Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 28, 1898, p. 3

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che jjaflk of hamilton ml ad office hamilton capital alt paid up 1 260 ooo 00 reserve fund 776000 00 total assets 111 00144 oo nearly fuii mtllioun of dollara board of directors ohn stuallt a q iiamray proalilciit icolrooldunt ouo itoiclt joni luocron a t wood a ii lbs toronto war giuaov m r tuumiull cashier ii 8 stbven aeat cashier ii m watson inspector georgetown agency a general banking business transacted notes of responsible firmers discounted and special nlrention given to ihe collection of sale n0tls and commercial paper eenerally drafts issued payable at all principil points in canada and united states drafts on great britain bought and sold savings department doposils of si and upwards received interest allowed at current rates and added o principal o ery ycir vvhether passbook is- drought in or not spechl deposit receipts issued for large sums j p bell agent georgetown 0m1 the news at home mostly o h lnnnj nhtt every item interesting j jututr jfae tss raursday july 28 little local brieflets whloh caught the eyes or ears of free press ratjorters this week the price of the acton free press is one dollar a year in advance look at the dotoon vour label this week and see that your name u marked well in advance somewhat cooler weather tbu week somellme next week yon may iry thi new pavement ico is now in demand and tho local supply 1b short the hours rain on monday forenoon was very welcome sunday was a sweltering day the mercury registered 03 degrees in the sbudc orangevillos rate of taxation for the present year has been fixed at twentj two mills two cent letter postage is an advan tsge soon to be edjocd by canadian letter writers xbe full thee to tho end of the yeax for 40 cenlb subscribe for it for this term as a trial irlp aetond rale of assessment for tho ourrentjear iisb been struck at eighteon mills on tho dollar messrs henry mills and will allcott who have been engaged with aoton base ball ttam since the beginning of the easod left last friday for southampton to join the clnb there in ilio park on saturday the beavers deflated ill shamrocks of milton la a loosely played game of ball by 21 runs to 11 both teams fielded poorly but the beavers good stick work won tbo game it our worthy road commiasionora would have the round stones raked off main street the good work mould be highly appreciated by wheelmen alexandria news there aro otliers it seems the xtnas put sp a fast gamo of iaorosse at georgetown on saturday defeating the athletics or 81 catharines by 6 to 2 the game is prononnoed the best witnessed in georgetown for some time mr john onlsholm left last week for fenetanguishcne where be has seoared a large contraot lor patting in new tan vate in the tannery of messrs briethaupt ball the work will occupy about three months numerous friends throughout the united states havo been favoring the fuss basse from time to lime with copies of interesting illustrated war editions of lend ing newspaper for ibis kind remem brance they have our thanks pedestrians to- the cemetery hod wilds bill now almoit impassible owing to the depth of sand there a two plank walk temporarily jald by tbe roadside should be pat down at once the con venience wond far outweigh tbo small expense mr j sharp secretary of the guolpb humane society writes the tuyv fnrss to say ibat tbe society has for adoption a little girl of ffiejearasada baby boy two months old any perions in ibis seotion vkbo aro interested shonld correspond at once with mr sharp a bono driven by mrs crawford of nassagaweya undo a determined attempt to run away on main street on tuesday morning mrs crawford is a plucky ana experienced driver tad brought the anlmtl to a standstill without damage after be bad ran about four blocks the improvements to tbo bobert little mansion recently leased by the messrs beadmoro are nearly completed jlogonald nf toronto waa-cwe- so largel abuut buf a centu i last week arranging matters preparatory to evarat members of tbs family taking up temporary teeldencethere rtbe date when the subscription to tbe fb pans expire is oa tbe address label of each paper lbs change of which to a aubtcquent date becomes a receipt for remittance- bnbioribers will please examine ibeir labels before and after making sv remittance and iuform tbe publishers atones shotild an error occur hendersons pond jrerr popular sb a bathing place and socles of young men desport themselves there nightly daring the present warm weather all are welcome bat tbs load and ongentlemanly feel inclined to take- steps to exclude the bathers from tbs privileges tbsy at present enjoy a disease of a painful nature is affeot log lb eyes of numbers of ihe young oaltle pasturing in tbl locality tbe eyes bctw inflamed tbe eye balls badly swolleo and tbe pupils enlarged a number affected have lost tbe sight of one eye and ia one or two oases tbsy have become totally blind a little careful dally treatment afford great relief and ensure rapid recovery s w bro a 1 freed tbe new djitrlat deputy grand master of tblt masonic distrlot has been a member of the masonio fraternity for tblrtyfour years i he is a past master of barton lodge hamilton and an satbusiaatlo mfmwroflbibpatl halters aasooiatlod he is 1p 0 u or ttarlin lodge of perfsalion- kbd ik jblrttwd degree member of oor iflovefslgo consistory uf fretd lsilnspootorof weights and msamresaofrwai uolil lately proprietor of ike hamilton ftptllor heatuotkcv j c sntllb d d otguelpu itov james j small d d pastor of st androwa chunh guelpb died monday afttrooon at 11 o olook alter a severe and lingering illnebs rev mr smith bad been tbo pastor for twenty one yesrs and was lery popular ho succeeded ltev dr hogg 8t andrew s first pastor at his death in 1877 dr smith frequently occupied tbe pulpit of kuox church aoton and was consequently well known and highly esteemed hero ncrojsse cnuadus national game a meeting was hold in tbe town ball on tuesday evening to ortfanio a lacrobso club for aoton much ouvbusiasm was diaplajed and ia a very short tlmo over forty mombera had bigned tne roll alter tbo ubual preliminaries mr p mcphereon took be obair whereupon the following officers wero elected hon pros ileuvo pearson prosldout j lawsoli v t a leorros j ii matthews v boo treos j d mckoo managing committee e statbaui i itydor audo williams captain tboh mcpliall it was decided tbat tho olub be called tbe cresaent lacrosse club watoh for pollers for the initial game a acton soy kearly drowned ut guelpb tbe guelpb herald has tho following relative to duuoan scott eon of jamo scatt eeq esqaeaiug it was eo very warm on sunday that duncan scott one of tbe drivers on the city watering oartb decided to take a bath he went to piped dam and there juined a number of young men who were in bathing mr scott being unable to swim was a little cautious about getting into deep water but ventured to a atone somodibtanceoulfromlbe shore the other bathers were enjoying them solves when one of tbem oalled out tbat a man was drowning lawrence traoy of tbe herald office a lad of sixteen years plunged into tbo water and swam to the rescue mr scott bad boon under the water bomo time and wben traoy reaobed him his struggling was about over piually tho rescuer succeeded in swim ing with the drowning man to the shore mr wo wciib who had joined traoy in tho resoue worked vigorously with a num ber of otherb and after ten minutes succeed ed in bringing scott to consciousness when taken from the water his face was discolored and he showed little sigus of lile our vlellunt firemen ever alert an ineident alarming in its inception cat amusing in its conclusion was ensoted about nino oclock last thursday ovening while the members of acton cornet band were engogod iu practice in the town hall an electria bell rang in the hall and an entbneiatiu firemen who is a member of the band without awaiting a second to investigate jumped to tbo conclusion tsat an alarm of fire had been rang in from the east end and immediately sprang to the fire boll and rang a general alarm tho stcamor and hose reels were rushed out to tho bcene of the supposed fire they got as far ab trederiok street and still nobody could gito information as to tbo location of tbe devouring element some one suggest ed that it must bo up main street and thither the brigade hurried bat no lire was to be found and the apparatus with a fall head of steam was returned to tbe hajj there a little investigation proved tbat inte supposed alarm was oaased throngh the ringing by a meodlebome lad of a new eleotrio bell on the bicycle of one of tbe bandbman which wsb standing la tho cor ridor of the ball a general laugh was in dulged in wbea ihe explanation was made sad tho alertness of the firs oompany admired by all observant citizens sbull hill street be widened while the faying of the permanent pave- mei t was ib progrsss during the past woek ihe jog at john street wblob renders tbo street from tbat point westward about six feet narrower than tbe other streets in town was freely commented opon since the attention of oitlnns has been directed lo the matter tbe opinion la freely express ed that steps should be taken to bavs the sireot widsned to correspond wjlh the seo tion east of john street before anything is dons ia tbo matter of laying permanent salks in that part of tbe town there will never be a time more favorabe than the pressnt to accomplish this very desir able improvement there are no eipen- slvo buildings on that seotion of tbe street and the expenbo of widening wonld be less novr than at any xuturo date tbe pro vincial statateb give tbe municipality power to expropriate tbo land so required at a valuation to be fixed by arbitration bpl tbe widening bf tbe street would so enhance ibe value of tbe properties affeoted tblt- it wonld pay the owners to rive it for tbo purpbso at a very nominal valuation lbs matter should receive tbs immediate attention of the authorities before contraots are let for auy expensive buildings on that portion ot the street tbe improvement would be great indeed and would sbow mttali advantage whon the oemont walks are laid there jjettth of atl eateemett early settler a representative of that sturdy upright highland stock wbloh settled this seotion neighborhood news nnrjtwood mr it o jolliffe rookwood baa piemd lila examination with honors and has bcin urauted a epsolaltst s certificate for cluee cs at ontario normal college hamilton messrs bernard shultla and waller bwanaton jr are just competing flue new bank barus on their farms near hero grieve tbo baker has reduced tho price of bread lo ten cents rev mr cranston will preach annivcr bnry eermona at mimoba next sunday nassagaweya mr guo agnew of nassaawoya lou s fioo oolton friday last from somo unknown disease mebbrs agoew bros threshers commenced thesoasond thrceli ingou tuesday morning miss k laing ot toronto is spending ber vaoation with her mothor mrs wei xalng miss skinner of guolph is vldiling at mr ffrfl diamonds tho quarterly commumon bervioes at ebenczeroliurcli will behold on sunday adgnst 7lh threshing la the order of tbe day again and once more wo boar tba shrill whistle ot tbe engine calling the boya to wosi there was quite an exciting time on tbe guelph market on saturday last owing to tbe authorities testing tho weight of the butter a few rolls wore found short list saturday and sunday wero about the hottest days that wo have had this vear coming and going visitors to and frpm aotorj- na varlousother personal notes canadas great exposition mw f w tho fojcb pbksb luvlto all it trotvlari to coo trilmto to tlili column it jou or your frioudi tuogolpbway on a liolldy trip or if ytiu liava irjoiida vlaltiug ymi drop a card to uio fabb pltbbb mfas ituby clark is wbttinfl friend- in sbolburne everton mod jay afternoon while mr hand bridges children were playing at baildinf bouaea and so on tbe little girl about eibc year old fell and badly dislocated ber elbow dr mccallough found it nroesflary to hsvve lilp and dr livingstone wav oalled from bookwood saturday night tho two messrs wotlier- alls came to visit tbeir sister who is living with mr marshall we bavs three pic nics on hand this week taeoday three or four families of blacks and the rureetor family who are vibitjdg here just now went to the torka of the credit wednesday tbo ep worth leagqe garden concert at keeve talbots and irtday tho ditioipjea gather at grindella grove where they met last year next sunday bev g o black will preach again for the disciples quarterly service for tbe methodists at the stone church next sunday service in tbe evening here mattter urnfti ournoy id visiting relatives tit nillsburg thin week mies adams of v realou i a guest at the borne of ooauoillor james olarlf mm p c mad dock and children of toronto are vldtiogat the old borne the misses grab am of glenwillitdjb were guests of aoton friends last week mine maud oallaliao of huntsvllle is viaitiog bor cousin mrs geo agoew miss nellie garry of mitchell was tbe j tlmo be offered at tbe toronto inhibition tbia year wbiob is to be held from tbe 2ith august to tbe 10th september tbe bar vest throughout the dominion id good and with tho return of better tlnua h tbe onusualiy low fares being given by the railway many will be imluasd to visit this great exhibition who perbapt would not otherwise do so the eutrfei iu all departments will be great and tbe attrao tions offered will be ot a character to draw among the mapy will bo realistic represeo tatlons of tbo present onban american war the blnokade bombardment and battles of santiago or havana firing and explosion of submarine mines and blow ing np of vesaels oo tbe lake in front of the exhibition grounds exhibitions by maxlme and gatling machine guna eta 7 all of a specially nteretiug nature at tba pressnt ihe programme of attractions ood churchill petipnof alexander mcdonald esq of lot 21000 eeriuesing entered into rest last widwdayvmibtiniit mr mcdonald sad retobed a good old age being in his eighty sixth year tbe laat two years of bis life uad many days of pain and anxiety two years ago lost april a oanoer appeared in his face and this with other troubles made life somewhat of a burdou owing to the fact that bo bad always been a strong rogted hardworking man deceased was bom la loverneeshire in 1818 and oarns to canada in 1815 in the prima of bis youbg maohood he settled oq tbe farm wbiob is still the homestead and which ha por- ofaitcd from qeorgo auldgo of montreal language sometime indulged in must be eerig the deed on the 29th ayut leis iljjiitllrj iu j tl clikul till b be bu bis home he li iu tli e 4iuwuiu j ohool house wbieh was located on ihe farm tbe ladlob ol o now occupied by joseph arthurs in 1863 be was united in marriage with margaret mobean who died on the 80th mar on 1879 eight obildren blessed ihe union three tons and five daughters of whom three ions william jobu and alexander and ibree jbgbtera margery bella and maggie survive the latter is engaged la teaching school at madoo mr mcdonald was a member ot tbe preibyterlan church in scotland bat never united with the eburob here preferr ing owlog to strong opinions oo certain points of dootrlno and usage lobe regarded as an adberenl be was a careful student of tbs word of god and a faithful christian and was ons of tbe first teachers in lbs babtatb school in connection with tbe ahntoh here tbe faneral last friday was vsrjlalrgely attended ber h a jmso- pbefion ooddnoted lbs service and lbs remilrn were laid at rest la jfalrvlsw oaatfttory messrs alex mauff alex waljif aroh modonald john warren joearlbpr ud jnes ulofltr perfjrmldg tuedutios ol bearers the anniversary services of churchill congregational ohuroh were held on san day 17th inst in the afternoon at 8 oclock and in the evening at 7 80 the preacher bev tbos itogore b a of georgetown gave two exoellent dieooureos in the afternoon on the qeutlenosa of qod and in the oven log on tbo altitudo of rolig ion tbe audionceb were largo and appreciative especially in tbe eveolng it being needful to supply extra seats and many took pirt iu tbe service from oatflide the building the oburob baa of lato been put in excellent repair by the ingenuity of male members aoder the leadership of mr harry gibbons tbe congregation have very neatly weather boarded the ohurch and let the painting oat by contraot to mr worden tbe whole expense was met by the funds of tbe church supple mented by private subscriptions tho anniversary services were muob eujoyod and thefluancial results all tbat could bo expeoted milton after a long period of suffering the wife of rev a msbaffy peacefully entered into rest last batnrday morming the funeral was held in knox church on monday morning at 0 oolock after wbioh the remains were borne to the 10 55 a m train ope and taken to norwood for interment tbe funeral was very largely attended tbe sympathy not only of tbe congregation bat of tbe entire community is extended to ltev mr msbaffy in his sad bereavement the taxes to bo o tblayeat aggregate jm75 10 over 80 000 has been collected tbe leak in tbo waterworks main hag been looted and the anxiety of the water works committee is consequently over for tbe present mr j w elliott barrister is ereoting a new office on main street near tbe shoe faotory dr itoberttoo registrar who was re ported very hi as the result of an operation last week it gradually recovering local brieflets ob tbouoart of tbe summer is beating ul8u it pulses around coo iu midjuly first of august next monday tbe pretty golden rod is abloom again emancipation day will be observed by our colored friends next monday tbe dog days have been oldfashioned in their hnmldily tbe past week ii holmes drover shipped a car of jheapandhogsyes w d eopman merchant has purchased the stock ol w ii adams tailor from rjimonabb assignee the free library hoard will meet iu regular monthly session at the library next monday ovening at eight oolock mr c nelson has eighty of the finest whte ducks almost ready for market tbkt ever bao been seen in thoso parts calgary is patting a tax of 125 on inauranca agents what a revenue might be derived in acton if such a tax were imposed hero to tbo numerous cubeoribera whose year explrts in jaly who have already renewed tho frbe pnass extends the unlph had obarge of tbo eleotrio cars laat friday through tbe courtesy o mr slceman and as a result oleared 8i0 51 lor tbe general hospital unds tbe ctnadian tress association will run a ten day excursion to dolutb leaving on tbs 10th august via colllngwood owen sound saolt bte marie port arthur and maokjnao iisst friday bdoloolsa molbersou of tbsfccotohblookoalteswes of heavy fall wheat in ave and atihf boura with a frost wood binder drawn by two fibrees mr mopherson thinks this beats tbe record tbe new cement pavement was com pleted last night it will be opened to tbt publlo lb about a week tbo guelph pavement oo who laid it base exeouted a vary una piece of work and fillowed specifications explicitly to cure a cold in one day e laxative slroeao qolnlno tablets mt talus refami ihe ewarrer kit lamsto ours ik take brosi aseonl uesl ibe past week of milt mina walker mies nellie lowry of guelpb is a guest at tbe home of her grandfather c t hill esq mr david oant ot georgetown visited at tbe homo of mr cbarles taylor this weefe miss may gardnor went to toronto last saturdu to spend a month with relatives there miss ina clark left on tuesday to spend ber holidays in toronto and hondas mibbos jennie and ada gurnoy are spending their iiolidaya with friends at 1orgus postmaster henderson ot georgetown favored tl e fnee futsa with a call on monday miss fanny brjcrs snd master kensal fries are spending a mouth with relatives at napanee mr a 0 wilson and mr c spanldlng of sundae were guesta at ibe homo ot councillor clark this week mr and mrs j vi dews and miss bewe of milton spent a few days dqrlng tho week with friends here miss minule nelson of aotoo is visiting her brother mr it nelson and ber sister mrs t j moore goolpb iltrchry mrs jtobert home and obildren of toronto are spending the summer at oedar oroek farm witb mr and mrs jas l warren miss hattie thurston went to agorton on tuesday hoping that a few weeks peut tbero will improve her health wbioh has been poor for a month or so messrs john kenney p m and pr j r uren w n attended ibe session of tho grand lodge a f a m as delegates from walker lodge no 927 last week at toronto itov cbaa a cook of bloomfield n j made a 11 ing visit to ibe home of bis fuller llov it b cook last wsek his vibit only lasted for acouple of da a but t was nouo ibe lees welcome mr christopher motlat who spent tbe pist two montbs with his sons at st pan alion where lie resided for several ears returned homo on thursday evening be enjoyed his visit very nmob and is con aiderably improved in health mrs william williams whu has been somewhat indisposed for some time was taken very seriously ill on tuesday morn ing after oritioal examination and oonsultation her pbjaicisna decided tbat ber ojleotlon waa the resoll of a tumor iu the siderand successfully operated for its removal she is slotily recovering i promises to far excel tliat ol last year wbioh is saving a good deal the exhiblta will include many from great britain faance aud ihe united stttb whilst almost eteryreotion of pomlniou will be represented is baentlal healtb bverynook j and corner of the i system is reached by tie blood aud on its quality tbo condltlonot every organ do ponds good blood meina strong nerves good digestion robust health impure blood means bcrofuls dispepsla rheuma tism catarrh or othordlieases tbe surest way to have good blood is to take hoods sarsaparilla this medicine purities vi talises and onrlohes tbe blood and sends tho elements of health snd strength to every nerve organ and tissue it creates a good appetite glvesr refresblng sleep snd cures tbat tired leoliug remember it fayi to buy al bolleits it pays to buy al bollcrts mens furnishings we are going to cause a little extra spirit in the gents furnishing department for a few days vve have too many straw hats light coats and vests mens and boys sweaters regatta shirts etc and we are going to take the cut prices method of clearing them out sarstpari is ilio bos in tact tin one true jllood purher hnnrl dillc i lv in e iiuuu s fills take caiy to operate mo tsltweif little puju they also relieve disfres from dytpentla fnchgostlan and too hearty eatlns a per feet remedy far elizlncss nausea drowsi ness bad taste in the mouth coated tongue pain in the side torpid ltvfr they regulate the bowels purely vegetable small phi small dcmo mull price substitution tho fraud of tho daj sec you get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills serious illness ot registrar sobertnon dr robertson register of halton was taken ill the beginning of last week and it was found tbat he waa suffering from tbe formation of gall stonee tbst his condition was critical and that an operation was necessary this was performed on satur day by br ross ot toronto specialist in abdominal surgery fovaome days dr robertsons recovery was considered doubtful but we are happy to say tbat he is now considered out of danger and bis complete reoovery only a matter of lime champion a natter kind ot m rake exohangesnotethsfsctthat a gang ot swindlers are travelling through tbe rural districts claiming authority from the state to examine wells they examine tbe water through a misorosoope and find all kinds of bacteria cholera and tjpbold germs and permit the farmer and bil wife to look through tbs misorosoope where of course they see the menagerie that always will be fonnd in a drop of water tbe frightened farmer is advised to apply certain nmsdles wblob tho fakirs sell at a high price tbs remedy proves to be a little plain soda vatbmsmterm who kefleet weed ele tbe conncil of bast zorra bat taken a aim atand in the matter of having the noxious weeds and canadian thistles grow- iniicn ihe highways kept in check or des troyed by paesicg a bylaw requiring the pathtnaster of the several road divisions in tbe lowosblp to have the sang properly cut before going to seed sod in any oast to have tbem oat before the 16th day of jaly an inspector has been duly appointed to see that the law is strictly carried ont and baavlull iastmotlonato proeeeote any-path- master who neglects or refuses to discharge his duty in this regard licet mat for mdc tbo following extracirtajhitfroni prov- fncial road commissioner campbells recent address in orillla may interest our readere as tie artiflolal btodertoommended is tbst wbloh tbs guelpb pavipg company bas laid for our council on mill street plank are not au eoonoralcal material for sidewalks timber subject to alternate moisture from tbe ground- and- rain and heat from the son cannot help bat decay rapidly a plank walk properly opnklruot ed will hot five years then repairs com- mencs at the end of fifteen years the walk has coat as muob for repairs as if cost in th fi pl t g4j ago lile of a plank walk may be tsvtn years the best material for sidewalks ia artificial atone tbe first ooat ol this is nearly three times that of plank plank averages about 5c per tqnara foot arti ficial stone 19o square fool the later when properly laid will last probably a century it baa bean on some toronto streets now for thirty years and is appar ently s good as ever mn 0 j 8 belbome wife ol the principal of trinity school pork hops jumped out of a runaway oab and reoeivsd injuries wbloh ruiuted in ber death in an hour on mnsjday il rnore rapidly jyslcalsuttejir- i tw cora bxtraeitwj retrlnl tki fifty imitations prove iti rtln 0 stslitltntee painless pntnamv tote safe another car of land salt just in also one of land plaster windsor and coleman sbbl salt at 5 105 a bbl 200 lb sacks at 75c dairy and tnble salt rock salt potato bug killer pure pans green 20c per lb dwarf essex rape seed 18 lbs for fli 00 buckwheat hungarian millet etc teed corn 43 to 45c a bushel binder twine all kinds trom flic tip geo j thorp sebdswmn market bq and maodonnell st cuelph7 acton livery jum bu line the andonlgned reapactfolly ouelu thapatren uga of tho pobllo an4 xofonni them diet wu equipped and stylish stlg 010 al wyi b secured athl table a eomfoltable bne moats al bruu between 0 m end 818 v ta careful attention stvua toevorydrdor the want of commercial trarej ion fall- met john williams pbofbiktob georgetown electric works tj8pbi0bt proprietor manufacturers of amos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams od from direct to tangent spokes handle liars bent to any desired ansla vull hue of spokes keptja stock bautfaotlon joilllnoofsi guaranteed njorelebeauaeled in any color t 1 spbioht georgetown tfvfc 800 urstoiass given away free lo online wortera who will help us advertlsja ts p y guj cui in u alley required w hhwh chcmioal supply co no pesdllns work durfna your spare lime ufjut ud ti ul- no experience o capital ire time ftcton ont advertlslntr is a science and piys when you aro ijuilincil and able to tell the world what you haver ihit they should liavc we wish to impress only ihe fact upon you tbat we sell i i3qdks wail papth wlsuovv sllaues motldgs etc just now probably you don i require any of tho above when you do kind ly bear in mind the name and address 35 and 50c hoys straw hits for 25c men a straw hats 50c for 25c 75c hats for 50c jr hats for 75c ir 25 hats for 85c 9 boys light duck and drill suite 6 ular price 235 for i 25 4 ijoys linen suits price 81 lor 75c 13 bovb fine jersey suits price tz 50 10 ti for li tj coat dnd vest lot s3 4 50 coat and vest for ti 75 3 coat and vest for 82 ti 50 nnd 92 00 coals for 9r 00 mensiyhlte and blue sweaters for 35c boys line all wool sweaters price 6jc 3 hicycle suits it less than cost 2 dot pairs lilcycli ilosi at tsc per pair r iegatla shirts for ti 81 itegiita shirts for 75c 81 white shirts for 875c 35c hnnolette shirts for 25c 50c riinneloitt shirts for 35c 7jc flannelette shirts for ooc 3 linen collars for 25c 30c cuffs for 25c 50 and 600 tahcy silk lies for 35c 23 and 350 fancy silk ilea for 15c washing 1 ics 10c each or 3 for 25c men s nnd boys lealllcr ind uastic belts at cut prices these prices ought to appeal to vour self interest e r bollert rfe co 25 and 27 wyiiilhain street guelph g l nelles thb lskder clelfh wall paper samples al j d mchee s acton empife typewriter price 5500 visible writing in addition to all the advantages of the 8120 00 machines the only typewriter manufactured in canada fully cukrknreed circulars and testimonials write for them limited makers of celebrated llaaslml ft a soh b motiireal pu a great event canadas great off jfewand wonderful attrac tions excelling all previous yesfcrs the cuhaamevicaii war exciting naval and mili tary displays the latest inventions and novelties from all paf ts of the world lntrles of exhibits close aug 6th cheap lxcurslons from eterywhere tfr pri ili it fo iro 1f 1 i t ij iii i grammes and all particulars address jjwitlnw hj bill president manager toronto new gtoods iust been to toronto and bought a large stock 01 e and fancy dry goods which you ought to see wil be opened saturday also fresh groceries nety cheese just opan j a lqt of toilet soaps old brown vvindsorymaddayr castile and other soaps all very cheap c r go the right house corer king and huglison sts hamilton special july purchases lot no 1 2000 yards of fancy blouse and dress silks purchased at about half the regular value fine quality bright finish 14 designs regular value 75c to 85c special price 55c lot no 2 ladies blousesj 35 dozen new up-to- date made of fine plaid muslin detachable collars regular price 125 special price 72c lot no 3 22 dozen new up to date blouses fine plaid percal detachable collars regular price i25 special 85 cents special july reductions 17 only colored fancy pattern dresses this seasons goods regular value 7 to 10 clearing at 3 50 each 10 only french pattern dresses very stylish design regular price 10 to 14 clearing at 5 each 8 only white swiss robes and skirts extra quality new designs very stylish skirts made in one piece hemstitched and insertion trimmings 1 each regular price 650 for 5 00 850 for 650 1000 for 800 12 00 for g 00 13 50 for 10 50 millinery childrens sailor hats in straw regular 25c for 15c regular 35c for 20c 75c for 35c 125 for 75c ladies straw sailors regular 25c for 18c regular 50c for 25c regulai 65c for 40c regular 100 for 50c leghorn hats regular 125 for 50c 175 for 100 samples on application purchases of 5 and over pre paid to your nearest railway station in ontario thomas c watkins eendlbsgnfc gor bargains in remnants this week we offer all our dress goods remnants at exactly half price there are some good lengths in this pile and some bargains are to be had which cannot be offered later job lines of shirt waists lines of shirt waists partly sold out and assoitment of sizes somewhat broken will be cleared out at prices below the cost of production dont wait for the hot spell but be ready for it muslins a large assortment of colored muslins at greatly reduc ed prices genuine organdie muslins only 15c a full assortment of colored linings jhosiery gloves parasols millinery the balance of our spring stock will be cleared at greatly reduced prices all new and fresh mteersan co diploma atataa slats ajrlaauaril jedst al tteaitnaefy award tsiua yaay tassstilea uumtn us iiiohest awards at tesl aptatanl ass metssafcai assetlailae iiw ic hmhsst awards warmta f gasssmles pleat iwi mioriest awards silt oold ateoals mhslsttrjilr fas ryiejtucs csu i w silvsit mbdal i1r it steel hotel and family ranges f 6iiy evyle family jtanoe u told only by our tneetlno sttlrimca ratn our onn tinoom ttf one nloi m price tnrmtahoitt canada and hit united stale mittlc omalteablr iron and ii rouffht steel atut iiil lad a jjttlme 1 propertv lo abote hoiorr verikialrtia by the mim sets 10 january ist uy ltmwuht iron range colimited npum paidw capital 1000100 t tl s kaltcullkmiallohil 01llii

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