Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 7, 1898, p. 1

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n n ttnn jfm xts is iudmbukd evehy thursday morning at tuk free frcssstcam iruitlngofllco wltiti htiic et aoton ont tisiimhov suuaoniition ono dollor per your strictly in advauco ah hubscrliitious uibcoii- tinued wliou tliu time for wliloh tlioy linvo boon paid iibs oxtlrocl tho da to to which ovory aubaorhitlou ianald is denoted ou tho add rose labdl advbhtiainq it atks transient advortiao- mouui 11 conta per nonpareil lino for flrut iu- otttou 8 conta xor jluo for oaoh dubsoquont iihoruon contract ratkb tho following tabic ihowo ur rates for tbo iusortlon of atlvortiaomouta for bpooiflodiiflrioda big gat m paper -thb- traders bank of canada pofhg days bookstore bpaoe in 6 mo mo 1mo aoldollob lolnolips llnoh 860 00 35 00 90 00 000 39 00 9000 12 00 390 2000 1900 700 9o0 7 00 3 00 aeo ioo advertlaomontb without spoclflo direotions will be lnbortad till forbid and charged acoord- ngly transient advertlsomonta must bo paid n aavancq advortlsomoiiu will bo changod onco oaoh month it doslrodl for cbangoa oltoner than onco a month ttis oompoaition muatbopalil for at roguls1 rfttoa ohangasfor ooutract advortlboniotita canst bo n tbo olqco lyaoon on tuobdaya accouuts io3oblo monthly h p moore editor and fropriotor wusincsb joirwtorp in closing a successful season in wall paper we find a few t which will be cleared at a low price the balance of our stock will be sola as follows 25o wall paper 15c 20o wall paper 10c 15 o wall paper 8o loo wall paper 6c and 6c borders very low combinations are per fect the newest and best american goods days low prices win cery timo day sells cheap f urkn m d 0 m ottlcaaddroaldonco cornor mill afrodoriok streets aoton furnish the feet we do the rest authorized capita 1 000000 cuelph branch suras of 81 and upwards reooived ou dopobit and hlghoat current rate of interest paid or compounded halfyearly deposit receipts issued for largo sums deposited advances mads to responsible farmers on their own parses no charge made for collecting sales notes if payable in guolpb a general banking business transacted a r ii jones manager as elliott m d m b aoton qniduaru toiionto univenainr officecornor mill and john tstreotn acton pr drydun eyk eih tliiloat an1 nohk molcaub block douglas 6t near i 0 guebfb office houhb 10 am to 1 pm ul j to c bondath 10 nni to 1 pm dental l bennett lds dentist aeonobtown orrxinio j p coghian d dslds lv denti6t womc catlkfulvxydonls pfllces itodenite office ovmsiibiiouns dnuo btcbe houns e khvy day from 0 to c j m bell dds l d s dentist bh0oev1lle monon ohadoate ov toronto university work inadc satlifactory pricos modorato vibitino dab monday afternoon cntnp- bollvillo tucaday acton otllcoclarks hotol bollvillo tuesday friday llockwoou dtt g h cook dentist cor college st and spadlna a toronto wiuvluitactonon tho first and third satur days of oaoli monlti office ur adam cooks rosidoiico main stroot thats all we ask you to do furnish the feet we will not only do the rest but we will do it for a very small expenditure of money never before have we been able to offer better shoes for the money in mens and wo mens tans and blacks any shape any style any quality you desire will you spoil the appearance of your hall with a common cheaplooking linoleum or oilcloth dont come here english scotch and canadian linoleums and oilcloths a splendid range entrance wyndham st or if you prefer it st georges square jvo time like the present it you havo a kiuil word say it throbbing hearts soon sink to rest if you one a kindness pay lb lites rut liurrlod to tho rrobt can j on do a kind doodv doit tram dcbpatr a soul to savo iiiobb oacli day aa yoapssb through it marching onward to tho gravo if home grautt thing for tomorrow you arc dreaming doit now troni tho luttiro do not hprrowt r fipat tfoon authors on tho brw spook thy word perform thy duty klfjlit la coming doop with rcat stan will gloani in fodolosa beauty grneflos wliiipor oor thy brooet ddya for doodo arc tow my brother ttion to day fulfil thy vow if i ou moan to holp another do sot dream it do it now dett jfamiln stealing w williams boot and shoe dealer mill street acton binding twine- veterinary surgeon xame8 s joyce v s ulladuatk oy ontai1io veteiunaey colle0k treats all illuoasea of domobticatod animals enquiro at joco eroo butcher shop will btroot acton ltooms otagnowa hotel calls promptly oltondotl to day or nlgbt m clean uclean darrifllorssouoltors notaries gonvoyancors io private funds to loan ofllcotown hall aoton wm a moliajn jso a molxik y jtikoelinnqn bannibtein boliciton cokveyahckii ofbickmiu fitroot la mattbowb block upstairs j b mtleod badjiistezi soliciron conveyances main fitroot qoorgotown monoytolorinat lowest ourrontratos t j- mcnabb oiork fourth division couvt county of hu- onoonvoykucorabontfiroandlilfoabburauco uoal katatoassat monoy to loan etc orrioelorrymansblocb acton ont miscexjlaneo us henby grist oixawa canada bolloltor of iatont for invention cto proparos appliciitjone fortho canadian amar- ican addeuropouiptent ouloes and for tho koguuratioa of tiido marks head for pam phlet thirtytwo foars oxperionco f ranoi8 nun an bookbinder wyndham st qnolph ontario ovor vuhamabtore acconat hooks of all kinds mado to order periodicals of ovory dobcrlpttoncarofully bound bullnnoatitunri promptly done w abriaoe ltcen8es it p mooite tphukit of umniaob iiice8kb privatooflloft kowltnebsosreqnirod iiaaod rosldencniu the ovonlng froopross oulco aoton wellington mutual tire insurance company bsridlxfldbd 1640 in su ranch on gasb and mutual plan nmhmunlcattpiibfcrwarded to mv ad upj box c38 or tolopnano 68 tondod any to mv adjrcbi john t ay lob agent ouolph wamted honest enorflollo voung men iirmen oni tbtobors itudonta olorki and ouicn who aro aamlroni oikcr tildtone and would hko toapondtbsnflxt three montlii la telling tlltt matcblcmitoryof lila life wo toaob you how to do tho work and guarantee inoeea from 9900 to ww a day abeolatoly hare tlioro ib no fear of fiilnre and it will be enjoy ablo work 1aruoulira furnlibed froo ultadleyoatllletbon co lltulloil toronto full stock best qualities and lowest prices at norval g acton robt noble get wall paper prices 1898 at waters bros the picture gallery cuelph bring pictures to be framed sun savings and loan co head office toronto ont authorized capital 500000000 tenyear maturity shares ere paid in- monthly instalments pf 50c per share far 120 months when payments cease 60 00 paid in maturity value 100 00 money to ipan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on oppll- ation to j m bond co hardwahe cuelph mckees vegetable antibilious pills relieve and cure all forms of biliousness sucli as dizziness nausea drowsiness bad taste in the mouth coated tongue loss of appetite pain in the back pain in the side sallow skin etc these pills arc made from pure concen trated vcgclable extracts and cuntain no calomel or other mineral subbtancc their full medicinal eflcct is produced without even a tendency to gripe or sicken they are prepared from our own special formula and when taken according to direc tions they arc a specific for habitual con stipation in cases of neuralgia nervous or bilious headache they are unequalled price 26o per box 5 boxes 100 prepared and sold only by j dmckee t unsiuldt acton mrs secords block latest and best designs of monumsnts in granite and marble at 20 to 30 per cent reduction j h hamilton proprietor gmnite marble works cuelph is the only direct importer of marble and granite west of toronto and north of hamilton come and sec the largest and best imported stock in the dominion prices for granite imported stock less than others ask for the commonest can adian or american granite ottioe and worksbamiltoits block woolwich and norfolk sts gu9lph ont branch worksnew hamburg ont main street planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor r j mcnabb agent acton georgetown electric worfcs tj apelont proprietor manufacturers of acton saw mills and woodyards jjprtiitbs brown makuracrcrnxii akd mulsh in runior intli shingle a woott uto all klnfli of wood in stock and promptly dohvarsd to ny part of tho town at rquotmblo prlooa rtririlwuoi alio bi1 eat stovo loagth nlwyi on hand tolrrtaone oommntilvsvuor dynamos electric motors watbr motors and hydraulic ram8 pipo and steam fitting and general repair ing llelogeqnlppedwltnagaabrailnsniaoblae i am prepared to do braelng on bloyole frapnai ae wheel converted from direct to tanffent flpokei handle bare bent to any deelwd angle foil line of spoke kept in atoolc satisfaction ffuaranteod blovoles enameled in any color t j spzjcrht aaorfetawn wnp pttpti s who are about to 10 x u trxjuo pnbllo or nigh bobool ibonld not overlook tbe great adrnt am of a praetleal ootfrae of inatrao- m at toe oublph business college and shorthand institute jul ler besalonwlir commence 1 btndenu may enter any ume summer benuon will c ur 4iti write oroall if interoitod olroqlar free jsharpprinelpal mannfacturor of basil door frame mouldlu lihallbtylo dressmo matcbuiq and moulding to ordor on cuort notice wnll asborlnl block od ipncto iiitu ictn tho lluioa john cameron proprietor w ba bros paper makers georgetown ont kill x bnoiattt of machine finished book papers aud high grade weekly news the paper ueod in ibifl journal ia from be above mill wm barber bros acton- livery bus line the nndanlgnad rofpeotfalljriollolu the patron ago of tho public and lnfornti thorn that well bqalpped and styluilri rlgi oon al wayabe secured athlmatablqi a ootnfortablo baa mootial trains botvoen 0 it na and 818 n m careful attention glvon to otry orftar the wanti of oomrarotal travol lnfqllrndt john wiluams poornibton n lre rocrs 1u jiaity hle dm1ah it jj buoh a protty plaae fluch a sweet place t i am so glad no camo horo i it is not a village or a lot of cottages attached to a hotel or a place where you can look oat tho window and eeo a row of houses going np and a plumber putting in gaa- pipes its dot suburban it is rural in fact it is real country the people too how nice they are 1 they try to mako v happy there is not an extra for anything and they give you tho best thin go to eat fruit and milk all the milk you want and i want plenty and homer made bread and pie and cake nam 1 naml dual how good it is i and ourde and whey and potohoese and smear- kaso and cream no they are not tbe same theres a great difference ask aunt abby if tbero is not aunt abby is abijaha wifo she doesnt want as to call her mrs smith she says if wo do ahe shall think we are not oomfortablo so wo never do she calla hor husband p and hooallb her ma though they havo not any children and never had any bat a little baby who died she nays it looked exactly like lillys wax doll lilly fa my little niece tbero is a big wooden oradlo in tbe sittingroom always made np with a pink patchwork qailt and a raffled pillow and ouce lilly pat her doll into it aunt abbey came in aad saw it and bogan to ory then ulio told bid tor laura about the baby and how much it looked liko tbe doll it made her fcot badly that day but siuco then oho often bkb lilly to put it there and she baa ahe can bit down in the rookinfi obair and darn unolo abijtha blockings aud sing byeobaby bunting and ilooka bo baby upon the tree top unduftora while the present flies away and the past cornea baok and protty soon ehe fiele aa it she was a protty young mother again and lollys doll her baby asloop in jtq oradle oj ooarao it all lliea away when tho clook stribos livoand i jump np to got tea ready she says bat it does me a heap of good maybeit aint right im a bit afraid dominie rparklo would say it was not but i oant help doi itj now 1va found out how and it accras more roal than real things i know what it moans i have had day dreams like that dear me i hope i am not growing sentimental it would not bo a bit like me if i were ive alwaya laugh ed at sentimental people i remember when afater ilelon wag en flftpd i tinfl tn imtiflh at har lmftmqa4 looked at tbo moon and quoted tennyson and when ur j3oreum took ma to bee claud moluotto i laughed at it mr borenm waa offended ho bhed tears and that made me laagh harder oh dear me what is it florooo eaye ho josto at sears who never fult a wound she also i suppose i was very young and lighthoartod then when i aaw all those plays with mr boreum who was bo much in love with me and i laughed at everything i laughed most of all at him a mtddlcbged man whq looked as if he had stolen a bag of meal liko the king the in nursery rhyme and buttoned his coat over it to hide it he used to sigh liko a furnace i declare im quoting poetry myself now i wonder what has come over me and i believe grandma wanted me to marry him she said ho waa a perfect gentleman of tho old school and that there wero low like blm in this world nowadays baoh a floe presence so chivalrous and i said why dont yon have him yourself grandma and aba boxed my ears i really meant it i should have hkod him very much for a stepfather afterward i bliaed grandmas hand and apologized and told him id do any ponanoe alio appointed that id go down to trinity church all the way down broadway with peas in my shoes or go down cellar and flog myself with tbo carpet- oca tor or havo my head shaved and go to tho next small- and early so or anything and i mado her laagh at last aud then she mado qie cry lor she told ma she had had many offurn of marriage since grandpa died but had refuted all because a woman who had lovod onoo nover loved again and tho very aaggeatloo that she conld marry a second tiros mads yr fnrlnnn wwin nnw that she was fifty flo then sh showed me two lovely minia tures on ivory taken daring their honey moon grandma looked liko a seraph then and grandpa like a cherub ive noticed that people always do in ivory miniatures and that iho ladles invariably have grecian features but grandma fs a splendid old lady yet though ibe ia sixty now a splen did old lady with a temper of her own i am said to lake after her in that respect yap it is five years ago since she boxed roy ears five years since i refused mr boreum who would propose to me i was seventeen mien- i am twontytwo now and very much altered ho jests at acorn wbo nover felt a wound ive quoted that before but it keeps com ing into my my ml ad i wouldnt have sister laura know it for worlds bat since then ive been in love myself if grandma was right i shall nover love again i often- wonder if that is so women who truly love love bat onpe and ah i i truly loved him my heart isnt broker and i have just as good an appotito as ever bat five years ago i wouldnt have come here when i could have rone io a place where there were fashionable folk and great dinners and dancing and drividrand beaux abovo all beaux aunt sarling would havo taken me to suoh a place but i choso to come hero with lxura and lilly and tho baby laura came hero for tho children sake and tho only change wo havo is when my brotheritilaw comes down oo saturday afternoons of coarse that is delightful for laura aod frank sleeps in the ham mock all sou- day and i take lilly out into tho tyood or up the rook atrthey cull it it is a great rock on tho summit of a hill over- hanging j meadow i love lilly dearly i iotendto live for her i am studyict modiolao i forgot to mention that and 1 shall graduate and get a large practice and make a fort a no and leave it all to her i mnat live for other people children now if grandma waa right and women loo bat once i go up ibero on tho rock on sunday afternoon to think it all over wo ait under a wild cherry u lilly adores wild enemies and stuffs herself with them and i boep tho child on tho rrei sloping aido of the hill on tbo othor tbo rock bulgea over and it beoma a good way above the world almost jike a mountain and i think and think until as aunt abbey bays it all leeme more roal than real things do i am eighteen again and fred and i i used to call him fred to myself frcderio farnham io bis name are out in the merivales yacht they at home did not like my going neither mamma nor grand ma approved of mrs morivale and i only wanted to go because fred was going oh those moonlight nights i i feel frightened sometimes they come back to me so plain ly and 1 aeo freda eyes again actually see them all fall of love fred has euob wonderful oyos they blazed like diamonds yes even wbon it was almost dark aud when ho held my hand i was perfectly happy i thought him so good and trusted him bo implicitly until the time when i saw him with his arm around mrs meri- valeb waist i had noticed littlo things before but that waa tbe final blow it was late and tboy thought i bad gone to sleep but i came back to look for a scarf which i had dropped and there they wore a married woman i i was bo angry that i did not break down beforo them fred tried to make me behove that there was no harm in it next day she said qhe felt giddy and as bod him to keep her from falling ho told mo even if that waa truo i answered him he should havo rofased or offerod his arm she said put yonr arm around my waist i am going to fall he laughed como now what bort of a cad would i have beou not to do it sappoao it had becu i and mr mcri- vulo i said an utterly different case he answered rut i would not bo persuaded that black was white it ended in a downright quarrel all was over when i wont home you wero right about mrs merivalo and i wrong was all x told aven mamma frod and i havo nover met since tio beams to have vanished from tho world i wonder where he is gone if i should meet him i would simply ignore him and yot i shall nevor fool to any one as i did to blm nover 1 and no doubt a wicked woman has some power moe ones do not nnflefstand 16 mane men do foolish thinge i dont supposo fred was anything but foolish but that sort of folly in a husband wonld make a wifes life unendurable there is a stage driving np to the door some ono getting oat of it it is a man with a valiso well if wo must havo othor boarders i am glad they are not womon men go away and flah and shoot bat women aro in evidence all the timo so is their hideous fanoy work but lvo rather hated women i ooufebo since that experience on the merivaloa yacht yes lam becoming a sour unpleasant spinster i dont love anybody but you lilly you aro your amitys streak of sunshine theres tbe teabell oomo along for peoplo with good appetites liko you and mo lilly aunt abby a teas mako life worth living as people do not talk to a baby three years old liko lilly i mast have baid all that to myself i did not say it alond 1 havent oomc to being buoii a orank aa that qnite yet oldfashionable novels allude to ones invisible familiar i begin to think i have ono i most talk to ft again if i have for i will not tell laura about it something very btrango happened last evening what things do happen in this world i i barely got lilly in and ber face wash dd and a oleau blip on ia time for toa and i heard laura wondering where fanulo had gone with that obild aa we camo along the entry iuoticed when i went into the diningroom that tbero was another plate bet and that aaut abby had on a laoo col lar and that lara woro ber prettiest drfiss and had a rose la hor bosom and they were walling for somobody miss fanulo weve got a now boarder said aant abby pa brought him down from the city quite unexpected iloa roal goodlooking too just a nico beau for you and hua a great traveller boon to egypt pa tolls mo with au expoditiuu uiid habhcen all lliom sphinxes aud pyramids and thingitthat tho dominie tolls us about in hla sermons i should bay ho would bo interesting company tho stage got in some lato and bos upstairs washing bis face and hand it will be livelier for you wont it i folt like saying that i took not tho least interest in young mon even if they had been to egypt but i couldnt boar to anab aunt abby bo i aimpl aid ah 1 the next moment i hoard undo abijah coming along the entry tulking at tho top of hla voice as ho alwaje did yor he was myin hs a sightly place and it who liht io iuly when 1 first remember lul now iheri j a lot of folks scattered round iu f her early days the deer used to come down out of the woods to out i ho booffheat ho eliot many a one over il fences this is tbe diningroom walk right in folkaen this la our new boarder thin horo is my wife these is mra morton and her little sal this is her mister miss fannie yon can sit down longiido of her mr i disre- membcr soar name and cant call it llyiame isfsrnliait said a voice 1 well remembered and luokcd up and saw fred and for a mon- nt nl tho farms around the loble dune d joforo im frod there and be had been to egypt i that was how ho ha1 vanlsliod from the faoo of tbe earth to kgpt what a strange place for fred who always seemed to mo to belong so completely to now york that i could not fancy blm in any other surround ings and be had been to egypt i there was something comical in the idea that saved mo from fainting and enabled me to eat my supper as usual laura did not know fred our llttlo affair had begun and ended while alio was away in europe frank took ber to europe when thoy were married and they staid a year ono little yqar tyhnt a difference it cap make in a persons life i was ashamed of my weakness at the teatable but i have boon proud of myself binco x am convinced that fred discover ed that i was here and oame down en pur pose to force mo into a reconciliation doastefaiicy that i have noprinoiple i old bim tbfttsj nover would speak to blm again and havent and i will not a wholo week baa passed and i have been true to myself not a word lave i uttered it is sunday frank is down laura and he aremaking foots of them selves over thcybaby aunt abby is sitting bebi thj wooden cradle with lillys in it reading watts hymns ive brought lilly out hero to tho rock as i eit looking off ab aunt abby eaye i am thinking again if i had never seen fred with his arm about mrs merivales waist and had not quarreled and bafl beou married should we bave been happy now as lanraand frank aro when years had gone by should i bave been as food of him as aunt abby la of that queer old tjnole abijah or would we be among the people who have found marrioge a mistake ft is silly to ask my self tbo quostion now that i have resolved to study medioino and devote myself to lilly but jubt as i oame to this man do you want bowe cherries pipoa her little voice and ehe strotobes her hand out aarobs me fall of blaok fruit and i look on the very edge of a big bowlder with hla feet hanging over sits frod look iogat me and he bays thank you and takes tho fruit from her purple stained paw and in doing bo bis hand touohes me it ia not like the touch of any other persons band and the next moment he has tbo impudence to aay fannie how long do you roeau to keep this up but i simply turn my head away what 1b the use doar he goes on wo must bo frionds again someday noth ing can part as forever ivo been to egypt hut yon wero there with mo yos 00 the top of tho pyramids you came and sat beside me as wo sit horo then i spoke no such thing said i it was mm merivalo and you had your arm about her waist come lilly let ns go down since intrusive persous will follow us about i stretched out my hand to take that of tho child but eho was not there when she slipped away i do not know 1 am sure i was not coneoious of neglect ing her for a moment but as i stood up i saw her in the meadow below the meadow where a dreadful bull grazes she had a little geraniumcolored back on and tbo creature sees it and lowers its head and bhe juat stands and looks at him and long beforo i could get to ber oh my lilly my lilly 1 my llttlo love i dont bo fri 1 ill savo ber 1 bbouta frod who willpay forthe war 7 sunset on till mittsi and over the rook ho gocn catohing at a root a projecting stone a boagh drop- fng to hie feet strafght in front of tbe bull bnatobing lilly np and in a mo ment more drops ber over the fence she is safe but he hasnt time to cross it unole abijah is coming with a pit oh fork but he must b t late and i fa away the first thing i hear after that fs laura saying no w dont go 00 again fannie heros lilly safe and well kiss her i lift my head and grow giddy again but i look at aunt abby and ask a ques tion with my eyes bbo understands be ib not much hurt only considerably bruised she says pagotthoro juet in timo with hie pi ton fork though and wo all have reason to be thankful this blessed sabbath day and i lay back npon my pillow and cried softly and thought what i would say to fred when wo met again but really i did not say anything when he wbb first able to come down stairs i just hold out my hand and be lifted it to bia lips and kissed it wo aro going home to morrow and trad and 1 have come up to the old book to say good by to it ho baa been telling me how he thought of me in egypt and bow he tried to got the sphinx to tell him whether ho could ever win my heart again wo aro very merry and wo laugh a groat deal but it would take very little to bring tears to my eyes oh thope long lonely days when i dover dreamed that an hour like tbu could come i put i shall nevor tell frod anything about that let a man talk of his love but a woman should keep silence j it is enough for her to feel when wo go laura will leavo lillys doll with aunt abby ljlly will like a now ono just as well and aunt abby says it ia such a comfort to hor to see it lying in the cradlo dear old place good by i 1 suppobe hoinx human timo must bring mo sorrow but i cannot believo it just now i am too utterly and completely happy proprietory and patent medicines a proprietary medicine ia a patent medi cine the only distinction between tho two is that a patent medlctoo is advortiicd in the newspaper on billboards fences and dead walleand by tho distribution of almanacs while tho atrlotly proprietary medicine is advertised only through repa- tablo medical journals a patent medicine ia advertised to the publio in general a proprietary medicine is advertised only to the medioal fraternity reputable phybi- clana aro supposed not to prescribe a patent medioine but thoy do not violate thfilx ancient code of ethics by proscribing a proprietary medioine tbe formula for a proprietary compound 1 printed on the wrapper while anybody ia at liberty to use the same ingredients tbe manufactur er of a particular proprietary oompoand builds a trade by establishing a reputation for making a bettor oompoand than anyone clie the immonio trade in proprietary medicines is of oompirltlvety recant years while tho vast patent medioine business has thrived for many decades some fiots about making patent medicines in the chautauqtian for july an interesting ijueetion in connection with this law is bow far the new taxes will ba really boruo by thoso wh piy ilnui in the first tabtauoeand to what exteut thoy will be bhifted to the great body of consumers the act facilitates the shifting of tho tobacco tax by providing for packages con taining onosutb loss than those form or ly used and doubtless tho caatomary szt of a glasb of beer will also bo reduced in many oases on tho other hand tho tax on patent medicines aud other proprietary articles ie almost too bmall to increueo retail prlooa except by checking in some degree tbe tendency to sell these gooda at out rates tho act specifically provides that the tax on sleepingcar and parloroar tlokets is to bo paid by tho companies lean ing them and there seams to be little obauco that either this or tho tux on bills df lading will bo shif tod bat tho tax on passage tickets to foreign ports will doubt less be fouud to increase tho expense of trips to europe this summer of more importance is the effect on pnoes of sugar and oil of the tax on gross receipts of refineries professor 8eligman in his work on tbe shift lag and iuoidenco of taxa tion eays u plain that a tax on mon opoly gross receipts can never be shifted beoause prices of monopoly articles are already buoh as to produce the maximum profits from thia reasoning it follows that bofar as the sugar trust and tho standard oil company are monopolists and pot subject to tbo laws of competitive trade they will bave io bear the burden of tho taxes levied upon them but it is never safe to predict tbe preoiae result of a tax or of any ctber one of the many elements which dotermane prices it is possible for example that tho prioes of bngar and oil might bo increased temporarily iu tbo present emergency for tbe purple of dis couraging a resort to tho gross receipts tax aa a permanent source of revenue from our new war taxes by max weht in tbo american monthly juvicw of fteuews for july arthur j hurdkk in aiuorlcnn ariiillunilfht down bohiiid tho wlbtuu hill tliu rul mm eitikh to rebt all tbo worfj ia worn j and i am uuuiy tun tho partrldgq nooka i la iotit mid hi i roil bird sucks ju hub and lam coining from tho lluldw duur liuutt to homo and you homo wliou tliu lnyufjiit in vnuhjf homo whon tlio toiltoi in douo ah i down by ttiogutu hvvoot switching njca ul aty coming ataottiit of sun tho nboon from off tho liillhido luufn to the fibopliordb fold for death ltirlcb iu tho mountains miii dark- nobscouioajiaco tho ilooiug aim looka backward and turns tbo bky toxoid thou folds tho iimntlu of tho nifhl atrobu iu criuiflou face homo wheu tlio duilltiut is waning homo uhun tliu tolling ia douo ah dovu by ihoatu suuut natch in ujuh ytu lily coming at hotting of 6un ado rind put tliu uicklo the best method lay tiflulu tho hooaud t by all tho world ia vcar aud i am weary too gontly fades tho vet light fioui out tbomostorii eky and i am coming from tbo fluids duar liuart to homo and you homo whon tho dajllght in aniug homo whon tlio toiling is dono ab i down by tho gato bwcet watching ojua wait my coming at sotting 6f sun his rithmetic lesson anything that is worth doing at all is worth doing methodically things dono in a haphazard manner aro usually bat poorly done and in the exercise of the important graoo of christian beneficence ono oaonot afford to be careless and unsystematic yet it is a fact that the majority of christ ians discharge this duty in tbe most fortuitous way dr a t ciorsou has oluaeaified the methods of giving as follows 1 tbo careless way giving to every oauso without enquiring into its morite 2 tholmpnlaivo way giving as pity and bonsfbllity prompt 8 tho lazy way offering to ourn monoy by fairs festivals socials cto 4 tho belfdcnying way siving tho cost of luxuries and devoting it to charity 5 the systematic way devjtmg a definite portion cf our g ns to rehi u g tho equal way giving to religion as much as we spend ou onrsolvcd 7 the heroio way limiting our own expenditure to a certain sum and giving god all tho rest if we examine these wo will beo that tho first throe must bo ruled out by all earnest christians tho bible knows nothing about giving carelessly impulsively lazily aa for tho others they may all bo ombracod onder the head of eyetomalic giving the self denying the equal and the heroic methods are but special and noteworthy applications of system in con tributing for the lords cause on time the parents of a young soldier who was a private in a prussian cavalry regiment daring the fra nobprussian war became terribly anxious about hira several battles had been fougfit and they had received no news of their boy after some hesitation tho father went to see general von moltko who waa understood to receive visitors at a certain hour in the early morning strange to say tbe father was admitted to see the great fieldmarshal what layoarbaaioesb baid moltke use aa few words as possible tho visitor explained that he wished to know the fate of bio son a privato in a cer tain regiment moltko smiled but not un kindly and drow from bis pocket a square of oardboard poverod with dots lines and crosses of various colore this line he said indicates tho lino of march of your sons regiment these dots mark the distances of eaob forood march to morrow morning at seven oclock the regiment must bo at this point here take note of tho situation ho said no more and the intorviow ended long beforo tbe hour named tho father was at tho point indicated on tbe map just before seven oclock the trumpets of tho advanco guard woro board iu tho distance and precisely at tho hour the father saw hie bod it made him particular save mo i savo mo 1 she cried as her head roso above the water and she grasped a plank floating by i beg your pardon ho replied from tho bank but i waut it distinctly understood that im a married man with covon child yes yes havo mo i she shrieked xbenberelbeferfllioghifofty arnib and calling ma preserver will thero oh no no i and you wont insist on marryiug mo for my heroio conduct no no only save mo i all right ill tic bio the job ho said as ho threw aside his oout you acr ho explained just boforo diving in i was caught by ono of theae dodges onco beforo aud thats why im married it makes mo a bit particular now be on time thero are few habits moro harmful to ones eelf or more annoying toother people than that of belug just a little bvhind time it was tea opportunities fjplends spoiles the sweetest pleasures exoltea hi temper and is the cause of many an aocidept ou the other hand it is worth a great deal to have people say of one ho can always be trusted to be ou time if we should stop to read halt tho thingn folks advise us to we wouldnt uet to road a thing we want- the beat motlioioe you oan take ia that which builds a solid fonndation for health in pure rich blood hoods sarsapirilla thia is a straight story said a grocory olerk whoso voracity according to an ex change has nover been impeached it happened in our store a llttlo hoy camo into our btoro on monday and waited for somo ono to notico him lie carried a sheet of writing paper in hia hand at which bo glanced from timo to time ono of tlio idle clerks camo to him finally and tho boy reading from bis paper announced iu a singsong voice my mother wantb 10 pounds of rice 15 pounds of bogar 12 pounds of oatmeal ho pounda of hold on interrupted the clerk but the boy inbiatcd on calling off the articles himiejftwo other clerks were iressed into servicesgod tho threo pneecd- do up tho paokagovaa the boy called thentbf ho wanted allcjnds of things and ho askod tho price of vach article aa tboy went along making a noto of it on bis paper tho clerks had tho counter stacked with packages when tho hoy wound np with eighteen pounds of flour one of the clerks called out tho price and tbe boy continued aud how much does my mother have to pay for hor groceries one of the olerlts counted up tho total and announced it as 91 8 73 tho boy made a noto of it and started out como back here 1 where tiro you going cried tlio clerkt in a chorus why aaid tbo boy a5 he mado for tho door thats jest mo rithmotic loison fur monday i havo tor know it er ill got licked william ewart gladstone gl id tt tout was tho hind uf man iho romans culled ftlix cue who enjoyed iho uninterrupted favor of tho uoda aud brought to others blesiugb und prosperity ho wus happy in hia 1 titer home in his parents aud children in 1 is wife und in hib friends happy too in iub wealth and in his learning in his vast endowments and his wonderful opportunities but he was moro than foliz bo was also victor ho fought aud ho conquered hinibolf and then the world tho king is dead long livo tho king 1 gladstone of hawardcn no longor fella trees marked for destruc tion by decay gladstone of ijawarden no longer gathers wifo and children and servants about tho family altar to keep himself and them m touch with qpfl gladstone the great commoner no long er hoidb entranced excited friends and jeering foes and tho flashing bplcndor of his brain and tho music of his voice but tbe gladstone of koghah history bits regnant at the mighty council board from which the future of tho three king doma shall bo dotorminod by tho immor tal patriots whoso aims havo beon gods and their countrys and whobq traditions constitute tho etorflowing silvor btreak that proteots the british nation from her chief if not hor only foe unrighteous ness by prcs chas j little l l d in the chautauqvan for july driving on muddy roads a writer in the providence telegram undertakes to show how a wagon may bo kept comparatively clean whon driving over a muddy road according to htm this result depends upon maintaining jubc tbe right speed tho gotdon moan as it were if tho horse is driven at a walk bay about threo miles au hour tho mud which adherob to the rim of tho wheol will be carried up by it as it revolves as it gets to tho top its woight will causa it to fall spattering tho spokes and hobs if tho horse ib going six or sovon miles an hour tho rapid rovolulion of the wheels will bond tho mud flyiog and all parts of tho vehlolo will reccivo a copious plastering but now if a gait of four and a half or five miles an hour ho taken tho mud carried up from tho ground will neither drop nor bo thrown off ami the conse quence wilt bo that with tho oxceptfou of tho rjms of tlio wheels iho curringo will come to the end of tho journey comparitively olean 12vurytli upon striking jrrat tho right gait and maintaining it an oriental scene orientals revorenco old ago a bcnutlful scene in n turkish court dosoribed by doctor hamlin in his book my lifo and times allows how much eupcrior a judge in tho oriont ia to ajmlga in tho occidont in showing respect to the aged an armenian in hii ciohty first year was compelled to visit contttatitlnoplo aa u wltnesb when called to tho witness- stand he camo forward with his abundant white hair curling on hla shoulders and his beard white aa tho driven snow the turkish judge looked at tho selfpossed old manand said my father how old aro you thy borvant is past eighty ho ropllod bringaohair for tho old gontleman said tho judge to a borvant oh no your honor thy sonant is ablo to stapd no wiliioas or yuur i7o and veriarablc- ness shall btuud in my rmurnco to givo ins fostimopy the old gentleman had to eit down whlah he did bowing with dignity to the judge and gavo his testimony modestly and clearly r

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