Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 20, 1898, p. 2

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v strjtled mckkh uomahtinat tho rmldflnoo of tho brilob mother waterloo street quelpb on wednesday 19tu ool by roy w a j flurtla john d mokoo to kato dauflhtor of mrs m mouueter soahi anlmmiiat thoohurpu of the swmd hoartnnokwood ou tburtdyr lbth ootouor byltov frdthorcvlomio mr tbos scenls of nelson do to minnie daughter of the lite thptnaa lamb of aoton watkins anonmom av the borne of the bride sniotbor ou wednesday cvontnj th october by he b a maopbortoo mr tilm v watkiiia llbqtioildfi to ten daurbtetr ol tho into i otor anderson ear aoton ilair in trafalgar on bnnday october 9tb jos hal ag177 yeereand7 months lkebov attbo rectory tbprnblll- on friday morning nth inst smmi xaeeaod relict or tbo lata mauaeaolx leeson af firitbtne stauypen la toronto on frldaylttb ootober mildrod ironsdaabhter o samual j staoffor nmuroa uuud mm 01 c aged 3 years ahdi inontba i rtoit jraffiefflu ihdbsday octobeb 20 1898 notes and comments the mags moating called by the oonier- volives last wednesday at elora wan largely attended after general dlsoiumloo dr oogblan ot arthur was nominated to contest the riding be accepted and is now the conservative candidate for east wellington jndkemonl in she north waterloo elec tion oase was given last friday morning by judges rose and macifahon the judges found that there bad been oorrupt praotloes by ono soolly an sgent of the snooenfal conservative oandidate dr h o lfc ner and the seat vast therefore voided the bill of ohargea alleged against john it barber mp p to be heard in the election trial on thursday 27lh october comprises 100 diitsreut obarges quito a formidable llitrbnt nt in the cast of most of the ohargos in jeielton election trials they will no donbt be fonnd to have bean the areations of fertile imaginations of over zealons politicians canadas exampla ia manifestly worth following the third assistant postmas targeneral ot the united states will recommend in bia annual report tbe redaction of ocean postage between tbe states and great britain to two csnts per half onnoe the present rate la five oents this of coarse is another bond in an adrio amerloan alliance at the bait yearly meeting ot grand trunk bailway abarebolders in london eng sir cbarlas rivers wilson tbe president made tbe statement that it bad been tbe best halfyear the oompany hi had since 1890 canadians will be glad to know this similtr reporti of prosperity are made regarding industries and entor- wrues throagboat the country an advantage which will be appreciated by ottizens living on the ootsbirts of tbe town will be tbo facility by whiohan electric lamp oan be planed kt any point where it may be needed tbe proposal ot tbe counoil is to have aa many inoandeaotnt lamps as we have now of coal oil lamps and thoseill be so distributed that everyjatt of the town will bi satisfactorily llgbtsol by supporting tbe electrio light by law tbe oitizonb abore referred to will be aeonr- ing to themselves a benefit which ooold not be obtained in any other way dr wilbrow in tbe leading editorial ot tho last number of ojtuurd sayslbe pleb iscite of september was the greatest mcrsu victory ever won for tba cause ot prohibi tion for the aral time in the history ot tho world over a country aa large aa the wholo of europe the wilt ot the- people was declared in one day on this question every province in the dominion save one gave a majority in favorof prohibition tho vote was not a light ona but a wry largo one and a majority at tba time ol writing ot 18000 is recorded aa in favor of tbe most stringent prohibition of tbe manufacture importation or sale not only or whiskey rom and brandy bnt of wine beer and cider tbe most outrageous frauds are alleged to have been rampant in the province of qnebeo during tbe election on the prohibi tion plebiscite no less an authority than la mincrvc cf montreal states tbia and gives particulars and among others the following at m certain poll whiob we can name forty two votes wars oast in all and tbe result showed eightyseven a anotharpoll twelve people came to vote for prohibition and the result showed only three votes in snob a district of tba city a certain person registered bis vote fortyfive times sgalnat prohibition and be boasted of that treat act ot morality tbe courier dp canada referring to the rapidly increasing majorities in the prov ince of queboo says that a progreaalre multiplication is oalonlated to arousa the busploiona cf the feeders of tba dominion allianco and it adds soma newspaper bave comrnenoed to raise ibe ory beware of manipulation borne people pretend that on audacious swelling up ot the ballots is presently being operated so aa to ornib down witb tbe qnebeo vote tbe vote of tbe otber provinces and thus bury op prohibi tion witb snob outrages as these qaebeoe 90000 majority against is easily accounted for a brief sb38ion the couiioll on monday evenlngr dld little mora than pass a few aeaounte counoil met on monday evening all tbe members were present pinanoe minister clarke presented tbe eighteenth report of bis committee and tbe following aoconnts were ordered to be paid 3 b pearson sundries sit 70 tho cray oil oo oil i at ii p mooro printing 10 william smith wots l ou j u pearson esnonie os last of the season rookwood erin and oampbellvllle fall fairs complete tho list in this cotton the weather tell8 every time the fall slioer season whiob has covered the put six weeks concluded with the f ara of tbe pst week the late date f alra of this year suffered severely from bad weather bookwoode opening day was wet very wett the snn shone brightly the next day however andas result thnnstnds went to tba fair to enjoy a fall day ontlng erin suffered botb days from wet weather aod on tuesday afternoon tbe vlsltars to kassagaweya fair at campbellville were soaked iuumou towkburr the attendance at rookwood last- wed nesday it inst was excellent the gate receipts being overwls proving tboorowd to bave been nearly np to tbe largest atten dance ibe ahow ever bad tbe exhibits were quite up to tbe mark there was keen competition in the ladles work and fine art department and some floe samples ot fruit the grain and roots were of superior quality tbe bread was of super ior make and the butter sustained the reputstton ol the makers of ibis section in livestock there was also an excellent exhibit tbe poultry class was not very well filled out bat some ohoioe birds were shown the hogs and sheep ware not particularly nnrderoui either bnt the quality waa there in oaltle the judges pronounced that tbey bad never aeen a finer lot tbe shorthorns excelling tbe seenest competition however was in the horses there was a very large field ot entries particularly in tbe lighter classes eioltlng features of tbe afternoon were tbe novelty raoe and the high jumping in the latter class there was goodoonjpstion being five entries tbey all took the first leap bat aa tbe pole was shoved ap inch by inoh the list dwindled to a couple of com petitors in the saddle class jas byans horse with oapt tasebereau op oirried off the red tbe following are the offloors of the association eaoh of whom contributed to the auccess achieved john hitching president john monabb vice president colin cameron secretary treasurer committee of management horses m loree john off wm argo a j carrie cattle jas gray b talbot obas monabb w kitobing 1 sheep q t wilson tbos waters pigs jas black james ramsay poultry las keougb jos croft implements john gibbons dairy peter lies david stewart grain and boots g j tborp thos lush john gibbons ladles work norris blscar joiiepb croft robert dredge hub towhbnrr tbe wet weather last thursday and friday played havoo witb tbis years ex- hlbitlon many visitors braved tbe storm but thousands who would otherwise bave participated did not care for an exposure to the elements as far as tbs exhibits in the hall were oonoerned tbey were oertaloly very flue and the entries ltrge in number there being no less than 66 competitors for the prise of ten pound of butter the hall presented a beautifnl appearance all of the olassea were well filled and tbe ex hibits of superior quality tbe dairy de partment took np a very lirge apaoe and waa finely arranged the root and vege table exhibit ia also worthy of apeoial mention one ot the squashes in this de partment reached the enormous weight ot 330 pounds owing to tbs almost oontincona rain tbe outside exhibit as far as number ot entries waa oonoerned was far below the average at tbe promenade concert at night tbo attendance waa large notwithstanding tbe wet weather and the programma was an interesting one the erin hand tinder tbe leadership of mr bmitb played some ex cellent mnalo and this was interaperaed witb selections on tbe violin and guitar by messrs momillan and skinner bagpipe selection by piper moncil and highland dancing by mlsa myrtle edgour and meatier eddie campbell of gait tba dancing of these clever little artists waa pronounced nratclassaod evoked considerable applause usuoawsta in fixing tbe date for the anuual ahow of tbia township at so late a date aa tuesday 18th ootober the directorate hoped tbey woold have escaped tbe wet weather in stead however a moat disagreeable day was experienced the early forenoon was however dry though raw and obiuy and a large crowd bad gathered before the rain act in bain fell neaily all afternoon there waa no pleasure ootslda and the buildings were so orowded thst there was lack of comfort within duors a large diaplay waa on exhibition in tbe ball and naasagaweya had good reason to feel proud of tbe products of field dairy loom and hltohen on exhibition there were evidences innumerable of skill and enterprise and tbe judges in every oase endeavored to reward true merit id their decisions or robinson drops dead a prominent phyalolen in brampton suddenly expires after par- form an onaral moved by j a money seconded by i francis thst tbe report of tbe committee on finance just read be adopted carried moved by john clarke seconded by james clark that the beeve be paid tbe sum of 120 00 for oharltlos for tbe year carried the couuoil then adjonrned braifptoh o 17 dr robinson one of bramptons leading pbyslolans dropped dead this afternoon at 4 80 while on a visit to a patient in the toronto gore upon wbom he bad jnst performed a sorglosl operation ho was about alxtyflve years of age some eara ago dr xlobioson represented oardweil in the local xjegia latere in the interest of tbe reform party uxcitembnt killed mra kennedy strloken with fatal hea di whl to a plre death op r pr cochrane thirty six years pastor of zlon presbyterian church brantfcrd biumtkmu ont oct 17 rev dr coobrane pastor of zlqn presbyterian ohuroh brentford sines 1863 and well known throughout cspada in connection with the presbyterian ohurob died sudden ly t 10 oclock tonight of angina psttorls at his home in brentford hs wu taksml iudn saturday and waa unable to flu i tauwitss oot 18 mrs john h kennedy started to go to a fire at tbe round hoots last night but before tbe destination waa reached she felt faint her daughter want on to tbs are and tbe mother said she woold go home when lbs daughter returned aba ftmnd jier mother lying on tbs sofa qaite dead no rioht to uoliness r- prohibit m the returns still incomplete but ttio majorjty about 30000 ottawa od oct 19 it will be several days yet before all plebliolto returns are in whonaooarate information oan be obtained as to the definite result ot tho voting enough however la known to ahow that tuouguroa now publiehed in tho press are wrong in two particulars ior inatanoe the majority in ontario forprohibltion will be very maoh larger than haa been stated it will be 10 the neighborhood cf 88000 in qaebeo tbe majority will not be eo large against prohibitionlas lit stated instead cf its being about 90000 it will probably he in the vicinity of 70000 the montreal herald on tbe basis of official returns declares that prohibition carried by a majority ot over 21000 in quebec prohibition was defeated by 78882 votes with one constituency to bear from allowing an adverse vote of bo00 there quebec deolared against prohibition witb a majority of 81889 those aro the official figures aa far as ascertained msjcrlte or against ontsvrlo 08 331 quebec now drunwick 13 948 novfcbootla 20 109 brltleti colombia 1600 nortbitoet torrjtorlob 3500 prineo edward island 0o0 manitoba oaoi irag7i w saa majority for prohibition 21 00o later returns of tho complete vote from prinoe edward island give ibe majority for there 8816 instead of 0200 as the hcmcdalmlee election protests dis missed elevon conaervatlves and ten liberals will remain undisturbed twenty one election petitions and oross petitions tbe one in sooth norfolk were dismissed by justices osier and maolennan saturday morning in only one case east middlesex did tbe correspondent ask for ocsts and those were allowed by tbe oourt all tbe other case were dismissed without oosts mr grant appeared for tbe liber als and messrs bristol w d mopberson and frank debton for tbe conservatives tbe proceeding were purely formal tbe partlesbroke almost even aa eleven conser vative and ten liberals were allowed to remain undiaturbed in their seata tbe constituencies and their politloal complexion ere as follows liberals booth monok east hastings west kent welland centre bruoe booth wentwortb north lanark eaat algoma conservatives weot hamilton prince edward west durham eaat middlesex west beatings dundas lincoln fronte- nac booth waterloo addlnrton churchill an enjoyableand interesting programme ot events for the next four weeks is announced to take place in the congrega tional churob under the nuiqne title of four popular excursions rev j e un j worth b a of scotland will rive the following eerie of lectures 1 thurs day oot 37 excursion 8000 miles west witb a lazy man in california a description of that tunny land inoluding a visit by night to opium joints and temples ot china town san fraooisoo 3 thursday november 8 exonraion 600 miles eaat the bock streets of new york a visit to the tenements sweat shops midnight missions sooial settle ments jewtown 8 friday nov 18lh excursion 40 years into the future aoton in 1988 a d tbqrsday nov 3itb thanksgiving day excursion 280 years into the fast tba pilgrims of plymouth book including a aketch of miles standiahs courtship these even- lugs will be profitable and instructive and aa the admission fee is very nominal the community at large will have an oppor tunity cf participating no donbt many from acton will attend literahy notes bather lighter than ntnal is the verdict wblob a reader is likely to give after oulting tbe leavea of tbe ootober canadian maga- tine tbs lightness is doe to short stories and photographs in abundanoe end the number is intensely interesting the sub ject matter ia contributed by prominent canadian literatenrs and the illustrations are of a charaoter to give oanadiana a justifiable pride in their ooontry tbe latter ahow tbree splendid illustrations ot tbe monuments at ottawa to blr john at maodonald and 8lr george oartler and tbe one at toronto to the bon george brown amonat the other portraits in the issue are piotores of gandanr and jobnaton wbo rowed at vancouver la august some amatear photographs showing scenes on the outskirts of toronto and photographs cf all tbe provincial legislative buildings bismarc iro merve was the result of bis splendid health indona stable wilt and tremendous energy are not found where btomiob liver kidney and bowel are out of order if you want these qualities and the snooes they bring use dr kings new life fill tbey develop every power of brslo and body only 36 cent at all drug atorss 3e how a sore heals r when the blood is pure and rich it wi hba rapidly thlo foot demonstrated in the case of cheater oawlay who had been troubled with a running sora for more than a year from the times qwon bound in tbe township ol sarawak grey ooanty there is probably no better known or respooted farmer tban tbos gawloy of eaat linton p o learning that hie nophew a young lad bow about ten yeara of age bad been oared of a disease ot his leg whiob threatened not only the loss of the limb bnt also of the life of tho little fellow a reporter of the timet made en quiry and we are oqnvinoed that the won der working powers of dr williams fink ellis torpale people have not exhausted themselves meeting mr gawloy in one of tbe drag stores ol ttte town he was asked jf the reported cure was a faot his f see lighted up with a smile as he aald indeed it is elr i was afraid we were going io lose the lad bnt he is now aa well aa ever hearty and strong asked tor particulars mr gawley did the most natural thing in the world referred tbe reporter to ble wife who in telling the oase said in tbe month ot september 1897 my nephew chester gawley who lives with ns be- oame afialoted with a severe pain in hi left leg in a few days the limb beoame badly swollen and painful and tbe family pbyaiolan was oalled in the case was a perplexing one bat it was deoided after a few days to lanoe the leg this waa done bnt the wonnd inflloted would not heal np bnt became a running aore tbe little fellow boon was rednoed to almost a skeleton this oontinned through tbe winter months and we thought he would never get off his bed again in april two ot the best- physicians ot owen bo operated on tbe leg for disease of tbe bone resorting to scraping the bone in spite of this treatment tbe wound oontinned to run and we were in despair in august a friend residing in manitou manitoba advised ns to try dr williams fink fills we oommenoed to nso them at once and in a abort time several pleoe cf the bone came oat of the core and before tbe boy bad taken four boxes tbe leg was com pletely oured this was over a year ago and cheater is now well and as strong in bis left leg whiob cauaed the trouble aa in tbe other ot course i recommend highly the use of dr willlemy fink pills boob is the story ot the fonrtb cure whiob it baa been our pleasure to report from owen bonnd chester gawley i growing np into a strong healthy lad and it 1 but adding another tribute to dr williams fink pills to say that they were the instrnment labia restoration to bodily vigor dr williams pink fills oreate new blood and in this way drive dieeaaa from tbe system a fair trial will oonvlnoe tbe most skeptioal bold only in boxes the wrapper around which bears tbe fall trade mark dr williams fink pill for pale people if your dealer does not bave them tbey will be sent poet paid at 60 oents a box or six boxes far 9350 by addressing tho dr williams mediolne oo brockville ont tbe average woman acta first and thinks it over afterwards volcanic eruptions are grand bat bkin eruptions rob life of joy bnokllns arnica salve oares them also old banning and fever sores ulcers boils felons corns warts outs bruises burns 8calds chapped hands chilblains best pile onre on earth drive ont pains and stohea only 36 ot s box care guaranteed said by all druggists g i ive the boy a it is the most acceptable of gifts and will encourage hab its of punctuality at school and elsewhere a boy is more apt to be on time when he knows what time it is we show a splendid variety of sterling silver watches for boys the cases are of the same designs as the gold ones prices 275 to 900 ah accurate timekeepers it la- tamoredaianoaaier t devioe who ia aerving a fourteenyear sentenoe for burglary la prepared to give evidence as to the murderer of mr john beslop treasurer of anoaster township in bia vegetable pills dr farmelee ha given to the world tbo trnlta of long scientific research in tbe whole realm of medioal selepoe combined watb new and valuable discoveries never before known to man for delicate and debilitated con stitutions pormalees pills sot like a charm taken in small desea the effoot is botb a loulo and a stimulant mildly cxoitlnaj tue secretions ox lbs 00013 giving tone and vigor saamgjslqa guelphr tbe woman who it lovely in the faoe form and temper will always bats friends bat ons who would be attractive must keep bar health if she 1 week sickly and all ran djiwn sbe will be nervous and irritable if she bas constipation or kidney trouble her impure hood will cans pimples blotches sklo eruptions and a wrttonad complexion bleolrlo blmer if the mtdloloe in tbswohd to lw li- si iij ili uj a dsd having bought a thousand havana oigars was asked what be was abrrynarttakete to a course of leotoree o be given by my wife be replied cholera and all anmmer oondplainti are ao quick in their action that tbs coll band of death is upon the victims before tbey are aware thst danger is near if attack ed do not delay in gttting the proper med iolne xry dose of dr j d kellogg oordlil and yon will gtt immsdlstt relist it acts with wonderful rapidity aud never falls to effect a curs m x they camp from aberfoyle erin mosboro corwhin eramosa hespeler fergus rockwood elora morriston campbellville elmira arkell acton new germany and fronf all parts of the city last saturday to do their buying atrthis store and they did it they were not pressed or exhorted to buy we never do that an inspection of thequalities assoxtmentsand prices was sufficient to demonstrate that this is a great value giving centre and that is why a great crowd of people thronged this store from 9 oclock saturday morning until 9 oclock saturday night exchanging their good canadian currency for reliable and trustwbrthy merchandise it wafa great day in the mantle department it was a great day in the millinery department it was a great day in the dress goods department it was a great diy in all departments the kid glove and uudervest sale was a record- breaker i why we do what we say ilttm aabtrtibftntntb lymre and dwelling fob sale stohe and dwelling on tbo west corner of mill and elgin btroota forsalo apply to ura j fypb aoton professional change having dooldod to take eourso i have disposed pexo to jdt f ju fonter utax courso i have disposed of my ttrmctloa lodr f ju fonter taraldoptphrilo ian and aurgooo to victoria bmpllai fqt pick poitgradaato my ttrmetlofl ildoptphrila- n b vtfe will not tell you how many orders we received for rocking chairs it might hurt some peoples feel ings to know only one price gb b ryan fc co cuelpli berlin and owen sound georgetowns liirest store wide awake and always at it this stores business keeps growing the reputation of our goods is the highest they are the newest most reliable and uptodate in the market our business so far this fall has been larger than ever and has enabled us to buy many lines at big bargains for spot cash and our patrons will get the full benefit of it specials in new dress goods comprising all the latest colorings trimmings to match new tailormade mantles capes the latest styles and perfectfitting hew gloves hosiery underwear etc fine highclass tailoring the average man it is safe to presume desires to hmo his apparel neat stylish and well filling oar reputation in the clothing business is second to none in canada eveiygamient turned ont bore is perfection in style fit and finish and is positively guaranteed we do not do a catch trade as some do and turn out ordered clothing that is not equal to second class ready made stock our garments are all stylishly cat well trimmed and well tailored we also have the largest stock in town to select from comprising all the latest and finest imposfed and domestic tweeds fine trouserings overcoatings in montagnacs beavers vicunas whipcords etc some of our leading specials fine english whipcord overcoat regular price i20 00 cnt price ti 00 fine english black clay worsted regular ij 00 cut price ii8 50 special dine of trouserings regular 5 00 to to 50 cut price 385 special line of black trouserings regular tj 50 to to 00 cut price 350 this is only a sample of what we aro doing in tbe clothing business readytowear clothing we have just purchased at a great bargain 200 overcoats in boys youths and mens this will be tbe great est snap ever offered in the overcoat line call early and get your choice of a fine overcoat at a price unheard of before in georgetown a complete assortment of boys youths and mens suits nt very close prices new new neokwear hats we invite you to call and inspect our stock mew caps new furs and hobos we are satisfied that you can buy your fall and winter outfit here at closer prices than at any other place buying here is a safe guarantee that you are not getting tho best and are paying far too much for what you do get gibson 7illakrc0 rob block 7mehin st cdorgtown produce taken in exchange every day bargain day here children toronto andbskyjds oorjfldqnoe in bit jirofoulodku 11111 ibatdpieaauretdrsmommand as him to all who wero ao kind aa to regard ma aa their family pbyaiolan in tho jcsvra of tbe paat ab elliott m b aoton oct lltb 11308 having auumeo tbe profeiiioal praotioo which dr elliott waa ao favorably aaao- oiatod irltb i betf to aoliolt oonunanncd of tbo confidence with which be waa favored trie ex eerience obtained id boipltal and city practice aa epeoially fitted me ztr practice in acton my beat cervices re t tbe call of tbo common ity day or night f jrfqbotbr actod oct utb 1098 notice to cr in the estate of alexander mcdonald late of the township of esqutsing in the county of halton de ceased notice la hereby- gltonpnvwaant to chapter 129 betlaed btatatab of ontario that all poraona having olalmi ikaloat tbe citato of tba aid alexander mcdonald wbo died oo or about tbe twentieth day of july a d 1806 at tbe townahlp of baquoaiiib in tbo aald county ot halton art required to deliver to a j mto- klnnon aoton aollcjtcr for the execntora of the said eatate on or before tbe s3rd day of norem ber a ix 1608 their namee addreeeee and deacrlptlod and foil partloalari of their aald claima and mauritloamlf any held by them dclr verified and after tba tali ssrd day of noreu ber a d 1808 the eweutora will proceed to dlatrlbnte the assets ol tho said estate amoogit tbe parties entitled thereto bavins regard only to the claims of which they aball then have a jalaal- a or notice and that tbe said executors will not be responaiblefortbeaeuta of the said eatate or any part thereof to any peraon or persons ot wb ceo claims tbe ah then have re notloe a j mackinnon solicitor for tbe kxecnton aoton oct lotb 1698 village of acton bylkm no a bylaw to provide for manufacturing and supply ing electric lighting with in the corporation limits of the village of acton and to create a debt of six thousand dollars on and by the issue of debentures for such purpose whu tb condollof tbe oorporauon- of the vulega of aotob oooalder it ex pedient to make provlilon for the manufacture and supply for tbe aaeof tbe corporation aod otben of elmtriougnt within the said munici pality and for the uani and sale of debentures to raise monsy to pay for same and wheebab it is estimated that it will irstton of r be necessary for the said gorporauon of the village of aeton to borrow for the purpose aforesaid six thousand dollars andffer that irarpom to iarae it debenture for tbst sum aud auoh debt aud the debenture to be lsanod therefor shall be made payable in twenti years from the day on wblob ibis bylaw take effeot and whbbeah it will require the oertali specific snm of two hundred and fo dollabs to be raised annually for tba 10 snm of two hundred and fob jabs to be raised annually for tbe i meat of interest during tbe onrreney of said debentures and alio a certain speelfle a of two bcndbbd and two dllabs to rtaji 1 rnrlnoipalmdnerof the aid debt which sums are hereby settled as belnr snfflelent for the purposes aforesaid and in settling the sum to be raised annually for tbe payment of the print pal money of the said dub t the rate of interest than four per cent personam to be oepltalltsd yearly and whereas the total amount required to be raised annually by sneolal rate for par mentof aald debt imjovb hundbed and joetytwo dollabs property lion was as roll and whebeas tbe whole rateable in tbe uunldnulty of ibe ylllste ot acl aoeordlng to tbe last revised ssseesmi u j b bcndbbd aud the sum ot two btjkdbbd and eiobty- onb thousand mob fifteen dollars and whbbba8 tbe amount of the eilsuni debenture debt of tbe laid municipality la for principal moneyjbe stun of pigtekn tboub labs two honored and ninety dol- and whebeab t la no part of anon last isutiuneu sum er si me utbeat errear mentioned sum er si ibs interest thereof in errear and wbebbas tfcli by law baa received the asaent ot tbe elector cf the aald mnnlelpalllr before the final i passing thereof lass tbs tbebbpobe tbo corporation of the villi i acton by the ooonoil the powers follows of acton by the poopoitujereyt by virtue of corner king hoghson sts 1 the ttiqht house hamilton october 1898 bring your custom logs in and take tho lumber home with you srvftjrs lumber planing fli aljklm i i sijijjtv 1 mills nawsuraivveya p sayers proprietor has coqstantly on hand fall line of printed french flannels 10 patterns ntywdleilgns pare wool s inches wide for ladles dressing jaoltela eto refiular value 45c peelal price only 30o ceylon flannels 90 preoes assorted plaids and oboe in fine ceylon flannels eitra quality snltabla jor cwldrcn droesoft rag alar value vo special price 1fto printed flannelettes m patterns assorted eolors plain aadl reversible fast colors for wrappers peolals 84o10o 191a and lffo flannelette sklrtlngr 6 pleoes swbbl willie grannd and colored dordor in grey pink and blue rtotilax value s8o special iso crey flanriel speolal quality at ltto 10olbo and soo beat grade caxnpbeuford grey 88 inches wldo special prioe 86c wavy flann ty huper navy rest eolors unshrinkable 35c flannel sheetlnk n ineh unldn elhecitlml special prloesoo v lads suitings inebes wldetbo i 4d inebes wide epeeisl soo valnoh assorted quality tslnoh bnpar all wool too fine tweed saluaas m inebes wide too and sum vlreranx twill buitlbs 40 inebes wide epeeisl soe sedan cloth all wool 8 inches wide mo ssc and tso extra special aii wool dress tweed at very special pi loos is pieces regular valna 5o special prlos par vara pieces regular tbu jecpnfio 10 pieoes regular valoe tjoi t5 slootspaclal per yard bdo ladles wraps beaver cloth jackets new eelorlaaa black bin tan double tnresaterl storm ooller special sst5 readies fskwn and tanu ae oo ttjo s7 oo seoo and oo ladles capes made o dlsek carl rpetolal value mt5 and s500 childrens reefers in beaver dostlne and tweed doable b sailor collar large buttodsnfc e 3s0 uendu0 t children from t to 11 years aus millinery orar stock of trimmed jbat aodbonneta i nnnsuallr lone and attraute very desirable betas errand at auo aa uo smo andaaxo ttntoea ballon and tjntrlmmed felt hats la great ejdu srrlrtj iaeiii frin dotm aiges era in l 1 ire and others roonsti ntaln mani ism u that behalf vested enacts ss that the tsld corporation aball mannfs lousjbtand for suob ptuposes indliou rkr ays patent or otbsr rigbta for tie may eonstrnetrpnnlnis improve estend nalntaln manase and eondoet any wo tbey deem requisite tasrefor and mi e and eondoet any works which j tito ty maun tareandsapplsortkiuseot the oorporatlon i safecair b i 1 qalre any patent or otbsr jfaeture or prodnetloa of any artificial light and may also supply sail or lease all fittings machine apparatus metres or other tnlass for tba propose sforesall and may also rent or purchase sueh lend and buildings ss to the cor poration aball seem ws or advantaseooa for the purpose aforemia hssisli hkff aforasald a debt ot bix thousand dqllab8 abau be created by tbe said municipal corporation and to raise tbs said money tie said fitonlrupml oorporatlon may fcurae and dispose of its jeberrtnree for the said sum ofbtx tbodbjind dollabs the pre ib aald ktonlrupml oorporatlon may huroeaadaiaposeof its jeberrtnree for the said sum of btx tboosjsnd dollabs the pre oeeda thmsofi to be pplld forthe mupome f be sessed wuh l ijh xreeanrer thereof thonrto eonpoas for and counteralgned and shall bave a the payment oflm a theaaid dsbenums shall d0ll4b8 each at the ajplratlon si jsesity zffis bylaw tj um afreet ag the efilos oltb- village of aoton il tbe treatntsr of the dbbd of mail order department samples by mail on request ontario on all parcels amounting to f 5 00 and upwards freight or express prepaid to your nearest railway station in thomas c watkins john mcqueen metirss orossloy and honler the noted evaniisllsliare holding revival services in ollnlon lbs methodists prssbyterlans and bsptlite having invited them no other remedy oan present snoh a record ot permansnt onres aa b b b it tuberer prompt arlsa from dls- llvsr blood and lanlini that jeans there ha lath shutrflos order on short notice oadar onk logs and lumber jjnui s postf woodato bill stntt cutto ore- planing and matching done to tbe best of satisfaction prices very cheap and made to salt the customers pocket p sayers georgetown electric works xj spj5ght jproprefor manufacturers of fe ripe and lag being lam dynamos blb0trlpmotor8 watbnfotobs and hydrxllio rams public t auntioii our long boots this year are away year in quality they cost you no more ahead of last leave your orders now for your winters supply hone bnt the ucbv host sorrnton corl delivered i can supply egg slots and nut dxes tba liberal patronage accorded me last season was much appreciated i con give even bettor service this year and solicit a continuance of orders pcjssqoa bdnobbd at zz hog said debentures or any of thins juisawl for tbaipiir flu snrn sh2mgsg0m said debentures 01 jssr er aalon on the dar of 1 sha aent impaaslaglts third taaduur bubdlvl of aoton and oncers poltlhs bubdlvlalon no iat the town muf h moo psp raturrtlnjitjoffiosir p 2 shoo of charaj3plrht j o hill dorjutjr raturnlng offloar mhol9aftsssfia2i ooba- 108 at tns aosr o ajstrjby uj ajeelt in she forinoon at ojtbe vlt by ll vliisntoiets oa behalf of the persone ulereetm ung or opiisioyorag one thousand eight hondrid ldnfnsty z beeve vlllagsolerk john

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