Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 23, 1898, p. 1

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volume xxiii no 5 acton ontabio thursday june 23 1898 price tiibee cents seiis kcton jfm jrm 18 published every thursday morning at the tfrcc rrcsbbtciim lrlntliigofllco mill stitdet acton ont tkiimb op8uaoniptionotio dollar per yaar strictly iu iidanco all mit8arlntions dlacou- jiuuou whoti tho tlmo for wli ioh tbey tiavo boon paid baa oxolrod tho ilatj bo wblob ovory flubsorlptlou ia paid ib denoted on tho addroes label adveivridlna iutkb tramiait advortlno- uiouts 10 aonta per nonprqil lino for first iji- ertion 9 conts per lino toi each sabbonuoat aaertlon contract iutks tho following tub to shows ur rates for tho lnsortlonof advertisements lor epoaiflod porlods bpaob jvn 0 no 3 mo 1mo 20itiohos scooo tuuoo esmoo s700 10lnobos 35 o0 30 00 1900 3 0q sinouos 30 o0 1100 700 si so unoh ooa am 3 00 100 advortlsomodts without snoclflo dlrootiono pill bo loborted till forbid lad charged aooord- ngly transient advertlaotnentb must bo paid u advance advertisements will bo dungod onco each month if doslrod tor oliaxiffoa oftonor than oqoo a month tbo oompoaltlozi must bo paid for at rogulat ratos ohangobfor contrnotadorti8omontb munt bo d tbo otlloo by iioon on tuosilays accounts pajablo monthly h p mooiir editor and proprietor busiiush mrectotj med1cm t f tjben m d 0tsi ollloo and rasldodco cotoor mm ot frederick stroecaaoton 125 packages of new wall paper opened during may the vdry latest and cheapest goods 6 12 to 45c a 1 roll days bookstore guelpli day sells cheap traders bank of canada authorlzoct capita t 000000 your portrait cuelph branch soma ot 91 and a p wards received on deposit and bighaat onrrent rate- of intereet paid or compounded halfyearly deposit itocolpts issued for large bums deposited advances made to reaponaiblo farmers on tholr own names no obarge made for collecting 3ales notos if payable in guelph a goneral banking buainebb transacted a f1t jones manager a s elliott w e m b acton glladuatk tcdlonto university office cornor mill anil john slreotb 1 dryden eye ear tueoatand nobe moloans block douglna st near p o guelpii okpioe houna 10 a m to lp rn and 0 to 6 p m bdnoayb 10 am to 1 pm dwtaj xi bennett ldsoewtist ft oeoboetown ontario have you had one taken lately if not give ramshaw the artist a sitting and you will be delighted with the result- courteous attention satisfactory photographs prices reasonable call to day this veathet just suits will you spoil the appearance of your hall with a common cheaplooking linoleum or oilcloth dont come here english scotch and canadian linoleums and pilcloths a splendid range entrance wyndham st or if you prefer it 0try time di8a sta n i oiiit euuou on preacnin nur toll in a wlioppor haotr things is oontlnuorly waggin askew 1 yo kjm tor oonkluaiooa itn nlghoat tor propor tor whittlo yor itory or out it in two for i dd dosplse nox tor him that tolls hob tbo fallow thats makln tboblggob ado daonn tor our town moo tin tljoya altars a follow tbst gits in a fldgot au koops us til bluo none on ub cant aleop whou tto starts out tor bollor myplploao bim lot mo whisper tor you 1 i fool just abaout iilko wrastn aout tlia fuller ttiots makin tbo blggca ado fa follors ffot aainpthln tor bay it i aint a oomplalnln bo ions ok lia now f a follerb got sumptbln tor pray let him pray it 8c ions ce it s abort an bo long os its truo eb i said aforo ill pint ter tbo door tbo follor thats makin tbo blggmado select jfamilu rmung q jvlajors feenge u darley dale major lovett could scarcoly bo oiled a popular man among his brother officers although hie men all loved htm for be was ao exceedingly reeerved that it was oooi- monly bftld in the mebb room that a man know as moon of levett in ono evening as he would over know he was a good sollier and considered a rism man for he was not only clover but also devoted to hie profession ho was a remarkably silent man he went out bat st georges square h ramshaw acton photo artist jf coghlan d dslds dentist work caukfulia uohl pxiices moderate ofi ice ovan buownb dnvo store ifouils- em iii daymiouotog j mbell dds lds eentist bnoosviile ilonon gluduate of tobowto univkb8ity work mado satisfactory fricos moderate visiting days monday aftornoon camp- bollvlllo tuesday acton offlcoclarks hotol filday ltocknood tb g h cook jl dentist cor college hi aud fijiiu3iua o touonto will visit acton on tho first ad tlilrd satur days of oacb month office mr adam cooki rebidonco main st root vktkrtna ffv rfgflnw tames s joyck v 8 olladuate op ontamo vetkicwahy collbok troats all diseases of domesticated animals enquiro at joyco bros xutchor 8b op mill st root acton llooioa at agnows hotel calls promptly attended to day or night latest and best designs of 7utonu7vieists in granite and marble at 20 to 30 per cent reduction j h hamilton proprietor granite marble works guelph is the only direct importer of marble and granite west of toronto and north of hamilton come and sec the largest and best imported stock in tho dominion prices for granite imparted stock less than others ask for the commonest can adian or american granite ottioe and warkshamxltoits block woolwich and nohfolksts aut5ll7h oftt branch works new hamburg oat m olean mclea barristers solicitors notation convoyanccrs io private funds to loan office town iinjiaotoxi w a mclxan jko a mclean mackinnon bauoibteb soliciton conveyasceb ors ice mill bttoot in uattbowa block upstairs jb mcleod f ilarribten solicitoil cosvetancen main street georgetown monoy to loan at lowest current rates r j monabb jlork fourth dlvlaiod court county of ual- ori convoyancor agoiit plro andt hlfo assuranco uoal estato agent mouoy to loan otc office iorrymana block acton ont miscellanxq us henry obist ottawa canada bollcitor of patonta for iovdtlon oto preproa applications for tbo canadian amor- loavn and bnropoan patent olqoes and for tbo itoelitraxlon of trado marki sand for pam phlet thirtytwo voaraoxpohoxioo f irangis nunan bookdindeit 0 nolpb ontario ovor williams flloro aoooant books of all kindi aaado to ordor periodicals of overy d oscrintion carefully bound llnlidv neatwnn promptly doqo m auriaoe lioenbcs ii p jioose junokn off maimupk lrctihbeb iriatoofflco nowltoobsoafoqulred issued rctidctino in tho ovsning freo proii cffloo aoton wellington mutaai fire insurance company bstablxsnxd mio any address insurance on cash and blutnal plan ooinmunloations forward w to my a box dim or tolopnonft m will ttfl promptly at- tondod o j0uh t agout quelph wantej honest euorsotlo roudb noon farmers sons teachers atuaenta dorks and others wh o aro admlrors of mr uladitono and would lik to spend tho noxt three months in tolling tho matchless story of ms life vo toaob you how to do tbo work and gtiitrmnteo success- from 2 00 to 5 00 a day abnaolatoly saro tbro is no foar of failurosndlt wrlll bo onjoy- altlawork particulars furalahtul ttoc linadley qabbethon co- limited toronto main street planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor manufacturer of bash doora framofl f ouldlu in all styles drjcssnto matcbma ajljfo j mbondco hardware guelph mckees vegetable antibilious pills relieve and cure all forms of biliousness such as dizziness nausea drowsiness bad taste in the mouth coated tongue loss of appetite pain in the back pirn in the side sallow skin etc these pills are made from pure concen trated vegetable extracts nnd contain no calomel or other mineral substance their full medicinal eflcct is produced without even a tendency to gripe or sicken they are prepared from our own special formula and when taken according to direc tions they are a specific for habitual con- stipation in cases of neuralgia nervous or bilious headache they are unequalled price 25c per box 5 boxes 100 prepared and sold only by j d tvokbe chemist acton mrs sccords block to ordor on sbort oolloo wnll assortod btook on band at l ikes toiu tbo timoi john cameron proprietor bring your cuetom logs in and take the lumber home with you sry0rs lumber planing mills nasbaraweya p sayees proprietor has constantly on hnnd a full line ol lumber lath shingles cedar postb wood il to cusiom iogs and bill stuft cut to order on short notice planing and matching done io the best ol satisfaction prices very cheap and made to suit the customers pocket p savers acton livery amd bu line tho undersigned respectfully solicits tbo patron ago of tho publio and informs them that well equippod and stylish rigs oan at ways be seoured at bis stables a comfortable bus moots al trains botwoan 9 a ml and q18 pm car of ul attention glvon toaroryordor thowants of commeroitl travel- lersfallymet john williams psoraikton furnish the feet we do the rest thats all we ask you to do furnish the feet we will not only do the rest but we will do it for a very small expenditure of money never before have we been able to offer better shoes for the money in mens apd wo mens tans and blacks any shape any style any quality you desire w williams boot and shoe dealer mill 8treet acton acton saw mills nnd wood yards jkjwes bf203itfn ft alsufaltuitttu akd imlbn ik lumber ltdli iutlutlca woott etc allltltids of wood in stock svnd promptly ilollvorod to any part or ilia town at roosonablo prlcei ifsutlwood ne slabs oat stovo icugtli always 01 brand tpdone comraunlcatiop georgetotoi electric works t apemout proprietor manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motbrs and hydraulic rams ilpo and btoam fittlnfi lug jiolngcquippodwltu i am and general repair- gas brulng machine prepared to do braslng on dloyole frames sco wheels eonterted from direct to tangent pokes han all lino of 8 guarantood firokei handle liars bent to anr desired single full lino of bnokes kept ln btook bsvilifaotton dloyeles enamslcd in any color t j speight georgetown jsmusj4mgsi pttptis who are about to lare i ul j jjo publle or hlflll 8obool should not ovorlook tho great advant- ago of a practical eourso of insfcrue- tlou at ibo quelph business college and shorthand institute fltudenta may enter any time bummer session will eommenes jii1y4tb write or os ii if interested circulars free 1 jbhaiirrrlnolrl get wall paper prices 1898 at waters bros the picture gallery guelph bring pictures to be framed tilllo andhid not oare for ladies sooiety so that when it wag known in the regiment that ho wag aboak to bo married much aurpriio and a great deal of curiosity about the folnre mrs levett were felt ooly one of the officers in his regiment bad seen the brideelect and that waa younfl donaldson levetta moat intimate friend he wag the senior lleutenm levett at the time tbo engagement was announced wag senior captain bat ha waa expecting his majority whiob would filvo ldonalihon a step arthur donaldson waa a ver smart soldier fair blight in balld bat remarkably handsome while jack loiott wbb over tix feet and proportionate ly broad dark and not particularly rood looklug tho two men were as unlike io character asm appearance donaldson was a genial fellow a preat talber very fond of society particularly that of the gentler eex never so happy as when be was off duty aud quite fluttaned with being the bebt dancer in tho regiment at tjrat ho was enthutflastio in his praise ol levetta fiancee and neyer wearied of talbiug of her beauty and her various aocoruplibhracuts she waliged divinely leyet t by the way was not a dancing man she vme equally good at golf and tennis in short j l were oply a nrlaa nfgnmm mabel lawaon would have taken moat of tbo prizie by degrees donaldson ceased talfalog about her and the other men oonoladed eoroo of bis own flirtations had driven the tboaglit of her out of bis head mean while levett was only waiting fill he got his majority to ask bis bride to came the day he was gazetted in april and the- weddingday wbb fixed for the 13th of may tn unlucky month and an nnluofey num ber boma of his friends told him and arthur now oaptain donaldson was to be bis best man reserved as jack levett was ho could not mdo even from bis acquaintances tbat ho was desperately in l once whei moment to him audi the colonel fearing that perhaps ho binxsolf intended to leave the regiment remarked that tho letter had not bono jet and that if levitt desired he would make it rhaobf stronger by no means i have not the slightest wish in the matter i shall remain myself and nnloeb donaldsons own feelmgb prompt him to ex change it strikes me as wiser to let him remain but tho proba bility is he will exchange on reflection tho colonel udoptod this course more particularly beoaneo levitt seemed to desire it and the letter was not sent but to bia dlbguat ouptain donald son returned at the end of june with his bride and tried to ignore the cold reception he met with major lovott went for bis long leave a day or so before donaldsons return so that nearly fonr months from the wedd fogday would elapse beforo the deceivers and tho deceived met as the day ot major lovetta return approached the golooot began to fear that perhaps bo intended to call donaldson out or horsewhip him or avenge himself in aomo way for the treachery of which his former friend had been guilty levetta habitual reserve made it exceedingly diffi cult to forecast bis conduct although he had been twenty years in the regiment not orjeof his brother officers contd fath om his feeling in lbs matter or even guess what course ho would pursue toward his betrayer fortunately perhaps for all parties the regiment was ordered to south africa to quell one of the riainga of some of the native tribob a day or two before major levett returned ao that io tbo excitement of the near prospect of aotive service and in the bustle of preparation less heed was given to the private affairs ot tho two men it was however noticed that major levett merely greeted donaldson as a moat caaual miae laweon bad dome slight ailment he was lilio u man distracted ijill he was as sured she was quite well again he was not- a rich man by any means but he lavished gifts upon her tbat he could only afford by cutting down his own expenditure and in furnishing bid house every whim of hers was consulted sod his own comfort and taste offered op as a etc ritice to her somewhat to the surprise of the colonel captain donaldsou asked to take bis long leave in may and june that year bat his request was granted and he left portland for boo hand on the first of may promising to bo in london to support major levett on the occasion of his wedding on the nu- luoky thirteenth major liovetts leave did not begin till the twelfth and on the morning of that day white ho was giving his servants in structions about the time ho intended to start lio took op the newspaper and the jlrat thing tbat caught his eye was the an nouncement of his friend donaldsons mar riage thla would itself have been suffici ently atirtling but when he saw the lady he badt married was his own brldcolect mabel xawson it is perhaps not uurprle- ing that the 0rst exolamatlon rung from jilmjo the momeutwlll not bear repeating uis servant who badt never beard him swear before was startled but on glanc ing at tho pale drawn face of his master ho saw something bad happened and quietly left the room he heard the major look tho door after him and he made a shrewd guess lboy would not go to london tbat day ror two hours not a sound cams from major levetta room but by that time someone elso bad read the announce- mnnt and it was known all over the bar- ranhn tbat tlio major hsrt beep juud-by-bit- sun savings and loan go head office toronto ont autboruecl capital 600000000 tenyear maturity shares arc paid in monthly instalments of 50c per share far no monthi when payments cease kk 00 paid in maturity alue tioooo money to loan al 5 straight loan nr repayable in monthly instalments on appll- ntlon to r j mcnabb agent acton invo and betrayed by bis dearest friend then ibe colonel went to sea him and was adrfllttod and oitered the sorry oodbo- jalion that porhapa it waa m hoax and aog- goited that be telegraph to tho girls atbar to know if it were trne it is true there is no need to tele graph laid levett and simple is the worda were the tone ot finality in which they were aald told the colonel it was the only alliuion to the inbjeot he would ever bear from the majors lips i will post pone my leave till july if yon will allow me be added almost immediately and the oolonel understood he had aooepled the situation to tbo inrprlic of everyone major lev ett dined at mesa aa neual tbat evening and exoept that be ate and drank next nothing tod was rather more silent lhau oa was wont to be no one ooald have told from hie manner ibat anythlngextrtordin- ary bad oeonrred to him a day or two later tbo oalonel informed him that be bad written to captain donaldson rajaest- ing blm io 8t an exlbange before hit leave expired bo thought under the olroom- slaooes ii waa batter tbat ha should doi return to ike regiment major levett merely atieuled as if were a matter ot no and was never been or lioard to exobftnge a syllable witb him by the timo they reaqlied south africa the general opinion in the regiment was tbat major levett bad neither forgotten nor forgiven tho injury ho bad received tbat be was merely biding bio time that the day of reobooiug would oomo and that sooner or later ho would bo rovenged they wero all in biuh spirits at the near probpeot of lighting but lovtt was tbo most elated aud seemed to look forward with almost eavugo gleo to tho idea of a buttle while donaldson was tboleaot onihuaiastio and sepretly regrettod having to leavo bib hrldo bo bood they wero all confident of viotory and after tho manuer ol eagllbhaiou deepibod their onemy aud wore considerably taken baok wbon they found tlioy bad underesti mated their atrengtb in the first two or tbree sbirmisbos tboy woro eqocosbfnl but then there oamo a day when tboy were overwhelmed by tho host of naked warriors who seemed to ribo from the depths of tb6 earth bo olover were tbey in availing them selves of every eoruhby bash or tuft of grass that afforded auy cover for tlioir dnbky uud arter 0 long eugngemcnt during which our iobb wbb hoavy a retroat wob bounded for tho oolonel bald they wero iu dangor ot being completely earroanded by the enemy major lovett who throughout the day bad been the forotnoet in the fight wbb one of the last to retrtat ho was mounted and he rode up and down tho broken ranks urging thoao on foot to make for tbc camp aa fast as posbible and soemed to bear a oharmed life for he bad several bairbreadth esoapob nor had donaldson been baokward in tho fight ho had led b ib company several times into tho ranks of the enemy but they were oruelly outnamberedand it was health an physi beauty healtbfulceds and physical beauty aro more nearly synonymous than we aro aooustomed to think the ancient greeks strove to attain pb oioal perfection beauty of figure nnd faje by roeane of exeriooes baths and every means known to them of stimulating the bodily f unotious to a high degree of health they wore intenso admlrffrs of physical beauty and appreciated tho faot tbat health is one of its prime ooqditioni tbo mod ern science of bygiono teaches that the observance ot oertain laws ia neoobsary for the evolution of the growing boy and girl into the healthy man and woman frominentamong these laws is that of personal oleanlineas to obtain and to retain a healthful and aotive oondition of tho skin frequent bathing is neoeaeary followed by active friation with brush or towel it should be remembered tbat the bkin is an exoretory organ that materials which have been expelled through it oolleot upon its aurftoe ani must be removed tho ekin aleo eocretca an oily matter whiob keeps it moist flexible and health ful this ia partially removed by bathing and the healthful seoretion is again atim- nlatod by aotive rubbing to attain a good development ol the muscles pbyeioal exercise mnot bo laknn tho growing boy and girl should have a fixed time for exoroiso oilher at home or at sobool as well aa for etudy for eating and for bleep an athletio trainer tells bia pupils that temperance in all tbiuga is neoessary for even a fair degree of phyeieal develop- ment he insists upon regularity in oxer- oibiog eating and sleeping suoh a temperate and regular method of living should be tbo aim of overy one in the force of cannonballs i being- hit by a locomotive is notn- ins to it acquaintance did not offer him bis hand f w ono keen himself in truininn t keep himself in training this is cepec ially important in youth when not only are habits forming but the foundations of future good or ill health are being laid and let it be remembered that the means by whlab health la beat attained are the same means by which ones personal appearance is beet improved implosion back again and again tbo enemy bad a offered very heavy losses and their dead and wounded bore witness to tbe exeoution done by our men among them belaotantly major xeyett turned his back to the foe and rode in the rear of he retreating regiment he passed dead and dying on his way bat there was no time to stop the enemy wero jorening them and he was ever urging oa ibe flcoing men now and again a bullet whizzed past him and once or twice ho saw a man fall nevor to rise again their camp was about mile from bim when he noticed an offioer limping along at some distance in front ot bim evidently wounded he waa not near enough to boo who it was and before bo had recognized him the man fell to the jpoand levett sparred his horn and riding to bis aide reigned up and aaw it was oaptain donaldson who wsb eot in tbo leg and was binding bia faandkerobief around it for a moment ho paused his hoar of vengeance had come a detauhment of the enemy was coming close it was quite easy for him to esoape on horseback it was impossible for donaldson to do so even supposing bo bad tbe strength to limp into camp ho was groaning wbon major lovett readied bim j and his bandaorno face pate with buffering grew paler when he saw himself alone face to faco with the man be had wronged one moment only lovelt hesitated thou he took his rovenge lie dismounted and bridle and nflo iu hand approached donaldson mount my horse qui ok you have only juat tlmo ill give ou a hand and putting dowu iiib rlflo bo half lifted donaldson on to his horse and you said donaldson rolualanlfy i am rovenged llldo for joar life said levett and ho startod tho horse and turning picked up his riue and faced tho advancing foe who were now close upon him he stood his ground bnuoly and fought as men will light when fco io face with death more like wild ttnimalb than men bat they wore too man for him and he fell covered with wounds and with glory his last words rvt n if lb yhad understood them would have court ud nothing to the africans who had done 1 im to doatb for they were iu broken seuences of which only thewordi forglvr trepasbes forgive trespassed aalnkt were audible bat the angels who heard knew tho context wealth is a daogeroui tiling for a youug man to start out into life with wealth at the stark often means povrrtyju both brain and pocket at tho finish bind a man cannot t r red it himself because ho iisb boon ooi liberul in giving credit to others scrofula hip dina e salt iheum dyspepsia and otber dereaws due to impure blood are cored by hoods baraaparilla juvery ono known what an explosion is but its opposite an implosion is loss familiar at greatdepths in she sea the oondiiiona are favorable for its production at twentyfive hundred fathoms the pres sure is roughly speaking two and a half tons to the square inch that is to aay several times greater than the pressure exerted by steam opon the piston of a powerful engine a baautifal experiment to illustrate the enormous foroo of this deep aea preeaure was made daring the voyage of h m 8 chalkngtr we quote from the fauna of the deep 8oa mr buohanan hermetically sealed at both ends a thick glass tubs several inches in length full of air ho wrapped this sealod tube in flinnel aud placed it ia one tit tbo wide copper oyoli adore used to pro- tect deop sea thormomoters when they are sent down to the bounding apparatus the copper cylinder had boles bored in it so that the water had free aoaosa inside around tbe glaoa the copper oase containg tbe sealed glasb tube waa sent down to a depth of two thousand fathoms and drawn a p again it was found that tbe cylinder was bulged and bent inward just as if it bad been orumpled inward by being violently aqueezed the glass tube itself within its flannel wrapper was reduced to a fine powder almost like bnow tho glass tabe it would seem as it bad slowly deeoended held out agent he demanded to know why his orders had not been carried out the agent instated that tbey had been but where ia the castle demanded the marquis the castle ia it bedad i built the nail with it my lord i is it for mo to be going miles for materials with tbo iluoat ioaltoftbelgsthot tb were drnfongaaidbuhepresenrebntsaddeiil ga p way and was aruahed by tbe violence of the action to a fine powder this procesb exactly tbs revorse of an explosion is formed by sir wyvillo thompson an implosion a new invention good fresh air oan now be tamed into liquid at a coat of go cents a gallon it is bo cold that a few moments contact with it will freeze meats so solid tbat tboy will ring like a piece of stool it evaporates so rapidly that a few spoonsful will oool a healed room placed in a room and sub jected to gentle beat it will run an engine or under great heat it will explode like gunpowder in an ordinary refrigerator it would be invaluable if placed in a kettle and over a flame it will berlnjat once to boil vigorously and ejeot btoam though a thin sheet of fee will gather on tbe bottom of the kettle directly over tho blaze if a piece of ice or a little cold water ib dropped into tho kettle it will boil very vigorously aud will send aahower of icy particles all over tho room it is likely io revolutionize oold btorae and the ice cream trado and with enough of it on tap new orleans might establish ail ice carnival in july liquid air mlflht enable the amerioan soldiers to wosr overcoats in ouba there is no and to its possibilities time only will develop them ainterestingoamparibouv ibin do by the american machinist list week for tbo par- pose of giving its readers an aacurato idea of tbe tremendous force developed by bi cannon nowadays tbe largest guns need on naval vessels today have a 13iuch bore tbo projootilo for a gun like this weighs 1100 pounds and a charge of powder amounting to 500 pounds is ignited behind it the shot aoqaires a muzzle velocity ot about 2000 feotr pur aooiid few people have arty notion ot the energy that ie here represented our contemporary asks its readers to think of a locomotive engiue weighing 100- 00o pounds this is fifty tens now it the locomotive were moving at the rateol forty miles aa hoar its energy would be scarcely more than ono thirteenth that ol tbo can nonball in other words if thirteen locomotives were to bmash up bgatost a stonewall all at once tho blow whioh ihay would deliver would be no moro severe than tbat of ona shot from the 13inoh gun assuming tbat the muzzle of tbe latter was placed only a few inches from tbo same wall inasmuch as tbe projectile would bo am all ft would concentrate it aution on one bpot and do more harm apparently than tbo thirteen engines but tho monnt of energy would be the same in ono case there would be a email mass and a high veiooity and in the other a large mass and a comparatively low velocity forty miles an hour ib a pretty good speed for a locomotive but not for a cannon bill the momentum uf a moving object is com puted by multiplying tbe weight by the velocity and this wis douo in the very suggestive and burprislug calculation here quoted it has been estimated by orduiuao ex perts that it a shot from a 13 inch gun should strike an armor plate only a few inches from tho muzzle of the gun it would pierce twenty six inohej ot hirveyued nickel steel the castue disappeared the lovebridge two ilttlufuut upon iho stairs twohtijoariiia woro opon widu two hlio linutlri would liar tlio way tryliik to roach from jlilu to 8taj with biniliiijjfjlftiicufl two brown oyco look uji to mino in tlio hoftciiod hijlit tlio bwoot cbim volio iiiauawor ujiib why i must own hur lilayf ul right din is a lovobritlgo papa aayu dials tliogato luyanusao wldo div mo a klso aa yon to through ill dlv jt back ou tlio other biiiu j bout tpkno my klsu ail think of tlio love brldso acroas llfo u hiu whoro tlio gftto fa a fathorp aruio willing ro ojju wido for me wlion tlio troaauroa swept from my ulylit whou tossed crad turned by wiojl nod tide ilavo paused tlio gato arid ho will gtvo thorn baok to ine tlio othorolde ronton globe great presence of mind one of irelands magnificent ruined castles dame to its final end in this man ner th6 ancient soat of tho castiereigha overlooked hake 8willy aud it was oqo ot the most princely residences in ireland eventually it fell into deoay and waa not inhabited ah aaual in auoh oircumatancea when the peasantry wanted to build a pig sty repair a road or anything of the sort thoy took tho atoneb from tbe old oastle which was disappearing piecemeal when one day tbe then lord londonderry paid a visit to his irish property when bo saw the state his oabtle was in and reflected on the fact that it was ao much identified with the history of the family and even as a ruin was the filoaj of ireland ho deter mined to put a stop to tho enoroachmodtb that had been made upon it bending for his agent to give him orders that tbe people were no longer to remove btobea from tbo building ho instructed him to bavo tho place enclosed with a wall ex feet bitjh and well coped to keep out trespassers that being done he went his way and did not return to irelapd for three or four years ho then found to iiib amazement that the old oaatle had disap peared and la its place there was a big wall inclosing nothing bending -for- lus in telling the man to build tbo wall lord londonderry had said nothing what ever about preserving tbo castle whiob is now a thing of tho past nevertheless the wall is a good one a few new irish bulls ironical ifs if a mau fails onoe ho begins to bolieve in luck if jou would muke a eelfjpnado mau angry iguore him if adam had been wtdo awake lie would not bavo lost that rib i op wnrn fumnlne man would embrace more of them if the moon could only talk what intor- eating dibolonuros it might make if allonoe is golden all deaf and dumb poraon ought to be millionaires if a man haa to ohoose between a law yer or a doctor itaa a caae of his money or hln life it you see one mau laughing at the ancient jokes ot another tho otber has a pretty sister if a rioh man tells yon tbo greatest hap piness la to be found in poverty remind blm ot what david said iu his baits a eong want one day woo willie and his dog sprawled on tbo nursery floor flo bad a florists eataloguo aud turned tho pages oer till all at on oo bo gave a spring hurrab i bo crtod with joy mamma heros just tbo very thing to gtvo your little boy 1 for when we fellows go to school wo lose onr things yon know and in that little vantibulo tliey do gat mixed upaol and as you often say you oatit tike oare of em for me why dont you liuy a robber plant aud au umbrella tree t an irish reader of the loudon spectator co ntri bates the following bpeclmeus of hlberniolsm whioh are good if not all striotly now during a dlsnsbion at a meeting of the tinity college historical society opon tbo slight consideration attached to life by uncivilized nations a speaker mentioned the extraordinary circumstances that in obina if a man was condemmed to death ho oould easily hire a substitute to die for him and tbe debator wept on i bellevo many poor fellows get their living by acting as aobatitntea in that way i well miok said my friend 1vo heard some queer etoriea about your doings lately oob dont belave thim air ropllod mick sure halt tho lies tould about me by the nay bora isnt thruo 1 a child went crying to its mothor and reported that it bad swallowed a button well woll look at that now 1 cried tbo woman begor i suppose tho next thing youll do is to swallow a buttonhole 1 one of the sights ol philadelphia fifty yoars ago waa a magnificent chinese mubeum whoso treasures collected by a air dunn a munificent merchant were display da in a building erected on the site on whioh the continental hotel now btande over the museum was a lonp narrow upper room about thirtylive feot high it- was a public hull oeod for lectures and con certs and with it was associated a most remarkable inetadco of prceenco of mind a correspondent of the london spectator tells the thrilling story in the central part of tbia immense aud itorium were collected oca evening about three thousaud persons at about nine oclock the manager of the bnilding camo to tho leader of the meeting white with n0ribr and told bim that the floor bad sunk nearly a foot and in a few minutes more the tenons n the joibib might bo out of their bocketp the floor would theu fall through onto the cbiueeo museum and the walls etxty feet in height would collapse aud be pre cipitated with tbo roof upon the assembly the loader explained to tho person whom tbo audience expeoted ucxt to hear that by addreading the assembly from tbe end of the hall he conld withdraw thecompany from tbe bupken part of tbo floor to tbat where tho front walls strengthened the joists to bear tho weight of tho people tho reply to tins was that hie own fami ly war in be audience and that be must got them o6t first 3o shall not eaid the leader u htnt of danger a rush and we ehall all bo under tho wulle and roof five minutes delay may kilt aa alto getber aa a boy in the audienco i well remem ber my aarpriso at ecaiog tho leader suddenly appear at tbo far front of the room and toll the pooplo that tbey would next bo addressed from where he stood the organloft aa tho audienco turned aud moved to tho front tlio flooring roeo six inches tho people wero entertained partly by au impromptu sentimental aong io a vorse without a quaver io tbo very face of death andnaaoon oa prucxjcabjtlioywefe quietly dismissed not a uingla individual in that great assembly was aware that by tho presence of mind of one man an awful oatastropho had been averted the imagination sick ens at tbo thought- of what would faavp been the consequence of a panic and sudden alarm by the f ailuro of the oonrage of tbia man the terror of thoso minutes beforo the orowd was moved aud tbo floor robe to its love was auoh that he nnvar even in bis own family alluded to the scone though he lived for forty joars afterward set the earth on fire ilsbtlingtheeattho nflre ganox pros tblflstory remiuds mo ot tlio graphic description given by a boggurmau of his tattered coat i faith yer honor itn nothn but a parcel of holes sewn to gether a curious peculiarity of the iritth nature ib the wida limits to which relationship is extonded do you know put median 1 a peasant was asked ol course i do waa tho answor why bua a near rota tion of mlue iio wanco proposod for my elstbcr kate birds in alaska great numbers ot wild birdri nest iu alaska ducks geese and bwans build their nests on the ground in the nesting area of alaska it is said tbat the nests are ao hick that it ia impossible to walk with out stepping ou one the natives are ex perts in killing this game thoy do it with a peoaliar weapon six sinew strings about three feet in length are fastened together by a quill at one end at tho other end of eaoh sinew is a ball of ivory pear- shaped and about as large ai a walnut the banter with this in his hand approaches the flock at dusk he sets these balls whirling when the hook rises tolly these whirling sinews are thrown into the hook tboy oatoh about tho nooks or legs of the birds and thoy are captured sometlmei as many as a dozen are oaptur- od at one throw travellers are sorry to sea that the nests of these wild birds aro io otrslesily robbed of eggs the eggs are wanted tor tbs albumen wbfeh la used la manafaotaring bat eggs are taken that oannbfc bo need and these are thrown away so great is the destruction of eggs and birds that tbe birds eaoh year occupy much loss space in nesting eion often heard in ridicule but it oan never be applied to magician kellar for the reason that be has already accomplished that feat literally en route from val paraiso to montevideo via tlio btrait of magellan in february 1875 tho steamer upon which ho was a passenger stopped for coal at punta arenas tho extreme southern point ot patagonia whero a chilian penal settflempnt ia maintained mr kellar was tho guest of tho oo mm and ant of the day and as considerable trouble had been caus ed by unruly natives he was asked to do something to frighten them and can so them to obey tho commands of tbe authorities accordingly after dinner ho oalled several eooro of them about the station and amused them with bimplo tricks in magic just as bo was about to conclude ho announced in a voice of anger that if farther sots of law lessness ooourred he would burn up the earth as be spoke be touched the sand at bis feot with a wand and a living sheet of flame sprang up whiob so frightened the natives tbat they fled in torror tbo acts complained of by tbe commandant wero never repeated the triok was simply done a quantity of whilo sugar and chlorate ot potash had bean bccroted ip the sand by an assistant daring the forenoon the wand was hollow and contained sul- phorlo aoid thotmrn hi nation of tho latter with the two formor aauiod the flame bat to the ignorant nalivos of coarse it appear ed supernatural for home work only the best goods give satisfaction diamond dyes the worlds lead ers do the best work whon you buko you mast usa he bebt brand of baking powder wlion making a jolly or oastarii padding yoa mast maks arm of the bost flavoring extracts when yoa sow it is eoonorav to use iho best sew ing oolton when yoa have homo dyeing to do you should also bear iu mind that your aoocess and tho bafety of your material anilgarments depend anon tho brand of dye yoa employ when the diamond xjyea aro used you aohieve marvellous successes your old faded and dingy looking kooob after a bath in the diamond dyos ore made aa good as new tlio oolora are always brilliant fast and full if you unfortunately made use of aomo ona of the many weak muddy and worlh- lois dyea sold by some dealers tor the sake of ions profits well you maul be prepared for oruel disappointment and losses the diamond dyea save llrde and money and are solid guarantee of anooees and good work book of dircalloub nnd oard of 48 colors free to any addreio write to welle klohardion co montreal p y

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