Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 30, 1897, p. 3

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cnnltal all paid up 1 25000000 neaervo fund 72600000 fotal assets 0 84607845 nearly ten millions orhdounrs t board of directors 0bn8tuabt ag baatbay v president ylopfreaident taorpacu joint pnpoton a t wood tbntairt6rotswa7ffiofot5ei t u iinbull oiihior h b 8xbvsm aut cuklor b u watbonj impootor ceprce ww agency a general banking business transacted notes of responsible farmers discounted andspeclalatrention given to the collection infsaf nntbi fnmmi11 tnpvr enerally- drafts issued payable at all principal points in candda and united slates drafts en great britain bought and sold v savings department deposits of i and upwards received interest allowed u current rates and added to prjncipallbveryyeari whether passbook j5iapro or hoi special deposit ij eptsissued forllarge sums pi beul abot gtfollgetbwn ont kv riifri j avyetysefttv article to carry the argeststdcfe headquarters for weddlatariti birthday presents prfkniy8b ffi8 y tf rrewelery andsmtioneiyslore rcton flnnliybrciiwru farewell this test oo popular with departing j pastors was the basis of tho farewell her mon oiltov o glangford bd in the baptul church on sunday afternbon a vory impresslvoand- feeling discourse was delivered xlie work of his three yuan pastorate liis many- pleasant experiences oaeorrowfol events were recalled wlien ho congregation said gopdbye they felt that thoy were parting with one who bad earnestly endeavored to help thorn and to sdvanco gode oause while amongsiiam thvir annual ctirtatmaa treat x the baptist sundaysohobl spent their annual christmas entertainment very en- joyably early in the evening they were given a sleigh drive to the homo of mr and mrei james l war fnnyth tin lr pfttas 0j peoewibgb 80 1897 wmiji pivilfr w 1 harpijeieatto all i v tjlanew forthe frte pnaas wjjgitittyiilei f brewreaia schools reopen next man fiyvv- ix hott i v ne pnblfo xibrary on jto f jvthavsobplara are enjoying their lw- tt5bremions next monday for the coming worn pretty thin time have been the creep abundandb of obribtniaa good things were served alter supper they retqebed to tab oharch ami treated their friends to an entertaining programme- a christmas itree oompletedtne enjoyable prooeedinge idntoeedsyoveningof tbttweek tbo scliolanof tho pisoiples sunday sebool were given a ohrj jtmss tea by the teabhera and offloerb of tho echopl they had a plossant oveniog together aanfiiiiir vnae ooae- v v l onsiinday morning kbout fanr oblopk wilharb smith esq ol bwer avenue breathed his last after an illness of aboafi an hpnr heart fallnro was the cause mr smith had not been in good health for soma tine but was feeling better than ugqal the past oonple of months eor abontaoarter ofareentnry be has familiar hgore in aoton he bamo here frpta ireland and bah in inny respeota been a gooje citizen he was an independ ent plain spoken man but when be made a friend was invariably loyal to him the funeral on tuesday afternoon conduoted byltev mrgoddbn was largely attended mr havlll ib weil qualltled mr havill is well qualified for the position jo the county council by his business ability and his former eiperlenoo in the council and the electors of miltoo did wisely in allowing mm to bo returned witnaatopppstlon uiamplon- that mr havlp will make ap eioolleut representative goes withoat sayldg although wo should have preierfeov under the blrodmstanbes o bays seed ajrebident ofmilton elected to the seat sttt hat is neither hero npr there as no doubt there will be nothing done at lha flonn ylnhnntl hor thift ikp ilfja nights for holiday adrivef- iwril oommenoa in the 3methpjidhnrpb oriihunday j 9th jan miqtgo6ou paid htftjps j1ilrr sssffitfbimoiili hfoitlttt maj go to lifosmndaymiroh3 raiiolbafsreaiapiiv v wiiilgfpjhpaghtivseasonablerseolu- niipldedaahd words bo foremost as vwing tb e aasl uuc w r on tuesday night gaj wadry olobjoago laa kind- ajpijvetroas number livmneh appreciated roarlwaiama of bolstbns rke7 srfjrpmd9l ihjthp left wndhe baain kytor tendays hatjbbpquenoo jvt ssfijiv tdisr tiobortu5 quslpit jittege a bhorlnbdoatitut pstttiwky faresfrpm acton to svjif tofwiubalilioffloe- pmiirihtnefsiica wn morniijb a iyslbimttogvwy tokwa burrffiowtj m- wt jl tv v wbald in any way the beat interests of the oounty tbwn jteformor cbrlblmu yyaa merrily stent 1 orthodox oldfashioned winter weather has prbvauvd during phrietmas week there has been sleighing and skating and tbeio iiaveboen mubh enjoyed the whirl bfthanosyobflnaibfseaeon is over christmas f the day of merrymaking and right gladly do wo welcpme it last salorday bomeo rang with the laughter of bbildren as they recounted tha exploits of 8anta glari8and found delight iuthe oontenta pl their atooklngs amiiioa separated for months and it may be years united around the home bfoslde friend greeted friend and- the spirit of gobdwiupermeatedall olassea and oondi lions of boolety it was a joyous oooasiou andtbo cbriitmaa spirit was everywhere iiobfeit vv tefree press calendar forxmqs oar job department has thofaee phess calendar nider way and it wilibe oomplet- ed thlh weok judges of good printing pro nounce ita workbf art and we are sure bur tnauy patronbcwill- appreciate it 1t is prcnted lo six oolpre and canadas flag and a fair j3adadlan cyollst are atriklng f ealurew thebiuih pniss carriers will deliver the calendars to our subscribers in town as naoalon new years morning and next thursday theywill be sent to aubj soribers bat of town oarfriends who receive tbelrpspbr at acton post offloo will kindly oall at tho printing offlbe for their calendar we will thus bo able to deliver it in better condition than if it went through the post office and this arrange ment will benjore conveclent to the past- rnsjtet- rirght frieirb xlie cantata ohristmas chlracu ren dered bytbb methodist sunday school on phristmas night waa in cvory ib9pobt u buoaose the attendauoe taxbd the ueating capacity of tho otiurob including the gallorleb to aocommodite all the pro gramme wasp3rva led with the ohrlstajas spirit from opening to close and wsb -preeoted-in-a-manner- alikeoroditabie to the aholarsand thosowho undertook the trying work of training tboni the tbirtyilvo numbors on the pro- grarme ineludedroliristmas oarols solos duets recitations motion bongs responsive readibgs etc allpf which impressed the jpypqsaciviintof onr bavlpur upon earth every- number waa well rondered und the crowning success was the olosing piece the christian qraoes by ten of the young ladies of tho sohool dressed in dainty oottumes of pure white they oxem- plineditnostimprehsivoly in song illuatra- tibn and- posture the beauty to joy of cultivating the graces whioh goto mato up the perfeotpbristlao pharabter the ofrthesohopi brief addrebb reviewed the work- and prbgress of the school daring the year ajtt the sepre tary triad an f n tbresting annual ropbrt the bohooramiaaiouarybfloriors for the yttarworo reported to be toboo vvery kind indeed were thp rbferenoss anniversary entertainment and its supcesb bylbe hutheroua visitors present the sunday bervioes were entirely devot ed to the sunday sohool in tho morning the paa tor delivered a very inbtruotive illustrated sermon to the scholars who oobupied the oentre pews his text was isa 1st ohapter and parts of the 16th and 17tti versos cease to do evil learn to do well the bubjeat was presdnted in iangaagesuch as oven tho members of the primary olasses pould understand and the series pf attractive objeat iessbns rendered tbeihoaghtsexpressedvery impressive the afternponseryice was uuiquo all the former- superintendents pf the school who have not passodover the river- exoept twowere present during the fiftythree years slnoe organization the school has bad nine buperlntendents the late alex brown ar the late john speight wh storey eli snyder james moore w p brown b b nelson thos 1 moore and h p moore after a brief review of the lessons of the quarter the old superintendents were- invited to tho platform as they took their places tbeyweregiyen a hearty onaqtauqua 7hafahbpubbsntlses ail its readars to ebb trlbcto to tti la oolutuii ifypu pr your friends aro doing away on a liollday trip or if you havs fronds visiting yon dropa ard to the pmui rmtsa misses magigie and ada ffyfe are home from iaeipli for the holidays j mr robert watson jr of norvai is the guest of obutsolllbrduy tt miss may alsxaodsr of peroh is visiting friends here doripsitrie holldayi miss myrtle matthews is visiting friends in georgetown this week bov andmrs sioliaoblan are visiting relatives iu fergus nd drayton misb leona boloies went to goderioh on monday to spend a couple of weeks mr t n iiw j mli mhnt fir r wpndetfi tmtheoonnnenbe paruhujuai litximctai verkereitiea beyond nedlclnopbaseasea merit jfaswonaelojsvenr in quclph j ixailt jfereajy of last thursday saya ayerjiotereaung and fashionable wtddldg took plabe this afternoon at 8 bolooli when mies maggie gpwdy daugh- rr ofmranammthoagqwdy and mr jecaepk emallralmatr at thb o ijpllfgei wbrer unltediq tho holy wndsofmatrimony place at the residenoewtjae bxides parentsv glasgby btxmrpyttemoa iu quite blairge mrapany of invited guetaby jbey8bsiljjliy bjjii of thepubltav street metbilstchorob assisted by bayh ortffjtaynpldi pi oaedon brother of the grboro the drawlnrobm wb d5tedforthebcoasibnwth pink and white ornaloni the bride ijpked ehaini- card of tha x desire through the fasc pnesb to press my thanks to tho ratepayers who were kind enough in my abaenoe from town on monday to plaon my name again in nornlnatipufor councillor 1 have been a of the counollfor five years and have endeavored faithfully and ponsolent- iously toperlorm the duties plaoed upon i mw never aparing time nor tronbleinmy reffort tpadvnoe the interests of acton i couaider that lhavo now done my whole dotyto the obrpbrallbn and thoreforo have piaoed my withdrawal ib the uapds 0l tho bierkv no desiring agaid to enter acontest i thank the manyfrlends who have atbpd by me daring my term lnpublio office and now wfah avdry pltlzen a happy new tear we suiin aoton deo 98 1807 mlssjollert the bridesmaid wassay attired inpsle bloe india silk trimmed vith oriental laoemlas nettie gowdy thbaewndbrldesmaid was drcased in whu henriotta trlmnted with white obiflob mr bobt obaroourt assistant cbsmlitio a 0 supported the groom thernanyvubablo gifts siowared upon ithe- happy- ybodgbonpie was ample evi ldedcaof tbelrpopolarity mr and mrs beyuoids left on tba fi train for the easi- r leifinmiiitjpme ti3tjts pleasure in y partlonlarsof the ihlmauasdtonbf promh tibrfteemijrftnbtghtorlng ibovetetab editbrns ctrmpsayoj mlla vf araia tptlo jt alsoclookfotsrlps ibbaii abhnf salute by the aoboo brief and interesting addrebses relative to the work of the sbbool during the yearb of thpir oolcial connection and feeling reference to the hallowed ex periences and memorlespf the early diys txnder- thp first two superintendents who have gone to their reward was made by jatpes moore aoton j wjpbrown tor onto aid e enolsou quel phandthoj tmbpre prlnoipal of acton publio suhool aid nelson referred particularly to the wide reputation the school enjoys for its exbellenl order and general ancoest and thoe x moore rehearsed the history of the sqnday soliool movement in amanubr wblob will foave lasting irnprensions upon the minds pf tbesbholars mr brown referred very feelingly to his two daughters the late- miss- jessie brown and miss- mabel who is an invalid and the severance of the ties whioh bound thorn to tho aohool opbn their removal to toronto nine years ago mr j m fernley of brantfordra former seoretary of the sobbot also spoke with interest of the yoars of his member ship in the sohool daringtbe morning and afternoon the abbplarssang parola and- hymns their bxoellent order and attention at bothser- vioes was remarhed in the evening a platform meeting was heldi when the superintendent addressed tho congregation upon the worldwide oharaotor of sunday school wdrk and the pastor upon the obligation of tho home to the sunday soboolrand the sunday school to the homo the congregation manifest d a thobgh tf bl interest in both addresses ytneflosnoial reaultaof the anniversary are very aatibfaotory and in advance of former years apfiuutiumaedbretermeht j as our readers are well aware the jfbw paxsshas always taken apeolal pleasure in noting tie sbecess and advancement of aotons sons and former bitizvns this the bpportuoity of oobgratulatlog bar old friend and ouuisrraato air artbur- xj cameron sonof mrtjennieb oamerori bf rosei pottage iri being elected by aoolama- tion mayor or ibe city of calgary alberta mr cameron tfa for many years been identlnod with oalgary and hor progress and has been a member of the city oouboil p for several yenrsfproni the calgary jsoify herald we learn thai- prior to tlip reoehv oivlcnaiiuttionbareiutsitionslgnedby fifty o the ieadlng oitizens and business presented to mr cameron hewonld allow his name omlnatloo for the mayoral- jdedohe-rerineallapd- ay waa the poly candidate obmipaw wlitreisotibnas mayor of his adopted pity by aobfamatlonthe7eodsayamayot eleot gamoron wm warpjly opngratulated byallpreaenr na niayfrlebd old homo jlll itpopnlftivbla j the m isasvflall evangelist p queldh visiting friends in eranapss this week mr bauer of baden spent a few days this week with bis brptber mr henry bauer mr james and miss sophie coleman spent the holidays with their brother in london fmr james syrapdisf t yeaterjay for tber north west lnthe loleresl o w cairnes dl doofbeirluyv mrs w s smltharrived on christmas eve from new toik and is a goeal at fairviow place mr mbkee of taeiwater spent a oouplo of days this week with bis boa mr j d mokee druggist mr fred seoord arrived home from bookfordi- ill yaaterday morning to spend bia vacation mr and mrs james frame went to gait yesterday to attend tho funeral of mrs frames father j mr edgar jaokson of ibe newmarket era spent a couple of days this week with friends at mooreoroft mr- and mrs h moloan and master loyd of arthnr visited the bonjo of w p oampbbli thla week mr and mrs vatibo returned from manitoba to spend a couple of weeks with her mother and frieadi here mrs hunter audi her little daughter from miobigan are goests at the old home with capt shaw and her mother mr vf t smyth leaves tbls week for nib abnusl trip to the paoiflo ooaat as representative of w d storey 4 sop mr jobp jipltler who has been s laid op with a piinfol asjolioo of one of bis limbs the past six weelia is still unable to resbmework misses florence and adu campbell and thsir bree brotliere stttended the wedding of their nousls miss tbbmpspb atparkdale iastweek mfrrj b oirry rep vf cairnes co glove maiinfaptareraj berlin leaves this morning for halifax he will spend three months in the maritime provincte two baltoo divinity atodents 0 a heavenaud w j braie figured proml nently onthe list of those who- were aqoueuafur at the reoent examination at trinity college toronlo mr t james moore returns to the prin olpalehlp of st qeorjoj sohool al an increase of salary bfffsq per anppm faithfulness and ability are evidently appreojalecl by guelph rord ot educa tion mr wm orswsoii of huntavile writee mrs- grewspn- ii aomawhat better this week and hopes ire entertained of her recovery but owfnit to former ill health we can hardly lell wual wljr be the veeult ot thepresenl illuoas v it is learned by atliipatoh from fergus that g troonduotor solder the well known railway map ad lecturer la so seriously ill thot his iileis despalroa of about six weeks ago fall hsflth failed and he buffered a general brrakiog up of bisayatem the following cltlnns went out pf town to eat their obrltttaas torkoy t j edtnlston to frjas the misses laird to oaelph mr and mrs david ileattie to goelph v ribri sapsr wtabw it pbs sossce merit becarise it onresiot once or fwlco or a htmbufedl tlmaa but in tbonsands and thousand of cases we know it euros absolutely permanently when all others any good whatever we repeat la the best nfacttheone true blood purifier ji j rasii erc nausea indigestion flopas plils iuloiisucsjs5 cents necktlibs slay handkecilefe lblr collars and cuffs combs and brushes whskso fresh crocorlea 1 patesahd fg ffpicoajjjbels essenpes banned goods qurrant8tltej wqiyiiattodrawyouirdtteiitipii to tlio vnat extent uric olioioo of useful and proctical gooch ibr- chraitmas purchn8ingi6ur btorev bos been deaigotited a fairy bowor a sauta ol808polubiv ljihtii iffblilhdesfywe think when ybii soei the beautiful array 6fgoodai ytjn whl prpnpuriceonr display wortbybf theso names deterfoibed to do a very large trade for ohrtetmas we are making bpepibl bor- gain priceofteringh which make the attractions doubty important to ypufin thefollowinyiiet the value inovrylinfajppeal tvyonf self interest to buy here aiiy way come and see for tho iioxtfow days tbe atore is yours to look at and to buy if you like we beg to introduce c lnolles bookseller cuelph he would ask for holiday business from the actpnites fancy cood8book8camea polls and novelties ouii stock and our store leads in prices and pretty things c ii njetles bookseller cuelph and loan co head office toronto ont mr will monabb to southampton missmpgk and miss vlnnlo molaohlan fbwatorlop v mr and mrs thomas e as ton to nasta- gaweya councillor aqd mrs 17 e smith to eden mliia v- thefollowing visitors from a diatanoe spent obrlstrdas with aolpd friends mrbousiabrnitnos mfrsbtijpiiiiio miss mini valtarrottprento matthiijs miss mary mthotijl0pelph v difcb mr charlie tpwb5baluqn dr and svrv4twn hiiligp ftiniihotfliifr mr peroy seoord c buffalo hew ibrkr mr will and mill sadie burns of book- wppd v i min minnie orr was home from grand valley hzy r r aid and mrs- bbmelion and children of gcslph x il v mrand mrs ronald johnson of jphoa- sbiviliivxiv h5v3ix- mr james mills and lilt son hnbert of jatsydga v tii imrand mrs j m feralev arid family oibranora s v hiiwiairtx iap rf v m wjojisteupsii tmrtlti auathbinasitorpntb ji wmdrowntdinthexvev irbile skating oo mmllton fishermen hutiergrantb 1 kbe autboriied ctpitil 500000000 tenyear maturity shares are paid in monthlyinstalments of soci per share for 120 months when payments cease toooo paid in maturity value tioo oo money to loan at s straight loan or repayableln monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb agent aoton s cooper fcakins are well prepared for li having joat opened a flno new stock of cloths specially anlublefor v v winter suitings winter o verooatlrigsrat c we hays aviary fine assortment in all unas binoe obmmenolng butlnesain aoton we h h a fr all po ba the garmentstturned but by ua have given entfte as tiaf action from all standpoints fit atylei prloea and enduring qualities vour patronsge is solicited i akins mainstreet actpn dress ooods r- suto umbrellas gloves i handkerohtefs ii xjntjns i pttrb mamlea lvrilllnary staplea vstpoilemr pot66i olptbing rnroielilnga owtetb- x make yontpnrchagtm from merryohtimab k kx new years wihwoobo bare come today or tomorrow and sif for that por- trait you intend for a new years present unless yon do we may be unable to finish it before the holidays wo are very busy but if you will conic early we can promise superior work on lirne a two jozen photos spni by- mail a photo and 50 ceh ts jarid i ireceive two dozen small f3hotbs address aisfci tho highest price for wheat at the f5ba8 warehouse oatfl aotbn barejbiy station flsoxjit lat satjufri- acton bgcots flour and sbsui feed kinds of feed store fh vfiigir mmi ijtpb oterirjtbbeenptodistiflib salt tourhbjb grada ok breri tree and joaesealerj s patunatfeiijabel aobd ta ksyiiwnftney a tw he desiabbltovattmw matednrnrhryseaisontbeuierbme 4pjriaiiijririjiim allonrartboknaiabtbt ernstonamo or pur- ehusprioerrfuoiloa if ivi r pblaoitrobjd qo rrom a tieadl chatham imtotihurer maple dttycobpeaaoev r t iphitxjps prop chatham oct loth 1897 dear sirs some time agol tnuod bleeding trt the nose ancvt so tbt nothing i could eat won mlllt which was my chief diet alfjrelrjja botflebf ybor 91c tested by one of our best city doctors for con pient 1 was subjected to woalened my stomach litb mo and i could retain nothing but bread and tentbnic and at oncran lid irdprbye u khf mabviperrnanept cure inmylcaset can now partniktof any food no matter novrsaabt apttrwplty sneyafutaelaer strbridpeijenee no distress alter eating v rhaverecomrnended jttbsevbraltjebrileand in every case it has given graudresultc la bottle jot it should be n every npuaehbld r yours yerytrulyi jartlprnetips ands indlgeauon pemajientjy onred r i tlajsdiv dear s1r3 it gives raogreupleasure to state the fact that sloans indlap tonic has caused a most remarkoble change in niy condition for twoyearst lmv suffered from ifldlgratlon and weaknese and not finding re carpe bere one day bfld advised me to tryslbanp indian tonic i did so and hsve used jfout bottles it has made a greit change iu my lift and i can now rest and sleep with se arid comfort ijbelieve sloans indian tonic is the best medicine lb the wbrld i remain ypors very trulyf mrs c pluce for sale by all dealers or address the company at hamllion 25 and 27 wlditam street aielilpbv jv fqrnpur e and solicit the same for the year coming in mp m j every day brings somthing new and attrflctivefors- holidays- this week vve have added a full istockof rib bons newest shades in plain silks handkerchiefs in f lrge varieties table linens table napkins mens tiesr parfe i gloves suspenders etc -v- r 4t4- xmas groceries unequalled new raisinsj cnririitsi tl ney lemon grange and citron igiijg sugars pickles spices figs dates nuts fall ljinjasi j lowest prices in candies best flavors iti l orders leftin purcare will receive prompt attention- to h vils 4siv xi j ik ojyct iih ilea arid lorn- met ijaokets regular as and fsso sacnr aeavtalbmessbouole apd prise as and 7 pleating prioe rrv 5ak jau 1 braver jiisae and rerrm jjafr7rron7w gji fejbeblaelt jaekets regular 10 to ladlea blaolr jaekets regitlur ia to ittm blibrllrbtaok jacks tv regular prloo um tot vibiabulyaoissafaaicjaekat 18j0 to blsarlnrprtos mm eaeb stfeiywvonly iwlsoolbrea j1oth jackets rsrruarrmoee73iijeuarliig prioe 3 eaeb five dnlrriatular 10 tblah clearing at sflqeaelr rvv 1 lire only bit jo to lcdrin at m aaeli nip onlj sub to l75 oloarlng r 8 eaeliv fejswfvcv i fourteen onltorinor prioe s17 tealp-elsar- lhgataseacb vjivlv mefpjlbvmiiibtiibira air nortationa are tb i makes of olbtb- lanrss buolr eolu- anawuk luurt- iolorl jsvcluite la fine beaver or ker- vfl ink uc4 slwanlly trimmed regular ail so sm slearlog at 89 eash iresra- wjs otelearlademiisaebiwvikl tolfc5eelajrlnisiel 7 snd jfflngjiat mb itlnflpebyywaisftii jw rrleefroba ir hn tl r itoeaolitrular swsnpmmei sliuo eapbi lanw color jaovots kersey elptb rasular prloo prise aisjaub taesr beater bats rtsutav prlee iwwjsjeaaeb- j v bats regular vkarfifolearlngatsmaaoh re rsaiaavjaltisilb rassla j keleattotoaaoli- and blrtsregular 85e and one ab reaulartjo olaariop at s9e learlna at 3o aii regular jgasaoo oanii iptwruri abd donnst orowni sjotearinalsajttrritsjo eaeb soo ri6atsan4j0oprtyardreralar 7j and otsarlug at so and jo pas yard rraffiswiltinwrwctji oleiaiidgatwo psariwn ija jfiv obaeked titreubn4rl and green anil iilpk rll 8b0t taffattblriwlffi ragnlag ip ofaaakswki olearldiaf xm olrowxdrio rasflla8ftpisssrlnsxajtftn tv4c lf

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