Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 3, 1898, p. 2

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died wat ii inh suddoiily at georgetown oil tuqb- iluy niordluii lot novmnbor huiijainhi wat huib of actou agoil bo yoari cunky at uuitao n v on friday sfitli ootulor katie uaukhtur of mra llrldgut con- luy hjiuysiito aged 111 yours conic t bin boiiiu lot 20 con fl kstiuoblng ou tuobuny novomber 1st john u cook atfod 33 yearn t 2utmt jfree was tuursdaynovember a lb8 the election tomorrow tho property owners ot aotoo will vote tomorrow on the bylaw to provide for manufacturing and supplying elontrio lighting by the corporation if there- is anyopposjmon to jbe jy it is being very quietly ekpressed and uo peraona prosbntecvthemsolvoa at the town hall on saturday of appointment at the polling plaosaorr election day to oppose the pass ing of the bylavv in all probability the bylaw will pass with a large majority aa has- been the case in eaoh manioipaiity in the province where elootrio lighting was voted upon with a view to placing it under municipal control tlioao who have looked into the question critically arc perfectly aatisfled that an elootrio lighting system will not only be eolfbostaining bat that it will be a sohroe of revenue to theoorporatloo somehow- evor may be lees sanguine and fear that the plants will need to be sustained by tax ation granting for tbe moment that buoh a oontingenoy might arise it will be wellto afloertainwhatlhe oobtwillbeto the town the bylaw anticipates tbe sum ohml12 to be raised annually for tbe payment of principal and inteteat to meet the debentures proposed to be leaded oar preaont street lighting with coal oil lamps is estimated to ooat 8200 per year bat in order to make tbe case aa nnfavbr- able as pobbihle place the present annual coat at 8160 thiadbdaoteilrqmtha 8112 would ieavo 8282 per year to raise by taxation for this purpose requiring exaotly one mill of an advance in taxes tooover it on an asiebbjiaent of 91000 the eleotrio lighting bylaw wonld in that otbe entail npon the owner of tho property an inoreas- ed expenditure for taxes of 9100 per year considerable of the propsrty in town is however asaebbed at 8600 or under so that tho extra ooat to suoh ratepayersor the in troduction of eleotrio light under municipal control in case there wbb no profit to the corporation from the revenues to be deriv ed woald be fifty oents each or iesa per annnm suroly no citizen with an atom of loyalty for tbe town io which be pwoa property wonld demnr at anoh an expendi turo to have all atreets in the plaeebrill- iantly lighted with electricity i why numbers of residents on mill and main streets paid that sum tbe past summer weekly to have the atreets sprinkled vote for tbe bylaw tomorrow and use your intluenoe to secure for it an over whelming majority notes and comments the plebiscite returns for quebec are now regarded by the alliance officers- ai complete with anantlprohlbilton majority ot 08099 this deduoted from ths prohi- 1 bition inajority of the balance of the dominion which la laced at 1000s7 loaves the net majority for prohibition 13888 the dominion alliance deputa tion will appeal to the dominion govern ment at ottawa today for a prohibitory law on the baiia of that majority at a meeting of the allied trades and labor council last week at ottawa the followi platform was drawn op and adopted and will be plaoed before pro spective candidates for municipal boners the adoption of day labor sad the work ing day of nine hoars and six days ai week 3rd a minimum living wage baaed on looal conditions for all corporation laborers 4th abolition of property qaallttoation for voters in all mnnloipal elections and right to vote to give the right to represent the unseating of mr barber the mem berelect for haiton laves that constit uency bhoe more open to contest vit la to be regretted that by the iujisoretibn of some bverssealoas followers ital ton should have to faee ohee more tbe tafmuil and trouble of an election day but mr bar ber la a strong man bis large business inlereblar in the oonntyhis peraopal popn larlty and the bdnvlptlpn that be la tho right man in the right place will see hint onco more oconpy the seat wbioh he has but temporarily lost gaelph aercury the bollpp honor aoton pubtlo sohoolfa beat pupils nt trie october examinations tho following is the result of the exam inations held in the various departments last ifrlday rimt dkpjtniiiian clasa v senior edith nioaiie 240 gertrude barrle 280 bertie speight 328 clasa v junior benie wallace and hattlo noble 318 boble snaytb 328 mabel moore 917 class iv bttiemosonald 245 maggie garvin 219 george arnold 826 class iii senior ida laird 278 flor- enooboper 200 j bert smith 958 m p boo mr barber unseated the eleotlon trial last thursday reveals bribery by agents as usual in halto protests very general luteresfwas felt in the eleotlon at milton last thursday when judgoa osier and maolonnan ol the court of appeal held a court at milton to try the petition of john adama against the return of john it barber bbm pp for tho county nearly throo hundred witnesses were summoned by the petitioners and the reapondent and thebe with tho numerous politicians who gttbered from throughout the county were sncuoent to crowd tho court hoaee and corridors the petition alleged corrupt practices by the reapondent and bis agents and tbe particulars eet out 102 oases of alleged bribery treating eto the trial began at nti who with mr bristol and- mir j w elliott wilton appeared for tbe petitioner stated tbat the majority at the election was 123 mr frank denton and mlc ford represented mr barber the pro ceedings began by mr netbitt reading extracts from theexamloction for dtsoov- eryof tbe respondent for the purpose- of- showlng the agonoy of several persona charged with corrupt praotloei mr brletol then examined mr william i diok at some length mr dick was tho secretary of tbe keforxn association andhlb evidenoe wab slso aa to agency and organization harry f bray gave evidenoe as- to the organization of the party in oakville the witness created some amassment by saying there was no local committee at oakville and no seoretary but the young liberal club held a mock parliament about two weeks before the election and he therwitnoas was the cerkraprogramme of tbe mook parliament was pat in the main feature was a resolution to be moved by the eon d o cameron who was to assume the role of john wesley st john and bring before the house the great and only piggery frank fisher and albert clements both of trafalgar were albo examined as to organization and agenta at 1 ooloos the oourt adjourned for half an hour and on resuming evidenoe was give oin akroop of charges imputing whose agency waaadmlttocl evidenoe was also given aa to the leaving corrupt practices to bobert sherwood of trafalgar who had bren mentioned by previona witnetsea as a delegate to tho convention and an aotlve liberal george edgar albertson sworn said i met avlbert clements and robert sher wood about 10 oolock the evening before polling day sherwood aaid he wanted me to eopport barber and would giva mo 8fi i did not takeiti sherwood gavo me a drink from bis flask it was whiaky of a number of envelopes- sappoaod to oontain money at the houseeof people who worked iu booorthona limo kilna and briok yards in the towuabip of naeaaga- woya by one william lijlllott juu an agent o tbo respondent the oourt regarded tbo evidence as bufiloieut to void tbo election even against the euvlog olauae and accordingly gave judgement- for tbe petitioner with ooste there wiil be a now election and alt the persons who gave or took or offerod bribes will be reported to the speaker while the ovidenoe adduced was ocneid- ed sufficient to void tho election it ir a fact that the bherwood wltnobsee and nearly all the others who were put in the box were ooubervativcs and it is a strange thing that sherwood was not to bo found the queationsj natarally arise wbo got blm out 61 tkewiy ahd who was aomniili interest ed in not baviiig tbe evidence against him contradicted a coinoidenoowhloh is bomewfaatmarked is the fact that john wealey wanaoe one of the qakvillo witnesses wbo awore he was paid to vote is a brother to the colored man whoso evidenoe to tha same affeot waa iuatrnniental bomo years ago in unseating mr henderson vvhan on trial in a domin ion election protest a now election will probably be ordered very shortly bat who the candidates will beta yet uncertain it is very certain however that the dispatch sent to the toronto world from georgetown last thursday evening- to the effect that mr barber will not again be aoaudidate for legislative hooora and that mr lawson will probably take his plaoe and will have for hia opponent dr webster is asabburd as the idea that anoh dupiatoh waa inapired by any resident of georgetown on the belt of authority it is statedtbatjdr mr xawbon no thought whatever of entering tho oomlng oonteat whether mr berber wiil oonsont to do so time alone will prove qibson and dryden elected both ministers returned at the bye- elections with good majorities at the eleotlon in eaat wellington last tharajay hon j m gibson was eleoted by the handsometaijorltytlfsosr atrther contest in sooth ontario on tuesday hon j it dryden was returned by a majority over oalder of 146 in the general election mr oalder won the seat over the minister by ob votes he was anseuted for bribery by agente bdaadsayb she ie madly in lovo with her now wheel huh 1 another case where man ia displaced by machinery clements offered me a drink oat of another miampovu journal 6 1 oct a a oj s o o o s ii 1 v cf 2ws an 2s2u rt p o j5 cq e o r- rt o g q0- a a a 5s 2 a sm s 0 u tj 1 for the bylaw x amst the bylaw bottle but i did not take it godfrey dentley i know robert sher wood he lives about two miles from me he is a wellknown liberal i saw htm about a qaarter to twelve the night before the eleotlon he earns to my bonse and asked me to vote for berber he told me he was baying tories at 82 apiece he ottered roe money for m vote i laid if y fe t t moona teaoher second dkrabtineht senior class myrtle matthew 225 ethel colomapj225 jeoule mcqneen 218 may wordon 214 howland brown 314 junior oikna pearson 211 jennie smith 208 jean grant 100 marks posalble 328 o mcpmu teaoher tuiud dxpairraibtait senior class rnby clark flerenoe holmes myrtle cook frank haiiiiual junior olaas laura moore charlie matthews martha storey lola molaoh- lani equal it f faitiiibrroib teaoher roubth baubtkipbt senior fart hmerls ijwijk and alex moqused 391 blanotas ohliholm s8s irm mpxiohuniwb junior fail n7rpi oenl goodeve and david folster 303 gertrude fiwikbjlo- jemrnjt ixwhlts j ift leonafd yki- f a a b qojar jwohj want to insolt ma you had bitter get out of this he named oo amount but said money vvas no objeot and he wanted to iofluenoe me william taylor i saw robert bher wood the nlgbt before the eleotlon he oame to my home and asked me to sopport barber aald be wonld make it worth my while i aald it would take 1100 to make me vote that way sherwood said that was too much and left william beoord on the morning of the eleotlon about halfpast 3 a man i did not know earns to my bbabi and offered me a pieoo ot paper saying i want yon to vote for barber and then went away i did not take the paper afterwards sherwood oame to the door and said 11 waa 810 i said it wouldnt do- the day before bherwood bad oflerod me 85 and i told hini tbat i would take 150 joel chamberlain a nan with his head wrapped up in a shawl called at my bouse etrly in the morning of the day before the election and said he had a present fqr me t beard afterwards who it was i didnt know blm at tbo time i did not iake the money all these wltnessss deolared on crose examioalloh that they were conservatives and had stated on several oooasions that they had voted for tho conservative can didate at the election no witnesses were oalted by tba respondenmn anbwer to thla evidence bat at ita coooluaibn mr denton aakedfor an with mr barber and alter a abort absenbe frornibeboqrtroom praotioally abandoned tbe defense telling the conrt tbat his bllent did riot wikh to retain his seat in the face nf lh alrtaiin nt ijb jmnh waa a the municipal council a halfhour session on monday evonlnarnt the regular meatlna an epileptic sufferer a fenlon farmer tells of his remarkable cure at regular internals hewas subjeot to flte and dootorotold him tho trouble was inourablo now free from tho malady from tho warder lindsay one mr roborc mogee of tbo 0 th ooocession of fenlon victoria county says in speak ing of his dure from this terrible malady i abn 05 yeara of age and live on tho old homestead whero i was born and havo lived always since and where my own little family wero born this part of fenlou is known as mcgees settlement there are bo many of that name living in the vloinlty never in my life did i know wbata daya eloknobb waa until marob 1b05 when without any known oause and without any warning 1 waa stricken down with an oplloptlo fit -it- camoonin tbo night oausing great oocsternatlon in the boasokoldv as my wife who never eaw anything of the kind before thought it was my ond as for tnyeelf i neither felt tibr knew anything that was going on about me after oourlng bat of theaohvul blon whloh they toll mo asiially- lasted from fifteen to tbirtytnintit6si would fail fqtba heavyaleep frora wbioh i would awakewlth a dull heavy feeling and all the masoles of my body- would bo sore this would pass away and a day or two after the attaok i would be able to attend to my farm work but atrauge to aay every four motbb after as regular ai a olook i would bo seized with a fit which always oame oh in the night various dootors and bpeoialists were consulted and i took several diflereht medioineb but witbont effecting a pure several dootors said the disease was incurable i read of dr williamb fink fills in the newspapers and was a by friend who had jxper- ienoed ouree from other eesmiagly indur- able ailmenta to try them in november 1890 i commenced and kept on taking them regularly for a year the dreaded period passed and passed again and again without a repetition of my troublo and i felt that i waa at last released from this terrible malady i am now in the best of health arid i attribute my onre to dr williams fink fills in oonvoraation with mrs mcgee she bald that her husbands trouble was thb cauae of most seriously affeoting her nerves and general health as ene was always living in dread and oould neverjenjoy 0 nights rest the slightest noiie would btartle hor and it it had not been for the kindness of a neighbor who always oame and stayed at the houie over night ahe believes she would have broken down altogether she ia alio thankful for the great ohabge tbat bbb been wrought and is only too glad to let others with similar afflictions know that there is a remedy for this terrible dlbcabe dr williama fink fillb onre by going to the root of the disease they renew and build up the blood and strengthen the nerves thus driving disease from the syetom avoid imitations by insisting that every box you porohale is enclosed in a wrapper bearing the falltrade mark dr wililamb pink phib for pale- people if your dealer doeb not keep them they will bo sent pobtpaidat cooente a box or two boxes for 8260 by addressing the dr williamb medioine co brookville out lorne the following names oomprise the honor bol ot lome school for ootobor clabs v lizzie mcdonald 181 lexis gamble 170 ida johnston 174 nellie brown 172 iva cleave 160 james mc donald 168 class iv harriet lasby 180 annie qaantlo 176 clasa iii dolllomodonald 180 class ii hazel gibbons and lixsle laaby 100 gxaoie brown 170 herbert allan i2 hugh allan 140 class x maggie dennis 107 jennie allan 188 myrtle armstrong 160 glass i a hetbio brown 160 marks possible 200 j m0d0nu0 teaoher council met on monday evening with all the members present except councillor james clark the sesblon wat the briefest of tbe year and oooupled considerably less than half an hour tbe committee on finance presented their nineteenth report recommending payment of the following accounts qaorge bavill stroet lamps etc 919 85 7haorayouabooalou 8 80 r cook work on stroots ff 63 d alllla balanbe ou permanent walk a 73 j b eearaon expeuaes to ttoronto 193 tbe report was adopted donnail then kdjoarned 987 sb france hasvielded unconditional withdrawal from faahoda- an britains claims conooded lokdon nov 3 the paris oorrespon- enl of the dally mall says franoe will retire from faahodaunoonditlon ally and without aakiog oompensatiob a wonderful combination oodiplete aurprlae to blm mr denton admitted that bherwood was an agent of the raaponderit he was also ready to admit tliat there were other charges whloh oould be proven wbioh wonld be aufsolent to show tbat the result may jiavo been affeoted the oonrt however desired 10 hear further evidenoe for although tbe bribery already proved was not of a trifling nature it might be said to be of a trifling extent and the election might be saved if no farther fjroot were given patrlok lynea william dowdall thomas ddwdall and hugh henry bannah oakville voters each admitted havlng received 15 from a b orow who was admitted lb be an agent ut tho respondent john wealay wallaor another oakville voter jot from mloljael qoino who wmsiisotaiit j albert beptley of trafalgar was offered 5bypdjjvad an agent hot did ribl iifbnsaef mfod- ba4amtnllri unv btbrcysiioan- agent ta- v 4 a never iri the history of nowapapers has snob an offer been made as lhat of the family herald and wtelly star of mont real this season we bavereoeived a copy of tbe new premium plotoro the xhin bed line it is about thirty by 8evehteed inohei and is the moat popular british battle picture ever painted excellent as have been the premiums of the family herald and weekly star in previona years the tbin bed line surnasaiea them all and aubh a piotore oombined with that great panor 7vie famuj herati and ifttk- fjstorh without donbl the biggest dollars worth to be had the family herald and weekly star should bo kept busy ibis seaaon it ia said subscribsra are rashing in renewal sabsoriptione months ahead to a the puisl u lo oeorqetown kev w b mcalplne b a was eleoted seorotarytreaaurer pf the ministerial association at aoton on tuesday paper or the plotnre ttirgle- the intereatf ihe last week inourtownt was oentered in the eleotlon trial and very great regret la expressed that any causes shoold havo operated iathlaold ooanty to disturb qur valet ond to noooiiltate the ordeal of anew contest the rev wf byers with hia wife and miss soondoo a native of india held a meeting in the methodist chnroh last thursday evenlog the house was orowded and tbe interest waa oentered in oriental dresses wblphjtvere worn by fifteen yonng ladies and gentlemen as an illus tration of thaoustoms of indian misa mayzle foreter of jslenwilliams sang during the evening and everyone felt a apeoial interest in her visit asjho about to leave oanada to enter upon tnlasionary workinlndia the reopening services in the presby terian ohnrcb were largely attended last babbath the methoctial and oobgrega- upnl cburohes withdrew ibclr aorvloes in the morning and the baptist ohoroh in the evening the sermons were dellveredby a former pastor tbebeva hdrnmn the serraqna were greatly appreciated and tbe collections amounted to over 8400- the interior deoorations were beautiful andnnder the light of the new eleotrio lamps appeared to full advantage lathe evening halloween tbir year gave as a similar experience to former years the old folks smile and goodnaturedly set to right the diaorder in the tnrroundingxv soma who never wsre young or never had aay fun scold and threaten yet the oldtime custom coutlaoea the bevt ii rogers was ill last week and ooold not fill his pulpit on sabbath tffie bjystneh mmmm thats what g b ryan co intend to make this month of november not only the banner month of this year but the banner month in our commercial history how are we coing to do it by giving the citizens of this city and surrounding country the very best value in all classes of merchandise in short to make it a month of bargains 1 every liepartmenf in this rsagfatorystore is putting forth every effort to place before you such money saving bargains that you cannot afford to miss the opportunity of taking advantage of them for further information regarding this interesting event to economical buyers wateh the axtonfree press- in this space inthis- paper we cannot tell you all a visit to the store would more practically demonstrate the methodsto make this the banner month what you do read here however will be straiget honest and no exaggera tions we do what we say x biitfmi wo only one price cuelph berlin and owen sound s wide awake and always at it this stores business keeps growing the reputation of our goods is the highest they are the niewest most reliable and uptodate in the market our business so farthis fall has been larger than ever and has enabled us to buy many lines at big bargains for spot cash and our patrons will get the full benefit of it specials in new dress goods comprising all the latest colorings trimmings to match new tailormade mantles capes the latest styles and perfectfitting new gloves hosiery underwear etc fine highclass tailoring the average man it is safe to presume desires to have his apparel neat stylish and wellfitting our reputation in the clothing business is second to none in canada every garment turned out here is perfection in style fit and finish and is positively guaranteed we do not do a catch trade as some do and turn out ordered clothing that is not equal to second class readymade stock our garments are all stylishly cut well trimmedl an4 well tailored we also have the largest stock in town to select frpm comprising all the latest and finest imported and domestic tweeds fine trouserings overcoatings in moiitagnacs beavers vicunas whipcords etc some of our leading specials fine english whipcord overcoat regular price 82000 cut price 1700 fine english black clay worsted regular 2500 cut price i8 50 special line of trouserings regular 500 to 650 cut price 385 special line of black trouserings regular 9550 to 8600 cut price 9350 this is only a sample of what we are doing in the clothing business readytowear clothing we have just purchased at a great bargain zoo overcoats in boys youths and mens this will bo the great est snap ever offered in the overcoat line call early and get your choice of a fine overcoat at a price unheard of before ingebrgetown a cohvplete assortment of boys youths -and- mens suits at very close prices now neokwear new hats ntfw gaps hew furs and robes we invite you to call and inspect our stock we are satisfied that you can buy your fall and winter outfit here at closer prices than at any other place not buying here is a safe guarantee that you are not getting the best and are paying far too much for what you ao get every day jlapjgain bay here robblooic khinst ppodube taken in exohange the appetite of a ooat is envied by all poor dyapsptlos whose stomaoh and tivor are ont ol order all aaoh shonid know that dr kinrs now life fills tbe wonderful stomaoh and liver bemedy gives a splendid appetite lonnd dlfjesuonand a regular bodily habit that insnreajiyperfedt health and great energy onlytmr at all drag stores you no mothers croup is the terror of thousands of youoa mothers beoaase its- ontbreak is so agonising and frequently fatal bhllohe ooubo arj consomptlon cure acts like magiblncasebflgroop itbab never been known to fall the worst oases relieved immediately frioe 20 ots 50 ota and 11700 the companions new calen dar tbe calendars giveu by the companion in former years to all aubsoribsra have been remarkable for tfaslr dolloaoy of dsaitcn and rlobnesl ol oolodnr but the calendar for 1800 far surpasses any ot those tbosesnbsbribinse now will receive hot only the sjlft of tbe calendar bni also all tbelasues of november and december from lbs time of subscription free the new volnme will be the beat the companion baa ever published araon the oontrlbu llona already engaged sire the little demons ol war by hod john d long i olenoenu j i ths 3oy with a volcapaylij blspham the wonders of seroriavnllsrnpr willi an k hammond policsbpirsip kunla- ponltney blga- jow adwhere living ia cheapest hopoarroli wright ilpellltiiirated ajtoinaijraeqt and aftntplq copies will efwany one addresald tht yotht itoasn qolunibue ave- boston dtmtvi has been visiting bis brother and other friends during the wsekt discovbreabvawoman another great dlsoovery bats been made and that too by a lady in- this oountrj diieasa fastened its olutohes upon her and for seven years she withstood its severest teats bus her vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent for tbres months she coughed incessantly and ooold not sleep she finally discovered a way to reeovery by purchasing of us a bottle ol dr kings hew dlsoovery for consumption and was lao much relieved on tiklng the first dose that she slept all night and with two bottles baa been absolutely cured her name is mrs lather lntu thnswxltei w 0 hamnlok a oo of shelby n o all drag stores regular sit 6xlo and 1100 every bottle guaranteed the best pills mr wm vandervoort sydney crossing ont writes we have been using farmeleea pills and find them by far the best fills we ever asoj for uslloate and debilitated constitutions these pills act like a oharm taken in small doses the effeot is both a tonlo and a stimulant mildly exoitlng the secretions of the body giving tone and vigor eagyarda- yellow oil oures sprains bruises sores wounds ants frostbites tings of inieots burns scalds oontnslon etc frioe 3s cents we are loadad with a full stock of vvyeths imiait isactraet its thb riatir kind iiowbver wckbinf wotbfksi itlsthebett tanlc lioduccs ft copltuis fluwot mllle and strenslncns he flioc bjstcm clll ma the little one henttbyanilatronff f imhnrcfresliinirtoqtebever site alvtnu htrcneth ord tone to the antem and thus helplnir to tlnow ct the illness of whatever nuture it mav le i pvblasixicg i it oroduccs a rellab for j food acta an n digestive anj fortlficb and- c atrentftheoalhcsyaletn full dozen 9300 at brown chemist at drugglal lvvavss1 jutia aiotitejtiunts eoy wanted fh a boy to learn ilio art of printing ono who tikuipmu tho entrnno examination pro- ferrod apply at onco with rotoioboea tvt with reforoboimi at fiibb 1iiebb office btjbbeb stamps fob fino llubber bumpt fadi ink eto writo to goo ourry co kidb flt east toronto wanted industeiotjb man of character to traval and appoint anenta salaryand oxpenaes paid bbadlbiyqabbetson company llnjlted frame bakn foe sale jiartionlari apiilyt loira con 8 ekjuoiipu to wablaoba ijabby owner fabm to bent 100 a about sixty urea under cultivation comfort- able eonorate bouse gpoabenk barn and horse tabic wellvatorea with weu and iprioo oreek will bo rented for a term of years foueaalon given immediately for particular apply to v wisbapovbta tatlb aotonpo bouse arid lot p j that desirable residential property ou bower v wilbur streets opposite the methodist panonaate on which la erected a mmforteblo eu roomod rouahoast honsa witb woodshed detached geod cistern eieelleut su- don a number ol nrolt trees well feneed we whole in a good state ot repair idberal terms to ault pnrobaser for pertloulars apply to h pmoobe fa3abpbbaiaoihoeaeton alriaiitiiesime st tjttomas ont iioeated in elsht park in oentre ol city 13000 lababltanta four transoonttnental rail- ways and loeal ileetxiosyatem college dlatiaot ly ehrlstlan ajidpatroniaed by all denomtaa tlons finest bnlldlngs superior facilities in college eourses and lnmnaioaneart business elocution cookery bomeramfoita strong staif bates for board residence and tuition renal from ssjs to 0o a week aocording to studies pursued for eataloine and foil information addreas fmnfjdpalwabnllblaa notice to ce in the estate of alexander mcdonald late of the township of esquesing i in the county of haiton de- ceased i jyr amildst the estate of ttis said alexander mcdonald wbo died on or aoenlt the twentieth day of jaly a d lgoevmstba tewnahlp of eaqoesng in tbe aald ocagtr of haiton are required to deliver to as atae- klnnon aoton aolleltor for the oxacatorb of skie nsuestate ortor be ore the s3rd car othorstn- uij wb mwutnimm iu ey bold vermsdjandif tor us aald sard day of movesnv ber a d 18bb tbelr names adi dewrlpuon anltall paruculari of claims and aeenritteaju anykbeld by them deur ttoolars of their aadl bcr a d wbttie exeentors will prooaed to dlstrlbnte the assets of tbe said eatate amwasntl tbe parties entitled thereto having lesardootr to tbo elalms ot wbioh they shall tbevhavi notloa and that the said eiocntos will netbe reaponalble for lh assets of the aald aetata or any part thereof tei any person or penons ol wboae claims they shall not then havo rooalved notloe a j maoffnrrloh sotleltor for tbe kiooutors acton oel istb 1bor head offic toronto oritt authorized cspittl 500000000 tenyear maturity shares are paid in monthly instalments of 50c per share for no months when payments cease ooo paid in maturity value jioooo money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r jmonabb n agfofcaoton years repairing watches and clocks since coming to giuelph the brightest flowers must fade but joqnr lives endangered by severe oougha and oblds may be prosorved by dr thomaa eoleotrio oil oroup whooping ooogb bronobltls in short ali affeolions of thethtoat and lungs are relieved by this sterling preparation whloh alio remedies rhenmatlo pains sorer bruises piles kidney dlfficalty aud is most economic fie sbangbigb ohioken reminds me ob certain mien dat is seek he crows mighty loud an brags aroan mong do hens an yonng ohlokena bot when a gams rooster oomss around hes got bosipesa on ds other aide pb die fence one laxallver fill every night for thirty days makes a complete cure of biliousness and constipation that is just twenty five oents to be cured nor till skvkge 5fe co ar3 determined to keep up their old repu tation for repairing watchea and clocks they hayo engaged one of tho finest watchmakers in the country and have sent albert to the school of lwatch making in toronto to get the latest and best methods of repairing watches albert is taking after his grandfather the late david savage who was one of the finest watchmakers in- canada you may look for good work if you bring it to flasap lbr ted by the oovanrnmenl as fcki nhen bnhertri- i have trledmllburns rhenmatlo pills add and they do kll that la elalmad for j them i oannot say itoo rriu9h ther ivpr jbwil110 i6lqrjtrl p ptlseifg cures coughs colds lung and bronchial affections that other remedies wont touch mr titos smith caledonia ontwrllest ayenragol hntt a vet severe cold which settled in my luritra and in my throat so that 1 could scarccjyspeak louder than a whisper i tried severah medicines but got no relief until 1 used one andahalf bottles or norway pine syrup which con pletely cured me asc a bottle or five for f 100 the jcweller has done overt 6 worth ofjwalch and clock repairing such a number of customers can only be kept by doing the work well and giving prompt attention to it savage co guelph the above amount is positively correct we hitch the dollar iu a manufacturers of i iaoayay t yoyjcfi the deforttrdisaitt doctor itjcotluo motors wattb motors qasolurtain oab mnojamsbiu8aexaair casrnrasto ordjcr repairing promptly done ceorkotown ont bigrger load than it ever drew before our bntirb stock or footwear tocdah atxiswest prloes fall 0 rxjfejaodwotlr of air uyadstonafe ibb bftaljiiayarblirsow 0o umlted j-kr- yv ttennto stock complete while others bum the midnight oil in marking up prices nret paring foraaaleour prices go scoot ing down the toboggan slide of genuine lowand reasonable prices psmiife

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