many persons have tiefr good day and their bad day others are about half sick all thetlme they have teadache backache and are restless and nervous food does not taste good and the digestion is poor the skin is dry and sallow and disfigured with pimples or erup sleep brings no rest and vorkr is a burden what is the cause of all this impure tilood anifba remedy it clears out the channels throughwhicli poisons aro carried from the body when all impurities are removed from the blood nature takes right hold nd completes the cure if there is constipation tike ayers pills tiey awaken the drowsy action of the liver they cure biliousness write ioumim wo hovo tba zelulv aanlea of aomoof tbetnmtebsaaratphritelsnala tho untud bhim tmte iimlr an tho particular in jour cue you wut r aromawjw im errorb of authorb errors of cooatruotlon are oommon onoagh with many of ttio moat famous antboia take the following from tbaok- oray ho had bla top boots lu his room in which be used to hoot id tho holidays and this from goorgo elliott sno disen tangled her loot from the netting nnd wound it np auroly a very uuniuig- anatomical fo ono of the moat amuiiing blunders in syntax la to be found iu more old geography aooordldg to it a certain town contained foor hundred housee and fonr thonsand inhabitants all standing with their gable eada to the streeta what pretext meant a few evenings ago a little st louis boy waa dually engaged in learning bia leeaona ttrstaihoonooribelsatdlngcitizenhrbffitr louis bad gone to the lodge bia mother was boay aenlng the little boy looked up and asked- 1 mamma what does pretext mean when your falhevhes to go to the lodge three tlmea a week that la a pretext to get away from bisfamily next day when the boy- read out the deuitioii of jpretexl totbe wholoaohooi he oreated a eenaatiph new yprk itorw when a jiohtiaian smileb it ia an evi dence that he ia oiling his wily ways preparatory to making a desoent upon you your rheumatism patnes celery compound the only medicine that works complete and perma nent cures agafiagfeftg gii whzjim xtt firm thursday december 1 1898 ffijju irtmq falhs jjot le moth do it danshtsr dont let mother do it do not lot her alive nnd toll whtloyoqblta taieless idler fearing your swlt band to soli dont yoa eoc the heavy bnrdns daily sbo 1b yront to bear bring tho linos npon bar forehead sprinkle silver fa her hair daughter dont let mother do it do not lot her bakeand broil through tlio long bright summer hoars share with hex ho heavy toll see her ojo has lost its brightness fadodfrom herebeek the blow j and tho stop thatonoo was btioysot now la feble urod and alow daughter dont let mother do it sbo has cared for yoa so long is it right the weak and feeblo should betolling for tho strong waking from your listless languor book horilde toobeer and bless and ypnr grief will be less bitter when tho soda ibove ber press paughter dont let mother do it yoa will never never know what n hptytamyittinnfc wfttfrftr the ablest and best men and women of r country dootors olerftymerv lawyers bankers merobants and literary women highly praise and recommend falnes oelery compound sb a sore care for rheu matism and sciatica remember well that disordered nerves faulty digestion and a slow and inoompleto nutrition of the body invite rbenmatibm last as they do nervous debility and neur algia there is oo aarer strk for rheuma tism than a rundown nerveless condition you cannot oare rheumatism by oatward applications tho disease is duo to intern al troubles ind mmt be constitutionally at taoked and got rid of patnea oelery compoand rlveb a healthy tone to the stomach increases the appetite and regulates the bowels liver and kldneyb io that they easily throw off poisonous matters that the sluggish system has allowed to lodge in the blood causing rheumatism and like disorders bear in mind that rheumatism neglected means increased bufferings and oertain death be wise while yoa have a fair measure of health and strength left uso paines oelery compound and banish an enemy that has no meroy when it obtains tho mastery it solely remains with yoa to determine whether yoa will banish danger or remain in misery and wretched ness experimental union annual meeting to be held in guelph deo 7tri athand gth wo have received the programme of tho next annual meeting of tho ontario agri cultural nnd experimental union which ih to bo held at the agricultural college at quolph tho union will oommenae with a puoiio moetipk iu ihb lurge o6hv6- oation hull on thojcolloko grounds ou the evening of december 7th there will bo bix sessions in all and tho meeting will close on friday atiernqon the oth of december the summary rodulta of the field exper iments conducted this yoar on over three thousand farms vill be presented and discussed at tho meellog this along with the roporta on oqoperativo work ia horti culture datrjiogi bee-ktepingr-soil- physios and tke weeds of ontario should make tho meeting in teieeting and profitable to all wo ueo nollofl that prof c f cqrtidb direatot q tho agrioulturttl experiment station of iowa and mrs s t boror principal of the philadelphia cooking school and an aasooiato editor of tho latlle home journgl have been engaged to bpeuk at the meeting the guelph fat stock and fooltry bhow and the annual meeting of the ontario bee keepers aabooiation are both to be held in guelph on the oth 7th and 8th of december and the annual meeting of the quelpb poultry aaaooiatiod on thnrsday of the earns week arrangements have been made with the railway companies for reduced rates to guelph to attend tuenaeeting milbarne rheorofllio fills are the only reliable and satisfactory remedy for rheumatism sciatica lumbago goat and neuralgia fries 30o all draggibta investigation always proves that peoplo are not to blamo for what they are to blame for coughs that stick till umtmotbct lleth low lowboneatb the baddlp dalaloa froo from care and eartbly pain to tho homo ao aad wlthoat bar novor to rotoraasaln stltcted progress ia tba ooward stride of god viotor hugo tbat aching bead oan be iaalantljr rollevea by taking 0116 of milbams starling headaohe powders ipowder fio for 10 ota 10 for 26o tho first oroona in spring is less dtlight- ful than tho firattlrein antnmn hnbjardavollowoll applied externally oares sprains brniaas cuti ohllblaint lambago and pain of any kind liken internally onrei oronp whooping oongh bronobitii sore throat ete prioe o it ia the employment ot good bmlnesi motbods ffbloh bnuds np a good bniiness is your doli tor in school thcro are thonsaiodta of aiokly aohool girls dragging their way through aohool who might be on joying the fall vigor of their yonth by taking sootta emalaloo whilo proaperous yoa can nnmber many friondb bnt when the storm oomea yoa nro left alone ovid a foo to ood vraii neer trae friend to mad yonng profanoneaa is at bratal viae be who indulges in it ia no gontleman i oare not what bia stamp maybe in society or what olotbesbensara or mhatooltaro he boaata despite all bla reftnament tbe light and habitual taking of gods name in vain betrays a ooarae and brotal will e h ghanln anxiona mollierb find dr lows wofa syrap tbe beat medliofne to eapel worrns children like it worraadont man ia bpro to rala tbe world bpt woman oomes along and makea blm forget what he started ont to do wsalearjed kldnby pains all gone what did it obans kidney pills how do you know a kingston man says so mr w j pappa iii barrio st kingf aton ont writes ns follows having been troubled with kidney disease for years and not having received any per manent relief until i used doans kidney pills i take great pleasure in letting others similarly afflicted know of the wonderful curative properties possessed by doans pills before taking them i was troubled at night by having to rise but can now sleep and do not feel weary in tho mdrtiing i hope that this may induce other lulssrars from kidney or urinary troubles to grive doans kidney pills a faithful trial for i know that no other remedy could have acted so well as they did jn my cose doans kidney pitu are the only ure cure for backacht nrlfllifa disease diabetes dropsy and all kidney and urinary troubles price 50c all drugrrlbta tho doan kidney pill co toronto onu ask for doans and refuse all otbtrs method is the very binge ot business and there is no method withoqt ponotoal- ity cecil w piim cured in 8 to 6 nlftltu itchlnp burn- ins skin dlitasea eel loved in ontrdoy dr aroqwi ointment will euro all cues of itobing pllfi io from three to six nights one applioatiou brings comfort for blind and bleeding piles it ia peerless alio on res tetter salt rfaenm eczema barbere itoh and all eruptions of the skin relieves in a day 85 cents bold by a tbrown you dont seem to be able to throw them off all the ordinary remedies youve tried dont touch them the pougfh remedy for you is dr woods norway pine syrup it loosens the phlegm allays the irritation heals and soothes the in flamed lung tissue mr wm ferry blonhcim ont says i- can recommend dr woods norway pine syrup as the very best medicine for coughs and colds sore throat and weak lungs dr woods norway pins what castorln i dr snrauol pitchers prescription for infants and cbxidron it contains neither opium slorplilno nor other narcotlo substance it is a imrinlcss substitute f orpareartoidkpsrtblngsyrupsndqastorioli it is pleasant its guarantee is tlilrty years uso by millions of mothers oastorla destroys worms and allays jpoyorlsliness castorla provonts vomltlne sour curd cures imarrbosa aiid wind colic castorla relieves teething troubles cures constipation and flatulency castorla asslmllatos tbe food regulates the stomach and boweln giving healthy- and natural sloops castorla is the oliildrons banacca the mothers frusjid castori caatorla ia an ejcccllcnt inediclne for chtlttrcn mottien have repeatedly told mc of ita good effect upon their children da oc oaood lowell mats oastoriia castorla is so well adapted to children that i recommend it os superior to any pre scription known to me ii a abcueh md brooklyn n y the facsimile signature of appears on every wrapper fwrokwtauw oompawv ttakuwbtv tlttrr nkwyphworry noted canals the greatest oansl in the world is the suez opened on november 16 1860 its length ia 95 miles its depth la 20 feci its anpnal revenue is 15oo000o ita oobt was 8100000000 itaatoak ia five tlmea its par value and the average time taken to pass tbronrh ia 20 hours leas eight minutes tho depth of tho omal is being inoreaaed at a cost of 810000000 the worlds longest canal is the imperial o until of china with a length of 1000 miles family reading never fails to cure no thing of beanty ia a joy forever the woman next door always geta one like it cramps polio cholera and diarrhoea are always promptly relieved by dr fowlere extract of wild strawberry good homor is the best shield against the darts of satirical raillory o simmons dead stock unless disposed of tends to induce mortiqoation and olimatoly business disintegration how to onra heaflaotie borne p spffer nntold misery day after day with headache there h rest neither day or night nntll tho nerves are all aobtrnng the oanse is generally a disordered stomach and a core oan ho effeoted by- naing parmelees vegetable pills contaioing mandrake and dandelion mr finlay wark lybander p q writes i find parmelees pills a flrbtolaga artiola for billons headache we ride away on many gay enterprises only to walk back oastolrla for infants and ohlldreii saifift liafutijit if ot vnppaw the lank of a man in the honso is a mads good by the presence of a small dog with a bigbark the door to good health is through the kidneys like a well planned sanitary system they keep the body human healthylnterestlns story from quebec there are some wellrneauing christian people who appear to have little or no oodoerb in tbe literature which they allow tbelr children to road wo prefer to think it tbonghtlesanesa rather than indifference in regard to tbe kind of reading matter which they have in their homes every moderately intelligent person knows or should know that ifad mind ia influenced to a more or lesa degree by the impression mtde upon it in early years and where aside from aotaa1 observation doeb the average oblld or older person reoelve more ideas tvan from mdlns story about jav qould a farmer had a herd of cattle and jay gould wentto look at it in the midst of the bantering a woman appeared who had a little talk with tbe farmer oonld oaoght a word now and then now dont husband i bog of yoa not to if yoa have any regard for me dont i shall die if yoa do whats the matter with that woman said gould oh nothing my wife hae a favorite cow ehein caled old pailful and the woman is afraid im going to eell her tho woman hung round and of coarse gould demanded that old fall fal bhould be brought out she was a picture and the young trader said that tb oow must go with tbe lot if he msde the pnrohase the oowe wore driven honae and the father seat jay ont to bee what kind of a milker old pailful was so had scarcely seated himself before the got threw him pail and stool skyhigh aba tore around the pasture leaped the fence and started for home ever after gonld never bought anything that a woman want ed to keep for herself stamford n y mirror beauty handsome is that hand some does is the old theoreti cal adage but after all its tho skindeep beauty thats attrac tive it would take a big lot of handsome doing to com- atefor a skin that ia diseased and whose appear- anqo is distasteful to oil who sea it and the torment of tho patient whose daily burden it is to bear it about dr agnews ointment is a won derful euro for all sorts of skin diseases itching burn ing stinging sensations which aro accompaniments tetter salt rheuni scald head ring wormi- eczema itch ulcers erysipelas liver spots and all eruptions of the skin one np- plication allays tho irritation and perseverance in its use results in a speedy cure for blind bleeding itching and ulcerating piles its a magical balm i one application gives comfort and relief in an instant ajid in from three to fivo nights the trouble disappears price 35 cts a london lady had eczema for yean so badly her faceoiidjieck ioro bo disfigured iho went into a ufo of seclusion and tho etingjng pain of it was io intenio that to uso her own words she wen tnaxt thing to mad sho tried many olntmcnu wives and washes was treated seasonable qoods dressslrirtstrebspresrress- gloves collars cuffs cuff links shirt studs scarf pins handkerchiefs special values our new neckwear is the latest bi values in overcoatings suitings and trouserings oash ajjd one prioe only- re nel80n merchant tailor and mains riirhlsher biejr bdipiibn in undertaking owlnq to largely increased discounts for caah allowed us by the manufacturers ol undertaking supplies and being in a position to take advantage of this we have decided to reduce all goods in our undertaking department from ten to twentyfive per cent- notwithstanding this large reduction the same careful personal attention which has been given in the past will be continued embalming in ordinary oases free where special work is required price to cover extra servlcesand embalming requlsitea- caskets and coffins delivered in town or country and all preparations completed for burial furniture wo have added a number of new parlor sulla of latest designs which we are offering at the following prices which any home can afford no parlor suite 5 pieces solid oak lisoo- no 2 parlor suite 5 pieces walnut 92500 no 3 parlor suite 5 pieces walnut j5oo instalment plan on furniture if doaired all goodb delivered free j jl speigbkt go aeton you want iha best andthc cheapest twi ontario wire fenoino ca slotaa oauno wcmullena fenclnga and nettings com bine these two qualities mo others do hog fencings at special low prices al other varieties cheap mcmullena are the only good netungs sold in canada they are unequalled for poultry yards trellis lawn fences ask your hardware mer chant for mcmullens goods if yon cannot buy of him write to the manufacturers at plcton ont or to the b greening wire co limited hamilton and montreal general agents james coopeb montreal general agent for railway fencings we hitch the dollar toa- bigger load than it ever drew before our entire stock of footwear at lowest prices to cash buyers an aore of performance is worth a wholo world o proariio howell hanynrda vellow oil cores all pain in man or beaat for apralnb outa bruises oa inmps a inflamm rhoutrmtibm aud neuralgia it ia a apeolflo when a merchanl begins to give abort weight fabwill not b are to wait very long to got out of bnaineaa coughs and colds need not be endured they can be cured and that quickly many mixtures are tem porary in effect but scotts emulsion of codliver oil with hyppphosphites is a permanent remedy the oil- fced8the- blood and warms the body the hypophpsphifces tone up the nerves the glycerine soothes f he inflamed throat and lungs the combination cures this may prevent serious lung troubles 50c and f i oo all dragrlau scott ft downs caamliu totmk he who keepa bia eyo on his bualneai does not give tbobtber fellow mnoh obance to ron away with it ihavo been tor years mare or less subject to eruptions on my nh sidaof my face from the op of my ear to way down my jaw was in a very bad state being almost raw makinfr shaving very piiiifo1 i was advised to try burdock blood bitters one bottle perfectly cured me i enn honestly re- commend bdd to all who suffer from any shin disease g white carle- vale nwt dbb cures salt rheum eczema tetter shingles doils pimples sores ulcers and alljmjfqrrns of skin diaenses and eruptions from thoj smallest pimple the wont scrofulot to pralss the 000k one day hrlngi oil bad blsouitsths neat try ii u wdnm be a gross lnjnntloa to eonfonnd that itandird limllna wini dr thorn aa eolsotrla oil wit h the ordinary on aoents lotions and salves thay in mu tinies inflammatory and aatrlownt thlt oil l 91 lbs oontrijryisorlnantly ooollng 4bdsptblmsq ipppw trnlly to rellsvsipsln and nowsrlnllyrsmedlsl when ssrallowed 3 r the kidneya have very appropriately bea dboribed as the sanitary ayatero of tba ha man body xet them baoome in- operalive ipd dioeabo will quickly follow and nolesa the obatraotion ia removed death will be the result mr d j xooke of sberbfooke p q aafferecl for yeara irbni complicated kidney trouble and pent over 910q la effort to leonra relief bat no relief ame antil he need booth ainerloan kidney care hie htaterpebt ia that fonr bottles completely cured hlra and today he ib in tho enjoyment ol aoond health in the moat diatreislok oases thla remedy gives relief in alx hours bold by it brown a pocket cure dr von stans pine- fcpple tablets are pat up in neat compact form couven ont for lb o pookot theyre the neweit and beet known aid to dtaeitfon iyapcpeia andrai 1bidq i stomach troablea oirry them with yoa and- youll novae ba at the ma toy of tomftch troablep laalplent acute or obronlo one tablet rives quick relief 85 oenta bold by a tbrown good manners aire proper behind the counter aa wellsa in the drawingroom and there i more money in them they never fail mr 8 m boughuer writes for aboot two years i was troubled with inward piles but by using parmelees palls i was completely cured and although four years has elapseil sdnoe than they have not returned parmelees pills are sod- bilious aud spefliflo for the care of liver and kidney complaints dyspepsia ooi- ilyenesr headaoher piles etc and will regalate ihe sroretloha and remove all billons matter it is notcnoogh to have qaalltles we mnnt also ha vq tbe minsremont of ihem roohefopoaald a toronto rentlenian llvlnfion dovcrtourt roaj spent a small fortune in treatments and remedies for piles in their very worst form was treated by rlectrlclty with temporary relief only and had decided logo on the operating tablo and havo a surgical cpcrnllon performed but wai rocommonded to try dr aonkws oiktmrmt lie did so tho first nppllcatlnh of it relieved tho intense distress ho persisted in its iiso and today hes rewarded wilt a euro after years of uflcrlng aonews curb pbr the heart rellnvca smotlicrlnp palpitation nnd imtcrlnk a rcftularllfosavcr in cases of oritanla heart trouble aonews catarrhal powdbr relieves cold in tho head i io m cum hay fever and catarrb dr aonewb uver pills rcrulato tho bowels tone tho system never gripe pleasant uttlo dotes j0 in a viol 20 eta a any lasting benefit sbo bdurlit n box of dr aonxwb oihtmuht ono application gnvo hor ccmfortand today after uslnn thrco boxes kcc skin is as clear and pink as a babys dr dr sold by a- t brown judge of a man by hie questions rather thaa by his bdbwcn howell dr lows ploavsant worm syrop is nice to take and death io all worms conutne he own pargatlve trioo 25o a mniyui cuhcd qf papitatiom of the heart jtndzflmorverimo spells by wilbufims heart akd wcfijpall5 mredelalli5canntstrect dunn- villa ont wbos husband keeps jewellery store and is one of the best known and most progressive citizens of dunnvllle onu gives the following do- acripilon ofhar mccnt experience in thp use of milbumn heart and nerve phls 11 1 lcok mllburns heart and nerve pills for weak riervcs dizziness palpita tion of tho herarl smotherlnir spells at slight and sletjilaiwneas before i used them i could not jptt restful sleep and sny nerves wcrs ftteen so unstrung- that i would start in ahrsn at the least noise and cattily worried lastfiihniary i commenced taking this valunblo miiicine and it proved ttio right remedy for my weak and shhttered nervous system wuburna heart and nerve pills restored my nerves to a strono nnd heal tfhy condition gaveregq lar and normal net ion of the heart i sleep weft now and am belter in every way asid j recommend them heartily to all who sitfft r as x did mil burns heart and nerve pills eoc a box or 3 for js at nil druggists t mftliurwy co- tomnlo ont u rsj constipation flick tadsctir wltawbmsdysptrialsi favtry iii jammalajs tmlaa mjlj lil mtadextia pill tnatd smrtact andl work w ataitlpserpala price 39c all druggists y how near moat a person live to ma to bo my neighbor every person a near to yon whom yoaosn bless he is nearest whom yoa oan bless most william ellery cbaning coughs cared quickly permanently aud pleasantly by tho use of dr woods norway pino syrup tbe moat satiafaotory oough remedy made price 25o stock complete while others burn tho vmidnlrhl oil in marking up prices pre- fmring for a sale our prices go scoot- ng down the toboggan slide of genuine low and reasonable prices wwilliams boots and shoes acton knobby suit for fall and winter cooper akins thetaidiisi now la yodr time to get a nobby suit for fair and winter nswe have juat opened up a fine selection of imported tweeds serges and worsteds and are prepared to take your order at rtght prices tit and workmanship guaranteed first- class and uptpdats overcoatings a good range of fail overcoatings call and inspect our stock before leaving your order cooper akins main st acton can tell yon at once tbe artistic merits of a picture and we solicit a sitting from you and ask you to sub mit tne result to any true critic and bear his verdict aside from a natural disposition to value to the fallyour charms we believe be will tell you we have taken a good picture which is exactly what w advertise to do photo khtist kctrow boots and shoes mado to order and repaired george stovel practical shoemaker has opened a shop in the premises lately occupied by w h adamb tailor he has had large experience in city work and is consequently able to fill nil orders in the neatest possible manner fineturned work and patching receive special attention orders filled on shortest notice call or send your order to george stovel cor mill snd main streets acton crand trunk railway doxno webt aolnobaatl 30 oaaiiv i fflrprnna i fl bflaffi 3 2511u1 exnrfibb 1060ain 7 16 nui mail 6 ltpn mixed 10 03 p m iiux op globiha lr going wopt 0 40 am and 0 60 pm oolugeast 10 25 am ands co pm tbia tlmo tablo want into offoot on monday may 10th 1808 br7ntfor e calvanizeo steel wine mills arid towers torfower and fumjh- ifif wxtsxfl- terpal coyered gear patent rqiiot mmq bailbetxidgs maple leaf grain crinders two sizes for ahv power no i has xoiaclf reversible burrs no 2 has 8lnch single burn both have ball- b e a riirg b ur r plates r elief springs and shalte feed grind fins and fast witb least po war always guaranteed a trial given hundreds in use wo make patent roller and ballhear ing steel windmills of all kinds the finest in the market besi material lightes running send for illustrated catalogue bbantforicvh john mcquebn agent for the above has changed his ware- rooms to building on we smiths property john street where may be seen frost cfc wood binders jlitd jafcwacrs and a cbmplete line of farm implemects and all kinds of repairs tn my absence mr john t elliott who resides on the property will attend to the wants of customers john mcqueek the man without a pnrposo la likoa bbip nithouta rudder a waif a nothing a xio man have a pnrpoae in life and having it throw snoh btrength of mind and muaole into yoar work aa ood baa given yon oarlyle there hover waa and novor will b9 iiiaiaai psuotb i vvtb ijiuiady tor ilia towhioh fleahja hoir the very nature of many eoraiivei beios anoh that were the germs of other and differently seated diseases roofed in the ayateni of tho patient what wonld relievo ono ill in turn wonld aggravate the other we have however in quinine wine when obtained in aaound dnsdulterated atato a remedy for many and grinvona ilia by its gradual judloloni aae the fralleatflyatoms are led into oon valeacenoa andstreukth by the inooenoo ffblob quluine exorta on natnrea own restoratives it reliovea the droopiog ipirlta of those with whom a ohronio atsvta of morbid despondence and laok of interest in life fa a disease and by tranqailizing the nerves diaposaa to bound and refresh intf aleep imparta vigor to the aotion of the blood which being atimalaud oourewi tbrooghbat the velrjs atrengtheniog tbe healthy animal funotlona of the ayatsno thereby making activity a necessary result strengthening the frame and giving life to lha digeatlve organs which twlnrally demand increased sobatanoe resuu im proved appetite northrop a lyman ol toronto have given to the publlo their qqiplne wins at the usual rats and gassed by the opinion ot aointistl tbit wins approaohes nsarettpettmuonot any in the market all diogtlhli sxll il the fob twektysbvunyllaas is read by ihe people who buy my ihe people who have money to bay with by the people who pay cash for their purchases by the peoplo who moke desirable custo mers by ihe people whom the advertiser is in quest of by ihe people who know a good thing when they see it by more people in this section than are reached by any other two papers daily or weekly by everybody in the town and county who wants the largest amount of good fresh crisp spicy news and reading matter for the money by everybody who i possessed of enter prise who is progressive and who be lieves in a bright original progressive newspaper that keeps lis constituency and its interests to tho front that is why ihe frke prbss receives such liberal advertising patronage essfti