Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 21, 1898, p. 4

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f under the weather that is tntf common spring complaint you feel vlogy dull tour appetite is poor nothing tastes good ton dont bleep well work drags tou oross every bridge before you oome to it theres lots of people have felt like you until they toned up the system by taking the great spring remedy ayers sarsaparilla its been owing such oases for boyearo try it yourself bend for the curebook pnses free j cayercomowell mmi r thdbsdax april 21 1898 tkije urmnjj-jmhs- a little glad for bih dllndod wlqdowa sobs and tear stalnod faces and a ihrondod baby on a bed hound tbo room a tiny maldon paces ohantinii softly little brothers doad all his pain is gono bo atlll ho aleopa joauachilstoarlittlobaby kbops in our armawo caurbtthoalmplo oreataro dade hor iiusb ber song for mothorasalco tried tbo talo of death and loaa to toaoh ber emptyoot irotoyea and bearta that ache protty baby buried in the ground father mothoryilster weeping round and tholnalden listened wldooyod paliog in the dreary oblll of oburobvard lore thnohablidedtluojhu41ltuflptjllnl thfy farmhouse to ho glass of milk nobody bbt an old para lyzed woman waa lu tbo bonne and aba replied that no milk was loft in thojukbl and tbat alio waa unablo to go to milk a cow never mind paid the qucoh you will allow mo i will go to tbo pasturn just tell mo wbero the juga are jlut my dear lady you aro from tho town and you will never be able to milk a bowobjeatodtbo oldwomtfn she waa mistaken however for a little later her majesty returned wiib it it i f- fljled jug meantime prinoeas clementine bad laid on the table throe bowels a oaf and the uecdfnl knlvea and plates otbo old farraera wife was served by the prinoees who it appears greatly enjoyed tbo adventure youtka companion tracked by his thumbmark an extraordinary example ol the efficacy of ths thumb impression method of identification baa happened in bonsai some months ago the manager of a toov harden in thevooara waa brutally murder ed the murderer getting clean away at the crime jrki tftird nntil aomo lime after its oommislon for some tima the police wore at fault until it waa discovered ibat the murderer in rummaging among some papers of the deoeaaed bad smudged a bengali atlaa with his thumb tbo atlas waa forwarded lb the tfureau where the thumb impressions of criminals aro kept when it waa discovered that the impres sion 4irtuo atlas corresponded with the thumb record of a noted criminal then at iarge the man waa arreated on this evidence and other evidence subsequently accumulated to connect him with the orime this time in quyon hundreds in the town can vouch for the truth fulness of the story yea i know- 1 shant aee baby more but hes ono pf ood0 owu oberublm maynt i bo a little glad tor him oh babollps touched lately by the maker how ye abame ui poor balfheartad men i wo who know death inakoa oor dead partaker of a joy boyond our fartbeat kon yet bewail our loai till faith growa dim cant we bo a little glad for bim peculiar abbreviations there oan bo formed from the names ot some of the statoi of the union to tho south of us a list ol peouliar abbreviations auob aa the following the moat egotiatioal me moat religions mass most asiallo ind father of slatea pa moat maidenly miaa seat in time of flood ark most useful in haying time mo deoimal slate tenn state of eiolamalion la host astonishing state o moat unhealthy state 111 state to oure the aiok md state where there ia no auch word fail kan a womanly woman thb highest ambition of a thoroughly womanly woman when she beoomea a wife will be to make her borne ao homelike add attraotlve to her husband that he will find hia greateatbappioetaa there you will never bear hor complain of thia aa being a narrow anhorafor si womans life and energies for ahe la wiae enough to know it ia apyiblng bnk an easy task aba haa under taken and alio that the influences for good of auoh a home are not confined within the four walls tfiat form its visible limits bat affect in aomo degree all who enter it and that they will extend onward for genera- tlona exchange women are more banning than men in concealing gray hair and baldness and are wiser in selecting antidotes halla hair benewer ia a favorite with them s behoo l why la it- wrong to have two wives tommy cos no man can aerve two maatera no email objeotloa whioh young folks had to the oldtlme apringmedloines waa tbelrnausepasneas in our day thia objeotlon ia remood and ayara sarsapa rilia the molt powerful and popular of bloodpurifiers ia aipleaaant to the palate aa a cordial hie idea is the water yon get at your boardinghouse pare egbert no there seems to be a lot of milk in it finger nslls cume oil a wonderfnl atory cornea from emeraort man- to the effeot that mrs jas 8aundera of tbat place lost her finger nalla through a severo attack of salt hfienm nothing eeebied to do hor any good till ahe com menced taking bnrdoob blood blttera with the reanlt that the aalt rheum haa all gone and the anger palls gradually grew on again i didnt intend to marry bin anyhow tben why did yon sua bim for breach of promise the marblehearted wretch might have allowed me to break the engagement if you cannot get beef mutton will answer you may choose between milk water coffee or tea but there is tio second choice for scotts emulsion it is scotts emulsion or nothing when you need the best codliver oil the best hypo- phosphites and the best glycerine all combined in th best possible m you have only one choice it brings prompt results in all cases of wasting or loss in weight all drurtbls a and fioo scott a bownb chmla toroolo mrs kass is cured by the great spring medicine paines celer1 com pound she suffered for long years from fright ful neuralgia she says no tongue can deaoribe the agonies i suffered paines celery compound the qbeat medical prescrip tion for neuralgia sciatica and rheu- -rr- mathsm beware of imitations lidatudq 18 the kind ralwh o that cures the qniet little town of quyon situated on the ottawa river haa famished many a atroog and convincing testimonial for earths moat popular medicine painea celery compound one of the latest lettera received is from mrs david ease a lady well known and highly esteemed she wrltea aa follows wolle a blohardson co tnk b t h nnnh flnr in testifying to the worth of your lifesaving medioine painea oelery conqpound i waa a yiotim of neoralgia in its worst form for many years and no tongue oan describe the agoniea i goffered a friend recom mended your compound to me and after using two bottles i am completely cured i obeerf ally reoommend falnee celery cumpound to the world especially to all who suffer the agonizing tort urea of neuralgia ypnra very truly mrs david baas quyon fq itfaaeyrqssednolion in mariyarrilnai that nionof eolenco ura provailingly und oven iicoosaariry unboliuvcre liut pro- fesaur itomnnoh anya when i wn at oambridge there wun u galuxy of genitla ill thnt dopartrrlotit cniunatin from that placo auob aa had never boeri tquolcd end the ourloub thing ii our prearn comicolioii ib tliat all tho moat iliusiriouit numoi wcro ranged on tho aide of urthodoxy sir w thomaon sir qeorgo onbriiil stolieo lro- feaeoratttitiadamsiolerlimaa well and- cayloy not to mention a numbor of tegser lights auohos itoutll toclhunter ferrore etc wore all avowed christiana itia ocoeaaary to adducp from timo to time personal ovldcnoo of this nature what romanes thus bpecitliri ia one of tbo most important considerations in tho controversy between fuith and tiubotlof chritttictn coithlloniuetilfh a nervoiihvimmii i waa complotely run down and had a bad cough duo to broiicliitih i was very nervous but eince taking floods barsapo- rilla i have more appbtito and feol a groat deal bettor- i have aleo used hoods pills and find them very excellent mrs m gurland 075 crawford street torouto on tlooda pills aro easy to tuko oaay to operate ouro indigestion hoadaehev miggab dat talks to -himself- ialliato ft fool- tbatlieaache can bo jubtantly relieved by taking olio of milburna sterling iload- acbo powders 1 powder flo 3 lot 10c 10ior25o union is not good uuloss it unites on good you need it to bear tbo daily burdens pi lifo if yonr backs voak dodns ikidnoy pills will strenutbou it if it pins and nclics doans kidnoy pills will euro it nc rxperiment in taking doans kidnoy pills iboy cured hundreds of weiik aobibg backs lon before other kidnoy pills wcro dreamed of mn 3xmn bow bcllovillo ont buffered for bine years with tcrriblo pain in the back rlicinuatia pains and pains in tho hinddcr ho spnit s300 doctoring but got littlo relief donnd kidnoy pills have ccnnplolcly onrcd liimi banished tbo book pains and all tho other pains and aches oroat perils aro tho hotbeds of groat gdqis cures every tinie i have often had coughs and oolds as well as bronchitis norway pino syrup cares mo every timo lizzie hardy moyflold ont muah wasbin doant make a niggah whiter iklrs celeste coon syraouae n y writea four ypsrsago i could not oat many kinda of food without produoiug a burning exqrnciating pain in my etotnaoh i touk parmoieob- pills according to directions under tbo head of dyspepsia or indigestion ono box entirely enred mo loan now eat anything i ohooae without dlatreasing mo in tho least tbeso pills do jot oaube pain or gripipg and ebould be used when a catbartio is required xboi moon doeant mind the bulldogs barking constipation bamea fully half the alckneaa in the world ii retains the digested food too long in tbo bowels indproducea bluousness torpid liver indi- leatfon bad toato coatod tongue aiok headache in somnia etc tlooda pills eoreeonstlpatlon andoll its kotl thnr a p prepared by 0 i hood ti co lowell mass tbo only rills to toko with hoods barsaparula woeds doant mind much bow doys planted want to keep your neuralgia of course you dont bo you sliould -take- bootta emulbion it is a faot thia remedy cares it and it ooros nervcusncss norvo debility and insomania aleo tor infanta and childreu long aadeoabin doors low tho niggah must etoop tim glitter ur gold lnrea men on ao tbat ia tho wild rash for wealth they too often negleot health they have dyapepaia oonatipation liver diaordere irhpure blood which makee life miaerable then they look for a oure they get burdook blood bitters their blood beoomea riob and pore the liver tronbleaand constipation diaappear tbey are bale and hearty again b b b is to them a greater prize than gold man wid de itoh doant mind beln eoratohed a pinner pill many peraona auffer ezcruoiatlng agony after partaking of a hearty dinner the foo partaken of is like a ball of lead upon the atomaoh and inatead of being a healthy nutriment it beoomea a polaon to the ayatem dr parmeloea vegetable pills are wonderfol corrtotlves of aucb troubles tbey correct acidity open secretions and convert the food partaken of into healthy nutri ment tb a juet i to tt if troubled with indigestion or dyapepaia prove yonr immortality by long thoughts aasloua mothers find dr lowa worm byrop to expel worma children like it worma dont de atnmmioks net bsngry tioular when its a vegetable remedy for diseases arising from dir rdercd liver sto mach or bowels such as headache biliousness constipation coated tongue bad breath feeling of languor distress after bating etc mns cunt howu moholon kb aayat m tjsod laxnliver pills for headaohoa tndlivor trouble and tbey not only re lioveidtne but bnrui mo they do not gripe or biokon andnrocaaytotako bold by all druggists at 2bo a vial op 6 fop 10o jeecfahlcrrcparaliorvforas- slmilallrig tlsroodandrcgula- tlnj ihrislomaclis and bowels of that the facstmile signature -of- iiiiki ltoinbtesxlisll6ncheerriu7 tiessandrcstcontains neither ftoiuirtmorphlne nor mineral not nabc otic jutcvaroujlrsamvllpitaieil apcrfcct nemedy f or consupa- lion sour slomuxhdiairhoea vorrnscorivulsionsfevcrjsli- ncss andlosg of sleep tac simile siri of fft a txact copt ot wr a pper wrapper of every i bottttie of villi w- dutorlk is put np la ciimlrt bottles only it unotboldla balk doat jujjftw myow to poll yen anything elio on tbo plea or promise tht it ji jqit m good and will answer etery pnr- pote 4arsce that yon get 0astobia mrs ferry aro your now neighbors welltodo 11 re terry i think tlioy are the ohitdren haveauoli awful mannera a comiilcto mcllclue chest taken internally or applied externally yellow oil is eqnally efhoacoqp it oaroa oroup quinsy boro cbegt elite barns bruises sprains caked brenatb stiff joints and dozens of othorcomplainte no house hold should bo wlthoat it ft qoata only 25o and itself is a wbola medicine chest in long looking raalliplioa the stars tell tho deaf mr j f kellooky drnggiet forth writes a oustomer of mine having been oared of deafqess by tho use of dr thomaa eoleotrio oil wrote to ireland telling his friends there of the care in consequence i received an ordor to send half a dozen by express to wexford ireland this week man wid a honey tongue not a persim mon heart weak anil nervous too many women that way they need milbnrua heart and nerve fills mrs r hawke floors ville ont aaya mil- barns heart aud nervo pills cured mo of weakness and nervoubnoaa with which i had been aflliatod for a loog time from two pointtj ot view minnie admiring her now ring isnt it a doar littlo thing jack who bought it indeed it ia i thos sabiu of ellington saya i have rqrnovod ten corns from my feet with holloways corn cuto iloador go thou and do likowieo strength came back tho anvil once mora rings with the turokob of bla hammer mr thoa porlpons tlm well lfhowd blackaniitli of godoricli ont tells how aioknefs and wonkneas gave way to health andbtiohgth for the paatfouryoaraniy nerves havo heoii very weak my sleop fitful and disturbed by dreams consequently i aroso in tho morning unrooted i was frequently very dnzy and was much troubled with a mist that camo beforo my oyob my momory waaofton dofcotive and i liad fluttering o tho hoirt together with a aliarp pain through it at times in this condition i was obl1y worried and felt onorvatcd andoxhaasted two months ago i began taking milburn8 heart and nerve pills since that time i havo been gaining in health and strength daily they havo restored my nerves to a hoalthy condition romoved all dizzlnossand heart trouble and now i sloop woll and derive comfort and rest from it that tfilburns heart and nerve fills are a good remedy for nervous- nobb wcnknobfl heart trouble and bmilar complaints goes without baying price 60 ots a box at all druggists or t mllburn co toronto ont- jaok yea anoestors certainly help to give a aoolal preatago tom eepooahy when they aro wealthy and ono lives with them hagyards yellow oil curea all pain in manorbeaetj for sprainn cute bruises callous lacoptv awellingj inuammation rheamatism and neuralgia it is a bpeoiflo to reach men first reaoh god 13 running sores mr stephen wescott freeport ns found burdock blood bitters a wonderful blood purifier and gives his experience as follows i was very much run down in health and employed our local physician who attended me three months finally my leg broke out in running sores with fearful burning 1 had thir teen running sores at one time from my knee to the top of my foot all the medicine i took did me no good so i threw it aside and tried bbb when onehalf the bottle was gone i noticed a change for the better and by the time i had finished two bottles my leg was perfectly healed and my health greatly im proved short waists of ton havo long gains no ono need fear cholera or any annimor oomplaint 1c they have a bottloof dr j d kolloguo dyaontry cordial ready for nae it oorreota all loosoncba of the bowels promptly and bansee a healthy and natural aotion this ia a medioino adapted for the young and old rich and poor aud ib rapidly becoming tho moat popnlar tnodiol frr obolog is you want the nicest goods always then buy one of our kiby jiicyclo suits they are uptodate they are stylish they fit well they are waterproof and they are cheap from 4 a suit up new bicycle stockings sweaters belts hatsand caps a fine assortmerjt secoun new- green sweater our special stocking at goc is a beaut re 99 wyndham si- gtielph tho leading tailor and furnisher oashand on1s pb1ce telelilone 40 joxoooooo 6okbo6o 5horeys ready to wea r rigby water poof ed spring overcoat are made by tailors stayed in every vent and keep their stylish shape to thief cud silk facings best linings they cost inuch less than coats made by tile best custoiii tailors and cannot be equalled in style by the smaller tailors shoreys guarantee card in tile poclct ii ti wcircri certificate of perniaflent sbapcond highest tailoring excellence ask tor shoreys rcndytavtcr colhlnjr sckooo000kx00000cch3oooxchcccckc shops and warerooms calls atlendeid to foot ofvvillow st dayornight ji jl speight fe co undertakers and embalmers acton ont- latest ytyles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges furniture of all kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speight co l orders left with j n stin80n rockwoofj will receive immediate attention tho market the iko bid with christ ia for tho first timo dlsolohod best 8teel wiri woven wire fendlhg w1rs ropb selvaob you want the bst and thftcheapest mcmulichs pcncirigs arid pettihgs cam bine these two qualities no others do hog fencings at special low prices all ritliec varieties cheap mcmullens are the only good netiihgs sold in canada they are unequalled for poultry yards trellis lawn fences ask your hardware mer chant for mcmullens goods ifyou cannot fcu wr t a uurafaotorcd ftnd sold br thi ontario wire fencing co l ploton ontario picton ont or to the b greening wire co limited hamilton and montreal general agents james coopefc montreal general agent for railway fencings can itou afford to escperimen grand trunk railway loitfdg wkhi iolkcl kalic mail i ifiiini hxpruah j lil piii mttu 7 copiu isxprvn hxpruti mail fi fiiiini in 47 nui li 1 1 ini 10 ik ptu 11 mk ol cloiino fiiaiili joini weot u iiiii ami fimp iin goluk kutit 10 1 iini mid 5 lf pm tiiir timo tablu wmit into eltict on morula nov mtli ihi brhntf0rd galvanized steel wind mills for power and pump ing with in ternal covered qvar patent iiojlorana ball bearings maple leaf craiimgrinders two sizes for any powek no has lo- inch reversible burrs no 2 has 8inch single burrs doth havo ball- be a rin g b urr p i ale s re me springs and shake feed grind fine and fast witli lpast power always guaranteed a trial riven hundreds in use we make patent roller and ballbear ing steel windmills of allkinds the finest in the market bes material lig h tes running send for illustrated catalogue brantforocan john mcqiteen agent for the above has cbanrod his vnre- rooms to building on w k smiths property john street where mr de seen frost wood binders and mowers and a complete line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs in my absence mr john t elliott who resides on the property will attend to the wants of customers john mcqueen read this uantpii man wil desires to fill a ii nil i bu steady paying position and earn good wages ifyou are at present employed that need not prevent you from sending us a postal card to team what we do for you we have the largest most complete and thoroughly uptodate nurseries in tho dominion 1 here is a largely increasing demand for homegrown nuksery stock all supplies sent free the trial costs you nothing you get your pay every saturday if you cannot give full time to our inter ests we can arrange liberal terms with you for part time we grow a full line of fruit trees berry bushes flowering shrubs ornamental trees hedging bulbs roses and seed potatoes all our stock guaran teed and warranted to live write and tell us you arc open or an o tier and we will make you a proposition and yoiihvill want to accepi e p blackford co toronto you have seen an uptodate bicycle were trie nxles sp the campaign prepare for winds wo would oall your attention to tho faot that wo aro prepared to aopply you with lomborof auitablo lonth for yoar ffarp boors viz 10 12 111 or 14 foot also sash doors ii frames 1 mouldikqs bto for building storm doors pnt op at us low a rate aa possible a b leepairy ktfore it ia laxauver pills oure dy spepsu wlifin do wolfs proaohtnj look out for tbo lambs itegour actiou of tliu buwols in necessary ohoaltb laxalivor pille aro tho boat oocabional oatbartio for family or general an prioo 25a any dragglst many people are incapable of loving and tliore are many others who ought to bo aakyour for table and dairy purcit tramp approaohiog from behind i uint ad a bita loday capn euthnbiaatio angler wrong bait i ex- pect try a worm thore never nas and nevor will bo a universal panacea ia ono remedy for all illfl to which flesh ia loir tho tory rjatnro of many curativea being aaob that were tho gorma of other and differently boated diaoasea rooted in the syatem of tho patient what would reliovo one ill in torn woaid aggravate tho othor wo have howover in quinine wino wbcqobtatrjocl inaooand nnadalterated atsto a komedy for many and grfevoas ills by its gradual judioiona use the frailoatsyatozm aro led into con valescenoe and strontb by tho inflabnoo whioh quinino oxorts on natures own restorativea it relieves the drooping apirita of thoao vlth glioma ehronlo state of morbid dcapondonirpand laok of interest byiranqtrilfzirrg the noryea disposes to bound and refresh ing sleep imparts vigor to the aotion of tho blood whioh being stimulated ooursob throughout the veins strengthening tho healthy animal funotiona of the syatem thereby raaaing activity a ncoessary result btrongthening the fratn and blvlng life to the dfgestlvo organs whioh naturally demand inoreasod sabttanoe result im proved appetite northrop a lymn of toronto have glvon to tho pablio thoir quinine wine at the usual rate and guagod by tho opinion of scientists thia wine approaoheeneareal perfection of any in tbo market all di agists bo it were the chain rivets file proof were the cranks spring tempered steel were the balls handguaged and pedals dust proof were the cones locked insuring permanent adjustment was the chain between the bearings or on one side had the chain been submitted to a jerk test of 1 200 lbs were the bearings two point oil tempered file and dust proof were the sprokets detachable forged and flanged or only stamped were the spoke threads rolled or cut detaching from the strength were there oil cups to fall off permitting dirt tb enter the bearings was it protected by a reliable home guarantee or guaranted by 1m fatl wilt foat i t- do rovoi pu7utrs your pumps or put in now ones tod cold wsoandoit top at foot of river street acton tho8 ebb ace manager agents be dooutlful lift of mlsa wlllsrd by ber ieeptiblt socrocary and literary oxooutor anna a ion iutroduotion by itady honrytiomoraet iocs 01 tlld to ovoryhody qroat bnap lrospcotna iocowardr c0nt8 hooka ou timo 1 f bnadleroalinetbom co limltoa aright tho p toronto it to some unknown or remote american manufacturer the 1898 cleveland has all these advantage ifvyou want tlwigi ood engraving photo engkavinc jl ha f imnes see the clesrelarid improved bearinj the only correct principle i 1 i i t ad7 r bo past dii rroc and thrifty lit jcle3relands write for catalogue tor btlbi i uot dyes ni d to j 0 w 0 b beli 0 afolhing can o ajlyllall b n moiapiamond dye the pneum i io no side pull bind nor twist zb- how 1 and inoreaelng nooxmationa nud iiodlroda of thodfohtwentyabvakstlars greatest invention since sim agents every whei id j to i s ip owder hecooks best friend larqcst sale in canada ed cii 1 by h a lozier fc co -toronto- r6 wo oa no dlr sole representative it doo ktbromn fl nfarririk mi ticiroi tioimi ji dont think ever iblrror ia hopflcnhi jrbprlnk ia full- 06natitntioti is not luikqa of ttono aonrunjf a nkolrti mid dofiaiptlott mr a ntonfreowhtt dnlnmo d llnndbook ornoctirliiu jgh munn jkt y nottct without oltarro in tho ly nmwrtnlnmtr plntonftto whtther-n- lon in pnibntily ixitcntflmo oimmmilov tiintlrfxinadontliu llnndbnokonlatanti 00 fldoat afrtsnor forncciirlmkmtont tontfl tnkon tnraagh munn a cxntjali p lyttem in condition fnothirik j so itccii illu tako it ho tientific jlmcrican nolr lllnmlmlfhl wooklr ruoit rlr- f nny rhiiillun jnurnnl tormi w ii montliw solil by nil new idwjert co new york offlco g3 k st waahlnijtou 1 c ouch

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