojcaoept- iog thoae on lajnda already old outright mqat oe rtannfaotorod in ontario in otnerwoiaa tiwtwannao taring olauao will he iqartedlnli aaleirin fature and overy lioenaewbiohia renewed next may will have iluo aame ilmitidg olanaa in it thia is right and will be very popular leglalatlon it wlllalao remove one of the big ohjeoliona the oppoaltlbn badtotheooternmentand upon whioh they expeotad to get nearer tho treaaarybenphea preaent year were pat in nomlnatian it waa well known that beove nioklln had no idtentloa of being a oandldate owing to hia buainesib engagementa repairing bia absspoo from home for jong porioda bnt why tho fjamoaof oonnoillora denny and browq were entirely igoorediadiffloalt- to determlno both have been faithful fnom- btirflapol ooahpillor debny has btaioaajy ebdeavored to analiy v himself in every roapoot to setiafaotorlly f alfll the rejnlro- menta of his oflloe two were nomlntatod heasri smith arid arnold bat both of these have withdrawn and wo will thera- fore havo an entirely new counoll in 1808 for tho beevebblp hot one nomination wismode that of w h storey esq it ia admitted on all aidee that mr btoroy is the moat able ohief maglatrate that- par municipality has ever honored as its head his wide business experlenoe gives him qaallfloationa for graaplng pubmo questions in a manner which moat men offering themselves lor this offloe hate been in- oapable of his twentyfive years exper ience as a jaatibs btthefoaoe hasrendered him an able magistrate and one almost invariably aongbt when a bench is re- quired mr btorey a loyalty to acton and her beat interests ia well known and hi impreu is upon moat of the pnbllo improvo- raents are possess ho was the firat reevu elected when the muniolpality eras incor porated in 1878 and rfpr seventeen years was a member of the comnoil either as reeve or councillor eight years ago he retired from municipal politiot owing to the demanda of bis i jusiantly extending hrntnn th nnninnnii iqiijtnf ttie larly atteolive to bis dntitl in watohlng over our interosta s before balling upon olhtra i woaid like tospeak about several matteraoortcdrnlng our town aoton is today loonbide ohe of the best towns of her alat ontario but if bhe wisheb to keep aopcnst of the times and hold her plaoa in the formoat ranks bhemiiat be up and doing irogtpbb lain thoair and ouroitlsona must waken up to thatfaot we need a belter aybteni of walks than our present boa and the adoption of perraaueut pavoraunts aboald at onoo bo oonsidered our atreat lighting eyatpm ib out of date eleotrtoity ihust bo introduced we bhouldba prepared to have our park laid oat in eorao prpper system by a competent mab and in a few years haye a park that wllibe a oredit o ns waterworki fpr domeatlo purposes is a living question mill street nextear should be completed up to the q t e crossing on tho plan adopted this year this canno be tlono wituout some extra piify sir paper onwarotthe folio wiog eminently trne oxpreesloh about the canadian eress we agres witb pmrutinvsaylog that the prew bfoabaidaran for ajl u as high- toned that of any oouplry in the world quren5ww lrgnwbgvtlii vorrj if um as the we thina is thiraxp of bs moral tone than that of bar beloved ooantryr it poskvwetblns the qn of hatipga leading jodrnal in its largest pity whiohfpt oyer flttyyeais has been a ia1ttjrcnmnuj likiip ho bpt puwlahe ooe ilqaori or tobi or ftstfi fsttijiamsl irnbfitoljal blgrinoinloaii aihi4revit tbwor 6r strength agolnatail tho wlnda thibiow the amertoan jfoiijrio o jtytpieim in a letigtbylatiielertoommendingaa improved kt speaks asr3v- i iililiiwmibrsy fssifltwsa kiwpw atr v atasfsaliiiirsisi wfth- anlaj kssvssisijtlal r4nkl jgiik irplas not only hampers aotaal trade itbamprrsali induatrlol dovelbpemeoi by aohigbrwrbfmterlitw bsuini fmnesuponpotmraewlal assets inniji i minimtn lyli m ftata aihm ratepayers he again takes an the reins of offlooa very fl tting oonsiderlng that next year ib our twen2jluhvear since incorporation although the men to bo asiooiated with him next year will neces sarily be almoat entirely new to manioipal work they wllf form a good counoil and rapidly adapt themselves to tho work for whloh they will bo elected v for thaj ofuoo of flobpbl trustees thoro will be qalte a lively contest five men are in tbe field for the three vaoanoles oaused by the retlreniont of traatees storey hyoda and holmes the nominations wore as follows vvobmavb w h stobst proposad by hugh mann and seconded by a j moklnnon elected by soolamsiion oopsotaions 1 jutes oiajut proposed by alex sooord aeooudod by john kenney jr 3 j ai mvhbit proposed by henry qrindelljtndseoonded by hugh mann 8 h t asmorj propbaed by j b obiabolm andseoonded by w p damp- bell withdrawn x aoantiei burib proposed by wi p campbell and soconded by j b chishdlm 6v dtjttaoi proposed by h p moore and seconded by alex beoord with drawn 0 jorrii cjubk proposed by a p bymon and seconded by w d anderson r-i7-wi- b smrn proposed by jf p campbelland seooodod by john moqueen withdrawn svhutbt jiura proposed by a j mpkinnon and aeoonded by i franola wlthdrnwn 9 latao feinois proposed by a p bymonand aeoonded by a j moklnnon robohpoxiltopstseb 1 gmmshynds proposed by john kenney jrandseptlddby alex beoord ojlrf i yj y- j expeuae and we ubould be willingto pay a little incroaen in tuxes for modern improve ments whioh would iu time enhanoo the valueof pro portvenpraily yoii aro about to vote on a public library- bylaw i jtrqaj you will gwe i it a hearty appport in oonolnaion i may elate that inm dot in tbe fleldthisypar mooloipal hohora sqpio four years agoi firstoaras oat for tbeomopof opuociiior and wits defeated thd aext year i was elooteil the following year after very keen coolest i waaagin elected aud this year i was elected reeve i sim aware there have besnaoms who did not look onmetvith fetvor but i am pleas- ed to koow i have always bad alaxgenum- ber of friende and i feel loath to think at any timei bad any enemisi i have lived inabtonall my life andiaava aat6hs lotereots at heart and at all trpea have done whatlopnaidered was for h best interests i leave the fleldfortbo preaent without bard feelings against any one and trust asl etepdownand oat it there shpuld bejahy feeling against melt will dlsappear and we may all moot aa frienda from thia tinjp connoillor denny obalrrnan of the oommitteeon finance was tbeo invited to give hia report forj the year intimation was given that owing to tho berioaa llluess of mrs denny tbe cooholllor ns unable to leave borne his report of the floanoial operations of the year bad been prepared however and was presented by hit col- leagae councillor brown it was very opmprebenslve was gives in detail and showed that tbe council baa paid all the ye ludebtedneseandhaa 56798inreaal to babd over to tbe new ooanoil a state ment of theassets and liabilities mi also givenand proved adtonsolalm to a first- qiaos financial position we have assets aggregating 18140800 and oar total indebt edness is but 81608000 leaving a balance in tbe munioipalitya favor of 91643370 tbe absence of the mrmbero of the streets and walks oommlttee chairman smith and connoillor arnold wasaevere- ly commented upon various interroga- tions as to the cost of gravel lot mill st eta were made and these reeve nioklln and councillor brown answered as satis factorily as was pobsible wltbont haying the data at band mr j a hurray was the first fit the new candidates to speak he said one year ago be asked for support and thought ho would be elected at tbe bead pt tbe poll he was rojeoted but defeat left him an- danntod and ho woo prepared to give the matter another trial vllyoa will elect cno he eoid ill do my best i you dont ill never try it again i smnsk prepared to make promlsear to build a sidewalk to yottr door or a drain to yoor oeliar i am in favor of the oompletlou of 1ul street of the building of aeoessary sideffalks and of the pablla library dr uron tbe next apeaker said slnoo i pame to aotoh seven years so i have taken a lively interest in the affairs of this town several maltera have been reforrod to tbia afternoon the work on mill street wao very aatlatabtorily done i anianxous to see it pprnplttigd the connoll deservos oredit for the manner iu which the street waa improved other opunolls hayo pointed out to as how bad it was and then went tbrougb their year and did nothing i am very msob in favor of tli pub lilbu s hopg lia by hlaseooqder editbwujlam 0beirni of thojbmobnbimllra david- son was alao honiiwboibsoquently feilhevnsjnnijf gbub aorcelecw by eoclamartlotr- for a aeooudsbrm nassagavieya iteevo john marshall and m beatty deputy beove a mcolbbon by abcumatlon coonolllora jao brwin john kltohing alex bell and j d strang erin amplooblan seeyej i erambsabeeye bttalbpt acclama tion j deputyreeve wargo acalsmatlon oounclllora omonab d mooregor john jtt dipkieon noah sunley jaj oakea hobt soott r arrpslron esqueeing tho old couacilreeleoted by aoolamatioii beovo jphn wrlgglesworth 1st deputy e stewart 2nd deputy john stalker connolllora fred near and james conlaon naa the nomination bf reeve deputyreeve and oonpoillore for the township of uasso gawoyo wsb hold at brookvillo monday the fnllowingarp tho uominatione for reave mofsre john marshall and matthew seattle depatyrpeyev mr arohlo mo- glbbod elected by aoolamation for conn- plllorsi meaars jaserwlo john kitphing alex bell and jaep strang there is o oontest for all tho tmoeabnl dopotyreeve mr k w home of toronto is visiting relatives and frreodsia naaasgaweya the public school examlnitlona held in no 6 and no haohoola on tuesday of lost week were decidedly snbpeesfal ahd reflect ed great oredit on the teachers mlee tens carrie of no 0and mr black of no 6 the exarnlnatipn of no 4 school on wed nesday lost was also siooeeafal honor is due mr g mtdgley tho teacher for his efbcienoy in training the sobolars mr george o monair formerly of jkaaaagaweyai renewed old acquaintances on cbristmsb day there was a family re union at mr geo babfcerbrobka residenpe at darby ville on christmas day annnal sobbbl meetingeon wednesday far tbeeleotion of trustees and transaction of business crevvsons corners obrlstmaa passed off very quietly in this vicinity one of those happy ovonta that are obaraoterletio at this time of the year took place at the home of mr win plum- mer near eden mlllo on monday 37th ttflytetont ksy uf ijoti pf isbiies- wfi 1 the oollebtorsayb all arrears of taxes for m vawbtfeppl attis il fojiryeasand mpsafftbflrst fiibtxphioyi 3 ksrh a mxovnsusoii propoaod by alex sooord and seoonded by a j mp kinnon withdrawn 8 hembt gbwdsll proposed by w p campbell aeoondsa by a p bymon r9i byw d aodersbnand seobdded by a p symon s by h grlndeliiand aiavoondedbyw stewart 0 p tjsmt proposed by a e niok lln and seoonded by h p moore r the ponplualon of the bopr reeve nrpwibiwas reqaeated to uke the ohair before palling j upon the members of the oonnoil of the pastyear to give an acooont of their stewardship ho addreaaed the eleojors as follows x ore met at this hour to tell yoo what the presintcounoli has been doing doripgtbelr fermofpffi oe and to advise yoa in some oases whatwe think shoaid be dpne next year it bayijeeh tho ouatom for years ip tho paattopolnt out haw tha retiring conuon has ox celled all prevloua oonbolls in the wondefiol dpeda performed in jne waypf puhiloworks arid wise jeglslatlbn for ttepitbsbf ao ton and also to tell bow they bod mvsdths bitlsins so many nqwjiobcitprortpfolipw itoinliimftsayllhatj work sjtoritseltitbipkirs have po ooasioptobushnjsdoltbsoordoftbs pipt toairlvtmallrlvs itto the hsiasihsaiflsrebtobmml willoarry we need abmelhlog jto enoonrago theyoang men to mental im provement something ehoald be dono to disperse the corner loafers who oongregate especially at the corner of mill and main strpats it if a dlfgraoo that onr oonstab- lea ailovr it to oootiono a fe dollars apent in shade trees for the ptrk would vastly improve and popnlarlso it money has been well apent there hot more atten tion is desirable after complimenting roevo nioklla upon his sapoeas as ohiot magistrate the doctor thanked hie inbyer and ssoonder for the npmloatlon and then elated that he was not a bandidate for mnnlpipal honors on thla oooiaion officer graham bore rose to stato that in oomplianca with instruotlooi from reeve nioklln he bad given the maiterpt loafers o the oorner attention and there bad been iefornt daring the day tho family presented their father with a very neatly worded address aooompanied by a beautifully udbolatered easy chair mr plummor thanked them til in a kind and feeling manner for their beantilul gift in tbe evening between 7fi and 100 yonng people aaaomblod there and were hospitably entertained by mr flttmmer and his esteemed wife and family it is needleaa to aay that everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves the happ5gatherlng broke up in the wee ama hours everyone wishing mr plummor and family a happy newxear and also that he and hia esteemed partner may long be spared to enjoy the comforts and blessings of this life guests were present from guelpb rookwood orewapns corners eden lifille and aoton weore sorry tohear of the very sod death of mrs t mophail of aoton for merly of this place her many frienda here extend their hearfelt sympathy to the sorrowing relatives among the many christmas visitors to andfrom here wo notioed mlbseal cole man and n eagle of toronto mr e oahb of xiuther an missethel cann of erin who spent christmas at mr george canp hiss h ramebsiw is spending a few days this week with friends in toronto mr and mrs t forbes of hontsvillo visited at mr w forbia a few days laat week i mr wmwatklns jaw atndent of gnelph apent the holiday at bis home in this violnlty miss m anderson of toronto la spend ing the holidays with friende here mr ana mrs jasi ramsbaw spent o la lowvlllo wo are sorry to bear of thoserionaliinest aafehimi was last week at a great wcok in point of sales a great weetvin point of visitors to tbo store an all around lively and aatisfiiotory weok ending lip with a itfcordbrhaking friday when nver 700 purchasers were servedj and a great many went away witlidiit serving though we had a lot of extra help we are indeed tbnnjktul to find our efforts to cater to tho trade in this quelph district have been bo signally- appreciated i wo had a happy and merry christ mas and hope you had too your p will stimulate till greater ondoavorb in the future rest asaurod i notning will be don to laaae t uonfldu ubto btill oii have bo largely and fully reposed in us wo wniit it give ar wiek to end up jhe year 1807 cloths an4 tvyecls at ciea 3 wo haven groat bwarlngj sale of marrtlesduringw be sold without regard to pro6t and in many ases without regard to cost we had a great mantle season y v basement bargains ib the clothing section in coats sults and general gents furnishings miutneryat clearing prices dress goods and sllka at clearing prices fare in special values mens fur coats r ladies fur mantles muff3 boos ruffs gauntlotbrobes flannel and flannelettes andgeneral staple goods all in extra good values altogether there are special inducemenls to do your trading at cheapside this week stl3- s ttiu s ti7r j m vou ibillht iciifciiii gibson millar go have just opened out a magnificent assortment of goods for the christmas trade consisting of fine dress gostumes and press goods in every variety styleand coloring trimmings etc to match in ladies smallwares we have a complete assortment inclusive of gloves hosiery underwear cprsets handkerchiefs etc what would be more suitable for a ghristmas gift than a niqe sett of furs we hayethem m capes caps capperines muffs ruffs gauntlets etc at clearing prices vj- v v sy rv vr1lvvwv this department has been an immense success ttts seasondouble beyond our expectations and why we txirri out the most sush best tnnirried andbest fitting garments and hayij the largest arid best assorted stoqk of fi tweeds and tpuserings to select from and ever gents enrnishiiigs we havie just soitirid up in triis department the newest things for holiday trade in fine 1ficlr shirts underwear etc iri hats caps etcjwehave ill the ieadihgrstyles in hard and soft felts in english a special readytowear clothing we arerhakihga great drive in this department ait present we have an immerreeii stock of ovfercpjits mens suits boys suits odd pants etc ah inspection convince the closest buyer that they can do better here than other place as we are going to clear out these goods by the first of the year regardless of cost we invite ope arid all whether they purchase or not to visit this place jarto iobertii iwwsf i wanted tndubiiiois rnoh of eharaoter thriijsbbttoomranrtorontobdf breeding ewjbsi q bal thmttben oixxl jouno droodlng nwos itltn lamb for aale at lot oflrat hno baqnaslug oeoboe nklmett wanted solioitokb for oanaaa an bnoyoiobadla of the country in ftve boyal quarto vol- una wo delivering oommlasloa nald-weok- i 4 lr a fmiavaaaer reports fata prat week maklob m oversoventy-dollaraproflt- a agents sell klondike gold field8 iwblrlwlnd protpctais5cflnu big py- ofcpla1 nntf oceupyry lxkbttwblrlwlnd protpctais5cflnu worth l blgpycpltviniiir aum uhadlbvoauhe co limited toronto wad x crivd awnttehandlotheoniyremedyon f- oaurtp that jsilla the hbenuq baldnese aravakalr on any baldboadpn earth dnwiirribnswhnaiwwaboor v 8saleiatuontroal watejdageilfrs both mbn and women f f jpo are wmtottorvivftah jl plotoentwjthooi4rtur andyonoan worji fl auorprteyaotalsonaprtravelida the 4 m bno for teranajateto va- v 3 mi eawks irorawbtcbjtpairr fk yott abffitrtflilctt isb if jou are abovefooush prejqdioj acainst can- ssr 9 write and- get my proposition the information m oostnothuuf ibava put hundreda of men in the way of mak- tnsjuonay aomeofwbom are now rich loan do goc4talnafoir jonitjouawhonorableand viii wars nord wteryassps otjebm viotobu hevxiio apsbelgktiaa oaptured the british brnplro bxrnonun- arytmontalafromtliogteat man aond tor oopyfras iannlsa tjorne jara she beat eolorxjieot tho queen i hato soon ber mrt aapd a klndjotter of- amrsolatlon inatbythansandsesivos enthaalaatlo aaus- faction oantaaaorarpakeais to stowoewy tbh nbadrjbyoabbetbon co limited v -torontp- t hbotyobtljdblii proprietor r sbfflssnoihandbbnei ny woodworrerira jxirtormod jannerw repair and 1 or jmplemant of any mate saw igaqdntuw dans j c- v- v rr a jrthlng ooraalarv or cxtdmiaijouora m wol lottml anyone not eaotlrufwrscmp ipsrijal ierhtuiepmmmuouon jwoqrynearosta oivifrw iff an oiiiodlttp rtflsotyhistluhe4 j hotiavilymorelmportttanpeilenoo onioabo ltllfontral bboljeati n y vr v 5uafk sorlmplfujpgjt of mrs worewaonj of hnnuville formerly of thla place we sincerely hope for her speedy reoovery george nng wbvho iu jtly ersdhltli ja dsttlw mdiifiii nf 3oano acioa iuw c hemibb i r- pf tnii street frojnhsln to elgrn8tritt mhftanitihi iiy op mim jbpwtrjfeinsibollj ilbaa pronoanctd aw flrpiijjfnjoi inww krlh working of ihef flsiitrtsmif louarf nrtfnii obs hbooaw jar irnprovempnt mr pranoia wib the last of tho oaodi- dates nominated to expreu himself a year ago he oaid i allowed my self to rah for the iteeveahlp i hardly eipebled to beeleoted but i never take baok water the preaent beovo has done lory well bonslderipg bia ego and eipsrieboe jmr praoolb then thanked his mover and sepbhder ns aald he wa not in thb neld as rjandidalsvi base hs4 all tyyiaptbr ithecontlonod and intend hirsittar to lookafterrny own bosln0asi will never again go round to buttonhole eleoabrt for their yotps he then wenmor the streets siid walks bpnmlpfthepat year hot- fiyrfori fyoaahooidnptrelept men who will b tbslr anptoprlatlopii ha laid tbooiihtths gravel this year hsvdooit too rapoh money then th counplli wl ibe jmtvvjreortoij ormolsm tljsmast are yeara we have bsen standing stlli he deoikred oar slds- vukitmkdiigpnrstwtldirucan ifo1liy ibs-ronntir- we mpiv head rnnstbayp eleotrlo light pot jgpod eiper- iepped men in tbe connoli andl keep oat iutlppilen who arp nbinltiate4 femfriranpis has evidently ohidgad his iriuij siobuon- ib haaw dngtojqlme w li apptar on ihe ballot mijfpittmii pijbfeyp haevs lawfiyoammlob no obty- nomina- i4iousfpr coqnoll i dominio parl the commons and senate called to meet on february shd orroii sea 38 parliament will meet for the deapiloh of buaineas on february 8rd1808 lite no books a guide to goodreadlng by john millar bapeputymlnlateroi educa tion for odtayio wlllfam jbrigga toronto this -is- newvo purpss of inspulnftyoung persona with a love for literature and pi giving tbenl some dlreotlonxegardlog the books tbaijnajbe wwltn3js havoaorpving for knowledge and wpnld jreadagrsairnany vslnabisyrorka lnatesd of the worthleis books which frequently are indulged in if their reading waa syate- matloally directed this yplome treau of thoyalue of books their ohoroe bow to read sand thonsrraoges ib asries lists of phildrens books buppleraentary ti reading inaohoolfcaobool libraries publloilbrirlea books for the home reading pirolesdro and oannot fail to be hpipful to young people iheforniatibriotobaourvi the jabnarynurnlmrottheiwijiea or ia palled tbe holiday numbei vooonv toisysisaiiwiiys welyaiioinrjniiib aoriptibd iuipi oiytj5aiiai general attraptiveneas some ppjbw huatlan modetfor ladles foabiopabjs rob iaq0ihin froduce taken in exchange siloam the cbrietnaa jtree enterlatnmeni of the brlok ohnroh snnday sohool lost wednesday ervanlagwaa pronoonped suo- oeas and the spperinlondont mr john mann sni his staff of workers are to bo oongratnutodl tho programmo rendered by the sbbool and its indivldnal momberb wuiyeryenjoysble the ohristmas tree was well laden and its fruit pleased tbe aoholarslmmenaoly a nnmboriroui here attended the cantata given by the wetbodiat isunday sobool sit aotpn chtittmisnlght and pronobnoo it a prbdaotigoof very superior oiioeheooe bbrlatmattliltlog has been pretty gon- aralboroaboiits many home plroleo have been pnlargbd- and bappineaa has been gsnprsdlyeflasilve s hon a dw dayrandeyblngaistsinp xlserfy1lyfsjilswa fmblooealylmfprjuie mlssm rirrsillfci tablpmlminsrylfashlpnabre winter iestllsp btyllshtrinirolijgs bnrt aomo slylisvdwlgnivlri house robis inter eating hteraty dsparlment and maob else pi intent ordsfrorritbeiopflgsnt of tbebuttprprpitkrbora oejliwtslpinshi limited bjitohmpna oot flobsoriptlon price bf the mlmeator tltiwir hohday goods in great abundanoe tlie great pidvtsyoaluw search of holiday presents is tharerveryttlnigwenaye to offer is useful as well as rornainehtal and thus will lifedmhmptwhv we hnve furs of ell kinds collarettes rpftmuffajackota and ca catelsfalllfidstwrdiasniryornglhv f improve the appearance ot your house and buy a handsome tllk piano o mantle drape we have them from tioonp scarfs and table covers they do not cost much house wonderfully lor christmas also embroidered silk but they brighten the 8omethinc special a line of plush and tapestry table covers just to hand from tbe old country rich handsome durablo goods marvellously cheap see them a mass of handkerchiefs of all kinds colored and white silks initialed y and plainhandsome embroidered handkerchiefs for ladles gifts also rtass of fancy attift for childrens use v j- 1 5f all kinds of gloves kid of the the best makes and all other kinds sizes j all t j- itndlbaiipislia jpi aper- spyemyfrdrjtoeim nausea drowsu fnwsstigwithruufcpi v ssttri tnoirand oftio day mens ties arid scarfs fjiilet variety all new stuff for the holiday trade v v psjrmllllnery and mamies clearing kway below colt prices jsfijjjli see yoii get carters iasriioraers w mk btifli25tt5s

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