volume xxiii no 11 acton ontario thubsday fj3ukuary 17 1898 price theee cents ib 10ombuld every thursday morning at the free tress steam 1rlntlnp ofllro tkiimh op scrmciiirtios ono dollar pt r yoar strictly in adancu ah mil soripttonb dis on fclnuou when tho tluio for wbioh thoy bavo boon paid lias oxnlrod rho dato to which ovory aubaoriptlou is paid 1b dunotod ou tbo ad dross label advkfitltuna rati b transient advortiso uionte 10 ooutfl por inonjiaroil lino for first in oortlon 0 oonts pur lino for oaob oubboquoat assertion contract itatrn tho fallowing cablo- shows oiir rates for tho iusortlou of advurtiaotuouta for specified periods jtlt i 0 mo j mq1mq our wall paper sales for ib97 were tho iirgcst in 36 years bolnoboa 60 00 35 00 sj5 00 sseoo 97 00 lofuaboa 80 00 laoo sou siaohoa 20 00 woo 700 ajo liuoh 000 3 50 a 00 100 in making room fjr our big stock of paper fop this sekson wo find se oral small lots which we will clear for a meretriflt lnds frdm 8 to 12 rolls ilmost given awav at dajs books tore guelph day sells cheap thb- traders bank op canada authorized capita 1000000 advertisements without apooijla directions will bo inearud till forbid and charged accord ugly trarisiont advortlaomontb must bo paid n advance advottiflomonts will bo changed onoo oach month if doalrod tor ohangoa oftoiior than onop a month tho composition must bo paid for atrofralai rates changes for contract advortlaomonta must bo u tbo oiudo by noon on tuobdaya accounts paj ablo monthly h p moore editor and proprietor usinm bimtorp medical j f urln m d c m offlco and roaidonco corner mill frodorlck stroota acton cuelph branch sums of 91 and upwards received on dopobit and highest correct rato of intercut paid or compounded half yearly depoait rocoipta issued for largo bums deposited advances made to responsible farmers on thoir own names no oharge made for collecting 3ales notes if payable in guelph a general banking business transacted a f it jones manage 0irir cask store i or best values in iteadymade clothing underwear and general dry goods as elliott m d m b acton qluduatk toiionto uuvei18ity office main btroot third door eouth of proabytorin cburob aoton ttjr duyden ele eah throat and nobe mclean a block douglas bt uoar p o quelrh office houna 10 am to 1 p m and 3 to fi p m scndayb 10 am to 1 p m veterinary surgeon a lrred p husband v s oradnata of tbo ontario votorlnary colloro honorary mombor of tba votorlnary mcaioal society office wm htibbapda lot 24 aon i lift agawoya calls day or night promptly attouded to dental t l bennltt l d s dentist mjm obonoetown ontabio dr r 8 mercer dentiht dradnato nf toronto univorauy and rods ofllco over drug storo aoton vlsitiko dats tlluilbda and tnidat jm bell d d s l d s dentist bnookyjlie iionon gnadoate op tononto univenbitt work mado satisfactory price modorato vihitiso days tnosday and friday of oach wtok i incst brinds in teas coffees oatmeal cornmeal flour c heres a good tip 2 off the price of every lamp in this store march 1st starts our stocktaking we dont want to have these lamps then its a chance for you lamps that were i oo now 8oc lamps that were i 50 now 120 lamps that were 225 now 1 80 every lamp 189798 styles the latest j g mcbeath acton ontario m clean mclean barristers solicitors notaries convoyancora 0 private f unda to loan offlco town hall aoton wm a mclean jho a mclean a 3 maokinnon baiuusteb souclton convetahckn ops ice mill stroot in mattbowa block upstairs t q matheson j b mcleod aiutibtitna solicirons convetahceiib georgetown and milton monoy to loan at lowost rates r j monabb t go on conveyancer agont h lrband lifo asauranco uoal katato agent money to loan oto office lorryman e 13 lock aoton ont miscellanko us h enry grist ottawa canada solicitor of patonta for invention eta prepares applications for tbo canadian amor icad and european patent ofilcos and for tbo befiutratlon of irado marks bond for pam pbfot thirty two yoara ozporlonco f iran c ib nunan bookbinder wyodbamst gnolpb ontario over william b store aoooant books of all kinds made to order periodicals of ovary doscriptlon carefully bound haiinc neatlvand promptly dono m abriage licenses h p moohe jsnrn of m annua b liornses private oftlon no witnesses roqnlrod lasqod rosidenrtn in ttio ovening froo proas oulco aoton f iarmers if you wish to reduce your interest or socuro a iiratelasa loan of inonoy at low intcrobt and on oasy terms of repayment oall on me i make a speolalty of lendine diooor and havo plouty of funds i also lend on village property w c jackson oonvbtangbn add monbt iienpbn office wyndham st near city hall ouejlph wellington mutual fire insurance company hstabuambd 1840 fsuitancb on cash and mutnal plan any ooimnunlcatlons forwarded to my address box 638 or telephone 8 will bo promptly at tended to john taylor agent quelph mm hemstbeet licensed anctioneen vor tho counties of wellington and hal ton orders left at tba free pakbb oflloo acton or at myrosidenooln aoton will bo promptly at tended to fees reducod to 85 00 fob farm sales also monoy to loan oh tho most favorable numsand at tho lowest rates of interest in sunqsof woo and pwardi f man wanfed lor ovary unooouploit district in canada to sell oar high grade canadian crrown nursory stock rvery tree and bosh ftaaran teod ireo from tian jobo soato xribeial terms to part time men and good wages to those giving their ontlre tlmo to tbo work the demand forgpod home firown and aecll matod nursery stoak la on the in crease apply now and seoate good ground allotiratopv guaranteed truotoname or pur chase price refunded e p blackford ft co toronto canada job printing r inoludino books pamphlets posters bll heads circular ao ao executed in tie hast ntyle of tho art at modorato prices and on short notice apply or address h p moorr viuni fukie ofllco aoton the average boy usually knows how to kick aid atampotit his shoes in very quick order just how in the language of the boy himself we have got the bulge on him in the shape of i slock of shoes that for wearing qualities ennnot be beaten and the price is very low we hive not forgotten the older heads ei tiler having put in a hrge and varied stock to suit all require ments and all purses come in and see cm w williams the old reliable boot and shoe deale r 31111 st acton the little trifles that help brighten up a room such as taney china eric a brae c are found m great variety in our store wall papers pictures picture frames mouldings and such requisites arc leaders with us the price wo thinv the closest buyer will be pleased with our values waters bros st georges square guelph j m bond co hardware dyspepsia positively cured by mckees dyspepsia powders mmy dyspepsia remedies have been discovered irld offered to the public as cures that have filled but if you are a dyspeptic and have tried many of these so called cures with repeiicd failure don t give it up and settle down to a life of misery just when this great boon is within your rcich there is no other dis ease which brings so miny other derangements of the system to dyspepia are due very often all such conditions as sick headiche sleep lessness henrtburn biliousness nausea constipiiion hundice and lher comphjnt tmsepowders give dcided relict frorh tac first and eventually restore 0e digestive organs to their origin healthy con dition now don i be a skeptic try them and be convinced only 50c a uox 2 j powders manufactured and sold only by j d mckee chemist acton educate and agitate educate and agitato that b tbo only way it you d keep tbo temporauco causo at tbo front today up and at it ono and all let oaob action show that you btand for tomporanao tvorvwhoro you go kducato tbo boys and girls with tho leinporanco chart show thorn bow tho drink dostroys stomach brain and heart tompernnco instruction toach in tbo public boboot tor tbo laws requlro it as tho a moral rulo educato in sunday school when tbo cbanco is given when a tomporanco leaon couioa train tb6 youth for qoavon toll thorn tia not safo tn look on tho wine oop bright for a oorpont lurkotb thorc and at loot twill blto educato irlthlu tho homo lot no wino bo placod on tbo tablo whoro twill tomi t little onas to taste lot tbo children algn tbo plodgo while of tondor yoara and it may in f uturo dayn bavo j ou couutlosb fcrd agitato for tomporanco preach ora of ood a word lot your voice in its bnbalf trom tbo desk bo board rrom tbo platform agitate publlo spoakors wise certainly it is a theme you abould not dosplso agitato and oducato with tbo printing pioss toniporanoo literature will bolp much wo must confosa lot rftatlbtlca and tho facts meet tbo publlo gaao till rum voters in oar land think upon tbolrways agitato uniioaslngly till tbo votora coine and unite to cast their votos to prohibit rum till tboy st tho ballot box moot tho question qui to then we 11 know its settled sure wbou tls sottlod right ivetlie a ptrham m n t advocate siehct jamilir ikahtg jvr todd s valentine 11 anme luliilton donnelt hash dear whisper 1 mrs brenk hold up a warning fore finger dont let father bear you he isnt bo well to day she got up and tiptoeing across the floor ooftly abut the bedroom door her sweet face looked worried are yon sure itv as bad as that faitbie she asked badder mother baddest i faith said gloomily it oouldn t bo beaten fnr bad neap hob a bad man 1 hush hueh dear we muant jadge him weil i mast 1 the girl pxo aimed hotly iayhostt badtnarrl doebnt-hafcniorw- clearincsale of all fall and winter goods the campaign prepare for winds we would okii yoar attention to tbo fact tbat toe are prepared to supply yoa with lumber of suitable length for yoar barn doom viz 10 12 18 or 14 feet also sash poorfl framtfb i motnudpras eto for building btorm doors pat ap at aa low a ralo as possible repair your pnrops or pat in new ones before it is too oold wl oak so it shop at foot of river strsat acton thos ebbxce manakor georgetown electric works t j sfbiqut proprietor manufaotyrara of dynamos blbotric motors water motors and hydraulic rams flpe and staara fitting and oanaral bapalr- ac wuttalioortrsrtm from djroct to tangent hpokn banous dan bent to any desired anola full line of bpokss kept in stock batlsfaemou tnanntcdtl vloyolea wunjladjd ay color v j bpbiaht ooorgetown in order to make room yor our fine new stock of spring suits 1 rousenngs and overcoitings we will hold a clearing silc of all fill and winter stock during the month of tebruary we are prepared to take your ordtr3 for suits thous6rs ousrcokts at very low prices for first class garments our rcpntation for style ind fit is already established ind we are prepared to ensure satisfaction to every customer call early and hae a good selection cooper akins main stkeft acton tailors jehn flgqaeen co k l- leave your orders now for your winter s supply none but the very best scranton coal delivered i can supply tigg stove nnd nut sizes the liberal patronage accorded me last season by mr brown sjgus w tomers whose business i bought was much appreciated i can give even better service tliw year and solicit acontinuincc of their orders coil deh ery to commence in september john mcqueen sun savings and loan co head office toronto ont authorised capital 5000 000 00 ten year maturity shares are paid in monthiyinstalmenrsof50rtxr shnnrfor 120 months when payments cease 6o oo paid in maturity value jioo oo money to loan at 5 straight loin or repayable in monthly instalments on nppli cation to r j mcnabb agent aoton ciic1 du i business college duclrki j shorthand institute bookkeeping penmanship shorthand typewriting and actual office work n specialty write for circulars j principal quelph fathers aick abed and were working oar fingers to the bones to payhiro whats be in oaoh a hurry for haint he got bouses enough beaidea oore hes rlofc noh rlob aud were poor poor poor tho shrill indignant whispered words and denly ended in a husky little bob faith boned hor faoe in the bright sheets of paper and kneel on the table to cupids dismay his fat round cheeks reddened with acute anxiety and the corners of hie mouth curved down but ho only sat op etraightcr and held bis breoth till faitha head oamo up agtin how fanny it was for falthie to ery i of oourse some of ber tears would bpot the blue eheet and mayba tho gold one too 0 my eholel hut be waaut a goiuy to pfy too he ana papa wero men folks and men folks never oriec taith lifted ber ik ad with a little jqrk of dtfianoe well welt dear we must pay it mother we must i we must i wo cant pay it dear airs brecka gentle voice wavered oyer the words hat ebe went on tho time is almost up and we havo no money faith if we hod any i should spend it for father flrat for medi cinea but it ii kill father if were tarned out of house and home evicted like ao tnatfy irish peasants i hes too siok to be movod and where could we move bim to faitha voice rose oat of a whisper shrilly bh i doar we mast have courage mother break have yoa got any oonrago left 1 yos dear and something better atitl i have faith cupid sat on tho floor among bu bloods and watohod mother and taithie hug each other a great long while he sighed a little softly behind bis pudgy little hahd and wondered peaainjiatically if there vonlcl ever bo any valentine anyway for faith was making a valentine for cupid a first it bad been a loaret till cupids active little noso somehow e biffed it in the air then he was even allowed to choose his own colored papjr and make sogmsltoui but tho present prospects for valentines were poor theres one way faitbie mrs brook said after awhile running ber thin angers through and tbroogh faiths hair the hesitation in her voioe was significant ivo tbougbt and thought dear and prayed over it and theres jus one way for us to keep tho homo for poor siok father no no no mother hot that way i faith interrupted quickly we can beg off again i cant go to mr todd again and ask charity i cant i cant i not obarlty raftble only patience for a little longer he mast be jnst man and sorely he can wait father wai al ways so prompt to jpy him and there such a little left to pay why its almost our own home now 1 oatttao iltitih said shortly then i will do it mrs brook answer ed with gentle deolsfon no no no i cried faith cupid had got up and came over now and stood eyeing the forgotten valentine wist fully it wasnt half dono yet the gm angel only had on one wing and tbat was on crooked and there sat faitbie absent ly rolling ap one corner between her thumb and forefinger i something would have to be done cupid decided to try a little modest hinting do you apom that bad man ever had a vallngtine fa it hip he asked onose you see if he didnt ever i shouldnt be so stonlihed at lif bad hush faith looked down into the solemn little face at her elbow tud took the bint in- stantly for a minute or two thero was only tho sniping bound of tho sciasors and tbo faint orcak of tho cnap pa por a in the room tho gold angel s other wing waa appended properly and tho crooked ono straightened it roully lookod like a good valontino aoason after all 1 its so lovely 1 murmured capid warmlj o what a nawf ul thing it would be never never to have a valingtinol i dont truly behove that poor badmanover had one now honest faitbie and ao boa bad ho watched tbo deft linisbing touobos intently his impatient little tooa made little uneasy taps on the floor i gueaa i like the gold angel the mqst he j murmured that isnt an angel tjbat a a dear little toand fat capid like yon faith said suddenly hugging bim xoure a valon tine cupid 1 mother whore are my bow and arrowb i had years ago dont you know there was a onnmng quiver too to bold the arrows up in tbo old bea chest dear mrs breok answered absently faith found them and hung tho little quiverful of arrow a over cupid a bhoutder there 1 aho cried softly take tho bow in your hands so now ou are a little valentine your own self 1 a live valintmo l eohocd tbo littlo fel low in delight whore ii you send mo to paitbio who 11 have me faith was gathering together tho boraps of papor and elready tho littlo qaab of girl ah fun had faded ont of her face it was oareworn and worriod again she hardly seemed to bear tho childs quebtion or to notice again his cupids equipment the old trouble faced hor stubbornly re fusing to be auawered there was no apbwor at all unices job of courat biiq could try going to tho old man and asking for more time bogging off she called it bultbat was dreadful what would linco think blesa the girl there was a lance in it then a tall btraight lince with honest blue eyes that looked into faith a and told her beautiful things what would lance tblak if they went a begging to his uuole just as if they hadnt any pride at all for it was lance a unole who hold the mortgage and who wautod the mouoy right away o doar how things mix up in this world i a siak dear old father i an overdue debt a bad old man who threatened to disinherit his only heir because of the boa at if ul things bis blue ees baid to a poor little girl namod taith 1 tangled enough tbinga teemed to that little girl just now sho drew a long quivering breath over her thoughts i believe hes doing hjust on purpose i eho aaid to horaelf cutting off tho words spitefully with the little sharp eoianora of her scorn just because he s bound lance shant have anything to do with me with na so hes going to turn us out of houso and borne ib he faitbie where yoa goiu to bend mo to cause i in a valingtino now you know persisted a wistful whisper at her elbow oopid stood there poking ber gently with ihebow s end wbat-waa-the-matterwith- wuale lianoegot to do with it the itfaltbie cause sba wouldnt answer little boys when they asked and kept on aekin sho was asleep with bor eyes open thats what 1 where 11 y ou eend mo to faitlue breck 1 oh 1 why i don t know you must not bother me cupid i m busy thinking batyou mustnt make a vallngtino out o me thout you eend mo to somewhere so there uow 1 taith laughed and cuddled bim to her bos on lovingly well you little peraiator go and be the mayors valentine or tho prosi dentd or anybody but don t tease faithie the little fellow trotted away and sat both glasses of his bpeotoclea was very pro noanoed cupid established himself on tho edgo of a high chair balancing himself eklu fully and promptly ro opened theoonver satlon falthto did it you know he said obeorfully alio made a vallngtino out o me i didut sp osq oud ever bad one before so i camo thats wkat uthe diokons it ie 1 mattered basil todd behind his beard are yoa the vice president the child oh at tared on inquirlnrtjr well not yet cupid 1 oh i i thought maybe you wan cause youre so bad so vice you know be stopped in sudden consternation bluphmg all over bis littlo face with shame o please ecuso me i he murmured contrite ly now tho spectacles oame off altogether and old basil todds astonished eyes re garded the small bwaying figure on the chair a edge go ahead ho said shortly bat cupid still disconcerted was oroaa ing one brief blaok stockinged leg care fully over the other and the adjustment required some time then lie clasped his hands round the uppermost knee and gently rooking back and forth went ahead bravely his voice was rather severe it s bad to turn folks oat of houses and homes thats what itavioe laitbie said ybu was a goln to do it to na an father e sick fatbera dreadf ly brok no bo ones sometimes like this o nancy nanoy nanoy nancys mamma but i guess thats when he s frald of the wolf 4 tho wolf yea theres a wolf father keeps bem fraid will come to oar front door i heard bim tell mamma eo bat i aint any frai 1 of that wolf id id ohoke him 1 cupid in his fervor of conrage lost his preoarious little balance and was so em barraseed at hie tumbh that for quite a minute there was silenoo in basil todds beautiful room soaae mo if you please the little fellow faltered at last bis sweet small fuco reddened with chagrin how many dreadful things ho was doing telling folks they were vice right to their faces an tumbling off folks obalre i what would faithie say bui maybo tbo man hadnt seen him fall off he wa looking outo the window jnst a hards ha oould cupid breathed a bigh of relief aod softly re established himself on the ohair not till thon did mr todd look round at bim so faith ie thinks im a bad man he baid yes if youll saaso her eho docs now honest you see sho a sooaraged it makes yoa soouragoi when thero isnt any money an youro going to be tarned right oat of your house it dont make me but im a boy faitbie s only just a girl i m go in to tell lance how it makes ber cry borne times an boll tell bor never to any more causo it makes moory an mamma an everybody f1qht with a gorilla down outside on the ball statrs possessed of a sudden vplendid idea it grew bigger and splendider it took possession of bis vvhole small soul and bent his short logs harrying sturdily down street roand corn era and out of sight 1 she aaid tbo presidents valingtine but beam t the presidents valingtlne but ho aint the president ho i guess i know who the president is i cupid was think log as bo trudged maybe hes tho vice president cause hes a bad man faithie said so an mamma said vico wua like bud so i guess thats what hie quiver bumped monotonously against his shoulder blades aud the arrows in it rattled and orowded oach other tho onmbcrboroo bow prodded peoples elbows and got in the way of lamp posts and tree bat capid undismayed scurried on he bad forgotten his hat and hid curie wero at the rneroy of the breeze that camo blowing brtikly op from the bay altogether ho made a queer enough littlo figure and no wooder he felt astonishment and admira tion in his wake not so very long after thip when old uqsil todd hoard his door bell ring one twloe threo tlmep unsteadily ho twitched bis shoulders under his soft bilk gown with vexation must a man ho waited out of his afternoon napping by that everlasting it was not everlasting basil todd said tink tinkling couldnt a body tako a minutes comfort in his own hotiae confound it whero wits mario the rascal was at it again tinkle link tinkle tinkle tink 1 marie basy with a caller in the area remained innocently oblivious to her duty and the gentle quavering ringing went ou basil todd could stand it no longer he throat bis feet farther into his slippers and drew together his dressing gown with its dainty clasp at the door be confronted waa it an elf a fairy a vory spite out of nomana land or only a breathless round eyed littlo child by all tho gods was it cupid himself then tboy always luck em in under the door yoa know bat i codldnt tack mo under apologized tho elf eagerly so i had to ho untucked im a live valingtine ho laughed delightedly yours yoa know your valingtine the dickens vou are i no if yoa ptoase n i aim im caplj 80 it was cupid after all basil todd stood staring at bim through his glassos then over then under them was it a flaw in the glssa that made his eyes deepset under shaggy brows looking as if they might he twinkling it you aint ipeotfii in vita mo to qo mo in i gnofls ill bo in uow cupid laid hinting politely the diak wont you come in cupid old bosil todd held the door wido open and bowed profoundly the flaw in old mans voice rasped unpleasantly lance why lao a blougs to faithie you know when his bail boat oomes in hes going to marry her an faithieji marry him too likely as not thats what ho bays if theres a ship wreok happens to bis sailboat be ii marry fartbie jast xaotly tbo a a mo if it takes all summer tho dickens he will yes an hes goin to givo me a ride in the sailboat if it doesnt get opsot cupid had risen and taken up faithies bow edging slowly toward the door i must bo goin now he explained guess they ii need me at home bat basil todd forced him gently back u th iliau huld o cupid hu ua 1 never bud a valentine before in my life and im seventy years old i most keep this one a little longer besides im trying to make ap my mind to eend faitbie a valentine by yon when yoa go home would yon be willing to oarry it for mo o yes 1 capid oriod wltb a little bquoal of delight i d bo ao willln i faltbies the bestobt girl there is an i lovo her the most of anybody oven lanoo he added stoutly he sank back in the chair aud waited very patiently drumming his toes now and then by way of a gentle hint for tbo old man opposite seemed lobt in revcry his shaggy brows were knit and his big square chin worked un easily under h beard he drammed bis toes too with monotonous thuds against bis foot a tool the oloofe tiokcd inaletently loudly after a while he glanced oveirat cupid the child had fallen asleep wflh hie curly head oanted to one side and his pretty baby features contorted oddly basil todd straightened the littlo head with a new gentlenesb in his touoh three four five tbo clock struck sharply and oopida eyes flew open have you made op oar mind he asked are yoa goin to send failhiea valingtine basil todd was pacing the room elowly with noiseless slippered feet tho paper paoket bo bold in his hand he dropped now into copids quiver pressing it safely down into it yes ive made up my mind it takob as toagli old chaps a good white there i ve pat the valentine in here you may give it to faitbie with a bad old mans com plimonts and she may tell her lanoo itinong african travellers nono bavo lefd a moro advent urouaufo perhaps thanlbo marquis de compiegco a young irenoh nobleman who bad been deprived of bis fortune and whom early misconduot has practically banished ho wout to the forests ot florida where ho lived alono supporting himself by hunting and flnbing in the year 1870 he read on a aorap of a newbpapervbfchbe found in a deserted hut the news tbat war had broken oat between franco and germany he resolv ed to find bis way borne and fight for his native country he hadnot a cont of monoy but walked to the nearest seaport and took service as a sort of a gabia boy on a vessel bound for franco arrived there ho enlisted at once was wounded iu his first battlo and had jdst recovered sufficiently to be gu duty again when he was captured he escaped re entered the service aud fought bril liautly through the war after the war was over ho resolved to beoomo an afrioan explorer ho had no means and no orodit but he entered the aerviceofa dealer in skine and valuable feathers and was sent out from senegal acrobs the western soudan after au expedition accompanied by tbo most dreadful hardships he returned to paris with a valuable collection of objects conneoted with natural history among these was tbo stuffed bkin of a gorilla which is said to have borne the most btrik ing resemblance to a human being ever known man ape compeigns story of the capture of this gorilla is a raobt interesting ono he wua one day travelling through the forest foot sore and weary hislimbjhad been bitten by vonomous icbeots until they almost refused to carry bitn as ho dragged him solf jtlong rifle iu hand he heard terrible outcries near by apparently those of a woman the rih sno last iilulit ttio wind blow out ot tlio south swcot aud warm an a babu bwout mouth ami tbo pauturo londs and urn blub i lo holt a woro rrouii with tho hurbuo whlili j yiulda dull sold lay tho luko in tl 0 woilurlttf buu and roao from tho suuuut cloudu abovo aud soft aud groy wbou tho day vnu j01 aq tho shluiiouriuk broatt of u broo uiifjdovo but that wan yoqtorduy afturuoon at ajehtlho fairlos in silver shoot pllvor bhooa and powdarod hair camo bllpplug down through the frosty uli and all thrdugh thobubb of thojurploi ibt out of oaoh tiny powder putf tboy scattered tho soiutillant shining etuit and lot in tlirfinorulug tho world was whito tho firs vrotc niuulod ju ewau s down uooda juko a tooted army utrotcbod tho woods ami cot and catl arid hpvol and ball and now mudo gravo iu ltd velvet pall tho crjutalltiq purity covered thorn all k s aicl the eonnda camo he soon perceived that it was indeed a woman who was eoreaming sho was in tho grasp of a blaok pa ouster who ws apparently strangling ber compiegne supposed ibe intending raur derer was a man and resolvod to prevent the crime by shooting tho assailant but how was ho to snoot the abaallant without being in danger of shooting the woman he approached very near in order if possible to get a sure shot at tho ruffian then be ditoovercd to his horror that the creature was cot a man but a hne btaok gorilla upon eeetug him the animal released the woman and rue hod upon compeigne much enfeeblod and stiffened the frenchman was not at all bare of his aim aqd it ho mused tbo gorilla would be instantly upon him would thug away hta gun and would pat him to a ternblo death taking the beat aim he could ho fired at the gorillas breast the bbot proved effec tive and the animal fell another shot finished him making good investments tho following is a vory suggestive inci dent a b a loon koiper m ohio was btand- in tbo door of his elegant saloon playing on the steps was a lovely littlo boy about six years old handsomely droesed with rosy clieeka clour eyes whito forehead wavy hair juat such a little fellow aa many of you have in your own homes and lovo to pet and c ureas after looking at the child for a moment tho saloon keoper went to liis counter mixed a tempting drink of wine water and sugar with n fow drops of something stronger such a drink as ho knew well how to prepare and harmed it to tho child the little fellow thanked hint and commenced to drink a gentle man who ntood by tho same who told tho incident baid to tho saloon keeper that child did not pay you for that driuk the baloon keeper replied oh i bhall got my pay i couei ler that a bftfo inveat me tit the mouoy ia out tit 1 ntorest that child belongs to ono of tho wealthiest l i families in the neighborhood what waa bushing toward the place from which-f- nion n inonhnn na atey the man s intention as ho stood and looked at tho innocent child and mixed his drink at the counter it was to bturt him on tho road that loads by way of tuts dram shop to drunkenness and ondbonly too soon at tho doyil and that is tho stuff most saloon keepers ure made of w e bel fori owing etory whioh is told by the atlanta consci tution bat we may be interested in it as a work of fiction it is intended to convey in imaginative form no doubt an idea of the remoteness of bodo of tbe 80a thorn settlements from tbo whirl and gossip of life at the end of tho niooteonth oentnry at a recent burbeouo j sooth west georgia says the constitution seven hungry lookiog m we seen bnddled together in a corner of the woods away from tbe orowd now and then while the oarcassoa were roasting 10 the pits ono of tbe seven would come forward get a whiff of the meats and roturn to bis eager bat eilent companions wnnwmnllnknnw irin mw rnnnn ifihirltta0 shlp 1b righted itr tho offing its making good time into port now can you remember all hat cupid repeated tbe words onoeor twice after the old man then nudded satisfied i can say era i guess bat theyre quite a long say aint them be said faith and mother were waiting very anxlonaly for bim too uld toseofaimto scold him for giving them inoha andiow the gladness grew when together tboy road faiths big queer valentine w hoevor heard of a mortgage can celled reonpted playing at valentine before or whoever saw happier more grateful women than mamma and taithle were over it and how quickly tbo bad old man be came tho good old man the dear kind old man i it takes so short a time to transfigure a world when there are human hearts in it with little children to lead them and ahlpi in the offing just coming in i you oan tell the progress ot tba fruit season by tbo stains on tlio tablecloth backers after gold are often disappointed heekers after liijalth take u cods barsapa- rilla and hod it meets every expectation of whom wero yoang bat they had the appearauco ot farmers who had been unable to sell any oottoa for a long time but every one at the barbecuo had a chance to get acquainted with the in after the born blew for dinner with a mad rush they seated themselves at tho table and fell upou tho beef bhoolder after sboulder of the animals disappeared tho crowd stood amazed forgetting their own hunger in thepreaenco of baoh awful appetites tho ucjvun hnk and greedy men wero tho wliolo attraction and it was not until they could eat no more and had crawled off to rest or to die that tbe people remembered thtir own appetites the chief of tho barbecuo thou approach ed the men and in a faint voico naked whero did you follows coma from and when did you eat last before you atruok this neighorhood one of the men answered wo came from this county hat wo ve been n india and hungry wojuet heered that tba war wua over and that bhorman was gi out rations and wo thought wed come and git somo out of the ditch on the flrat day of the wilderneai i says major wright in glimpses of the nations struggle the adjutant of thn one hundred and forty sixth new york was prostrated by a minie bullet which shattered bin left arm ho orawled into a ditch aoroas wbioh tbo confederate lines oharged and were repulsed tbo ditoh was soon filled with the wounded and un wound ed of both armies all tbat afternoon the firo waa so hot that not a man dared to raise his bead above tho ditch a majority of its occu pants were confederates one of whom an offioer of the tenth virginia ordered his men to spread blankets for tho wounded adjutant and to mako him as comfortable as possible as darkness drew on tho wounded adjutant told the confederate officer that if ha could get into the union lines he could secure better medical attendance and that being wounded ho was not worth much as a prisoner if yoa oan get there yoa are at liberty to do bo replied the confederate the adjutaqt exchanged cards and shook hands with the offioer and both men climbed oat of the ditch bat on opposjto sides tbe adjutant reaohed the union lines where his arm waa amputated and ho was sent home saftby in numbers no sab yoa doan ootoh dls yar darky uben in a town whar dars uo othor colored folks why 10 uuoln ben t case wbeu dars any ohlckens stolo dey kuows right whar to cum primitive houselighting the first andmoat natural way of light ing tbe houses of the colonists waa found in tbo fat pitch pine which was plentiful overywhera but as soon as domestic am male increased candlns wero niadp and tho manufacture of tho winter anpply becamo tbe special autumnal doty of tbe thrifty housewife great kettles wore hung ovor tbo kitchen flra and filled with hot water and melted tallow at tho cooler end of tho kitchen two long poles were placod from ohair back to ohair back aoross theso poles like the rounds of a ladder were placed shorter stiokb called candle rodb to each candle rod wero tied about a dozen straight oandlo wicks the wicks wero dippod again and again in regular xirderiathe melted tallowrtho buccgbfiion of dippings giving each candle timo to cool eaoh grow slowly in bizo till all wero finished deer suet was used as woll as beef tallow and muttou tallow wax candles were made by pressing bits of half molted wax around a wiok 77c chautau quanr- theexacttijv1e pompoy is a bright negro boy employed to do light work and run orrands in a boarding house ho has learned a good many things in tbo course of bis eight years of life but tho art of reading a ctook face is uot aa yet completely under bis control tbo expedients to which ho resorts to concoal his ignorauce on this and other points are many and amusing 1 what time is it pomp ashed a yoang man into whoso room tho boy had brought a hodful of real and who had not yet got out ot bed pompey studied tho olook faco anxiously for borao seconds aud then bald in an ingratiating tone its ono 0 dem times dat i oan jes precisely mak out what timo it am mist wilkins sah but ono ob do hands in pintlu todeu you sub an do udder iu piutm ntht todes mo sah an i reckon you know z ickly what tune d it am dignity of rank old world aitcklmg for rank and prccedonco is woll btitirizod by au incident which recently occurred in paris there wai a fracas ou tho street and two young men appoarcd to bo about to fly at each others throats when ono of hem pauaed folded his armtj looked con temp tuous and fluid but i oan not fight with bim i why uot its beneath my dignity what do you mean he is only a coachman and 1 am a valrt de chambrc i blacks that are blacks three favorites of the diamond dyes tho diamond dye black uro solentlfi euccessob that are everywhere appreciated by tho ladios diamond dyo fast black for wool stands ahead of all other wool dyee for fnllnese depth and richness of color all wool goods wbon they have becoino rusty and soiled can bo rostorod to a deep jet blaok equal to tho boat french blacks and long yeara of wear diamond dye fast black for cotton and mixed goods is tho only black in thn world for dyeing cotton and mixed fabrics i l gives perjnanent aud uovor fading- color diamond dye faat blaok foi silk aud feathers ib a triumph of tho oliomkn1 art and has surprised the world all silk goods and feathers that are faded b potted and boiled oan bo dyed a ioely jot blaok with this spooial dye making old things look equal to now goods the diamond blacka aro tho heat in the world ask for them and refuso all imita tions and poor makes bacteria do not occur iu the blood or in tho tisbnes of a healthy living body eitfaor of man or tbe lower auiraals so says tho celebrated dr koch other doctors say that the beat medlome to render the blood perfectly pure and hvaltby fa ayera satrsaparilla