Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 8, 1898, p. 2

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alarrld k at tho methodist narsoniigo on wodnciday nov uo by itov rt mccain tomlssr illloholl 1 a 0 oo nursa uothof crlu lauui t in kriu on friday and pooorahor jtortht daughter of mattlilas lttubort agod 17 yours mid 0 months slhg ttan jm rm tiiorsday december 8 1808 the roll of honor names of the publlo sohool pupils who took hlfih standing the examiuotiona for november were held at the pablio sohool last week with the follonlog result rmsi iikmiiuent clssa v sen benie speight s05-f- edith nieklm 200 glaaa v jan jennie gnrney and bebie smyth 840 bonle wallace 330 hatte noble 238 olaia iv sen ettki modooald 985 mabel soper 205 ernest wilton 918 close iv jn mary goodevr 355 maud oolliua and floronoo soper 950 ida laird and joaie slephenaon hf slarks possible 800 t 1 moons prlnolpal second sipjunakt senior third ethe oo1emah 880 myrtle matthewa 835 hovland brown a jo marks poaaible 850 junior third ene pearson and harold nicklin 350 jennie smith and philip holmes 339 jean grant 317 hani mann 218 marka possible 260 c jmopilul teacher thind oepbtbieht senioroisiaviabtroliterrasir myrtle cook 283 bob olark and frank havlu 278 marks possible 800 junior glass myrtle dills 220 irene mullen jjaora mcoore and charlie matthewa 210 martha storey and myr tle soper 316 harks poaaible 225 b f fsatobbsroiib teaober vouth db7juixheht sr part ii alex mxqneen 381 blanohe cbieholm 372 merls prick 268 intermediate fart ii florrio speight 381 viuoent ooodeve 370 laora cole man 277 jr part ii hard matthewa and emma tovell 28 john mcdonald 281 fern brown and jlmmle mcqneed976 sr part i leonard worden 28 batie arnold 281 matthew mooann 213 marks poaaible 800 e h ucqobih teaeher acton frebllbrrtry tho membership continues to in crease and the general interest is maintained the monthly meeting of the free library board wal held on monday even ing in the library chairman pearson presided tho monthly report ol miss laird librarian was presented it embraoed the following memberahip noverobor let 133 new membera enrolled 7 tot nl present members 130 nnmber of books issued daring tbe month 818 as follow history 87 j biography 8 voyages 68 solenoe 7 i qeneral literature 81 poetry 8 fiotion 115 religions 10 beoeipta catalogues and eardi 1 80 nonreaident fees 25 fines 09 total 1311 moved by bev j k grodden seconded by h p moore that tbs report of the li liu me ohii tbe board then adjonrned limehouse the honor roll of tho publlo school here for november is as follow vciasao marthau178 o meredith 303 f sweokbaramer 188 h garvin 124 iv class w mcdowell 266 j niek- ell 240 c lane 288 h lepoidevlo 226 j halner221 j oneill 182 in b wheeler 188 ii sen e meredith 300 d sharp 190 m oneill mb ii jan w bowman 180 b booh 167 ft iik halner 177 w marshall 145 m booli 188 i 0 l dobbie 126 w- lane 122 tb l bpwman 199 o cross 167 i a a marshall 121 marka poaaible vii pt ii and i 200 iv and iii 800 the ele today john r barbs rand col w kerns ofrlolally nominated at milton last thursday hottest co on record last thursday lbs nominatlona for tho xjegislaturo were confirmed at milton before sheriff elemental tho returning offloer john b barber was nominatetl by h v laweon lambtrasu georgetown anil seconded by e dlion farmer trafalgar and col kerni by sr webater of norval and w emtet farmer nelaon the same unanaolal agents were appoint ed as at the elroleen on the first of maroh iaat viz samuefc dloe for col korna and j h mogollom cot mr barber at the oonolusalon of tbe nominations mayor dioe was aappolnted ohalrraan and addresses were delivered by the oandidates and emh waawipportsd by prominent politicians in itron addresses mr barber waesiapported by hon mr haroonrt mr gem g s lindaey mr louis heyd sod dr mccfrlmmon while ool kerbs had lor tale advocates mr d henderson m pind mr t a wardoll mj pv the hont mr uaroourt was given au ovation upon rlilaog to speak the andtsnoe evidently eppreoiallag the presence of a cabinet minister the speakers were all given a good heaving and their remarks were pointed and fall ot interest and for the most partgobadnatared during the weetk tonsjng meetings have been bald throofiboat the county with addresses by proranlaent members of both houses of paruatnaegl the meetings dn aoton oalied out the oleotors en masse- ai mr barbers meet ing on friday eveating and at col kerns on saturday ewnalm the oapaolty of jhe town ball was tual to its utmost at lbs meeting on friday evening strong addresses were delivered by mr barber mr louis heyd 0 brentford and mr xj v mobrady at toronto their speeches- were nanoti enjoyed especially that of mr hejj mr walter beard- more prssided for the oonterwillves interest naturally centred in tbe silmrdey night meeting particularly as tbe chief lain of the party fn ontario waa to be present the looal leaders of tbs partay made the moat of the occasion the swrices of aoton cornet band were engaged and the band and a nnmber of torch bearers escorted mr whitney to his bmoltl the meeting was addressed by mr whitney in an interest- togipeeohhebourenae half oolr kernemr jjipoy m p p and mr d henderson m f mads brief addresses as nsnal at cogaetnatlve meetings coon- eillor frauds presided to tho credit off aoton ha it said both meetings were ranoit orderly throughout there being no disturbances of any kind the keenlyfonght contest closes today tbe praotlcal andt luteotire work will be done at tbe ballot bjies board oaf education the trustees ordeer new desks and seats fortraotrt department the trustees of acton publlo sobool net on tuesday eveulnsg9lh nit the members wers all present tho evening waa devoted to oonanltatlon relaaure to the fitting up of the room for the sew fifth department and tbe examinatleonof catalogues of sohool furniture moved by oeorojt bynds seoonded by h swackbammer ihal tbe board purchase from tbs canadbio office and sohool farnitore oo pneilon 2 no 6 doubts desks with separatee wstlnge and four rear separate seats as past jjrioee snbmitted to lbs board also thaaa lh secretary is hereby inthorisej to ordir- above seals to be delivered at a luths 16th deoembar crbwsons corners the snow storm ot bnnday night and monday was a record breaker ii is a rood number of years sinoe su a depth of snow fell in one day la thomonthof december tbe anow was from sllteen to eighteen nohes deep on the level in this vioinity the storm on bnnday night prevented a good nnmber from this vioinity from attending tbe anniversary servioes in the methodist ohuroh aoton qolto a number from here attended the political meetings in aoton iaat week mr barbers on friday ovonlng and and col kerns on saturday eveninsr tbe oonteal ia admitted by all to be a hot one a number from here latent taking in tbe fat stack show at goelph this week mr ana mrs jai raraibaw spent a few daya thla week with friends in lowvllle rockwooo tbe sohool entertainment- provad joat as suoaesstol as former years and tbe attendance was in advance of other years the pupils wets rnuob mors at saw in their parts thsn formerly and bad quite a flnlsh to their dial and dlffriml pieces their chorales and topic ehoruass brought down the house audi a number ol dialogues and reoitathnw wen very fine tbe directors of the mechanics institute oontemplats having a concert in lbs near rutnre which we hops will be wall patronised for the aase of maintaining the library the fraternal societies intend having an at home on the soch lost all lbs members will be there and a nles pro gramma will be given visa harriett la dell rlooatlonlat and best hewer and norman relobart ootnlo alngers are engaged the dieolpls chsrtnv l evertoo intend having a oonoarl as taw mod inst and they will be glad if their bookwood frlenda will attend a cantata will be given lo tbs town hall about obrislmas by the methodist sooday sohool j 1 mr geo arrnalroog bpsedslde nisi with an unfortunate aoridamtlaet ho want into tbs bao la thv vhf- fejl ttotlgh an open trap doori badly bruised on ths lids a j carried the treaturer rsapcrted that tbe notes mads by the boardt daring ths year have been paid curtrkn liter crirlatmas mograilnes and oeneral literatures ot various chsaraoter the meihodut jatogouinr and rcvicu for deaember oloset thi fortyeighth voluma it oontalm a number of admirably iuostrated artlolta nl a large amount ql literary oontrlbatkus of merit the department pi tj worlds progress current thought jopulax solenoe book beviews bengionss inttlllgenos are wall maintained the idnoonoement ot this popular magazine for 1099 is ths bast yet made fifty anniversary row dr rosa of quelph preaohes eloquertt sermons at the methodist church anrtlversary tho anniversary services in the metho dist ohuroh last sunday wore highly iotereatlng tbe attendance was large bat would bavo been very maoh inoresaed had it not been for the severe enow storm w p a inu th p of numberd of the members of knox ohuroh oougregation whoae service was irithdrawn as well aa of membere of other elster congregations was mnoh appreciated bev dr lions ot dublin st oborcb quelpb the able secretary of tbe qeneral oonference preaobed rpornlug and evening his sermons were able and praotlcal and moat helpful in cbaraoter the morales disoouree was baaed upon psalm 122 1 ylsaajlad when tbsysicluuo mo lot us go into the home of the lord and was particularly appropriate to the ocoaiion after referring briefly to tbe eatabliihing ot methodist services in aoton fifty four years ago and the blessings which have lollfiwed to each succeeding generation tbs dr gave an able amplification ot the anhjeot ot tho iruo worship ot god and ths benefits ariaing thcrafrom worship he said is natural for there is not a nation under beavon which doea not worship some deity the worship ot god condaoes to tbe peace and order of society and us material prosperity david was glad beoauae he had a honse of worship to go to and tbe congregation ahould be glad becanae somebodys saorifioes in tbe past had given the present oomfortabte plaoe of worship we should be glad because oiroumatances permit ns to oome to tbe house of god to worsblp beoauae we have a sabbath day wbioh ia protected fisomiswejan honlth to oome to ohuroh beoauae wo feel dlspored to oome and can oome in the proper spirit ooming not to hear tbe preacher but to worahip qod beoauae the home ot sod ia a place ot reat for body and aoul beoauae of the gain in religious and leoular knowledge received there it is the best plaoe for our children lo go it is the place of fellowship with god it should be regarded as a plaoe ot gladness and where tbs spirit of unity prevails the text of the evening sermon waa 3 oor 8 18 these words were a part of panla argument showing the superiority of christianity ever judaism ths disoouree wss presented upon tbe following divisions 1 the object at ohriitlan oon temptation the glory of god 3 the instrument by which ws make this oon- templatlbu joiua christ tbs only perfect mirror 8 tbe privilege ia univeraal the pooreat may appreciate the power of tbe gospel a the effect of the contemplation we are transfigured into tbe earns image and made like ohriat s the divine author ot tho transformation tbe spirit ot ths lord let us manlfeat the glory ot qod that it may not be temporary but sternal bsfleol tbe glory of tbe lord at all times everywhere bar w brytrs asilstad at tbe morning service and bev mr boott of hespeler in ths evening the anthems by the choir daring the day added to tbs interest ot the services ths thank offering of the congregation was liberal as niual and will materially aid ths trustee board in meeting their obligations who is to blame that is the question tbe family berald and weekly star of montreal always siks subscribers who beoome indignant if tbey miss a few oopies of that wondertul paper owing to their own negleot in not renewing in good time and it is a fair question thejubliihen long ago warned their nu lu w nntll ueuuaii tu as very handsome- cover in bright warm colors enclosea the obriitmas number ot the canadian jfttjuajne ths frontispiece is a reproduction in colours of lbs femoui picture tbs berary slokers by o a bald president of bi ontario society of artists grant allen contributes a very good-ohristmantorrjrwhich-ia-thoroogbly- jllnstratedlkuiiluaanother entitled iholysalnt olatuev illustrating ths faet that santa clam ii aannanbaint ths number la crowded wiltb se matter canadian writers irad publishers are making suob rapids progress that ws no longer nesdt lo bto abroad to seoure christmas sonvenlras the mall and smplret chrlitmal number is oanadias throughout tbe ploturee are the worrk of can artis ths literary matter es frank tbe pens of tbe jfaiiomdinbtnilaiittia engravings the paper and ths westk are all canadian the feature of ibis suae is lbs sal ot four colored platss reprowootrons of ths work ol four leading csnaaclaa lady artiste with portraits ana abort aiitobes of their lives and a reproduolion en waok from another otthilrpiotaret cat number ii sold st 00 cents a copy brave men fall victims lo alopoamcb liver and kidney tr as w as ses aud f th blsfasar mwj is about years- painful on tr remits in loss ol aappetlts poliobs in the hood baokeobf ear wooonoee beadaohs and tired listless run dowie feeling but theres no need to feel like bi llaten to j w gtrdloar idavllle indiana hs sayst eleotrio bitten in jaal lbs thing for a asm when hs i alb roai down and dont care whether he uveas or die it did mors 10 give me ntw ilreaglli and good appetite than anything i ooobd lake i oan now eat anything and have- 1 ntw leaaa on life oor 60 cents si 3i drag store every bcltls guaranteed fin feathera makicrry jailbirds million caiahm away it is oartainly trttallngio ths publlo to anow of ens oonosros in the land who are net afraid lo bt rtniarma to lb needy and suffering the propilatwreiof dr kinga mevplaoovarylor oorasumpllrm 1 cough aundtopidsfhavi jctnamtj tfat tan e v r ffitff- renew as they ooold not guarantee regular delivery if the uamea were onoe taken eft thousands of new subscribers are otanjor- isg to get on their lists and clerks are working day and night to meet the demand bat the publishers certainly cannot be blamed if old enbeorlbers neglect to renew in good time and consequently miss a few numbers many inbeorlbert consider every number lo ha worth the yeara subscription one dollar to aay nothing of tbs beautiful premium picture the thin bed line which ia given free to all yearly subscribers natural advantages have no utility until they are utilized a friqhtful blunder i will often oauaa a horrible burn scald out or broiae buckles arnloa salve the bait in tbs world will kill the pain and promptly heal it cures old sores fever sores tjioera boils felons corns all skin eruptions beat pilscurs on earth only36olsaboi cure guaranteed sold by all druggists ballinafad the anow ia piling up tbls tim6 to mako winter election la near at hand who will be tbe man in favor today 1 we are glad to eay hist miss daley campbell ia belter and will aeon go to her parents at london i hwebater and 2 paterson wero storm staid at mr browna bnnday evening a good place boys mr henderaon had quite a suooessfal meeting here iaat week in ool kerns intereeta quite a number from here attended the party at brookville and report a good time mr jos shnrtlll ba returned from tbe weet and givea good reportb bannockburn the following ooropritse the honor boll for bannookburn sohool for november i olaaa a mcdonald 09 m wataon 90 iv class b brown 08 t hsrdintr s3 j henderson 82 iii class b watson 75 h harding 57 i danney 68 pt ii a benda ihpu 120 s maun and a henderson 122 sadie cole 97 pt ii b i m moffat 187 e denny 108 t moffat 88 i class m mcdonald 100 o moffat 83 g moffat 82 marks posaible iv aud v olaasos 100 ill olaaa 85 fl ii a and b 185 1105 collo and kidney diflionlties mr j w wilder j p lafargeviue n t writes i am subject to severe atlaoka ot colio and kidney diffiaulty and find parmoleea fills afford me great relief whileall other remedlee have failed they are the beat medioiue 1 ever need in fact bo great it ihe power ot thutmediolo to oleanae and purify that diaaase of almost every name ctnd nature are driven from the body oo in and see what yon oan buy a for robe for from j b matthews aoton the great bank robbery trial at napanes terminated on saturday morning the jury dieagreed aa to ponton but found maokls guilty ha wis sentenced to ten years in penitentiary ponton will have new trial on friday night a crowd mobbed tbe lodge and the riot sot v ordered lo be read mapanee has ibqs earned an unenviable reputation ssvs asan ajar or c ce cm co mo write wbenllooka ssaenaa tuvar v asl 1 tf re aaat her of oorioavlue case olrant- 1 when i look avmy little boy i feel tt my doty to write you perhaps omcooe will aee row testimony and be led to use dr pierces favor- ite prescription and be blessed in the aime way this la my fifth child and the only one bora alive the other have died from lack or nourishment so the doctor said x was not icfclr in any way and this time i jut thought i would try your 1 nd to car and a little boy aa ever was weighed ten and cription a ikl fine o little boy aa ever bottles and to mr sur prise it carried me hrotifrh and gave ua as iliailiejuunirihn worth listening lor that thro headache wonld quickly leave you it you used dr king new life fill thousands ot safferere have proved their roatchleis merit for slok and nervosa headachea they make pure blood and strong nerves and build np your health easy to take try them only 35 cents money baok if not oared bold by all druggists an nnaoropolona peraon like a qoiok- saud oannol be trusted b bore feet mn e j neill new armagh p t writes for nearly six months i waa ironbled with burning tohss and pains in my fast to suob ao extent that i oonld not sleep at night and aa my feet were badly swollen i ooold not wear my boots for weska at last i got a bottle of dr thomas eolsotrlo oil and resolved to try ii add to my aatonlahmeut i got almost instant relief aud the ona bottle acoompllihed a p oo a sand bag io tbe hands of a hold up man s a stunning affair mfbat a flael i boor stomach dlatreia after bating weight lfahsbtamioh wind on ihe stomach lois ot appetite dlesineii nausea slok headache formidable foes to good health bat dr von stans pineapple tablets are ihe invincible battleship that oan put to root and dssiroy ths last vsathre of tbeni and make peace and bapplrieaa reign where all waa mfeery and anflerlng 86 cants bold by a t brown petitions have been filed against the retnrn of bon john drydeo and hod i m gibson just like sm a cough ia like nooks smoke indicates that there i firs somewhere a cough indicate that bars ll a serious disrate hidden away lp iht brauthing crgsns at tmilvflivjiihalakltbsmks will dlsipflsaraputtkil throat and unsjdiwahl wlfcbwlsli cure and ear w w wilson awl64arfd to do vsrj oiielinlf poundii he li now five raouthaold ha never been nick a 1 day nnd is na utronit i that everybody who aces him wonder at him he u ao playful mid holds himself up o well i would like to nee this in print for so many have asked tnc do you think thou ore the testimonials of the ixople or has dr tierce just made them up and printed them 7 this is one or over two hundred and fifty thousand similar letter which prove dr pierces favqritb prescription to be the greatest of all medicines for the mt of hf- nnd rtliprde m nf tlif nnmn distinctlyfeminine it la the only prepare tion of ita kind devised by a regularly graduated physician an experienced and akilled specialist in tbe diseases of women it ia a safe medicine in any condition of the system it contains no whlaky alco hol opium or other narcotic and therefore does not cauae a cravinr for atimulanta it la sold by medicine dealers everywhere and any dealer who hssnt it can get it dont take a substitute no counterfeit is as good as the genuine and the drnrgist who says something elee la just aa good aa dr piercee la either mutakcu or ia trying to deceive you for hla own selfish benefit such a man is not to bo trusted he ia trifling with your moeterlccleae possession your health maybe your ufa itself see that you set what you aak car about the mere men- tion of silverware silver is enough to excite the interest of ev- worg i ery person who has a thought of holi day buying our silver de partment is now complete with the 1 newestwaresthatt can be had tea tray and tea set 4 pieces from 15 to 25 a cake baskets savage- ftuit dishesi 2 sugar bowls 2 5 bjterjpjshes 2 pickle stands 125 to 150 all quadruple plate co otjelph wt k so dinner seta and 40 toilet sat bought i a reduction ot u below regular prioea all ohaats designs and regular patterns we have only roprd to ojqota a fsw prions 10 dinner ssts prlntsd in brawn and blue reg prion 5 sals priot m50 10 dlnnsr sets 07 po cobalt blue reg price 1800 sal pries 70o 10 dinner sts 87 pb yradgswoods bnt ij it ass oftsrad in 10 00 blue ptlos gcelph reg ptjoeill jfe ial prloe 10 i only 115 bevvrlisylgrm i and brown plal bargain rig p f tsaasu rangtdg rim i8w lo 10 0 10 toilet his ranging from 1175 lo 80o freight paid on all goods shipped by oerles naobed tsand awsst pe srtttkn c hrir hhnce acfjountstobe settled having deolded to rotuo frora tbe sroofiry builnoss 1 am anxloui to bsvo all nooounti rfotttetl by tbooud of tho year tboio indobtsd wlllioo tho imperative noooaaity ol giving the matter tbelr prompt attontion w h denny yonnirbt aeton christmhs how is it that you hove not a piece of rattan rurniture in your house there is nothing more comfortable and attractive tho reason why yon have not had a chuir hooker ottoman table music rack or settee is on account of the price its been altogether too high in fact almost prohibitive it is so no longer g b ryan co hao contracted for a large supply of this very deslrablo make of furniture samples of which can be seen at our store any day they will be sold at a price that will astonish anyone ihat has ever bought or priced rattan furniture i any piece of it would malie a very useful and sensible christmas present and we will take your drder lor xtnaa delivery at the present ptjees until tto bbertisementa december th6 15 th our houshfurnishing department contains abundance of xmaa presents consisting of mats curtains table covers carpet sweepers cushions etc at moat modest prices articleatbat are serviceable and wll decorhe the home sensible people buy sensible presents g b ryan a cos housofunusbing department is the place to purchase them bugs will only one peice and that the veey lowest g b ryan fc co we do what we say guelph berlin and owen sound shiaih shtbtj shirts shirts seibts shirts ths souaitll 8hibtb jhiasp shirts s 8h bts saturdaybargainday at the square main street clothing boots shoos and general dry goods on our bargain labte will be placed the whole of this seasons samples of mens shirts and ties ol gray co manufacturers oxford england which we bought from their canadian representative at toronto this week there are two hundred of them in all colors styles and sizes ready for sale friday night come early for the best choice lot i all shirts from 500 to 900 a doz retail price 50c to 100 your choice 60c lot 2 all shirts from 900 to 1600 a doz retail price 1 00 to 175 your choice 75c l 3 neck ties you choice tw for j 25c shirts sbibtb sbibtb louis curofsky sbibtb sbibtb shirts bhfbtb shirts shirts i vhs squam ths i ivjjaslfi at fsetowsts t t fe go we have prepared to make our xmas business of i8g8 a recordbreaker and the indications are that it will equal our expectations we find ourselves with the finest stock of holiday goods in the history of this store our stock is replete with all the latest novelties suitable forpresents beautiful joress costumes in the most fashionable colors with trimmings to match fine swiss hemstitched and embroidered handkerchiefs pewnysjeidjghotes- all the most uptodate in fiingwoods and tartan plaids this is a good time to aelecl a most desirable present in fur goods and our special prices ahould be inducements to buy now we bays fur muffs gauntlets gloves mitts capes scarfs ruffs and boas fine sets for ladles misses and babies caps ol every imictphni pi -r- fp rm 1 stylish tallpr made mantles in foreign and domeatlc manufacture well tailored and perfect filling nothing cheap looldng about them except the price j 1 1 cents furnishings ourdlsplayofchrlatmus neckwearls the most extensive and varied in town we have just received the newest and latest creations of hawdaabors art what la more acceptable to a gentleman than a nice tie we dont know unless it la a nice umbrella vfe have them in silk with sterling silver mounted and natural wood bandies new hate tweed and fur caps- inailinfanvpkftetancfcoio especially imported for the trade weuvifamrge assortment bt boys and youths suits reefers overcoats etc what is more acceptable for your boy than to present him with one of these articles tbey lll make his heart glad and keep his body warm during the long winter gsntuiaun now is the time to place your orders for tbdffiitwlllisis troaseringf a eleci from itn style od finish ii our motto we havegocdssditable for all and it would beopr delight to have you call and speql half aif fobbing through our stock thapwng ypuone and all for past liber patronage and wishing you the compliments of the season we are t30al business changed j c hill has durabasod toe coavl business of mr john moqueon aiiiliprejttred to doltver flut- olsmiscrantouooal lu furnace stove- and not jbet prom ply and to tbo utlsiaotion of ouito men generally i bavaalso paroliaaod tho weigh lealea and will giro prompt attontion to all ordors for tbelr use j o hill change in business to take effect 1698 dect 12th having disposed of my butcher business i tke tbls opportunity of thanking my djswt ouitomnra for tbolr ilberslpatroosae and trait that thay will oontlous ibo ssmst io my suooesavors m oatdlner tt oo a bum laving town it 1b desrous that all ii fteooonta sbootd be eettled by the uth of dooembor 1898 13 b collins aoton nov 29th 1808 important notice tie celebrated iadian dpotor abobob w hild and partner will be at agnews hotel aoton on tbe iaat wed nesday of every month nntll further notice oommenalds with wednesday 98th october lfloe all ohroulo dluass each as ooniump- tloa omtarrb liver eomplalnt klduw dlstasei rbenmatlsm diabetes o are oaredby indian batiiwoues medlclnos sold by tbe quantity patlenta given ap as inoambie axe eapeelally idwltedl pauentandertrttnibnttootiierdoo tors are not sollolted conioltatlon free psr- msvnuit address bbrvktfobd p o ont tenderswanted for debentures village of acton sbixihd tendon wal be vmelvtd by the ttnder- ilgned ap to satnidayjlotto december 1098 for ts o00 fonr per deot3wety year bleotrlo light debenture of tbo yrllse of aoton tbe hlsfaest ox any tender not nwsssily aooepted follpartloulars with copy of bylaw eta upon applfoatlon to v t t moore villa dork aotanpoont ao ton nov 17th lem notice to cr in tho matter of ihe estate of john robert cook late of the township of esques- iog in ibe county of halton farmer deceased notice la hereby given that all creditors and others having oialmasagilnstthe etate of tho late john robert cook above mentioned daoeud rbo died on or asboat tba lit day of november 1886 are reqoaated to send by regis terttd latter or to dsuver to oeonce h oook dentiit oorner oouege st and smdtttsv att toroirto or bobert a henderson or th towo- sbip of bsqnestns balllnaf ad p 0 fanner ibe eiacatori of tbe last will sndeitanint of tbe said deoeased on or before tbo 1st day of janu ary a r 180b a atatement in writing ot their name addresvea and doswripuons irttb full partloalari of their olalma duly verlfltd and the bald by thami attar said iaat meauoaed dale tho braontors will prooeedto distrirnite tbawupitbe said natart pf thu leoarlty u or any part thereof so dlitiibntedtoany potion or persons ot whoae claim notice haw not been received aa afoxeeald at tbe time auob distribu tion li ao made elliott a bowtand allini 18 welll solictor- for tqe bxaonic dated avt toronto the istb 4y of november a d1896 bt btoronto laion actrvb bolloltori wanted everywhere for rbefltoryof thepbdllppinoe unnvi halalead oommlsaioned by tba government aa offlcuj blstorian to the war doptrtment tbe book waa written in army camps at ban vraoi fllaoo on tbe paclflo with oeneral uerrltt in tbe boapltala at honolnlo in hong kong in the amsmcavn trenehee at atantla in tbe inaargent agalnaldo on tbe dealt of tbe dewey and in tne roar of battle tqt m by govern campi with aj olymplawltbx at tbe fall ot manila jbonavnta brimfol of original pictures taken awstisietesjaaesjtreea spot ii igproflta jji titviby unwi ugo address f jf abbeb beoy btar inanranee building obleago low prices blgproou sven drop all trubr ntflt fxee credit war books garistmas presents for everybody fancy stationery perfumes in cut glass bottles toy books and games albums and celluloid goods xmas cards and calendars your favorite poet well bound bibles a largo new stock better values tban ever we will be pleased to ahow you these and all the other xmas novelties not mentioned bkowtf 7 nobby suit for fall and winter 1 r yl 1 nowls your time fo get a nobby suit for tall and winter aa we have just opened una fine selection of imported tweeds serces-and- worsteds and are prepared to take your order at rjgbt prices fit and workmanship guaranteed first- 1 olaaa and npto date overcoatings a good range of fall overcoatings call and inspect our stock before leaving your order cooper a ak1n8 ilain st acton mrkigvtn a fiisliass alan of bands a complete assortment of fins saltings overcoatlngi and a wf 1 tliulaagood many butaalt is ad bsrj5hoj ljatortjbaja aim illue t aeopkiui bow trf nnk i j it la a retnabinr kwle b itb and- too io las jp throw ofl lh luaaaa ft jtjg m pradnois a relisaj nreaod oruoes i ivsao 4v j t8 jm

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