a cflfi bank of hamilton head otfiojb hamilton capital all paid up t 20000000 reserve fund 77c0ooo0 rotal assets 1118014400 nearly ten millions of dollars boabd of john btuart djrbotob8 a q bambay proeldent vioopraelaont qbo boaoit joiim pnooron a t wood a b iika toronto i wn sidson m p j tuitnbull caitalor h 8 steven aut oaehior b m wat80n inspector georget agency a general banking business transacted notssofresponslbhv farmersdiscounted and special attention given to the collection of sale notes and commercial paper generally dafta issued payable at all principal points in canada and united states drafts on great britain bought and sold savings department deposits of i and upwards received interest allowed at current rates and added o principal every year whether pass book s brought in or not special deposit receipts issued for large suras j p bell ascent georgetown ont 8hje cton jm firm the news at home mostly of a looal charaoter and very itam intoreatlnat- thub9dai october 80 1808 little lo b whloh caubht tha eye or barn of fra presereportersa this week komember the elsotrio lighting by law on friday 4th november parlor social on friday evening 28th inst at the home of gonnoillor frauds the next meeting ol lbs township gooooil will be held on monday slat inst wouldnt it be better for all concerned if flu early dosing bylaw were more oarafully observed theres money in a municipal elsotrio lighting plant for acton liol all interested vote for the by law on the 4th november shoppers do your saturday baying daring daylight as far as possible give the msrohents a ohanoe to ret home before midnight another pleased oostomer of our job printing department says diplomas and certificates to hand everything quite satisfactory f b h mitchell the eonoert in the interest of aeton cornet benotnas been postponed from the 30th ootober till friday 4th november ifwuthsivaa very attnoirrotfamme- a somber from aeton and vlolnliy attended naaeagaweya fair at gampbell- ville on toesday they bad a very disagreeable lay for the outing however w p campbell it building another bouse on church street waal of main in tha rear of adam cooks barn it will be eireme building 18x26 with kitchen addition a number of the friends ot dr a 8 jsiupll entertained him at a compli- insatary tapper at agoews hotel on monday evening an enjoyable evening ws spent dont be afraid to tell a merchant that you saw his advertisement in the faaa pais he will appreciate your intelli gence in reading the fan fuss and lbs fan paxss will appreciate your kind ofaoesln its behalf atsyj hr summer of the guelph zferosw baa issued a writ againat tha dominion building and loan association of toronto for t05o the amount olaimed by mai to be on on ien shares of termina ting look issued by the association on the 1st of august 1890 w attlsilu aud skilf e ulumlnsted address a copy of the address presented to dr tjren by the methodist oboroh has just been completed by mr w stark it is richly illuminated bears camera views of the oboroh and is ohaately decorated wish floral designs and mural ornaments the work reflects much credit upon mr7 starks artlatlo skill crewsons corners eaquealag townships tax couootora at the last meeting ot the township ooonoll the bylaw to appoint collectors of rates for ibeear 1898 wis passed and the blanks filled as follows polling division no 1 archibald mcdougell no 2 robert harper no 8 david lit lie no 4 peter qlbbens no 6 james niokell no 0 john campbell the collectors will be paid the sum ot twonty dollars eaoh for their services and the olerk and beeve wers inetraoted to examine their seouri ties narrow bucapo from satcaution mi8 bdlua walker and miss oaullleld a fellow boarder at thohomo of mrhf hayward berlin had a narrow esoape from asphyxiation on sunday morning tbefnrntoe bad been started the night before for the season soring the nirhl there was a serious esoape of gas and early in the morning mfas walker awakened feeling very ill from the affects and aroused tbe household several members of wbloh woroalcaoit oompletely overcome they have since reoovered from the effeots their esoipe was certainly a very narrow one the provincial 8 3 jcoaveatton the tbittythird annual provincial con vention ot the sabbath school association of ontario will be held in peterboro oot 25thto2slh a meeting of the general executive committee will be held in peter boro on ittonday evening oot 24 pro grammes have been mailed to all pastors in the province requesting thorn to band them to she superinteudente ot their sun day bohoole miss jessie a monro 26 manning aroade toronto it the corre sponding secretary the programme for tbibconrdttonls ofan espeolitly interest ing character and will well repay attend ance on the part of sunday school workers entertainment mat tor tho next month the olbiioos of aoton and vsclnity need not weary or lack of entertainment for the next few weeks the following formidable list it already announoed thursday oct 87th tjeoture atcbnrobill friday oct sbth parlor boolal at councillor francis friday oct 2flth entertainment at irno sobool monday oot slat song and 8tory recital in the afetbodlit onurob thnrsdaynov 5rd eoturo at oimroblll friday nfor 4th aeton cornot band goneert friday wor 18th lecture at ghuroliill thanksgiving night fire brigade oonoert thursday nov 21th ijeotoro et olmrchil aboat tbo time this list is completed tbe variont eburobea will be gettinai to work on their christmas entertalnmtnt pro grammes a qalet wedding zamt week a joyous event was enacted at the home ot mm benjamin anderson task wednes- dayevbuluu at eignto her daughter xena and mr thomas p wat- kins ton of b watkint esq were united in holy wedlock tha bridal party entered the parlor to the strains of the wedding marob skillfully played by bliss maud watklus alitor of the groom the bride was given away by mr j j lawsoc her brother inlaw the pastor ol tbe young oouple bev h a maopherson fled the nuptial knot the wedding repaut follow ed apd with oongrctola ry speeches and happy conversation a delightful evening was spent about thirty guests were present a handsome oolleotlon of valu able bridal presents was reoeived mr end mrs watklus left by tbe early morn ing train for toronto hamilton and bt catherines they will settle on the home- stead tnd mr and mrs benj walklns will retire to tbelr residence at norvsj another bppr borne jssfsmfaxeot hero a pretty home wedding wis consummat ed at the ntidenoe of the brides mother on waterloo st guelph st eight oclock last evening when two highly esteemed young people were united in wedlock tbe happy maple were mr j d- tfakee pbm b chemist acton and miss kate momaslcr daught of mrs m mohaater a j martin pastor neighb nbw8 news items supplied by corres pondents and bxohancres qe tha rev dean fennrll ot et georges oboroh bts tendered tho resignation of hie ohargo to tboysmshop and although he urged atamqnsideratlon yet mr fenncll thought ifcndvlsable tovbe relieved and his wish bab been granted to tako effect at the end ot this month mr fennel basa very large number of warm friends who deeply regret his removal tbe bev t h rogers b a has also tendered bis resignation to the deacons of the congregational ohuroh to take effeot this month tho congregation has been greatly strengthened during his short pas torate and tbe people are anxious for bim to remain mr rogers feels be has calls to other work and that the time baanow oome fortjirrtto go we5ffor atwider miaelonary field rev r davey of stoney creek will visit old friends in this looaiity at tho close ol this week and preach the sunday school sermons atashgrove at 11 a m and 7pm the boyil templars had a social tuea day evening with refreshments and an exoellent programme of mneio and reolti- tions it was a very unfavorable evening yet those present enjoyed a good time mr tost bad an auction sale ol jarro stockand implements on wednesday the attendance was fair considering tbe weather and tbe prices were reasonable mrs thomas bailey has returned after an absenoe of several weeks visiting friends in the eastern part ot the province mr stsveneon of guelph is visiting et mr jonathan lane s on the 6th line miss kayle ot fergus granddaughter ot mrs tlndall ie enjoying a visit with her friends here mr jamei cleave and wife mrs wm cleave awtrmljs mamlekennedyhav e returned after their trip to tbe west tbe epworth league of the methodltt ohuroh had an at home last week in tbe ohurob tbe eohool room was decorated with good tibte tbe refreshment 1 were greatly enjoyed and the programme was exoellent wm molsod esq and dr l l bennett were on tbe grand jury font week but tbey report all quiet around oastle van and only bad need to remain long enongh to report themselves mrs l l bennett and mrs jobn stswatt bave been elected t tako obarge ot tbe mission band in tbe methodist church mrs g a m itobell waa elected one of the representatives from tbe hamilton conference branoh of the womans mission ary society to tha general board meeting she is at kingston this week attending tho annual session of that body whloh is made uji of representatives from eaoh conference in the dominion the presbyterians are bttll worshipping in the town ball but as the ohnroh is nearly completed they expect to be baok again in another weok to enjoy their beautifully deoorated building rockwood the farmers of this vlolnily sre busy with their root crops mrs alex oripps has so far reoovered that she it now able to go about the home with tbe aid of cratches kr m grieves of toronto was united in marriage to miss j kingsbury ot eden mills formerly of this placet we extend ouriest wishes for their future bappiness andtuooesav tbe community all join in extending to mr tbos p watkins and bis estimable young bride their best withe may they be blessed with many yesrs ol bspplness andjuooass is tha wish ef all 1 asv meeting of the officials ot the mstbodlst cbnroh here on monday tbe following new trustees were elected messrs d hoxeown b gk brown j brown geo nelles w lamb and wm carroll mr and mrs geo lawrence and miss rillespenla fewdsyr past week at mr b b allans hunvsuu of etcjuming sprat tb friends in this vicinity ity oi huntsvllle is visiting hs i t- jvwelksr who has been visiting frlssiueivmarkbam returned boms last vrest nafs mr henry patterson nstssgaweya bad serious runaway last saturday fts ivaschangrng his horses in the field from tj plow ojhe waggon -v- he nagleop edtbawjisbslengl of tbe traces and wnsnljrtariltct 6 3rivs awar the tongue fsftynjxbc1lofsst itarlttl and the wtopipisriwing mr patterson put smitjtlllogon tdp of bim tha mdtoles ot htties arm wsre torn and hs was otltswbvrvhsbaavnairov fmnbslb killed as soon aa the waggon upsithbs horses freed ihssntelves and were uninjured tbs creatares known as ocean bydias navsnolissul no inngt no liver no i ii npiirvo system no organs savs ford self pronoumlng guelph and bev w of knox oboroh was tbe officiating olorgy- man the brsde who looked obsarmlng id hsr pretty bridal robes was assisted by bar sister miss a momaater ana mlsa d thompson ot toronto mr b s uokee of hanover brother ot the groom and dr j p oogbltn aoton were tbe grooms men the bridal tokens were numerous and costly sod gave ample evidence of the popularity el the bride after the wedding repast mr and mrs mokee departed for tbelr new bone in aoton and will shortly be at home to their nnmerons friends in the residence in connection with the drug store tbe fjuts paul unites in tbe hearty oongratulalfons whloh are being showered upon tbe newlywedded pair hfcitoiressi wght mealtnl tbo literary committee of the epworth league have arranged for au enjoyable evening on halloween night tbe enter tainment will be in the charaottr of a recital in song and story miss ethel webb a v g m elocutionist and versa tile entertainer graduate and gold medalist of toronto conservatory ot ttnsls and bohoolof blooollon and fit w graham hodsdon floor will give a programme jointly relerripg to the ability ol these popular entertainers the press and pulpit speak in till highest terms the dalit ulobt says too muob cannot be said of iilbhnbratteadrrher psr over an audlenoei is wonderful and able com blned with her beantlfol and graceful stage appearance makes her a success wherever she goes bev j f oekley of toronto says mss ethel webb the talented and versatile entertainer gave a series ol read ings belorean audience of nine bnndred or thonsandl people in enolld ave methodist ohurofanotwau recalled again and again the people insisted upon hsr return attsr eaoh number and the delight ancl enthus iasm evoked was intense hsr style is oharmlng and ber selections appropriate the jfuu and empire says mr hodsdon possesses a voice ot great power and range and pf a fine olear silvery quality the exquisite rendering of adams holy city and cowans fins song tbo childrens home earned for him rapturoue applause thereoltal will be held in lbs afelhodisl oburob on monday evening slst ootober 4k j 4i t bal the cold and rainy weather is not particularly tjnrsfshs mrs betas presented her busband with a flu baby girl tho other morning both 4oiog sunday lavannlvf rsary n the ereabyter- lan ohurohaja pwing to tbe epgsgementt pfotwitmjmrmnoe wlllpreaoh ilmsltwiisijjiiimn oh tm bnuiber that wets disappointed bn fvlday lit erin fair day oo aoooont of ttie rain bore throat has bean goiof ths rounds of this section but is clearing away now i i i p dr iifm pleasant worm knap destroys th anf atttfeiaame ilk clbarioaptli drives intra ool of th j system prleesfc rev w d wilkie of barries ohurob eramoss has been oallod to take ohargo of the presbyterian oboroh in mlnto north dakota the salary offered is 1900 and a manse tbe eramoia fall fair was very encoeas- f ul tbis year the weather was very bad the first day but the exhibits in the ball were remarkably good and a large variety was shown tn all olasses the aeoond day was a very nice fall day and a good exhibit of live stock was on hand tbe receipts were greater than last jrear and the members ot the agricultural aooiety are very muob pleased with the result ot tbe show the oonoert in tha evening was well attended the programme was supplied by miss may colalengb eoprano and messrs bennett and piggolt comic singers mies kingsbury and mr m grieve were married on the 12th inst by rev mr ocaneton mr and mrs grieve will live at toronto junction mr t bosnian of nelson b o and miss minnie lambe at toronto were married on tuesday latt at tbe church of the sacred heart by the bev father oloane miss annie ryan at george town wis bridesmaid and miss kathleen cummlngs waa maid of s honor the groom was supported by bit brother mr p bosnian ol obioago tbe oboroh was very nicely decorated after the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at tbe home ol mr john cummlngs the brides uuole mr and mrs soanlan set oat for nelson on monday coming and going visitors to and prom aoton and varlousother personal notsa the fu faxs invites all its readers to con tribute to tbli column if you or your friends are going awsy on a holiday trip or if you have frlondavialtieg you drop a card to the fans paxes mr and mrs thoa e ohown are a boot to reitaqve to toronto m arob itfonabb ie enjoying a week or so of vaoation visiting friends in the best miss mays of gnelpb waa a guest at the home of xno a mcgrail eiq ittt week tbo misses vance of norval were guests at the borne ot the misses laird this week mr adam uaingof brampton spent a few dsya during the week with blat danghters bere misses xlly and mine boomer of london are spending a week or so with aoton relet ivegi ex reeve and mrs nlcklin and mils jessie nlcklin visited rrfeods in the scotch block this week mlsa mary thompson of olalr mioh is spending a couple ot weeks at tbe home of mr t statbam mr edgar jackson of the newmarket era spept a day or two last week with friends at mcoreorott mrs edwsrd tolton osprloge hsd a paralyllo stroke on friday she is in a very orltioal condition mrs dr mokeague and two ohlldren returned on monday evening irom a pleasant visit to friends at sarnla mr and mrs t 8 ward have taken op boosekeeping and mrs ward will be at horns to tbelr friends on thursojays from three to six mr-allan- campbell whoreoently went to johnstown t has eeoured a good eltuation in one of tbe glove leather dressing shop mrs rev h a maopherson spent several days ibis week with friends in hamilton attending the christian endsav or convention mies bella stephenson attended tbe cbrietian endeavor convention at hatnil ton laat week tnd remains in the city for a week or so aa the guest of friends there bev j g scott left nn the early train monday morning for bis annual months outing in the parry sound district he will be joined at toronto by bev mr calvert ot tbcrold gnelpb herald mr and mrs 8 j btauffer brought tbe remains of tbelr little daughter who died on friday from toronto- on saturday interment was made at fairvlew cemetery on sunday afternoon ber h a maopherson omoiajlpg head and limbs all covered with struntlona could not work the suffering waa 80 oreathoode has oured i was all nn down with oomplalnts peculiar to my sex snd i broke out in sores on my body head limbs and bands and my hair all came out i was under the doctors treatment a long time without benefit they called my trouble eoroma finally i began talcing hoods barsaparllla aud after i had used three or one bottles i found i was improving i kept on nntlll had taken several more bottles and tbesores and ltohfnghavo dis appeared snd my hair has grown out mas j 0 bbovntybrantford ontario i was all run down and had no appe tite i had a tired feeling all thetime i was sdvlsed to try hoods barsaparllla i did so sndlitbenented meoo ini that i jro no be without it i3fi boaiwtt central moaton hooci s pallia is thebeatlnfacttjbogno true blood purifier chas l nelles cuelph mrs v n hnniitrl tormwtowir wth iioou s fhis hooflanapiatliwwri wall paper bought in quantities means low riucls tor 1898 we have purchased 45000 rolls equal to 1 620 000 square feet of ioqq mlles j d mokee the acton drugeifi has tho samples and will fill all orders at sane prices as in guelph it jays to buy at bolkrts ji lji c j ct bulnt dont get the idea this space has been taken by igmmmmimmwmwmmwiiiwm d e macdonald tfejqo the golden lion cuelph iuiimaumiiuiuiuiuiuiuuw for the purpose of keeping you informed of every change to your advantage in the drv goods world tor a moment that because prices hero are so much lower than you hao over seen them that ibe standard of quality which characterises cery part of this business is lowered you are as assured as ever that you get tho best at bollerl s though prices rule lower than ever before our store never presented such an array of bcautilul goods as you see piled up on evcrv hand jf our buyer bus erred in anything he ban perhaps been over sanguine he seems to have had nn exceptionally good time on his european hip we have beard reports from buyers that sounded very much like a wall or whale whichever you prefer from the sea our buyer hid a most hippy experience go he and good weather made hi ocean t one of he most pleasant ol tho many- he has made he ate his eoup dally ana never once got into it while in europe everybody and everything conspired to make his business operations of the most pleasant and profitable chancier manufacturers and dealers everywhere wore ready to respond 0 his demand for prices and quotations not secured lower by the largest buyors uf this western world and yet there was perhaps nothing to stimulate n robust and sanguine buyer into large operations more iban the excellent prospects for increasing business in our own midst as a result our store has neier beenso crowded and to make sure that cur prognostics will comsout right we have cut our margin of profits keener and closer than we bave ever done and tbe best goods obtainable are not necessanly high priced we solicit your inspection and comparison with others strictly onetprice terms cash e r bollert 25 and 27 wyndham street guelph co new goods each weeks news will interest you everton those who bad vim enough to tnrn ont en a wet night enjoyed the gram and grapbophonb oonoert given here by mr t beat of onelph thursday evening wo have heard tbose instruments before but one of these exoelled in olear and satis factory tone the members were highly pleased on wednesday evening with mr gopeland as leader ol the epworth league meeting his paper pn the victory of israel or prayer waa exoellent jat blajok was ont to ohurob on sunday the first time tlnoe his accident mr and mrs simpson ot kilbride were vmtinglheirnleoemrs manbaluans- week mrs forester has enjoyed very much a visit from her sisterinlaw mrs o w anderson of oakville in fact the pleasure wai mutual sbe also called on mrs blaek mr h forester mrs mntrie and all ware delighted with her visit mr a vennels of toronto and j ben- ion rf lome park are bp lor a week bunting his life was savbd mr j e lilly a prominent nillann nf hannibal mo lately had a wonderful deliverance from a trigbttol death in telling of it he says i was taken with typhoid fever that ran into pneumonia my lungs became hardened i waa so weak i couldnt even sit up in bed nothing helped me i expected to toon die ot consumption when i beard ot dr kings new disoovery one bottle gave great relief t continued to use it and now am well and atrong i cant say too muob in its praise this marvellous medlolne is the surest and quiokttt oure in tha world for all throat and lung trouble regolar elses 60 oeota auoljl00 at all drug stores every bottle guaran teed a oonslot says he was tent to prisoner being dishonest and yet ha it compelled vnlfnyuetwssn the solas of tbe oheijfjvovlaelberemd salnied ei the ibftou isalbsty cod in one dyy i laxative vremo quinine tablets all ihlskoltbembotrlmt falls to our xitttepmav they alio relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per- feet remedy for dirtiness nausea drowsi ness badtasteln the mouth coated tongue fain in the side torpid liver tbey regulate the bowels purely vegetable small pin smalfboaeet small price substitution tho fraud of the day see you get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pill a great strike of luck it la asld ha the publishers ot the family herald and weekly star montreal bave secured lor the subscribers to the family herald that wonderful ploture the tbln he line this la gnat britains moat celebrated battfe ploture if the family herald and weeily star baa secured tbis picture it is a wonderful pleoe of good look for tbe ploture is a gem nneqnalled in point ot merit in the world today onpld putt in a good deal of hit time at target praotioe se yua of suffering relieved in as many days corns oause in the aggregate aa mnoh anffetlng as any single disease it it tha magic solvent power of putnams corn extractor that makes it speedily suoossafal in removing corns take no substitute however highly reoommended putnams painless corn extraotor la tbe best bore safe and painless in nine cases ont of ten tbe fatherinlaw of the man who claims to be sslt made is responsible for ibe job nothing takes ont pain and inflamma tion reduces swelling promotes hsallnir like hagyarda yellow ou prios ate the flying frogot borneo has longjoes whloh are webbed to the tips ill test thus sot as little parachutes and enable the frog to leap from lofty trees and descend gradually wbjfsuberaiony f mo need for any one to softer from rheu matism solstice neuralgia lumbago or gout mllburne bbenmalio flits art a prompt snd positive ours for these diseases friee hon all druggists the beautiful colors seen in the soap boble arise from the fao that the bobble being very ihin reflects light from both the outer and iunarr surface of the film fatal la the 8tomach john hawks qoldwater oat writes dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry is a wonderful cure for diarrhoea pains in the stomach ate i was a great sufferer but it bat giv noe perfect ooraf a clergyman when en el bit flock wept over the flnasijilaieflelj jkjsbtjtjilkjn with a cbrlstitn enterprise aaldi my dear friend tjivnr mind the tears ibis tiling oan t be run by water 6wsr cough c i bad a severs oojd wbloh settled on my lungs apd made wesomiiisfl glva itwrlgbt jieta jubtrtistttttrtts farm foe sale l mlo 1 lug 106 tcob mlolot 31 coo 2 nfatwafiawoy oontaia x ins 108 lores adjoining kdon mill nix mqm from qtjelpb in a good stto of oaltlvtv tioo welt watered ana foneod wui bell cheap term to lult purobueiv apply to n j mcnabn aoton or w c plammer on tho fretnlim eden mills p o agents we pay astrtvlgbt weekly salaries of from 10 to 90 looordldg to ability for canvassers od life and wptk of mr gladstone tbo flflmand for tblh wonderful volume is keeping all bonds working early aud ute the only can adlao nd bntlsti work published endorsed toy tbe eoyal family avnd leading publlo men a big obeap book the bbadleygarikt60n go limited toronto e arm to rent lsll acbbb lot sfleon 9 esq nosing within aw ftmuooftfeeflorjxisbldr vuiagsof aoton about sixty tors under ealuvauon oomfort table oonorete housm good bank barn and bona table wall watered with well and spring orceks will be rented for a term of years possession riven ixntuerdlately for particulars apply to lllbs augusta lamu aoton p o farm fr sale- wbbt ball atoonoeealob 1 town lino of erin 100 ftcrats sb qoder cultivation balance wooded xrg stone house with wood en addition bank birnoioowith sheds well cistern and nmerfalllng stream good orchard of apploa pears sud plums pelt mile from post offlos and ounren good schools will be old on his own termi to reliable purchaser mh8 dookbat ib meroer street toronto agents holiday book now ady one prospectus represenunif four books range in price from one dollar dp otieapestand best holiday books pnbllshed obetapeet books bound in swtuajjjiotb whua other publishers use ii tho olotbt we pay freight give premiums you pay jjr capital and ex parlance not oooemsry so don t let tbis ohanoe os after joo make dculvery go by bradley qarret0on company limited toronto bouse and lot f sal that desirable residential property on bower ayenuaand wilbur streets opposite tbe mewodiat pareonage on whloh la erected a eomfottableaut roomed rauahoaat bouse with weoesned detached toad olstern exoellent gar dan a number of xnlt trees well fenced tbe whole in a oed state of repair uberal terms to suit purchaser tor particulars apply to bp xaoobe faaa fasaa offloe aeton fine brick residence gq sal tbe nnderslgntd oxters for sale that oem modlous twimrtotwj brick resldenoe nd lot on willow birest tha ballding is well flnlsbed thmngbotit baa xsorltsni oonrenlenoep is in llrttlms eoodluoti is oentrally located and is wr eomforubla home tbe rsudan is well wlwowlwitlieholelvdifctetm tns ittemlsas maka a most atb terms reasonable tod made oatlon l fban0i8 acton sept 9stb xfiw important notice the celebrated indian doctor ankohqh w hili and partner will be at jfiiries hotslaetorr en the last wed ttesdav of every month tantll furtbar notice with veoussuay stth october di auehaa eonsnmp- eonqplalnt kidney disease urn curedby indian by the quantity sole are espselalfy itmant tn ntnor flftoi i not solleitea adr rattsat address oonaultatlon free fer bbantpobd p 0 ont dinner anittiiltbt ware lust received one cnile of wedgewoode dinner and toilet ware direct from the manufacturers in england tbe dinner sets are printed and illum inated in gold ve cordially invite you to call and ex amine tho goods whether you want to buy or not since coming to guelph pringle the jeweller has done over 50000 worth of watch and clock repairing such a number of customers cad only be kept by doing the work well and giving prompt attention to it tho above amount is positively correct 1831 sixty nlntb veer thb 1899 country gentleman -hjfe- all indihphnbablb to country residents wbowibbto keip up with 1jclb timxb slnrle- subscription 8 tvro sabmrjpticma 3 bo fonrsabaorlpttans 0 breoiaj lnddokubnts to bai8eb8 of lakqbn 0lub8 write for particulars on tbis point free till jan 1 to new subscribers fo 180 it will be seen that the dlfferenoe between tbe lewa day may readuy be reduced by naaking smalfofeb to ltmi rhan tvoant a week does sueb a dlfferenoe u tbat insttfy you in oontentlag youself wltb some other peper in stead of having the beat 8and for bpeolmen copies vvblob will be mailed freatandoomparetbein lib any other rural weekly jt will not take long to se tie dlfferenoe addnes luther tucker t sort albany ny- aizm tint isltlttko paw adiahfjoucjslojafor rotjno woiatn located in tbe splendid reftoa ofthe most aonthahr part of interlake mrt of inbab- 8pbcial prices in oem jars chl rw 1owf a store ph oanada and in a olty of itaotsr four trahseontlnantal spreads and looal elecuio system oollsae oturse and ifoale vine art blooauon business and domestic 8osnof departments finest bnlldlm eatenwrs pounds boms eoi tront staff blshsathealui resold atmmsaoas m lowaar bitss for eatalogus and fun partlcnlaia address contests bbst rev r i warner ma prlnolpal st thomas ont wanted fs bbiddbyaaahbtbon com pa toronto new fall dress goods new fall hosiery gloves flannels floor oil cloths blankets underwear yarns shoes and rubbers extra yalue in groceries qurney fe co mill street acton has some one to d you what a stock of- crockery glassware and china we keep if they have not just take n look for yourself as wo are certain there never was bach a stock in acton and tho prices aro most enticing lamps sealers jelly glasses at tho lowebt price but highest quality trouble to show goods or quote prices no c p goode ye co hcton qyercoatings blue brown and black beavers blue and brown meltons fancy curled cloths all shades venetians and fancy cloths all abides all new cloths and upto date made to order flrstclaou from 15 to 30 a coat see our special blue and black serge suiting at 0 a suit r e- nelson merchant tailor and mens furnisher voo furnish the feet we do tho rest thats all we ask you to do furnish the feet w w not only do the rest but we will do it for a very small expenditure of money never before have we heen able to offer better shoes for the money in mens and wo mens tans and blacks any shape any style any quality you desire w williams bqojuipeu shoe dealer ml street aoton aglfints jtua best thing for money- iav seen for near u lias will brloi sua colden t h whboott toronto browns egg emulsion of pure cod liver oil comdinbo with hvpophosfllltes op 11mb and soda and flavored with a fine quality of sherry wins we claim the following points ot superiority for our product perfect bniulslncatlon remarkable nutritive properties the absence of inert emulsifying agents payability permanence strength the elegance of the prcparalion prices 35c and 80c prepared and sold only by a t browi