Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 13, 1898, p. 2

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f aok a it- kisfihiiuny on friday october 7th to mr and mm 13 j kidb8bury- 1st lino erin son ilaiinow at watford on tuesday obtobor itb to mr oud mrs ilov ho ber t haddow a dmirtitor maxkjriy goouvknandat fit mary hufdalanoi cliurali lloydtown on wodnwday mtb ootobor by ot j h hind brother of tho brldo kev p w goodna m a kotorf of moraines mmo to fcfin ra wv hoydtown bmmi hand of died lltb ootobor wrof joho hii- cook aged 11 montui and 13 days hikcock la at ton on taoiday cliarlotto inmo only dauflbu profitab town this is newmarkets experience with a munlolpal eleotrlo llbht plant jt will likewise be actons the eleotrlc light question boing one in whloli rnnoh interest la centred by tbe peoplo of aoton at present wo ropublioh the following from the newmarket era whiah shows oonolubtvqly that nob a plant may be made profitableto a town eyen in the first year of its existence tbe bxu says evorslnoe tho eleotrio light bylaw wis earrled by tbo volo ol the peoplo there baa boon an anxious fear on tho part of dmlnorlthheewasgoidstojnoreaaathe ahtjr8datro0t0bier18rl898 notes and comments the kingaton election trial was oonolnd- od last week altera gottd deal of evidence bad been pat in and a number of obargea beard the lawyers arrivedat an agreement by wbioh the osie was dropped hon mr hartyyhua retains tbe seal the otown lands department saving been made aware ol the intention of some michigan lumbermen to ont logs on ontar- io limits this winter for exportation to the other side has issued a warning to the lambormon in question which will probably have the offeot ol oauaiug them to change their tninde tho uoderioh signal reabonstbna if a majority of 21000 in the dominion be not onough to abolish an evil why should minority of 31000 be strong enough to perpetuate the asms evil only 76 oon- etituonoiea la canada have voted no whereaaj8jhava voted yes now let the temporanoe people make tlia members otlieirdaty the revenue ooueotlona of the dominion for september 1898 were 1128 against 93180263 tor september 1897 an increase of 8048990 the increase for the months ended september 80th is 18137 132 while the increase of expenditure was only 300009 at that rate there will be a considerable surplna at the end of the fiscal year next june owing to italys ilnanolal straits the minister of marine admiral di genevan has renounced the sweeping naval pro gramme involving the expenditure of 510000000 lire and will be sstlshed with a naval oredit this year of 28000000 lire a ministerial oriels is thai averted it is expeoted that the badist for tbe current year will show a defloit of 17000000 lire aooording to the latest blatiatioe there aro in canada only foor dlvoroee to each 10000 marriages in tbe united kingdom 11 queensland 16 sooth australia 35 tasmania 88 western australia 44 new zealand 68 and viotoria 71 in france where the resuona for divorce are various the proportion goes np to 180 in new south wales to 180 in bonmania to 201 in switzerland to 482 and in the united states to 012 the judges who tried the south ontario election trial messrs justices osier and ferguson in their return report seventeen men for corrupt prsotiies this will cause them to be disqualified for eight years the names of those reported are ed baker john bbearnau patrlok shearnan fred molean william hayes james moqrail austin mograu john mogrell arthur btapleion wj luke w h baoherry andw f jones the american- jtevttto of saiewt for october presents bv ita department of current history in ctrfoature a remark able series of eattobna recently published in the spanish weekly don quixote touoh- ing various phases of the war and its results it is believed that this journal redeots the sentiments of the spanish people with great fidelity these oartoons should be studied by aill who seek to know what the popular feeling jost now in spain really is the following election trials bave been fixed for hearing in toronto on saturday 15th october vihtoh practically means that it hab been decided not to- proceed with thorn south brant monok east haatingewest hamilton east hamilton prince edward west kent west durham wollaod east middlesex west hastings centro brooe sooth wentworth north wontworth north norfolk lanark lincoln fronunao sooth waterloo addington algoma tbo govomorobasrtla address at the opening of the oltawixnlbinbnniaj be tnkonae an indication of the oharaoter ha will rive canada upon bis return to the old country lord aberdeens personal faith in- the f nture of the dominion is oloqnantly shown in the manner in which he has inveetted bis own money in british columbia and the result of bis ranohss in tbe west appears to nave still further btronrthooed his oririnsi favorable opinion the writ for nen ileetlons in sooth ontario and bait wellington have been issued nominations will tike place on the 20 inet and nolling onlr7tlk the returning officer in booth ontario is sheriff paxton and in east wellington registrar anderson the government oxpect to oarry both oonstltoenoles mr gibeona unanimous aeledtion as the lib era 1 candidate in east wellington ia re- garded in tbo mlnlstorjsi oamp ss paving tho way to his bucoess on polling day iraraee ol taxation and the numerous bills presented to tbe oouuoll lor eleotrloal supplies ooal ana wood raised quite a suspicion in the rntms6tmanyvrao that it would not give the financial return tbat ita promoters advocated in order to asoeruin the sunt poiuonof affair ur j a bastodo a oompetent aooonntant was lustruoted to go thoroughly into the matter and aioeortaln every detail of expendituraand lnoome this ooor- pledagood deal of time during the past tbros woeks auid his report c wis presentod to tho oounoll last monday ovemnk whop muoh satls- faouon vasoxpressed at the result bsfbre pnttlngln theeleetrlo plant ibe town was prinl fdopper anunmfor stroet llgbtuig ahdj7niyjaro41ghuwordnssd poruxeyearibdt the rmonoefronirlncandos- ilgbtlnk paid all ruhnlug expenses thrlnblpal and interest on the idehebtrjro dpbt for tbls porpoie for tbe year and it only cost the town 90s for the lighting of the stroets by 83 aro lights whloh sum also ldoladea the llabting of tbe council ebambor townhau and caretakers residenoo in otbor words tbe municipal eleo- trlo llgbt system baa glyen tbe town double tbe light nd aved in talc 395 tbo drat year tbe ftfiores are as follows cost of power house plant wiring atrnots oto 8 11183 11 cost of installing and incandes cent supplies original vote on uylw ionus on debontura i reatlwodforprlvatslnstalllni btooltohband coat of installing town belli oouu- dl obamberand oarotakora xosldenoo 1001 96 bxceaa ofoxpondlturoon capital soconnt in an interview the other day mr a m featborbtone past pominlon counolllor of tho roysl templars of temperanoe said wo feel that a majority of seven to one of the provinces and two to one of tbe dominion constltoenoielhsivlng gone on rbcord for the prohibition of ths liquor trafflo fully jastlses oi in demanding a prohibitory law tan boyal templar order will take no independent action but 20000 boyal templars will heartily anp- port and units with the dominion alll- anae in obtaining such legislation from tbe laurier government ia7b7 oo tfae revenub last year was 9305889 tbe plant at newmarket is about twice the else proposed to have pot in for acton oar citizens will agree with us in the assertion that our people are just intelligent and enterprising as those of newmarket or ot any other town and that what oan by economical management be accomplished with an electric plant owned and operated by tbe corporation there oan be as successfully accomplished in aoton we bave advantages here whiah are not enjoyed by many towns vis onr extensive masof suturiea and the foot that these are prepared to put lb large numbers of lights ss soon as a plant is in operation gives aoton a manifest advantage in the operation of a munloipal eleotrio plant it is a great satlsfaotlon to see rate payers generally and those espeolally who pay the largest amounts in taxes enthusiastlo io their advowioy of an elsotrlo light plant this will ensure the sneoess of tbe bylaw relative to the matter introdaoed by tbe ooanol on monday evening and published in another column the unanimous support of ths people will mean i prompt installation of eleotrioity here 2 streets lighted in a manner wbaob will give sstlsfaotlon to every oltizin and remove the reproach of being far behind tholimea and 3 the aeonring of a munloipal institution wbiob is sore to yield a substantial revenue and a eon- seqnent reduotionof the taxes annually levied by onr muniolpal authorities a speolal meeting of the mnnioipsl conncil waa held on monday evening at 880 oelook to bonslder the eleotrio light ing qaestion mernbers all preeont beeve pearson in tho obsir the bylaw to be submitted to the prop erty owners wag introdaoed on tbe follow ing motion movsd by j al murray i leoohded- by i frsnois tbat leave be granted to introduce a bylaw for the purpose of manufacturing and supplying eleotrio lighting and to oreati at debt of 6000 on and by the issue of debentures for such purpose and that said bylaw be now read a first time carried clerk moore tbon read tbe bylaw a first time moved by james clark aeoonded by john clarke that the eleetrio lighting bylaw be now read a seoond time and that the council go into a oomtnltteo of the whole for that pnrpoae carried council went lot committee of tbe whole and filled in blanks as per bylaw published in another column moved by john clarke seconded by j a sljrra the eleotrio llgbtipgbj iavrbe published in the acton fasa pakgain iisass of october 18th 20th and 37th 1898 aa required by law carried xho counoll adjourned at 080 oelook as will be obsorvod tbe debentures propotea to be issued will bear interest at foor per oent tbls is a very low rste for debedtnres leaned by a muniolpslity of actons size but our exoellent flnanalal position and the splendid premium wbiob our recent five per cent fire protection debentures secured have enoonrsgod the conuoll to arrange for the issue of f oar per cents if the eleetrio lighting bylaw osrriee it will not be surprising lit even these are found to bring a premiom as aotons eonrltles are giltedged tve bays no part of debenture prlnolpal nor interest in arrear and to meet a part of our indebted ness hkve a sinking food on deposit in the bank of hamilton of over 2600 majoftltv officially declar ed 622 the pleblsolte vote in haltora oave above malorlty theofflolel figureb for thla county as anuounoed lsst thursday by lleturning ofiloor sdoleod are as follows polamasrndrvisioh aotou no 1 a majority for 32 burlington no 1 2 67 74 181 109 fi7 c8 i majority for 47 georgetown no 1 majority for 24 milton e ward n s 08 151- y majority against 0 oakvillc no 1 2 8 majority for 45 bequeeing llgny norval btewarstown dublin thompsons corb glenwtlliamb majority against 26 nsibagaweya campbellville brookville knatohbull majority for 149 nelson freeman jlelbonjviiiag 119 95 12 40 85 41 60 20 98 107 28 76- ml86 39 87 45 111 75 41 45 40 52 87 10 09 s09 835 79 80 222 78 kilbride iiowville bells schoolhouse appleby majority for 245 trafalgar boyoe drnmquin pobtvillo manns corners palermo bronte majority for 125 total majority for 623 75 21 01 44 tm ib 57 80 82 11 78 12 181 130 58 87 46 75 94 86 48 45 50 40 67 21 870 254 the public library a qrowlnb interest by our citizens as the long- even lnara approaoh tho regular monthly meeting of the free library board was held- on monday evening menxbere present j b pearson chair man lhost moore bey j k godden ma itev j a mclaqblan w a john cameron and h p moore the fourth report of the committee on fluanoe recommending payrnent of the following accounts was presented william brlggs books a 13 georsebavlllblnoforstovo 05 ei78- tbe report was adopted the librarians report for september was presented as follows new members enrolled 7 total present membership 110 books issued 802 in ths following oiassea history 60 biography 5 voyages and travels 80 aolenpa and art 4 general llteratbre 44 poetry 1 religious literature 4 fioiion 145 gash receipts catalogues and bards 8110 fines ilo total tl61 the report waa adopted after some time apent in conversation relative to tho interests of the library the board odjoarned new literature the first number of tbe sovenih volume of the canadian mule published at the institution for tho deaf and dumb at belle ville la- to hand this dainty little journal is published aemimonthly and eaob issae isorowdod with matter interesting sllke to tbe pupils of tbe institution their parents and friends at home and all others in terested in the edsoation and advancement of these who live ih the eliont world mr burns tbe manager of tho if ate office is a born avrllat and tbe editorial work is superintended by r malblson esq tbe popular superintendent who pent hia earlier years in directing the destinies of an infiaential provincial journal and who is oneof those remarkable men- who appear to be able to and time for the performance of most multifarious duties an engi story suffered thepanq8 of rheu matism for vear8 waa poduoed in weight from 1 so to 1 30pouncshla friends feared that reobvery was imposalblo now aotlvely attending to hla duties from tbo mlalenolfroe pross alexander mokenzie is one of the well known residents ol brpokbolm ont where be has llvqd for many years a few years ago it waa thought that an early grave would be hie onj the oontrary however be ia now stout and strong and the story ofbieteeoveryisonthelipaof almost every oltlxeo of his bnrgb te writer while visiting in the village conld not failto hoar of hia roooveryvend with the reporters proverbial nose for news decided to put to proof tho gossip of tbe village the reporter visited mr uoeenzies hpmeand waa introduced to mrs mqken- zie enquiry eiioltetl the information that mr mokenzie was not at home bat when iuformod astohie misbion the lady freely oonsented to tell the reporter of her husband case her story runs like this mr mokenzie is forty years of age an engineer byprbfession and is- now on a boaton tfaeriakes- 7abootfiveyears ago he began to feel twinges of rheumatism in different parts of the body and limbs for a time he did not think mnah ot it but it gradually got worse until the pain was suob tbat he was unable to work and could not get rest at nights i wonld have to get up two or three times of a night eatd mrs mokenzlo to try and relieve- this intense buffering of oonrse he consnlted a physiosn who pronoanoed his trouble solatlo rbeamatlim tbe dootor did what he coald for him but without giving toy permanent relief this went on for several years sometimes he wonld jbesomejbettemnd try to work then the trouble would oome on ugain and be as bad as over he waa pulled down from being a atont man of 180 pounda to aboot iso and was so thin and miserable that all who knew him thought itwould be only a matter of abort time until he would be in bis grave for fonrysarb did he thus drag along a mieerable existence until in thebeginnlng of 1897 some one recommended dr wil liams pink pills tired of medicine with ebrne reluotance be procured a box and gave them a trial almost at onoe a change was perdeptlble and as be kept on taking them the improvement continued bud be vns soon able to be aboot by the time he had taken a dozen boxes be was free from the slightest twinge of rhsama- tltm and aa stoat and strong aa be bad been before hia afillotloh bo great ia bis faith in dr wiliiama pink pills that when its left home reoently to go up the lake for the aamrner be took ibree boxes with blm it preventative against a possible reourrence of the trouble mrs mokensie wsb qolte willing that this story should be niade pablio and believes that she owes ber hnsbanda life to dr wiliiama pink pills fbr pale people bhenmatism solatloa neuraiigla partial paralysis locomotor ataxia nervous head ache nervous prostration and diseasea depending npon humora in ihe blood aaoh a sorofols ohronlo erysipelas eto all disappear before a fair treatment with dr wiliiama fink pills they give a healthy glow to paie and aallow oomplexlons bold by -all- dealers and pqbt paid at 60 oenta a box or six boxes for 1 260 by sddrestior the dr wiliiama fidsdioine co brookville ont do hot be persuaded to take some substitute twothirds ountheir prize money a sioo defloit reduooa eeques- ing fair prize takers receipts the georgetown herald says the dlreotors of eaqneaing agrlonjtural society met on saturday and deoided to pay twothirds of the prise list lo winners there was a deficit of over 810 on aoooont of the unfavorable weather the dlreotors were ananlmoas in the matter and indeed the exhibitors are so far as oonidlted qilcldtiis and xiinoltims maybe a little early to talk about these goods but it wont be long before the cold weather will compel you to put up the stoyej and you will want a square of oilcloth or lkipleum put under it it is to your interest to become interested in what we have to say about the vast and splendid stock of oilcloths and linoleums which we feve- ready for the fall trade in oilcloths we have a mo comp stock from the i yard wide stair to the 2fyardfloor covering at the follow ing prices stair oilclothjt and j yards wideatioci2icandtr5cr floor oilcloth i yard wide at 20c 25c 35c and 45c floor oilcloth ij yards wide at 30c 35c and 45c floor oilcloth ij yards wide at 35c 45c and 55c floor oilcloths 2 yards wide at 45 6oc and 75c floor oilcloth- 2 yards wide at 75c and9oc these prices are for a runningyardl dont think it is a square yaird our stock of linoleums isa carefully selected one the quality being the most reliable made we have a fine assortment of 4 yards wide goods of beautiful design and colings the prices of our linoleums range fcrn 50c to 1 per square yard notwithstanding the claims of competitors we claim that our oilcloths and linoleums are the the best value in the city no doubt but that we have the largest and choicest stock a visit to this department will assure you of that only one price cuelph berlin and owen sound corner king hpghson sts wtx kigp hamilton october wassww fissmiss 8 printed french flannels 10 paiterna new designs pure wool ss inches wide for llos dresalog jaoaets i spoclal price only 25o 1 etc regular valuo i3o ceylon flannels 95 pieces assorted flalde and checks in fine ceslon flannels extra quality aoltable for childrens dresses ros- ular value sso apeolal prlool9so printed flannelettes co patterns assorted colors plajo and reversible fast oolors for wrappers speelats bio loo uso and mo flannelette skirting k 0 pleoea3tinob white qroond and colored border in ffroy pink and blue regular valae s3c special 15c creyflarihel bpeeisjoualltyatiatelitolfiosuid 90o best grade oampbellford grey ss inobos wide speolal prloe aoo navy flannel best quality super mavyfaat oolors unabrlnkahlo s5o flannel sheeting talnoh union sheetlns spoolal price goo 731noh assorted quality ditto 69o 7sinoh super allwool 760 mailorder department samples by mail on retjoest ontario on all parcels amounting to f3oo and upwards ladles sultlnsta pine tweed bulthus sslnehes wide too and ei00 viceranx tviu stittings 4s inches wlds apeelal soo sedan olotb all wool as inehea wide too oso and too extna special allwool dress tweeds at very speolal piloes 15 pieces rajnlax value toe speolal prloe psrvard bo us pieces resnlar value osneper yard o 10 pieces mralarvalue 75c to l00 special pertardsoe ladles wraps ladles bsaver cloth jackets new oolorlcis fcloeh bine fawn and tan double breasted storm oollar speeiata 9ms eooo eojo 7oo 8o and 9oo ladles capes made of blaik curl special valuo 7j and tim chlldrehstieefers in beaver costing and tweed double breasted sailor collar large bnttonaot children from to u years s95 e3j0jandmjo millinery our stock of trunmed bats and bjnneu lsjinuaually large and attraotlve vary desirable being offered at s3js0 smasjsoandsioo trimmed sauora and untrlmmed felt rata in great variety freight or express prepaid to your nearest railway station in thomas c watkin8 ilehi abuertieeimnts store and dwellingr for sale stork a nil dwolllug on tbo west cornor of mill and elrln btroots or ralo apply to mkb jfyfe aoton d r l j rforster budoebuon to dr a b elliott iato rosldont phyaloiao and bargf3oh to vlo torla hospital for btou cbildron toronto omnoe mill stroot ltty oooapled by dr for sale la oaoh good collars bard and soft water isurco lot no 10 main btret aciou also good table tornis easy apply to john oamoroq aobltoat or to tbe owner orweisesr byerton p 0 collection of accounts having dutpoiqd of my practice i will re move id a fow days irom aoton and am desirous of tausu al my lqlnes settled at onoe- will ifaou wbo bave any olalmi aainit mp kindly priienb them at my former ofllce at onoe and alundabted to me kill oonfer a favor by omudh lmmedlitoly to settle their aooounts a settlemodt itxevery ease is impen tlve owing to my removal xba fl euaiott professional change having decided to take a pbstgradtute eonrse i bava dlspoied of my pvaotlde bere to dr f j b forator lata resldentphyiio- ln and snrgeon to viotoria hospital for sink onlldren toronto and btavlos oonlldenos in ill brofemlonalskllllbsvepleuaralnreoommand iff blm to all whoworo io kind ai toregard me a their family pbyilolan in tbo yean of tbe past a b bltilott m b aoton oot 11th 1898 having aaanmod tho professional praotloo wbiob dr elliott waa so favorably asso ciated with i ber to lollolt a eontlnnanoe ot the oonfldenoe with which ho waa favored the ex gtsrlenoe obtained in hospital and city practice as specially fitted me for practice in aoton my best sorrloos are ftttbteoall oftbeoqmninn lty day or night p jbfob otehroatnithttsdbr village of acton byljcjnr rsto a bylaw to provide for manufacturing and supply ing electric lighting with in the corporation limits of the village of acton and to create a debt of six thousand dollars on arid by the issue of debentures for such purpose ttnebe48 the council ot the corporation ofthjynij a vshr it ex pedient to make provision for tbe manufaoture and supply for tbe ese of the oordoratlois and others olelsetrio light within tbe said mnnlol pallty and for tbo lasoe and saleofdebentnres to raise money to pay for same amd whbbba8 it is estimated tbat if will oneoessarj for the aald oorporauon vlllago of aoton to borrow for tbe b netiessary for the aald oorporauon ol the village of aoton to boxrovr for the nurboae aforesaid six thqubanj dollaba and for tnat purpose p to lssne its debentures for that em and such debt and the debentures to bs issued tberefor shall be made payable in twenty rears tram the day on wbloh tbls bylaw shall take offeot and whbbeas it will require the oertalu bpeolaonm ef twohlfmobbd and pobty dotilabb to be raised aunuauy for tbe pay meat of interest during the oorrenby of tie alsosw of two hundbbd and two doliabs to be raised annually for tho paa prlnolpal money ot the said axe bareby settled asbedng the payrnent of the prlnolpal money ot the said debt wbloh stoma nelottt for ths that throbbinq headache robbed oi over eoooo molaone branoh at wlnnlpear with its five look combinations opened and this immense sum of money atu crtayvsonb cornbrs next sunday morning be mr hsrn- well a former minister ot thla place will preaob an eduoational sermon bars mr lamb has moved to the farm be reoently purchased front m d xownsend miss 4 klnrsbory oledsn hills spent sunday at mr wmadsswms mrs 3 brown of missouri is vuillng ber former home and trlanfla bars mr j murray rstorned home last friday after spending a week wllk friends in detroit oieiaianii anaowirp miohlksn kiti mr henry oawwn ns onvmllf has sold bis farm of 100 stores tdjs4riei bennett of ramortawisiwwlttitn exoellent f srrn and the pride s bonalderad mr vi- j- r wimriiiso- pot 8 sixty thousand dollars have disappeared from the treasury of the molson bank hranoh of this olty two men slept in the barjk at night flyoi look oombinatlons bed to fee known and a key posased in order to obtain the money no one man employed by the bank knejsj more than one oombioatlon yet the sntranoe waa obtained add the money taken who watt the robber or robbers tbat la the question wbiob everyone id tbs olty is asking and thst is the gnsstlon wbloh chief moras wool like to be able to answer ihe problem is a bard- ons and its solution will require borna tklllfol detective work no arrests hares yst been mads and if tbe polios and detectives have dlsoovsrad any clew tnajr tavesprihedtswsi7ret the rbbbtxion in lbs hortbweet has been enppresaed and onrtiibsnsoq bow devote reasonable ailmilloi ibejni sure ss4raxidinlsss remedy is putnams mv worse ban the itttttintaani uss no other mrs g r aldsna pansy latest book entitled as la a mirror la regarded by many as the best of ber long- list of very worthy literary oreationa it is a most fascinating volume and of a oharaoter which most infloenoo for good iboae who peruse it it will be of partlcoilar value to young people and will eld them in the for mation olgbod habits pore and truthful lives being ao portrayed as to be most real worthy and attraotlve even to the i careless reader the work is of tbat infrequent plata wliloh so attracts those who pass from obsptor to chapter of its oonlents that they arrive at the flnla with a yearning for more of similar quality add interest and a keen hope that the talontedautborvrlllmsoon as possible bring ont a sequel continuing ths history of the various oharaotera intro- duoed tbobooklsemlnentiyaolted to the sunday bohool library pride 70s vm brlggs pobllsher toronto wonld quickly leave you i you used dr kings new life pills thoaeands of luftercrt bave proved thelcmatobleaamerit for biok and nervous headachea they make purer blood and strong nerves and build up yonr health easy to take try them only 35 oenta honey baok if not oared sold by all druggiatb it ia probable thftt libutenantqovernor forget will dissolve the northwest asbeailly and tbat the election will be brought on immediately untold adonv dlstrnoted by exbruolatlng rheu- matlo palna8een vesars untold mlsoryno remedy to heilp no phyelolan to thwart the 6n- elnugtht but douth american rheumatlp dure charms away trie pain in twelve hotxra and the 8ufferlnat slave la emancipated j d molood of lelth ont aaya i have been a vloiira of rheumatism for seven years being confined to iny bed for months al a time and onablo to tarn myself have beemrealed by many ot the best pbysfolsna without benefit i lid no faith in bares i eaw advertised bat my wife induoed me to get a bottle of booth ameri can bhenrnatio dare at tbat time 1 was anfforlns agonising pains but inside of 13 hours slier i had taken the aral dose the pains left me three bottle completely cored me and i rejoice in hawing the opportunity of telling what a great onre it baa wrohght in me bold by a tbrown bettei prepfttfed than esrer jl for this falls trade we have one of the most complete and uptodate stocks of drv goods gents furnishings etc ever shown in georgetown among our dress goodsls found a complete assortment of priestleys black goods both lo plain and fancy our crepons are the admiration olull who have seen them all ladies needing anything in the line of dress goods would find it to their advantage to examine one stock before purchasing elsewhere not much use calling your attention to the v atitisin acknowledged fact that we ilead in this line but we might just here say that never to our know- iedre nas such a mignificent block of suitings trouserings overcoatings etc been shown in georgetown itls a pleasure for us to show these goods and judging from tho number of orders already placed they must be just what the people want if you have a few minutes to spare drop in and wo will be pleased to nave a look through them ail departments are the height of excellence for flannels flannelettes sheetings cottonades shirtings in fact nil staple goods we give the best value for tho least money our furnishing stock is an array of novelllea also- comprising ihe best imported hats underwear and all requirements of man in readytowear clothing and overcoats wo have a large stock of the very best quality if yon have not already seen our slock we urgently request you to do so as early as possible as we feel btire we can interest you it is not our habltto quote a catch price list but we give the newest goods that cannot be beat seertainspeeue 5 two dolsial 1 igsnil pnrpeaes aforesaid and in settling the sumto be raised annually for the payment of the prlnol pal money of tbe sail debt tbe rate of interest o investments bu been estimated at no mere than foor per cent par arxnsm to be ekpltallssd yearly- and whbhbas the total amount reunired to be raised annually by speelal rate for pay ment of aald debt u fotm hundbbd and fobttviiwo doiilabb 4s tbs whole rateable property in the montolpallty of ths vulags of aoton iru ff tos imi rewlssasssssliianttrell ths j samotjtwo hrjndrbdand biahtvi futebn dollabbj and whbbeas l the amount of the extstlng debenture dsbl otthe said mnalolpalltr u for ofpibrrbbnthods- vij muhnmni laabs prlnolpal moni amd swq inertbl honci the sum and ninbtsr dotr jtbo iiarii and whereas there la no part of snob lsst mentioned sum or of the interest thereof in amd whebbas thu bylaw baa reeelved the assent of the eleotisot the aa before tbe final passing thereof tbbbbfore tho oorporauon of the voti aoton by tbe oounoll there pewersjr t follows of aoton by tbeoonnou vested onsets as aid municipality oreof by virtus of the 1 that the said corporation afaall mannfao- tara and supply for the nan of the oorporatlon and others eleotrio llgit and i or auonprwow may eonstruot purchase improve oxtendvotd maintain manage and conduct any works whloh they deem requisite therefor and may also ao- rinlre any patent or other rights for the manu- faetonor production of an artificial light sold ay also aupply sell or lease all flttlngs aehloes apparatus metres or other thtagvtor tbe purpose aforesaid aud mayalso rent or pnrebass sueb land and hnlldlogi as to the oor- poratlon sbau seem neeeasary or advantaaeocs for the purpomtfonealcitv t m sb sppoma afotosald a debt of btx thousand doteuts rtul be created by tie aald municipal osmotabon and eslse the mid moneythe said iunlelpalotporauon mar laane and iduposjof its djrttwes whs ial j minraixjmimafltvlisoltbb the pro robbtqcklltltlnst prbduoe aarrie ais oash every day barjgain day here they also nllesfe dutreaifrbm lvaptrpsra fodigestlott and too hcairfy feting a per fertrorsedy for builness nausea erowsi neu badtasleln the mouftcoattd tongns pamttilil side torptd 1iver they regulsratho bowels prnmyyesdjie substitution tho frand of the day see ypii get carters ask ibrtgsirti3rs- insist and demand rum mr w h p olement barrister ot toronto has been appointed mombers of the 7akon oouuoll and legal adviser lo the oammiuioner in succession to mr f o wde poods ferment and indigestion follows as sore as bight follows the day nature he lopplled in the pineapple a wonderful libpnly of vegetable pepsin dr von stans tlueapple tablets oonlaio all tbe elemenu ink pure harmless vegelablo oompound that best all forma of atomaoh disorders in quick tints hake yon well and keep jou well pleasant and poaltlve st oenta ralph jobnstorr aged 17 years of whitby collided with a oouple of other bloyols riders of that town en sunday and rsoelvod fatal injuries ootlbrtsbymptomt hesadaohe loss o parwi bjsss oleposluou these symplorns if naglsot- nrift sft immlhklmaasdl georgetowij electric works t j 8pbjoht proprietor manufaoturers of dynamos electric motors watbr motors and hydraulic rams and general repair maonlne j frames direct to tanient sols bars bent to any dmired mile iea kept in stdek satlsraetlan pips and steam fitting and genera ing beldjnlppedwltbagasbraloj i eajrmbarsa to do biasing on bloyoft o menvetsa from direct to bring your custom logs and take tho lumber home with you in srvers lur pjaning mills naaearavveva john m6queen eaeds thereof tobe applld for the purposes aforesaid which debsnturaa shall ban smedwuh the oorporate seal of thsaald ninnlolpal oorpor- beinvedh to beevo bereof ia vtii jed ty th ireasurer thereof and shall have atuohed thereto coupons for the raymentcf interest- rt a the said debectaros shall- be made jnay- ftf jwwjlsaitllba one hundatib p0uiab8sb at the aparatlentot twenty yserafra the dsvappotntsonor this bylaw to vsswof aetoty t jk ibenturee shall bear interest at k per annum payable bait yearly from tbe date thereof ontbe soth yotjunesjjdaist day of dseember in eseh yearattnemboeorthesildrraasnrsr 8 and for the purpose f forming a sinking fond for the paymeov of- the satd debentoni sbertain ai vtsinii adobtxllas nans tecetnertbe snm of toob htjnrabdf amiyokttwo pouasaeubjr n 6i39 dnrlatha oontlnuanoeof the sal debentures or any of them byapolal rate romelsat ttaarefor oo all tbs rateablvpropertv in tbietomaruolpbusy sueb annual apeelal natetqbmnfromjtis date when thla bylaw this byuw sbsll taksextht and go into oper- attoiiontne deyof tbsdar of iu passing its third tradlngt the votes of the slmtorsof tbo aald vlllsje beraen snallbs taken on tbe fourth day of november tm at nlus veleok la the forenoon gplaeeafntbeaaldvulag hovrlbgdeputy beturalng aj the following polling places in tbe said vtllage of acton and bylbefoner- 7 oaoers respsetjlvely rwlllna ofbpok guaranteed bio i v cartijttleoveariljit lim iiofohw niiinalcd in my color t j spmoht aoratortti r waktei imdu8tbi0ds man of cbarseter to travel and appoint sgenta balsryand expenses paid bradbbtoabhhtspm ooupantf limited itstobtcv t ah loss alartlaat lbs beit thing for monsr- luttofe on infottrssoe afffiv vnpailmmromo p sayee8 proprietor hseconstanlly on hand a full line of planing infl mslchlng done to the best ol satisfaction fricea vmy cheap and mode to suit the customers packet p bayers lerlssof from 10 volnntsls i it leave yonr orders now for yonr winters supply none but the uorv b9st sorhnton coxl delivered i cansupply egg 8love and nnlslzes the liberal patronage accorded ma lut season was much appreciated i can give even better service thla year and solicit a continuance of orders p auouivmn n6 i the town hall h p moore deputy rsturrilhgt off loer r polllnsr subdivision no aat the shop of charles scelsrit j c hill osputy returning off loer e the cterk of the vulags oonnou ahall anm njitbeanmber pt votes afvenfor and saalnst ibubijew on tbe tula da of i- toe nonrofsleysn oeloskin t it ar on of eleven oelt the town hell la the asld t tbs twentynliiui day of oetoberi the hour of ten by ths oloek lis the fore the tohsll hereby ssslhshu iesaiiww law at forenoon at time and w ens thonssadelgbt husdrsd7lti jj bseve village oiert noticb nouee is bsreby glvsn thai the fol of uylawisatruoopjr of a ujbaen takenlnto oonj of toa ooraorstloa ottuii otonsndwwohwfllrifaiauyiiasbvtthi bbsebbwiisi torieailwosfsysdid id- byjaw xsd for takhs the votetit tes trmoorbmb dated october lothute wsrr t

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