Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 1, 1898, p. 1

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volxjmjs xxiv no 9 acton ontaeio thxjbsday september 1 1898 wat juhmrree films sb ronlianhd every thubsday morning at the preeprcsssteum rrintinpofllco uilij street aoton ont tknaib of budsciiiption ono dollar per year trlotjlyln advauco all subscriptions dlscon- ttuuodf wliou tlio tlmo for which ttioy havo boon paid baa oxplrod tbo date to which overy ubiaripttonisufld 1b denoted on tbo address labol adtzittieinq b1te8 tramlout -advortlsa- aiouta 10 coats por nonpareil lino or first tn- ortlon a conts por line lor oaeh subsequent iisorttoii contract kates tbo following table shown ur rates for tbo insertion 0 advertisements for specified periods l vntb mo- ilmo imp days bookstore 0 inobefl toooo 3300 11000 700 10 inahed 8500 9000 laoo 7m s00 5 lnahol 1000 1300 950 mnoh 600 360 900 100 witboot apeolflo aireohons trill bo inserted till forbid and charged accord advertisements hi bo inserted ti ugly transient advertisements mustbo paid igly i advance advertisement will bo changed onoo each month it doalrod for ahangos oftoner than snoeamonth the composition must bo paid for at regalai rates changes for contract advertisements mast bo q the olflco by noon on tuesdays aecountspayablo monthly h pmoobb editor and proprietor ffttgiitisfi jbirgctanr- afedical r tohnm macdonald md cm btjccebsoe to t f uren m d 0 m offloo and rosidonco cornor mill frederick street acton hammocks 24 hammocks from 70c to 2 will be cleared at a low price a large quantity pf sponges- at half price the store is full 6f sum mer reading the latest pub lished nd all the old favorites traders bank of canada authorized capita 1000000 day sells cheap as elliott m d m b aoton gniduate toronto univeiibitt office cornor mill and john stroots actod tr dryden etb eilt tpqoat and nohe moloans dlook douglas st noar p 0 guelph office henna 10 am to 1 pm and 3 to 6 pzn bcndvyb 10 am tolpm debtal l l benuettiidb dentist oboboetowh ontario an attractive pair an attractive pair of 5hoe3 add to the genteel appearance of any one manwoman or child we keep the stylish kind the com fortable kind arid the kind that wears well and to which rough usage may be given ah styles all prices all qualitiesjind all as represented we have a complete assort ment including boots and shoes all sizes rubbers slippers etc all styles trunks and valises extra values we are prepared to guarantee that our prices are lower than those paid in the general stores where trade is taken for goods and dealing exclusively in boots and shoes and having over twenty years of practical exper ience we are able to select better goods and at better advantage than dealers who handle every thing saleable custom work and repairing given prompt attention cuelph branch sums of h and npwarda reoeived on depobit anctmiighaat current rate of interest paid or conopoundod halfyearly depoflitrcceiptb ibsued for large earns deposited advances mado to responsible farmers on their own names no obargemadefor collecting 3alea notes it payable in guolpb a generalbanbing business transacted a jp hjone8 0ctry j p coghlan d d s l d s dentist wonkcabefulxyxnb pniots moderate office over poownb dnuo btooe hopna e veiiy d ay fhom 9 to fl jw bell dds lds dentist bnooktoxe honor graduates of tobonto dhiveasitt work mado satisfactory prices moderate viaitino daxb monday aftornoon camp- bellvlllo tuesdav acton offloo clarks hotel friday bockwqou br g h cook dentist cor college st and spadlna ave tobohto will visit aoton oo tbi first and third satur days of oacb month office mr adam cooks rosldonco main street legal m clean m clean barristers solicitors notaries conveyancers aov private fundi to loan offlootown hall aoton wm a molkak jno a moxikin a jmaokinnon daiudfltbd bociciton convbtancbd ofsioemiu street in matthews block upstairs jb mcleod a i adjusted bokicrron cohtetancbh mainstroot goorgotown money to loan at lowost current rates x j mcnasbb clerk fourth division oonrt coanty of hal- 1 on convoyanooriabontfiroandufeaiuuradee bear estate agent alonoy to loan oto offiok ferry mans dlook aoton nt kenney bros main street acton dominion boot and ishoe store latest and best designs of monuments in granite and marble at 20 to 30 per cent reduction jhhamilton proprietor granite marble works cublph is the only direct importer of marble and granite west of toronto and north of hamilton comeand see the largest and best imported stock in the dominion prices for granite imported stock less than others ask for the commonest can- adian or american granite otaoe and workabamzltoits block woolwzcbahoitoitrolksts gu9lph ont branch works now mumburg ont linoleums and oilcloths made as they should be by the most skillful makers in england and scotland very newest patterns in several grades of thickness and qualities linoleums at 35 cts and up to 1 do oilcloths at 30 cts and up to 45 cts j m bond co hardware guelph mtscellaneo us henby qbjbt- oxtatfa oisajji bolloltor of pfctcnta lor invention oto propro applicauom for the cnadun anior- loftd uid buropeaa fatent offlooi and for tbe uesulrtioo of 7rado uarki bond for puri- phrot thirtytwo yearn uperlenco iranois ndnah bookbindeb wyndnam bt onolnl ontario otbxwllliannbtoro aooonnt book of all klnda mado to oroor perlodlcaliofoverydeaorlptlonbarofallybouna bnllnpnoatlynnl promptly dono m arriage dicense8 b p moobe ipnnpn ow uabuob liokksbb private oidee no wltnealoo roqnlrod isauod roiidenco in tlio evening vreo preu offloo aoton xx7v- hembtbeet lioemicdauotiosub or trio gonntlanbf wenington and blton ordersleflatttasfmu fun offloo aoton or atmyrasldeneeinaoton will be promptly am ended to feoa reduced to tboo fob farm bauds alio money tolon on tbe rnoit favorable am and at tbe lowmtratei of lntereat in eameof ssoqand pvrardi wellington mutual fire insurance company bttribxaanis 1m0 ihsubanob on oaeb and untnal plan any oouimonloetlom forwarded to my eddrou hoi 698 or mephone 08 will be promptly at tended o tatlob agent guelpll aoton machine and repair sliops bbnby alllrfdbi proprlotdr abb well equipped wflb all tbe maobinory neoeuary to eieotlte i all repair to machin ery and agrlonltanumplementa and to do all klsdtofemntllnjbomeahoerngandaeneral blaekamltblni woodworkrepalra poryorrned inaeauafaolory manner we can repair and machine or implement of any make saw gamming end flllnff done actortsavy mills and wood yarde jftmbs broiazn kaxoraotuaxn axn dkaxin 1 xumber tin ffhlngla wood j5e all kind ol wood in took and promptly delivered to any pert of tbetownat raeooblo prloel nardwoodaneelebaeatetove lengtli alwj on band telenbone eomrnnnleetlov quicfc for bargains as waters beos have leased de cartarets store next pringles and intend to move in about the 1st of september quick quick quick for bhrck1ns sun savings and loan co head office tobonto ont authorised capital 600000000 tenyear maturity shares are pid in monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease 86000 paid in maturity value fioooo money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to it j mcnabb agent aoton avcton livery bus line tbo nndorilgned reipeotfolly eollelte thepatron age of tbe publle eno inform them that well equipped and btfuabrlgi oan al wayabnbooured atbleatablea a comtortable bni meeual tralne between b am end 818 pm oarefnl attention given toeveryorder tbe wante of oommeroial travel- lenfallymet john wjlliams pbovbiktoh tupitsxo ahouldnotorerlookthegreatadvant age of a nraolloal ooune of inetrno- 1 tlon at the quelph bnsiiiess college and shorthand institute fatl bk88ion will oommenfe tnefday bentember 8th write or cell if inlereeted olronl art free j beabp prlnelpe school opens consequently we are daily fitting up pupils with their opening outfits bovs and cirls it wilt please you to look over our brand new stock of school supplies weciany a full line of scribblers lined and unllned from ic upwards slates cloth bound plain or wire bound 5 to 15c slate sponges 3c each pencils tens and compasses all prices crayons for map drawing etc and all other such articles used by the pupila also school text books drawing books and copy books with a full line of high schooltext books for 51 h class and high school work call and see our stock before you buy j d mckee chemist acton telephone correspondence tu saxo wo alng tlio farao of tho saxon name and tlio pallor ita worldwido power of its trlumpbs vat in the glorious put and tliorulgbtof tho rising hour and our bosoms glow for wo proudly know with tho flag of ufghi uufarlod that tho btrongui and kill of the 81x00 will is bound to rulo tho world and to glory not 1 tho qmpty thought that tliohbxoo arm fqtetronff nor alonotoknow tbo rjifl aijrely bo that thoaoab to her bolodg but this our prldo with wrong defied and tho ilncloufl backward burlod tbaj tlio wora of god our triumph rod la bound to rulo tho world in days ot yoro frpm tbo saxon ihoro our aalmrn fathora came tboy 001kju0504 then by tho might of moq and sword and apear aud famo but to ua tis given by tho voloo qt baavon with thpppaco flag for unfurlod in our unions might by thp power of bight to rulo ncath god tbo world in tho oldoti tlmo thoro woro doodi aubllnio aud doarbougbt vlotorlaa woo for tlio hearts woro truo on the hoaving bluo or behind tbo fortress gun and they ohnnoplonod bight la their rising mlfiut with thalr warflags old unfurlod yoa wrong went down noatb tbo saxon frown but its uuiilo aliall rilo thf world and porohanco of old if tbo truth bo totd thoro woro brotbor hoarta estranged but tho wound i healod and tho friendship hoaled as tbo yonrs liiivo upward radgod lot tho talaof wrong nowdoadso long with tho old warflags bo f urlod for a poacpbubllmo in tho coming tlmo la bound to rulo tbo world tis a mighty dowor this earthwldo powor and a mighty task involves wth our hearts btvqltiuo lot 14a hold in yjow the might of our high xosolvoa let us stand for right fn our raoos might with our foarlcsa flag unfurled for tho might of ijovo from our god abovo is bound to rulo the world wirb wood in mpotroa wttnoii 7 jprice thuee oe2sts stelcrt yatnilij ilfaing boots anfi shoes made to order arrd repaired george stovel practical 8hoemaker has opened a shop in the premises lately occupied by w h adams tailor he has badjargeexperiencein wnrk qndla consequently able to fill all orders in the neatest possible manner fine turned work and patching receive special attention orders filled on shortest notice call or send your order to george stovel cor mill and main streets acton 75 nobbysuit for fall and winter cooper akins thetailor8 now is your time to get a nobby suit for fall anil winterrris we have just boened up a fine selection of imported tweeds serges and worsteds and are prepared to tafco your order at right prices fit and workmanship guaranteed flrat- olaee and uptodate overcoatings a good range of fall overcoatings call and inspect our stock before leaving your order cooper jtakins main st acton georgetown electric works t bi propri manufacturers of dynamos electric motors 1 water motors and hydraulic rams ripe and btoaxu fitting aud general repair ing belngoquippodwltfiagabbrulogmbroiildo i am proparod to do b rasing on uloyele fravmea o wbeoli oontarted from oireet to tangsnt bpokei bundle liars bent to any desired angle in una ofbnohei kept in stoofc sttlsttvotlon 1 bloyolos onamoled in any color guarautood xj speioht qeorgetown w barber bros papbrbjakbrb geoeqhtown ont machine uxmtt a bp101altt or v- iiiqn jbadb weekly news the paper assotl in thii journal is from tho above milli v wm babber a bob ateqt lotheswnngers by anhx bneilds it i eoald only persuade yoa to marry tom it would maho everything straight paid mra daltoy plaintively ive beard of that nndertaking making everything orooked said tom atretohing himbelf lazily in his ohafr i really really ooald not think of it mother but why not v i am sore jaok was happy till poor bessie died tbore it la yoa flee she died and there is jaok with three babies and fan torn in two between her love for john trnitt and ber relaotanoe to leave her brothers darlings to urtants now if jaok had remained a baohelor how much trouble might have been aaved and if yoa get married how mnoh trouble may yet be saved then i oan go to new york get fans trousseau attend to tbe wedding and stay with jaok until minnie osn keep house for him mintdol why minnies the baby not two years old i yoa dont expect fred or willie to grow up to bo hoasokoopere do yoa i no mianio ia to be edaoated for that position do be reasonable tori ever since your anole died yoa seem to mhtraai every body have 1 not good oauie when did invitations ever pour npon me as they have since unole williams fortune came to roe lie abonld have divided it well perhaps hut be never forgot that yoa nursed him through the small pox at tbe hbk of yoar health and beaaty knew after he recovered how it would be he almost told me but there is clara meredith barely yon cannot luspecl bar of mercenary motives with her own ample income and old mr moore has surely eafiiolont lo keep daisy from the neoeialty o m h ami mra dalley hesitated i thought yob really cared for laura reynolds toms face oloaded laura beyholds never lets pais an opportunity to tell me that money is her idol and she will never marry any man who cannot give her wealth that doesnt sound like laura not like tbe laura yoq know but th one who appeared after unole- will died if it oould only be aettlod before i come home from new york i most go if only for a weok or two and how much of that now china will be left when i come baok i shudder to think make up your mind it will all be smash ed and then it will be a pleasant surprise if you find a plate or teaoop go in good spirits mammy ill do firstrate ill dine at the clab and sorely with three ser vants i can get a breakfast but mrs dalley departed with diro mis givings she looked up the new china and various other treasures dear to a housekeeper and she implored tom to seek a wife every hoar when they convers ed but tom was not easy on the subject a man not nndoly modest goodlooking and popular he was yet shrewd enough to see how much bis money influenced his society frlendi there ware three ladles to whom be hid paid some attention and who bad plainly let bltn see that tbay were no in t him b l on t whom bis heart went oat laura reynolds bis playmate lo obi id hood his friend always had driven him away from her by strange caprices never before had ha suapeoted her of mercenary motives but her own frankness on the subject repelled and mortified bim mrs dalley had been in new york a week when reading tbe newspaper one morning aheftddenly orled jaok i fanl listen f ob poor tom i and she read aload 1 we have it from good authority that the failure of the q bank has so heavily in volved tba esutoor tba late william hollls that bis bolr mr tliomaa dalley will not only lose his supposed fortune bdtbeoompellstl to use bis patrimony to oororbia liabilities exolaroatioos of inrprise and sympathy followed this announcement whlob was first published in toms native pity not only from hit affectionate relatives but from a large cirole of so oalltd friends tbe surprise id moit oases rather exoeeded tho sympathy bat some old friends who had stood a little apart when toms inher itance came pressed- forward again will offers of service ii was soon after oils fearful paragraph sppsared that mils clara meredith was summoned to tho parlor to seo aentle- man for a gintleman ho is if bis coat is shabby muttered the servant as aho want downattire again mlaa lereclith sailed grandly into tho parlor her jong allk tratn ruetllng as she moved i the gentleman rose i ventured tooall eavid the gentleman fluently uo see if i- could peranade yoti to try onepof pur patent olothebcwringere tho beeiby far miaa meredith over pot on the market j mr dalloy goaped glara yesrtom daltoy ioii aee when i came to grief i badp try something and ive taken thia agenoy or tbe present until otnetbiiig better tqras up and my old friends aeemed to me the proper persons to tooallupouv fperlalhly yea said hjjas meredith coldly vou oan leave a dozen of the the waahrbollers lilt t and send in your bill aud whenever you have anydomeatio artiqlea to sell you oaf leave them with the aervants i would never refuse to aid bonoat lndaatry will yoa excuse me now i will ring for the bervant to take tbo ciothebborsea ia it and she aailed away not beeiog the twitchingi of toms mnetaobe that ended in a roar of laughter when tie was in fbe mtsi moore waa more oivii but not more cordial call after call did tom make re buffed hero- patronised there some friends were coldly aympathio some cur- ions but all had a atond off manner that was a novelty to tom he trudged bravely until duak when he rang the bell of ft modest house the residence of mrs lawrence reynolds and ber daoghter his face was gravo his eyea hq longer twinkled eorotly hja ilpq closed flrmly heroaliaod thainault lieco would loave bim heart aore and discouraged both mrs reynolds and her daughter were in the ooay sittingroom as he eutec- od and listened wiln interested faces as ho explained his errand tbero was a merry light in lauras eyes as she eaid certainly we want a clotheswringer tom one apiece i batpardon me if i am impertinent but dont yon think you had better learn to t how them a little better if you are going into tho business t you have that upside down and the rollers are not intended to come off aa you seem to imagine tom will eoon loam all about it eaid mrs itferediih cheerfully yoa can give bim a lesson aftor tea youll stay to tea tom take off your coat laura tell hannah to bako somogrlddlcoakes the way tom likes them tom madenopretensoat hesitation he waa ont of his overooat before tbe invita tion waa fairly finished and in tho eoat that bad been toms ohittr for many a long year mans this jolly he eaid when laura was alone with him mrs reynolds haying miaglvinga about tho cafate very jolly i eaid laura i supposo i ought to pull on a long face tom and weep over yoar sorrows but really i can not i think a man is worth fivo times as mnoh earning what ho spend as ho ia lolling about doing nothing but ependlngiho money eomeono cibb has worked to gatbur tojeetber bat lollie said tom asing hie pot name discarded for two years yoa said yoa adored wealth that no poor man need venture to aspire to your love stop tom atop i did not mean i was afraid and laura crimsoning with confusion earns to a sadden pause yon were afraid to let me see that you loved me ob lollie lollie eay yee and make me tho happiest man in the world snob a faint yes responded that it was a wonder tom heard it but he did andlvfrs reynold a entering euddenly did not look ahooked at all at a tableau of- laura with her head on toms shoulder and tom grinning iliteciliioy abovo it- by touchinq a button opera glasses not guns bat mrs dalley said when she came on to the second wedding fans being a thing of the paet i do not understand iu the least tom i tbooght your uncle williams monoy was loot entirely those nowa paper fellows always exag gerate said tom with a bluab but i had only a few hundred dollare iu the g bank however mammy if you will not mention lhtt to xipllio uptil after the wedding 1 will oooeider it a favor oh i see i said mrs dally did honor bright tom did yoa write the newspaper paragraph yourself tom well perhaps bat rnanamy if jaok or fan would like a patent olothcawringor theres a dozen or so in the cellar and lollie knows all about them how they horew on the tuba and tear off tho buttona and twist tho throada and strain tbe seama and all when i peddle them noxt lions ahe is going too to explain i think it would bo advisable said mrs dalloy dryly a topsyturvy land tbo chinese surname cornea first ioetoad of last the chinese begin dinner with dessert and end with sonpjnd fleh tho ohlnese shake their own handb instoftd of tho hands of those they greet the spoken language ot china is not written and tho written language ia not pekefli 1 tho gblneae launoh their vessola side wism and mount their bones from tho off aide tho chinese do ovory thing baokwards they eiaouy reverie the ubual order of civilisation books are read baokwud and what we oall lootnotos are inserted at the top of tba page tba obfneao drois in wliito at funerals and in mourning at weddings whilo old women always serve as liridesmalds note first that the ohinose com pais point to the south instead of tho north the men carry on dressmaking and the women carry burdens plenty the commander of a modern fighting if the small boy fferetsusht to think of ship manages bia floating fortresa almost the suffering of tho turtle or toad of conreo wholly by oleotrloity ensconced within the steel walla of the conning tower any admiral in any forthcoming hlspano- amorioan engagement will direct tho steer ing of his vessel by moving an indicator on a dial the dial is electrically connected with another dial close by the man at the helm who in thlt way receives his orders notification that hia order has been obeyed is instantly telegraphed back to the cap tain who meanwhile has bk eye upon aqother dial that abowb how the ibipjs moving on this dial is alio an indicator whiph he seta at balfbpeed back her go ahead or- stop her as be wishes thus transmitting bis comrqandq to the engine room never before in tbe history of warfare baa so muoh depended upon the brains of the commander he is literally the soul of hja ightinm maciiido tho only combatant on board who has any freedom of action hia officers and men are merely parts ot the meohanlsm which he directs he may be said indeed to point aud shoot every gun the eleotrio range finder record a in the conciqg towor the exact distanco of the energy in yards bo that he knows when tbe great pannoncon be most cfccotlvely dia oll soon thrpidflroani of the secondary battery can advantageous ly dullver their ehowers of bursting shells the whole ship may be said to be operat ed and controlled by the touch of an eleotrio button she is illuminated throughout by olaotrioity eleotrio fans force fresh air into her interior her search lights are elpptrio her turrets are turned and her guns fired by eleotrioity if thsre h fire or a leak anywhere notification of the faot is given by an eleotrio alarm she bastwjntuofliaxelenhqnes conntouog all paits of the vessel with a fully equipped oentral station everything on board ia done by eleotrioity except the cooking and an effort is now being made to introdaco eleotrio galleys tbe eleotrio spark in faot will play a most important part in the war as an agent pfdeatruotioadireot and indireot it will be cpnipioaqqs from the beginning to the end of the conflict the banks part in farming how doee a bonk help tbe farmer with tbe approoh of tho time for plow ing and planting seeds and fertilizer will be necessary how can the farmer bay thorn if tbe last season was a poor one he has spent all of his earnings in rasping tho household daring tbo jong winter he goes to tho dealer in fertilizer in the pereot village and sake what is tubprloctbf fertilizer a ton fifty dollare the dealer replies well i will need two tonb and that will amount to 9100 yes take it along now i havent the ready cash jast now but oh thats all right i know youre good for it take it along and give me your noto payablo in four months by that time yoar crops will be yielding a profit tho farmer givos hia note tho dealer indorses it and givob itjapayinent to tho wholesaler from whom he gets the fertilizer the wholesaler bends it to the manufacturer of the fertilizer who in turn takes it to bis bank and borrows tho money on it leas tbo intereat- tho farmer gets his seed in the bamo way and at tho time of the expiration of the notes is able to meet his obligations thus instead of tbe farmer being com pelled to wait until he oan get the oah to paybeforebo can bay the fertilizer and seed he obtains them when he needs them the dealer instead of having to wait on til the farmer gets tho money before be cap sell his goods sella them in the proper beason and receives what is to him prac tically cash tbe wholesaler receives from tbe retailer what is as good as cobii tnhim and the manufacturer receives virtually bash from the wholesaler how would all this bo possible wero it not that the bankers had colleoted the idle money of other pooplo and wero able to lend it out to good advantage tho farno would go an pi anted tbo ground would go nntilled there would bo no orops to yield a profit thats whore tho bank helps tho farmer now york prcm the hare and the sage once upon a time the hare went to tho sago with tears in her eyes and and began oh sage my feelings are being burt from day to day and i have come to beg a groat favor ot you well what wonldbt thou i want a tall tbe bamo as tho coon and possum and woodohuok urn i belter think tho matter over for a week or bo i have given it muoh thoaght oh sage and my taleis that i want a tail well dont blame me it things dont tarn bat right presto oh an ge and yoa are no longer a bobtail the hare started homo with her brash dragging behind her and was feeling very proud end vain over tbo acquisition when a fox espied hor aud gave ohaso she reaohod her borrow and dived into it bat e tall stac oat- sod he s aud dragged ber forth and devoured hor let well enough alono whether it islonii tailed or bobtailed by bicycle frieqht the boy would not leave rtln on hia back if be thought of tho starving birdlings in tbo neat ho would hesitate to kill tbo mother bird jeremy dentham says give your boy an opera ribbs and send bim into the woods lo learn ibo patience ingenuity and indualry of blrdb lo5him earufl distinguish the eong of one bird from another arouse his ouriobity as to their wdudorfulhabit ad give him tho innoaont delight which the study of natural history la sure to being into hie life ond holiday pleasure teach him tbo eoward- iqo oftprtuiing bolploaa birds lot him kuowtbeir valuoas inaoctesterp and that we need a great many more birds in our woods aud near bur homea than ve now have inaiat that the coming generation eball realiso the sin of oraelty and tho bad tendency of any act which gives tho ques tion ot lite and death into irresponsible hands jenkin lloyd jon m saye it ia the boys i am oanoerned about raoreihan tho aparrowaand i earnestly objoot to this patting inoipiont murder into the hearts of bur boys aud the isle frances e williards words in ft rcoent lettnr to mr angelt aro none too strong i look upon yoarmisaionaa a eaored ouonot second to any that are founded iu tho narao ot christ tbe man who shoots a thousand birds for anatomical or technical examina tion learns loss than ho who oarefully atadies tho habits and thoroughly learns the eong of one tho muohabused sparrow has friends among naturalists who declare him to be a useful iubect eating bird let ub encourage birds to build abput us by feeding them and puttingup bird boxoa for their bests lot us discourage as far as possible the destruction of bird and endeavor to teaoh the bmall boy and tho large boy as well that a live bird ia much more interesting to w tit oh than a dead one thus we may change hs interest in birds from that of a savage to that of a natural ist one good way to do this id to form bands pf mercy in schools and elsewhere if yoa will write to george t angoll 19 milk street boston asking for informa tion yoa will receive full directions free of coat our dumb animals rjpaxvbst hutu iiayuond wolooiiietlirico welcome o bountiful lmrvoef klssodby fclio aanboatiib and wahod by tlio ralu over tho bosom or oartli fair and goldon wave tho bright rlpploa of frolicklnr rraln itlpo for the reaper wlio com5a lmppylioartod booking ho ivoalth that la groat oat ana bust food for tbe poojlo rrho lovluqly offer xraleo to tholortd for tlio harvest is bloat woloouio turico wolcarao o bountiful liarvput noblo tho tfcilora who rather it iit early and lata wltli 11 purpqaountlrliifi bwoota ovorrlowiuk onoli baukot and bin iruft from tbq iroofl where tlio bouh birds liavo cardlod grapaatht tlio breezes liavo aliylycarofisod all for tho pooplo who lovingly olfori pralaototboiibjrd for tho harvest isbluat a sacred sonqs influence of pbila- a ohlneie pfacobe 1 gary wrote when only eeventeen years of age perhaps the rnpat beantifal of all hor poems commencing ono sweotly solemn thought comos to mo oor sqd oer i am noaror home today than i havo over been boforo and ondlng fathor porfeet my trust let my spirit feel in death that my foot are flrmly set on tba rook of living faith the rev bussell h con well delphla eaye that once visiting gamblinghouse he found two amerioaos drinking and gambling there the older who waa winning all the money constantly giving utterance to the foalqst profanity while the older was deuling the cards for another game the younger began singing the words of the first vereo but as ho sang the older stopped dealing and throwing down the cardsaidrwherb did you learn- that in an american sundayeehool said the younger come said tbe elder gambler getting np come harry here what i havo won from you go and use it or some good purposo as for m as god sees me i have played my last gamo and drauk my last bottle 1 havo misled yon harry and i am sorry give mo your hand my boy and say that for old americas sake if for no ofher you will quit this infomal business it gave miaa gary great happiness to learn of this incident before her death her groundless fears clara with emotion george are you s ton- m my george fervently while lire last own 1 olara buppreabing a toar george if trials and tribulations abonld oomo george amazed my heart is youre ajoho my love and always will he olara sobbing george are you enre perfectly euro that nothing nothing at last could cool your affeotiou george thoroughly alarmed my grac ious whats happened has your father failed olara hystorloally worac far worse t george muoh relieved tell me all my angel i oan bear it olara with a heroio elfortigeorge ive got a a boil coming ooming on my nose new york weekly rough on solomon tho following incident happened at ono of the oatcoheesmo which are held peri odically in scotland for all tho room ber a of tbe kirk of a certain diatriot tbo lesson wab in eccleslastcb saye mr johnston and ono day they had been disoasbing tbe vorso iu which solomon says among a thousand men i have found one but among a thousand women have i found not one meaning one jast ond godd and upright and an old scotch woman when bho had listened in ail once and hoard the rest aocept it as present and gospel troth got her dander up and roao to hor f r- hootr she said indignantly her eyea blazing do yon find why hat wob it was beoauae nao decent woman wad bo seen in his oompany milwaukee wis consin a brand of whiskey fs advertise called horn of 1lenty on this a temperance writer remarks that they have chosen tho name wisely for out of the thing designated shall oome mplenty of poverty pic ity of paiu pieriljr of sorrow plant y of shame plenlyof broken heart it hopes doomoi and railed plenty of graves for the pollers field philatmihta ifetiiodlst a young woman who rides a bloyole and is a warm friend of the officers and their wives board tho other day some lament that all the yonng fresh pork reoently running about ghlcamaaga park had met a most timely and satisfactory end she had read charles lambs esray upon roast suckling pigs arid she felt the pathos of the lament being invited to dinner at camp the other even ing she rode put to ohiohaumuga iu tbe afternoon on her bioycle- onthawayshe espied a litter of tlio loveliest the blackest tbedampllngest young pigs you evor saw bho made a satisfactory bargain with a armor for oue of ha loveliest of said pigs bho bad kilianlstrsp she made the farmer give the piglet a bath and then she strapped bis rqaraling porclncsity to ber handlebars aud rode into camp with an accompaniment of round that by th colonels express 00m maud called put the regimental band for a serenade in her honor a good driver how graivdpaboiledtheegos it le half past oloyen aaid grandpa aad tho mason will not havo tbo chimney fixed boforo three oclock then itfapposowe must get along with a cold lunoh eaid grandma well said grand pa after a moment perhaps i can boil some egta i wilptry it but isnt it too windy to make a lira out of doora aiked grandma i shall not need a tire that sounds like n joke said edith no joke at all ucaid grandpa gomo out and aee bring the eggs and a tight covered oin when a few minutes afterward grand- ma and edith wont out to the baok yard grandpa was putting eome freah limo into an old pail ho took the can of eggs they brought and filled it nearly full of cold water then fitting the lid on carefully he bet it in a hollow place bo had made in tho lime edith watohed him curiously will the lirjio bum ebo aaked shall i bring ome jaaatohes- you forget you know t was not to use any fire eaid grandpa well start it with cold water now i know youre joking said edith wait a mooiant and youll sco replied grandpa he poured in water and put a board over the pail o i cried dditb when in a very short time it began to babble and steam as if a hot fire wero burning under the pail and o i eheoried a great deal louder when a white creamy mass oarae pouring over the top and down tlio sides of tho pail it did not last long in six minutes the bubbling bad ceased so grandpa took a long iron dipper and gently lifted out tbp oan all coated with the lime he rinsed it off tbsn opened it and took oat tbe nice white eggs and when they broke them at lanob they found them cooked jast exactly right delia hart stone ih yout7 companion to business boys i onoo knew a boy who was a clerk in a large mercantile house which employed as entry olerka buyers bookkeepers beside a small army pf porters paokers and truok- men this boy of fourteen felt that amid such a crowd howas jpat to notice and that any efforts bo might make would be quite unregarded nevertheless ho did bis duty every morning at eight oolock bo was promtly in hlef place and every power that he poabepeed was brought to bear upon hia work after ho bad bcon there a year he had occasion to abk a weeks leave ot- absence durfng tbo busy season that ia an udufufil request was the respbned and one which it is sondowbat inoonven- ieut for u9 to grant but for the purposo of allowing you that we appreciate the effort you have made since you have been with us wo tako pleasure in giving you tho leavo of absenco for which you ask 1 didnt think said tho boy when be oame home that niut and related bis bucccsb that they know a thing about me but it aeerm that they havo watohed me evor since i liavo beon with them thoy had indeed watohed him and fitdfietoa blrntdr advab7sombrnfor short- ly afterwards he was promoted to a posi tion of truar for thoro ia always a demand for cxcollent work a boy who moans to build up for bim sal fa success ful business will flud it a long and difilauu task ovon if ho brings to bear efforts both of body and mind but he who thinks to win without doing his vpry best will find himself a loser in tho race a family affair a woallhy widow waa about to marry a widower whose sole possession cbnsibted of a family of small children on the day bet apart for tho happy event a friend ot the probpootivo groom met ono of bis children alittlo girl of g years and to see what aho would eay bo acoostod her with where aro yoa going uamio all dress ed up so fine im going to a wodding aho bald proudly whoao wedding was his noxt query mrs nobles replied ehe andwho la wre noblo going to marry why said she in an antonished tono dont yon know shes going to marry usl new york trulh cyclists phrases the practice of oyoling is packing many now phrases into this portmanteau a simple bnt significant scone occarod in devonshire streot the other day which we witnessed from oar lanotatn window a heavily loaded wagon dravu by a pair of large horses stopped for a moments rest tho driver a rough and hardy look ing man went about the animals lifting the broad harness here and adjusting it in another place spreading ibe headstall birndersahdshlflinr the saddlo tearinger it was a warm day and tho horses were very wet with perspiration ho patted them about tho head kindly first one thon the other and tbero eeomed to bo a perfect understanding between man and boast we felt alittlo annoyed to seo tho heavy load too heavy but ha driver had no whip and when he was ready and spoke to the horses thoy responded with all their power and tho great wajbt moved steadily along to lis destitution boston aiobe language of ours a man who boasts fa now said to rido with a very high gear one who is unduly haughty has sand ia bis bearings but the newest is tho description of a slow and dull porson as a regulator after an imaginary olaes of so called us being so slow that allother machines go by it and it is not polite for ono cyclist tooall another a liar if ho oalla him a cyolometcr tho eamo end is more ologsntly achieved sold a guelpliito answored an advertisement offering to pay at the rata ot 2 per 1000 for distributing circulars he sent 60 cents jisjevidonco of good faith expeoted two or three thousand circulars by tho next mail ho received a letter in which was enclosed ten circulars and a two ceiifatamp two cents being at tbo ante of 92 pir 1001 it will soflloo tossy that ho did not distribute tho circulars gentle hint no your swcot face is my book of lifo i swear it she but your oath is not valid until you have kissed tho book exchange

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