iiobw the peace protocol qovenwmswt majority qf a at neighboniloqd new newa items sudpiioc by corres- pondents and exohanges fhta adtierixscimnts udnh in acton on won day lfith august to mr and mra theodore dunn a riaugbtor wiu-iimh- in acton oti thursday august lltu to oxuounolllor mid mrs williams a son juahr1ed milllianmodonaldiu brfu on wednes day luth antjiibtliy itev ii fowlle mr don mcliollhu toronto to miss mcdonald daitl- or of o j uoddimld esq of tho quoon s hotol died lay ii iuoiy ucrntil iotor youngest son of cecil o and lilrdlo marlatt ofioil ono year and ill montlib t ctuitjm fwss thursday august 18 1898 notes and comment tbe trials of the hahon and south perth election cases eat dawn for bearing ou september 1 will bo pout poped for tha present new flatea will bo agreed upon later on ohabgoa will likely be made in other oases also the session of tho legislature ia the oaase kvery vote fo prohibition even if the moaaafe is ubt adopted itf evidence ol the strength ot te raps ranee sentiment 6l the riponine of publlo opinion in favor of pro hibition and of tho desire that caqada should ocotipy a high place among the enlighteuod nations of the earth iogersol suit tho date fixed for the plebiscite vote- thursday sept 29 conflicts with soorei olfall fairs moat of them having their prize hats out and other announcements made prior to tbe data of tho plebiscite vole being announced halton is in this pre dicament the first day of tho county show falling upon the date of the vote tho following ire the names of the eight members of the legislature vhose seats aro affeoted by tha oonbtable vote mas- koka dr bridal and nipiisiog john lonfihnn west huron x t garrow west york wj hii south perth w g moaorip lennox b e ayuworth south norfolk w a charlton east lambton h j pottypieoe tho legal editor of the municipal world of 81 thomas expreaaea the opinion that munioipal cbanoile have no power in places less than 100000 population to pass bylaws foe regulating and governing the ase of bioyoles the municipal world further says thataaoha bylaw cannot be enforced and a conviction under it would no doubt be quashed if carried to a court beyond the britlskn owe papers turn their atten tion to tho future of spain and the ques tion an to whether the final disappearance of t3pain from tbe new world signifies that her day is done in tho old world aa well will her release from overaea responsibilities bo followed by tho devel- opbment of her own vast internal reaoaroes and thus prove ihe beginning of a now period of prosperity the remit is gen erally held by british journals to bo poa- eibe if not probtvble many papers hive heen quoting kev dr allison of saokvillo university as opposed to prohibition and his alleged remarks have boon published broadoaat it now tarns out that be never made the utatemontb attributed to him and intends to support tbo plebiscite he is not a reverend although in charge ol the university toronto saturday flight which used considerable valuable apace in giving publloity to dr allisons alleged remarks against prohibition has not had the fairness as yet to acknowledge that the basis of its remarks oonoeming dr allisons positioa was fiction licenses will he issued at five dollars each to ont cordwood and ties in the yukon distriot under tho provisions of the aot of last session to amend the companies aot a new tariff of feci has been established to be paid by com pan tea intending to carry on mining operation in the yakon these fees range from a hundred dollars on com panies where the capitalization is forty thousand dollars to five hundred dollars for a capitalization of a million dollar 3ho ohief anatoms basin ess of the yakon being now traosaoted at dawson the head quarters for the ctutomsbaf have been transformed therefrom to gadahy trie men in corn m and of tho united states poroea ordered o ceaae hostilities provisionsoftrteaqreement wauiiinoton aug 10 ambassador ottmbon and secretary thiebaut drove over o the whlto house from the french uoibaeey in a heavy driving rain both weroimjhadiately usliered loaido aud to the cjainot room where president ma- kinley beoretary day and assistant secretaries of state moore adeo and grid lee bad been awaiting them five minutes there in the historic cabinet room the ceremony of formally agreeing to and sign ing the protocol of poaoo took plaoe at 400 p ra beoretary long has cabled- admiral sampson and other naval commanders that the peace protocol baa been signed and to pease hostlliea seqretary alger has cabled orders to all military commanders that tho protocol of pease has been signed and to cease hoatil hies the protocol provides 1 that opaip will relinqsibhyall claim of sovereignty over and title to oobft t 2 that porto bioo and other bpahlsh islands in tho west indies and an island in the ladrones to be selected by the united states shall be oededto the latter 8 that the united states will occupy and hold the city bay and harbor ot man illa pending in the oonolusion of a treaty of peace which shall determine the control disposition and government of the philllpines 4 that cuba porto bloo and other spanish inlands in the west indies shall be immediately evaouated and that commis sioners to be appointed within ten days shall within thirty days from the signing of the protocol meet at havana and san joan respectively fo arrange and ezeoute the details of the evacuation 5 that tho united states and spain will eaoh appoint not more than five commissioners to negotiate and oonoludo a treaty of peace the commissioners are to meet at paris not later than oct 1 6 on tho signing of the protocol hostil ities will be suspended and notice to that effeot will be given as soon as possiblo by eaob government to the commanders of its military and naval forces tbe above is the official statement of the protocols contents aspreparod and given to the press by secretary day the protocol was signed by secretary of state bay representing tbe united states and m oambon tho french ambassador representing tbe spanish government tha world at large will welcome the cjofie of the war between tbe united states and bpaiu the conquering country went into it under impulses which it con id not control it was ripe for enlargement and the frnit whatever may be said of the quality was ripe for gathering the spanish islands have in fact dropped into- its lap and it will have to make the beat of them the anglosaxon world at least is thoroughly pleased with the results of tho war so apparently making due allowance for the disappointment of per sonal ambitions and of dreams of national independence are the people of the islands the united states has in virions degrees become responsible for fired byliphtnlno barns burned near elm ira and elora thursday nlerht first division was tnkon at an early hour saturday mornlncr toronto aug 15 tha vote on tbo addresb or rather on tbo anioudment condemning tbe position of the govern ment in tho matter of the defeated ministers was r each cd t 230 oalook saturday morning the government was sustained on a atraight party vote by a majority of six tho diviaiou standing 49 to 40 bvon at the lato hour of the voto tho galelrius were comfortably tilled thooppobition did moat of the talking all day and after midnight did all of it mr boatty of parry soaud voted with the government and mr tucker the patron with the opposition 3ir craig government was the only absentee tho result was hailed with prolonged applause and oonnter from the two sides o tho chamber tbeamendmont was lortand tbo address carried on tbe same di vision the homo adjourned at 3 oclock government basinebs will have preoed- enco during the month of august ballinafad creht 7vidsuiftc7ver ng throahing is tbo order of tho day herua- abouts some of our boys bavoieft for the west lately mibs m bloxhsm of farkdale is tho guest of e m campbell miss m collier of erin is visiting her aunt mrs cole agardeu party in aid of the presbyter ian ohuroh will be held at mr it shortills next wednesday the 21th a pleasant time is oxpooted erin band in atten dance toiin m macponald md c m j hvwihhov to uhenm d c m qeorqetown model farm crops ninetyrtwo varieties of fall wheat average 420 bushels to the aore gubuix ang 12 tho winter wheat grown on the plots at- the agrioultural college is now all harvested and threshed there were in all about 200 separate plots of winter wheat this year and the results are certainly vory satisfactory mr zabity states that tbe average yield of the 02 varieties grown this year is 421 bushels per sore this yield has been surpassed only twloe within tbo past nine years namely in 1891 and 1804 the large 26 acre held of dawsons golden chuff and early geneseo giant varieties on the farm which is now partly threshed fs yielding about 87 bushels per aore- the quality of the grain grown on the plots is exoellont tbe average weight per measur ed bushel of the 92 varieties being exaotly 03 pounds thia is 2 45 pounds par bush el more than tho average for the past nine years mr zivitzisof the opinion that the quality of winter wheat throughout ontario this year will be above tbe stan dard and that the average yield will likely be above five bushels per aore more than the average of the past ten years a number from hero will attend tho prohibition convention at milton on satur day afternoon today the peoplo of georgetown will take an allrail excursion to the falls in the park last friday in a ohampion- fihip laorosso game the etnas wore defeat ed by the beavers of seafortb by a soore of seven goals to four tbus dispelling any hopes our boys may have entertained for the winning of the pennant on the same day at st catharines thednfferina of orangeville were ignominiously defeated by the atbletios to the tane of nine goals to three the race for the pennant now appears to be pretty raaoli between seaforth and st catbarinob with the odds in favor of the former crewsqns corners the klondike harvest over sixteen millions brought out up to the present tlrne vancouver aug 15 tweply two vesbois have arrived with goldladen miners from tbe kloodiko region to date bringing in all a grand total of 810041600 in gold and draft a the hstof treasure steamers and trjo amounts brought by eaah is appended tho harvest is about oompleted in this vloinity the crops have- all been veryu heavy the road in front of the post office is badly in need of repair and should be attended to before any accident happens the sunday sobool of tho brick chnroh picniced in mr a murrays grove on tuesday last and spent a very enjoyable time misseb bertha and tmloa gamble bpent a day last week with friends in elora mrs jas bamehaw and her mother mrs j boll visited friends iu erin on friday mrs j bell of low vi lie wbohaa been visiting her daughter mrs jas bambhaw returned borne on satdrday misses k hornby and c hampson of rookwqod spent sunday with the misses gamble mr and mrs jamee gamble and mr ohas gamble were in eora on saturday attending tho funeral of mrs gambles neioe mrs wm gofton mr jas bamahaw spent sunday with friends in lowville wc purpose clearing out all our spring and summer goods to ynake rgom for our fall importations it will be to your advantage to grasp some of tlie great bargains we are offering here are some of our specials allwool serge dress goods in every shado regular price 35c sale price 22jc fancy ijrocadcd dress goods regular price 50c sale price 35c a largo variety of dress costumes regular price s550 sale price 8400 dress costumes regular price 8800 sale price 8575 dress costumes regular price 81200 sale price 8840 a great assortment of priestly s bjack dress goods in plain and fancy brocade from 25c n yard up fancy piqusmuslina regular price 20c sale price 12jc j crums best english prima regular price 12ic sale price 10c a large variety of prints wide widths and best cloths for 5 7 10c chocked muslins 5c worth 8 to 10c r ladies cotton hose guaranteed fast colors nt 5 10 15 20 25c ladies cotton vests in cream and white 5 j 10 15 25 35c ladies white underwear cheapsr than the material can be bought for ladies coi sets all sizes all prices aumakes a few print and muslin blouses to be cleared at halfprice parasols a good variety to choose from tobo sold at 25 discount bargains in fine highclass tailoring we nave a number of fine suitings trouserings etc to be cleared at cost f production stylc fit and finish positively guaranteed a bargains in gentsturnlshinrs hats capa etc fancy straws at halfprice bargains iri summor clothing bargains in mens youtfis and boys ready iowcar clothing bicycle suits etc special we have a number of odd pants regulatprlce 9125 150 and j2 00 to bo cleared at 85c 8100 and 125 xhis is a genuine bargain sale our space will not permit us to enumerate further but call and see for yourself the prices have been cut in two in every department we extend a cordial invitation to one find all to come early no trouble to show goods whether you purchase or not remember the place for sale douitlk ilrjou house at by ug seven rooms in onotikood collars bard and lott water larro lot no iqmutit btroot aoton aibo good stable tomib owy apply to john catoeron a rob i toot or to tbo owner o wells evcrton i o 1mi8k and lot o sal toatdohlralilaresidsntlal proporty on bowor avcnuoand wilbur btruata opposite bo methodist parsonage on whiah 1b orooxed a comfortable tli roqmed tonrhcaat bouss ulth woodabed dotaobed gocd olstcra oxoollont rz don a numbor of fruit trucb well fouceovtho wbolo in a good state ot repair liberal- terms to suit purctlksor for particulars apply to hpmoore fbk pakss office jfvotod geoketowfls livest store pib3qn71u roe blpckjuthinst gorgt03ain produce taken in exchange every day bargain day here unable to walk a dlstreaslnar malady cured by the use of dr williams pink pills bvertorsi tbo madrid oorreapondent of tbo london times aays tbe dominant note of the probs comment in bpaia ii pbiloiopbloal resignatioo tho odaoatod blamei are not making any attempt to find aoapogoati or to oonaole themaelvea with viinporation of tfae viotorloua enemy wbilo aavorely eritioizing tlio obortaigbtednoab endin- oompetenoy ot tbo government thoy rooofnizo that no etateaman or cabinet bat the nation itself is to blame the colonies inotead of enriohinf bavo im- poveriabed the ooantry golnmbae in dlsoovorior tho new world wa not spain benefactor but bar tvil renin therefore one leading paper opposes the anggeition that hie remainsahoalil bo- brought homo from havana mr justice fergoaon baa handed down a judgement in atkinson vs chatham a oaso ot interest ioconnioipallheii it involves tbo paynaoat of 9005 and posts by tbe oity for damagos to private citizens caused by lack of npatlro in a street said lsok of repair btiag doe to the pretebos of a telopbono pobt plinted in it the judge declined to grant relief over against the bell tolephono company beoanse the pole was plaoed with tbe knowledge of and by direction of the munioipal authorities the moral is that the oity is responsible for the ilate of tbe roadways and oannot rid itsell of sooh responilblllty if it grants companies or private individ kmnu aug 12 the very severe electric storm passed over bers last night iftitbefotemidnight tbe lightning was something to be remembered the barn belonging to mr enoch baainaho about one and onobalf miles south of bore on what is known ab the old qrlb farm was straok by lightning and totally destroyed together with this years crop twelve hogs and three calves were also burned other fires were visible bat have not learned of their location a very refresh ing tain fell whioh was much needed as this la the first in six weeks in this section eloiu aug 12 during a tsrrifip than- derptorm in this locality last night about 1180 tbe barn of hugh black near elora was straok by lightning and burned to the ground it contained all this seasons crop tbls together with all of mr blacks farm implement and four head of cattle was consumed by tbe flames tbe lossit about t80oo partly covered by insur ance tag noyr ensad july s 70000 bohr hattlo j philips july 10 70000 str cnttaee city july 10 moooo str oity of seattle july 10 550000 btrtartarjulyn h0ooo str m paul july 17 3000000 str samoa july 18 aooooo str itoanolto july id 5500000 bohr dora bluhm july 10 j1000 str lkmo july 20 1500ou btr utopia july 22 63000 str farallon july 22 00000 btr qaronuo 1000000 str obarlee nelson july 23 1300000 btrrosalloathonlaa july 30 300000 btr humboldt july 27 3000000 slroityofbeattio july 30 900000 str cottage city july 30 60000 str discovery aug 1 250000 str manauonse aug 3 9000000 btr teob aug 4 30000 btr dlrigo aug 5 200000 total 11011000 it may mean war croat britain will demand the dis missal of li huns chang london aug 15 tho foreign oiboe it is reported here to day though tho report laoks confirmation intends to demand that tbe ohlnese governmoot dismiss li hung ohang from power on the ground that lie is reaponsible for tbe recent anti- british sittitode of the tenngliyamen the foreign office it is also asserted has bad under bpeoral consideration the questlonof seizing the taka forts on the golf of feoblli at the month of the pekin elver and the cty tientain tfae port of pekin in the event of china refusing to comply with this demand holding all until oompllanoo la assured thonewminiatorengaged by the discip les preached hib first sernisns here tinnday he was liked very maoli and will likely take rev mr bakers plaoe rev mr broadfoot preaohed in the methodist ohuroh on bnnday and was very well liked mr sharps will resume his labora among ub next sunday we are aorrytolsarathat mr and mrs hprtop and son james leave here this week to take ohargs of their mills at eden making that their future home the business here willbo managed by the two older sons we are lad they are not going farther awayanol vre shall bopeto aee them often yisitors are rife this week and we will have to group them mr and mrs dnffield quelpb are visiting at mr hortops mr mrs and miss binnb of quelpb and mra carpenter and son of drayton at mr lysons the altons ot kelson at mr altons eramosa mrs laura stewart gaelpb at peter stewarts mies grindell is back from toronto bring ing mibb ada watson for a short visit and mr neil moeaofaern teaoher in kasaagaweya spent a day in the village among his former friends the children are off to sohool again nassaqaweya cold by the handful nals spcolal privileges it ntttlt shoulder all the harden suoh grants brlngto it english commentl on the signing of the protocol by the united states and spain and the terms of that document point out that the united stalest i benoeforih will bold nndlspated place among the great powers wbloh make the hillory of the world tha american ropobllo may advance ssrlftly or slowly to meet her manifest destiny but tbs british newspapers say bsr own olti- eena must surely feel that she now stands on tbs threshold ot a new national life all that the englilh newspapers say on this subject seems to be echoed in the hearts of the eoghib people who with tbs united states wall for they believe that tbey seo in this ovulation of tbs united slates tbe arrival ol one mors nation to make for rlghteousnitss freedom and good government throuffhont ttis world tbs quality ot tbs new ontario winter wheat is declared by experts to be simply perfeot sevsral oari of red wbtat have been received at montreal wslgblng 08 pounds to ths buabeland its ooodition has never been sarpassenl theisrnbllslargs and plamp and as bard and dry as old wheat rope leo very weak his condition no lonaer admits of any disguise bkblin aug 16 the boms correspon dent of ihe cologne qauttt says the condition of tha pope no longer admits ot disgnlie his health has- gradually gone from bad to worse and hia holiness is now a decrepit old man hjs voloe is of the woakeit thinking tires and prayers oonfnie him he has been observed to oommenoe the same prayer ten times witbant noticing the ropetltion cardinal kampolla papal secretary of state oondoots all vatioan business the popes extreme weakness has prodooed it great oomrnon exoitement iand inlrigues among ths members of ths saored college his holiness on friday insisted upon getting op hot aooh had to be barried to bed again in a state of partial collapse he does not soffer from any apocifio sffoc- llon lot only from debility spontaneous combustion barns implements and crops of aoorge sheppard near bur- hnarton burned bunirnoton out ang 11 about ten oalook yesterday morning lutav george hbeppird who livesabonttbresinlferfrom here lost by fire his barns implements miners in the now eldorado plcklngr it up with soarcely any labor juneau alaska ang 10 via seattle wabb aug isrwhat is regarded as an imporlant discovery of rloh placer dlgglngb is reported to bavo boeh made on pike creek a smail btrearn emptying into atlin lake a feeder of lake tagleb the discovery is located in tho canadian northwest territory tbe news has caused a groat stampede from juneaa and other southeastern alaska points and it is estimated that at least 1000 prospeotora have started for the locality burglar attacked a woman tried to choke mrs anthes berlin ont her brother to the rescus tho reopenlng of the ebenezer chnroh will take plaoe next sunday there will be speoial services morning and sysning when bev j b hookey of waterdown will preach and on tbe following wednes day 24tb inbt tboaonual harvest home will bo held on the lavn of mr jas lletoher darby ville an excellent pro- rarnnoes beingrovldckl fotlheoooaslon miss maria darby of darbyvllle left on tuesday for the northwest territory on the 6pb exoursion the recent rains have kept the farmerii back- with their harvest most oftbem would have finished bad the weather been fine mr blaok of orowsods corners has rented the farm of mr wm anderaon now ocoopied by his son adam anderaon tho farm 1b about one nuite from knatoh- ball mr and mrs john marshall spent san- day with friends in kilbride mr and mrs leeoy flokett spent sun day at geo bamsbaws lowville mra d dollon guelph apent a few dys at mr g kitphings last week from tbo bartlaud n b advcrtleor bight in uurowh village ib reported another of the remarkable oureb that make dr williamb pink fills bo popular throughout the land the osse is that of mrs k wmillar the advertiser inter viewed her husband who was glad to relate tho oircnmbtahooe for publication that others might read and have a remedy pat into their hands as it wero for fivo years baid mr millar my wife nas unable to walk without aid one physioian diagnosed her caae as coming from a spinal affeotion other doctors called the malady nervous prostration whatever the trouble was she was weak and nervous her limbs had no strength and oould not support her body there also was a terrible weakness in her back three months ago she ponld not walk but as a last resort after trying many medioines ehe began to nee dr williams pink pills improvement was noted in a few days and a few weeks has done wonders in restoring her health today she can walk without assistance von can imagino her delight as well as my own we owe her recovery to dr wil liams pink pills and i reoommend ibem for any case of nervous weakness or gener al debilty mr millar is part owner andmanager of one of our lumber mills and ib welt known throughout the oounty dr williams pink pills oure- by going to the root of the disease they renew and baild np the blood and strengthen the nsrvea thus driving disease from the aystenu avoid imltatioua by insisting that every box yon purohobe is enolosed in a wrapper bearing tbe full trade mark dr williams pink pills for pale people gl a sg ow house acton is there anything in this list which you are in need of lr3ip3jsois millinery shapes and trimmings trimmed bats cotton hosiery and gloves muslins etc if so you can find what you want here at prices which will make you buy some very special clearing lines in childrens and womens shoes fatal injuries prom a fall rockwood id alltnu y wop his loss will be very heavy but is partly covered by insur- anoe be intended threshing this week spontaneous pombuation is thought to be the sanse of ths fire only recently mr bbeppard snuered tbe loss of his hooao and contents by fire beitlm ont ang 15 a burglar gained an entranoe into the house of m f anthes at an early hour this mornidg mrs anthes had occasion to gp down stairs for something for the baby when ahe was aoooatsdby tbe midnight marauder who endeavored to choke her her aqreams were heard bv her brother who slept in the bouse he qnlokiy got blb revolver and obaaed the burglars away firing three shots aftoriherar there is no cine to- ihe- tbiovea who got little or nothing bev jas itcss of norval ofllolated in st georges ohuroh on sunday the friends chnroh was opened on sunday last services were hsld on sun day in ths morning and aftornoon and a publlo meeting was held on monday even ing among tbe speakers on sunday ware prof firth of ploksrlng college mr john bpgsrs toronto mr rogers of pelham and mr j b harris of this village under whose management the eboroh was bnllt on monday evsnlng bbvb- cranston and holdonof thevillagegavfshortaddresses- aod bev d straoban of gnolph miss j mr j g snell of snellatrove the wellknown stockman dead mr joseph g bnell of bnollgrove who fell a distance of 28 feet in his barn on saturday 0th lost died from hib injuries at 5 oolook last thursday morning dr sweotnam of toronto was to have per- forniodanoperatonhal joathrollovod bita of that duty mr snell was gl years bfage he was a very highly respeoted farmer and dealt largely in fanoy stock for whioh he bad a continental reputation he was a liberal in politics and took an aotivs part in all the elections in tbe oonnty in religion he was an ardent supporter of ths methodist chnrob ho leavea a wife but no family a consider able quantity of fanov battle were on their way from england for mr snell when be died- j bargains in sstaii paper collectio of a having seourod apraottcoin toronto x will removo to tbo oity about tbe37tu soputdj- bar end am dealrous or bavlug all my business hero settled at onco will tboae who have snv blalm agalust me kindly present them at my former offloo at once ana all indebted to me will confer a favor by calling immediately to bettle tbelr acoounts a settlement in every caso la imperative owlngto my romoval referr ed to j f uhen m d acton aug mtb 1896 agents the only canadln life of gldbtons ii by ctutoll hopkins hon g w ilosa and sir wilfrid lanrior ajaeting monumaat to tbe groat man and to cmadian literature beware of amerioancbtobpondy books handlod by canadian housee our book baa boenln prepa ration for yoars handbomoty bound proluse- ly lliobtrated bis commission prosrmntns freo to canvawor freight paid books on time with this book you can down them all bradleygaitftetson company limited tot onto torontos great attraction the new cyclorama jerusalem 0n grucifixion is drawing larso nambera of tlaitore daily who all express thorn sol vra as greatly pleated with tbe magnlqcent and inbtraouve new everybody going to toronto sbonld avail tho mad era of tho opportunity of swing jenuiixku at tbe cyalorama open dally from 8 am to 7pm prices of admission adulu 15 cents children uudor 15 years 10 cents next south west cob fbont t yobk sti household furnituee and goods forshl6 dr j f uren will romovo to toronto in a fow days and oflora by private bbjo a quantity of furniture stoves carpets ssq whioh will be on impaction and sale onsatur- dav 20th tueaday 23rd and friday 20tn afternoons and evomngb tormfl caali j puben wd professional change owing to y ncnoval to toronto i hereby givo notice to all my olientole that i have dispoadormrpiaaticttin acton and inrroudd- lug country to john bf maodonald m d o il late of toropto and having oonddeuoe in his professional skill i havo pleasure in recom mending him to all who wore so kind sti to regard ma ai their family physician in the years of the paat j p ultenvmd aoton aug 16tb 1808 having abbamod tho profosslonal practice wblob dr j f uren was bo iodk and favorably aaaociatod witb i be to loliolt a fjontinnanco of tbo confldenbe with wblob be was favored tbe experience given in hospital and oity practice has specially fitted me for a praotloo nuob as the one from wblob druredls retiring my best services aro-at- tbecall of thooomraonity day ornight john m maodonald w d aoton august istb 1896 gbold ftqgg tt feaima wma tc and mr j straohan swnsj soms saored mnsio mr hugh blaok and mr rogers gave short addresses mr j b harris was obalrman of the meatlntr tha mechanics inalltate intend having an art social shortly to raise funds for the purchase of new hooka for ihe pnblio library mr h marshs team broke loose and ran away on snnday while th jr owner was at oboroh they left tbs buggy at a telegraphpost and etonpad running mr t j west returned last week from a prospeoting tour in manitoba ho says tbs harvest is not to good as soma of tbs newspapers say he saw fields of wheat wbloh would not yield fllteen bnshsls to tbs aore whjle perhaps the adjoining field would yield thirty bnsbsls on the whole hs wss grsatly plssutad with bis trip mr arable straoban us spending a fow weeks in ths graveuliutst banltarinm for the bonefn 0 bis health jx- tilttiej frank lundy youngest son of mr lundy died ou saturday afternoon 0th inst aged ssvtn years and nlna months hs bad been 1m for several months but lately ii was hoped that he was ielllng better hut thai hops proved nofonnded i i before stocktaking and in order to make room for new goods we will sell our wall paper at greatly reduced prices call and see the excellent values we have in other house furnishings such as windosnt poles and has them beauties at 1500 1800 f 2000 2500 everyone warranted by pringle which means abso lute security to you just recnrecl agt0n ciyie holiday proclfc3w5kxion whereas it bas been the oasioin for many years to sot apart a dsy for civic holiday and whereas many eltlsons bavo expressed a desire that the custom be observed this year as usual i heroby proclaim tubsdat 23rd august a civlo holiday for tbls municipality in accord ance witb a argelyaignod petition presented to mo and would reipectfully request that all triti t gam j b peahsok roovos ouloo reovo august 12tblj996 another large lot of crockery and glassware ii for service a welluitedjiiuloy hull t acton torin loo oasb or ilm if oliargud odkclute fancy cqps and saucers white and fancy plates fancy and white jugs all sizes dinner setts bedroom setts glasscflmfortsandnappeis2q 5 1 piece settsjglass- ware to sell at 30c a sett also stone and earthenware the modern grocer being ihe hrg- eat makers of refrigerators in canada we make several lines of grocers household refrigerators in many styles and sizes modem in design with best principle of dry cool air cir culation best ln- p aula t ion and zinc lined why buy a home ifrde or poorly w made article when you can get anup4odale refrigerator for less money t for prices and description send for catalogue knowles ham a nott co limited brantford for sale by john m bond at co quelph you flower poc s etc r dry goods and groceries as usual c p aommvis a co hcson furnish the feet 8trucic by an enqine inzinidosll shrobs milton tbe ohamplont loss by tbs lira last week was about 1300 new material will take lbs jlaoe ol that destroyed and ths champion will be brighter tbao ever david williamson of the township o trafalgar farmer and stook dealer has made an assignment for the general benefit of hie creditors the royal templars exonraion to tbs falls on olrlo holiday was a gratifying anooeau about 30 tloksta being sold jadgldg from ths vary euellent pro gramme now being printed al this office the bpirorth lesgae cunianllon to be held intbe methodist oboroh of this towncd tossday and wsdnesflay ang t0th and 81a promlsas to tie one of nnasnal lnijmsr allljtoontenlionwill be held here rmumuusrul bf prssn from svsry f ard in tbe coan a fatal aooldent in infflewood john clarrldge the vlotl m a sad fatality ocoured at inglowood on batarday about bait past four oolook mr john olarridgs a well known and popular farmer was straok hy a o t it sdrine and inatantly killed wbilo orosslng ths traok mr olarridgs had been to boston mills with a grist and was returning with a load of floor bran and some shopped whoa the legislature reanmos in tbe winter it will be asked to dlsonss tbe oleosa in ths llqnor iiloonse aot whioh provides that tha population of oitiaa and towns shall govoro ths nambsr ot llosnsea tha legislators still ba asked to dstermlnt ths method ol asoertaiolng tbs popolatlon the matter arises out of ths ease of niagara falls where a special census was arranged for queens birthday id- the bops it la charged that tlsllora would swell tho popolatloqso that ths nambsr of licenses wooldl hs inereaasd it ii con tended by sonie people that ths number of tlsltorsto a oliy or townshould ban soms share in detertninlog tbs number of tbe hotels i a t browjst agents t rp ii k story of uraiadbtotieslirols of tbo jl greatest insn of tbe age and embraoos tbe blstory of tbe dlnsteenui century tbe most wonderful oentnry since time began it bas tbo sohdhyef fiction sndbstoldln eloqasntsimplioity bettor send for yoor outfit before yon sloop and be first in toe fleld oepltal unnecessary big wagei paid for tba book lolls to evorybodj tnn dradleygannmtson co limited toronto wanted brioht men nd women who aro not too ptond to work and would like to make omttnoneydnyidr tbe neat three months in ulllndttae wmidetfal story of the life of mr aiadatone to tbsfr neigh bors 100 a day eesily sademe make throe times that snm no ikno e9em6eedooapltal necessary write qoloklyfdrpartleofari bbadlbyaabhbtson company limited toronto our silver jubilee western ffiir london 8eptcmber 8th to 17th 1 698 entries close 7th soriteniber space allotted onrecoipt of entry our attractions will be gland and exhibits unsurpassod yon can see all that others ondtotetwuaysintsge roysj brsgoona princo j2i sle hassan bon alls huflina andmanyoberspsejlsjsitba in the cjonntry flreworltsoach evening blowing opthemalno by sjl tboringwd stage attractions special ejcurslon trains leave london at i pm and ifterso that you can stay to tho fireworks jjvj j- aacllorisalaofbootftiniprivlleibesviwednesday augasli7th on the grounds at 3 pm priie lists progmmihes ofc apply to ltcol vf m gartssdrer i thos a browne ipsjajiiobirr secrbtaby we do the rest thats all we ask you to do furnish the feet we will not only do the rest but we will do it for a very small expenditure of money never before have we been able to offer better shoes for the money in mens and wo- mens tans and blacks any shape any style any quality you desire w williams boot and shoe dealer mill street aoton fir issiiiiiiii