Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 24, 1898, p. 2

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uokif ft mahos in aotoii onbuuday lqth fobruory to mr and mrs authouy fuaaaii a son vins at tultxon ilaru acton on moudnv ulii iuhrtinry to or and mm j f uruii u nin ataiiitiiv ioii1iaiuiah1p at milton on wediiondav fob llih by tbo hov d w hilder ian is kortt to lauvlcnharlmrue both of hllltou mnrriao iiocuupb appointment mndu ii v moore olllco or roslnonco candloatesnojhrnat6d col kerns and john r barber for mally nominated on tuesday the campaion now closing tho nomination of oundidatea to content of mctavihii in nawiirawoyaou tuojilay 13tu kobruary aunio wife of angus olotavisli ngod 33 years davidson at tiuunysldtr quolph on wednes day february ictb cbarlos davldaou within fuvoii days of his 82ud year bi tttitt ttt ffciss thursday february 24 1898 notes and comments some one or other inline old country ia giving an impetus to the improvement of the mail service botween 6 reat britain and vqp colonies it is stated that arrange merits have been completed by whioh be mails will bo- carried over tho canadian paoiflo railway to british columbia for australia and it isuald also that two 22- itnot boats coating 4j425o0d each have already been ordered for tho faaigc bervloe naaetfrawoya council is not a vtry loyal body notwithstanding that we have in llulton county six printing offloea as capable of turning out municipal printing equal to that of any other offices in the couutry and at reasonable prices tbo nabsaraweyo township council haa award ed the contract of printing its annual report to a hamilton office thin action is taken presumably to save a dollar or so on a bill of pointing which la invariably a small one what do the hamilton printing offloea do for halton ooaaty or nasagaweya town- ship the world is to be startled it seems with a fresh outbreak of bulgarian atrool- ties the unspeakable turk has been at it again in macedonia this time a similar condition of affairs existing there to that which existed in armenia tb bulgarian agent has sent a note to constantinople protesting against the treatment to whioh the bulgarians have been subjooted villa gore have been burrouuded by turkish troops the inhabitants being subjected to unheard of tortures schoolmasters and prleats especially seem to be ooniidered good game by the sportive turk the dominion government haa a duty to perform in the inspection of the vessels now or to be employed in the yukon trade the temptation to patqh up an old vessel diaoarded aa unfit for reputable trade and send it north with gold hunters too eager to be cautious haa proved already too ranch for the owners of one- boat the clara nevada she was a wornout eoat survey steamer bought at auction repainted and patpbed up to a semblance of seaworthi ness at seattle bhe collided with a revenue cutter ran into the wharves at port townbend and blew put three flues at fort simpson a storm in the north paciflo would prove fatal to the safety of suoh a vessel this one of course wan not oan- adhtn bat there are the same temptations lor the one man as for the other it la to be hoped that the canadian offloera will not be as criminally neglectful as their neigh- bors to the south have been toronto star knox church anniversary excel lsntserrnbnaloreuonbre sfatlons liberal offerlnks sunday february 20ih was the third anniversary of the opening of knox churh and the fifty third of the organisation of the denomination in acton the day was fittingly observed anniversary sermons were preaohed by kev w a j martin of goelpb to large congregations both morn- ing and evening the choir sang a number of special anthems and the offerings of the day towards the liquidation of the debt on the manse amounted to 9 0000 the topio of the morning sermon was the necessity and nature of christian unity and wbb developed from the 188rd psalm thin iarmwn thf pnalmtf whl oonst y the county of hnltou for the lflgitlaturo ontario took puoa it milton on tueai bntween tho hour of one and two volook altor roidintj the writ and proclamation registrar robertson the returning officer announced that he wb prepared to reoeivi norrffiiatioiip threejuartera o tho hour had expiree boforo eitbar nomination was mado col ksrns3rab nominated by warden- andrew of oakvllle and seconded by danlol cook of georgetown john r barber waa nominated h jjlin d mcgregor of trafalgar and btcuuded by h p moore ot aotou upon rootlpd of col kerns and seconded by mr barber dr robert bo n was elected chairman and tho public meeting opened the hall waa brawled with an audience composed of repreeehtalive farmers and buainosa men o the good- old county of halloa a patient intelligent and flood natprert hearing waa accorded the speakers during ihflthroe hours they ocouplod according to a rnutualarratigoment mr barber ysi the first to address his fellow eleotora ha deattln a manly and slraightr forward roan nor with the policy of tbe ontario government and in his speech of threequarters of fan hour showed that he posseasea a conversant and intelligent rasp of the questions of the day as they effeofc the province of ontario brlpf reforenoe waa made to his loyal interest in the affairs of tho coudty of halton during his life time and to the fact that he is a native of the county he seeks to represent in the parliament of tbe province col kern a waa in excellent form and followed mr barber he referred to the faot that for fifteen years be haa represented thecoqntyof halton and challenged any onoitttcontradiot thai in any vote he had oast during that period the best interests of tbe province and of the county of hal ton bad not been coo served the colonel then touofied in a general way upon pointa of the governments polioy which bad been emphasized by mr barber leaving mr henderaod he explained to go into details opori financial matters in oonoluding he appealed for a continuance of the support ql theeleotors prophesying the defeat of the government and the adopiioh of a new policy with mr whitney placed in power to guide the destinies of provincial affaire mr d henderaod m p followed and spent threequarters of an hour in answer ing the argumeuta presented by mr bar ber by ou expert handling of figures con talned in the budget speech of provincial treasurer harcowt and in government reports he contended that the government is not tbe eoonomioal and judiqious body which its supporters claim and whioh ita annual reports upon the face of them tend to prove the surplus was all explained away and the province alleged to be badly in debt instead tbe last speakex waa barrister mogrlm mon of toronto who supported mr barber and the hardy government in a cool and deliberative analysis of the figures and statements contained in mr hender sons arraignment hia epeeoh was listens ed to with manifest interest and his sup port of the governments polioy in dear and foroefol argument was evidently re garded as fair and ooneiatent with the jaotil of tho oabe at jgaoe the meeting waa a model political gath ering each speaker waa given a fair and attentive bearing and in all the apeeohes there was aabmmendlble absenoo of those personalities which frequently embitter a con teat of the character now before the electors exmayor mbcollom was appointed as mn barbers agent and mayor dice will act in the same capacity for col kerns nas9aoaweya council ed the book of praise used in connection with the grand national festivals of the jowa its place was just at the oloso of the feast when the people bad assembled for the last time in the temple courts they had been brought together that they might realise that they were a people cet part by god to keep alive his name in the earth and witnessing for him among the nations before they separated they must be reminded of what was necea- nry to fulfil their function as a nation they must be blessed of god before they could be a blessing to others they could bo sure of gods blessing only when lis commanded it upon them he would command his blessing only upon breth- ern living in unity these were the lesapns renewed to israel from year to year these are the lessons tbo oho rob of go j needs today the lessons which each congregation needs if it is to perforin itb work unity of the kind described in the psalm is the great requisite in order that gods blessing may rest upon the church in her different branches and congrega tions and gods bleaslng is indlspense- able for the effioient performance of our work of vritnesstng for god every where an able amplification of the oubjoot followed and the speaker oon eluded withan earnest appeal fbrthlaunlty the topio of tho evening dlaoodrsewas from phil 1 21 for me to live is chrint and to die is gain we need to gat a view of the whole oareor of life said mr martin thore is uo- antlthosla between life and doath death is the step whioh ushers man into a fuller life death is something which will help man to the attainment of his purpose for me to live is christ st paul lived bo that those who came into o w w k the business trariaacted at the february meetlnar met week tbe cooncil met as per adjournment members all present tho keevo in the the speaker enlarged most effectually upon this thought and showed that if we are to have our lives at on o with god our purposo will bo the rasgnlfying of christ uud the glorifying of his name he commended bnoh a purpose 1 beoaose it is one whioh will give satisfaction 2 beoaqro it is commensurate with our italiire 3 because it la not iaoommensur- ate with any other houorable purpose let the love of christ permeate every othet purpose the fermons were both very helpful expositions and weve thoroughly appreolmt- ed by tho urgeiongregations whioh beard them coal oas killed him hamilton feb 30 g bridgewood a teaming contractor 78 years of age living at 40 jackson street east- was found dead io bed yesterday morning atphyxlattd by coal gas the stove was always oat of order and bridgewood was reseosd in the last stags only a few weeki ago althougli wealthy he lived in wlfat m tmesly batter than a shamir- flpify wbo lived jo the same iorjs ptpdrwiwjnibslng on satdcdayt iarfled qd wuy he lefi the botiter he said becanie was so oold 1 oh air on motion by messrs erwin and bell the tender of the tines printing company for printing 1200 copies of tbe minutes bylaws and financial statement was accept ed it befog the lowest on motion by messrs slang and mcgib- bon the account of dr livingstone for medical attendance on betsy ritchie amounting to 914 was not entertained on motion by messrs mcgibbon and bell the reeve was instructed to issue his order on the treasurer for 9300 in fav or of w patterson as per resolution of couaoil on 81st january 1805 on motion by mbara erwin and mcgib bon the som of 91740 was ordered to be paid to c canoeroo olerk for registering 55 births 11 marriages and 54 deaths as certified by the inspeotor the following committees were appoint ed to inspect roads and bridges messrs mcgibbon beattle and strang from the base line op to lot 15 and messrs erwin and bell the rest of the way the following acoounta were ordered to da paid the municipal world for assess ment notices and pads 3 worthldfiton bros for goods for w hilson 9450 geo clayton for the support of nanoy watson 9b88 j b moqreuor and john mopbed- ran for extra services rendered in aodittng aocounta 9200 a dopntatlon consisting of jqs little w cqiickx alllaxiii and carton wbh present asking that tho couooil open up a portion at the town line between the town ship of paslnoh and naasagaweya defer red for further conatderation a bylaw appointing pound keepers fence viewers and overseers of highways was passed the blanks being filled in as follows englands interest in canada general attention directed xo thie country at the present time mr g b llyau inerolmnt of guulpii rolurnodrroma vinit to tho murkotb of great britain ou baturtuy the afercun publishes an intdrcsling interview with him relative to plaoa oamidu lilu at pies- out itrthc eyes and beartu of tho peoplo of greut britain mr ryan haa crossed tho ocean 31 times and uh hu id a man who is in tho habit of moving about with his eyes open ho in in a position toppeuk confident ly und with borne atuliority concorning tho oli an go of ucntimtih in great britain never said mryan did i meet so many people making inquiries about thid country previoualy if tho conversation drifted towards this country it waaoarried on indifferently now everybody ia anxious to hoar all ubuut us and the talk fs all in that direction i remember about 15 yeara or so ago when australia waa the oentrebf observation in the old country and else wbere on account of tho great gold- boom every thing was audtraltn- tbe moav costly and the finest fabrics were being shipped to that pountry tvoll it ia aim oat in the same way now that thia country ia regard ed as a great place for luvebtmout there is albo a nxarlied evidooco that tbe people are better pouted they liavo been reading up and are much mora oohveraaut with the condition of affiirn in canada a few years ago as la well known it was ludi crous to ohiervo the extent of their ignorance even regarding tho geography uf canada they look npon ua now aa brothers and belonging to the bame family treat na in the moat cardial way a marked contrast to the languid indifferenno whioh was the rule a couple of years ago saw and heard more interest in canada this trip than in all the previous trips put together jforrhiirly when we got homei siok we used to go out and buy a lot of papprs to eeoif wo could read bomething about cunado and we were almost invar iably disappointed tbie year you cannot pick up an english paper without finding in it a column or more aohpefnlng this country everything canadian goes there just now i klondike is in everybodys mouth so general ia tho talk about this gold dietriat that the word klondike ia need extensively in adverttbing it is natural to ask what baa brought about all this a number of things all happening just at the right time haveserved to give canada snch a lift that she has bounded to tho front and is now in a position to buatain all the good oplujons that are being formed of her in the first place of course pame tho cananian prefer ential tariff which touched the aontiriient of tho british pooplo keenly to feel that they had been treated by one of their colonies to more favorable terms than were granted their rivaln thrilled the who nation that waa he great starting point then sir wilfrid laurier made a most marked impression at the jubilee ho represented this country exceedingly well everybody over there was delighted with him one baalneaaman a canny scot in conversing with me remarked you have a wonderful man in laurier bos a second disraeli to have buoh a man represent ing the country in london when the atten tion of the wholo world was directed to the jnhllee wab a great thing i doubt if million dollars spent in advertising could have doue as much for this country the english peoplo were delighted too with hie manlybpeccheairrftttnce followimjslri wilfrids appearance oamo tne iutton gold developments and the fine crops in tho north wear all of whi6h tended to send canada np very high in public opinion in the old land mr ryan rcferrod to the bound in tho price of c pr and g t r stocks the former had risen from 40 to 771 inbido of 8 months and tho latter had more than doubled thoaa two great roads were to a great extent the pulae of oanuda in tho old country and tho inoreao in their earn ings waa ample evideuco to the people that bobineas was reviving hero very much if wo had a proper inaolvenoy jaw it would hefp britieh trade greatly s o pbobdkeeper s joseph uuiotte j no lamb geo ingle fence viewers jas ingles jas moffat joseph little arobv bell robert ablns gecbimpaon j hamtey v wilson overseers of hi all ways isaac mitchell w linn john don kip j lhtlo jas simpson j kilchrog j phillips c rn- rriew culms a mophall j burns james taylor e- carton j baynton j auinson k wilsoni d wilson w stewart a graham w jones m holmes a barlow o cfork j moff john mupbedrau j looker r fulton w weir o elliot w loglo e brltton t sherwood ii moare j litter w defor est p deforest a alexander a bell j donaldson w crawford g dredge j r niokellj p walker rjmoffat w oarradloe jas bayers thos storey arcb mogrtgor thos maltby john bannet jas hamilton joseph anderson 8 cox b wallace john ritchie john robertson w limb jas easiterbrook r smitten cj allen w v harmer joo moffat the ooanojl adjocrnsd to meet on bat- arday sstb ffay at 10 oclock a in ltyoawmnl4rsttiapnslph amah and doors at ootlpb ntffemraqm can all your order at hist prolog uitill two burning queptionb to come before the next aebslon of the ontario legislature are amendments to the license act in the way of further restriction and amendments to the lords uay act aiming at eecuring the greatest possible possession by the working class of tbo privileges of tho sabbath it ought to bo expected that the candidates in halton whoxre to appear before tbe electors of this locality this week will state their position on theso matters in addition to tbe general questions in provincial politics an editor of a- prominent journal says there are some questions jnat as important as those relating to lumber school books logs and hogs tbe news of tbe decease of tho muob- loved frances e wlhard has oauacd world wide sorrow perhaps no worker in the cause of bettering tho worlds condition has wielded greater influence in many de partments at least many earnest hearts in our own community share with the thousands elsewhere tbls sorrow would j it be unwise to soggest that as far as aoton is concerned as a memorial of this great and noble lady the christian ladles in bur midst forroft local organization of the w o t u of wblob miss willard was worlds president and in whioh she was such an earnest worker that such an organization could do much good work could surely bo shown as us range of work i covers so many phases of social life one evil against which the w o t u has for j ears waged warfare ia the cigarette nuisance anti with good bucoeas mainly through good literature but if the warn inga our lada have bad from preap and pulpit as wellaa private odvion along with neighborhood news news items supplied by corroa- rondontsand exohangos aeoroetown a hih nlusa entertainment uiiilur tho aiiapiochof tho bind will tin uivetiin tho town hall on lcih march ly miia torruy oloctuionidt and filro muudu eirlu hum or soprano bololst crewsons corners tho blirihiui is romarkably good ut prebent and the farmers are taking advan- tagoof it by doing their teaming a lurge quantity of turnips are being ehipped from thia vloinlty a considerable number of saw logs and shlhglo timber aro oomlng into the saw mill now quite a number from hero attended a dramatic concert in aoton last- saturday night r mr robert uider who has been visiting frienda in mount forest for the past month roturncd home on saturday mrs jab stevenson who baa beon spending some time with friends bore returned to toronto this week mis a alice coleman left for toronto on monday where she intends to spend some time mr george ramabaw of- lowville spent a day or two with friends herb this week mrs ramshawj who has been visit ing here for tho past weuk returned home with him everton groat nnantities of ice are being drawn away from the mill pond for summer use among the visitors to be seen here last week were miss gillie naasigaweya miab annio oakea toronto missmary boys ouatio mrs j thatcher mrs m millard and misa bertie gcrrow frorr guelph in the methodist church sunday morn ing rev mr eestle gave a strong earnest bermon from rom 12th ohap firat 2 versoa we ought to live better and work with more veal after hearing that sermon in the eveningrev mr baker in his ohurob look for his text luke 15 first 3 verses dividing it into mans treatment of sin and sinners and 0hrlss treatment of sin and sinners contrasting the two and proving dearly that we would never bring sinners to christ by wrapping one robos around ub in a lam holier than thou fashion but by following the example of christ in being aympathetio and kind to tbe blnner while bating as he did the sin midland routecalifornia ex cursions via the chicago milwaukee st paul railway to los antfeles and other points in southern california these popular every saturday california excursions for both first and aecondolaas pasaengera aro personally conducted by intelligent competent and courteous oouriera who will attend to the wants of all passengers en route this is an entirely new feature of tourist oar service and will be greatly r appreciated by- families or parties of friends travelling together or by ladies travellingalone tho midland route tourist cars are upholsterod bleeping cars and are supplied with all tbe accessories necessary to make the journey comfortable an d pleasant and the sleepi bert rate la but 9000 for two persons from chicago to california aak the nearest ticket agent for a toorlat oar tolder giving complete information about the midland route or addroas eastern manager midland ron to no 05 adams street chicago iii or ai j taylor cauadian passenger agent toron to ont new music liberal offer to lotroduco our new monthly- publica tion american popular aftistc we make tbo following liberal offer send us the names of three or more performers on the piano or organ and fifteen cents in mocey or postage and we will mail you sixteen pages of the latest popular aooge two steps etc full sheet mublo arranged for piano or organ and american popular music for threo months address popular musle co indianapolis ind- tho proprietors of parmoleea pills are constantly rooeiving letters slmillsr to the following whioh explains itself mr john a beam waterloo ont writes i never used any medloine that can equal par- meleea pills for dyspepsia or liver and kidney complaints the relief experienc ed after using them was wonderfe as a safe family medloine parmeleoa vega- table pills can be given in all cases requir ing a oathartio v iste heed tse irdom wc need every foot of space for our big purchasers of 41- srr i ng gqoeds vwiich nro niivihg daily nnd to got this room wo mtft clean out nnd mako a comploto clonranco of nil winter goods no matter what the sacrifice now this is the gentest opportunity ever offorod in georgetown to close buyers seasonable goods at your own prieeb comprising dress goods dress trimminga ladies smallwares moiib underwear fura of all kinds at sacrifice prices jjoysv youths and mous suits overcoats- and odd panta at coat and less than cost to make- a clearance as wo are overstocked n this department just to hand the lateststyles iu hats rind daps from tho leading manufacturers fine higr although this is between bphsous wo are busy yes busy in this department our long experience in tailoring in conjunction with firstclnss cutting and workmanship gives us full con- fidenco in our ability to satisfy who favor jas with their patronage we show a full stock of tho latobt iu spring overcoatings fine scotch english and irish suitings trouseriugs etc patterns exclusively our own directly imported wo thank our many friends and customers for their patronage in the past and hopo wc will havo them all with us agnin this season georgetowns livest store gibson mi l rob block tuthin st- 0orgt03atfn produce taken in exchange every day bargain day here p s ko bpaco to quote prices here but visit our store and see how far a little money will go a nervous woman i was completely rnn down and bad a bad cough duo to bronchitis 1 was very nervous but since taking hoods sareapa- rilla i have more appetite and feel a great deal better i have also used hoods pills and find them very excellent mrs m garland 075 crawford street toronto ont hoods pills are easy to take easy to operate cure indigestion headache the village blacksmiths song years of pain but south amer ican rheumatic cure welded the link which binds him to good health again this ib what j h gadboie blacksmith of am prior ont bays i waa induced to try booth american bhtiumatio curo tho first dose helped me uud before i had used half tho bottle i was grcaijy benefit ted it has ourod mo and i heartily recommend it to all bufferera from rheu matism sold by a t brown siok headaoho however annoying and distressing is positively cured by laxa- liver fills they aro oaay to tako and never gripe inflammatory rboumatiam mr s ackermon oommoroial traveler ueltevitle f writes some years ago 1 udod dr thomas eolectrio oil for inflammatory rheumatism and three bottlea efteoted a aompletp cure i was the whole of one bummer unablo to move without crutch ca and every movement caused excruciating pains i am now out on the road and exposed to all kind a of weather but have been troubled with rhonraatiam gjnoe i however keep a bottjoof dr thomas oil on hand and i always recommend it to others as it did aomuoh for me how to cure heidacho omo people so0er untold misery day after day with headaoho there iarebt neither day nor instant relief guaranteed by nslag milbnrns sterling headaoho powders no depressing after effeot in the reproof of ohanoe lies tho troe proof of a good bl offer bronchitis tinrad the laws of nature are not being heeded it is tfmo aomu tin ah legal enaotmeht as you suggested last week shquld bo made in order to aliato iho ovll if wo had imd un energetic wot u it atalllikuly hat the rroommoudalion for so many hoensad hotels would have passed through tho council so easily with the probpeot also of pissing the oom- mlssloners in view of the palpable infrac tions of the law sometimes in matters of this kind the weaker sex have been proven the stronger much satisfaction will surely bo felt at the composition of tho public library board as deterhiinod by tho muuicipal oonncil and board of education perhaps ib would havo been difficult to seleol tho same number of gentlemen in whose eare the enterpriso coald beraoresatiifsotorily left it is esrtalnly time for a cbango as to the oonaitlon fp wbloh soma of the side walks are kept after- snow storms bat snow storms will soon be- over however some on will be snowed v next tnssday oobkbtxu messrs t milburn a co toronto dear sirs i have nsod hagyards yollow oil for my children when they hid bronchitis and always with great saocess i use it also for sore throat and can say there is nothing to cqaal itasa flqrn on re b mrs james obrien huntsvlllo opt uight unti the oause is generally a disordered stomach and a cure can be effected by using parmeleoa vegetable pihb containing mandrake and dandelion mr pin ley wark iiynsander p q writes i find parmeleoa pills a flratolabs artiolo for bilious headaoho glasgow house acton a feature with us this week will be an early shipment or american prints fancy sateens etc just to hand in exquisite designs and perfect color- irigs which will be cleafeddurihg the next ten days to make room for regular stock exceptionally tasty goods for wrappers and waists prices will range from 8c to ioc worth i2jc to 15c tlenders woveh wire fejicinc 1mi ontario wire fencinu cft t plotoa0ntu1a cheap i cheap cheap these pengings as well a mcmuliens choice steel wire nettings for trellis poultry yards lawn fencings etc are sold much lower this year than ever before they are the best ask you hardware merchant for them that ihe blood bhould perform its vital funotlona it is absolutely necesaary it should not only bo pure but rloh in life- giving elements those results aro beet effected by the use of that wellknown standard bloodpnriflor ayors sarsapa- rilla thero may bo nothing now nuder the sun buttho imitations frequently eurpaga the original if you are troabled with falling hair dandruff eczema of tho scalp or inolinp to grayness use the best preparation mado to oorreot and oure halle hair ren ewer they also relievo distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per feet remedy for dizziness nausea drowsi ness bad taste in the mouth coated tongue pain in the side torpid uver they regulate tho bowels purely vegetable 8mallphl bmh do iisfnall prloch substitution tho fraud of tho day sec you get carters asl for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills when a man tears a leaf off a calendar ho realizes that his days are numbered dr j d kelioggsdybentory cordial ia a speedy oure for dyeontery diarrhoea summer complaint bob sioknobs and complaints incidental toohildron teeth log it gives immediate relief to thoso suffering from the effects of indisoretion in eating unripe fruit ou 00 rubers etc it acts with wonderful rapidity and neyor fails to con quer tho disease no one need fear cholera if they havo a battlo of this medioino convenient caps or crowns whether tbo head wears a cap or a crown headaches will come burdock blood bitters cores all forms of headache it ie a on rati vo for rich or poor 1 buffered with terrible violent head- aoboa but b b b ourod nuo before i had flnibhcd the fourth bottle mrs w maqklin cypress itlver man uuflorlng stopped tho aufforings caused by couetipation bannot be numbered all of theso troub les can be permanoutly enrod by laxaliv ritrttv er pills onolaxaltveriiii every n for thirty days cures conutipalion and biliousness hagyards yellow oil is prompt to relievo and aaro to oure ooughs coldx aoro throat pain iu the chest hoarsenoiih quinay olo price 25 cents llrliiht ah a dollitr heart and nerve troubles cloud tho brain tangle tho memory wreck the sys tem and dfbtroy sleep milburns heart and nerve pills regulate tbo heart tone tho nerves and bring health and vigor to the entire stslem an ex- alderman sneaks mr jas hagan the wellknown ex-aldor- roan of kemptvllle ont says for some years i havo been greatly troubled with pain aoross my back urinary troub les caused me much loss of sleep and i snftered from a tired worn out feellog beans kidney pills gavo me relief in a short time the pain in my back has dlsappoared and i feel that i would be doing wrong not to rcoommond them io others suffering aa i did lliey are the best medicine t have ever died acton saw mills and wood y jktcbs broibtfn kaxtjvaotubaa and pb1lms xm lumber ith shingle wood jjro all kinds of wood in stock and promptly delivered to any part ot the town a rsasonablo prioes hardwood and alabs ont stove length sdwaya on band telephone bommuntcatlod you need it to bear tho dally burdens 61 hfu if your back a weak doana kldnoy pills will strengthen it if ft piins and ncliofldoans kidney pills will curo it nc experiment in taking doans udney pills they cured hundreds of wenk aching backs long heforo othor kidney pills were droamed of mn taiifb how bclloville ont buffered for nine years with tcrriblo pain in tho lack rheuinatio paina and pains in tho b adder ho spent 800 dootoring but gob tittle relief loans kidnoy pills havo completely ctirod him baniahed tho back paiua mid all tho other paixia and aohes tho highest price for wheat at the pka8 warehouse oats acton bariiby station grand rally 1 6iieiector8 a pnbllc mccring ot the electors of this section will be held in lire town hall hcton c friday evening february 25th which wlllbe ddresed by s john r barber the wbenatcanpipatb and others discussion invited chair will be taken at eight oclock god save the queen electsfs ef halton ymt vete and inf luenee are respectfully requested for the undersigned a candidate in the coming if favored with your confidence i will sup port the government in all measures intended to increase the productiveness and value of farm property my special attention will be given to the preservation of our forest wealth and the manage ment of our mines to the end that they may yield a perpetual revenue sufficient to meet air charges on the provincia treasury believing that these nro tho most serious questions before you at this time i remain yours truly paper maker georgetown jfteto hireriifietiutrts wanted a few good men for canvassing on yearly salaries the tjinscott company toronto rubber stamps fob fine rubber btamps fads ink ote write to gov carry co king bt east toronto wanted solicitous for canada an enoyolopodla of the country in five boyal quarto vol umes no dellvencg commission paid woek- ly a eanvasaer reports bis first wook making over seventy dollars profit droh cook dentibt cor college st and bpadlna ave 1 tobomto will visit aoton on tho first and third satur days- ot each month omca mr adam cooks rosldonae main street agents klondike gold fields a largo cheap valuablo book selling jlko a whirlwind beautiful prospectus twontyflvo cents books on time the bkadleygauiietson co limited toronto flour bra3w at acton shorts flour and 8beds all feed kinds of feed store agents rpite bubt ufa of ilsr majosty i havo socn 1 wrltoi lord lome aliout quoon victoria agonts make tlvo dollars dally this nitadlevqaltlthteon co llmltod toronto agents wafted woman mauou wife nhil mothor a book which ovory woman will bay is al most roody special prohcu bylady aberdeen introduction by miss frauoos r willard au onoyolopaodla ou tlio woman question por traits of a hundred noted women an numerous other illustrations a iiur for oltlier men or nomon eauvassorb prospectus s1q0 tub linscott oomianv toronto opt 8 seeds grow paying crop because tbey aro fresh and at havs tub sbst por sale evorywliere ilefufte substitutes stick io rbmtv sbbds and prosper 1808 seed annual free write for it d mferry co detroit rtloh try norval flour the best family flour iq tho market frank harris manager the limited toronto wilkinson ploughs last longest work easiest and draw lightest points and soles last twice as long ah cast parti havo our name and address in full on them see that you get them it will pay you the strongest nnd simplest pneumatic ensila irjjptoanleed 0 cut 30 t in tho murlntimkhbeed io cut 30 tons an hour and delfyer 40 feet full lino of straw cutters od root pulpsrs roller beaitngs all kinds of wbeelbarrows electoral dlslcfof the county public notice is hereby given that joseph hmccbllum of milton druggist is the appointed agent of john r baroeii and samuel dice of milton insurance agent is the appointed agent of w kerns can didatcs to represent iheclectontof the above district in tne legislative assembly of the provinco of ontario d robertson returntag oaieer co of halton milton feb aand 1898- 8 just received a jarro assortment note our pricos ilaliyti own ioc 3 largo cakea carbolic 25c pine tar 5c savars vhito cnstio ioc n lb n mottled caatilc 3 cakes ipc williams jcrsoy cream 25c slzo for 15c i itltliousnces headache etc use browns little liver pills purey vegetable small sugar coated pills only 10 cents a box xtsonto fei

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