r me bank of hamilton head0j1fi0e hamilton capital all paid up 1 250d0000 reserve fund 72500000 rotalaeeete79 noulytuil millions ol dollars board op directors onnstuaut a q 1umhay 2rosiaont vloo1rubldont iko hoicu jaun 1aoorpn a t wood a b lee toronto wu giubon mp tubnubll omulor hbbtevenaatcobuior h m watbon iusfioclor the hews at home ceorcetow1m agency a general banking business transacted notes of responsible farmers discounted and special attention given to the collection of sale notes and commercial paper enerally v dcafu issued- payable at all principal points in canada and united states drafts on great britain bought and sold savings department deposits of 8 1 and upwards received interest allowed at current rates and added to principal every year whether pass-book- is brought in or not special deposit receipts issued for largo sums j p bell agent geprgetown ont alarm clocks a very useful article to have in yourroorri these dark mornings we carry the largest stock headquarters for wedding and birthday presents j2 rogers knives forks and spoons geo hynds jewelery and stationery store acton qnx is pappr and you will boo how your auuscrlp- uon stands keoow promptly it will confer a favor it xttvl vez mi5 xhubsdat jandaky 20 1898 little local brieflets which caught the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week success depends upon a liberal patrotl- ro of printing offices john jacob astor s the week of prayer will be obsorvod in knox church next week rev a blair b a will as in at tbo pastor the flrbt auttings uf the fourth division court foctsflsheld last wedoes- day had theiargeat dobket for several years eeti uebing tis wiser than bitting do sndsighinnnnlwktcblnb andwatt ing the tide in lifes earnest battle they only prevail who daily marob ouward and never gay fail thlteleven bblock train on thuraday morning decapitated a dog belonging to a resident n the east end the canine at tempted to cross the traok when the train was in motion the property ol dunoau a grunt on veel street who left town between tvodays several weeks ago is advertised for sale to satisfy a mortgage held by tbo oanadiao mntnal loan and investment co a special gospel service will be bold in the- disciples obaroh tomorrow evening at 780 banday mornfdg sobjeot the care of trouble eveuiog tbo natural man tho spiritual man and the two natures inone man a kindly spirit of cbriatiaa fellowship was that manifested iu the fervent petition for the snocess of the epeciil services in the methodist oburcb given utterance by key h a maopheraoq in his evening praytir in knox church last sabbath mobtly of a local character and evorv item interesting to nominate n hlbornl candidate a convention of the liberals of hultou for tlio n6ruliitlion6f atoandidaiofor tlief looiil legislature will bo hold in tho town htftttirhuonqn thursday afternoou tho 27th inst at oua ooloak sharp at two oclock the meeting will bo addressed by the iloii hit davis provincial secretary onlzv ilias civic salaries at tbo last uieotiug of oakvillo gounoil u bylaw appoinliug the municipal officers was pabflcdtho appointments and bftlarieo bciugaa follows w s davis clerk 20o tbos howartb treasurer 9100 g j buroner constublo etc 8475 w a ferrab assessor 875 dr williams mod- ioal health ofticor 910 dahoruluji cattle last ibureday mcaere qbas davidson n f lindsay and g and a mcdonald had their bords of cuttlo dehorneavwith the laieat improved mathed by mr allan mo- doiiaulyi3 isrin itwaa performed in tbo prceouco of a number- of prominent farmsra and they were all of the opinion that dr mcdoould was tin expert at the buainoaa f now tenton weigh scaicti v 0 conlraotorlawaou put in lat week for mr john mcqueen a new eet of wilsons weiyli sortlea at his scale bbed corner mill and wilbur streets they hsje a capacity of 20000 pbuii3sand were neoeeflary for the business of of beardmore it co and the aaton tanning co who do their bulk weighing there the new bet is in fine working order and will no doubt give every satisfaction thunder uvd hhtninin january roinarkablo indeed was the heavy -thuuderstttrm-fc-ttendiog- the january thaw labt wodneeday night the lightning was unusually vivid and the thunder severe for fully au hour the eleotrio ourront flashed across tbo heavens the thunder pealed and tho rain fell in torrents the observatory at toronto records lightning in january in 1673 and in 1682 but no tbundor seldom say old weather obaery- etbrtro webavo thunder in january neighborhood news news items supplied bv corres- pondents and exchanges limehouse sinoatlio lobtruotivollro which unuihi- fated tho long established woolen business of john new ton a bon about uvu years ogo this villogo bus bocn freo from tires yesterday morning howovor the devouring flumes ligniu viaited us about two oclock tho store and rcuidouoe occupied by n brown were totally destroyed ttfb origin of tbo fire is unknown tho buildings belonged to jolin lambert guolpb both tho stock and buildings wero inaured coming and going visitors to and prom aoton and varlousother pereonanotes farwcrbiaatitutc meeting in acton fresidodt j l- warren and tho local oommittoo are completing arrangements for a meeting of ii niton farmers inetitate to be jield in ac i on on friday lltb february in addition lo local talent tho following gentlemen from a distanbe will speak thomas mcmillan seafortbon breeding aud feeding of beef cattle and making our way ia life w w hilborn of learninfjton on injurious fuseats and diseasos and ornamental trees and shrubs for tbo farm and how to care for them the eveuiog session will be of a popular obaraoter each as can be enjoyed by citizens as well as farmers the sub jects have been selected with this in view and they will lie interspersed with music and other attractive features a new slfucliorf falce ah ingenious swindler ia doing the country with a scheme that u decidedly to bis own benefit but injurious- to bis victims his plan of operations whioh oan be toatjflod to by a quoen street lady is b milton messrs g e mcoruney aud j f little aro the municipal auditors for this year the town counoild atauding committees for tho yeur tmvo been appointed as follows finance deacon b lnematreet earl waterworks armstrong bastedo lijarl alexander somervillr streets add sidewalkapeacock bas- tedo b l hematreet light somorville alexundtt mbdoy- ell town iili g a v ilenntreef arm- btron peacock printing and contingencie8tbisiodo g- a hematreet somerville folico and public morali alexander mcdowell armstrong special commuuioat tons karl g a hematreet deacon at tha preparatory service in- tho pres byteriau church at which buv mr maapberson of acton uddrosscd tho aau gregatioa forty now members were recti vod as a result of the recent npeciul servicea jiefurmei nassacaweya tho regular monthly mooting of the womens minsion cirolo of thokhenezer church waa held lust sunday cveuiug there was an oxcellent progrummo tiyen wbioh waa highly uppreoiutod by the largo orowdwhqhcardit i bomo murmer when the bky 1b clear and wholly bright to view if but one spot of dark appear in their great heaven of blue and dome with thankful joy aro filled if but one streak of light one ray of gods good mercy gild tbo darkness of their night a- letter from an old subscriber in florida says a remit for another year for your welcome weekly visitor tho fiibe pbkss it seems to us like a letter from hpme and arrives at dur horoerhero in florids regularfy every mftoay morning thejuneral of the late mrs jeremiah b arrows lastthnrsday was attended by a large dumber of friends and neighbors messrs w n storey john kenny fir thomas eaatou and w p campbell acted as bearers and rev j k godden w ait oobduotcd the eervice mr j j- lawson han secured jbo right for the rnandrdotore and sale of a hew clothes reel very neat and convenient it will simplify the work oftbe housewife can be used where tbeto is not suffiaieut apaoe for the old fashioned clothes linos and will be a very durable and useful adjunct to tho homo in order to introduce the fbkk pitkbs a to new homes we are from week to week sending oak numbers of sample copies weoard itk for the paper a caret pi perufat and if it meets your idea bt a iooal family newspaper we will be pleased to enter your name upon our lists upon recefp of 1100 for yeaca fiubecription n monday eveniog last miss warren received a very pleasadt sarprlae when her sabbath flohool olass visited ber and pro- vented her with a handsome teachers bible this thoughtful klndnsss is muob appre ciated by her tha scholars spent a oouplo of lobre very pleasantly in entertaining and being entertained at her borne on mill street j m your local papfr has trod on yonr toes a little in performing its mission dont get yonr back up and abuse tho editor but atop and take a long breath think for a season and see if you cant remember some kindness it has shown yon in the past then reflect that it may not be long anfra favor agafn think a- moment if news from yonr neighborhood does not appear regularly in the fsbh idbss sit down and write it up yourself our present correspondents are doing good work lor their fronds and especially for those who have moved away from home and ibpg for news of their old neighbors dont forget thsm hundreds of them all dverthe dominion ftnd the united states read the fnss tums ii is like a beneujiotion to get a bright newfy letter from bo evary sek fodkp an i o u for nearly three ltiudrod dollar p if loier will call and pay for jnpllce he will got it from mrs spfoord follows a ferw days ago tbe man came to tbo door of tho qoeeo street home and engngod a room and board offering to pay for a week ia advance if tbe landlady could change a ton dollar bill the necessary change was beourod and given him and the new boarder wont ont for a walk and perhaps ho is walking yet for he never came back no he never came back upon investigation it waa discovered that the 810 bill bo left for his board wis only a 91 bill raised to a ten by paatiog on a cipher thus for one dollar be would receive about seven in change keep your eye open for him- berlin neicfi record ilalton sntibntli school convention the programme for the ilalton sunday school asbociationd convention to be held at oakvillo on february 3rd and 4th has been issued it contains a good selection of eubjeots that will ho doubt make tbe con- yeutioo interesting here are the names of outsiderd who are to tako part bevs j fenneji 0 o langford georgetown j p mcqurrie tansley j a mclaohlan h a mscphcrson acton jas kendall b- j elliott dr abraham burlington miaaionary eernionb will bo preached on nasagaweyu circuit next sunddy by rev j g scott special servicea were commenced in the presbyterian church sodom tuesday oveniug and will l continued through this weok rov mr blair paator and rev h a macphereon of aoton are aonduoting tho services a very heavy thunder storm passed over this section last wednesday evening there was no damage done here the teameeting at moffat labt tueaday was quite a auoceo- there waa a large crowd and u very good programme some of tbo boys got noisy during the programmo which wab a aerions drawback mr john anderson intend miving to guolpb shortly where he hus bocurnd a sitaatlon with the toltou brob agriculture al workfl rockwood quite a number of visitors from aoton attended thnoatnlval luerqoahaturday xx w snider milton j l gil more f e hbwitt w l rntledge hamilton t r glarko oasgh and alfred day eco- retary of the provluoial assoolatlon 3 b deacon milton h p moore aoton e h cleaver vi v hopkins burlington t w stevenson solders corners be sides these an array of local talent will participate in tbo proceedings oakvillo tar a jaat objection no merchant in acton nor in any othor town welcomes the periodical visits of the weights and aleaoures inspector they have no fear of bis finding their scales dishonest bat tbey have a serious objec tion to his feop which they think aro unjustly opposed upon them instead of upon tho country at large the ottawa citizen in epoakiug upon the sbojeat cays the retail merchant has good cause for objebtlng to the paymont of 92 for every inbpcotlod of bis weigh soales by the inspeo- torof weifihta aud measures tho inspec tion is necessary in tho public interest and tho publio oaght topay for the same in full no good reason oan be given why a mer chant whoso scales are oorreot ought to be assessed that tho publio may be assured of thatfaot ho poes bis full doty when bo sees to it that bis scales give honest weight the teaching days of i8q8 high school aud collegiate institutes and publio aiiid separate sohoola to the cities townb and incorporated villages have the following nunober of teaching days in 1698 dates of opening and closing open 3rd january cloeo 7th april reopeu 18th april close soth juoe reopen 1st septem ber oloas 22 od decomber in january there are 21 tcichiug days fobrtfary 20 march 28 april 13 may 31 june 22 total 123 in beptembor ul ootober 21 november 22 december 16 total 80 rural pabllo and separata schools have tho following number of teaching days in 1808 dates of opening and closing open 3rd january close 7th april reopen 18th april oiobo uoth jane reopen 16th august close 32ad december allowance is made in the abovo for all holidays except any public feast or thanksgiving day or local mqniolpal holiday literary news tbe canadian electrical news and steam engineering journal for january contains an interesting aocount of tbe complimentary banquet tendered injtoronto to mr h p dwight prealdont of the g n w tele graph go opon the completion of bis fiftieth year of service in connection with the tograpb business in canada also descriptions of lighting plants tbo moon light sobedole for eleotrio lighting stations and the first of a series of artioles hy mr wm thompson of montreal west on corrosive and scaleforming agonls in boiler feed avators o h- mortimer publisher toronto nigbt tho event waa quito a bucceba tho prizes wero awarded as follows beat indian m munroe rookwooi beat oowboy a1f gurdiner aoton beat farmer e statham rockwood beat negro t eurp guelph best chinaman w bragg rookwood best dnde l moore aoton best dressed boy undmr 13 s croft mobt comically dressed lady miss e ly boh guolpb beet lady skater misa b magee rookwood rev t j babiuo was tho recipient of a fine young horse as a now years gift from his friends on tho drew circuu the aoton hookey team will play tho villagoboyb ou friday evening- game to be at 780 or 8 oclock admiaaion 5oi the cheap admission id inteded to enopur- ogo all who wiah to boo the garno to attend the eramosa agricultural society held their annual meeting in tho town hall last friday tbo estate of tho lato george pad more was sold by public auotion on saturday last mrs david day bought tho proper ty comprising four lots with houao and barer tho vukk riiebs iavitoaall its readers to eon tribute to this column u you or your frlouds aro going away on a holiday trip or if you bave frlundo vlsitinn you dro a card to tbq fukb iluibb miaa hewitt of ripley visited acton friends luat week mr william barry of barrie ia visiting at his fathers homo mr herb lee of rookwood vfaitcd actoifriendb on saturday mr john uren of st marye was tbe gueatof bis son bn j f uren tho past week mrs elf buyder ofelmtra has been viuiiipg relatives and friends in town the past week mr andira fidobeatb of bruce couuty aro guests of their boh mr j g mqbeatb morcbaut mr fh doacon baa passed the ex- umiuuiiou of tha toronto- normal school reformer misses jciibby may and mibs hu11 of hornby spent a fow days this weok with acton frienda mr samuel browu of neepowst man u homo to bpond u aaotitu or so after five years absouoo miss ettiedlilu tblt on saturday morn ing for nanticoke tu attend tho funeral of mr lawrence pratten mr william clark baa remove to brantford where he baa ceourod a situs tion with tho verity plow co mies wren of soufortb has been the guest of her sister mrs a- motaviah aqd oher fiienda for aeveral weefifl rev j k una worth of scotlaud ont has beau iqvjted to the pastorate of the congregational chorcb gaelph after the burial of her mother labt thursday miaa hannah burrows went to georgetown to epettt a few days with friends there maj win pager of norwood and mrs hurry geoof toroutorvisiledi at-tbe- homea of messrs a stephoubou aud jai malamjast week miaa emma m moore of toronto who baa spent a month at hor hgme here very pleaaauti roturns to her professional dutieb in the city todiiy mr joseph moon- of torouto who waa a familar churuotcr in aotou oauk in the bixtiee and aovetiiioh ipeut a few days during the week runewiug tbe friendships of yore r mr robert juhmon baa been in toronto flinco monday calkd thtrirce through tbe aerioua illneas of uia daughter airs james h reed who is in the toronto qeuoral itoapitul miaa nellto uuttliews left on monday to take a situation iu derliu her niator miss maggie preceded ber a week or so ago mib3 matthews will be missed from the methodiflt obaroh choir mrt laaao bennetvsr ofmanitobat has been visiting friend in erin and aoton the paat few w hiw nlh fribnilw wpm hornby the nalton farmers institute held their annottl meeting in tbo orange hall at hornby last weok and waaa great success both iu attendance and it interest mr j l warren of aoton preaideur took charge of tho meeting aabisted by tho sec retary mr w b bobbins of freeman addresses of great practical value were delivered by mr l pat ton of oxford mills on dairying and tho farmers of tbe future also by prof day of gaelph who spoke on thebroediog and feeding of stocks and the work of the agricul tural college mr w m orr gave an ad dree s on tbe san joce scale and exhibited limbs of trees oh whioh these insects could bo seen in great numbers mr wm 8 hall of hornby who has jnat returned from california rerortod that this insect is destroying not only fruit trees but also the fqreats at the evening meeting the hall was crowded in addition to che eieellent addresses given by the governmental deputation s large and varied pro gramme of vocal and instrumental raasio wab given by tho young peopjo of abh- gfove and hornby as a variety in the programme tbe rev g a mitolioll of georgetown interested the farmers by proving tp them that they had a gold mine on every farm his treatment of ihe eubjept made thetn feel that they were rich in their farm possessions and products mr mitchell claimed that golden sunshiue silver rain drops and diamond dow drops falling on properly prepared soil resulted in golden honey golden eggs butter cheeee vegetables fruit grain etc to the amount of 8170- 000000 for ontario farwa such a mine qf wealth is rioher and more certain than the kloudyke and csnbo worked on every farm it simply means wipo application of head heart and hand added to the patient and intelligent uso of the most improved methods taught and illustrated jjy our agricultural collbge atsff and by l practical farmers he ol aimed that homo life on the farm under these circumstances was the moat comfortable and satisfactory iu the land whil6becurrrifoaroiiaruoirnhranud e also olairoed that from these farm homes came the titiofit procession of atirling characterp iu each homos we have the boat borroqndintih for tho devolopmant of the physloal mental and moral forces of our young peopte mr mitchell advibcd the boys to stay on the farm with hoods 6 rllli btloa tilk and showittsriiiieafs olne has enjoyed public oonfldenoe suid patronago to a greater extent than accord ed any other proprietary medicine this is simply because it possesses greater merit and prod greater cures than any other it is not what we say but what hoods sarsaparllla does thst tells the story all advertisements of hoods sarflaparllla like hoods baraaparilu it self are honeat we have neverdeceived the publio and this with its superlative medicinal merit fa why the people have abiding- confidence in it andbuy it pays to buy at bollcrts it pays to buy at bollcrts comfort sale will be continued a few days onger we have still a complete range of the foflowing prices thq values are extraordiuary and if you have use for an extra pair of blankets or a nice soft comfort dont miss this sale- v almost to the exclusion ot 11 others tit it rrmred only byc i h004 comw mass hoods pills y with hoods arsaparluf lot 1 white wool blankets regular 8225 reduced to 81 55 lot 2 white wool blankets regular 8275- reduced to 1 95 lot 3 whitc wool blankets regular 35 reduced to 3 50 lpt 4 while wool blabkcts regular 8375 reduced to 285 t5 white wool blankets regular 845 reduced to 3 46 lot e white wool blankets regular 550 reduced to 425 we beg to iniroduco cl nelles bookseller cuelph midland route california ex cursions everton last wednesday evening whio tho people were gathering for prayer aorvloo in both tho churches hero tbo thnuderatorm which eeemod so out of seassn cam n oar or and nearer until wo notice a tiro on uooount of tbo heavy foj psoplo worouocelved as to tho distance bomo thinking itwas miles away while others thought it quite closo tho churohea wero oloaed and while aorno got horssa and ris othom ruahod off on foot to give assistance to thoao in need of it soon word cams to ihoao anxiously waiting in their homos that wm jacksons barn was atrnck by lightning tho family aud neighbors auooeedod- iu getting all tbe animals out ozcopt eight head of cattlo and some fowlb the impcmantfl gral n hay straw and turnipb wore with the barn destroyed lobs partly covered by iuenr- ance tbo family havo tho sympathy of the wbolo oommuuity tho neighbor and friends offered ehcltcr for tho animala wbloh were ao suddenly madu home leap daniel simons had tho miaforiuuq to out bis foot on thursday while chopping wood the doctor put several stitches in it yet we hope ho will bo around again iu a week or so- bomo of tho reflidenta wore favored wjth a call frdra mibb marehall this week crewsons corners morau crewson is engaged in drilling a rook well his new steam drilliur machine ia fur superior to tbo old horse power drill hilda good deal i bub expensive mr robert snider is epehding a few weeks with frionda in mount forest mrs w y gray and mrs lamb aro visiting fnonda in urton and uillsbdrg mr samuel brown who has been in neepawa manitoba for the past five or six years arrived home last week to spend a month or so with friendb here his many frionda are ploaoed to meet him egin mr john campbell of fort erie is visiting at his qnolos mr jas gambles mr john niokoll who realdes with hirsovmltxtrttlolieh is very ill a meeting whioh bad for its objeot the organization of a oroklnole and oheoker club was held last thursday night with mr geo oann in the chair the following ofuoers were eleoled prebidflnt nicolas forbes f vice proildent kdwin 0ripp7 treabnrer geo oann secretary oh as garnble referee wm orippi tbe following commliteo wsh iippolntod to draft bylaws govern in the olub moiers vi 11 orlpps jas hamaiiaw goo oann and n for be tho tint imoiing of tho olub waiham 01 m 1 1 iv hvitiin and was isrgoly attended plaaend to meet biru aain and to hear of tbe prosperity of biraaelf and family in the west itov s sollery bus declined tho invita tion to t lie paetoratoof northst methodist church goderloh when his time la up here ho will moot likely accept thj call to zion tabernaale nt hamilton gaelph mercury from the lovvull mich journal we learu that mr and mm robert j flanagati aud daaghter well known in acton havegooq feoloa angeles cal with ho hope that the chenate will benefit mr tflanagans bealtb mr j p sooorj of 0 rillio made his mother u brief vine laet week mr seoord was oma of the mayoralty candidates at the recent municipal citations in his town but was bo budly htnttloapped through illnehs canfluing him to tho houee during tho contest that ho iron only second place when mr v b hall of hornby returned home from california he left hid eon george at itcdlaoda for the winter lahtgflbknflh-cftiuftxhat-liaavtryill- andmm hull lof t ou friday to oare for him it id a long tedlons jjurney but motherlove knows no barrierswhen her children ihedhtrcaro and ministration georgetown tho anniversary servious of tho oon- grogdtional charch were a great succobb tho church was crowded at each service and two oxoelloot bormona were preached by tho rov dr beovia of hamilton miaaionary anniversary eervfees were conducted in tho methodist chuioh bv tbo rev r w woodaworlh preeidnt of htujihon uonfcrctioe tbe amount con- tributej was a larjc advauoe over last year it was announced that misflonaries would probably bo boat to u10 klondike region and that such a misiforiwtvuld caiae a heavy expenbo to thoaooiety the rov j mod kerr will bein ovangeliatio borvicea in the methodist church a week from next bonday tho officiald or the baptlat oburoh have given a call to the rev mr moalplne of whitby tt ianot jot reported whether he will accept mr david of the northwest u visiting hia daughter mrs rease oliver goldamitli wob tho subjeot of the literary dopartmout last monday everi- ing at tho epworth league of the melhodlatchnrch tbesoolal department has announco1 a sleighing party for friday nlbt next to bo held to mr h a reeds on the 8ih line tba yonng people are looking aiixloaaly for the probabilities the sleighing is poor bat business is good tho curlors sra very bosy prao tiling on the pond the rink 1 not yet opened but good ice fa expeotedtbisj week via the chicago- mil waukee st paul rat i way tolos angeles and other points in southern california these popular every saturday california excureioob for both first and beooudolaas pabbeugers are pereooally oonduoted by intelligent competent aud courteous pduriers who will attend to the wants of all passengers en route this is an entirely new feature oftouribtorservioeaud will be greatly appreciated by families or parties of friends travelling together or by ladiebtravellingaione the midland route tourist cars aro upholstored tdoeping cars and are supplied with all tho accessories necessary to make the journey comfortable and pleaaant and the sleeping berth rate is but 9600 for two persons from chicago to california ask the neareat tioket agent for a tourist car folder giving complete information about tbo midland route or address eastern manager midlaudroutej no 05 adams street chicago 111 or a j taylor canadian passenger agent toron to ont use greamsf an elekant toilet lotion he would ask lo r holiday business from the actonltes fancy coods books carries polls ana novelties our stock and our store leads in prices and prettv things c 1 nelles x bookseller cuelph holidays v now is presents lines in the time to we have buy nice v neckties cloves fot- rtan s1111- re moving burn all roughness and red ness of the skin leaving it white and soft try a sample bottle prepared by brown hve yoa rtnomd your inbioriptlon 7 pillbsojjliy of making many pills there is no end svery pillmaker nays tr my pill aa if be were offering yoa 1on boss i the wise man finds a good pill and sticks to it also the wise man jwho baa once tried thorn never forukea ac puis piirpotiihd- noadultcratlan man wanted foit every ndocaapltkl distrtot iu canada to sell our bfgb grado oanadlon orown nursery stock evory tree aud buib ruarau- tced rro iroui ban joso aoale ubeial terms to part time men and good wages to tboae giving tholr entire tlrno to the work tbe demand for good borne grown and accli mated nunery stock la on the lucreaao apply now and aoouro good ground all onr stock guarantood truo to namo or pur- ehaie pxieo refunded e p blackford a co toronto canada aoton machine and repair shops henry g bin dell propriotor aiib wall equipped with all tho machinery nscessary tooxecnte all repairs to machin ery and agrioaltural implement and to do all kinds olateankntuogborsaaboelng and goneral blsosjmuulng woodwork repairs pertormod in a satisfactory manner wo oaa repair and machine or lmplomont of any mako baw gamming and filing doner handkerchiefs table linens fancy ribbons collars and cuffs combs and brushes whisks 6vc fresh groceries dates and figs bplcee peels essences canned goods raisins jfr currants ac j g mcbeath acton ontario lot r plain sateen comforts regular 8350 reduced to 2 50 lot2 fine sateen com tor is regular 50 reduced to- 3 25 lot 3 frilled sateen comforts rer- v ular 850 reduced to 1 3 35 lot 4 frilled sateencorhforts reg- ulnr 8503 reduced to 3 65 lot 5 liider down comforts regular f 600 reduced to 4 5 lot geidet down crib quilts reg ular 8350 reduced to 2 c5 we need not say to you we do as we say that you have never found it any other way you know e r bollert fe co 25 and 27 wymlham street guelph glasgow house acton a feature with us this week will be an early shipment or american prints fancy sateens etc just to hand in exquisite designs and perfect color ings which will be cleared during the next ten days to make room for regular stock exceptionally tasty goods for wrappers and waists prices will range from 8c to idc worth to 15c i2jc henderson go underwear ancqijosiery we have now a full range in ladies childrens and gents underwear consisting of your portrait have you had one taken lately if not give ramshaw the artist a sitting arid you will be delighted with the result courteous attention satisfactory photographs prices reasonable day this just suits call to- weattier h ramshaw acton photo artist early tbbed early to rise stick to business and ad now is ihe time o advertise people are going lo have money to spend this win ter ns they have opt had for years enquire at the free press office for ratos and space from a leading chatham manufacturer maple citvcooreraoe chatham oct isth 1897 r t phillips prop dear sirs some time ago i wa treated by one of our best city doctors for con tinued bleeding nt the nose and the treatment 1 was subjected to weakened my stomach so that nothing could eit would agree with me and i could retain nothing but bread and milk which was my chief diet i tried a bottle of your sloans indian tonic and at once began 10 improve and it has mad a psrmanftnt mm in my raft n nnw paring of nny food no matter how strong and experience no distress after eating i have recommended it to several people and in every cose it has given grand results and a bottle of it should be in every household yours very truly htphillips indigestion perma carad st william co norfolk oct jolh 1897 dear sirs it gives me great pleasure to state tho fact that sloans indian tonic has caused a most remarkable change in my condition for two years i have suffered froro indigestion and weakness and not finding relief from any olher medicine until your agent came here one day nnd advised me to try sloans indian tonio i did so and have used four bottles it has made a great change in my life and i can now rest and sleep willi ease nnd comfort i believe sloans indian tonic li the best medicine in the world v i remain yours very ruly mrs c pklcbj ladies vests wool and silk mixture ladies vests all wool ladies vests natural wool ladies vests cotton from ladies drawers all wool childrens all wool vests from gents shirts from 40c to gents drawers from 40c to ladies cashmere hose 25c and ladies ribbed cashmere childrens stockings from gratshcrse 81 00- 75 h5 zo up 50 15 up 75 75 35 25 5 up gu cfgfopeme toton n gold thatches now stock 14k gold watches fitted with the cele- bratcd elgin works new 14k gold filled cases new diamond rings just in shyffghs co jewellers guelph renewal time comes but once a year to most people their renewal time is during pecernbqr or january have you renewed for your welcome weekly visitor the free press if not kindly do so the coming week so that you will not lose a single copy for sale by all dealers or mjdross the company at hamilton i100 per bottle a for isoo cheap cheap these cheap fencings a abweli as mchuliens choice slecl wire nuttings for trellis poultry yards lawn fencings etc nro sold much lower ihis yenr ttinn bver before they am tlic lst ask you hardware merchant for hem wmi