Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 20, 1898, p. 2

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mklvin in atotouon wodnobtlay 13tu jauuary to mr andmrf win molvln a ion anao at edon million fluudny othjantiiry to mr and mri wiu arno a durbur bltdiiik in nassagitwoyabn vodnoiday 13th january to mr and mrmobu huclilo n son howkbon the bth lino trafalgar on wodnov- jay jauuary jutli to mr and ura frod howes omhih at cruwborw cornorb on tiwilay jaiuitry ihii to mr and mrs- hilwjn crista a tlnufilitur oiuiim cook at llio roslilunoo of tlio brides parents mill stroot atitou ou monday janu ary 10th by hev t w luxfonl tdsoph t grlnna of orowiom ooruori 40 mellu ja jans daughter of jobn cook loiieb- maiiubb on wednesday january 19tl by ltev jamos harrlp at tbo bomo of the brides patents woolwloli itrout george h- ioree of hoeltwood and mags- daugbtor ot goorge markes guelpb h p moore issuer of marrlago lleoiiooa fiieh 1bbhb aoton private otuco tiiokpbon in nassagavwoya on friday 1kb january infant aori or win tliouiirton illtauie in nassagawoya on wwlnowjay 13th january tho infaut son of jouultitchlo onipib at crowsonscornarb aavodudidy 19th january infaup daughter of edwin orlpps she jlctoit jfrc ftes thuksday january 20 1898 notesand comments id the now itisolrenoy law the buslussfl inoe ot the dominion as tor tbo following provision 1st no preferred claims 2nd equitable distribntloo ot anet 3rd reasonabledischarge ojanse 4th dolnfc away wth official assigns tholaw mast bo oompalsbry hod jobn drydea wa renominated on saturday by lbs liberal ot bomb ontario the minister ol agrlonltnro and the minister of edaoatioo eddresisd ibe con vention the former deioribing the atepa tbat bato been taken lo extend the sales of canadian batter in england arid to ira prove iheqaallty of both batter add oheesa in ontario manchester and aaid tbo governor was determined even at tbe oost of war tbat the door of chines cororoeroe ahoald not be shot to great britain the british board of trade returns fur 1807 show that canada has beeu doing fairly well in doing holiness with the old oonntry while imports from all countries inoreased 2 per oent from 1800 the importa from canada inoreased 26 per oent the ohiet increases are wheat 45782000 obeese 700000 batter 105000 eggs 15000 umber 1808000 cattle 187 000 ash 01000 the decreases wheat floor 10000 sheep and jamb 30000 baton 174000 hams 101000 exports to oanadadeorsasednearlyoper oeot- andexports to all ouantrln over 2 percent amended regulations governing placer mining along tbo token rivtr and ils tribatarisa inoloding ths klondike as well as all other parts of the ynkon territory were adopted in tiouooll on stqrdy and trill ke printed ana available in a week or two the main points and most important changes are covered by lbs following summary every miner and employee of a miner will rerjaire to lake oot a miners oertioate the fee for whloh will be 110 tathe case of arjompany it will be iso or 9100 aooording to the amoaot of ospftal block a miners license will confers right to mine flan bant and cnt limber necessary for minibg the report of the lloeoio inspector of the provinoe is the most favorable from a temperanoe standpoint that has ever been presented lo the province of ontario it gives s nnmber of interesting comparisons in 1891 95 the nnmber ot liosnaw waa 8878 in 160506 the nnmber waa 8801 in 189007 tbo nnmber was 8658 in 180s- 05 tbeamodnl of fines oolleoted smoaoted to 172480- in 189s i6970 in 1800 07 hs576l the list ol oornmittments i or drunkenness ismiiob more enoonrsging in 1880 the nnmber was i780 in 1800 4578 in 1801 8cu in 1802 2780 in 180a 865 lp 1riu 1974 in ims 1to7i in 1896 1007 in 1897 1710 the whitby chronicle comes to as with the announcement tbat a new editor and proprietor is at the helm sir b h qrabam who has controlled tbe destinies of the chronicle lor the peel twelve years has disposed of that journal and its bnsi nets to oar former friend and neighbor mr alex h oihbard b a late bead master of georgetown high school the chronicle is a journal whion hasr oeodpied a position of proiriinence in its obnttitnsnoy for the past forty years and enjoys a pres tige conaidersbly in advance of that won by tbe majority of local papers mr oib- bard is a gentleman who will rapidly lake rank among the joarnallstsombeprovlnoo bis high slandlhgaa an ednoationtst his buslnea tact and urbanity of manner will unite to give him personal popularity and the journal be controls nigh handing the fnsv paris oongrstnlates whitby upon lhe addition to its foremoel eitlsens of mr and sirs glbbsrd and family and wishes the new publisher of the chronicle the highest anoeess actons free library the bylaw finally passed by the municipal counoll the councils standino com- mittees prompuy ot sovenjtlilrtyoolook on thursday ovening the iteovo and all tho members of tlio council woro in ihcir aeuts after llio usuul routino ol opening bo gouuoii went inlo committeo of tho whole to blrike tho slondlng oommlttcob for tbo year mr james clark wao moved to tho ohalr and the work of forming committeo was proboeded with tbo committeo subsequently rose and reported tho constitution of tho stooding committees lor the year as follows kinanck john clark ghairmau jamos clark stdkel waik0 ani tank j a murray chairman i francis cbmktkry the keeve chairman james clark fire ahp lionts r francis ohairmanj a murray sotvk nal tho iteeve chairman john clark moved by i francis seconded by john olark that the report of tbo bommilteo standing committees jnst read be adopted carried tbo frao library bylaw oame up for consideration moved by james-clark- seconded hyj a murray that bylaw no to provide for the establishment of a free library in the village ot aotoo tho same having been approved by the electors he now read a seoond and third times and passed rule nineteen of ihib counoil being snspended for suoh pnrpo8e carried the oomposl lion ot iho local board of health waa the next business of the counoil tbe clerk informed the council ss to the members of trie board mr w b seuney was the retiring member moved byirfirenolir8eoonded by j ar murray that w it kenuoy be reappoint ed a member of tbe board of health for the ensuing three years carried thebigbt hon sir miehsel bloke beaob chancellor of the exchequer speaking at swansea monday echoed tbe declaration of mr balfour first lord of the treasury nn the lndlanpplioyoftheoovsrament xhetjoardtotfthe present year willtoh- srqoently be the itoeve the clerk and messrs h p moore bobt wallace and wb eenney tbe appointment of medioal health officer was considered moved by j a murray seconded by i francis that dr a s elliott be and is hereby appointed medical health oflloer tor the year 1808 and the salary for tbo same be fifteen dollars carried tbe provisions of the existing traneieht traders by law and their relation to boda tide merchants opening up business in aoton were discussed it was finally deoided to confer with the mnniaipal solio- itor upon the matter counoil adjonrnedto moot on monday rening72sth idst and every two weeks thereafter at 8 oclock localboard of health every precaution taken to prevent spread of contagious diseases the members of the local board of health met laat friday for organization and lb take action for ensuring the contin uance of healthy and sanitary conditions of the town during the past week or bo there has been some nnoaeioesa oh the part of parents owing to the appearance of scarlst fever lo two families in town tbe board of health baa tsken strong preoan- lions to prevent the spread of the disease aod they have the asburahce of the medical health officer tbat theso precautions abonid allay ll apprehensions as every thing possible is being done in the interests of tbe public safety the members of tbo board were all present w it eenney robert wallace ii p moore w h storey and thos t moore also tho officers of the bosrd dr elliott medical health officer and r d qrabam sanitary inspector the organizatibnof the board was pro ceeded with thoa t moore clerk occu pying the ohair moved by h p moore seconded by ilcberiwallacs tbat w h storey reeve ol tbe municipality be appointed chair- killed on the track left auelph drunk and was pound dead at 8ohaw last friday morning the section foreman ol the cpb found on the trok one mile west of scbaw station tbe dead body of a man who bad evidently been slronk snd killed by some train dnrlog the night it jiiras snbseqnently asosrlalned from papers on his person that he belonged lo tara or neighborhood he left qoelpb on lbs s8 pm train thursday bound for bohaw station from wbiob plioe be intend ed lowalk to lesllos he w onder tbe i uf llquur the uu i bim asfely on board a westbound opr train he got off at sobaw evidently and was making bis way along the track in tbe mfstyvestber when lie was straok his money was still in hi pocket so there is no soapicion of foal lay in all rallwajr deaths however it is naoal lo hold an snqnlry so tbat conmty crown attornsy jgajmrajn held an innoest h friends removed the body to tara on saturday man of tbe hoard for tho presont year carried the medical health officer was consult ed as to the best methods of action to avoid any spread of contagious diseases he assured tbe board that the action taken by ibem snd the precautions recom mended to be pursued in tbe home where any diseases oooor were satisfactory and auder these- oirodmetauoos there wooid be little danger of ihe spread of any contagion moved by h p moore secondod by w b eenney that it be an instruction lo tbo sanitary inspector to attend eomplaiuts of ndisanecs requiring those against whom complaints have been made to cleanse and deodorize their premises forthwith that on or about tbe 10th of may a osrefnj in spection of all premises within the limits of the municipality be made and that between the 1st of may and 1st september be make semimonthly inspection of the slaughter houses supplying the meat sold in the municipality carried the board then- adjourned to meet at ths oall of ibe chairman farmers institutes tho annual report of superinten dent hodsonvaluabte to farmers- if any proof woro needod of tho groat improvement which has taken plaoo in every department of agrioukuru in outer io7duihgtiirfmttuwyoafii it would lis found in a oqmparisoti of tbo roport of tlio superiutendoutof farmora institutes ol tliid provinco jmt isduel with u report ol agricultnro twenty i oars ugo tho roport in qucbtioh ib a most oxcollont one cover ing all departments of farming- and is without doubt llio best and most practical publication printe hy l o d ment ol agriculmro tho grouud covered by tbe farmers instituto eystem is now generally known it aims to provido a common meeting ground for all classes of agriculturists and in order to suit all the different brunches of farming thu nioetinus are mado of a varied character to the president of tlie ontario agricultural collegols doe the honor o inallgunuinn end organining tho hmtrnbtituiaitjieyurelho jircot auk come of the work oarrieil obi at gublpb beiug an sttirhpt lo give the agrionuural community the bclieht of the results of tbe work done there the growing impbrtanoo of tho institute sivbtem eoon made it apparent tbateuaoos- fullyas it had been couduoted from the collego iu order to produce tlio best rcbalte it wbb nccessory to put it under the oaro of-sn-ouorgoilu- roiiiiwho oould dovoto all his time to it this wag dono in 1801 and tho minister of agrledltnre select ed as tbe first auperlnteniteur mr f w hodson who lias eliown special capabili ties for tho work required thai fully justifying tfio ministers selcotlon the attendance at tho looal instituto meetings during tbo past year has been moat encouraging in 188s tho first year of institute work iu ontario 12 meetings were held end 2808 porsons attended the sessions last season 050 meotings were hold and 125177 persons attended whilo kvt on sgriouljural topics wore delivered and 16453 persons paid their memberahip fees during the pre vious season a moat successful one 103461 perhons nltiiilool the meetings 27037 addresses were delivered and the total membership was 12384 the inorease all around lastyear over tho year previous is thus very pronounced the average atten dance per meeting has beon about 400 whilo at somo it baa ran as hlgb an 1200 to south waterloo bolonga tho credit bl having the largest membership 465 in all its nearest competitor being north hast ings with 800 members ah iotereating feature ot tho present report is that it con tains the first report of the first womens instituto formed in ontario it is in con nection with tho south wentworth insti tute and promises to be the forerunner of several others a most gratifying faot in connection with tbeexoeilent work dono by the insti tutes 1b that it is carried out at snob a trilling cobt to the community and with such moderate grants from tbe govern ment the results are therefore all the moro satisfactory and particularly so inasmuoh ub the benefits are farreaching nofttbeing confined lo members of tho- the institato only any one- can attend the meetings while a copy of tbo annual report of tbe superintendont whioh containatho oreamot all the papers read at the varibns meotings can be obtained from tbe secretaries of the looal iostitntos the paperb in the report to band aro most conveniently arranged under the several departments of tho farm new and important branches of farming treated of in this report arc forestry and fiab culture in the latter department there are artiolea by threo canadian spec ialists dr g a mocalluro chairrnan of tbe ontario game and fish commission prof e- e prinae general inspebtor of fisheries for canada and edward harris port dover the total nnmber of pages in thoreport is 280 and of these 240 are devoted to selected papers on arm snbjoots every one who has not received a oppy of this report should apply for one at once to tbo department cf agrioouuro at toronto and also beoomo a member of the looal members calendar comments kind words by a number of our friends and confreres manitobas prosperous year no other country in the world where farmers have done so well wnnirmi- jan 14 in his retiring address at the annual meeting of ihe grain exchange president n bawlf stated thai there was not andlher place in america where the farmers nad prospered to such an extent as had last year tboso of mani toba he also said thai during the year there had been a very large inorease in the cspscily of tbe elevators for handling grain from farmers and there was no grain pro- daolog country in the world today ibetter eq n f lb r l aud rhrgi invl ship k- tub onta w crop a well known milter in ontario who bsllsrss he has better faollities for arriving at obnolaaioqs on the orop qcestion thin lbs gofenimsn gives it as his opinion ibal ontario raised a orop of over 48000000 bushela ta 1807- oonsoqoenlly thlsjpmdm sappiyi lb british msrkst with floor tbn hippin of sraln tun mdjobm id 1807 17000000 bnibeli of wbtml wara ibfppd from port williim of which 12038000 went for export 11000000 going vi fiafftlo iho balk of u jd amerioad bottoms only 8000000 batholi foand ttt way to tbo jeaboard vlft montreal mr bawlf alio drew atlootlon to tbo iotereit- log ftot that thbre waa double the amannt a loyal and artiatio calendar lias been received from tbe aoton fazs pjiebb office wbioh la worthy of notice newraarfaet tira we aro pleaaod to acknowledge tbe receipt of an attractive calendar from onr friopd brer moore of tho aoton fnxa pbebs waterloo chronicle one of the prettieat calendars for lflqs we have received comdb from tlio ofiiao of the aoton fbee pdesh it u a fl no apeoif men of printing stayner is the aoton fuse pbesb ie dfatrlbatlng very handtome caloudara for 1898 among its 8aboribe and has been bind enoagb to lend oil a to the champion milton cham- plon tho aoton fukk fossa a newspaper and printing offlae noted for the exoellenoe pf its work has loaned s very heat calendar for 1898 the grand old british flag show ing oat in bold relief on tbe design oril- lia times thanks for the calendar you aeot me tho other day 1 think lustbo best that the fske pnehfl has got oot for some time and i gness the boat that it has ever printed the flag is especially appt-opri- ate this year o h m toronto the aoton fnab pjifess is nothing if not enterprising the calendar this year is one of tbe most artiato we have seen thofr efforts on this oooasioneven oulsbln- ing those of prevlons years wo have to thank mr h p moore tbe enterprising editor for a copy of the calendar alex the plebiscite vote walton prohibition association pro- pared to so into the contest for victory with thorough organization xba county prohibition associatlon- veliioh liaa for itn oljoot tbo oonoeittration ot tho itforts of lomperauoo workers in hit i ton ard by- oimbinution aud co oper ation ijiory snitable way to pwrnoto tho auudc of temperauoo and tlio uboliiion bt tho liquor traffic met in annual convention at milton on tncaday there was a very gdcouriikuk attendance workers being piano nt from nearly all ncotiona of tbo county provident robortaon occupied ihe chair atlcr a brief review of the work of the fthfnotuuon in tbe past uud especially in tho mutter of tlio reduction of jicenees last yomr the uluotion of offlctri for 1898 was called for the result waa us folio wh proaident tr v robertson lac vibofrefl david etartloy and vicetree johnabn harrtbou 8qarotaryiw j armstrong abbe sep mjjb uoiliorakoa treaburer geo wooding obttplaln rv u a muopherbon executive milton 1 f earl aoton h p uoore gebrget6wph tv ken nedy b a qjkville- w ix young bqrlinjjton e11 cleaver trafalgar h w cook nelson arthur newell eaqpes- ing q p preatonj jfaaaaraweyaj thomas moore j -the- ooanty presidentbnd the proaident and seoretury of tbe wottjs of iho county and revg dw snldor a mauaffy and mr r white milton aserles of pablio meet i orb will be held tbrongboat the ooanty during the wipter moqtbp and ab the time approaches for the vote on the plebieoito o vigorous and well orgmized campaign will be eneaged in the convention protested againbt the addition of any rider whatever to the eimplo queation to be aubmitted to tho eleotoraof the dominion and will add their request to tho many others being submit- ed to tbe government to make tbe ballot to bo used plainly and eimply thin s5 ws 5 yes x no an inpuential committeo was appointed to recommend names to the govern ment for appointment npqn the board of license ooinmlssionera for 1898 another convention will booalled by tbe preside nt early iu the spring a lumb life constantuy exposed to in clement weather he falls an easy victim to rheuma tism and kindred troubieaa twenty years sufferer tells hgmrvkepoundrleorsen promtboltlobtbuoto n b bovlow mr vjm murray of cprmierbville n b ia an old and rebpeoted farmer and a pioneer settlor of the thriving little village be now rriabee bis home while mr mur ray was yet a young man he together with his father and brother founded one of tho beat mill properties to bo seen in tboaa early days the mills consisted of a sawmill and rribtmll and were operated and managed by the two brothers labor saving appliances being then comparative ly unknown theyouqg men were ejtpbafld to dangers snd dtffioultiea almost unknown to the present generation one of the great est ovlls la aonneotion with the business was exposure to wet and oold which thonfih unheeded at the time have crippled us victim with rheumatism in a late oonvorsation regarding his disease mr murray told tho following story of lis lontt misery and ilnal cure by the use of dr williaraapink puu for over twenty years i have been a suffer from rheum a mens i attribute the cause of the dieeise the right house ciiier of kingjiiid finghson streetehainiitpjih l january saue great special offering of mantles and mantle cloths lad i en moluaa cloth ulatora xtwlx ootacbablo cape waterproof uar prlco 1200 cluarlnu at3j0o ladioa colored hoavqr cloth jackotd regular 813 0d to 61 j 00 ilk llbod regular 41400 to rcnular prlco 1200 cluarlnu at3j0ou ladioa colored hoavqr clc oleariur at ys00 each lfttllob colored uoaver cloth jacketfl 82000 oloarlnrrat hoo each ladloa tilack jaohota rcjiular inlcorom 6500 to h700 cl oaring at 300 eaoh ladies black jnoriotb rortiari7ix to 4900 clcarlnp at 44 oaeli ladies ulack jaflriotb nilrj lluodroular 61200 to 61700 cloariuu at760 6acl two only ladlobt blaok beavoc- cloth capoa appllquo trim mod silk llnodiogular prlco 41573 clrlcifat 6h0o naoli four ouly ladles- bcalotto jaokete qulltod satin lined storm collar regular 6100 oloarifig at rfuqq clitldreub uletora in twootl- fxlcec or boavor detachable capes rorular 60 olearlns at 4300 rjhutar 4475 to 6350 clearing at 4fi0 regular 750 for 6s00j rogrflur b875 for8500 mjbaes latere la friozo cloth lotaoliablo aapoe regdlar 49 co olearlng at jt300 fi4lnoli brown boater ci o til reaular 4200 clearlns at 4150 54 in oh reaver cloths in brown navy and fawn suitablo or ineiia ot boyt wear rogultar price 4200 clearing at 6173 06iuob navy boavorauiuiilo for mens overcoat reoular nrloo- 4300 clearing at 6233 coinch navy pebble olotb iui table for mons or boys woar roc- ular price esju elearidg at t8o0 64inch govert coating sultablo for ladiob ooatuinea ronalar 6300 clearing at 100 6linojj covert coatldgbroira or fawn suitable for moai ovor coats regular f3aff clearing bt 6103 fllincl biadk covert coatlng regular 422 oloariog at 685 mlnob navy sorgo suitablb for boya wear regular prico 6173 faring at tfim oloarlni 60o regular the kight house jan i8tti 1898 c4 inoli blaok jersey clotb regular nrloo 4133 olcariua at ttwjncl fancy- tweod suitable for childrens ulitera r 6135 olearlugatsso hlnablteverslblotwoorlaresalarrrloe 4300 clearing at 600 izp be rogula 7j0 clearing at 4800 regular l 41100 oleaiing at 9800 after the gliristmas holidays 9 quiet times and dull trade not at all we will start a trade invito rat or on saturday the 8th instant n great winter clearinksale and all our sales byo been successful why because first goods are as represeated second at the close 01 the season we mark down surplus stdcrc lo prices hat effectively empty the shelves third no rubbiahy stuff is ever imported whereby a cheap show may be made but our regular stock is reduced so as to crowd the store with buyers while the sale lasts when the season is about ended we consider it iflgitirnite business to thus dispose of surplus stock and it tends to confirm the esteem and goodwill of our customers which we hope lo maintain as heretofore our present sale wc expect will bo a record breaker we are not sending out patent dodgers and as it is manifestly impossible to enumerate every arllclfl in a newspaper advertisement we earnestly request your presence as early as possible a few ines ofspecial value are hereunder quoted but remember all goods can be had at a big reduction from regular prices pine hlolass tailorlng- there is an unmistakable indivlduality about our clothing hat stamps tbes wearer as welldressed we have a number of fall and winter suitings overcoatings trouserings etc to be cleared out at cost to make room for spring impoxiations now is the time to get the best at ajic clos est prices fit sty and finish gua rantecd ladies dress costumes worth 800 and 8600 for 8400 ladies dress costuuies worth 87 oo and 8800 for 8500 heavy velour cloths in black brown navy blue and myrtle green 125 or goc heavyvelojirclothsin black brown navybiue and myrttegreen ioo ttor 65c a great variety of fancy dress goods in nil colorings worth 6c for 45c per yd persian lamb caperines with frilled muffs to match worth 82500 for 81750 black astrachan caperines silver lama trimmed worth 82000 for 81500 girls grey persian lamb tam-oshan- ters worth 8500 for 8330 ladies muffs in all furs from 75c up ladies all wool vests worth 35c for 20c ladies all wool vests worth 40c for 25c ladies all wool vests worth 75c for 50c ladies nil wool vests worth 8100 for 75c ladies all wool vests worth 8 125 for 90c boys 2 piece ready made suits worth 8225 for i-75- boys 2 piece ready madesuitsworth 8300 for 8200 boys 2 piece ready made suits worth 8350 for 8250 boys 2 piece ready made suits worth 85 00 for 83-50- youths 3 piece ready nude suits worlh 835 for 275- ycbths 3 piece ready made suits worth 8400 for 8325- youths 3 piece ready made suits worth 8450 for 83-50- youths 3 piece ready made suits worth 85 00 for 83-73- only p few mens and boys overcoats left but they will be sold out regardless of cost a snap for somebody t irge goat robe 81250 for 8800 1 astrachan buffalo kobe large size 81600 for 8x000 we will give you a hearty wet come 10 come and inspect our goods and see what a slaughter we have made in prices you will s realize it the terrific cut we liave made in all lines of goods we will always give the hlghea price for butter and eggs just the same as cash to us wargain day every day dress goods furs and ladies goofe fine hieh class tailoring ready- towear cloffiiiij ste gibson millkf qo hobblock3ijtinst ccr0tb5tfn or srhsal shipped from fort wllllatn last ysar than from lbs port of montreal of aboot 6000000 bnsbsls of wheal of the 1b97 orop iaarjeotscl bars op to deosrobar 81st m15 per oent was no i hsrd tbs conservallfss of peel have nominal- ed mr billiard cameron of toronto to oontstl ths rldlnsj wltb mr jobn smith m p p of th 109 ohnrohes io toronto 48 sra angllosn oonrebatloris 43 sremtthoillat 81 prssbjtrsb3p daptlsi ft boirjan oalbollp afldil othsr asnomlpatloris ll from tinjiiluln andrltv afcwn many kind things havo been ald reflpeot- inft the fitex iiibss calendar honed thli year but from a loohniciil standpoint wo appreciate most highly he following from one of the best printers in nova scotfa allow me tp oonratalate you opon your beantlfnl calendar it fa certainly a thing of beauty by tho way did yon get it up or did aom jthoflphiooffioeexeoueit ed at pur mills in the winter we would haul logrj on the pond where the alternate thrjsws and froata of early spring would imbed them in bdow and ice whon the time oame for btartfng ap the mill i woaldgo out on tbe pond eometiraes in water up to my knees apd wqrk away from mornlug tlfl night ohopping loga out of the eluahand loo i waa generally wet from head lo foot and every eeoond night of the week i would without changing- my clothes stay ap and ran the mill till day break so you see i was for two day at a time id a bait pf partially wet olothoa and this would laat till the toe bid melted id the pend after a few years rheamatiam futeiied itself upon me oa a reward for this indiscretion and ever increasing in ita malignity it at uat became ao bad that for weoko in auooeaaion i oonld only go along with the aid of oratohes at other llmpfl i was able to hobble abbot tbe lipase by tbo aid of two canes and again at ouior times it would easo off a little and i was able to do a little work but oould never stand ft more than a couple of boars at a time the leant bit of walking in damp weatbar would overcome me and i remember one stormy night when i tried to walk from opoagane bridge to my home adlatanceof five mile that i had to ait down by tbo roadside six times to eaae thb terrible pain that bad alezed my jegtf dariog all those years ot agony i think 1 tried all the patent medioinoa i oould get hold of bat they did me no good t all i oodbaked dootora bat my a offer fufia remainod andlmlolbbed in the fall of 1805 1 weot to a doe tor in baotouohe to fee if there were any means by which i might at leait bo eased of my snfforidga tbe doctor said frankly mr murray you u eurutl lit thing can on re yon ii m positively caccawyiliesi uttlo pills they also relievo distress from dysptfjln tridlgcstlon and too hcdrty eating pcr feet remedy for dizziness nausea darmrsi ness sad taste in the mouth boated tongue pain in the side torpid ijver tliey regulate the bowels purely vegetable mall pill small das9 small price substitution tho fraud of the day see you get carters ask for carters insist and deifiand carters little liver pilk tll3 average box usually knows how to kick and stamp out his shoes in very quick order just now in the language of the boy himself we have got the preparatory to stocktaking we offer special inducements in the following lines wool blankets flannelette blankets underwear dress tweeds flannelettes hosiery oloves and general winter needs we invite your inspection mill st acton s ilrto adbcrtisrmrntb wanted tkdustiiiouhiiiiiii or character tnp risscott cojlian v f crouto out wanted an oxporliincud oanvuhi njipoliit iirtonls no itt oxpotibm tatttr- titkti liadii y qaiuikt co lluiltud toronto to travul ntnl bsiliih hulury wantjed solioil0118 for oniiada an encyolopndla ot tbo couutrymn kivo itoyal quarto vol- uuiob no tlelivorlng cqmnilaalon paid weak ly a canvnsaor roporta ilia llrst wtiok msttilor over sovonty dollars prollt agejvts sell klondike cold fields like a whirlwind lrosneotue sj coiiib worth al big pay capitol uuueoonoary thsbadtieydaltketfionc07xiiriitod toronto wanted active acont to haitdlo tlio paly remedy en oartli tuot itillb the gorm of llalducss qrowabalr on any tjalcllioad on eartli dn wuitkh new hanignoweli coy j8 staloxlb bt biodtreal jiookye we have for sale desiuaiile bullilinj iota in aoton- two in gooka sarvoy aud two m smiths surrey fenood and in rood nuapo tuoy aro offqrod at abarfialnllpurcliaacdmiiqedlatoly- t o uoobb son wanted agents both men and women if you aro wiihur to work we can give yon em plpyment with good pay and you can work all or part time and at homo or travoluir tho work la light and easy write at onoa for terms etc to the hawks nor3e by company roohester ny if you are energetic and strong if you aro abdvo foollah projndlco agalnot can- tflastmjoruood boolt ney do coed things for you if you aro honorable and will wrk bard t 8 hn8cott toronto wanted canvassers queen victoria hor life and hcigd bo oapturod tlio british empire eztraordld- ary teatimonlalb from tbo groat mon eend for oopy free marquis of lorno bays tbo beat popolar llfo ol tbo quoonl have aoon bar majesty aends a kind latter of appreciation soiling by thousands gives entbnalaatlo satlar faction canvassers niako 815 to 010 wookly tbe bltadleygarrutson co limited toronto evwlee teacher of piano and organ will form classes in handshaping exer cises in acton on thursday january 20th pupils will be examined at the end of the term for terms and pajticulnrsjipply io- mrs d smith main st acton wanited agents in every district on tho continent to take orders for blr cftna ftfdft nry stock and ooeda xiargest nd most complete aasortment in tbe trade fast soiling pecul- tlea- aoperb samples farnhbed froe oorrea- pondenco in any langnafic theso positions are money makers and territory sboqld be seonrad at onoe for tbo season by all hustlers looking for i interest abyono not earnlni year get in oommnnlcatlon wit offlce 100000 per oar nearest an opportnnity to reprebentavelloatabllabed bouse ability more important than experience luke brothers company international nurseries chicago iu- montreal quo roohostor n y waited men to sell xbr to rohthill jfavseriea over700 acres or caoatuaa crown sioclc we import no stock from the state iparmeits farmorasona imnlamsnt aganta btudedtatoaobors retired ministers boer sotio claras who wlsli to make advancement nd tho work of aoillnff our hardy home orovmnurssry stock ploaaantas well as profitable wa want mora sneh men tills season as tbe demand for our cooda 1 lnoreaslng owing to tbo tact that wo guaranteo all our a took free from ban jose soals wo mko contracts for wbolo or part time men employment tho yoar round we pay both aalarv and commission writo uaforonrterms outfit froo toronto stone awbluwcrtow ontario i saoald hko to get one oat somo lime just like it so please let mo know wishing yoa mnob saocess albort penals new aiasgow n 8 cure your8elf of bheu- matism the applldatlon of herillae nerve pain ouro whtoh possois snob manellons power 0er air nere pairi bait jprotred rernarkable siloeess in risnmatlm and nsnralgla ynsrvlllne aots op the nwves soothes thstn drifts psln6tilaso gls relief cy it ii4birtiflsyf i was not satisfied and then i determined to try hi williams pink fills j proonred bait a dozen fioxos and bsgan taking tbem at onoe i oon tell aobange for the better and after my apply had been finished i got another half dozen boxes and oontfnned taking tham ooordlrg lodlreotions tbat dozen boies was all 1 took and yon sse me now i alive and imart anrlcau do any kind of work i did my farming this spring and i oonld follow tbo plough for days without feeling any rheumatic pains yei dr williams pink pills did me a world of nood and i strongly recommend lhm for the cure of rheumatism dr williams pink pills create new blood bolld op the nerves andl thus drive disease from the system in hundreds of oases iboy bavu uuruj atur allother modi- olued bid failed tlinavestablisbiog the claim that they are a marvel among the i the triumphs of modern raedloal solenoe ihsgoiaie rink pills are sold only in ltiffnii fnli r1hiltri oir bulge on him in tho shnpo of a stock of shoes that for wearing qualities cannot bo beaten and the prico is very low we havo not forgotten the older heads either having put in a large and varied slock to suit nil require ments and all purses como in and see em satisfaction or yotjrmo mortgage sale of house lot ik the village op aoton ronmant to tbo power of sale contained in coraln indonturoof mortgage made hy duncan a grant and his wlfo for tbo purpose of baring her dowort wlilch mortcmo will b producod at tbe sate tboro will bo oflerod fortoalo by pab lio auoutm on tho promises on friday tho 2sth day of jan next attheboarof ono oolook ptn tho following property vlt lotnnmbor 23 in jam 01 youngs survey of part of the vlllago of aoton as laid down on tho registered plan of said burvoy on tbo premises is a good kratna hoaso con- tainlng a rooms tboro is a garden and hard and toft water on tbo premises this property is in a very dnulrable locality situated on ioel street near tbe grand trunk station tbla property will bo sold subjoot to a mort gage for 833000 to tbo canadian motu loan and investment company this mortgafto baa about years to ron jtavoiodta monthlv this mortgage may bo paid off if desired by the pur chaser termh of 8atetfli par cent on tho day of sale balance in two weeks t for furtbbr particulars apply to wtf hembtiteet moleam a mclran auetlbuoor vendors solloltors dated tbo 19th day of january 1808 in accordance with pur advertise ments to guarantee our workmanship to the fullest ext nnfl in vwry particular and as an evidence that the guarantee card which you will find in the pockets of shoreys gar ments means what it says if you are wearing wwilliams the old reliable iiool and shoo dealer mill st aoton s iipm1ln88 college ltiit iortlundjivrjewriting and tnioffle- work a specially shorth irclrculara asabp prlcoipai s ready-to- wear clothing and do not find it perfectly satisfactory in every particular and will communicate yorir complaints to us we will see that yon are satisfied or your money refunded vmlmnisi dmytowar of ftlpntreal fslnv carefully airs lifiatelies quelph

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