Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 8, 1898, p. 3

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v fy iil he bank of hawhron headofrioe- hamilton capital all dbld up 1 26000000 reserve fund 77booooo total assets i i i9si440o nearly ton millions olilolliirs board of directors oim sauaiit a q bambax president r vlooproaldont qaonoaoii join pnocron a t wood atblkb xptrowj wk aiosoln mp ttjnndutlouhlor h s stb ven ant osuhlor h m waisoninepeotor c eor ce acency a general banking business transacted notes of responsible farmers discounted andspeclal attention given to the collection of sale motes- and commercial paper generally drafts issued payable at all principal points in canada and united states t drafts on great britain bought and sold savings department deposits of i and upwards received interest allowed at current ratesand added o rjturclpalevery year whether passbook isbrought in or not special deposit receipts issued for large sums aftent the ne at home mostly of a local character and overvltem interesting jrbeil georgetown ont ttmiiss thursday sepiembeb 8 1898 little lo b which caught the eyes or bars of free press reporters this weak all week plebiscite talk now for few pleasant xi has been a very haint it the toss pnnsu to the end of the year fort quarter the last of the holiday makers will toon return home georgetowns rate of taxation is 20 mills en the dollar this year arnold bros glove- works have been running oyer time for several weeks mike op our mind to vote for prohibition on the sotb and save the boys the next meeting of the township council will be held on monday 10th inst ins iisiy of i the briowv was surely the indy of the sunshine in earnest last week- rev- mr moalpine and itev t b forbes exobango palpits next sunday afternoon about seventyfive cars of bark fortbe tanneries here hare been received t the station this week tbo orescent baorosso olab will play a game with the waterloo olnb next saturday afternoon ths blgli winds on sunday were bard on the apple andplnm prop muob- of the fruit wis blown off the trees rrthe- man who has been keeping baoheicr hall all summer will enter again upon the joys of domestio life the next session of guelph presbytery will ha held in knox ohoroh guelph on toesdaj 20th lnil at 10 a m prohibition jpter i useyonrinflaenoo to bain your friends and neighbors to decision in favor of prohibition the g t jr painters have greatly improved the appearance of the station and surroandlngtrdurlng the week fsltmsnl havs yon siny stray cattle onyonrjremlsesr if so tbe fobs passe will aid yon in flodlngtbelr owners messrs beardmore co are just eomnlsjlnga naw briokcoalhorisg at their leather warehouse at the 0 t it depot ibevra bollovllls small boys who robbed a peer orchard and stoned the owner were sent to jail for five days each ewsry trsln to toronto this week baa been crowded even ho 085 train on monday morning had hardly standing trie beautiful and much needed rain of past fow days has at last pat an end tbo fotenso drouth and everyone is nsrav ttbefown of mount forest is going in laying mors permanent sidewalks i more the people see of them the more r likelbem fell with a zray loidoilorol while helping his brother and oarter harvey with a load of empty packing bases on friday afternoon matter wmhe clark eon of mrrgeo clark bower avenue met -with- a somewhat eerlous injury when crossing the tracks at mill street the load was jostled off and willie falling across thodaah biafdrwainbjoreatntht tibdo- men there wore fears of internal injury atftrat hut tho little fellow is doing nicely this week st albaua barveat festival the annual harvest festival- services will bo held in st albana church next sunday sept 11th at the usual hours and at st johns ohurob rockwood at 8 pm the churohea will be appropriately deoorated and special services held the rev wm welsh of brampton will he the preacher stall tho services there will he a speolal offertory ateaoh servloe in st albans in behalf of tha parsonage debt all are cordially invited rev birluxforda farowozi at the services iu the dlsoiplss church on sunday bev f w luxfbrdj who has been- tho pastor daring the last twelve months announced that be vrosld preaoh his farewell sermons libit sunday he leaves next week for north carolina where he will engage in evangelistic work under the state board of ms choreb mr luxford oame to acton from buffalo and during bla residence in acts be has formed many warm friendships bcth iu his own congregation and among those in the aietir ohorohet here lbs oom munity will wish bev and mrs jloxford godspeed and success in their new and wider field jpcntnof on eeauesinal pioneer coming and going visitors -o- and from aoton- ano varloueother personal notes tvutllbra to tororitb exhibition last jtkdla considerable sweltering the rrbury registered from 03 to 07 degrees moat of llm week connterfell flf tyoent pieces are float- fttg aroand in some parts of the provinoe fhey ere thicker than the good coins and bivjgneeywfc j- john bassell of the townibip of nelson hajsbssn nominated by ballon ckwnty oonnbir as a student to attend the agripnltoral oollego from the county mers- henry f hill sf vanoouner ba andired ssoord of bookford iii rsmernrmred the fnxx pntss this week with interesting papers from their respeo- ureoitui iaaao 7lark waa aont to hilton for trial last wednesday by jostloes pearson and hatlu for obtaining goods under fa prstenoet at the inetanoe of ttfllllatatawart aperwss given the faaa paiss siatlfnislte inrcmlars of a mesurj held in cfdgaoesatwhlbbhsrsonmayor wihpd o at pfaaaj4ppsssal4biswbatba4 milnnethe iamuylblbletotheflrstooople tnarrled in the ohnrxb two oooples have entered the opateslv ij the ilatkdalo standard hats entered upon its nineteenth year no local paper byjsi ill eon- stltfenlhantheffwhaxrd mr0 w bbj is an energelio and suooessf ul nmiwxium jevjjcirjgflrssents it aoton and pjttiriiioi ioiaowpj had lively gabj53aaroasspjis ftewoonftabsanbrokeo list olviotorles tiacslt bonis wasoonlinned the soore jbelog foot to three in aotons favor liiatterfcnsnttyjt ywllnoss a efcmgglpgln tors ft btoy bear ths op monday morning death cliimed one of the cldeet residents of the township in the person of bobert watson sr at the extreme age of ninetytwo years the sands of lilo have been gradually running oot and on ths above morning he became exhausted and he quietly fell aslsep mr watson was an early aettleron lot 27 con 5 eiqneaing he was at qoict un- asauming resident and obliging neighbbr and his family have settled aroand bim and are all in prosporouo olroumstanoes the fnnerulyectsrday wae largely attended and the remains were tsnderiy laid to rest in fairview oeraetery bev b a mao- pherson officiating appreciated vialt by a former jpasror ths congregation of the methodist oburoh was delighted to see their old pabtor of four years ago bev jos edge of london osoend to the pulpit on bqnday morning mr edge is a delegati to the genersl conference in session at toronto and oamo to acton saturday afternoon to renew the pleasant acqoaintanoea of years gone by his sermons were earnest and impressive expositions and were maoh en joyed by the large congregations assembled there was a breadth of thought and wealth of illottratlqn whioh gave manifettation of wide reading and caret ul study itev mr edge is one of the most popular ra ini tors in bis conference and has a bright fnture before him boolal gathering o f tbeb v p u the baptist young peoples union begin thelrwlnters oonre of work next friday evening with a social gathering the programme of subjects for the wintsr oqmprlsea bible study misslonay studies and ttadies from nahnre ati ontline of the proposed work will be given by the pastor other features of the evening will be reports from the delegates to the buffa lo convention selections on the gramo phone end a paper on xho eolition of mnaioti worship by bev mr moalpine mr moalpine will alio furnish vodsl eelec- tlons wltts- guitar abeomnanlment ths pnblioara cordially invited to actsnd this meeting and all subsequent ones a collection will bo taken at the close dlod in california our olliasna will be greatly shocked as the word pastes from one to another of the death in his adopted home at arnn cal ifornia on saturday 3rd inst of mr j v kannawin who was for years one of our most highlyesteemed residents and business mtn mr kannawin went to oalifomla nearly two years ago in the hope of improving bis health he was aboothpanied by mrs kannawin and it waa though t the object aimed at bad in soma measow been aeoored bnt the insld- ions inroads o inngtrooblajbad been mads ytemfest- ifj and were fatal in their results the deep est sympathy isiell for mrs kanniwin in her great affllotion as also for tho sorrow- log parents at sbolburne who have already tbltyisr been called npon to mourn tho loss of their beloved and onlydanajhter baaih ol mrt t dunn the many friends of mr theodore dunn were filled with surprise and sorrow when they heard ofhsr sudden dlath on thursday evening mrsbunn had resid ed in ioton for the past three years end was hlgbly esteemed syi jarga circle of friends sbeasadanolter of mr pster aibrwnsbjideaniiijea moat keenly lthsm as i ts the rtt large famuy sincere sympathy js ex pressed by ajl for the sorrowing- husband and motherless babe too funeral on saturday to st josephs churoh and thenoe to the il c comoterr was largely attended the following roiatives and friends from a distance being present miss lies dnffalo mr e dunn and mls cunn otstham mraidmracwmdannandmrseouandr hamilton mrsi blanoy ofbooheater mr john gibbons georgetown and ofttsrs p lee and jno gibbens bookwood s o s fsxoiroli o dr pren ivanhoo camp no 81 sons of scotland expresied their alnoere regret at the re moval of dr tjren from actw last friday night at their social gathering in the town ball the jorogramme included mnilo from tho jobliseoraheetrs selections w mr uaorge dooglss on tbo bagpipes and fare- wrll addresses by chief mon abb col allan mr d hendorson mp er mo- donall and mr thos elliott after wblob drijren was asked tjoome to the plat form in his address he referred t the pleasure it gavs him st sselog ibis triani- feststlon of friendship ho expressed sorrow at patting from so manyow friends but believed that it was for the brttir it was a great surprise ts him to leave ac toll and it wonh take some time to get used to the olty life alter the steady qnltt every day life of acton i will bo dellfjbtsd to walwmsanyof yon tamyhomeio rortm- tb at siny time you oome downanol ill do all i oan to rnajtsybflr stvtvesauht saw flrxrlcssalhliamlubfhsniw their many uodpsvsss in the psmt and sxpreewibisjwuhesfbribelrvsqcbsiilq tbvlotnrptligithssvidri twbtsiiisjrvbjt the fiabb fubbb invites all its readora to oon tribute to this aolulnn it you oryour friouds arosolns away on a holiday trip or if you have friends visiting you drop a card to tho fiueb piuua miss stewart of detroit spent tbe week with aqton relatives miss floreooe oampboll vieitod rolativcs jn torontolabtweek miss ella anderson of braoebridge is visiting aoton friends itev s tt craig of oakville has tender ed bis resignation of bis charge miss nellie mcdonald la homo from glenwilltanss for a few days vicit mies florenoe oampbell of guolpb visited friends here during tbe week the mcissessmall of fergus were the guests this week of the misses laird 1 miss jean monabb of bookwood vlsitod the home of chief mcqueen last week miss olive stein of preston is visiting at the home of mr thos perrymanjr mies3elia barry left tuesday morning for barrio to attend the high school there mrs john lavarty of luther was the gusai daring the week at her fathers home the misses stewart of windsor spent aboupieof days at the home of mr c t- hiii v mr w a storey waa somewhat seriously indisposed for sovoral days last week mr d b freeman of west lome visited relatives in aoton and vicinity this week mr william stewart went to brampton on toeaday to attend tbe brampton model bohbol ft matthowa has been spending the past week with friends in toronto mr and mrs silas ooloman of london iahedlefatber and dtherrelallves here this week mr willlm barry of barrie spent a bonple of days this week at bis fathers borne here miss flora stewart of detroit was a guest at the home of postmaster matthews the past week mr charles hill of toledo ohio is spending a few days with relatives and friends in town mrs elizibelh gray of toronto spent a couple of days this week at tbe home of her sou mr h p moore misses mngrle and ada fyfe ina olark and daisy nioklia returned lo guelph on tueeday to resume their studies bev fathers odougherty and oleary of arthur and very bev vicar general keongb of jp aris visited bev esther feeny thia week the home of mr george dills park ave has been one of suffering the past week both mrs dills and miss etlie have been aoriously ill bev j a mclaohlan m a wae oalled lo tbe home of his father near drayton on saturday owing to the serious illness of bis father bev wm dryers is at blytb supplying the pnlpit of bev walter blgaby president of the london conferenoe daring his absence at general conferenoe miss bhoda featheretone lld new teaolier of the third department of the public school arrived last wednesday and has been fulfilling her dalles in tho school since she is already beglbning to feel at home in aoton miss nettle clark leaves next monday with her slater- ada for gloversvllle n y where she will make her future borne the family will follow in a fawweeks miss clarks removal is vory sincerely regretted by many frlonds hero she has been a moel earnest and ooniedrated worker in the methodist church especially in the sunday school and epworth leagae and the vacahoy will be diffionlt to mi pays to buy at dollerh it pays to buy at bbllerli gcootis to say we have exceeded all previous efforts mildly expresses our preparations for the coming season a more pleasing or satisfactory collection of black dress fabrics would be hard to find i fashion dictates j froth three centres rins ixiniliinncrlin anil fashion stamps ivicslliyi ilvkwbolricurcil lsdrics 03 correct in style nnii origifiality of design thlsseasbn but that is nut nil ruriinencss of tcxturcand durability of weave black vvooilgd ml imall tjeslgiu matalasse eftccts armurca flmlrcljble cloths nrc unequalled ideal iii their drttping qualities chic find stylish in the cttrxlii ihcyyiclj ordered gldteixlg have just received and placed in stock a maguifi- cent rango of twcods aud olotba and wo novcr lolt such great ploa8uro in diroctiag attention to our ordered clothing departmenr as wo do this season wo aro confident that we havo tho iinost nud most up-to- date suitiugb overcoatings and pantinga that will bo found in tho city and the prices aro such is to tompt ths very closest huyor our circle of customers is ever widening as each garmotit that is sent out is an advertising medium of the tact that our clothing is reliable in material right in out sure in fit with firatclass trimmings and make up the following aro prices ol some of our leading lines line of fine enrlish worsteds in navy blue and- black suit to order ft1856 special line of fine english venetians suit to order 22 30 fine soft english cheviots in blue and black suit h order 25so an immense rangedf fine sootch tweed suitings 11650 tig 50420 and 82250 big range of canadian 1 weeds reliable in wear choice in style and pattern its hard to tell them from the best imported goods tprlcoiixso tiajo fifi50 and 9r850 pantlngsln all the leading styles at 3so 4 5 8650 and tssa overcoatings inflne beavers meltons vicunas and venetians at 81450 i65o r850 820 and j2850 now we anticipate an immense trade this seas6n and we asl every gentleman to call and see our stock as we are confident that wo can save you money and give a style and finish not excelled in the trade priestleys highclass dress goods is confined exclusively to this store and our leadershipnnblaclrdressgoodsis undisputed no idea of our comprehensive assortment or the rich and elegant fabrics can be conveyed in these columns nothing short of a personal jvisiilwilldothat special bargains in summergoods ea tilslstret kcton news ax home nassaqawbya council the asoeosment rate for tho cur rent year fixed offsodf jts8siiiliiis oasod the must ilods bit i tiblt lafliiarni 4 tbe nossagaweya connoil met in the township hall last week as per adjourn ment members all present tbe keeve in theohair pnm mr bell the sbtm of 88 was ordered to be paid to b white for advertising and posting of voters hat on motion of mr bell seconded by mr moglbbon the sum of aa was ordered to be paid to the times printing company for printing and stationery said surd being odehalf the amount of oonlraot oh motion of mr erwin aeoonded by mr moglbbon the earn of 10 was granted to william molean for the support of betsy bitebje ou motion of mr moglhbon seconded by mr strang a bylaw to raise by assess ment oerlaln soma of money for county general sobool rate and township rate was introduced and read tie uaoal number of times and paused ths rale imposed for county parposes is 1210 mills in ths dollar for general school rate 112 mills for township pur poses 8 1d mills the rates iinpoiad for the yearly estimated expenditure of the several sohoola in the township is as follows 8 sno 1 1 a10 mills in the dollar no 2 1 s10 mills no 8 1 710 mlllai no 4 010ofamlll no 6 l 110 mills no 0 1 110 mills no 7 1 810 mills no 8 2 110 mills no 0 j 12 mills on motion of mr strang scoouded by mr bell tho beers was instructed to leans bis order en ths treasurer in favor of the following parties viz john b mcqregor tor 76 yards flrsvsl in dls si 87 w george young for 180 yards gravel in dlv sfi fl8 hugh kean for 43 yards gravel in dlv 88 um john kltohlhg for 86 yards gravel in dlv 5 8860 peter bayers for 40 yards gravel in dlv 5 1890 on motion of mr strapg seeonled by mrmoqibbon tbe beeve and treasurer wo empowered to borrow on the credit of the munlolpallty a sum not exceeding wo to mess any payments wbloh may fall doe before the taxes of 1808 are collected on motion of mr erwln seoonjod by mr fitrang ths sum of was ordered to bspaldiojsroea book for one shsep killed by dogs the sstne having been certified to m iwthlatha jalqs tbsrsof ths wuho kdj9rjrusd to meat on mon- dayjtbtt sheep killed by don at the last meeting of eeqaesing town ship connoil tbo following sums were voted ts recompense the farmorb whoso sheep were kiusd by- dogs john kinnaird one sheep 8466 john modarty two lambs 8588 kinnaird bros two sheep and two lambs 81200 bobert joyce two lambs 8400 pctsr peddle two lambs 160 itorest day in foztyfoar years it is generally la joly or august tfasjt exoessive heat is looked for bat it is left for september 1898 to brisk the record for high temperature in any month in 44 years tho thermometer recorded 08 degrees on the observatory thermometer tt toronto last friday a higher temperature than has been recorded since the weather of tbe entire week was excessively hot and tbero wasai time of genuino swelt- eringsaoh as is at ldocn experienced for so long a period it a so easy yoa know all that a fellow has to do to ran a news paper is to be able to writo a poem disocsa the uriff umpire a baseball game report a wedding taw wood beats lawyer desorlbe a are so that readers will abed their wraps make a dollar do the work of ton shine at a ohoroh aiooisl abuse the lienor habit tet wh jskey subsoriba to c gowi th- but meals sneer at anobbery wear dia- monds invent advertisements- overlook sqandsl praise babies administer t3 the afflicted heal the dlsgrnntsd fight to a finish act type monli opinions sweep the offiotvspeak at prayer enacting and stand in with over j thing and everybody an eoator hasnt mnoh t do has he weddint belli at barkdate a very pretty wedding took place on wedneadsy evening aug 24th at 8 pm at the realdenoe of the brides father mr j martin 50 sorauren awe parkdale the contracting parties being mr thomas b sherlock arid mies florenoe colombos martin both of parkdale ths marriage cereraonywaperforrnsd by tbe george mccullooh ol richmond hill and bev dr oampbell of parkdale the bride was very prettily attired in whits organdy mnrlin trimmed with chiffon and bridal flowers tbe bridesmaid waa her ooosln miss ida frame of papo ave the groom was asslttsd by mr c 8 trnmble of jarvis st tbe bride was ths reolpont of many valuable and useful presents after a samptaous repott mr and mrs sher lock left for their home on ohara ave they have the best wlahea of their many friends cow jlarreat rome at chuxohili ohnroblll congregstlobsl ohoroh will bold a harvest home aervioe on sunday afternoon sept lltb at 8 pm when the bev w 8 moalpine will preach a season able dlsoonrse and suitable aeleotlona of hymns and other knasior will be rendered a collection will e taken on behalf of tbs ohurbh andbunday swhool an sntertiin ment will be given on monday evening following when refreshments wlu be served from half paat slit 3 sight oclock speoisl mosko will be liberally riven by tbe acton cornet baod and a vooal quartette from acton with the addi tion of pieces by the obolr of the ohurob and a mlsoellaneons programms otmusio and recitations the following ministers have also promised to help by speech and song bevs hollsn h a mqpherson thosh sogers b a and j k una- worth b a admission adnits isoents noted tea store china palace and you want a 0iither set 44t we have 40 dinner sets to select from different designs and patterns ranging in price from 500 to 82500 toilet sets we have the largest vslock ever shown in guelph prices range from 9175 to 8850 fancy china we have just opened up 17 packages fancy china direct from importers you are cordially invited to call and examined our stock even if you do not want to buy no trouble to show goods j a mccrea lower vvyndmam st ouelph destruction- op farm prop- brtv havoo caused near caledbn by fire kfrprn a thrashlntt ensine cuedon sept 2 fire from the thresh ing engine of mr w forbes oonsumed the seasons orops of mr w j iiunday end mr isaiah faulkner together with the machine and barns the barns were the property of mr- thomas canning there was no insuranoe on the crbpor maohlne the fire spread to the barns of mr albert faolkner oonsamlnj ell the buildings and the seasons grainwbioh latter was the property of mr george hillyard mr be irisnrinoe dirlib barnvand mr hillyard had some insur ance ion the brop a mere belonging to mr allen fartlkner wan also burned in the letters barns the tot il lost is 88000 children under 12 year 10 oents con veyanoee will be at trie pott offloa from to8v eeoaomjr 1rhlok wmk not economy eoonomy is a specuslty with tbe town- ahip oounoll of naasagaweya paitlanlsrly in oonoeotten wlth oon tracts for munlof psl printing their ars six printing offloss in this ooonty ill of whloh do good job work bnt they dont ont prices low eqongh to suit nasaagaweya and gt no muniolpeloontrkte there- ths last one frtoca that townibip tbe printing of ths voters lilt went to peterborough tbe oounoll bavlog appstriotly stksd tenders from au oomers throoghoot ths provinoe the oolamns are unruled about half ths nnmberffthatlbon pr t vo names ars omitted ind altogether tia painpbltt is a typcgraphloal curiosity township clerk oaraeroh will hive to writs in all- tbe omlttjnmksraand jl thebounolllsnottooseosionisoltpyblil for this wbloh is woerkwhlbh ihootdnof be good deal tnorsibsox tbsywwlivthsy hsul been printed in any halwn ofbos it iom nbt ty t wrry ebonom an extreme milthn ctomrxoa the seaspn3 apple crop a reporter bad an interesting talk at the toronto fair with w m orr the pro vincial spraying inspeotbr relative to the fruit crop this year from all i oan ioara be said apples will give a somewhat larger yield than tail year but the orop la in very bad oondltlon the drouth and insect pest oom blned have played havoo with the quality the western parts of the provinoe do not seem to have suffered as nabob as other seotlons but in the niagara diatrlot it was never to dry as this year bo far as i havs heard buyers ars not offerlpg over a dollar a barrel at the orobird but tho aoarlty of frail should in my opinion warrant higher prices advertlsintst laa science and pays when you are qualified and able to tell jhej world what you have that they should have wftwlsss to impress only the fact uponyota that we sell books waltpapeb window shades motldings etc just now probably you dont require any of tho above when you do kind ly bear in mind the name and address clheltes tub lebd8r gublph wall paper mmplcs at j d mckees acton 25 and 27 wyndham street gtjelpb co note mr bollcrt who has juat returned from the british markets monday for montreal and new york this seasons trade left again on way of novelties for to conclude his buying in the ttn just received another large lot of crockery and glassware fancy cups and saucers white and fancy plates fancy and white jugs all sizes dinner setts bedroom setts glass cornforts and nappeis 20 6 piece setts glass ware to sell at 30c a sett also stone and earthenware flower pots etc dry goods and groceries as usual c f goodbye co another car of just in also one of land plaster windsor and colemans bbl salt at 8105 sbbl 200 lb snnlis at yjr beauties at 1500 1800 2009 2500 kvetyone warranted by pringle which means abso lute security to you glasgow house dairy and table salt rock salt potato bug killer pure paris green 30c per lb dwarf essex ripe seed 1 8 lbs for 8100 buckwheat hungarian millet etc feed corn 43 to 45c a bushel great event tliey also reuern stress from d wlgtstlon and too hearty eating a per feet remedy for dullness nausea drowil nets bad taste in the llontli coated tongue pata in the side torpid liver they regulao tho bowels psoiy vegetable mau pill small dose mall price substitution tho fraud of the day see you get gartersf ask forjparters insist andemaiid carters little liver pills binder twine all kinps from 6 up geo j thorp sbfepswekn market sq and maodoruioll bt gublph we call speciiaj attention this week to- the outfitting of the boys for school in our clothing department we offer some very special in ducements in two and three piece suits and odd pants a special line of now antl wonderfhl attrac tions excelling all previous years tho cufcaamericaii war ejcepto javal and mill- tary displays kotelues from all parts of the world entries of exhlblii close atig 6th cheap excursions from everywhere for prise lists- entry formsj pio- knna5suwltenlw jjiffiaw rrestm hji au wool halifax itiiiekeis at 50c lsworthyqfnotiee our stock of boys shoes is also complete for the fall trade sctin fc photofrraphlntx interiors by otaslligltt tt btuslsailttwt your own photo artist who stays with you the year around has everything uptodale in the flash light photo line including a lease which works at an angle of go degrees and is specially constructed for interior photos inch as groups in small rooms it can not be excelled iaveybnrordets witbt snerforehke interior or exterior views to be taken whenever it may suit your convenience and the work wiu have tho beat poaslbl altentwn my prlcea aivrntrlow-as- those of any rallablo travellers ww- hoto artist sun savings and loanco head office tobonto ont authorised capital so00 00000 tenyear maturity shares are paid in monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease 86000 paid in maturity value 810000 money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to it j mcmabb- agent aoton agents boox business la better aujan for rears past also have better and ttselllng books 4lotujainhmt0toim j a taw ngfroi fo 1 futvdtaasr and tlnpiera hooks on tlrue tbb bbaditpyoarbbteon co limltecl toronto

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