Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 7, 1898, p. 4

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t guluii jfrit tytt thursday july 7 898 sjjf onnfl jfalhs i uiiloruu ouuu n school room filled with duibo of tw ico a acoru of happy kir in ami loyn ouu facoeo lovuly ttoointxl to mn u ttiaiuputl itsolf upon uiy memory ituhviiou i wont nitah it wna not lhrn i unload i baw a uulo ompty chair tlio toaclior ju my faco tlio jucitloti ivatl irouiotod to tho room ntiovo tiuvnm within uiy iioubo tlioro uutunn cmity rlintr tbo child it livid la now no lougur tlioiv tlioiliuiplod hands ami fnco i usetl to klitu tint cliuglng uruib tho foml omliraoo i mien no voico i hoar frotuuioru till nitjtit iu piny no lit tin footatopb hi my homo all day tlio child 1 lovo lit kqiio but oh not doail promoted to tho room above instead i qbhtuudi ijbnkdictcoiitih the saloon a social center why fa the saloon bo hard to banish from bocicty tloaauhe it te more thin a place for the aaln of iutoxioatirig llqubra it la a flooial contra which offers vuribaq attrac tions to averago human nature man ie not naturally a oonflutuerof alcohol taste fon water milk and other potable fluiida which nature furnishes in lare quantities ia natural but alcohol hb to bo mannfao- tared and confirmed tasto for it has to be actjuirod but man ia naturally a aooil being and the saloon taking advantage of mans flooial nature opona a pleasant place for men to corns together strives to create an atmosphere ot jolly good fellowship quiok- ens conviviality by the elimalation ot alcohol and men congregate therein not to ret drank at least not iotontionally but to bave a good time an article in the american journal of soc ialogy deolreb that primarily the saloon is a social center there is mnoh troth in this it ifl the democratic olab of the workipgman there heqndu liflht warmth in winter and coolness in aumraer muaio in eonae saloons amusements of various kiada in all of them papers a free lunch and there he meets acquaintances and strttflkerswho aroin a social- mood ho hoari storieaaud boogfl whiph are broad rather than highbut like the pickles and pretzels of the free lunch they seem to fit the place and the company the baloon welcomes him when hie hoars of labor are ended ills mach better famished than his own home and there too often he finds company whfoh is more attractive to his jaded powers than the company which he finds in his own home not that he does not love bis family bat the saloon la a foram where he finds that zeetfal variety which his social nature orayes to all of this alcohol adds its subtle and daareroub xest the first action of ethylio alcohol bays dr kerr mis vascular relax ation commonly called exhilaration or stinnalatfod when a glow of warmth spreads qver the whole lyetem when the heart beats faster when happy thought crowd in upon tho brain when all seems light and life and joy when everything without and within wears a roseate hue through the nervous system the social feel- ioga are stimulated until when tho wine la in and the wit is oat in boffioant degree almost any drinking companion however dull and foolish naturally is for the time ajolly good fellow ihchanqz sprayinq fruit trees it puzzled her eleskar btie said aa sho huug her aim- bonnotona nail and began peeling potatoes theres a heap of strange tilings in this world sotve lieartt laml huabatnda ainltho leaat utrangeat anionit em ho looked up uuaploloualy aiiy tiling ptrticulhr in that remark ho inqiirod i didnt moan any harm by it of qourseyou umi holp ibnuin your ideas of things in hnornl by tho oaboa you happen to know about by experience of coaruo when i say bnabands u strange i aint aahumin any responnibiluics outaido of my own farnly she lot tho potato fall into a pan of water with auplaah and blurted lowoikuu another without stopping to obscrvo hta dubious expression of oountenance i oant help thin kin oyer what you wrb say in to ite qavins last night she went on bout tho united states yob you bald you and him waagoiu to cut your way through evory obstacle 01 course i didut mean wb waa goin ibon our own account i meant me and him and thereat of the population maybe bniyou was aummia the res ponsibility tfou aaid yap was fioin lo plow your way through theisthmus of pan ama and wade through prejudices and barbarurh sod attain a height of civiliza tion snoh as had never before boon approached yon wab goin to clean tyran ny off tho face of the earth r oh thoegbta like them aint anything out of the common with rao he remarked complacently i know it 1 wouldnt like to have you think i was hrhorin old grudgoa the warm mild aammer ia here and i bpoae bygones ought to be bygones but for the life of me i oant see why anybody with suoh a power of outtin and plowin and wadin andoleanin in him could have held back ao laat winter when it come to makln a little path of enow down to the front gatel the inspiration of duty seoretary alger wasonoa us hod to lull or tho moat oonsplouous iuatanoti of bravery that evor oimo undor hla ohaarvation ho said i think tho uraatcnt display of personal bravory that i over saw waa at petersburg a mino had boon mado under tho confederate earthworks the fuao bad beon lixod and lighted hut after waiting eoraotihio vilhout any rohtilt it was appar ent that something hud gono wrong iobldo of tho mine two men inttmitly volunteer ed fo go in and investigate nowoqoii purfeatly undcratood that he waa taking hie life iu hid hind by bo doing thoy went iu andcamoout after relighting tho fuse neither man was injured in the sllghtoflt donrco but each deserved tho very highest commendation for true courage though his action was not aa sliowy and senaationalas somo of tho dihprate deeds done in battle in thp hold soldlera are nerved up hy exoitemeut by ootiipanton- ship and by fear of dingroce but whop a man stpp3 forward and fucoaa terriblo death doliborately with no motive but tbafr of dutyijio rniibt have a bravo heart noblesse oblige for five weeks agents of the ontario de partment of agrioultaw hava been giving instructions in the aprayibg of froit trees at diqoront parts of the province reports aent to mr orr super ten dan t in charge of this work have just been received at the department to tho efifeot that faugui is now appearing upon apple and pear irees andl threatens to do extonilve injury to thesoorops7oniflib clieokeil ar once by spraying insect enemiea also are more norxierous than nanal this year applea with tho exception of tho spy have set well and where properly cared for there is pro raise of a good crop in spraying apple trees to check or- prevent the spot uae the bordeaux mixture made as follows iioj1deaux m1xtche copper sulphate 4 pounds lime fresh 4 pounds water ao gallons suspend tho copper aqlphate in ave gal ions of water this may be done by patting it in a bag of coarse material and hanging it so as to be covered by tho water slake the lime in about the same quantity or water then mix the two and add the remainder of the forty gallons of water warm water will dlisolve the copper sulphate more readily than cold water if tho lime ia at all dirty strain the lime solution here boy letme have a sun cant nohow mister why not youve got them i heard you a minute ago ory them loud eoough to be heard lo the city hall yea but that was down tother block ye know where i hollered what doeis that matter co mo now no fooling hand me out a paper im in aharry couldnt sell you no paper in this here block mister cos it blonga to linopy hes just up to de furder end now youll meet im and wbo ia iiimpy pray and why doeb he have tliis especial blook cob os other kida agreed to let him have it ye see itsa good run on court of the offices all along an tho poor ohap is that lame ho oant get round like the test of us so we agreed that the first one caught aollin on his beat should bo lit on an thraabed seo yea i do see so you neweboya bavo a sort of brotherhood among yourselves well were goin to look out for a little cove whats lame anyhow you bet there cornea limpy now hes a fortun ate boy to have a a oh kind friends the gentleman bought two papers of him and went on hfa way down town wondering bow many men in business would refuse to sell their wares in order to give a weak halting brother a chance in a dear field- he had forootten something i say capn bald a littlcoyed muu aa he landed from a morsey steamboat ou the birkenhead bido of tho river x say dapn this ere aiut all thais all tho luggtge you brought on board sir replied tho captain wull bco now ita aocordiu to list four boxep thrco chests two ban boxes a portmanty two name one par cut three ropes of injuna and a toa kottle but im duberaum i feel theros something short though i counted em nlao limop and never took my oyea 00 em whilo on board theres somethhdgjnot right somehow well sir times up thores all know of ao bring op your wife and five children out of the cabin and were o for sea- combo thems urn blow it ho exclaimed i knowed id forgot something what is jtlie riglit house comer king and hughson sts hamilton the speciaunne sale alforrlsnn unusual opponunity lo secure tho hlfihcat class of koocis nt unusimlly ijw prices today we place on sale the following floods which will indicate the reductions n the various departments castorla is dr samuollmtcliors prescription for iiiftinth mill children it contains iiclthcr oplttin morphine nor other narcotic substniico it is a imrmless tnibstltuto for pjvrcgorlc droiw sootlilng- syrups rtna gastor oil it is pleasant its guarantee la thirty years use by millions of mothers castorla destroys worms anl atlays foverlslincss ctistorla prevents vomiting smir curd cures diarrhoea and avnd colic castorla rolloves toothing troubles curea constlpution and flatulency castorla assimilates tho food regulates tho stomach and bowels giving healthy and natural sleep castorla is ttio childrens panacea the mothers friend castpria catoria is nn excellent medicine for cliililrcu mothers liavc repeatedly told mc of lis good effect upon their children dr g c osgood lowll afais castoria cfifttorla is so welt ndaptud to children thnt i recoiuiiicnd it as superior to nny pre scription known ta me xl aakcuitr mdyroaxyi jv i unbleaohbd table liken 50 to66inchcs wide hetvy damask rc- uhir sac iciiul june sale price 40c 72 inch pure damask regulnr 55c june sate price 40c rcguur cc for 55c hreachcd damnsk g8 inch slightly dam- nscd regular 85c for g5c g8 inch grass bleached perfect regular 75c for 65c 72 inch extra quality bleached damask rcgutarsi 25 special 9i sk35 spccialflixo english flaneletoe extraordinary offering 31 pieces of the best english lflahnelclte 31 inches wide rcriilar value ioc special at 7c 25 pieces best english flannelette 33 inches widov regular value 12c special 830 3g inch white cotton special at 5c per yard 3g inch grey cotton regular 73c- special gj cents millinery department all our colored trimmed hats and hon- nets to bo cleared at the following startling reductions all mais and bonnets regular 82 and 3 clearing at 8150 each regular 8350 to 5 clearing at 8250 each regular 8550 to 88 to 81 regular 850 to 816 clearing al 86 each ladles sailor hats fancy colors at tho following prices kegulnr 25c for 18c regular 35c for 20c regular 50c for 25c regular 65c for 30c regular 75 and 85c for 40c regular si for poc regular 8125 for 75c regular 3175 for 81 childrens muslin sonnets embroidered trimmed regulnr 35c and 50c for 25c regular 45c and 65c for 35c regular 75c and 8 for 50c regular 8125 and i for 75c railway time table the facsimile signature of thin in flesh perhaps its natural if p well thi is sterilize the needle in disconralng to a minui olab recent ly a pbyiclrj dwelling npon ijow to treat obildrene braise told old simple method to sterilize a needle ihklmu to be aiecl to pickoat a epllntet or other foreign ub- etnces often jabbed ipto small boyehanda or kneei through their rtckloa falling it th eeodlo ia paiied throngh an alcohol flame or boiling water and need without touching tbo point nitiitbe qngera it ia aafe tbeaveragejnotherthinkathat it ahe tiaea a needle taateadof a pin aho haa conceded all that ie reqolred of her bat the aarfieon keen to the dantters of germ qon urolualion knows that a atep farther ia necsaary the leotnrer alio spoke oi tho value in tbe mother medicine oheat of a little gotta perqha tiseqs aaob ae every one who has bad a tooth filled will reoognlzs this will be found of great service in cover ing iny moiitt dressing of wonnde aa il protects tho olothlog from tba wet and alto retaina the molstnro which ia needed to preserve tho dreniog ip you hirea horse at a iivrrv btam v yen ought to treat biro as if ho were yonrown if yon drive oat ten miles yon ought not to attend to your own wants nntil yon see him properly oarod for if an honest rrian yon will understand that yoa are undor a twofold obligation to thai animal an obllgiiion to its owner and n obligation to tbs animal yoa are debtor of both and although you pay the prioa of tbo horse ti tio money oan reiaass jt from the duty and moral claim involvtd the bargain belweeo yourself and ins owoor to negleot the poor speeobiess beast that oannot appeal to the oommlsera- tion of a passerby ia limply unpardon able and the man wbo is guilty of suoh negleot is worae than s man a reason abuerbpu8al lilly enters barker shop with skyo terrier mr barber can you ont my doggies hair ho i caut or rather i wont indeed 1 you teem to hold yourself pretty high for ona iu your position cirlisps i do but im no skyeacraper l evening world- cigarettes have done ix tho raising of the volunteer army id united states has led to some interesting revelations xhe anthoritlea have not been pleased at the alow progress that ha3 been made now it appears that tbo delay has been doe largely to the number of volun teers rejected and tho rejectiona have boon mainly oapsed by the effects af the deadly cigarette the physialang report that ont- aide of the ranks nf smokers the number rejected ia eveo fewer than in the daye ot the civil wr bat that among the habit ual users of cigarettes tbo rejeotions are about ninety per cent these bane weak hoarts or lioh too vitality necessary to make- good soldiers this ia a strong testimony it only confirms what physl- oans and scientists- have all along been declaring ibat the oignretto habit leads unerringly to physical and mental decay probably the case but many are suffering from frequent colds nervous debility pallor and a hun dred aches and pains simply because they are not fleshy enough scotts emulsion of cod- liver gil with hypophos- phites strengthens the diges tion gives new force to the nerves and makes rich red blood it is a fpod in itself joc and si 00 11 druggists scott it bowne chcmhu tororh appears on every wrapper okntaumpompanv r mtrrrav bitukkt hivst vouli oitv v wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmkmmmammm a father who thought he knew the answer to everything wqb asked by his little daughter pop when yourothroqgb raukigaoawhqw do youturriitofiiv he hab not answered yet donn cures backache- m have been troubled for eevoral yoara with fardnoy dieeaae pains in tbo baok dlzzineaa andhsleeplosaneas and at times i oonld not work doans kidnoy fills which i started taking about two months ago have mado me all o k p j mo ginnia bollovillo ont ifthodovil shoqld loso his tail where would he go to fjet dnothor adb to the grog- eb op where they retail spirits character fa power it makes friends creates friends draws patronage and bapport and opens a enro and easy way to wealth honor and happiness j hawea death to worms my little rirl 7 years old used to grind her teeth at night and had pain in her etomaob i gave hor dr lows pleasant worm syrup and it acted promptly and with good effeat mrs joo doty port gilbert n s an exohange bays that whon a man 1b worried abont the money market his wife it apt to be worried about the market money astqrwt for infants ana children alto tlmu yrfflute ss palebiokly oliildren should uae mothor graves worn exterminator worms are one of the principal cauaos of buffering in children and sboojd bo expelled from tbo syatena every man apenda about half his time doing things he forgot to do in their season pain of ll kinds quickly relived by the naa of hagyirds yellow oil nbthiog to equal t for iprains bruieeh rheumatism tiff joints sore muscles etc nothing is so pa the tio as an old man whon ho bya ho is so old that it isnt worth while to consult a doctor dr lows worm syropia a safe sure and reliable worm upemer aots equallyvfell on children oc adults de sure you get lows ono of the boat proof that a man haa got true religion is tho fact that it does not our with age money nivod and pain roliovod by the leading honaeliold remedy dr tbo mis bqleotrio oiil a small quantity of wtiioh dbually bnffloe to onre a cough heal a sore oat braiae or sprain relievo lumbago rheumatism nearalgla exooruted nipples or inflamed breast a late cold spring is disagreeable aod ih b6 oo fqr i say t 1 1- be no oold snani when it ones lets up the softest pillow for human pain is god knows they never pail mr sm boughnor lang ton wrltea for about two years i was tronblod with ipward piles but by using par melees pill a i was completely oared and although four years have elap sed binco then they have not returned parmelees pills aro antibilioua and a specific for the curo of liver and kidnoy complaints dyspepsia oostiyenebs hoad- aohe piles eto and will regulate the secretions and remove all bilious matter every evil habit oonqaotel is a step toward heaven dysmpsia h for over eleven yeara i suffered terribly yllll djspcpsia anil tried every thing i could think of but got no relief until 1 started using burdock blood bitters i hiid only taken olio bottle when i commenced to feel better and after taking five or six bottles was entirely well and liiive been so ever since t feel 35 if 11 b llr had saved niy life mrs t c jovch stanhope b bb cures biiiotisncss sick headache sour stomach dyspep sia constipation coaled toiijjue liver compliiint jnuntlioe kidney disease and makes the blood rich rod and pure it is a highly concentrated vegetable compound one teaspoon ul is the dose for adults 10 to 30 drops for children adtlr water yourself ahealthy aaqman ninotonthf of all the buffering and diseabo in the world comes from tho kid- neyb yet hpww peoplo there aro who takeanycarpofthcao delicate littlcorgann bnckaclio lamo hack headaches list- lebsncebj all signs of kidnoy trouble aro almost universal doans kidney pills tone and regulate tho kidnoy a and help thorn to throw off the poisons from tho sybtom mrs a brown v o box 800 drobdeu out bays for yoars i anfforod from dropsical troublo wliicli oaubsd mo much dlatroba i hoard or doano kidnoy pills and sota box of them at switzors drug store beforo oommonoinb to tako thorn i was unablo to- button niy atiocs on ouooant of my bwollon condition but hv tbo tirao 1 had flnuhod tho flrat hoi i could do this without fncouvonionca iliavonow takou asooond box nid havo no liosltanay lnroaomtmindtnirdoaiirktdnoylillbfor any kidnoy or dropsical troublo prlco 60o a box a for 125 all dmpfiintb tba doau kidnoy pill co toronto out lpok bore growlod the advertiser to tho county editor 1 ordered my adver tisement next to reading matter and youve pjltatmqdgyoredit0rialel ono laxalivor pill every night for thirty nights makes a complete euro of biliousness and constipation that ib juat 5 cents to bo oared the festivo uy in summer time invites himself with us to djne and frequently informally we find him droppiug in to tea summer colds are of ton hardest to got rid of try dr woods norway tine syrup pleasant to take always effectivo price 23o granrha eaid little fonryoarold ai bhe twined her arms lovingly around her grandmothers neck youll novee know how rnuoh i love yon till you have a child of your own paint yonr cheeks not with paint on tho outsida that is obily washed off pnt tho color on from within sootta emulsion tills the o hecks with rich red blood it is a color that btaya too public ovens are established on moat of the residential a trout a of japaneao cttiea where people can have thoir dinners and suppers cooked for them at tri fling expense sleepiebanesa is duo to nervous excite ment the delloately constituted the quanclor the business man and those whose oocupation necessitates great menial strain or worry all buffer less or more from it sleep b the great restorer of a worried brain and to get sleep oleanso the storoaoh from all impurities with a fow doses of parmaloos vegetable pills gelatine coated containing no moronry and are guaranteed to filvo satiafaotibn or tho money will bo refunded the lord may load you arouud but he will lead you right noarly all idtants aro more or less subject to diarrhooa and buch complaints whilo toothing and as this period of their lives is most critical mothers should not ho without a bgttlo of dr j kelloggs dysentery cordial this madioino is a specific for such oomplaints and is highly spoken of by- those whose have used it tho proprietors claim that it will cure any case of cholera or summer complaint better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without ono hagyards qellow oil ouros bprains bruises sores wounds cuts frostbites chilblains stings of insects burns koalde contusions etc prico 25c thoso who havo few affairs to attend to aro great speakers the loss men think tho more thoy talk montesquieu mother ihsd daughter cured taa only jllh m bate willy whan a rlobi yonng maaoomea into hla eatate folks woo bavs thlnga to ill havi at harrml ullbarna blsurlinfi headaoha ppwdem odra tba roi beadaohe in from five to twenty tnlonlsj aba feavo no bad atfter i ft oants 8 powders lion ioo 10 powtyrl 2bo bs mora aniftaa tomakoyoqr profoa good than to make a joodprofeasloo x tne art ot being able td make a good ass of moderate abilities wius esteem and often oonfers mora reputation than real merit ltoohefonoauld dysioila- for bomo time my stonuoli has trouh- led rpeand 1 tried most everything but nothing dill me any good till i started taking burdock blood bittsrs two hot ties have made me qnite well sirs clzzie banboin baldwin lilllr que i wpndcr why ii la that all thoao anmmer resort people advortale for refined boardera thais no mystery they want to get a olaas o people who won awaarwhen theooffeelebad it iseaby onongh to call back tho frieod who is jnet parting from na bnt tbo un kind or crool words that are atlll trembling on onr lips ean never be recalled summer wcnkncsb it you fool weak run down easily tired languid have your syatem strengthened and invigorated by milburns hoart aud nerve fills tlioy mako woak people strong it ifl often hotter to have a great deal of harm happen to one than a little a groat deal may rouso you to romove what a littlo will only noonstom you to endure orovllle a m w a martyr to diarrhoea tells of relief from suffering by r fflrlcrs ext of wildslrawocrryv tlioro aro many peoplo martyrs to bowel complaints who would and dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry a wondcrfnl blessing to them it not only checki tho diarrhooa but soothes and heals ihoinflamod and irritated bowel bo that par m a no lit roliof is obtained mrs andrew jackson houghton ont ifindsj tho following lottor for tho past two or throe years i rravo been a martyr to that dread- t ul disease diarrhooa i tried eyory nmeuty x heard of and spent m good doal of rponoy trying to got oured but all failed until x happened to rend of a lady who was oared by using dr fowlers extract of i purchased a bottle uklngjt aoeordlng to direotlons and was onred in a very short tims- i oannot prviie the remedy too highly for what it did for me mrs lytlia a fowler electric street amheratns teatiilca to tho good effects of tho now specillo for all hcartnndnorvo troublos for noma timo past i havo been troubled with a luttorlng sonbatlon in tho region of my heart followed by acute paint which a m groat distress and weakened mo at times bo that i could scarcely breathe i was very much run down and folt norvoub and irritable i had taltcn a great many romedien without roceivinf any be no fit a friend inducod mo to try milburnn heart nnd nervo pilla j had only boon taking tlicm a snort time vlicn i felt that thoy wore doing mo great good bo i continued their uso aud nowfool all right i can heartily recommend milbnrna heart and nervo pills for nervous prohtrntion mrs fowlor adds my daughter now tlftren years of ago wan pale woak and rundown ami sho also took milburns heart and noryo tills for eotno timo and is now btroug healthy and vigorous milburns heart and nervo pills euro palpitntion smothering nenaation dizzy and faint cpella nervousness weakness fomalo troubles otc prico fioc h box or thrco boxob for si 25 sold by all drug- gists t mllhnm a co toronto out colored press goods ten pieces all wood tweed effects 46 inches wido regular coc special 25c 250 yards all wool plaid regular 30c very special 19c 100 yards fancy plaid regular g5c for 25c 15 pieces fancy silk mixtures for suitings regular sno and fli25 for 50c 45 yards fancy plaids for blouse waists regular 9125 cleariug at coc 19 only fancy dress iatterns regular prico was from 850 to 81350 choico while they last for 500 each samples free by mail freight or express prepaid to your nearest railway station in ontario on all purchases amounting to 8500 and upwards thomas c watkins yes i see it all now tfie reason why shoreys ready to wear clothing is better in style and finish than what i can get from iny tailors of course a large concern like shoreys can keep a staft of experienced workmen upon one class of work from ytear to year until they become absolutely perfect while a tailors hands produce a sack coat today a dress coat tomorrow and so on consequently they can not be expected to nttan the proficiency f shoreys workmen shoreys guarantee card ii the pocket of every garment show tiat the frri ij bounj lo i givepcrfect5atisfacti0nincvcryinstaree z shops and warerooms foot of willow st calls attcndcld to x day or night j a speight co undertakers and embalmers aejoiia ont- latest styles mrmelvlllomlllorbonsfortontnrlo aayai laxallvor pills mndo a how man off me i was troubled with ind i hai tian and pslnsv in tho am all of my baok and altar taking loxallver phia for about throe wooks thoy oomplotoly oured me prtoo 26c nil druggists and osmsiislabct kvery spark of moroy is from qods hearth tlioro never ms and noyor will bo a universal panaocn in one remedy for all ills to which flesh is heir tho very nature of many cuiativoh being such that were tho gorms of other and differently seated disoasos rooted in the system of tho pationt what would relievo ouo ill in turii would ugg t utlim w have howererr in qulnino wiue whon obtainod in a sound unadulterated auto a remedy for many and grievoua ills by its gradual judicious ubo tha frallobtsysto ma aro led into con valoscsqoo and atrorjgtli by tho influonco which quinino oxorts on naturos own refltorativoa it rollovos tbo drooping spirits of those with whom a chronio btato of morbid despond e nut and laok of intoroat in life la a dlaoa80 and by tranquilizing the nervofl disposes to sound and refresh ing sleep imparts vigor to tho action of the blood which being stimulated courses throughout the veins strengthening the healthy janimal fuuctlonn of tho system tboreby making activity a nocertflary result strengthening tho frame and giving life to the digeslivo organb whioh naturally demand inoreaual substance rosuh im proved ajjpatite northrop it lvman of toronto have given to tho pnblio their qulnino wine al tho nsual rats and guaged by the opinion of soiontiits this wine approaches nearest per foot ion of any in tho markat all rlroggistssq it e xpe r i e n cecfa ttentlon firstclass hearse moderate charges furnif of all kinds a wellassorted stock atreasonabiprices your inspection invited j a speight co orders left with j n 8tinson rockwood will receive l immediate afteniion ocototoooa grand trunk railway uointl wiht goifitl kaht mail kxiiroh mall fl 02 1111 ii ii 7 i1ir 1 jtjr fun mull llilltl r ir 11111 10 mjuiu i h piu 10 m piu timi or cftihino maiii itlnn vift i 0 uinutiil c f0 imti loliij kuhl10 li 1l1t uiwl ti rn iim thin timo initio went into illcct on wfiinli y may lflth 1him the wlodern grocer utiiig the larg est makers 01- kcfrigerntors in canada we make tscveral lines of grocers and household kefrigcrators in rhmy styles and sizes mrjdcrn in design with best principle of dry cool air cir culation best in- sulalion and zinc lined why b u y a home made or poorly made ri r t ic le when you can gl nn uptodate refrigerator- for less money tor prices and description send for catalogue knowles ham nott co- limited brantford l salcby john m bond 3c co guelph clearingf prices to clear out the balance of the sea sons stock we are now offering all lines of millinery goods at greatly reduced prices bargains in mens readymade cloth ing and felt hats finest teas and fresh groceries al ways in stock j gmcbeath acton ontario brhntford galvanized steel wind mills and towers for poypex and pump- ins with in ternal covered oaar patent holler ono ballbearings maple leaf craingrinpers two3kes for any toweh no 1 has ib inch reversible burrs no 2 has 8inch single burrs both have ball- beari n g b u rr plates relief spr ingca ndshake feed grind fine and fast with least p o we r always qu af an teed a trial given hundreds in use we make patent roller and ballbear ing steel windmills ofoll kinds the finest in the market bes material llgbtes running send for illustrated catalogue ipoldj ghapuv odjmc brantford can if you expect to conquer in the battle of today you will have to blow your trumpet in a firm and steady way ii ybu toot your little w hisllc and then lay aside your horn theres not a soul will ever know that such a manvas born the man that owns his acres is the man that plows am day and the man that keeps a lumping is ilio man thats here to stay- hut the man that advertises with a sort of sudden jerk is tho man that blames tho printer ijecauseit didnt work bui he man that gets the business u sc3 brainy printers ink not a clatter and a sputter but an ad that makes you think and he plans his advertisements ashe plans his wellbought slock and lie future of his business is as solid as a rock john jtequeeiv agent for the nbovo haschanrcj his ware rooms to building on w e smiths property john slrcet where mny be seen frost jt wood binders ajvd mowers and a complete lino of farm implements and all kinds of repairs in my absence mr john t elliott- who resides on the property will attend to the wants of customers jpiln mcqueen the act0n free press covers the ground in qmtiturla is tlis mualo ot the kesri whtn itseords aro tonelied by kindness hhlton and south wellington see rates on first paqe sslkkr thecobrsbes larqest sale in canada corvniahtaj ao raskctcii snri aeitcrtpttoiinar n nnr optnlnn free wrteintrsa intonflnn ta prebnmr pntciitablo mntnnlna uoiiasulourcnnadanlfal lnrthiwkvnffrte3a latonu taken thnioh itunit a co roeatre jxolai nodes wlttmm ewjft in ito rr7r scientific hmcrican itw tjit maklr laraosteir- ssavitjl anrwilontitlo jnurnn 3armsis t2siwss wwnuyall fnwsflaisri jo 3ibroadwi ijnyu ynhr loo hi v 8u waatildgtott vrs

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