volume xxiv no 8 acton ontario thursday august 25 1898 price three cehts he qtton xtt press is published every thubsday morning at the free pressstcam printing ofllcc mill street aoton ont tbbub or bousoiuwion ono dollar por year itrlotlyln advanoo all subscriptions discon tinued when tho time fof wbioh they have boon paid baa oxplrod tho dato to wnloh evory subscription ia paid la doiioted on the address label advhrtibino rites transient advertise ments 10 coats por nonpareil line or flrbtrin- erhpn 3 cents per lino or caeh subsequent asortloa conthact iuteb tmo following tabic bhowa ur rates or tlio inaortlon of advertisements for pdoifled periods days bookstore spacb 1 yb q mo ho imp 0id0htu no oo 3900 42000 7 00 10 inohos s8 00 30 0d 19 00 3 00 6 inobea 90 00 li oo 700 0 60 000 r 840 300 100 advortisamonts withdut apoolflo directions will be dnsorted till forbid ana obargod accordi qgly transient advertisements must be paid n aavaneo advertisements will bo changed once oaob mpntb if desired for obanros oftonor tban enoeamonchtbo composition must bo paid for at regnlai rates changes far contract odvortlaomonts must be n the office by noon on tuoadaye accounts payablo monttily h p moore editor and proprietor vtutntsa simxtarp hammocks 24 hammocks from 70c to 2 will be cleared at a low price a large quantity ofsponges at half price the store i full of sum mer reading the latest pub lished- and all the old favorites day sells cheap medical tohn m macdonald m d c m i bucce880h to t f ukkn m d 0 m office and resldonoo corner mm frederick streets acton as elliott m ii m b aoton qnisratb touonto univebbitt offioecoriior mill and jobn btreoti aoton d r drydn eye ear tnnoat and nose mcleans block douglas bt near p o guelfh ofpice hodib 10 am to 1 p m and 8 to 0 p m bondatfl 10 a m to l p m an attractive pair an attractive pair of shoes add to che genteel appearance of any oneman woman or child we keep tho stylish kind the com fortable kind and the kind that wears well and to which rough usage may be given all styles all prices alt qualities and all as re tub traders bank of canada f0trg authorized capita 1000000 guelph branch sums of 91 and upwards received on deposit and bigiioat current rate of intercit paid or compounded half yearly deposit receipts issued for large soma deposited advances mods to responsible farmers on theft own namea no obaree made for collecting 3ales notes it payable in guelph a general banking business transacted a f it j0ne9 manager dental l bennett lds dentist obonabtowm ohtabio jp coghlan ddst d s pentibt wore cabefolly dokb piucbb modeoate office oven buown s dnca btooe hounaeveny day fhomoto 6 jm bell dds ldb y ejjtntibt bnooevuub uonoil onadoatb of tononto tjnrveitfllty work made satisfactory prlcoa moderate visitimo days monday afternoon camp- bollvillo tuoaday acton office clark s hotel beilvillo tuoflday friday kookwoou dr g h cook dentist cor col lego bi and spadlna ave tononto will visit acton on the flrat and third satur days ol eaob month ofkce mr adam cooks residence main stroot legal m clean mclean barristers solicitors notaries conveyancers io pzitatefnndstoloan office town hall aoton wat a moxxah jno a mclean a zf maokinnon baiuubtbb 80uo1t0b convetamdeb om ice mill street id matthews block upstairs r b mcleod baanutsn sowciron convtstanckb main stroot georgetown money to loan atlowestonrront ratos r j monabb ulerk fourth division court coapty ot hal- on conveyancer agonthroand life aflburanco ileal estate agont monoy to loan etc omioe perrymsdablook aoton ont henry gbist ottawa oamada solicitor of patents or invention eto prepare applications for the canadian amor- ican and european patent offices and for tbo ueglstratlon of trado marks bend for pam phlet thirtytwo years experience f irangis nunan bookbinder wyndhamst ooolph ontario over wlluamtbtore aeeonnt book of all kloda made to order periodicals of every description carof ully bound bnllnvneativfinfl promptlvdone m arriage licenses h p mooiie innrpn or manniaqb lxoenbea prlvatooffloe no witneuos required issued rotldeuco in the ovonlns free presa office aoton w m hem8tbeet tjxoikbbp adotionbib or tho conntlea of wellington and hal ton orders left at thofbh pubis offloa aoton or at my residence in aoton will be promptly as- ended to fee reduced to 5 qp for farm sales auo money to loan on tbo- moat favorable sums and at the lowest ritea of intorest in sums of mo and p wards wellington mutual fire insurance company bstabmbhbd imp insurance on cash and untnsl plan any coin m tin icatlodf forwarded to nay address box 638 or telephone 68 wu be promptly at- tondod o joun taylor agent quel ph aoton machine and repair shops hbniiy anindbll proprietor abr well equipped with til the machinery necessary to execute all repairs to machin ery and agricultural iraplsmaoia end to do all kinds of teamflttlngborsesboesngsuidmneral bjicksmltbing woodwork repsurs performed in a satisfactory manner we oai rapejr and maehlne or implement of any make baw bamming and flllnr done we have a complete assort ment including boots and shoes all sizes rubbers sllpper8etc all stiles trunks and valises extra values wc are prepared to guarantee that our prices are lower than those paid in the general stores where trade is tiken for goods and dealing exclusively in boots and shoes and having over twenty years of practical exper ience wo are able to select better goods and at better advantage than dealers who handle every thing saleable custom work and repairing given prompt attention r kenney bros main 8treet acton dominion boot and shocslore quick for bargains as watees beos have leased he cartarets store next pringles and intend to move in about the ist of september quick quick quick for bhrch1ns main 8treet planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor manafacturorot ssflb doors frames uoaldln in all ityloa dbxzsiny xatcbwo and movldino to order od abort notice wqll aagorted atook on nandat rxlcca loan tb time john cameron proprietor sun savings and loan go head office toronto ont afithoriwed cjutal 000000000 ten year maturity shares nre paid in monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease 56o 00 paid in maturity value 810000 money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb agent aoton bring your custom logs in and take the lumber home with you sh lumber planing mills nasaancaweya jk7ut13s broinin mamuraotmultn akd dkaxm iv lumber lntb shlnglca wo oil to ah kinds of wood in atook and promptly deliyered to any part of the town at reosoaablo prides hardwood ane slabs out stove length alwajs ou hand telephone oommnnieatlod linoleums and oilcloths made as they should be by the most skillful make in england andscotlandt very newest patterns in several grades of thickness and qualities linoleums at 35 cts and up to 100 oilcloths at 25 cts and up to 45 cts j m bond co hardware mckees fragrant antiseptic tooth wash tor clean sound white teeth rosy gums sweet breath usb d75ily fragrant antiseptic tooth wash keplace3 nil unpleasant mouth odors and taste with a delicious aroma wonderfully refreshing and stim uatlng 25c per bottle prepared onljiby j d mckee chemist acton telephone correspondence boots and shoes made to order and repaired george stpvel practical shoemaker has opened a shop in the premises lately occupied by w h adams tailor he has had large experience in city work and is consequently able to nil nil orders in the neatest possible manner tine turned work and patching receive special attention orders filled on shortest nonce call or send your order o george stovel i cor mill and alain streets acton 7 nobbv suit for fall amd winter cooper akins the tailor8 now is your time to get a nobby suit for fall and winter as we have just opened up a fine selection of imported twelds serges and worsteds and are prepared to tike your order at rjght prices fit and workmanship guaranteed flrat- olaas and u date overcoatings a good range of fall overcoatings call and inspect our stock before lcawog your order cooper akins main st acton georgetown electric works tj sphjqav proprietor p sayers proprietor has constantly on hand full hrj0ol lumber xath bhingleb cedar posts wood to custom log and bui stuff cut to order on short notice planing and matching done to the beat ol satlsfactfon prices very cheap ant made to suit the customers pocket p savers piiptih wboanaboattoieit iutijjo publloor high bohool abonmnot overlook tbagreatadraot- aao of a anotla4 courso of itutruo- tfon at tba oublph easiness college anil shorthand institute fall flbsfllon wilt oommeneo tnefdajr september otti writs or call if lntereated olrodlaxsfree j bhallpprlnclr manufacturers of dynamos r eleotric motors water motors and hydraulic rams log uelobeuippedltg agaabratlngmaoblno i am prepared to do bracing on bioyola frames ao wbeala eonvertd frooi direct to tangent hpokal handle uarl bontto adt daalred angla fall hoe of bpokee kept in itook batllfaetlon gaaranteed ulovolee enameled in any oolor t 3 speight georgetown w barber bros gkorgbtownr ont kin aihoultt or iiioh abaixwkklclynbws tho paper naed in tbll journal i from tho above mills wm bahbzr bros xjuciie bew a n iii 3 31 org a n ma kb ab told dy u18 pas too tjuolu bon i mat him oarly la my pastoral iur suits typical vortnontar staadiag straight and six foot out of boots i wab thirty ha waa olghty but this sjnglo klga appeared oftimos wublas work tho jwhlteneas of his looks and flowing botrd at tho clone of my first sormoa with a friendly hand and srailo by tho altar rail he mot mo led mo domi tbo uilddfo aisle introduaod mo to tbo poopio praised tbo pastors gono before told- mo bow and wfacro to find him as we part ed at tho door go up by tho vlllago school house tako tboflnit1 road to voar right kaa ou till yoa pass threo housos two aro jr brown and ono is white when you reach the signboard standing just beyond tho water box turn almrp to your loft hand leaving on your rifiht a lodgo of rooks go straight down th6 bill and follow still your loft a shady lane lsoavo a clearing on your right hand tboro i guoss ivo mado it plain icoe on through a sagar orchard not tho host of roads and thou right before you stands a farmnouao i live tlicro im undo den going out i met my brother half way through tho ahady jaao loadlug at bla aide a morgan with bib band thrust in her mane hftqdiiotnotjorso shes hoool voutored aftor grooting to romark andhlsoloar bluo oyo responded in a moment with a spark of olectrlo nro and smiling bo sold parson walk vith mo to tho posture just boyond us then go homo and atop to toa i aaiontod then ho goaalpod this old croa turo s namo is fan iforgau borsoscomotbo noorost in intelligence to man i must toll yoa something parson slnoo you kind of llko tbe mars wbatooourrod ono fall as i was driving oat to ourstato fair fan was trotting gontly onward i was taking in tbo scone naturo nsvor lookod so lovoly novor soemod so swoot and oloau round tbo hills a purplo splendor llko an ocean seemed to float and the waplo groves stood wearing josephs many colored coat presently a team oortook as and t hoard tho drivar cry in a iado sarcastic manner now old man lot a jo by i looking round i saw two dodlsb pert young follows with a black high stopping stylish showy oroaturo thoy could hardly hold him back i was just about toglvo tbein all thoj wantod of tho way i wlion old fossil sold tbo other wo oan t tako yourduat today may bo not i bald ho answorod wo done rldo behind tbe hools of your old groon monntalo oroepors turn out or off aomo your wheels i lookod book at thoeo two dandies and said mookly is that so turned to fan took up tho ribbons uttorod ono short message go as tbirtigor bounds elated in the forost on his pro as tlio floods rush through the meadows whon the mill dam breaks away bo tills morgan bless bor atrftlghtenod at ono bound and struck a pace that bad heaps of business in it and we settled down to race hood was full of teams and people but thoy board tbo nolso and drew up aginat tho waybldo fences making room to lot tin through how they ohoorod as we shot past thorn womon obeorod as well aa men i could hear tholr voices shouting tjt hor out go unoloben and i wont fan understood it took the bit right la bor tooth wblio tbotroob and fonces round as and tho firm gronnd undernoath flow behind us dogs wero barking goeso rau cackling fowls flew high tbovo tho barnyard ionoos dubt in oloods behind us too that was travelling parson travelling overy buckle girth and strap boo mod alive fans nook oxtouded and her tall laid in my lap ovorbllltopa down through hollows crossing bridges with a bound and tbo wheels went so llko lightning that they hardly touched tbe ground wall 1 m mobt ashamed to toll it bot fan went at such a rato that i thought it best to head hor for tho race courso through tho gate and bo calm her down and cool hor got hor aocflrod well in hand dut tho horses were jabt starting as we reach od the judges btand and the folks that tend the raoes bad tbe biggest kind ot show for tho instant that tbo starter shouted out tho roeaaago go i fan nasi in it couldnt atop her and the jookeys id their gigs with tbolr whips adornod with ribbon in tholr roglar racing rigs whipped and shouted bnt no matter i was loading with a maro that bad novor struck a hoof on a race course at a fair dont bellovo in raoos parson never did bnt this was ono of tho purest of aurprlsos and the people bad tbelun there i was old fashlonod buggy old straw hat without a whip loading round the whole procession at a olean two twenty clip how tho poopio obeorod and shouted go it hayaeod i you will win i and i went in oonldntholplt fan was going thon llko sin with that old greon mountain morgan utile pyolono sort of paeo its superlative abandon and its fascinating grace dut tho jockeys entered protest fqr they saw that thoy wero boat it wai not a rog lar entry and oonld run no otbor boat i was glad of tho conclusion and prooeeded to explain dut tlio crowd broke intooboerlng and the hand itrpok up a strain bo wo loft tbo oourso with honor fan and i bnt parson jnst iloyond the gate were tboso dandles with a horse all foam and dust j b u s i r m hmt s my cool way how la business boys progressing taking vrbettls off this floe day but thoy didnt seem to hear me their at ten tlon had been led to bomtf interesting object tbey wore looking straight ahead when tbey pass green mountain morgana with our sort of hills to climb tboy must get np pretty early and be busy all the time lores tb epas t nro parson i kindly drop thebara down two or throe thanks go fan jostseeherpaison now come home aud stay to tea bncouraqbd ew my daughter been profiting by yonr irstraotonb in artf inquired mr blyun yoa answered be tfcaoher i wm b little discouraged art bat i oan now ssaure yoa thai she is getting on what progress bas aba tnadsr blie has anally become oonvlnoed tfaak be doesnt know more a bonk it than tho old maalert improved experience ii worth what it costs mil imp roved experience what it will bring enlist lfike a vv hyk 11urkb c0llikh it is bix oclock on a dark november day and night is slowly coming down npon tho earth off in tbo distance comes the sound of the ressless sra beating agalnat tho hard whito beach and as tho twilight bhadows deepen a blowt druzinly rain begins to fall tbo lamps are not yet ligbtod in the red drawldgroom at henthorwood park and the relight has everything its own way it shines with a rosy glow open the silent room and danoeo jjayly ao the silver door fanob tarns at last it pavea a shining patb way over tho velvet aarpot as a woman enters and jjqob straight to the window wbioh looks oat npon tho wlad swept rain- drenohed drive whloh loads to tbe onter gates margaret heatherwood paehoa aside tho ilk and lace drapery and peers out into tbe rainy darkneaa he is tall and alltn and darkjot at all a beauty tho great brown eyes look too largo for tbo small aallo w face there m a haughty carl to tbo short red upper lip her overy look and gesture betrays intense pride one j looking at her would say that pride is margaret heatherwooda besetting sin hon cold and dismal it is ontnide i ibeexolaims alond na oho stand with ber face pressed against the dripping window pane so gloomy and dreary for his bomeooming i tomorrow ab 1 tomor row she stops short and a bmile of exquisite sweetness steals over her face and trans figures it until then one won id never have called margaret hoat her wood beau tiful she moves slowly over to tho firo and leaning her elbows npon the broad marble mantel gezoa down into tho bed of coals with it n col ike flames shooting upward from its rosy depths tbo thirteenth of november sho saye half alond and the dark eyea grew dim with some tender thought as sho glances at at one small hand where npon the botrothil finger a diamond solitaire eoln- tillatoo in the firelight tbe thirteenth ot november sho repeats blawly and to morrow will be my wedding day i tbe morrow which is to be bor woddlng- day will also bring her twentyfirst birth day when sho will take eolo possession of tbo fortano left her by her dead father bat to nightthe night of tho lbth of november margaret heatherwood will j not soon forget sho will have good oaubo to remember it as long as bbo lives she is waiting for hia coming tbo man who has won her heart her love a costly guerdon for margaret hoatberwood is no ordinary woman no means specimen of feminity she is dowered with an intense exqaleitoly eenbitlvo natare and love to ber means all i sho oannot com prehend a lovo wbioh permits any other element to mingle with it to ber jove means adoration idolatry tomorrow she expoots to become cyril eenyonb wife and to her there is nothing more to be desired on earth he is a king among men in this womans eye utterly withontpeer tomorrow bhe will come ioto tbe heatherwood millions and for bis j sake she is glad por bis sake oyril ken- j yon is a struggling artist bat bis genius shall next be recognized hor money shall place him npon a pedestal and all tbe world shall bow boforo the bkiu of his mttgto brash how she longs to lavish her fortane npon him i to antloipato his no spoken wishes to gratify bis slightest desire 1 and in snch a delicate way that ho need never feel tho weight of obligation nor writhe beneath the yoke of dependence as soon as she shall oomo into posses- blon of the heatherwood milhonb ahe moans to transfer onahalf ot her fortane to her has band oyril kunyon she thinks ot it now and remembering all that lies in her power to do for bim all tbe splendors whloh tbo aladdin lamp of gold oan bring into tbe ambitions artists life ber eyes shine like stars ber great generous heart swolls and throbs with rapture sho trembles with delight i wish he wonld oomo i sbe exclaims impatiently the train arrives at bix and i sent the carnage to tho station long ago porhspb tbe train has been delayed perhaps oh pitying heaven i if there sbonld have boon an aooidont i bho paces nervously np and down tho room with clasped hands and bowed head heart quailing at tbe very possibility up and down np and down be paused at last with her own hands bhe lights the gilded lamps and the beautiful room straightway becomes a fairyland of radiant oolor then she goes to tho window once more nnd peers out into tho rain drenched darkness a faint sound breaks the silence tbo soand of wheels the carriage baa return ed from the station bo haa come i trembling like a leaf she stands a haughty little princess in her oloaefluing blaok velvet gown with a deep bertha of rloh white laoo and at her throat ono glowing ruby wbioh looks like blood oh cyril oyril 1 ahe murmurs aof tly bor ayes closed ber face radiant thank heaven yon have oomo at last 1 the moments pass how long it seeme ainoe first tho sound of the carriage wheels his made musio in her heart 1 why does he not come to her a strange feeling of terrors creeps over her a premonition of evil t i a rap al tho uuu aud tbtm ulu knows that something is wrong for ho would have flown to her bide without ceremony a frightened look hashes into her eyes her voico trembles aa bbo oallb sharply oome in i the door opens and a footman appears if 30a ploaso mns margaret he begins deferentially tbo carriage has oome book and tho coachman says nobody has oome he waited until the train arrived and full twenty minutes after but mr kenyon did not oome and there was no telegram or letter and tboro is no other astern train tonight her haughty features frocze down into a mask of stone into tho velvetydark eyes there creeps a look ot banieor wbioh crowds oat tbs pain add nngalab sbe bottb her bead with a slight gosloro very well mr kenyon lias been detain ed hi will arrive on 1 h 1 mornjng traiu as tbo door closes bt hind tbo servant ufas uoatborwood goes back to the firo and foldlngher hands on tho mantle once mors rssls her head npon thorn shi lilts her bead al last and he dark fooa is as pole as the hamari face oan be and tho dubky eyes aro fall of buffering and heartbreak oh my darling 1 my darling i oho moana bitterly what has happened what has oomo between up cyril xriy king my love of loves hark barely that is tho sonnd of wheels once more outtlng bharply luto the smooth gravol of tho drive sho starts with a glad cry of rapt nro the faint oolor creeps back to ber cheeks hor eyes glow bhe is transformed sho is posi tively boautlfnl aa forgetting pride tbat pride wbioh custom decrees that a woman ahonld display toward a rocreant lover she flies to open the door and to fall back with a suppressed cry as a tall dark ngnre crosses the threehald not oyril 1 mr danosbury she ejaculates the nowoomer a man with a kindly face mare intellectual than handsome lit up by magnificent dark eyea and with a sweet mobile month bait hidden by a dark monataohe holds oqt his band a thousand pardons mlae hoatber wood for ihe intrusion ho says but it seems beet for me to come to you myself at once vj have news newel ber ejes kindling ber face brlghtning ah alio has forgotten in tbo flrat abarp pain ot ber koen disappoint ment tbat this man is oyril kenyons bobt friend it comes baok to her memory now nowbi aha repeats onoe more drawing s7long breath of relief what is it mr jjanealary a look of compaeblon crosses lawrenoo daneebarys grave face standing there before the woman whose happiness he is aboat to destroy this man feels that be wonld rather go down to tho cliff yonder and leap into the sea he thinks of oyril kenyon tbe man whoso messenger ho te and his strong white teeth bink into his under up as ho crashes back the word coward 1 bat his doty lies boforo him plain and bitter and hard ob so hard some one must tell her some one mast break this womans heart and desolate her life and he bag been chosen to atribe tbe ornel blow yet deepbidden in lawrence danoaburye breast nnsurpeoted by a living creature lives a deathless love for margaret heatherwood not tbe frail false love that lastb a week or a day bnt the pare true love tbat is immortal he has never dared to toll her of his love even before her engagement to oyril kenyon for tbo barrier ot hia poverty intervenes and lawrence danesbnry is proud a hardworking journalist a popular newspaper writer be holds his future in his own grasp at the caustic point of a pen and that pen will borne day write his namo in deathless letters npon the shining scroll of fame 1 he takea margaret heatherwooda band how icycold it is i and his eyes meet hers somehow vaguely she begins to comprehend something awful has happen ed what is it sho asks in a husky whisper cyril is ill or her voice breaks dead i no that cannot he po a pi bio 1 not dead 1 ohno no i no cyril is neither dead nor 111 miss heatherwood haw cold lawrenoo danobbnryb voice boonds in bis effort to be aalm i i have rcoeived a letter from him it came ou tho late train or i would have been here sooner and perhaps oonld have poftened the blow explain yourself she draws her slight form np proudly and tho great dark eyes ablno with a frosty light not dead not ill i she repeats in a cold blank voice and bo bends yoa to explain bla abaenoe 1 kindly do ao mr danesbnry are yoa going to toll mo that my betrothed husband will not ftrrivejjjj home to the tender goneroua heart heatherwood park tomorrow tthat dav mies heatherwood tabes no not oven tomorrow margarot returns danesbnry in his absorption addressing ber by ber given name for the first time in his life miss heatherwood i i this is tho hardest moment of my life bnt the truth mast be told and i may as well blurt it oat without further preamble cyril kenyon will never oome to heatherwood park again 1 he ob how can i bow can i tell you dont look at me with snob reproachful eyes miss heatberbood bo is married i if he expects her to faint or cry out he is mistaken sho is made of sterner staff weak andwomanly though she is there ia selfanpporting pride behind it all pride which will sorve as a rampart against the worlds scorn the sneers and ill concealed oontompt levolod at a woman who bas boon thns publicly oast off this ia the one utterly unpardonable sin in a womans eyes to be oponly deserted by the man whom sho has loved and trusted she might and it in hor heart to forgive infidelity falsehood everything bnt this sho stands gazing into daneeburys face with wideopen nnseoingeyee twloo the pale lips part with an effort to apeak bat no word passes tbetn sho puts out a whltu hand and grasps the marbel mantel to gteady herself and aa sbe does so her eyea fall upon the diamond solltairo upon ber finger the badge of her betrothal a bitter smile onrls her up married i she repeats in a strange faraway voioe not it all like her own married i why that is monstrous incredible i are yoa quite bare mr danes- bury wonld i oome here with anoh tidings if there were any doubt dear miss heather wood 7 he asks bla voioe trembling is t latt t msrsaolosln to yon it wsa a cowirbly aot to postpone bis explanation until the nlgbt before tho day appointed for your marriage he ia yonr friend mr danesbnry not not my friend never any more tonight aeea the death ot friendship in my heart slnoo i have boon so bitterly deceived in cyril konypn i will novor trust again hera is yonr letter mis heatherwood you will seo that he has been lured away by a pretty face sv beautlfal doll for whose sake he has given np yon 1 and lawrenoo danesbnry a dark eyes hold a look in tholr depthh wbioh might bao revealed to any one less absorbed in an awfuljfrlef tbeaeoret of bla lovo for the wopo an at bis side bnt margaret heatherwood sees nothing but tbe letter be has placed in her band bhe opens it and roads it through to its bitter ond while danosbury turns away and stands moodily gaslng into tbo tiro the letter reads tbanmahoanbt idaro not ask your for given ess but dear friend i love her so 1 bhe la as beautlfal as a flower and young and unpro tected thrown upon my osure by the death of her tather who left her utterly unprovided for that day mies heatherwood tabes formal possebbion of ber fortune tho next day sees tbo hooso at heatherwood park closed and miss hoatberwood and mrs tracy en loute for europe a year paaaes and still the wanderer does not return another year a year ot business depression and financial panic a year long to be remembered in tho large oitiea of amorloa bringing poverty liko a thief in tbe night with starvation staring thousands ot baman oroatnrea in the face in anoh times what ohanco is there or an artist what demand for the work of his brash this gyril kenyon soon realizes had he been a bntcbor a bttkor a oandlostiokmaker there might be a oh a nee for him in tho worlds broad arena but who buya piotaroawbon there is no bread in the cupboard and doctors bills increasing and duns aroof daily oaoarence from a modest but reliablo income oyril kenyon ia reduced toa hand to hand straggle for subsistence tho strugglo grows fiercer the antagonist starvation gains tho aacendenoy lifo becomes a burden to the artist somotiraea turning from tho dainty beauty of tbo woman who has lured bim to his own destruction and who is rapidly dogonerating into a peevish scold making bis daily burden heavier if his thoughts revert to a woman whom be deserted and made mook of ono need not wonder she is away in sonny italy lingering beside beautlfal lakocomo dreaming the happy hoars away with an loexaastible fortune at bor command gradually hia strength fails bim and al last he is unable to leave bis room he has given up his studio a long while ago hia wife burdened with the oaro ot the two little ones that have oome to thorn is ineoffiient weak in heart and mind as well poor as lam sho is pooror still but i wiltwork for us both margaret i bavo uo hopo that you will aver forglvo moor oonilono my offeubo you with your mlgbty prldo will saoru and con- damn mo and i shrink from tlio thought of mooting you i could not boar lo sua ecu to nipt in your honoat oyos i dare not hopo for par don i can only nay god btoaa you and faro 3 wolll oyiul sbe reads tho letter over onoe twice then she tarns and lajs it upon the bed of coals in thograte beside her it shrivels into ashes she draws the diamond from her finger and lays it lb liwronoo danos- burys band be good enongwta return mr kenyons ring she says iu a voioe that out like a knife and say to him that i hopo bo will bs happy aa bappy as lie debervoa she paubos for a moment aud thou goes on slowly say to bim tbat were i dying and knew that my soulaealvation depended upon my granting pardon for his bin i would not forglvo html say to him that i stop miss heatherwood i i bog of yoa bay no more heavon knows i would givo my poor lifo to save you one pang heaven knows that i despise 0 r it konyon as a graven and coward jet 1 beieech you do not let such mad words pass yonr lips you aro too pobls a woman margaret heatherwood not to forgive loave mo ehe eajs slowly i i wish to be alono ho takes ber unresisting hand and lifts it to hia lips ob if she were only poor this heiress to millions how earnestly would this man strive to win tbe heart whloh cyril kenyon has thrown away the door doses bobind him aud she is alone sho loaves the arawingroom and walks straight and erect up the broad staircase to her own apartment enters and closes its door behind ber thon her unnatural calm gives waj she takes his piotnre from tho wall a boud smiling face with laughing bluo o ea and a weak womanly mouth shaded by aailky golden mustache sho gives the portrait one sweeping glance then without a moments hesitation sbe lays it npon the fire sho tears open her desk and draws forth letters a look of golden hair and some trifling gifts they too are tosbod upon tbo fire and shrivel to sabea she opens the door of an adjoining room upon tbe bed lios a marvellous oreatlon of anowny satin and illusion the wedding dress for to morrow the wedding which will never tako plaoa bhe throws the ehiniog robe on tbe floor and eeta her little feet aavagely npon it and renda it into uneightly fragments then gathering it np into her arms a binning shimmering beap bho orabhob it into tbo fireplace and stands watching tbo rod flames carl and iiok it up into oblivion tbe veil too lies a scorching mss npon tho fire when all is done bhe sinks npon her knees n little pitiful blaok robod figure tho look upon her stern facte would touoh a heart of adamant as ber voioe cold and measured falls upon tho silence of tho room may ho live to buffer as i am suffering nowl oh heaven lifting her olapbod hands i bebeech thee to pat ish this man and to wring hia heart oven as he has wrung minel may he suffer suffer suffer 1 her hands drop nervelessly to hor eldos she reels unsteadily and falls prone upon ber face in merotfnl obliviou and hero her aunt mrs tracy finds bor when morn ing dawns and tbo story of cyril kenyons desertion is sosn told it is the day which was to have been margaret heatherwooda wedding day she appears at tho brakfaattable looking pale and proud but there is nothing to betray ber bufferings to the world outside only good mrs tracy fathoms the depthb and knows that the poisoned shaft haa a utvmn my iii nll wai1bw0uth lom1i i mow with what a glory cornea and ocs tho year i tho budd of bpring tlioso beautiful hnrblukorb ot mi liny allien mid cioikiileb union enjoy mfo nowmntj nnd oarth u urnlturo spread out and whoa tbo silver habit of tho clouds couioh down upon tho autumn aun and with a sobor filadnoab tho old oar tulteu up his bright inlieritauco of goldon fruiu a pomp and pugeaut fill tho uplondid bcoiio tboro la a beautiful spirit breathing now its in o i low rklmosb on tho troos and from a booker full of richest dyoa touring now glory on tho autumn woods and lipping in warm light tba pillared dlqada moro ou tho mountain luto a bummer bird lifts up hor purplo wing and in tbo vsloa tbo joutio wind a sweat and pasplpnato wooer kiarca tho blushing leaf and stirs up lifo witiilu tho boloiun woodb of ash deep or ni so nod and eilvtir baocli and umplo yallow loavod whoro autumn llko a faint old man ells down uy tho wftjaido a weary bb body ona day lawruunu dauuauu discovers the destitution and suffering of his onetime friend ho writes at once to miss hot hor wood and tells brf tbo wholo story truly you aro avougad bo saya and if you wish to triumph ovor his downfall oomo homo at onoo she reads tho lottcr in beautiful floronco the olty ot lillies sho lays tho letter down and glanceb into her aunts fiico we will sail tomorrow on tho otjja aunt traoy she says slowly i must go borne laarenoe danosbury is poor aud tho bin all assistance whioh ho oan render tho starving artist and his family is but tem porary yat for old times bake be does so at onoe onac60dut of tho stringency of tbe times the younger members of bin ofllco staff are dismissed and in aplto of faithful aer vi cob and great capabilities lawrenoo dauesbary is among the number cyril i oyril 1 open your eyes i dont yoa know me margaret heatherwood bends over the bed where the artist ts tying pale and attenuated in a hauconsoioas condition at tbe bedside hia wtfo is standing with a helplebb look upon her protty ahildish face tbo artists 03 ca flaro open and meet tbo pitying gazo of tbo woman to whom ho bas brought anguidhund humiliation he puts up ono thin hand before his ojea ho car not look upon her fuco margaret ho faltere surely jou aro nvenged i am a wreck h poor pitiable wreck and mypuuiahmentisjubt ourbqjne spurnjne i dcaeryq it all and more but i have learned this losson qod never prospers tho wrong doer for jong murgttrer margarot turn yonr sad eyes away they burn into my ory poull for answer bho lifts the heavy head and holds u glafls of rare old wino to his parch od lipa then sho bathes his brow with cologne water and with mrs tracys assistance administers a little light re freshment he is dying for laok ot strengthening nourishment whon sbo has made turn comfortable ehe turns to the pretty blue eyed biren who iiqb lured him from his first love you need rest bho saye gently i have taken tho hborly to aecuro a trained durbo for your for mr konyon i have also ordered aomo supplies and coul and blankets you must take good care of yourself mrs kenyon for the bake of your little ones the next day margaret heatherwood sonde for hor lawyer and proceeds to bottle upon ril kenyon a generous income for anld laug byne sho says but he in tho depths of his newly awakenod soul knows that this is margaret heatherwooda rovenge who shall say tbat it is not a noble ono a week later margaret is sitting alone at twilight in the red drawing room the rosy glow of the 11 ro at her feet lights np ber calm thoughtful face hor eyes are full of brooding badness some one enters the room and comes to her bide sho lifts her bead and sees lawronco danesbnry in his dark oyes chero is bomotblng that thrills ber heart with a strange subtle pain miss heat hor wood his voice trembles alittlt i have come to say farewell x have accepted a position upon a london journal and shall bail in two days her oyes meet hie thou fall bwiftly from before them sbe ribcs to ber feet and stands leaning against the mantoh the odor of robos floats through the room tike a balmy breath from araby tho blebt must you go v sho falters trying hard to bo brave he looks at her sadly with infinite long ing in iit3 eyes a longing to fall at hor feet and pour oat the fullness of bis heart to tell her how he worbhlps hor hia queen among women he turns away ho dare not look into her face lost tho words pour forth nnawaro and reveal his hoatt and tbe love of yoarb there hidden away yes i must gol ho makes answer and his voice eouudo very cold and distant yoa see miss hoatberwood it 19 a fine opportunity for a struggling writer and i acknowledge my gratitude for having gam ed this pohition tbo pen is a mighty woapon when wielded aright a wonderful power wben proporly directed though i am poor in worldly goods i am proud tbat 1 belong to tbo ranks of tho hreadwinnors who fight thoir way through lifo at the bbimug poiot ot a pen margaret miss hoalberweod correcting himsof hastily a lolltalo flush crimsoning his cheek will you say goodby now and godspeed ho holds out his hands both hands sho lays hera within them without a word and as tboy stand tha9 there floats upon fbo dead eilonco the sound of a plaintive voice binging pathctioally a vorse from tobiib goodby it is only mrs traoy in tho adjoining mubicroom she knows nothing of law rence danosbury a presonco iu tho house 1 hiss mo straight on tho brows and part again again i my hoart my heart what aro wo waiting for you and i a pleading look a mournful cry flood by forovor good by i good byl goodby forever good by i good byl repeats lawrenco dancbbury lb a quiver ing voico which is almost a sob ob margaret i margaret 1 as they btand atill holding oaeh others tiaods their oyos meet aud liko an inspir ation the truth flashes over margaret hoatberwooda understanding he crushes hor two oold hands madly against hia broaat for an instant then sto6ping toadi es bis lips rortly lightly to hor crown of shining hair goodby foroor my love my lovel ho marmure brokenly thon ho dropa hor hands and moves to the dou murgmut t r it bwiii rui hcus it swing opun una sho utters a low cry oh no no i she mubt not cannot say goodby i lawronco i lawrenco 1 ahooallbaoftly dont go 1 dont gol do not leave me aloue i i shall bo very poor when you are gono i there is something in tbo world bettor than gold lawrenco it is love i ono glanco and he comprehend with out a word ho gathers her to his heart in a close embrace and in that supremo mom ent margaret heatherwood knows that ahe baa won a troaburo that ib pnoelcbs a good mans love vengoance is only dust and doad sea ashes wealth a glittering toy bat the crown of a truo womans life is love pure love i inaction will rust a man as woll as a niacin no itildgo mogtiire writing from dawson city says that tlicro may bo a greater aaaroity of provisions this coming winter tliuu there was last year the teatimoniats in behalf of hoods barsaparilla are written by honest people who want you to know what it bas done for thorn