Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 17, 1898, p. 4

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fifty years ago thu is the stamp mint the letter bore which carried the story far and wide of ccrtatncurc for the loathsome sore that bubblciup from the tainted tide of the blood below and twas ayers name aud hissaraapirllta that all now lnow that was just bcglnnlgg its fight of fame with its curci of jjo years ago ayers sarsaparilla ia the original earsaparilla it has behind it a record for cures unequalled by any blood puri fying compound it is the only earsaparilla honored by a medal at the worlds pair of 1893 others w imitate the remedy they cant imitate the record go yearg of curea- scij 2ataa jfrw tyttss a woman to women she has reason to believe that paines celery com pound is the best medi cine in the world mrs allen has hid her self of nervousness and neuralgia she says after using seven bottles of the compound i am well and strong paines celery compound gives health and good looks to sick women ok every age thursday february 17 1898 ffilj tyonng jnlks grandpas way plohenca daibb bomobow of all the day wo children used ts droad when night would coma and motbord say nowohlldron so to bod till grandmicaziio to visit us ho was a soldier and you soe hob just as good and ploaaant aaovorhecanbo the very flnt night bo asked mother with a smile if the children over marchod to bod in good old soldier style than lio commoncod to count one two opo two i tollyoalt was flno and j on don t know bow quickly we all foil into lino binoe then all day wo kind of look ahoad for night to come whoa wo like soldiers can marou awy to bed and grudpssayfl if wovo a task well and it just thoaaooo its bo much oaalor to do if it has a pleasant name wells richardson go dearbfra it givea mo groat pleaaoro to testify to the faot that fames celery compound has canned a re mar ka we oh an re in my oonditlon for ten yearn i have tillered from nervousness and neuralgia and have ueod medicines of all kinds with out finding relief your faineb celery compound was recommended to me and after aslng seven bottles 1 find myself well and strong and can rest and sleep with ease and comfort i believe it to be tho best medicine in the world and i always recommend it with pleasure yours truly mrs a alien ramsay ont a spanish election tho spanish refjurd tor h tlnu bull a wtll known verv ofitii 1 uiiiniiit of thu bull nti uro uh fimoim iih tho toruudorn altardirir to ft n port in n hpanifli pupii tins regard for ilio bull wuh put to a very now nod hiiiulnr u u in ibu rovnoo of to cilo rccuul an jtt tiou wnu bmif litld til thu little town of oropcnu whoru iho m iter lint oi lov mint lit pari uwl ilio oiuiish or spmluli old ho era uero of nrtuly tqual utrtinjlb izaah partjxihrcforo wua trjintf to prevent tlio otlurarom pulling ltd lull ote xbejutlliuf hail ono oti witliuut any apparent ninjoiny uti cither mdo until nearly tho end of tho duy all at onco tho parties were greatly interested by the nppeasnco or a superb bull led ly a ooufi trjmuii txactly bcforo tho door of tho voting booth dery bod took un interest in him presently it wua observed that as certain voters approached the door of the booth iho bull miide a fttddtn inn tie toward them this frigbttned tbtnibo that tl oy took to theirhcils and did not daro to opproaoh the doorrfgain but when ctrtaiu other voterb came up the ball stepped back politely and let them enter in coarse of time it tamed out that all the voters who bud been frightened away were immaterial is and all those who imd been allowed to oto wcro curl ia to when it was too lato to ohuugo the result and tbe carhsts bad carried the day in oropeea it came out that tho eupposed countrjmao wait a curha heeler in dig- guise and that by means of a sharp stick concealed under bis honing robe he bad goaded he ball forward whenever a mater iallst appeared end urcd him backward when a oarlibt hove in birm if you wish to bewui it is the best dandruff eradicated tbe the scalp kept olean and sweet and tbe hair made soft and easy of arrangement by halls vegetable sicilian hair renewer no man has the courage to tell a woman the things that ber mirror does yon cant tell you dont know when that cough will stop the ooagh of consumption has just nob a beginning take sootta emulsion now while the cough is easily managed the storyof a scarecrow there is an honest swede employed as gardener in tha eaat end of a oity not a thousand miles away and bis deliberate ppeechebaro a delight to bis employer he has boon ranch annoyed by thievish birds and ho suggested that a soareorow would be a rood thing it took him some time to mako iho employer understand what he meant bat anally he realized it was a dummy bird soar lak in ol coun try tbe employer fell iu with the idea and told negvcdu r up f w hen this was finished he was given a paokage of cast off clothing to deck out bis dummy he looked aakanw at the garments an he put them on the sticks and wasr evidently ranch impressed by their excellent condi tion he looked askance at his own cjotueb from tuna to time add seemed to be making silent comparison presently he put tho scarecrow in the garden and returned to his employer who stood at some tittlo distance he looked at his work of art with hie bead very much on one bide and anally said say miater well john ay tank maybe it was better i change clothes with scarecrow or else stand my self in his place he con beat lu bbb the ouuimj wearing better clothes than he did how a man makes the telephone rattlo when he gets mad and what little good it doeb 1 bright as a dollar heart and nerve troubles oloud tho brain tangle the memory wreok the sys tem and destroy bleep milbnrna heart and nerve fills regulate the heart tone the nerves and bring health and vigor to the entire system you muut fortify your syetum against the attacks of disease your blood must be kept pare yonr btomaoh and digestive organs in order and jour appetite good hoods sarsaparilla is the medioino to build you op purify and enrich your blood and rive jon strength it creates an appetite and gives digestive power ilooda pills are the favorite family cathartic easy to take easy to operate the ardent lover is all at boa wboo his best girl throws him overboard an alarminq condition of a gananoque resident flebh fellor from 2 14- to 143 aban doned by physicians dr ag- ttbwgcarefor tho heartsaved his life an irishmans will in the name of god amen 1 i timothy doolao of barrydownderry in the county of clare farmer being sick and weak in me logs but of sound head and warm heart make this my first and last will and my old and new testament first i will give my sowl to god wfiin it plazes hira to take it bare its no thanks to me for i caut help it ibid and my body to be buried in tbe ground al barrdownderry chapel where sail my kith and kin that have gone before me and those that live after belonging to me are buried face to tbeir ashes and may tbe sod rest lightly over tbeir bones bury roe near my god father felix okaherty between and betwixt him and my father and mother who lie separated altogether at the other side of the chapel yard i lave the bit of ground containing twelve acres rale old irish aores to ray eldest eon tim after the death of hfs mother if abe lives to sur vive him my daughter mary and ber husband pat obeagan are to get the white sow teddy me aioind boy might have got the pick of all tbe poultry but hes gene i brqaeith to all mankind fresh air of heswan all tbe birds of the air they oan shoot i lave them all tbe sun the moon and stars i lave to pat bafferty a pint of potheen i cant finish and may god be raeroifnl to his sowl four years ago jooob dewitta of hay island near gananoque was dragged almost to tbe verge of death by dreadful heart disease remedies failed fbysia- ians failed he was given up to die from vigorous manhood he had gone to a brokon despondent wreok he procured dr agoews cure for the heart used it faith- folly and today he weighs 218 pounds and lives to bless the day the great remedy was recommended to him bold by a t brown much in little is especially tree ol hoods fills for nofad lla crcf c so great cu pu la so small space taoy are a whole menlnlne 05 woods norway pine syrup the most prompt pleasant and perfect curo for coturbs colds asthma bronchitis hoarseness sore throat-croupjhthoop- ing congh quinsy fain in tho chest and all throat brononlal and long diseases tho hulling anticonmimptivo virtues of tlio norway pine aro combined m tlmmodiclno with wild cherry and ether pectoral herbs and bal sams to mako a true apocioo for all fornix of diaooso originatingf romoolda price 25c and 80c fmilum jfycgelqucpreparationfor as similating thetocdandncgiita- lluglhestomacksandbawejaf that the facsimile signature t iiiiiuin fwmotesdleesllotvcheetful- tkss and restcontalns neither opiuutmorpuiae nor mineral not narcotic mkbenr apcrfeet ttemeoty rdrconstipa- tioa sourslomactidiarrhoea wormsconvulsionsfeveri5h- ttess and loss of st tac simile sign of is on the wrapper of eteey bottle of preparatory to stocktalari wo offer special inducements ic following lines wool blankets flannelette blankets underwear dress tweeds flannelettes hosiery gloves and general winter needs railway time tablb sb5 pft castor is pit up in enoslio lottloi only it ibi not sold la bulk dont allow anyone to sell i ton anything elio on tho plea or premise that it i is jnst as good and will answer every per b bce that yon got 0abtoria exact copy of vrappcb vrappir one trial ot motbor oraves worm ex terminator wilt convince yon that it hab no cqpal as a worm medicine buy a bottle and bee if it does not pleaso you a man seldom gots bo fall of omotioo that be has no room fordinnor its so pleasant to tabo tbat children cry for it bat its death to worms of all kinds dr lows worm byrap frioe 25 centp all dealers mrs groat balloon bioovqs aro rapidly going out of etylo ojd gront well whats the odds women will eobci dlecover somo other tnet4 wtwtingdfwwg biok headache however annoying and dialreeeing ia positively cared by laxa liver fills thoy are oasy to tako and never gripe the moro wo think of somo people the less wo think of them sleeplessness is dae o norvoas excite ment the delicately oonatitnted the financier the basinoos man and those whose occupation neoeaaltates great mental strain or worry all sutler less or more from it bleep ia ther great restorer of a worried brain and to get sleep cleanse tbe storoaah from all impurities with a few doses of parmoleod vegetable pills gelatine coated containing no marcury and are ruar anted to give satisfaction or the money will be refunded mrs sraythe i wonder what the secret signs of the masons really are mrs tompkins i dont know but that sort of thidg is easy t why ive had mr tompkins called away from me to get a drink lots of times and not suspected it till afterwards and hea uo mason i a oloven breath is equivalent to a plea of guilty caps oi crowns whether the head wears a oap or a orown headaohes will come bnrdoak blood bitterd curtb all forma of beadaohe it is a en rati vo for rich or poor x suffered with terrible violent bead aoheabutbbrbourfed me before i had- finished the fourth bottle mrs w macklin cypreaa hiver man ways efficient always ftfaetory protent a or t ctcr euro all liver lbs stele headache jaundice constipationetc sbe the only tols to tako with hoods flamfrarllla theolde8t voter bputh brant will have tbe honor of recording the vote of the oldest voter in tbe province in tbe coming election last week the oentonarlan whose name is j c frtskliinilirlrngwinfcthft nnnrt hoflsa and host men are generous to a fault when the fault happens to bo tbeir own the only bloodpurifier admitted on exhibition at the ohioago worlds fair was ayers sarsaparilla all others being oxolad- ed as secret preparations and patent medicines with doctors and pharmacists it has always been considered a standard remedy continued success continued success means sterling merit norway pins syrup has sterling morit hence its continued saccoat xt cores oeagbs colds asthma bronchitis hoarse- ness sore throat and all throat and long troubles mounted the etiira to the conrt room where jadkojoofli was registering for die- triot 2 as lively m a man of 26 i want to refiiitar he said in a firm voice name was he reply john charles franklaud i suppose that you will swear you are of sga jokin ask a scrutineer i will sir said the old man quite ser- ionly i am 10 years old silly honey stories the silly stories seen from time to time in be paper afcous artificial oombs beiog filled with glacoss and deftly sealed over with a hot iron have no tbe slightest foundation in feet for ysara then has been a standing offer by one whose financial responsibility is unquestioned of 11000 for a si ogle pound of oomb hooey made waboat tbe later vent ion of bees the pffer remains on taken and will probably always fflmmnao fortu blglhff such deljoato art otmwfosn wtver compass awomphsbeiibw cullurt the bee burdoci imiui j mfiii buood b first boy my papa knows more than yonr papa doea borne persons havo periodical attaoks of canadian ovolera dysentery ordiarrboea and havo to use great precautions to avoid tho disease change of water cooking and greoir frnit is sure to bring on the attaoks to auoh persons wo would recommend br j d kellogge dysentery cordial as bolng tbe best medioino in tbe market for ail bummor complaints if a f drops a t w w th tjyroptonu aro noticed no further trouble will be experienced second boy i bob he dosent did yon ever sen my papa his forehead reaches way down to the back of his head makes the deaftohear almost mlraouloue in ita efficacy- chrorlo catarrh induced deaf ness dr agnew8 cataarhal powder retores the hearing with all its acutenoea john uaolnnis wallabnok bridge n swritea i was aflhoted with catarrh which left mo very deaf bnt after ohing one bottlo of dr agnews catarrhal pow der my catarrh had left me and now i oan hear aa well as i over did it is delightful tonse nod paioloss i got relief in ten minutes after making first application bold by a t brown the tailor is engaged iu a fitting ocou pation instant relief guaranteed by ubmg mtlburns sterling hoadaohe powders no depressing after effect x old peoples rfrrnim castoria for infants and children mrs thos mccann mooresville ont writes i was troubled with biliousness headache and lost ap petite i could not rest at night and was very weak but after using three bottles of bbb my appetite has returned and i am better than 1 have been for years i would not be without burdock blood bitters it is such a safe and good remedy that i am giving it to my children bow ftccomniodsung soma men sr to thalr ivs wtasnmkod to do somethinu thsjr ate dying to do anyway bnnsrlnc stopped tbe sufferings oaased by constipation oannot fa numbered all ol these tronb- is oan be parmanenuy eared by lsu-iriv- f r pills one ltkllver fill every jilght for thirty days onree oonstlpatlon apd blllonsness wbv dont yon marry that jirlv 8be a a real pearl ah yes but i dont like the mother of pearl vneqotlled mr thor brunt tyend inea oct writes m haye to thank ou for recommending dr xboinas iloleotrlo oil for bleeding piles i was troubled with ihem for nearly fifteen years and tried almost everything i could bear or think of somo of them would give mo temporary r bu n w eff a o i-bae- now been free from tbo distressing com plaint tor notrly olghtoeii moutlib i hope you willoontlnae to recommend it hard for tho old folks to movo about constant bnc kachos to bother them in t lie dnytinic urinary wenkucss to disturb their rest nt night doans dney pllls ftrenkthrn tie kidneys and help to mcl s ho declining yrara confqrtable mr w g jlrfirford chestniit street chirlnttctown p e i v rites for the pent two years i havo had much double with dineaflo of the kirinejh and nonretention of urine wne diontlcnl and euftered a front deal with puln in my back mo been jreaily tjcnollted by the ubo ol doan h kidney hllle how a person can gain a pound a day by taking an ounce of scotts emulsiom is hard to explain but it certainly happens it seems to start the diges tive machinery working property you obtain a greater benefit from your food the oil being predigested and combined with the hy- pophosphites makes a food tonic of wonderful flesh- forming power all physicians know this to to be a fact all drogciftts 50c and 1 00 scott bownc lhcmum loronw we invite your inspection gurnet fe go mill st acton nelsons annual spring suit sale commenced wednesday morning feb gth and closes saturday night at 930 your choice of tbe finest range of new speing suitings exoiubivo patterns confined to ourselves in english irish seotob and gnadian tweeds and blue and black serges none of them less than sis 00 up to 22 so we give you tbe ohoice on days advertised of any of these suite made to your order in the very latest style for 16 a suit only one buit will be bold to each purohaser terms 85 muat accompany the order in every oaafi balance when unit ia deliv ered at any time before 24th may r e n6lson 99 wyndham st guelph the leading tailor and furnisher cash and one price shops and warerooms toot oi willow j3t calls qttendeld to day or night hagyarda yellow oil is prompt to reliove mdsi4aourimuugho pain in the cheat hoareenong quinsy cto frioe 25 cents when a man first ret a converted he wonb even quote the swoaring of another a prominent u 3 physician praises dri aonevv8 catarrhal pow der dr m bark man bioghampton n y writes send mo twelve dozen more of dr agnewv ointment 1 proscribe large quantities ol it it is a great remedy for tetter salt rheum eczema and alt shin dlseasbb and also a oflro fof plloa price 15 cents a box bold by a t brown not education bat character is mans greatest need and mans greatest safe guard spenser there never was and nevor will be a universal panacea in ono remedy for all ilia to whioh flesh is heir tho vory nataro or many curatives being buch that were tho germs of other and differently beated diseases rooted in tho system of tho pation t what would relieve one ill in torn would aggravate tho other we have however in quinine wine when obtamod in a sound unadulterated stato a remedy for many and gnevodb ills by its gradaal judioiona uae tbe frailest bj sterna are led into con- valfidcebae and flhfbhrtll by ilio inndonbb whfoh qninlno exorte on natures own restoratives it relieves tbe drooping spirits of those with whom a chronic btate of morbid despondent and laok of interest in life is a disease and by tranqaiiizlng the nerves disposes to sound and refresh ing sleep impartb vigor to tbo aotion of tbo blood whioh being stimulated ooarsea throughout the vema strengthening the healthy animal functions of the systom thereby making activity a necebsary reatilt strengthening tho frame and giving lifo to the digestive orgaus which naturally demand increased substance result im proved appetite northrop a lyman of toronto havo given to tho public their quinino wino at the nsaal rato and guaged by tho opinion of scientists this wine approaches nearest perfootion of any in the market all druggists so it men and women have more faith jo each othor thin tliey bavo lu their own box an kx- alderman spdikh mr jru hagan tho wellknown ex alder man of kemptville ont says for omo ytra i bavo boen greatly troubled with pain across my back urinary troub le caused tno much loss of aleep and i uflered from a tired woru out feeling doan kidney pills gave me relief lu a abort time tho pain in ray baok has d lift ppoa tod and i foal thmt i would be doing wrong not to recommend them to others nfreriaa at i did they are the beat medioino i have ever need irate customer bee here ive worn these new trousers only a week and thoy already bag at the knees dealer yah dot wi realit- dose aro our new padent pants vot makes beoplea dink oar gustomers no to ghuroh dree dimes tftry sunday they never xall qlr w m uooghnor langton writes for about two years i was troubled with inwurd piles but by using par melees fills i was oamplotoly oa rod and although four years havo etaps od since then they havo not returned parmolcey pills aro aotl bilious and a speoiqo for tho ours of liver and kidney complaint dyspepsia ooatlveneis hoad aohe piles etc and will regulate tbo secretions and remove all bilious matter dont yon think him greatly to blamo for marrying her for bor money ik wasnt bis fault ho couldnt liolp being born poor j a speight co undertakers and embalm ers acton ont latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges furn1 of all kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable phces your inspection invited j a speight co orders left with j n 8tnson rockwooct will receive immediate attention 4frooooatooocoas9 grand ti unk railway 1xf if mull tltant w f join art 10 i ii x umi i x i n mutl mix i ill c llf 1 r hi ifillu i i l i 1 u c iis n in 10 7 u in 0 11 id 10 c i i in till tiru tiio unfit into tit id on mm ilu nov lotli ifiin wanted agents in oviry illhtrict ou tho conllm nt to tako orilorii for hili jriulu cntiadian rown nor ury btoclt mill hccdh ijthuhtaifd tnot compjoto aenortliiunt n tho trado i mt bollirif anuclsil tloi nuiiarb buuiiie furniilwl troa corroi louijincu in any jkukiiak tlioim nobitloniaro monpy inakorb nut turrltoryihoiilj bo idea red at onco for tho reason by all litifitlurs looklnr for acoodthjtik our aalury orcommihrloil olfer will intoroht anyono not earnin k 41000 00 per oa get lp coinraunicatlon witli onr uoret office r r an otportanlty to reiirobcnta voll iiitablubul hotuo ability more important than exporlcnco luke brothers company intafnatloum korflcrlca chicago iii montreal quo xlqchcstei n y w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont uieb x enaialtx or machine finished book papers amd- high gha0e weekly news tho papor used in this journal is from tho above rmlle wm barber a bros your portrait have you had one taken lately if not give rarrtshaw the artist a sitting and you will be delighted with the result courteous attention satisfactory photograpfis prices reasonable call to day this- weather just suits- h acton ramshaw photo artist brhntford galvanized ing vrlthln- teraal covered gor jatent mofler ud ball bearings maple leaf grain grinder two slses for any power no i has io inch reversible burrs no 2 has 8 inch single burrs both hae ball be an n g bu rr plates relie springs and shake feed grind firm t vith i power always guaranteed a rial given hundreds in use fl nurses story purest mid beat for tcrirtitanatmiry no adulteration nay er cakes mrs orlmsonbeftk tist are you in snoh deep thought abontitoln mr orlmsonbeak i ttaabnly thinking dear that all the mu who have gone in ssaroh of tho north pole loom to have boon married men lliiinrlilila luruil messrs t mllburn jt oo toronlo deor sirs i have usod hagyards yellow oil for my ohildnn wboo they had bronobllls and always lth great oaoeas i use it also for son tbroik and oan say here la nothings tijnal it a sore ouro mrs jatnta odrlen sudtsvllls ont telia how eho was oured of heart and nervo troubloe tho onoroab dntlos hint fall to tlio lot of a nurso tho worry caro iohb of bloop irrogulnrlty of moila oon toll on the norvoim sbtcm anil undormino tho health mis ii l atcnzii n ntofcbhionnl nurao living nt t10 coiner of wollnifiton and king btreota bmutford ont ntatoa hoc caso ns follows tor i ho past throo yoare i havo aufuiuri frnni wonluiono bhortnossof brcaui a d pniilintion of tlio hoars tho lonnt roitfiniimt vonld mnko my heart flutter and nt titlit i oui foniulitclinlcnlk toslcop aftirlkot mlluurns iloart and noivo fills i oxporionood groat relief and on aantimting tlioir ttno tho improve inont hna buun miirkid until now all theold iymptoms aro gunu anil i am complotoly oureilt mllblirns hoart and norvo pills ottre anaomia nervoittkbs woaknoss bleep lossnoss palpitation thrabblng faint spalls dliretnoas or any condition arising from impovorisliod lllnod diaordered norvee or woitk i unrt laza- liver plllsolean coated tongue mcmullens choice sleel wire nettings fjot trellis poultry yards lawn fencings etc are sold much lower this year than ever before they are the best ask you hardware merchant for tbem qaroklr mwrtaln onr opinion rrwfihil art j tntmtlon is probablr mtmitatlcobndttnlau ra sclenime mirm tiaaxetispsss li v

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