Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 21, 1898, p. 5

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under ihe weather that is the oommon spring complaint you feel logy dull tow appetite is poor nothinst tastes good tou dont deep well work drags you orobaevery bridge before you oomo to it theres lota of people have felt like you until they toned up the system by taking the great spring remedy t j ayersarsaparllla its been ouringf etioh oases for 66 yeara try it yourself send for the cureboolc 100 pages frcii j c ayer co xowcll man site xf an jtm rm thuksday apbii 21 1898 flhj qjmna xalkw a limn glad for him blinded vlndoi sobs and tear italned faces and a ibroddd baby on a bod koiind4taavoodq atioymaidea paoes chntlnij aof tly little brothers dead all bis ptln is gone no still bo bleeps jeius cliutoar little baby keeps in our arms wo caaflht the simple creature bade her unab her song for mothers sakqtl triad the tale of death and loss to teach her empty oot wet eyas and hearts that ache pretty baby bnrladl la the ground father mother alitor trooping round and tbti maiden llskned wideeyed paling in the dreary chill of charohyard lore then she pleaded ctha child faith not failing yes i know iantant see baby more but hes one of gods own oberablm uayht i be a little glad for him oh babelips touched lately by the maker how yeiliamona poor halfhearted men i we who know doath makes onr dead partaker of a joy beyond onr farthest ken yet bewail onr lota till faith grows dim cant we bo auttle glad for him if r a quee mi the queen of the belgians and frinoeco olementintrrwliilolrivinr inaponyoart oqo day last oarnmer had a otmrroiog rural adventure which tho loudou pott dea- odbea v to explode acartflu yefypopularfallaoy they stopped at a farmhouao to myit is afirrniyrqoted notion in many minda klbbofmilk nobody bat ailojjl para lysed woman nan fa the bowe and aho replied hat no milk was left in tho jutfe and that she wua uoabto to go to milk a cow noer mind said tho qneon if you will allow mo i will go to the paslnro just tell me wliero the jugs are bat my dear lady you aro from tho town and you will never be able to milk a cow objected the old woman sha was mistaken however for a utile ftterjr3er majesty returned with a inf- filled jug meantime princess clementine bad laid on the table throe bbwele a loaf and tho needful knives and plates tho od farmera wife was abrtfod by the pringefla who it appoarg fjreatly epjoyed the advontare fouths companion tracked by hi3th an extraordinary example of the efficacy of the thumb impreasioa method of idantifloatian bao happened io bengal some iponthi ago the manager of a tea harden in the dooars was brutally murder ed tb murderer retting away as the orimo waa notdieopverecl laniilbometim after its oommlaion for borne time the police were at fault until it was discovered that the murderer in rammaginft among bome tuperfl or the deoeaeed had emudfied a bedrtuatlaa with bis thumb the atlas was forwarded to the bureau where the tliumbiraprobsionsot criminals are kept wbeu it was discovered that the impree- aion pn the atlas correepouded with the tbumb record of a noted criminal then at large the man was arretted on this evideuoo and other evidence subsequently aooutnulated to oonnedt him with the orime science and faith many beautiful facta come to life in the atady oftbjoroarollljumueallio into eminent boioittiat ono of them la very powerful after hid eon vortical huwueabo that dqbu of boionoo aro prevailingly and uvea tieoaeairily unbuhovors but uro- feasor roman ea aaya wben i wan i oambridgo tliero waa a galaxy of genius in that department emanating from that placo saoh as had never been equalled and the ourioua thing in our preant connection ia that all the moat illuatriuuh name were ranged on tho side of orthodoxy sir w thomson sir georgo gabriel stokes pro fessors tail adams olerkmaxwoll and cayloy not to mention a number of lesser lights suobss routb todhunter ferrers etc woro all avowed chriatianh it is neoebsary to addurio from time to time pereooil evidence of this utuare what romanes thus hpeciflii is ono of the most important cdneidcrutions iu ihqobntroverey between faith and unbelief- christian comnionxaeajlk a nervous wilnian i waa complotoiy run down and bad a bad noagh uo to- bronchitis- i was very nervbtjb bat since taking hoods sareapa- rillalbave more appetite and feel a great deal better i have also ubod hoods pills andfind thern very excellent mrs m garland 075 crawford street toronto ont hooda pills aro easy to tako easy operate care indigestion headache nigrttb dut talks to himself talks to a fool that hoadcho aau bo iuatuntly relieved by taking btio of milburnd sterling head aobe powders 1 powder co 8 for loo 10 for 25o his he in tluyom peculiar abbreviations there can bo formed from the dimes of some of the statea of the union to the south of ub a list of peculiar abbreviations uoh aa tho following the most egotlaticalme moat religioni maaa most asiatic ind father of sateaipa j molt maidenly miso beat in time of flood ar hundreds in the town can touch for the truth- fulness of the story mrs kass is cured by the grreat spring medicine paoe celer1 com- pound 8he suffered for long years prom fright ful neuralgia union id not good unlesb it unites on good see thatthe facsimile signature ioattorla 1b put qp la estlie bottles only it linot sold la bulk dont allow anyone to mil 1 anything else on the plea or promlu that it jnit at good and will answer tnry pnr- w w bee that yon get oabtoaia you need it to bear tho dally burdens oj life if your hooks woakdoans kidnoy pills will strenuthen it if itplns and nolios donna eidnoy pills will euro it nc cxperlmontin taking doans kidney pills they cared hand rods of weak aching backs long before other kidnoy pillb wcro dreamed of mn jam row bollovillo ont suffered for nine ycurs with torriblo pain in tho lack rhoiiiiiatio jiains and pains in the blnddcr ho nprnt 6300 doctoring but got little relief bonns eidnoy pillb have completely c tired him banished tho book pains and all tho other pains and aohes great perils aro tho hotbeds of groat souls cnrda every time 1 have often had coughs and colds as well bb bronchitis norway pino syrup pares roe every time mrs ferry aro your new neighbors welmbcio mrs terry i think tlioy are the children have snob awful manners a com pic to mcdlclue chest taken internally or applied externally yellow oil is equally efflqaoons it onrea oronp quinsy sore cheat cots burns braises sprains oaked breasts blifx joints and dqzens of pthor complaints no house hold should bo without it it coats only 25o and is a whole medicine chest in itaelf long looking multiplies tho stars tell tho deaf mr j f kellopk druggist perth writes a ouatomer of mine having been cured of deafness by the use of dr thoraaa eoleotrlo oil wrote to ireland telling bis friends there of the cure in consequence i received an order to bend half a dozen by express to wexford ireland this week man wid a honey tangao got persim mon heart weak ami nervous too many women that way they need milburuo heart and nerve fills mrs 8 hawko hagbrsville oot says mil- burns heart and nervo pills on rod me of weaknobb and norvoubnoaa with which i had been afilioted for a long time from two pointb of ytnw minnie jack yes ancestors certainly help to give a soaial preatage tom especially when they aro wealthy and ono lives with them hagyarde yellow oil cores all pain in man or beast for sprainp cats braises oallons lamps swellingj inflamniatiou rheumatism and neuralgia ii is a epeoiflo to reach men first reach god running sores mr stephen wescott freeport ns found burdock blood bitters a wonderful blood purifier and gives his experience as follows i was very much run down in health and employed our local physician who attended me three months finally my leg broke out in running sores with fearful burning i had thir teen running sores at one time from my knee to the top of my foot all the medicine i took did mo no good so i threw it aside and tried bbb when onehalf the bottle was gone i noticed a change for the better andby the time 1 had finished two bottles my leg was perfectly healed and my health greatly im proved bicjrclistst suits you want the nicest goodsalways then buy one of oirr riby bicycle suits they are uptodate they are stylish they fit well they are waterproof and they are- cheap from 4 a suit up new bicycle stockings sweaters belj8hatsand caps a fine assortment see our new green sweater our special stocking at 50c is a beauty renelson 09 wyndhamstgiielph the leading tailor and eurniuher cash anr one price- telephomb 40 6ciorgti shorevs jready to avear rigby waterpoof ed spring overcoats are made by tailors stayed in every vent arid keep their stylish shape to the cud silk facings mid thc best linings they cost mucri less than coats made by the bestcustoiu tailors ndabbotbefuauecwhs tylc- by the smaller tailors sborcya guarantee card in the pocket ii thii wearers certificate of permanent shape and liighebt tailoring excellence alk for shorey rectty t- vtc- clolhlne ckmx00cc00c00cc0ck000xocc am4 i s shops and warerooms foot of willow st oils atlendeld to day or night j a speiglit fe co undertakers and em balm ers apton ont- latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate chargest furniture of all kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable your inspection irivited j- ja speihtco orrlrrs infr with j n st rocttw will rrrrlyp railway time tabll grand trunk rallway- goinu west filtiil it ir 11111 icxiroab 1 ur pih mull 7 t0m loiko eaht rxpribb fl a5nm exprmh 10 47 om mail i 11 iui mlxod 10 03 pin time 01 cxoklktl ma1lu goinu wept 0 ii5iiiiiatilch0iin j cing kaat 10 15 nlii a ltd s 45 pm tblh tlmo tftblo wont into effect on monda nov uoth ibio g r rn tf0rd palvanizd steel for povyor and pumpr tog vnthln ternal covered qbar patent hollar ana sail bearings maple leaf crain grinders two sizes tor any rower no i has loinchi reversible burrs no 2 baa 8inch single burrs bolhhavbball- bearing burr plates r elie springs and shake feed grind jine jand fast with ipast po wer always cuarahteed a trialglven hundreds in use wo make patent roller and ballbear ing steel windmills of all kinds the finest in the market besi matcriair- ligh tes running send for illustrated catalogue bbantfordcam john mcqiteen agent for the above has changed his ware- rooms to building on w e smiths property john street where may be seen frost dfc wood binders anq mowers and a complete line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs in my absence mr john t eulou who resides on the property will attend to the wants of customers john mcqueen read this wantfn a man wll tlesires to n a flnilllu steady paying position and earn good wages if you are at present employed that need not prevent you from sending us a postal card to learn what we do for you we havo tho largest most complete and thoroughly uptodate nurseries in the dominion 1 here is a largely increasing demand for homegrow nursery tqck v moil niotal in baying time mo deolmal stats 1tno btate of oioumatlon la moat mtonlahldg state o moat nnhoaltby stt 111 btata to onra this ilok md not a state for tho nntldy waah state wbera than ii no iaoh word ai fall kan 8he says no tongue can describe the agonies i suffered lizzio hardy mayflold ont a wow w xbs highest aonbltlon of a thoroogbly womanly woman when she become a wife will be to make her home ao homelike and auraoura to her bmband thai he will and hit gnateii hipplneai there yoa will never hear her complai of thia aa being a painbs celery compound the qreat medical prescrip tion for neuralgia sciatica and rheu- matism maoh waahih doadt make a rjirrfth whiter mrs geleste goon syraanae h y writeo four yoara ago i oonld not eat many kinds of food without produoiuga burning exornoiatidg pain in my btomaoh i toit pirmolooa- pilla acoordidg to dlreotlons ander the head of dyepepala or indlgflition ooo box ontlrety oared mo zoannowekt anythlog i choose wtthont dlstreising mo in tho leaat theso fills do not oaues pain or gripiogi and ehonld be nbed when a batbartio is reqnired admiring her now ring isnt it a dear little thing jaok who bought it indeedltlsl thob sabin of egliogton bays i bave removed ten corns from my fept with hdlloways corn curo reader ro thon and do likewiee immedfalo attention v 44oeeaveeeeeeaeeeooftoeqiobaoa0eeeeeeoeobeeoaoaveooee strength came back the anvil once more rings with the atrokos of hla hammer harrow sphere for a womans life and energies for she la wise enough lo know it is anything bat an easy task she has under taken and also that the infl isnoes for good of snob a home are not oonfiped within the fonr walli that form its vltlblo limits bnt affeot in lome degree all who enter it and that they will eitend ooward for genera tions exohange beware of imltatlona batma7cl 18 the ktnd rairiei a that cures tim dueuut mind tho bulldogs barking j- mr thos portoons tlio woll known blacksmith of oodorich ont tells how elokncps and weakness gave way o health na strength for the pintfourtearam short waiatb often have long gains no ono need fear pholera or any smnrxior complaint if tboy have a bottlool dr t d kelloggb dyaentry cordial roaay for aae it oorreqtb all looaoncsp of tbe bowels promptly and causos a healthy end nktaral aotion this ie a medioino adapted for tho yonng and old rich- and poor and is rapidly becoming tho moat popnlar modidtne for oholera dyaoutery eto in the market women are mora onnnlng than men in oonoeallng gray hstlr and baldness and aro wiser in selecting antidotes halls hair bsnawer ia a favorite with them i sp snnday sobool teaohor why is it wrong to have two wives v tommy cos no map oan serve two masters no small objeotlon whloh yonng folks had to the oldtime epringmsdloines was their nanseoasneu in onr- day this objection is remorjed and ayers saraapa- rllla tho most powerful and popular of bloodpurifiers la ml pleasant to the palate as a oordul his idea us the water you get at your boardlngthooao puro j egbert mo there seems to be a lot of milk in it finger nails came off a wonderful afory comes from emersoni man to the effabt that mra jas saunders of tbat plaos loat bar finger nails through a severe attack of salt eheom nothing seemed to db iser any good till she opm- menoed taking bnrdopk blood bitters with the remit ibst tbe sail rheum hss all gone and the finger nails gradually grew on again r- the quiat little town of quyon situated on the ottawa river has furnished many a strong and convincing testimonial for earths moat popular medlolne palnea celery compound one of the latest letters rsostved ie from mrs david bass a lady well known and highly esteemed she writeau follows wsilj abiohardaon co dear sirs i have much pleasure in teitlfylng to ibo worth of your lifesaving medloine paines celery compound i was a vlotlm of neuralgia in its worst form for many years and no tongueoan describe the agonies i soffersd a friend reodm- mended your compound to- me and after uilng two bottles i am completely oured i obearfally recommend palnee celery compbnud to the world especially to- all who softer tbe agonising tortures of neuralgia yonra very truly mrs david bass quyon pq constipation lanaei furry bait the elokjiea in the world it retalnj tho dlrested food too long in the bowels anditoducea biliousness torpid liver indw 3ss tsatloo bjr faatej coatodj tengneajolc beadacbo in- etc hoods fills ehreeonatlpatlon ondalllts rosulucaslirand thoroughly she ttdruggtats prepared by o i hood sr co lowell mass tho only pllli to toko with hoods sarssparuia tthellf bid wltrrchtlansfor tlrn flrat time dlsdoeed best 8tefa woven wire fencing pm- fa you want the best and the cheapest humfmttirodaiiaboiabr thl ontario wire fenctnq co l lhtrtnvt j mcmullcns fencings and nettings com bine these two qualities no others do hog fencings at special low ibices all other varieties cheap mcmullerisare the only good nettings sold jn canidi they rare unequalled for poultry yards trellis lawn fences ask your hard ward jmer v t chant for mcmuliena goods ifyou otnnot buy of him write to the manufacturer at plcton ont or to the b greening wire co limited hamilton and montreal general agents james cooper montrisal all supplies sent pree the trial goats you nothing you get your pay every saturday if you cannot give full timo to our inter ests we can arrange liberal terras vlth you for part time we grow a full line of fruit trees berry bushes flowering shrubs ornamental trees hedging bulbs roses and seed potatoes all our stock guaran teed and warranted to live write and tell us you arc open for an offer and we will make you n proposition anclyqu will want to accept e p blackjfoed co toronto ijenerai agent tor itmiway fencings gan tou jlfiford to eperiraen1 weed douik mind much how deya planted v wont to keep your neuralgia of obarse yon dont bo you should take sootti emalflion it ie a uot thia remedy oureo it and it euros nervousness nervo debility nad invomadla also do hqnamiokti not cioular when ita h angry iiimiii m lot infents and ohildiau ltae- c9 ton i didnt intend to marry him anyhow then why did yon sue him for breach of promise the marblehearted wretch might have allowed ma to break the engagement jf you cannot get beef mutton will answer ydfl may choose between milk water coffee or tea but there is no second choice for scotts emulsion it is scotts emulsion or nothing when you need the best codliver oil the best jiypq- plijimjphttf best giyctrine all combined in the j best possible manner youhacnioe in alf pasting or lossiriyl illnitrt jacsnlttee gtqtt iivomflt chmlatolo idg ae de oabin doors low tbo nlggah mnat stoop tho glitter pf gold lnresmen on eo that io tbe wild rush nerves hayoboon very weal my sleep fltfnl and disturbed by dreams consequently i arose in tho morning uurosted i was frequently very dizsy and wftb muoh troublod with a mist tlt oomo boforo my eyos my inomory wasoftondefeouvoandl had fluttering of tlio heart tosetlier with a sharp pain through it at times in this condition i was easily worried and fell anorvatcd and exhausted two months ago i began taking milbumb hoarti and nervo pills since that time i lmvo been saining in health and strength dally they havo robtorod my nervos to a healthy condition romoved all dizziness and heart troublo and now i sleep well and derivo oomfort and rest from it that milhnms heart and nervo pills are a good remedy for nervous- ness wcaknoss heart troublo and similar complaints goes without saying prioe so ots a box at all druggists or t mubnrn de co toronto ont laxalltof pills onra dyspopjl for wealth they too often negleot health they have dyspepsia ooostlpatloo livar dlaorders impure blood wblob makes life miserable then they look for a cure they get bordook blood bitters their blood beoomss rioh and pure the liver troubles and constipation disappear tbey are haleand hearty again j3 jb b la to tham m greater prise than gold mao wid de itch doant mind belu soratohed a dinner phi many persons suffer eiorooiitlng agony after partaking of a hearty dinner the food partaken of is likes ball of lead upon the stomaoh and instead of being a hsaltby nutriment it beooraea a poison to the system dr parmedeee vegetable pills atre wonderful oomotltse of sdoh troubles they oorreot acidity open seoretlons am oonvort the food ptruken of into healthy nutri ment thej are just the medioln to take lt tronbla with indigestion or dyspepsia prows your immortality by long thoughts aufo miliars flod dr ows worm sjrup to enipsl worms children like it wornufdorit a vegetable remedy for diseases arising- from dir rrlered liver strv machor bowels such as headache bluopsness constipation coated tongue bad breatb feeling of languor distress after eating etc mm claiu howe mono ton nb says i naed lornliver pills for headaches and liver trouble and they not only re- lioved mo but omvjl tjjot thoy do not gripe or sioioa and are easy to toko bold by all dpugrsrlata at 2so a vial or 6 for- tsloo when de volfa proaohlng look ont for tbe lambs regular aotlou of the bowels ik necessary to health laxaliver pills aro the best oocaslonal oithartio for family or general use prloe s5o any druggist many people are inoapable of loving and tbsra are many otbdre who ought to be tramp approaching from behind i aint ad a bite today capn enthusiastic angler wrong bait i ex pect try a worm there never was and never will bo a universal panacea in one remedy for all i to whlnh fluah is hnlr thn very nat of many curatlven being snob that weret the germs of othor and differently seated diseases rooted in trie system of the patlont what would rellovo one ill in torn would aggravate tbo- otherv we have however in quinine wins when obtained in a sound unadulterated stato a remedy for many andgrlevoae ills by ito jrsdaal jadloious use the frailostsyblems sre led into con valescence and strength by tho ihflaonoo whloh quinine exerts on natvres own restoratives it relieves the drooping spirits of those with whom a ohronio stato of morbid despondence- and laok of interest in life is a disease and by tranijuillzlng the nerves disposes to sound and refresh ing sleep imparts vigor to the action of the blood whloh being stimulated courses throughout the veins slrengtheolng the healthy animal functions of the system thereby making activity a necessary result strengthening the frame and giving life to the digestive organs whloh naturally demand inoreasod substance result im proved appetite northrop v jjjmstv of toronto have given to the pnbllo their quinine wine at the uinal ana guaged by the opinion of scientists this wine approacbesnearestpetleotlon of any in tho market all drogglsla se it you have- seen an uptodate bicycle were the axles selfpiling were the chain rivets file proof were the cranks spring tempered steel were the balls handguaged and pedals dust proof were the cones locked insuringpermanent adjustment was the chain between the bearings or on one side had the chain been submitted to a jerk test of 1200 lbs were the bearings two point oil tempered file and dust proof were the sprokets detachable forged and flanged or only stamped were- the spoke threads rolled or cut detaching from the strength were there oil cups to fall off permitting dirt to enter the bearings was it protected by a reliable home guarantee or guaranted by some unknown or remote american manufacturer the 1898 cleveland has all these advantages the campaign prepare for winds we would oall your attontionto the feat- that wo aro prepared to supply you with lumbor of suitablo length for yoar born tauts viz 10 12 13 or 14 feet also sa doors frames mouleings for buildtng btorm put op at jlqw a rate as possible lxjr2vtfs epair your pnmpb or put in now- ones- or it is too cold wsi out dp rr sipop at foot of river st root acton thos ebbace manager agents rptilqe boautuul bite ot miss wlllard by her x u aooretary and literary executor anna a inrwoa introduction byjjady flonry uomorset olmm to levorybody great pnap lrospcotus tulf cents ltooks on tlmo dbadlbyoajirbtsosi co limited toronto tjlvjj see the ulegeland imp bearings the only correct principle greatest invention since the pneumatic tire no side pull bind nor twist clesrelands 5500 7000 and 8000 write for catalogue agents everywhere h a lozier 8c co toronto junction sole representative tv- e m s silf photo iwltm jetstfrlend ljjtbqtsji sale 1m canada bo years experience idmissnal copyriqktt ate aalrateh anrdeaerlthkln nay ptjf oplrl landbookq istrtouroonfldoiitlal handbook oeuatems teettw without ohanis to tho mtlflc american pif- lllotrntirtl 4rmkly i iwjttjrin hoo ox f st wsahtpstovinp moa sfet4l

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