Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 4, 1898, p. 2

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now v at strootevlllo on saturday july rd ntnlaiirp trli 11 v fl aon iiioui hon in aotou cu monday lot august to iur nntl mrs john lliompaou a bod ooitor in lirftiniiton on saturday july 3hb to mr and mrs jotiiiqollop a daughter he on at trult hill nramoaa on motlday august 1st to mr and mrs wm baott eon noni r in toronto townlili on saturday jily ultli to air aud mrs olios w noble n uaulitor malikihd ciikmi n woiidkn on july 27vli at tbo real 1 ii u co of tho brldo e paronls by ltov w 8 movlpluo 13aur frank obesuor of toronto to miss kobocoa uilrudnuabtr of mr itufus wordun of ooorcotown mom k iiodobtis on wednesday tbo 27th july at tbo roaldooco of tho bridos parouts hi catbarlnes by key j b ilatollffo ilobt t noblo m 0 lfraiar ton second ion of llobt noblo kbq miller norvsl oat to susla h oldost daughtor of g w hodflettn esq ukd ngor bank of toronto bt catharines died bcqtt iubramptoucn sunday july jl mrs david bcott aged 40 yoars 1 1 au am an in oakvihoon saturday july 23rd ljh mrs joromiah hanaman efiod 7b years niuns at munn s ooraora trafalgar 00 tuoi day july aotumra itlotaard munn in borurd joar iiaoaman iu niflgotown on sunday july 8ub mrs w b hngamoil foriuorlyit oakvlllo la bor batli year t ije tton jfm fjms thubsday august 4 1808 notes and comments among the new members of the provin cial parliament on tba government aide whom the toronto slar refers to as stan among the new members ie john b barber the well known proprietor of the large paper nulls at qeorgetown the mem ber for haltoo the withdrawal of tho patrons as a political organization being admitted the two old parties are not to be left to fight it out alone bat are tphave the opposition of a third in the shape of tho canadian compatriots an association whloh is intended to unite what ii left of the patron with snob trades unionists social reform- ore and independents of various sorts as oan be indnoed to sally tbomsolves with the movement a short sharp deoisive oampaign will characterize the plebiscite vote voting will take plaoe on thurdday september 29th and for the next eight weeks the opposing foroes msj be expected to give themselves almost unreservedly to tbe process of organization and to tbe task of aronsing enthusiasm for or against prohi bition so far there has been little oratory but now that the date has been announced the advocates of prohibition will probably take to the platform and give good and valid reasons why ibis canada of onrs would be materially better off if the manu facture and sale ci intoxicating liqnors were annihilated the war is over ops ao t u b terms for peaoe the details not definitely fixed no money indemnity paid london aug 8 tho madrid corroe pondent of tho daily mail eays trio government lias accepted tho principle of the american conditions but tho uccep tance will not be made public until enquiries to washington on matters of detail have been settled thus rounding oil the preliminary basis all hostilities will cease as soon as these details are arranged wabiiinoton aug 2 tho following is the oololal statement ilen ont by die president as to the terms ol p oil red by tho united states in order to remove any mieapprehension in regard to the negotalions as to peace between tbe united states and spain it 1b deemed proper to nicy that tbe terms offered by the united states to spain in the nolo banded to tbe rrenoh ambassador satur day last are in inbetanco ab follows the president does not how pnt forward any oltim lor pecuniary indemnity but requires tbe relinquishment of all olaim of sovereignty over or title- to tbe island of cuba as well as the immediate evacuation of the island by spain theoesaion to the united states and tbe immediate evacuation of porto rico and olber islands under spanish sovereign ty in the west indies and the like cession of an island in tbe ladrones tbe united states will occupy and bold the olty bay and harbor of manilla pond ing the oonolnsion of a treaty of peaoe wbioh shall determine the control disposi tion and government of the philippines if these ate accepted by spain in their entirety it is stated that commissioners will be named by tbe united states to meet oommlisioners on the part of spain for the purpose of oonolndiug a treaty of peaoe on tbe basis above indicated prince bismarck dead in what bas already come to bim tbe canadian business nan should find cause for gratitude and lor what is likely to como to him he may look forward with devout and happy anticipation last year wo had a great crop la our fields and it helped everybody inspiring hope and starting the rosty wheels of trade this year wo are on the eve of another whloh promises to beabundtnt at last acooqnte the prospeota were generally exoellent if saoh another crop as that of last year is vouchsafed to canada the effeot npon oil branohes of business will be prompt and beneficial for tbe prosperity of tbe farmer means prosperity to merchant and artisan the feeling among merohants is one of confidence and hopefnllness the new york voice is authority for tbo statement that the great catholio university at sooth bend ind wbioh bos 1500 students is in the advance guard of tbe prohibitionists father bums and father cavanaogh loading members of the faculty are pronounced total abstinence advocates president morrissey and almost every other professor are opposed to the saloon and drink in all forms tbe following standing paid advertisement bos appeared in two daily newspapers of the place for thirteen years i hereby give notloe that i will prosecute to tbe fullest extent of the law and regardless of cost say iiqaotdeaitrorlperaoawhomgiv or sell liquor to students or in any way assist in procuring it for them rev a itornasey president notre dame univer sity the qraant german statesman passed away unexpectedly on saturday night bxoun aug 1 prince bismarck died shortly before 11 oclock baturday ovening tbe end was very peaceful details of the death of prince bismarck are obtained with dlmoblly because of the lateness of the hour the isolation of the castle and the strenuous endeavors of the attendants and of the family to prevent publloity the death of tbe ex cbanoellor oomes as a surprise to all the rfamburg ifachrichten gives the following details of the last days and the death of prinoo bismarck it says on thursday as improvement set iu in the prinoes condition in which repeated obanges for the worse had occurred since ootober last and he was able to appear at the table and take part in tbe conversation which he had not done lately his condition was so satisfactory that dr sohwenlger after the prince had gone to bed left with the intention of returning on saturday bis condition was oompari- tively satisfactory throughout friday and saturday morning he read the papers and convened on politics particularly referring to btxasian affairs in ths fore noon he took luuobeon then a sudden change for the worse occurred in oon se quence of an acute attack of pulmonary oedema and la the course of the afternoon be became frequently unooneoious aud remained so nntll his death otto edmrd leopold bsmarck was born at bnhoenbausen april 1 1810 being tbe fourth son ofcarl wllhcim ferdinand biemarckandloouo wilhel- mina menken daughter of privy councillor anastatatlous menken who served under three prussian sover eigns and possessed great inflnenoe daring tbe first yean of frederick william ills reign neighborhood news news items supplied bv corres- po m eau crewsons corners a largo number of oaulo in tills vicinity are offeoted with tho dinoaeo iu tho eyea rofarrod to in last vupk pin en it results in their going blind in eomo catoa mrs alox cripps who wns confluod to tbo lioueo with lung uilinut is recovering wlulo plotting borriub last wednesday kate tho little daughter of mr alex onpps was eo ovorcome by tho intonso heat that sho beuamo ill and a lector had to lo called in but eho js now recovering mr chas itamshaw was taken to tho onelph general hospital laet week snffer ins from an ailment in hie left eye ho underwent an operation ou tburnday wbioh proved euccesitful and we hope to eeo bim aronnd again boon x there will bo no aorvioo in tho ohurah here next sunday ou hooount of tbe quarterly service bung held in rockwood kev mr brjera of aotoni preached a very acceptable eermou in tbo metbodiet ghuron here labt sunday mr and mrs james gamble spent a day very pleasantly last woob at mr george gays gaelpb everton tbe picnicb mentioned last weebr were eojoyed by all who attended and there was a good orowd at each the metbodiet frieods took in over forty dollars mr bobt talbot had the misfortune on monday to get his band out right aorobs the palm while working with his binder we understand he bad to have nino stltoh es put in when drebaed among the visitors eeen durioi tho past weekare mr watson of toronto and the little misses mooro of st marys at wm e verts mr and mrs fieidioe of ouelpb at mr hortops mrs a day gnelph at d talbots mary hanbndgo speedside at her fathors mr j uolatoeh at bis sisters mrs wm snnter mrs wm abbot has gone to winter- boarne to stay a few days with ber daugh ter mrs m millard who has a httlb girl abont a week old miss grindell has gono lo toronto for a viest tbe misaea sbarpe are oxpeoted next week to spend a aoople of weeks with their aunt mcrs beneon limehou8e tho threshers are beginning to fulfill their first contraots of the beasoo xsoginoer ivenb of torontobas complet ed the erection of a neat and commodious barn on his pioperty on the fourth line mies ford teaoher 1b eojoylng tho vaca tion at her home at oraagb sbe will return for tbe opening of tho bchool on tbe 15th lost mr will kennedy foreman of the gravenburat banner arrived homo on monday for a short vacation mr frank mooro is cojoyiog a lew week with friends in aid kennedy camp at viotona park ouelph mr john wheelsr is building a new barn on the two aore lot he recently purchased from mr david black while on a business trip lo harriston last thursday mr john moore manager for the toronto lime oo was taken suddenly ill ho is feeling a greatdeal better this week tbo briok work of mr jno lindsay line new residence is completed and the roof is on the carpenters are now busy with the interior mr lindsay expeotb to move in before the oold weather ects lb wheelmen do not boaat much of the attraotivenebs and case of propuleion on the roads hereabouts the eoenery is admitted to bo pioturesquo bat oh myl tbe bills and rooks to be ridden over mr a h moore now occupies a position lu tho hardware department of simpsons big departmental toronto a carpenters story rtrlrtkrn with la orippr ffll- lowed by rheumatism suffered a great deal and for two months was unable to work dr williams pink pills restored hishoalth 1 rotn tlio itoportur 1 altnonton tlioro u not a bottor known man iu palmerston than mr jas skoa who has for tho past twenty four years followed the trade of oarpontcry in tbo town mr skea who is a native of the orkney islands is now sill nix oars of ago and 1b bale aud hearty a ilw ears ago be was attsoked with grip which left in its wake aouto rbeomutium for two montbb he wasunablo to woik and suffered a great doal from ibis d tad disease he ubed several hinds of liniments but to no avail having read in the papers of the wonder ful cures effected by dr williams pink fills for pale people he deotdod to try them ho took one box and was surprised at tho efeot he took a sebond and finally a tblrd wbeu ho found that bis old eneny was about routed to a liejiarter rbpreseo tative oallod upon him aj bis residence to flod out if tho reported oure was oorroot mr skea said i was greatly surpribod at the result of taking a oonple of boxes i buffered fearfully but they mado a new man o me and fixed me riadit up i oow take them every spring and fall to guard against colds and grip they are the only thing that does any good mr campbell or mr tbom will tell you that i wouldnt be without dr will iams pink pills for anything they are the beet modioine iu the world though i am up in years my health is good and i am right as a dollar i attribute it to the use of these fills i recommended tbem to mr william beattie oarpenter foreman on the or n w who bad also been tronb led with rheumatism and they speedily effeoted a oaro in his oaee dr williams fink pills oure by going to tbo root of tbo disbsbo tboy renew and build up the blood and strengthen the norvee thus driving dibcaso from the system avoid imitations by insisting that every box you purohaee is enolosed in a wrapping bearing the full trade mark dr williams pink pills tor palo people talk of the day the vote for pr thursday september 20th the date fixed for the plebis cite vote the anti prohibitionists evidently know the value of having tbe newspapers on their side and are prepared to spend money lo procure tbelr support artloles against prohibition based on the financial or revenue aspect of the question are being prepared and will be sent out through a toronto advertising agency publishers as i rule are expeoted to pay for articles they procaro from agencies bnt in this esse they are asked to name tbeir price per column for inserting iheso articles so that it is money in a publlibars pocket to print them on the other band the prohibition ists expeot and will receive tbe support of many papers for nothing and tbe temper ance subscribers as one of our exchanges puts it will not even think it nooesssry to pay tbelr subscriptions and thus help the publishers keep from tho temptation of making money ont of the antis there is no donbt that many papers would give a more hearty support to tbe prohibition cause if they felt they had tbe patronage of tbe temperanoe people and it would be well for our temperance friends tq think ibis matter over and try lo counteract the influences that are being brought to bear on newspapers by tbe moneyspending opponents of prohibition whitby chronicle archbish wal dead trte reverend prelate died sud denly on sunday evonlnar tononto aug 1 archbishop walsh died last nlgbt very suddenly he bad been oonflned to his room for a few days from tbe eoeots of a recent accident but no serious consequences were anticipated until ten oclock ho bsd been chatting with mr kugcno okeefe until that hoar when symptoms of heart failure became evident dr dwyer ol si michael hos pital was hastily summoned tba arch bishop however rapidly atnk and expired at twenty minutes to eleven oclock in ths presence of dr dwyer mr okeefe and father walsh bis secretary when ba realised death was near archbishop walsh asked for tbe last rites of the churob sod also nominated vicargeneral mccann as administrator of tbs dlceets ths funeral will fjt piece on thursday all tbs itoman calbollp bishops of canada hive been notified and it is expeoted most of tbem will be in attendance arohblsbop walsh soooesded archbishop lynch in tbe arohdiooese of toronto on the death of that prelate in 1880 and was appelated ia august of that year tbs in stillation takinf plan in st michaels cathedral on nor 37 ottawa aogaet 1 thursday tbe 29th of septembe is the date fixed by the gov- ernment for the vote all over the domin ion on the snbjoot pf prohibition the question to be submitted is as follows are you in in favor of tbe passing of an act prohibiting ths importation manufac ture or sole of spirits wine ale beer older sol all other alooholic liquors for use as beverages all canadians quali fied to vote sit provincial elections will bo entitled to vale on this question in fonr of the provinoet tbore have already been popular votes on tho liquor qnestlon these provinces are ontario nova scotia manitoba and prince edward island manitoba was the first proviuoa to have a provinolal plebiscite ths voting took plaoe there on july 33rd 1803 in ths following year december 15th 1898 prlnoe edward island voted in 1891 nova scotia audi ontario went on record tba former voting on march loth and the latter on jane 10th in every instance the result was iu favor of prohibition the votes recorded were as follows for against frobibl- frohlbi- nas8aoaweya ontario novabootia brlooeedward island manitoba tion 10397 43760 6118 18037 tion 110757 13865 1028 7116 261008 133150 majority for prohibition 138858 milton the new methodist church at munns corners was dedioated last sunday with appropriate services rev j h boblnson of palmerston proaohed in the morning and kev f x nugent president of tbe hamilton conference at three and seven p m the attendance was very isrge a very enjoyable entertainment followed on during tho thunderstorm last wcok lightning struck a tree under which a flock of sheep belonging to mr william thomas were gathered ten lambs and fifteen ewes were killed mrs thomab also received a couple of sevoro shocks during the storm the effeotb ofvfflobtihf elt for several days tho sheep were insured mr aud mrs archibald andarion of st hellene west wawanosli spent a few days with frlonda in naseagaweya on tbeir way to pern last week the quarterly communion bervioes of the methodist church for the naisagaweya circuit will bo held sunday morning in the corwhin churob owing to tbe ebon- ezer ohuroh being undor repairs it is being pafnted and will be olobcd for a few weeks mils holmao of gaolph js visiting at mr franklin bamshaws of knatohbull rev mr gilroy of toronto preaabed snnivsrsary services last snnclay in tbo presbyterian church sodom for tbe rev a blair ba tho pastor mr and miss reld of oampbellville were the guests of mr andrew uoalplne en sunday kir george lamb a former resident of lascsgaweya township who has been principal of the mordsn manitoba public sohool duriog the past five years returned friday on a visit to his onois and brothers in bis native township previous to leaving tho p provin mr lamb resigned ins position as principal of the sohool aud on his return will enter into business mr phil armour the well known chicago paoker has written a letter to mr hodbon superintendent of farmers inati- tutee praising tho quality of canadian bogs mr armour baa beou buying extensively in ontario john hamilton the exreevo of shol- barne who was charged with prejury and esoaped to the woods about the time of the trial was arrebted last weok at oxbow manitoba detcctue greer brought bim to brampton gaol on monday morning hamilton looks tough and worn out and bas lobt nearly all his old time jaantiness tbe minister of agrloulture has reoom- mendtd tbo appointment to the ontario agricultural college ouelph of a professor and a fellow and mr william loakhead b a m s of london has been appointed professor of biology and entomology and mr m w doberty b s a m a of eglidtoii toronto has been appointed assistant both men come to tbeir now po6ilionb with very high recommendations protecting canadian goods the issue of tbo adelaide south austra lis advertiser for june htb just reoelved gives tho particulars of a trial whloh proves that even lo that far away country tbo or williams medioine co ia as aotive in defeuding its righte and protecting the pabllo against the bohemes of tbe snbstl tuterb and counterfeiters as it is here as home in canada in tho trial in question frank ashley and william smith wero shown to have been engaged in offering a substitute for dr williams pink pills olalming that tho substitute was the same aa that justly celebrated medioine both men wore placed under false protonse and conspiring to defraud the publlo and evidence was heard beforo tho chief justice of tho criminal court tbo defondaats lawyer made a strong fight in their behalf but in spite of this tho jury aftor a short absonoo from tho cour r a v q guilty in bolhcases tho chiel justice deferred scntenco until the oloso of the sittings in addressing the jury however the learned judge spoke very strongly concerning the evils of substitution and the dangors to the vlotim that may onsue from this nefarious and too common praotioe toronto globe literary paragraphs rockwood on thursday the lfllh innl tho min- i slid lay d of gu di will moot ip the mothodibt church in tho annual financial seeslou a moonlight boating party was hold on the river on friday night nellie bertram died last wouk at the general hospital guelpbof appondloitifl tho funoral took place on wednesday july 27ih avt tbe trlendb burving ground tbo friends ohurob wbiottlias been lately erected in tbo vitiagoia to bo opened on tho 14th lost this church has been very tastily built and beaides has a very protty bituatlod making a great improve roent in the appearance of tho street the brave volunteers dndored tbe severo marching of tbo north west oampugn with admirable fortitude the government ahould bave supplied them with a quantity of the oelebrated putnam b painless corn extractor it never fails to remove corns painlessly luid the volonteors and evert body else should have it beware of substitutes get putnams extraotor nod no other bargains in wall paper before stocktaking and in order to make room for new goods we will sell our wall paper at greatly reduced prices call and see the excellent values we have in other house furnishings such as sncindoue poles and inziisdoinz shhdes brown a geeat event canadas great exposition and rial fair onto aug 29 to sept io 1898 tlx right kous corner king and huriisou sts hamilton fleia auufrtibrimrttii best mkluiss arofconornlly to bo had rom tlio largest dlor that here suoppora go where their intorstt 010 in oi t conildorod you too tbe nraetloablo aldo of that itateraodt boro any day our idea li to brink jo cat vuluoa at tho right time and at tbo right prices millinery lttdjoi bstraw uata varloai nowihaiiea rcbu jf76ofcnd l choiob25c wgalarru 35to s17s cbolcofioo regular j to 3 onoloo75c ctiildrod s traw bail ore ribbon trim in log rogularso oloarlog at is and 18o regular 33o for30o rcifjular 73o for 10o regular 1 85 for 75o lad i ob and sufisot bicyclo hftta aud oani regular goo for j5o regular 85c for 50c regular 91 25 for 81 lioaoon hutu in white and deacon leghorn regular 20c for ho regular a3c for 90c cildiiews hxadmvsab mm in heti and bouueta regular 25c for 15o roflularwc for s3 regular 76c for 50c regular rj for hi 25 skirt waist asajut mublln sfalrfc waist whltfjoollan detachable ltuubian fronts regular 1 83 for 73c percalo bliirc waist detachable self collar regular 1 25 for 85a organdlo muslin shirt waist buialan f roots jotaouablo collars regular 02 for til 50 odd lines fihlrt walsta in muslin or percale detachable eolf collars earlier in the aeason tbe srlco was 1 and 1 50 cloadng on saturday t do irlit shirt waibta about throe dosod in all regular prico 75c baturdayprfoo 35c ladjzs dress skjr ts in blacjc alpaca sergo oropon and figured luntro yolvot biudioa good trimmings special value c3 3 35 3 75 llooti crash skirts 7 gored deep hem special at l 10 l as donlrj skirts in green groyand tsvn 115 crash skirts snowflako 50 whito mamoilloa skirts i 83 white duck skirts 1 thavhlinq capes flald cloth capes fringed with hood regular 812 for 700 and 68 50 j30siery sals 11 illbbed oasbmero hose 6 fold knoo 9 0 only rorulat o and 15c clearing at 350 31 llibbedcaibmoro hosesploed knee beol and toe oi only regular 05c for 43o 31 ribbed casbmero hose 861 regular value 88o clearing at 38c mjuea ilses at similar reductions ladies plain oashmoro hoio seamless foot 20o 35o bettor quality f fashioned 05c 3 pairs for 81 black alpaca 44 in wide regular 75c fov fioo flu minor sergo black and navy 46 lucres nldo dress goods section blvp only fancy cross patterns regular ftioto 1j clearing at 5 eleven only fancy bilk and wool regulaj- i7 to 0j5q clearing at t5 00 twenty pieces oold linei panoy dross goods regular bo and 60c garlnr at 35o fancy blackdresuooodsspeclal line of silk and wool effect rosalar vsluo 85o special mid summer price 60c bilk and wool grenadine 44 in wldo regular g5c special 88 and 40o 44 in wiav jo black and navy very special two remnants of black and colored dress goods sultablo for bklrts and childrens drosses at nearly half price table zttfen extras 51 inch unbleached regular 30c for 30c go inch ditto regular fioo extra at 40c 73 inob regular vsluo d5o extra 40o 35 pieces dark ground english prints regular isjo extra st10 eenti engl lob flannelette 81 inches wide rcqular 10o extra 7go 03 inch best orad regular lbjc extra eic silketto sbirtloga realar 30o for 15c wmlje cottoxvs fruit or tbe loom 36 in wfde ojc laddzs neckwear ladlevasoott tioi in linen plane caniss and plaid silk 85c wo 40c and 50c children s sailor collars in red fawn cadet and navy 45c ladles llnou collars loo and 15c all sizes bovskruhnishinos noman strip portler curtains fringed ildo od bottom regulstf 5 for 3 75 french tapestry poitiers regular 375 for 8 75 regular 4 7a for 375 regular 9 for 7 american tapestry curtains heavy tassel fringe top and bottom regular 910 for 7 regu acton roller itills chopping by steam or low water on tuc day thursday and baturday 7 cent per htfj cash or toll r f jamcs ola uk proprietor ice wanted sufficient to keep a fatullv rofrlgorator going call at rnisb pnihb offlco to daj for service a welmiltedjoreoyllull ataoton i- 1 00 oash or 41 50 if clmrsod n dkclute heifer astray a two yearold floffor with calf btrajcd on to xv tho promises of the undorslpaod on sunday 10th inbt ofruor may havoiame by paying ox ponsea aboii mceaohern liallinafad p 0 card of thanks mrs m a haletod begs to tbatik ber rium- erous patrons for their liberal patronago tbe past year and would solicit a continuance of the bimo frosh fruits arriving daily orders promptly nltod butter evnd eggs taken la exchango for fruit and gyoortes mits i a bal8ted for sale double brick bouse 04 by 36 seven rooms inreaeb good collars hard aud soft wrfter largo lot no 10 main street aoton also good table tormb easy apply to john cameron architect or to tbe owner and bottom regnlsufs for 3 75 french tapestry ponfers reg 3 75 regular 4 73 for 3 jo regular 65 50 for 3 70 regular 9 for 97 american tapestry curtains heavy luge top and bottom regular 410 for 7 laruo for 685 handsome cbenulscartaldb special value for 3 60 sj4j50 to 10 oo art denims choice patterns and colors regu lar u90 and 30c all one price 134c thirtysix lnoh bilkajine special 10c and hlo japanese art crape regular 15c clearing at so and 10a bnguab corduroy furniture covering regular coe clearing at 50c nigh glass art fanelr finished in oil very choice regular 7 clearing at 5 each tliomas c watkins the advantage of getting your hats and caps colored aud white shuts braces couars and caflfo and summer underwear rrom us is that quality is perfect prices arc right and everything as represented or your money back new and wonderful attrac tions excelling all previous years the camamerican war exciting naval and mili tary displays the latest inventions and novelties from all parts of the world we make nice clothing and clothing that pleases our customers always and at prices lower than any store in the trade for firstclass goods r e nelson merchant tailor and mens farniaher guelpli tblbphonq 40 entries of exhibits close aug 6th cheap excursions from everywhere for prize lists entry forms pro grammes and all particulars address jjwitluw hjhill president manager toronto wanted georgetown tba froninolal legislators opened sjjsolal sets ion ysttsrdsy atflernoon la monday evening the new chureta is built of milton pressed briok is very convenient and troll amassed along modern lines to tbs wants of the congregation it is lighted with aoalyleno gas though tba leevk in tbs water pipes has been discofeced and stopped the gain in tbe reserrolr bas been so slow owing to the drought ths though there is sofbolent water for area protection and domestla nee there is sons for any other pnrpoaeand lawn and manofauhorlng sopnjlea have not been restored oar pwn can get along sts it is bnt should fns population ever in crease materially as ik is to be hoped that it may ii will bet necessary to add to the supply in tin event ths conatruotlon of a new reserrolr may be required for it is doubtful whether any mors springe oan be soqnlred eonweslani to the present roser- voir caawploa- miltons ctrlo holiday will be august otb when tbs kojsl templars intend running sua exoanlon to nugara vails a load oi am npeet on fergni street the other day and 100 worth of hen fruit was destroyed tbe home of mr ruf us wardeo george town was ths scene of a pleasant svent last wednesday july 37th when his daughter rsbeooa waa nnitod in marrlajje to mr frank ohesbor of toronto qtslls a num ber of intimate friends and rstatlvos wero present to partiofpate in tbo festivities and lo witosss the ceremony which was oon dnoted by itev w s moalpliine b a alter ibo ceremony tho newly married couple sat down with the guests and all heartily partook of tho bountiful wedding dinner prepared for the occasion appro prists and valuable gifts wers presented showing tho esteem in which the young couple are held by their fneods many good wishes were expressed on tbolr behalf thoy purpose residing in toronto the herald of laat week gives the partic ulars of what might havo been a fatal accident at e b nlckllna tannery on friday morning 32nd nit mr norman orewson wse working bides on a revolving atone on the ground floor cf tbs tannery without any previous warning the stone weighing about 400 pounds and moving at tbe rale of boo or 000 revolallons per minnte suddenly flew to piece iraashlng the framework surrounding it aud knocking mr orewson some distance away from it be was struok on the lege and in the region of tbe abdomen and although a most severe shook eras sustained be was perfectly conscious notwithstanding lbs idltnse pain he was enduring tba dying pieces of atone broke through tbe oak floor through the side of ths building and jarred the ceiling tho american alontiily jteview of rcvltvjg for august reviews tbe santiago campaign by land and sea from start to finish winston cburobll who wrote so accept ably on admiral dewey for tbe june reotcto describes in this number the wonderful battle with cervoras fleet and his artiole is illustrated in part from eom- monto remarkablo photographs of the spanish ships taken the day after the fight jobu a cbnrcb formerly of the army and navy journal contributes a fnll aoccuut of tba santiago land fighting and bis artiole is also illustrated witb new photographs park benjamin writes on tbo work cut out for the eaetern squadron nnder commodore watson altogether tho jlevtnc again biiowb its ability to keep well abreast of all important military and naval movements and lo exhibit a clean pair of heels to all its competitors in moga- zinedom ikhppfmttaddwoled whoftrdostoo proud to work and would llko to mako some money- daring tbo next tnroo mouths la tailing tbo wonaorm story of tbo ufo or mr gladstone to their neighbors 83 00 a day oaally meato some nika tbroo times that sum no rlek no oiperlonoo no capital neoossary write quioaly for particulars bbadleyaaiuleteon company limited toronto agents the only canadian lifo of glads tone is by caitell hopkins hon g w llosa and sir wilfrid laurier a lasting monumoot to tbo great man and to canadian utoraturo bowaro of amorloan oatebpenny books bandied by canadian honlos our book baa been in props ration for yeaan handsomely bound froiuse ly illustrated big commission prospectus free to canvasser freight paid boolcsontimo with tills book you oan down tbom all bradley oahrhtson company limited toronto glasgow house acton is there anything in this list which you are in need of parasols millinery shapes ancltrimiiiings trimmed hats cotton hosiery and gloves muslins r if so you can find what you want here at prices which will make you buy some very special clearing lines in childrens and womens shoes g wells everton p card of thanks through tbo enorgotio efforts of tbe cltlsons of acton tbo flames on ray farm were sub dued laat wednesday beforo tboy reached my buildings 1 appreciate tbe asalaiunoo rendered tory much and desire herein to express my heartfelt thank to all wbo lent toar aid and ospeolally toboeve foarson for tbe important 6 art ho took and to john williams for hurrying tbe scone of the flro with his water tank nllod for aorvico hugh mann acton july 2th 1kb agents ttrphe story of mr gladbtonoslifo is of tbo jl greatest tnau of tbe age and embraces the history of tbo nineteenth century tbe most wonderful century since time began it um tb solidity of fact and tbe fascination of fiction and is told in eloquent simplicity better send for your ontflt before you sleep cuid be first in tbe field capital unnecessary big wages paid for tbo book sells to everybody the bradley gatuiktbon go limited toronto house and lot f 8 al that desirable residential property on bowor avenue and wilbur streets opposite tbe uethodlst parsonage on which is erected a comfortable six roomed roarheeut bouse with woodshed detached good clitero excellent gar dan number ot fruit trees well t encod tbe wbolo in a good state of repair liberal terms to suit purchaser for partloalsun apply to h p moore fflbe paebb offlco acton voters list 1898 sajsl in municipality of tub village of acton county of balton notice is hereby given that i bare trans mitted or delivered to the persons men tlonod in be otlon b and 6 of tho voters xtst act tbe copies required by said soctlons to be so trauumltted or delivered of tbe hit made pur baant to said act of all persons appearing by tbe last rovlbod assessment rpu o tbe said tnaniolpallty to bo entitled to vote in tbe said amnioipality at tbe elections for tbe members of tbe legislative assembly and at municipal elections and that said list was first posted np la my office at acton on saturday 23rd july 1898 and remains tboro for inspection electors arc called npon to orevmlno tbo said lists and if any omlsslona or other errors are found therein to take immediate proceedings to have tbo said errors corrooted according to law th08 t noobe mnnlolpal clork dated at acton tbls 33rd day of july leoa you henderson fc co greht 2tcidsvlfti2waer clsmriihg skle furnish the feet we do the rest thats all we ask you to do furmslrthefeet we will not only do tfie rest but we will do it for a very small expenditure of money never before have we been able to offer better shoes for the money in mens and wo mens tans and blacks any shape any style any quality you desire uttlevnia thcjr also rcuvrretdutreti ham dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty ealing a per fect remedy for dixslncss nausea drowsi ness dad taste in tbe mouth coated tongue pain in the side torpid liver they regulate tie bowels purely vegetable small mil small dose small prlpe substitution the fraud ot tho day sec you get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills we purpose clearing out all our spring and summer goods to make room for our fall importations it will be to your advantage to grasp some of the great bargains we are offering here are some of our specials all wool sergo dress- goods in every sliado regular price 35c sale price 2ftc fancy brocaded dress goods regular price 50c sale price 25c a largo variety of drcs costumes regular price 95 50 sale price 94 00 dress costumes regular price 8 00 sile price 5 75 dress costumes regular price 12 00 sale price 98 40 a great assortment of priostly s black dress goods in plain and fancy brocade from 25c n yard np 1 nncy piqus muslins regular price 20c sale price 12 jc crum s best english prints regular prjee 124c sale price xoc a largo variety of prints wide widths nnd best cloths for 5 7 ipe checked muslins 5c worth 8 lo 10c ladles cotton hose guaranteed fast colors at 5 10 15 20 25c t ladles cotton vesls in cream and while 5 rt 10 15 25 35c ijrllns while llnderwinr rhuap-i- than trin mmi run hn hniihlfnr ladies cot sets all sizes nil prices all makes a few print and muslin blouses to bo cleared at half price parasols a good variety to choose from lo be sold at 25 discount bargains in fine high class tailoring we have a number of fino sulllni igs trouserings etc to be cleared at cost of production lively guaranteed style i it and finish posit bargains in gents furnishings hals caps etc bnrgalns in summer clothing bargains in men s youths nnd boys ready to wear clolhing bicycle suits etc taney straws at half price specikl we have n number of odd pants regular price i 25 81 so and f 2 00 to be cleared nt 85c 1 00 and 9i 25 this is a genuine bargain sale our space will not permit us to enumerate further but call and see for yourself th e prices have been cut in two in every department we extend a cordial invitation to one and all to come early no trouble to show goods whether you purchase or not remember the place w williams boot and shoe dealer mill 8treet acton emp typewriter price 6500 ttegrgetows uvbsi store 01bson 7ilal7t rob block jlimin t produoe taken in exohanga pwrtcjztf is ill- t every day bargain day here visible writing tho advantages of tho i the only typewrltor canada in addition to all raooo machines manufactured in ptillv currrntesd circulars lliem and tcslimonlati write for the williams mtg co wlnjratej maw williams boa in 1 alachiues

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