volume xxiii no 5 acton ontario thtjbsday june 30 1898 price three celts win tton xtt press ih rpuuaned eveity thursday morning at tue free frcssstcam printing office ullh btbedt acton ont teitaiaoi suuaonirtipv ono dollar por yoar strictly in odvanco au rubsarlptlons dlbaou- tluuaa wboq tho tliuo for wuiob tnoy bavo boon paid bos oxnlred thqjato to wlitob ovory subscription 1b paid la jfauotod on tbo address labol rf adtsntibxna rates trans ion t advortlso tuonta 10 oouta por nonpareil uno for first in- ortlon u oonta per lino for each subaoquont nboruou oontqaffc itxtkb xllo following tablo sbows ur ratoa for tlio inaorttoti of advortlaonjonta for speolfledjiorlods apad 1 yi 6 mo h mo i imp bo inohos coooo 835 00 aooa 7 00 10 lnoboa 85 00 ao oo 13 00 300 5 lnoboa aooo 12 00 700 350 1 luob 600 350 300 100 advortlaomonte without bpoolflo directions will bo losortod till forbid and ohargod aooord ngly transient advcrtlaomonta must be paid n advance advortjaomeuta will bo changed onoo each month if desired for changes oftonor than onoo a raontn tbo composition must bo paid for at regnlai rates ohaasoo for contract advcrtlaomonta mast be n tho olqco by noon on tuosdays account payablo monthly n f moore editor and froprlotor big m in ffiall paper at days bookstore in closing a successful season in wall piper vc find a few ends which will be cleared nt a lov price the balance of our stock will be sold as follows 25c wall paper 13o 20te wall paper loo 15o wall paper 80 10c wall paper 60 and 5o borders very low combinat ions are per feet 1 he newest and best americin goods day s low prices wirrevery lime day sells cheap- thb traders bank of canada authorlzod capita 1000000 susttwsh btttdorp medical j r ublin m d c m offlco ami residence corner millfroderlck st roots aoton 8 elliott m d m b aoton gniduatk tonoto usivensity d r dryden ete ein tunoai and nose mclean 6 block douglab bt near f o guelph office houus 10 a m to lpm and u to g pin bdndatb 10 a m to 1 p in l bennett lds dentist asobqetowh ontario jp coghlan d d s l d s dentist wollk catlffuily jjose pllices modkiiate opflce ovejl ullown b dllucj titobe hodn6evfchvday 1- com 9 10 0 jm bell dpslds dentist bbookviiae honon giudihte op tonosto university work mado satisfactory prlcos modorflto vibitino dam monday afternoon camp- bollvilla tuesday acton oulcoclarka hotel friday hock wood ttfck g h cook xj dentist cor college 81 and bpadina avo toronto will vlfllt acton on tbo first and third satur days of oaob montb office mr adam cook a residence main btroot veterinary surgeon tames 0 joyce vs qraduate ov ontario vbteillmry coixkok troata all dlaoaaos of domostloatod anlmala eonniro at joyce brob dutch or shop mill btroot acton kooma at agnow s hotol calls promptly attended to day or night jeoast m clean dltfclean barrislera solicitors notarial convoyancors to fxivatoftuidb to loan office town hall aoton wm a holkah jno a mclean j mackinnon uarribxhu solicitor conveyancer of ice mill btroot in mattliowa lilock upstairs jb mclieod baniuaten solicitor conveyancbb main btroot georgetown money to loan at lowest current ratos r j monabb uloxk fourth division court county of hal on conveyancer agent 1 iroand liio abburanoo uoal k state agent alonoy to loan etc orrzoe iorryinanblilock acton ont mjcscsllanso us enity gxiust ottawa canada solicitor of patents for invention otc h prepares applications for the canadian amcr- loan and european patent ofllcca and for tho lloglatratlon of trado marks bend for pam pblot thirty two years exporionoo f iran0is munan booebindeb wyndham bt- quolpb ontario y ovor william 8 store account books of all kinds mado to order periodicals of ovory deboriptlonoarofally bound rulinpnoalvfl promptly dono m artue licenses ii f woobe iprnpn op uannuak licehbes rriftto ofllon no wltnomob roqolrod xuaou rufldonnn id uio ovoliidg free rrosa offloo aoton wellington mutual fire insuranoe company batibuaoxd uio 1nsuuan0b onouli and mutual plan ai aoinmuniotlodb forwarded to my addrtu uaaiaowntvgr electric works john tatttoil asont oueltli wanted young mon firmon ft otuoth whtfaioadmlroriof mr uiauiious and would ulllbpndtlijnxt tnroe monthi in tolling b ntatohliw trr ot hu 111 w taaoh you howto do tbo work and guarantoa auooes prom i100 to w00 a day alnplutoly nro hainotaurolfa4luroandhwlli b ot aula work piraloulan f urnlahod frm 11iiadlev oabbetbok oo llmltod toronto tj qmebt odorffatlo young jtl on toaobm flu jnt wbo aro admlrori of mr ulaui furnish the feet wo do the rest thats- all we ask you to do furnish the feet we will not only do the rest but we will do it for a very small expenditure of money never before have we been able to offer better shoes for the money in mens and wo mens tans and blacks any shape any style any quality you desire cuelph branch soma of 91 and upwards received on dopobit arjd highest current rate otmterett paid or oompouadod half yearly deposit receipts leaned for large en ma depoaited f advances made to responsible farmers on their own names no charge made lor oollounk3itlt6 notes ifpayable in gpelpb a gonoral banking business transacted a f it jonjes manager 0rg a soxso tbero is ovor a bods bomowuoro my dear 1 tbcro la ovor a aoruo thing atngs always tboros tho song of tho lark when tbo skies aro oloar and tbo bong of tho turuab irboa tho sklos are gray the sunshine showers across the grain and the bluebird irillaln tho orchard troo and in and ont when tho oaves drip rain tbo swallows aro twlttoring ooaselessly tbero is ovor a song somewhere my dear 4n themldnlgbt blaov or tho midday blue tbo robin pipes vtibn ttio sun is here and tho crickot chirrups the wholo ulgbt through tho budsmay blowaad tbo fruits may grow and the autumn leavoadrop crisp and sore uutwhoth or the bud or tbo xain or the snow tuwo is ovor a aong sotnewbero my dear jaksb wurrcomb bilby select jfamilg kiauinrj w williams boot and shoe dealer mill street acton binding twine full stock best qualities and lowest prices at n0eval geoegetown acton robt noble get wall paper prices 1898 at waters bros the picture gallery cuelph bring pictures to be framed sun savings and loan go head office tobontoont authorised cttjjital 600000000 ten year maturity shares arc paid in monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease 160 00 paid in maturity value 9ioo 00 money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli- a tion to r j mcnabb agent aoton acton saw mills wood yards j2cr7urbs broinin haktrvacrronsn asn peauii in lumber lath bhlailca wood m all kind ot w00j in took and promptly a dlvrl u bnynarm tho town at raiqnblo prloas hardwood too aba out tore longlh alwaya on hand falpnoneconninokatlod tjspbiout proprietor marturaoturera of dynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams flpo and stoani btttlng and ganoral llapalr- ing bolngoqulppedwltbagaabrailoainaonlno i am prepared todobraslngon bloyola huih ao wha1 oonvartad i rom dlrant to tangiint hpokm hanoi ban bant to anrdaalndanbla- fnll lino of spokes kept in took batlltaotlon guaranteed jkea kept in took lleroloe enameled in any eolor t j speioht oeorsetcnni rssmksfjwwl pttptiq wboaraabonttolaafe jt ux ijuo pabjlo or high school should not overlook tb great ad rant- age of a nraotleal eoune of inttiuo tlon at tbe cuelph bushicss college and shorthand institute students roar ontor any time sumpier sejutton will oommevce vriufotoalllflnterobtod 1 jshaitppruujral olronlsra fveo a- ilrh t4a will you spoil the appearance ofour hall with a common cheaplooking linoleum or oilcloth dont come here english scotch and canadian linoleums and oilcloths a splendid range entrance wyndham st or if you prefer it st georges square j m bond co hardwarl guelph mckees vegetable antibilious pills relieve and cure all forms of biliousness such as dizziness musea drowsiness bad taste in the mouth coated tongue loss of appetite pain in the back pun in the side sallow skin etc these pills ire made from pure concen trated vegetable extracts and cuntain no calomel or other mineral substance their lull medicinal effect is produced without even a tendency to gripe or sicken they are prepared from our own special formula and when taken according to direc tions they area specific for hibitual con tion caenmifa4gifttnefvousro r b stipation headache they are unequalled price 25c per box 5 boxes 1 oo prepared and sold only by j dmckee chemist acton mrs becords ulock latest and best designs of 7vt01n7enxs in granite and marble at 20 to 3q per cent reduction j h hamilton propwstor granite 8c marble works cui3irh is he only direct importer of mirblc and granite west of joronto and north of hamilton come nnd sec he largest and best imported stock in the dominion prices for granite imported stock less than others ask for the commonest can adian or american granite otuao and works hamiltons block woolwich a jvd 2vorfolksts cu6lph ont branoa works new hamburg ont main street planinc mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor manufacturer of baau doom frames mouldlu in all itylos dressing uarcsura and moulding to ordoron ibort notloa will aaaortod itock on hand et l rlc it loiu tha tlmoe john cameron proprietor potatoes wanted highest price paid in trade for all good potatoes deliver ed at symon eros acton we carry a full line of hardware groceries boots shoes symon bros cor millanp wain sts ac acton livery bus line tne undersigned reepsetlallj aollolta the patron age of tb pnblle md informs them that well xqulpped ettdbtjllah bigs can al waribsdsnred at his stable a eonslortabla bn meets al trains bftwoen am and 818 pm refalaluntjoia draft to eroryoraer the wants of pommerelal tratol- lersfallrsnoe john w1luam8 paorbibtor the five oiler b i a imndolph miaa middleton had joat come in from school it was a sultry july day with a sunlesb loudeu eky the atmoriphero charged with electricity the treeain tbe park powdered over with line dost 1h children had hceo contnmaeioqb the lessons hard tbe trustees anuaaally emoting in their visit of inspection that morning and mies middloton aa ahe untied feer bonnetatrings aod pat down in the one eaiiohair that her room afforded drew a sigh of mingled relief and vexation one might aa well be a slave at once i ettid miaa middleton if i were a raao id snap my fingers hi their faces send in my resignation and go ont to kansas to farm government lands or weave oorn- basbetp or make my living in so mo other ahapo where apernon can be independent bat aa im a woman i ont im fond of iliildren by nature bat i could have cheerfully ohooked evory young imp in my class to day now all tb isnt the proper etato of things im tho wrong woman in the right place the equstre block of humanity in the round hole juisa middleton looked at herself in tbe glass she was fat fair and thirtysix with here and there a silver thread shin ing in her braida and inoiplont orowa feet at tlie corners ot her bright hazel eyes i ought to have been married said miss middleton vaguely following np tha current of her ideas bat what is a girl to do when tho men dont know what they are abont and dear me i never had bat one offer and thai was from poor dick brandogee who couldnt even support him eelf let alone a wife he died la lonatio aaylum laej year perhaps ho would have died there sooner if he bad married me what is u mrs moscovitz to the landlady of the boarding bonae a boy to see me what on earth does a boy want to see me for hub lkjuu hum twlt m middleton said tho landlady parsing up ber thin lips and ive seen htm through tbe basement wiodowb a hanging round the ary and i am free to eay aa i sent caroline to bring me tho apoon basket and the silver tray or ho aint exaotly what yon wonld call an ornamental member of tooioty pun mm in bim miaa middleton brusquely and a tall ungainly lad of fifteen or thoreabouts aloaoned into the room ragged justy and wearing shoes which eoarooly covered bin feet oh 1 said miss middleton recognizing a former member of her olaaa in public school its benny pole isot it yes im euro its benny now and what can youpwsiblyaotwitb mebc polo pleaeo m i want to borrow five dol lura answered the aogainly youth oh 1 said miss middleton satirically wouldnt five hundred do as well please m i havent never had no lock binco they turned mitoot of school for laughing beoanse squire hopkins sneezed hiflapeotaoles off his nose said benny dolorionslj i got a place to a grocer bat my errand baekot wsti stole bat i tried newepapera on an express train and then i fell tff the last oar and hart ray auklo bo as ive limped over ainoe and they say i m too big to learn a trado and too uttlo to go oat for a days work well said miss middleton and how can i prevent all this accumulation of mis fortune please m said benny piteoasly on was always good to roe i havent got a friend in the world exeept its mother and yon humph i said miss middleton thats taking a good deal for granted and went on benny slowly turning the ragged brim of bis battered straw hat aronnd and around in bis two bands theros a fellow who drivea a tin wagon oat into tbe ooantrya peddler and if i could raise five dollara to go partners hod let mo drive for him and bave half of whatever i make bonny said miaa middleton severely yon are trading on the good nature of yoqr felloworeatureb now what are yoa and yoar tin peddling cart to tne that i should deliberately give yoo a five dollar- bill bennys countenance fell i didnt hardly speet yoa would maam said he bat i hadnt no one else to go to humbly beg pardon maam for intruding and he was shaming away when mips middletons kind heart misgave her and the words of the bible flajhed into her memory one of tbe least of these ono of tbe least of these benny 1 said ahe brufinely tbe lad baited come baok i lie obeyed here is a five dollar bill said miss middleton jl need it pretly badly my self bat i dont know bat that yoar case it worse than mlno mike tbe best ote you can ofifc and now goodbye and benny pole departed with a face wherein a gleam of hope bad began to appear twenty years bad parsed ftwaj antt the snowy dnsk of a winter evening was gathered around the railway station ol ft thriving young western olty as a bant and silver haired woman lighted from the train wherodoes mr bllveerttr live said she looklog vaguely aroond ber tbe at a tlon agent atarrd in his idea every man woman or oh id wbo didnt know where mayor bilieetwr lived deserv ed to be classed among the outside bar barians o the world in tbe big houao at the top of the bill he aaid briefly theres his oarriage now waiting for tho train to clear tho track is that he 7 said mies middleton nod ing toward a tall and stately figure- seated well baok under the shelter of thebaroaotu top thats him said the agent i bave an order here for fldra lit n into the home for indigent women bald miss middleton faintly i am told ho is preei dent of tbe institution yee said tbo elation agent euddonly losing what little interest he had previous ly manifested in the strangers affairs perhaps i had better go to him eaid miaa middleton frpe yoa bad bald tho station agent indifferently tbe prematurely aged woman took up her bhsbby little travelling bag and went timidly toward the euperb carriage whoae coachman could scarcely hold in the foam flecked horses mr silvoater leaned out with kind courtesy as ho saw her approach did yon wish to apeak to me my good woman raid be miss middleton humbly presented a slip of paper major silvester read it by the light of tbe flaming carriage lamps read it twice over and looked hard at the oppll oant you are dorothy middleton he said i am dorothy middleton bir major silvester btepped out of tbe car riage and held tbe door open do me the favor to enter bo said and mies middlotao obeyed in a bowitd ered sort of way yon dont know rno said mr bives ter i never met jou before said miaa middleton meekly yoa will perhaps remember the name which i bore before assuming in aecor dance with the terms of an eeoentric friends will my present appellation bon jam in pole littlo benny pole with ragged clothep a penniless pooket and a future as black as erebus dont yon remember bis coming to you one day miss middleton to borrow five dollara mibs middleton was silent for a moment yep shebaid at jasr i do remember it is it possible that you jou are little benny pole that five dollar bill baid mayor sil vester was the nuoleaa of my success in life it gave me my flrat incentive to ambition my first start in tbe world without it i think i suoald have committ ed suicide i was qaite discouraged and disheartened enough for any rash and nn considered act when i was in new york a few years ago i tried to search yon ont and repay a title of what i owed you but your old position was vaoant and nobody could give mo any tidings of your where abouts now i heartly thank the providenoo which has thrown yoa in my way here wo are ub the carriage etop ed is this the h for tndgnflnt we want qood roads sundry hints to pathmaeters and others by a w campbell c e road commissioner women asked miss middleton faintly it is my homo miss middleton said the mayor and yours henceforward as well and poor overtasked dorothy middleton entered the luxurious portals of mayor silvesters home noer to leave it until bhe was carried ont in her coffin he was a ra a true and tender support to ber helplessness ab miaa middleton would siy some times with a a no lie that poor tattered five dollar bill was tbo best investment i ever made their verdict many are the atones told of the rem roads that broak up are bad roada mako road improvements in snob a way that tbey will bo permanent whether by statute labor or other moans undertake road work systematically appoint a supervisor who wit have oharge of all tho roadwork make road beats flvo miles in length ohooae the best men aa path do as ter a and keep them in office classify the roadd acaording to tbe natare and extent of traffic over them specify the width of grade amount of crown plan ofdralnago kind width and depth of material to be used and see tbat those specifications are carried ont purchase gravel by tbo pit not by tbe load use olean road material strip the olay and earth from over the gravel pit before the time of performing statute labor do not scatter money in making trifling repairs on temporary etrnotnres hoads culverts and bridges will alwaya be required and their construction in the moat durable manner suitable to require ments id most economical if btattite labor is to be mado successful the work must be systematically planned and some definite end kept in view have the work properly laid ont before tbe day appointed to commence work only call out a anfilcioat number of men and toams to properly carry oat the work in hand and notify them of the work in hand and notify them of the imple ments each will bp required to bring lot no path master return a rate pay era atatute labor as performed unices it has been done to his satisfaotion in justice to others make tho statute labor rotarns clearly show what work has not been dono see tbat the council col loots the amount from the delinquent parties aad have it expended the next year the pathmaater ahoald inspect the roada under his charge after every heavy rain storm a few minutes work in freeing drains from obetructions filling holes diverting a current of water may save sev eral days work it neglected it is impossible to do satisfactory work on olay roads whion are very wet or which have become baked and hardened by heat and drought the operator of the grading machine bhould have instructions to com mence work on olay roada as soon as tbe ground has become sufficiently settled in spring and not to leave this work until the time of statute labor usually in fane when tbe ground is hard and dry with tbe money which can be spent build permanent culverts permanent bridges boy maohlnery bay gravel pits prepare gravel for haahngconbtrnot drains operate the maohlnery use the btatute labor sb far as posaible in drawing gravel or broken stone d not leave tho gravel or b the little shoes able verdlots brought in by inefficient jariea bnt there could eoarcoly bo a better illustration of what a legal man calls ooloaaal inefficiency than tho story he tells of the verdict given by the jury in a western city the case under trial was that of a man who accidentally as almost evoryone behoved had fatally shot a friend while tho two were off with a hunting party the accused p was a prominent citizen of the place aud was greatly beloved as well aa respeoted by every one who knew bim as the trial proceeded the faoea of tbe jdrymen were filled with anxiety when they at last retired it became evident that tbe prisoner oould not be acquitted of all blame according to tho evidence bat tbey deoided that if ho mubt be considered guilty of aomothiog tbat tbat they would make that something as light as posaible accordingly the foreman gravely announc ed on the return to the oonrt room tbat they found tha prisoner guilty of drunk enness in spite of tbe gravity of the oass a rip ple of amusement ran over tho court room at this verdiat the judge with consider able severity and with great clearness again oharged tbo jury and again they retired a long interval elapsed at last they came straggling lu again once more the foreman confronted tbe judge and thus annoaoed the verdict we fipd the prisoner guilty of man slaughter in the third degree but this in tone of something like defiance toe dont bettevc he tluz it i christian science seem to be feeling good said ono of his fathers neighbors great aaid tbo boy wevo got christian science over ter onr house and he munohed one doughnut and waved a second in the air christian soienoe what do yon mean inquired tbe porzlud neighbor its just ira men cried the boy beat thing tliatev r happened its just tbe boss 1 tell ton ita the best thing going i havo rnjird that it sometimes did wonders ohicrcd the neighbor bnt i didnt suppose i o a know mnob about it haa it benefitted ou anj johnnie benefitted me i echoed johnnie yoa jaat bet it baa t its great when youre christian science yon know yoa aint never slok benefitted me well i should ay it bas0lk wly jtla w great i kin slosh around in the snow now all day and cat nrteen doughnuts and all tbe pie 1 want an ma never says a word fer i eant bo tick t just cant be aiok i stone ust as it drops from tho wagon spread the metal crown tho road with a rise of one iooh to the foot from aide to centre so an to ehed water from the roadway to the drains qivo the open drains a good fall to a froo outlet lay tila nndbrdrmnn whnrn needed drain thoroughly keep the road surface dry keep the earth underneath tho aur face dry use road maohlnery use graders stone crashers and road rollers improved maohlnery la as neoebbary for goo andzwaomcalwork av a self binders and steamthreshers employ one man to take oharge of the maohlnery he will become experienced and do better and obeaper work the same toams should be always om ployed to operate tbo graders they become accustomed to tho work andt give hotter service do not cover an old gravel road with sod and earth from tbo sides ol the road tnrn this earth and sod outward and raise tho centre with new gravol adopt every means to seporo a hard smooth waterproof surface do not let stones roll iooboiv on the road do not let rats remain tbey mako travelling di moult and bnoil tho road by holding water make repairs as soon as tho defect appears use wido tires improve drainage of tbe hills make the arown of the roadway higher than on level groand change the location of tbo road if a steep hill can be avoidod do not use wood for culverts use concrete vitrified pipe or atone do not build wooden bridges use iron stone or concrete build good roads ongoino to bed hungry all animals except man eat before sleeping and there ia no reason why man ahoald form an exception to tbe rule fasting daring the long interval between upper and breakfast especially the com pleto emptiness of tbe stomach daring sleep adds greatly to the amount of emaol- atfonileepleabness and general weakness ao often met with it la well known that whats the matterjohnnie yoirinth body the la a pgrnet d tion ot tissue sleeping or waking it is therefor nnatural to believe tbat the sap ply of nourishment should be somewhat continuous especially in those in whom the vitality ie lowered as bodily exercise if anspended daring sleep with wear and tear correspondingly diminished while digestion assimilation and nutritive activity continue as usual the food famished daring this period adds mora than la destroyed and increased weight and improved general vigor la the result if tbe weakly the emancipated and the sleepless were to take nightly a light meal of simple nutritions food before going to bed for a long period they would be raiiej to a better standard of health ii has been oar experience that after digesting a bowl of bread and milk or a sanoer of oatmeal before rolng to bed for a few moo4btaurlsiog ioorease jn- weight strength and general tons has resulted this coarse is not rwcom mended tothow persons wbo are stout and ple thoric new york mger the houses of parliament at wolmin ster cover eight acres of groand the victory rests with americas qreatut medicine hoods sarsaparllja when it enters the battle against impure blood at a temperance meeting in england the chairman addressing a young man yot a reformed drunkard patt corao william turner jouvo known as much about the drink evil as anyone here or any whero come tell na for i never beard how it was that you changed right about face from the month of hell to the gafo of hope come man out with it maybe it will do good the young man thus urged roio and looked for a moment vary confuaod all he could eay was the little shoe they did it with a think voice aa if his heart was in his throat he kept repeating this there was a btaro ot perplexity on his face and at length some thoughtless people began to titter tbe man in all his embaraeement heard ihia sound and rallied at once the light came into his ejea with a flash ho drew himself up and looked at tho audience the choking went from his throat yee friende he said in a voice that out its way dear as a deep toned bell whatever you may think of it ive told yoa the troth the little shoes hid it i was a brute and a fool strong drink had mado me both aud starved and stripped mo into tho bargain i suffered i rieserv ed to suffer hut i didnt sufiur alone no man does who has a wife and child for tbe woman geta the worst share but im no speaker to enlarge on that iii btiok to the little shoes i saw one night when i was all but done for tbe publican a child holding up ber feet for her father to see her fine new nboes it waa a simple thing but friends no flat ever struck me suoh a blow as those littlo shoes they kicked reason into me what buainoaa have i to clothe others and let my own go bare bald i and there outside on a bitter night i took bold of my littte one with a grip and i felt her chilled feet men i fathers 1 if tbo eboba emote me what did tho feet do i put them cold a 3 ice to my breast tbey piercod mo through and through yes tbe little foot walked right into my heart and turned out ray boifibh noes i had a trifle of money left i bought a loaf and a pair of little ehoes i nevor tasted anything but a bit of bread all tho sabbath day and i went to work like mad on monday and from tbat day i havo spent no more money in the public boube thats all ive got to say it was tho little oboes that did it the season 0 wikol o wukol havo a carol huvo a oaro i f tbaaoids aro suuuy 1 1 ljo woo 1h aro baru 1 tboatrtmmb aro running tliu wind usoiitli tbcro bauge a board at tho wall curb a mouth tbobaplfl etartlut itu tiino for ijulb 1 i vo plnobed tliu btida on tho ex lioart trim 0 woko i owtritl ina round unoiialtt spring and winter i beard contouihiif coaxing tbroatonlug urging chicling earths little oinpfro still dividing wlthtliawa aud flaws and gauaa aud tmuiyu wljicli vras victor nono conld dotomilur v wlrenfull blown 6ummotnphjjiloatli entered and jmt an and to both dora jreod jooate m harper youny peojtk useful alligators could not tolerate a lie victor sohoolober tbe eminent writer politician and repubioan philanthropist who died lately in france after an houor ablo life of nearly ninety years was always noted for the rigid aincerity of his princi ples and his aots a story is told in the parisian proas of hi a boyhood which illua tratee this characteristic in him as a child be was once returning to franco frorrr a trip to brussels with his mother she bad obtained in belglutn certain valuable laces which ahe could easily oarry out of sight and sho remarked to the boy t uhu was not ga to declare them to thofrenoh custom houso authorities but mother said victor uut to dc olare them would be wrong i noter joa mind eho baid it would be foolish to declare them tbo daty on them is enormous and the inspectors will never know anything abont thorn 1 shall say nothing ahnnt thorn when the ouatom house man came mme sohoolober declared tbat ahe had nothing datlable tbe inspector thought be saw a shocked look in the boys face what is it 7 said he to viator o air said tbe boy i think mother haa some belgian laces tbat she ought to pay daty on 1 ife prodaeedantl the duty- paid mme schcocher instead of being angry declared that sho waa proud of hav ing so honest and truthful a boy not only did he never learn tolio bul he had a quick eye for diahonenty of charao ter in others as a depnty be voted to permit the return of louis napoleon to france believing that the time had come for nniveraal forgivenoss louie napoleon read a speech thanking the deputies and full of apparently frank protestations of fidelity to the republic sobmlober shook his bead when he heard tbia epeech i watched bim through my glaaa he said and his paper never trembled la his band he is too oool to be an honest man we shall have occasion to rogret bis coming into the country this estimate proved quite true for in a few years louis napoleon had by a most remarkable series of falsehoods and betray als overthrown the republic and possessed himself of despotio power silenqed no falsehood oould endors tbe lightest tonob of itharlels spear and there isvup man so ulna tared that he may not bo shamed into silence by a womans wit a prominent english man lord d a proverial hater of america and americans was dining in paris with tbo british minister next to him waa a noted new port belle miss x tbe conversation had drifted to a discussion of things american and lord d madesome disagreeableteroarks abont some americans he had met and some yankee customs he abhorred why dye know he continued with an unpardonable want of tact that at some of the places i dined in america i saw people etc wlin their knives and spil their soap on the tablftoloth i miss x was thoroughly provoked by tbia time bat she replied with an apparent anooqoern what poor letters of introduc tion yoa mast have had my lord i there was no more unpleasant talk abont america that evening harper bazar john bull and uncle sam london is becoming so enthusiastic that she is celebrating oar victories before tbey actually occur washington post and after this war is over canada must not try to take baok tbo pleasant things she is saying abont ub now baltimore american boatty the way john bollis carrying on will cause tho powers to ask undo sam who is yoar fat friend hannook find dfthocrat r- thedltterenoesiwtweto great britain aud the united states will never be wholly closed until the alaska boundary is esubllsbsdrtbynuaae standard brillajb statesman should not rush on us too fait on the alliance proposition it has not been long sloes oar principal amusemont was t wiating knota n tbe lions tail kausa gtty journal any couaideruhlo interference wilh iho order of mituro is likely to product un expected reeulte in voma parts of the west it ia eaid it ia now impossible to ruise apples although formerly there was no such difficulty tho removal ot the forests hasliltercd the chmatiocondltlors lu other words iho cutting down of the forebt irccb has killed tho apple treei a different illustration of the simo general law is reported by a now oalcuns pflper thabtiyoub of louiammia wero formerly the homes ot ulliutord without numbers ihey did no purticuar harm ixcrt by catching a strj 1 1 or don now mid ilin nor were they known to b of any partic ular me tho people fur tho most part let them olono then there bprang up at tho norlh a demand for alligttor tkiua for the making ofoatohelb pock at hooka and tho like and the natural result followed thoalligators were killed in great numbers till preedntly they were almost destroed no harm was done people thought but by and by it begin to be noticed tbat certain mlechiovoui quadrupeds were multiplying lu the rico fields tho mask rats increased in suoh numbers that it became bard work to keep up the back levees which had been butrt to keep tho wator on tho tico during tho growing season what perhaps was more serioud the numo bnrrowlug rodents infoated tbo front lovees and nothing but constant watchfulness avorted disastrous aonsequonoee then market gardeners began to com plain of an alarming increase in tbo number of rabbita racoons and other animals which preyed upon tho cauliflower cabbage and other vegetables some of the gardeners wero compelled to encloao tbelr gardens with oloso wire fences or else abandon tbe cultivation of eortio of their most profitable cropb the alligators had not been useless and tbe people had learned anew that it is dangerous to go too fast and too fur in disturbing tbe order of nature up a church steeple two riggers in a western city afow years ago performed a feat that for daring and steadiness of nervo equals anything on record repairs wero nooessarj at the top of u iiaph fmmrnli f very hl mm ml nple thero way to roach tho spot from tbo maide and the riggers proourcd a number of light ladders and la9hod them one abovo tbo other to tbo outside of the steeple tbo topmost ladder however was not high enough to enable tbom to reach the desired apot and aa tho upper part of tho steeple was too small to permit the proper lashing to it of a ladder a daring expedient waa reborted to one of tbo tnon carrying a pot of melted solder climbed from one laddor to another until ho had reached tho last ono and then braoinghinibelf he raisod an oxtra i udder that the other rigar hud brought up in his hand mid leaned it agalqsb tho oteople then tho man below grasped this ladder and held it steady whilo tho man abovo mounted it to the point whore hia work was to bo done he began tho work at ouce and all promised well till suddenly be jost ed tho solder pot and the fiery bluff ran oat and fell over the baud of uiq niaii who wbb holding tho ladder buc iho bravo fellow did not move with a presence of mind und a courage worthy of h monument ho maintained a firm hold of the ladder until his companion could come down from hia perilous perch t philadelphia j tmca heighth of british soldiers it is interesting to nolo that out of ovory 1000 man in the british army thero are eighteeu over six feet in stataro twenty seven of 5 feet 11 inches fifty two of 5 feet 10 inches ninety three of 5 feet i inches hi of 5 feet 8 loobes and 18j of 5 feet 7 inches taking one year with another it is found that theso figuroa vary but slightly each twelvo month b out of tbe 2000 british soldiers of 6 feet and oveu 400 are in the line regiments the alchymists failed in their work of changing metals into gold diamond dyes never fail to maieold and faded things look as good as new atobymists like oebcr alfarabj a vie anna atberna magogs artephlus and o there who pretendod to be ablo to ohange ol tbe babo motais into gold wero in their tirnoa first class impostors aud deceivers the art of making old faded and dingy drosses capes bus wla jackots coats pants vebta and other articles of wearing apparel look as good as new has beou brought to perfection by tbe introduction aud use of tho diamond dyer tboso triumphs of modern chemistry millions on iho continent aro paving money eaob year by using tho diamond dyea in tbe home thoy are trua and fatthfni family benefaotorp and bo easy to uio that a child can djo successfully with them diamond dyes havo tmoh an exteuited popularity fame and immense sale in every locality that imitators havo put on the market wort hit ha and adulterated dyes in packages bearing a ciobo reflom- blanoo to the diamond it is therefore necessary for ovory- woman when buying djea to ace that tbe name diamond is on oaob paoket paokago dyea without the nanio diamond can never cjvo satis faction muddy dull and alroaky colors will be some of tho disappointments met with diamond dye colors are guaranteed i brilliant rich and full and will last aa long ai tbe goods bold together