volxjme xxiv no 15 aotox ojsttabio thursday october 13 1 898 pbice three cents ib podu8hbd every thursday mobning freetrcbssuam trrntrnkoftlce flltj 8tbbbt acton ont tonys of sudbotttpridn ono dollar per yoa atriouyinadvauco ah bobooriptlonhdtboon- tlaaodwbod tile time for whiou they have boon paid has expired the date to which ovary labiorlpstioa is paid la denoted on ths address label abvaanflino rjitbs tranilout advertise meou looonts per nonpareil una fof first in- ortion scents per lino for oaoh aubsoauont aaartion oohraaot ratbb thefollowlng table shows urratosior the insortlonotadvorusomenufor paqlfled- poriods for parlor dining room bfaob wtaohoa loihenea l u inches linoh i ltir 1j6 ho i a mo hmb 6000 8900 9000 8000 9000 1100 9000 1100 700 000 860 100 700 aoo 960 100 advertisements without apobiflo dlroetions will be inserts till forbldand charged aoeord- nsjr transient advertisements must be paid n advance- advertisements will be ohangocl onco eebb month if defied for changes of tener than eneeamonth the composition mustbo paid for at regnlax ratee okantsefor bontraot advertleeroontl must be b toe offleo by noon on tuesdays accounts payable monthly kpmoobb bdltor and proprietor ibtthituhs jbirwtorij iasmcat tohn m macdonald m d cm bucgebbob to f tjbkn m d 0 m we have a nice lot in stock and prices are very low fall fancy glasss and china goods gpening daily big value forthe money -jyat- pays bookstore day sells cheap thb traders bank of canada capital authorized capital paid up 1 000000 rboooo ativy somehow or other jlifo 1b a burd to ovory onog aboqlder elferton and eden mills the place to go for the best flour guelph branch wo are now issuing money orders nayablo nit par a tab v bronch of chsrterodbank in gauada oioopting tbo yukon district at tbo following ratos uudtyrijlq bconta 10toi ilooobts 20to830 12centa eaotosm cents highest current hate of interest fiftld oo budub doposltod of 1 and upwards ntereet allowed from date of deposit to date of withdrawal and paid or compounded half yearly advances made to responsible farmers on thoir qwu names at tbo lowest current ratos no clurgo niado for collocttug edtos notce f payabloln guelph a genoral banking bualnoas tranoaotod af x jongs manager j offipe and residence corner mill fc frederick streets acton as elliott m d m b f i acton qnaduatji toronto unmjnsrrr oppioe corner mill and john streets aoton tyr dryden eltfl eab tneoat and noije mclean block douglas bt near p o ouelph orfiob houba 10 am to i pm and 3 to 6pm boimattf 10 am tolpm j3entajl hi bennett iidp dentist jf okoboxtowm dhtabio j p cgghlan ddsltds pbntibt wojut oabfclly dohb pmobb kodejute orvlok ovbb bbowmfl pbtjo btobfl hodm evebt dat pbom 0 to 0 jmbill dentist bbooktiixb honob onaduatjb of tobonto untvbbaitx work inade batlafactory prloes moderate viittzmo datb monday afternoon camp- belltlllej tnwday acton office clarki hotel friday bookirooa deoh cook dentibt cor college si and bpadloaave toboto wiuviblt aoton on tbu first and tblrd satar- dayaoteaob montb omoi- mr adam cooks raldeooe uain street- m oleam a mcleah barrliurabolloiton notarlea oonveytnoera ab prtretieianda toloen offles town hall aoton w a molmah- jho a moliiis a j miokinnon bibbutebi fioudttohi coraahcbn on icz mill street in mettnowa blook upatalra jb moleod babxuansnbouolton gqvwtixan halnfitreetoeorgfltown uonoytoibanatloweatonmntratca it j hcnabb clark fourmidlvulon court county of hal- on oontey anocur agent fire and life aamranoe beaj bitata agent money to loan etc ornob perrynaanbblook- aoton r ont misckttajfovs dtebs gbi0t -jul- ottawa canada 1 boiloltcr of patents for invonuon etc preparea applications for the paoadlan amer- lean and eoropean patent offices and for the berflratlon ol trade marks bend lor pam- phjethittoyiiarijjxporlence m banoib nunan eoohbindbb wvndbainbt- dnelpb ontario ovarw aeeoant jbeok oiall klncji made to order perlodlaala of avwirdeaorfptlbnearef nil jbonnd baunrnealvd mj abbiaoe bioenbes h rmodue laarnia or manniaaa iiiczkbes teofllqev noifluiebaeareqalrod leiuod prll v realdenra in tbe mening fre enaa offlea aoton xbpsbivjbtbbe 3di0wisatoti6iixa oitnaiwtiwof wjlltogtoo andt halton ordrllefttlbaiym paa offlea aoton or tmtrilihe in acton will be pnnnptlat- nddtfcreearedneeato bc0 balks lmta iolrtiirlnnvf ttrwnwip i lowea ralea 61 lntaraal in bran iviiddllng chop feed c for salo chopping every day nt everton rnllls and every tuesday thursday and saturday at eden mills always buying wheal no credit henry hortop removed 1 atersvps pictufiesi jframes wallpapers fancy goods now next pringles guelph main street planing ml ills acton omt john cameron architect and contractor manufacturer of saab dobra frame uoaldluga in all styles dressing matcbino and mouldiko to order on abort notice v well aaaortod atobk on band at prices to sbl the times john cameron pfioorletor latest and best designs of jn granite and majb1e at 20 to 30 per centroduction jh hamilton prope1etor granite manble woiks is the only direct importer of marble and granite west of toronto and north of hamilton come and see the largest and best imrorted stock in this dominion prices for granite imported etock less than others ask for the commonest can adian or american granite owoo mat worxabaimtoirsblock yqmmcbamdkpbrphkjsts cuelph v ont flraxjoh wortenew hmbxirc orit for fall andwinter alaonloiatv tiarher tnoitfatorablb amnand a tnowaa rr am of sooana p war da wellington mutual fire inaurariod company j gwa iifbubanoe onoaah aid mutual plan any oqinmnsaleatipn fonrardedto my adaresa nor 088 or lephapt tend o jolln tatlob agent- v oaoiph aolom s machine and bepaii shops ljhltabinpbuitroirlelor abb wall aoalrrttea with ill tbajnavebinert natarj to exnt all repairs to maolilr- ery anaaarloultarallmplonientaand to do all ajdaiaanttlnliorsesboelu sndjeiural blaeumltblnr woodwork repairs panorjnad inaaalufaotorr manner w eaa raipalr any tawmnor inaplament ofany nntxa baw ghlnailakatsdnllndon fiiv- sjrorixtrrrabbaaddmalmaria jtalirimdiflllff wotf4bte all kiairm in itojkand promptly jelitawd to aoypart m thetownat vyrwjwionawaprlem bardwoorj audalaba out stirfo lentth always on- band y i tlaeion0 eommaqleatlon thetailolt8 now is your lime to get a nobby suit for fall and winter ns we have just opened up a fine selection of imported tweeds serges ant worsteds and are prepared 16 take your order at right prices fit and workmanship guaranteed flrat- okuu arid uptodate overcoatings a good range of fall overcoatings cutrul inspcqt our alotk icfqrc leaving youorder english linoleums six hundred yards added to stock today excellent quality latest patterns made as it shouldbe by the most skilful makers in england prices as little as 35c a square yard and every between price up to jj 1 60 and 125 j m bono co hardware ageur s gu6lph moeees dyapopsla powders morteeb hmulalon of ood rjivor oil mokeoo carolina pino balsam morteos lilnlment siorteeb eldne7 pills mokeeb antlbllouo pills vegetable mokeee buokberry cordial uoketb compound syrup of hypo- pnoapblteb mokee liver pills loo a box mogee fragrant ant tooth wash vokeeb flavoring easenoes vanilla lemon peppermint pineapple pear orangey raspberry strawberry mokeee baking powder the above are a few of the many sterling preparations we manufacture each prep aration has made oh its merits a wonderful reputation lfyou want reliable jamily medicines use mckees they speak for themselves and once tried they becomo before all others the household remedies see the grand sensen display in our window we carry full lines of stationery and school supplies wall paper etc j d mckee dispensing manufacturing chemist acton ont telephone correspondence boots and shoes made to order and repaired george stovel practical shoennaker has opened a shop in he premises lately occupied byw h adams tailor he has had large experience in city work and is consequently able to fill nil orders in the neatest possible manneiv fine turned work arid patching receive special attention ovdersftlletd oltshortest notice call or send your order to george stovel cor mill and mnlh streets acton sun savings and loan go heao office toronto ont axioxarued capital- bfio0o0o0o cooler si aki ns mairjst aoton ssrssassssji photo taktiri before the fall of your residence and lawn x byv h ramshaw photo artist he has all the latest improved methods in finishings h bamshaaw ten-year- maturity shares are paid in monthly instalments of 50c pershare for 120 months when payments cease 86000 paid in maturity value 10000 money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to nono may osospofrotnlts troublbssndctro mlaalt in youth and twill ooiuo when were older and fit ub a oloso as the garmoatji wo wonr sorronr oomos into our homo uuitivlted llobblqg our bo tut of its treasures of song iiovors grow cold and our- ftieadshipa sro bjlbhted tfotaomohow or other wo rrdrry along midst ttao sweat blossoms tgat smilo on pur facos draw tbo raut woods tht would poison and bllslit and teii in tlio inldit of oarths boautltul places tiioros always boiiio thing that isnt j out rlrhtv yot ottfrom the rook we tuey pick a gay flower and drink from a ipridttln a doiolato waitoj thoyoomo to the heart aa a heavenly dowtir and naught is 10 sweet to tho 070 or the toato evorytlay toll is an everyday blessing though povertys cottage and onibt wo mty bharo wokla tbo back on whlab burdens are prov ing hat stoat is tbo heart which is strongthoned byprayor bomobowor othor tho pathway grows brighter juatwhon wo mourned there woe uono to bofrlend hopo in tbo heart makoe the burden soora lighter ans lomehow or otbor wo got to tbo end detroit free preu isttltd jfamtlp rafting r j mcnabb agent aoton th ta7ing of the prodigal the ruddy color left the swedes face he did not apeak for a moment then ho said broke oly you have jaet son mr topple yon have no girl children bat you have read do prodlgsl sod in do bible i know d at de heart of de fader of dat prodigal bon ache hard matjy times mr topple there was each hamflitj in the poor mans attitade that mr topple was filled with pity bathe did not let it binder what he thought of his doty and that was sifting tbe matter to the bottom so ho said assuming a hardness he did not feel tell me one thiqg neighbor are there a lot of thieves rendezvousing at my sohool- hodso or ia there onjy one derels only one oame the miserable answer and yon tom ell that aboat a lot of them to protect yonr ion and yon got np tbst sobenae of selllog the loboolhoase to drlvo him safe out of the country when he would not go himself yes i did and den i repented too for i want not to lose de ilorda blessing tradlt rldyou b flpyba and ha looked piteontly at mr topple there was ailenoe awhile and it was mr toppie who broke it ive been trying to tigare out how it would aeena to have tny girls boys and to have one of them bring ray gray bain down in sorrow to the grave but i cant flgnro it emmy and susie are snob good girls but ill tf 11 you what ill do i feel for yon and it get a chance ill fall on that prodigals nook meaning yonr sou and ill do what i oan do for yon for i believe yon are square and you will not 11 nobody pleaded mr anderson what do yod take me for asked mr topple indignantly no sir im not goiogtolet my left hand know what my right hand doethia this baaineas then mr topple went home and on the way he oommaned with himielf ander son mast have been married yonng isnt muoh oifar than i and here be la with a son cavotting round like all pbssessedi and ho is doing everything lying and all to keep him from being oangbt op expect he hai net noticed the size of tose ilea hes been tilling or be wouldnt have done it but then again ive heard that parents will do almoct any thing for their children when they get started still if he want the bleseiug of the lord and be teems to hed better not do any more lying for the lords down on wars and ill hflp him out by lighting on that prodlgsl as soon as i oan worst of it is i oant let on to einehnefor i promised not to let my left hand know what my right hind doeh jn this bniiaeot makes it considerable harder that promise does bat thstvery day the prospect lightened the ohildrenof a neighbor woman living six miles away were taken ilok and mrs topple who had already proved herself handy in various ailments was sent for the messengers wagon was at the door i dont know joe ma i can go sajd mrs topple rnedlatively looking at bar habbahd yes yonoan yes yoa oan responded mr toppie promptly always hoed the call of ditraaa wheoaver yon pan right handy ia what i was taught long ago botenninyahd susie 4 oan go rjght over to andersona to visit anderson and i are good friends uaoomnaoa good frjends and hell like to have them come take them along with yoa that far and t- 11 him i- tent them relying on bis friendship and that ill get abont fcbt business we were talking over immediately mrs topple said no more bnt obeyed her hoaband literally and her heart qalte warmed toward mr anderion when she sa b ea h w h ut liveey busline ths undarslarpad raapmtfqlly soliolta tb patron aga o tb publlo and lnfonna them tfiat wall kqalpped and stjllsh riga oan al waya be bbourwl at his stables a oomfbrts bl boa mseual tralna batween b a m anol k18 p m 0rfalattontlongltntoorroraer the wanta of oommsrolal trat1- laraf oily met john wjlliames pjiopjiibton pttptifi whoarsaboattolaare r ijjrxjuo publlo or blah bobool sboflld not overlook ths aresuad rant- ka of a praotloal oourse ox idatrtio- nattne oublph biainesa gelleg3 arid 1 farilcbbbolal sml ill ocniutenoe olroalars 1 1 l jf i ir it it i it tr jbhanp pririclr irls and bow pleased he seemed with joes raeaaage yon baive a goot man maam said mr andereon warmly aud mra topple who knew joes worth quite well went on to the bouae of sioknesa in great content now from behind a distant haystack tbo prodigal bad seen tbe departure of mrs topple and the children and having aome booty that he wished to deposit he made for the sohoolbouae where all on- known to him mr topple lay in biding with the door looked ill joit look it said mr topple so that be wont auspeet an thing whan he oomes if im to fall on hlsneok ive got to get him iuslde the house td do it and thebeatway togetbim s to let him walk in bimawlf iidsnspeotidglike mrs topple and the ohll iran had bean gone gome tbreegaartara of an hour when mf toppie on tbe aleit beard tbe key torn in- the door oopn log right in arent yoo my boy he thoogbt gleefully the door opened and a defiant loo king boy pf eigbteen or n trie teen walked in dont faior his father auyf oonnn ant ed mr topp0 to biniiek as he peeped from bis hidingplaoe looks as if bar- glaring doesnt nit well on his ctimacb looks sort of orooa aud mad like xhatablowaaoffthetrapbytblatimo and the door lifted be boy stooped to look into tbe hole beneath the floor and the 1 nextthing he waa pushedbqddeuly in aud the door wab elimcaed down x fell on his nook pretty eliokoafd mr toppie with satisfaction as he boatod him self on tbe door and began tb dig a small hole in it with biejaokkoifo when this holes dug through ill open communicd- tlons with the oncray ae theaaying ib meanwhile a series of thntrjps and kicks opon thedoor informed mjr topple that the prodigal was unidjdredand so relieved til rnind of any apprehenaions that silence night have given him thats it said mr topplo tohimaelf teioklug and thumping is natural under tbo olronmatanoes and dont hart anything wbatsver i suppose he out this door him self and trubted to fclka thinking the boards were pieoed liso to be economical it went well enough when tbo desks were over it and i dont know juat when we ebonld have fonnd out abont it if it hadnt been for emmy and buate hiding that time and aeeing him open it lncky i told tbe children to say nothing abont it and they have forgotten about it by this time lattoppiewa8btf6n tbe boardho was at work nppn was soft pine so by the time he bad reaahedthn end ofbisbomoquy the hole was dug btello there i sung out mr topple obeeriully no aobwer now yon may not think it continued mr toppie but im a friend of yours ive got yon down there in that dugout under the floor so that you can hear to reaion a bit im not going to blow on you to the authorities nor hurt you how did yon know i was coming here oamo in a mnfhed voloe well know is a pretty positive word my friend yon came here onoe in tbe night trying to get in and soared my enimy moatinto flti and then you came again by day and puts- bundle under the floor in the same place where yon are now and both my little glrlq saw you from tbeae things i judged youd oome again and aeeiug yourre under that floor now i reckon i judged right now i saw yon when- you oamo in and you are no burrlar by nature yon dont look half mean enough whats im after is to get you oat of the burglarizing business and into ono thats more respectable and i give yon warning that youll be kept under tbe floor off and on till yoa oan sea your way alear to hear to reason this is friday i own id like to have the job finished by neat friday if i oan i never undertook to fallon any prbdigora neok before but ill do it the beat i oan even it i dont do it qa its like other foltia that know how better listened a moment and hearing no anatrer reaohed for hiahatohet eome naila and small blooka he had made ready and by an ingenions arrangorneut of the blooka he boon bad wooden itnploa on tbe floor and the door in buoh a way that by a bar thrust through the door was beonrely fastened down then ho stood up and looked down at the floor nail drove in be eatd and a hole dug in that floor dont know what emmellns will bay when she sees it but a body cant spare eipense nor look oat for spoiling his floor when a prodigal ia to be bayed beckon the next beat thing is to tarn and make a new mesa of bluoaiti and fry some baxoa for the prodigipa dinner kow the boy in hla heart bated the life he was leadiqg he bad been drawn into it by a long bourse ojffparnloionaatqrleb and he fonnd that being an outaast and having to atand on the defenalve every moment in order to avoid being caught were not in real life what they bad been pictured in tbe books be bad read it was months ainbe be bad been at homo and aa he lay in tbe darkneis under tbo floor where the only ray ofllght came from the bole mr topple bad dag he wondered what the folks at home were doing ho was theoldebt son and ip imagina tion hia five brothers and two bib tare oamo before him good boye and dear ltttlo girls they were and a lamp came np hla throat aa he thought ol them happy in the hone where he might haver been- happy hirnaelf if only be bad never read a lino of those miserable books bov was hungry too and the appetizing odor of the bacon floated down through the bole in tbo floor and made him long for some of hia motbera cooking jo the midbtof hia bbmesiok thoufthti mr topplee voice followed the odor of tbo bacon down the bole beu6p he colled dinners ready imlet you oome qp and eit down to the table will yon prbmlao not to try to hurt mo wr toppie winked at himself as he made this artfblnonditlon for be was very atrong and the prodigal was a moro btrlpltng ths poor boy- thought of the table a moment so ldnghe had lived out of paper bagi bought in groceries and reatiuranta that the table was- a mighty temptation he was used to yielding to temptation so he yielded to this one and called baok au right i answered mr topple asnd will you promise not to try to ran away 1 ea upvydn oome chen and the door was hftea- very oreatfallen the captive looked but mr topple affected not to notice as he bruihed the dirt from the prodigals clothes and led him to the waah basin and clean towel wife and children are gone for aboat a week observed mr topple as he saw the boy cast a hasty and furtive glanoo toward the door doors looked be con tinned and here being three windowa on a side we ban seas if anybody cornea which isnt likely long before they get here youre all safe now pitch in and eat all that day the captive remained by the flr chatting with bis oaptor and when evening came mr topple said 1 it kind of god against the grain with me to pat yoa down ander toe floor to itay all night yoa might as well sleep in the- bed with roe if youll promuo not to try to get away in the nltfit the boy looked looredaloualy up at tho man and seeing tbe kindly sincerity in mr topple face he broke down would yon iruit me he ex ol aimed when you kuow im a thief well no i wouldnt if yoa took to thieving naturally for there wouldnt be any sense in that and as to being a thief why knowyop baydoeen ooerofoourae bat im noways sure youre going to keep on being one i take it you wont hold out any jongerthao friday if youdathat long id kind of liko to have you get over beidg a thief as soon as yon oan too be cause emetine and the bhildren may get home by tho tweuteightb and thats friday there was a softepod jook on the boys faco as the evening wore qn and alt that night ho slept peacefully by mr topplee aide it waa wednesday morning that mr topple noticed a- new loplt jn tho boys eyes and bis own eyea epoke back to that look with hopeful enoonragement ive got to take baok what t stole said the prodigal thats the talk i oried mr topple i knew you wasoomlng to it ive been thinking it all but and if you oan take rho and the staff to town in a wagon all covered up along toward night i can pot it whore it will be found and taken cure of all right i was tho answer you promise not to run away and after dinner lllk96ly9 with a smile the captlvepromiacd that night the praotisod hand of the before- time thief undid tho pobtoffioe window at the neareat town and the plunder was dopobited tafely on the poatofflco floor then silently the boy and man rolled baqk together that night the prodigal toaaed and turned and could not sleep whats the matter asked mr toppie i want to go homo said the boy with a oatob in bib voice well if x was yon responded mr toppie and wanted to go home id go there waa ailenoe awhile then the boy said suppose my father wont have me there he knows what i have been well said mr topple i know what youve been too does it stand to reason that your father wont treat yon better than 1 havo when im nothing bnt a etranger he wont push you down under the floor and alt on the door most likely hell be tipkled to death to boo yoa for thatsthe way with fathers then the boy reaohed for mr toppies band in the darkness and held it olose im going borne tomorrow he said it was on friday that mr anderson sought out mr toppie de iiord has forgive deliea i told he began he hab givo me back my oldest son my andy and tears ohoked his voice what would i not do for andy and hia mother and brothers and sisters dey are all glad for andy well thought mr topple tlro glad for andy myself but i wish i oonld tell emetine juat how it was about that prodigal gnlielma eol linger how it feels to fall terrors of a downward dash from a skyeorapei one who lived tbtell tho tale a new temperance move within the past few weeks in ohioago it baa been observed that theoity is gradually filling np with men each wearing a button with a monogram formed of the letters 27 t o this la nothing more nor less than the emblem of tbe nontreating club which starting among a few of tba railway men of chicago is rapidly extending over tho city and to all parts of the continent the aasoolatlon was started by mr t monott president of tbe american associa tion of general pabbonger agon u and he has been amazed at the growth of the organisation to join requires nothing but that one shall get a button and card of rules and refrain from treating or being treated to drinks of intoiloatlng liquors it yoa want a drink take ft and dont imagine that yoa will offend anyone by not askingefght or ten to join yoa la the main injunotion to the member if yoa want a drink take it if yoa dont why dont it yoa do then aekno others for they may not want to drink this seems to be a big and simple movement against the treating habit which really conatitutes the chief evil and nulsanoe of the drinking habit the ohief evil beoauie not one man in a hundred would drink too much unless he jollied himself along with tbe idea that be waa doing tbe dooent thing by hla oompaniona the ohief n because it makes unbearablo demands upon ones time and purse five tbonsand buttons and cards were issued in the first few daye and letters of enquiry have oome in front every bigolty on the continent colonel mohett says imnst confessthat i ana surprised at ths popularity of oar little olub intended at first only to oironlato aknong thebpyso the railroad world demands have oome pouring in for buttons and cards repre- aenting almost every profession but seriously tbo treating business has become saoh a nuieanoa that a romedy- even if partly effectual wouldbe welcomed- alntrt loi bor tort afbi llphiawbrk- mau recently fell from one of the high buildinga in oourae of construction jn that oityattdivedloteinbebtra was accidentally pushed from the top of r column qo feot above the groan il while asaiating in the handling of a swinging steel col amp through tho swaying of tbo derrick to which it was aaspended had it not been for a pile of eand on wbloh he alighfad after having had hia fall broken- by the projecting end of a looso plank bo would have been killed as a matter of course it was my fourth accident in ten years of work on high buildinge and it was the most aevero of all of them yet i call cnyaelf a lucky man for we are always expecting accidents and rather look for tho death of at least one man in the construc tion of eaoh great building we take our ohanoee become acoostomed to the dangers and seldom think that the next acoldent will como to nsl if you had seen me fall you would have said i went ukeafladb bat it did not seem so to me for i apparently had plenty of time to think and even to notice what happened aa1 fell -nolther- waa i fright ened afiernienat effortrto retain my balance the only mental aud physical struggle oatue then and aa i fell i felt as though i were sinking into warm water that brought a pleasant heat to my body and quieted my mind it was nota falling senaatlon and only a slight sinking one for it seemed as though while i was descending quite slowly the building was rising much more rapidly yet not so rapidly that i oonld not observe and distinguish eaoh paaaing floor i thought of my home the amoant of vyagea due me and wondered what my wife would eay when i told her i had had a fall tbe idea of being killed did not occur to mo ae i passed the floor beneath the one from whiob i bad faljeu plainly eaw tseo acquaintances whom i recognized and noticed that they were ohieelling a piece of iron at the next floor i noticed the look of astonishment on the faco of a bricklayer as ho held a half a briok in one band and bis trowel in the other and gazed at me as i shot by though it waa like a shot to him it was nothingof the sort to m aa i passed blmthrongb aasociation i thought of a pile of bricka below and a heap of aand near it yet wbiob one should be my landing place djdut trouble me then came the first sensation ot pain when i btrnok the projecting end of a plank wltb my right ehoaldor i knew 1 partially tamed and saw a carpenter bitting on a window sill looking tho other way and then the light appeared to bo auddenly drawn from we taking my senses with it i know that my fall occupied less than three seconds but my feelings occupied ty mach longer time and naaat have aoted with rnuoh greater rapidity than under normal conditions suoh accidents form a sad chapter id the history of a hardworking daring claaa of wage earners who in their employment daily raise themselves higbor and higher from the grobnd on frail supports narrow walks and- slender scaffolds until they reach a dizzy height where not one person oat of 1000 aonld fltand for a bingle becond in aeoority he kept the seat a ijowz fult ox uuttermiik djauy drink loror nholbor peasant or hanker wlhlo botno nro uilillctod to brandy audglrt i admit tliut lor drinks of that kind i dont hanker arid for wliibkoy or boor i dout caro a pin for ivo got a bovrago on atioluot aa eiilondld which many uo doubt will enoor at and nijtrii a havihjo indian can bide more bulk within tho folds of his blanket than a two brjbhel baskot oould bold and aau eaoceaa- fally hide maay- stolon articles before our eyes the sottlora along tho san juan and aniraaa riverb during thoir early days bad to put all their stealable possessions intobne corner of their placos of abode and stand guardwhen the navajoea were vibi- tore which waa a too frequentcocurrepce aqhianyahgcl meaning something to eatwas tho first intimation generally thatanludian waa near perhaps a half dozen- they rarely succeeded half a doz en in number as they liko tbe american bobo hod learned that tbo smallest nnm- bor stood a better show of getting some thing to eat one day in a r linoolua aabin on the sonth bank of the sun juan river three bachelors were partaking of thoir evening meal when a navajo with a glass eye walked in all tried to watch the indians movements but be had managed to get boveral articles under hla blanket and would not have been detected had not an accident befallen him a hatchet which slipped from one of tho foldd in bis blanket fell the bharp blade out along gash in the calf of the leg the indian looked to the roof of the cabin as if wonderiog wbero the hatchet had fallen from but tbo blood sparling from tbe open gash betrayed him hie blanket was shaken ami a batoher knife miners caudleatlok several oandlos and a package of tobacco all belonging to the cabin r fell on the earthy floor a providential escape in manitobk momoriei rev george young relates ah experience of bis boyhood which be saysi formed the turning point in his career and led bim eventually to choose the life of a miaalonary in the north land- 7t early one a tor my morning when t was a boy says mryoungi was feeding the cattle in the basement of a atablfl when a terriflo windstorm struok the bafld or i mk hearing the crash of the falling aqd breaking timbers 1 fell on iny knees in terror and begin to pray in a moment as h seemed the storm pissed and stillness prevailed- i was completely endompocied by the broker timbers and the mowa of bay and grain whiob bad been stored ia the upper part of the barn i waa in utter darkness too and at first completely dazed finding myself unharmed- however i reaovered my sen sos and began to dig into the hay to eioape after a long straggle i worked myself free from tbe hay and stood in the midst ot the wreok it wu afterwrrds ascertained bow nhrrowly t had esoaped being crushed to death by tho falling timbers had i been standing at the moment i mast have been killed the spapo wherein i had knelt was aoout a yard square and the pnly place where i oould have escaped instant death muob was raaoe of my remarkable escape wbiob i have always regarded as a direct interposition of provldenop and in oon- saqaenoe i hate devoted my life to the masters servloe a man who bad not been to churoh for a very long time finally hearkened to tbe persuasions ot his wife and decided to go he got tbe family altogether and tboy started early arriving at the ohnrob there were very few people in it and no uahers at hand so the man led his family well up the aisle and took poasqsbion of a nice pew juat aa theservieawaa- about to begin a pompoub looking old man came in walked up to the door of tho pew and stood there exhibiting evident surprise that it was occupied the oooupanta moved over and offered room to sit down but be declined to be seated finally the old man produced a card and wrote opoa it with a pencil 1 ipay for this pew he gave the card to tbe strange occupant who bad be been like moat people would have at bnoe got up and left but the intruder adjusted hie glasses and with a smile read the oard then he took oat a pencil and oalmly wrote beneath it how much do you pay a year to this inquiry tho pompons gentleman still standing wrote abruptly ten pounds the stranger smiled aa though ho were pleased looked found tooompare the pew with the others admired its nioa onshione and furnlsbingsandwrotobaok r i dont blanle yoa it is well worth it tbe pompous old gonooman at that stage oollapacd into bis seat witli aweotnofla and liglat- niy tipjilo la blontlod a bowl full of buttermilk troah from tbo churn friends aud couipauionb i roaoh a revival a ad now from my lips tlilq truo lesson josrn thoroii no drluk ou odrtb caacompuro with or rival a bowl full of buttorrulllc froab from tbo churn w in mud or in tmro yoo novor will wallow- anil youll save all tho wasoa you honestly a if wbonovor youro dry youll tako for auwollow a bofft full of buttormilk fresh from tho churn 11ndian fails as shoplifter christian endba voron board admiral deweys flaqship talk about the ironolad plodgo i what do you think of these armorclad rules that follow thoy are the reflations of the floating boqicty of christian endeavor on board the battleship ohjmpia admiral deweys flagship some of tho members weregrowing carelebb and the adoption of tbeao ruleb waa a sort of reorganization arrangement got up by tbonobolvee they tiro pretty etraight dont they i every member shall diligently attend the meetings the booiety will hold on board ii wo member shall nap tobacco nnder any circurnstances iii every member shall abbtain from all intoxicating drinks iv no member shall borrow money on interest or lend out money on interest v every member bhall abstain from each company oh board or on shore as will hart the progress of hla christian life vi every member ahallalwaya wear hia pin when in uniform vi 1 any member violating tbe regula tions of the society shall bo warned three tiinca if ho doefl not comply to tho re quireraents his naroo shall bo dropped from the memberahip roll yill every one becoming a member of this ploating sooiety of christian endeav or shall read theae regulations and after jood condide ration ehall aign bis name earnestly and faithfully jhehea work tholiaman heart is so quiokly respon- bive to ovary touch of fooling in the mind that the people of undent times thought that it waa tho abiding place of the eoul and all literature both ancient and modern contains many poetlo references to this in- tereatiag fact tho amount of work performed daring the hfellmffof a peraoniivlng to the limit of human life prescribed by xing david threcaoore and ten years by thia small but powerful engine ia almost incredlblo it 0 inohee in length and 4 in diameter and beata on an average 70 timea a minute 4200 timea an hour 100800 a day and sg- 70260q in tho coarse of a year so that the heart ota man 70 years old hue beaten over 2b00poo0o6 timos qbicago record devious definitions millionaire one man in a mjllion coupon tho veal outlet of the golden calf fable an openfaoed lie with a moral attachment w diamonds tho gems of ihdught moat peonliar to women monopoly on monopolizing egotista man- who cant dlagulio the interest j10 feels in bimaelf hypocrite a man who prays for somo- tbing he isnt willing to work for energy the ability to work given to otherwise perfeotly harmless bodies mitten something a girl gives the follow she doesnt oare to go hand in glove with a pretty school dress new creations from dis carded materials in ovcry young rlrl there is a natural arid iulieront deslro to look protty and attrnotivr anil uothlnij givoa ureator dollrht to the ordinary eolwol mua tbu m oooatsional uow dress hsfaro the advont of diaiiriodd oyes the lare majority of our sobool irja bad to content themselves with two dresses a i fnr siimmar a win john w alu rioht a clergyman who has a small farm waa walking round superintending when be oamo np to bib plowmsm who waa resting bia horse tbe clergyman said john oould yon not bring an old sickle and cot away the weeds in this corner while you rest the hors john said maater couldnt you take a bag of tbem mixed seeds idto the poolplt wl yon and sort en whlli theyre singing 7 john always breathed bla horses as well as himself after that wllh nothing said say no when a dealer offers ynn a nbatitote for hoods ssraaparilla there is nothing jnat as nood qal only hoods now with tbo magical virtnea of dlanv oucl dyes mothore in oven very moderate oirontnatanoea arb enabled to bond their daughter to sobool as neatly and stylishly dressed aa the daughters of woll todo families a little feminine taot and skill that all woriiea posess with tbe aid of a ten oent paolbe of diamond dyes will do wonders for our sobool girls every mother has put aiide ono or two dresses too old or faded for herself or danghters it is a mialske to imsgine that these dresbes ara worthless with a little airoplo work at cclorlnr or remaking yoa can have really artlitlo effects and resnlts take one of tbo old dresses and try your skill first remove all grease spots and stains then propare yonr bath of diamond dye tbe color most baooming to the miss who is to wear it and dye aooording to simple directions on the envelops- and yon have a creation in now material which when made np yonrdaughter oan wear with plrlde and satisfaction i a now and prettydrass at a oost of from ten to twenty oeats is alwiya yonr reward wheu you make use of the diamond dyes