v volume xxiv no u2 acton ontario thursday february 0189jj price three ceistts ib jvtton jtrm flriflg ib pudiilbencd every thursday morning at thh free prcdss team vrlntlnffofllce ulxb street aoton ont tbomb or scnaoiurrion ono dollar per year itriotljrln advance ah aabiorlptiona diaoon- luauedt when tbo time for wbioh they beivo boon paid boa expired the da to to wbioh every ubioriptlon ia paid ia denoted on tbo addroaa l advbbtibino juteb trftnaiont advortiao- monte 10 can tii por nonpareil lino for first in- i ibrttoqjlflontnpox jineforoaoh iuboqaent luaartlon contract batkb tho following table ebowe jar rate far tbo insertion of advortlioments f or pacified porjoda bpaps x tb e uo- a ho i mo mlnohes 10 inobm sinohes llnob 6000 8900 1000 eoo 3900 9000 1100 860 jaooo 1100 700 900 700 aoo 00 100 advertisement without epeelflo directions will bo la sorted till forbid and charged aceord- injly tjwujent advertisements mnit be paid laevdtanoe advertisement will be obacged once each month if desired for changes oftener tban enoe a month tbo composition mmt be paid for iatrealai rates changes for oontjraot advertisements mmt be infebe offloa by noon on tueadayi accounts payable monthly hpmoobb hditor and proprietor slaughter sale wall pper days i have bought heavily for 1899 to make room for this now stockwill clear the small lines find ends at slaughter price anything a year oltl goes at your own price 3o0orolls ends of one to four rolls at 2c a roll -thb- traders bank of canada days bookstore guelph days sells cheap xtasitttss jbittdotv tqhnmmacpqnalp successor o j f ubkn m d o m offloe and residence corner mill frederick street acton qfflco ii ours 6 to 1030 am 1 to 9 pm and t to pm b r r j r forster auccrbson to sb a b elliott xitto resident physician and surgeon to vic toria hospital or sick children toronto omob mill street lately ooauplea by dr hwott b u dryden era baii tuboat and kobe uotioans block douglas st hoar p 0 gtfelph orribn houaa 10 ara to 1 pm and q to e pm sundays 10 ata to i pm dental t l bennett ldb dentis jus asoftajbtowh ohx btt abio j coghlan d dslds dentist work 0abefdxiy d0nb pfuoxb moobbatb orviok ovan buovraa dnuo stob hooiis bvedt dat fbok 0 to 6 jm belii dd dds dbht1st bnooktllab honobgluuroatb of tobonto uhivxbfiltt work made satisfactory prices moderate vibitwo datamonoay itfternobn camp bellvlll tnesday acton offlco oltrki hotel friday book wood lxcfai m clean a mclean birrlitara bouolton kotartm oootayanoara jko piiratafanditdloan offiobtoin hall aotoo w a molmah jho a molmaji j maokinnoij ba3uu8tbb boijotron comtbtakcbb onum iktill btroot in matthowi blook upitairi jbmoleod dabbutib bolioitob coitjiyanobh main btroot qoorgotowo axoney to loan at loweit oorront rttoi b j monabb idlerk fourth dhlilon oonrt oonnty ot hal- onoonvoyanoeragontjplreandliueamaranoe bsalbitats agent money to loan ale offiob perrymaniblook aoton 0nt mjscsllamto vs rtbnay gbibt j1 ottatfa oamada p bolloltor of fttente lor invontloo oto pvapam pplioauom for the qanadton anj- lekrtandbnropeanpatentoineee and for the itegiitrtlon ot trade marlu bend for pam- pblet tolrtytwo roara eiperlonoe xjibanoisnunajbl tt bo0kbindeb wrndbam st auelpn ontario 7 oterw store aomtmt book oraujdntfemade to order periodical of otery deierlptlonearef nllybonnd bnllnejieaiviinaproniptlrdon u- fabriage u0bnses b p mppiftb jaanieb or mabnxaab idoxhem prleito offlee kowlbrtivei reqnlred leaned relldmoe in tbo evening pre preee qncaacton m hembtbeet iiiobjcoid aootiombm mfriketoonntleeerweilunaton joalton orderilef t a the ran wli jooe aown or atnyreeldenooin aoton wuib promptly at- andedto feee rednoed to v ioioo jpbfaeiel 8albb ajao money to wan on tnomoitfatormble unnastatbi 10terateeof intereettn iduhottlkwand pwarija wiluiatoia int4sl betabnlacaen laao trlbubanob on oaan and matoal gad any i ooinmunloattoni lorwardod to my addreii hoa or telepbdne 98 will be prompuy at tended o tatlob agent 1 aae machine and bepair shops bwntyabradbxjproprleto 11th j toermnte all repali inu abb well equipped wttb ll tbt paentoerr lemteaary toeuenl all repalra to ansenhnnipudjemandt iornied neseeaary toenente all repalra to m 1 roaobio do all renanl jgntslngaoanluvbdone v iaoarroiaainniaimn xionifcen bhiudlt yo klo haxoirood and elava cot aiore lenglb alwaji ark beuia f teleioone oomtuuoloatlpo j w barber bros paper iriakeeb georqetowlsr ont nuxa a spioialtt of machine finishad book papers high ob ade weekly news the paper need in this journal le from the above milla to baeber bhos capital authorized 1 000000 capital paid up 70oo0o gprtrg cuelph branch wo are now iabainft money ordarfl payablo at par t any branob otcbartoredjjankin canada oxoeptlagtbe yukon district at tbo following rat 00 uudora10 8 oonu 10 to 980 looenta 90 to 12 00du 3gtow moonti highest ourbiint bate op intbrebt riald on ioraa dopoiltod of 1 and upward dturett allowed from date of deposit to date of withdrawal and paid or compounded half ysarly advances inado toroaponalble farmerfl on- tholrowu nauaoa at tbo lowoat current ratoa no obarge tnada for col lectins salu notea if payable in guelph a general banking baoineia tronsaotod a f b jonb9 manager cash paid fok farm produce butter onions eggs poultry pork etci apples wanted aikenhead produce co o parsoks acton manager om everton ano eoen mills the place to go for tbo flolir bran mlddllnks chop feed 6cc for sato chopping every day at everton mills and every tuesday thursday and saturday at eden mills always buying wheat no credit henry hortop sun savings and loan co head office toronto ont authoriied capital 600000000 tenyear maiurity shares are paid in monthly instalments of 50c per share for x20 months when payments cease 6900 paid in maturity value jioooo money to loan at j straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to- r j mcnabb agent aoton bring your custom logs in and take the lumber home with you mills nassaivaweva p sayers proprietor lias constantly on hand a full line of ltunber lath shingles cedar posts wobd kto custom logs and bill stuff cut to order on short notice planing and matching done to the beat ot aatlsfaclloa pricesvery cheep and made to suit the customers pocket p- layers our bissell cyco bearing best oil earth our two dollar sweper a genuine woman pleaser j m bond co highest prices paid for wheat pease oats bye -at- kcton blbuktoh car choice corn for sale full stock flour and feed rhkrhis hkniobr special sale fancy coods class china celluloid c prices away down fine finished crokinole board complete 660 boblty 8ioo framed pictures soo etc etc waters bros trmbham gtaokt quelph cooperd6akins the tailors vv e are going to make suits up gtta big reduc tion during this month in order to make room for our spring stock s i need a suit or ovekeoat now is your opportunity during this month call and inspect our stock prices will be right and all work guaranteed first- class and up to date cooper d akins main st acton pttptf j3 whoareatiiinttole xurlajo pablloor high sohool bonldnotovarlookthegreataowant- age of a praeuoal oenne of inatrno- tlonattne oublph bosiuess college and shorthand inaotate aaaidwiokwnriomaiaiioa- rfrfsiw iifnii 11 in ir t i walnatioot p mills of jolwc0iron arohitect and contractor tfanufaoturer of saah doora franioa u bnldlugj inaliatylea drxssjn matcbjkoi r mbit uouldino to order on abort hotloe will asaortod stooiton band at prides tfsnlt tbe times john cameron proprietor aoton livery bus line tbeundsnlsnodreapeotfnuyioueltathemitron age of tba pnbllo ud informe tbem tfiat well bulpped andstylbn blga oanal v athuate a eomfortabla baa meau tralna batmen a m and ftie p m oarbfolatunuongltentootaryoraor tlae wanta of commercial tratel- ian folly mat john williams a otivb bollolton vantod everywhere for a tba btory of tb plilllpplnei by uarat halitead eooamual6nd br tfie oorernmol aa pofwhlltojjan to tb war daparsent the bookwae vrrltten in artny oampa it an pran- laoo on aba faeino wlthaoneraluerrlttln tbe iotbltala at ionolnln in bona koog in tbe jex sn you want a story why land alton loj a tboi olant but ono that x know an tuat ye bjire likely haeredbofora for it happened long ago whon tuia town want so big ea it la now an whatever hppeuod teh one wua knowod alt ovor the neigbborbood twixttbo rio nd aot p theian kin it ho yob haint heored it tolo afore tbo i about old jeremy snow bout 08 soodaonapndduntih bs youll find dowq bore helow in oourfloold joremy bed bd faulti llmt if yob kin allow teh me a man haant than ill show you a cow tipan applo tree he want asparty aa men ire iean an be didnt go lb for a abow au hia waya waawbatyeh nioqgbt oavll rough an hla worda came dreadfully alow boi tbe longealnook and the btggeac mouth that every wai aeon i thluk an one 0 hie ayelida wbuldut moto when totheronaitried teh wink jlat wbere be pome from nobody knowed an nobody wanted teh know but thero want a little child in town t bo didnt know jeremy snow a hla old black aolderin pot ferhe lived far twodtjtwo years or more by makln hla mtrhbore tinware wbole an as good exit was afore ho hadnt no kiololka in the world bnt ivoheered that lomx ago he bad a few they died i guesa thougbhonovor telledineso llowstbat vou want the story you nay f vhyboyaitliipiirtyjiighdonel taint moan of story ill allow but then its my only one waal billy odoll t man in our town hedallwua ben plokip at snow hed jeer at hla ugly phis an his apeeob an beoaao his ways was ao alow an tbe fun he made o tbo poor olo chap was a caution an bets a faok i but snow be patiently stood it all he was never the one to talk bade waal it happened one time mr billy ooell got down with tut amallpoit so that everyone savo biuo a pretty wide berth thet is ooptln jeremy snow he worked over billy on til he got up most as well as a woman could though os dllly want no relation o bis there want no raason why he should talnt muoh of a yarn i tolled yah ao an its tlnio now for mo teh go but i reckon billy felt mighty mean bouttho way hed treated poor snow an i know be want tbo only man in our town tbbt waal up and orlod when poor homely patient jeremy snow hot the am allpox ao thet be died iid jfatnilu juning eh s yaleq tine in the heart of tlae sierra nevada rnoan- taihs ia still standing tho ralbfl of n old cabin forty- three year ago the logi composing its slides although rongb aqd u a planed were in good order the olay ghimney stood oprighl and throogh the ohrdke between the logs a ruddy hrhl hone tbe anow waa still lying in pstoh- ea on ijbe groand round abont the nabiq while op tbe ateep mo no tain path the trail wound hicq a blaok make over tbe whiter ness on either side inaide thocabla all was as idqg sti the homely mtans at hand oonld make a a hpge fire of oatc logs oooupitd one end of the only roonrthb csbio contained oyer the fire was inapflndtd op an iron crane axuaty pot ia which sometbiog was boil ing sending forth the rich aroma of onions popper baoon and other oompoqnde a yonost man in tbe rough garb of a miner knelt before the hearth holding a rasher of baoon orer the few oosla be had raked oat on the stones an interested spectator was tbe faithful companion of all hla wanderings hii dog ben htrry brandt had been in the mlues of nevada coanty for two yean yet had not fonnd the fortune he had crossed the seas to seek todightwaa the eve of bt valentine and onr hero was a bit homesick to diaai- pate wblpb weakneas he talked to the dog sorry a valajjune well get old man the saint has fonaken this end of crea tion the dog looked jroowng and ftva bis tail gontjottp on the floor smells rood doesnt it boy removing the lid of the swiogldg pot sad peering into it after satlaryinfl himself that the itew wss suffloienlly oookdd he dipped oat a generons portion of it into a tin d lab and set it ont on the mow to cool for ben his own meal was then dished up and set flpon one end of the pine table sans tablecloth and our here ike down on a bench before it and fell to before however settling downto his own meal be went out and brought in bens dinner from the enow and plaosd it on the floor beside him these two had not taken a meal apart sinoe tbty met the first day brandt ufc foot in california if ever i do atnke it rlob old man itll mean a big blow oat forynnr royal bigh- nesf sabet the dog wagged hie tail aud winked his eye knowingly presently brandt took from hu bosom a soiled paper paokatie and earsfally on roll lug it reveal ed to beni watobful eyes a small jorop of gold its all tlisva left os old no am be ald then with a sodden facatlonnness he held it to the dofts nose say log seek hiro1 tbe setter was siert in au ibitant and smelling all over lie small spsolmeo otre- fully and auderbttndiokly rushed oal of tbo cabin oddeaf lo all whiituod and commands of hia maater he disappeared in the darkrieii well ill lw ewitobed i ejaculated the youpg fellow ooqiiog baok after t fro itless bearob in the vloloity of the cabin who would have bought bo would uke a fellow failure hooouldoot cat hla sapper but itk bytne qre moody ucl bearteok in this frame of mind he fell first into wak ing than to sleep and saotu dreams he thought that the latch was lifted and tbo dark atblctlo form of ao indian came noiselessly to tbo fire and atood looking dqwnatbim hewas wrapped in the folds of a long kray blanket the corner of whioh he bad drawn overhli head ha did not otter a word but atood silently looking down at out hero as grande looked up intothedsrk f aoe faiosnatedby tbo fixed gaze of tboae penetrating eyea it beeroed to nnsergo a change tbe nose elongated tvbe long coaree hair on either side of the head grew early and glossy and aianmed the aiiape of ears the face itself became covered with a grovh of ahort dark hair he had almost exolaim- sd it is ben when bii visitor sod den ly dropped on alt f on re and trotted toward the door impelled by wbat force hb koew cot brandt arose and followed after out in tbe moonlight he aaw that the blanket the indian wore was the old flannel shirt he bed thrown dowu soma time ago for bens bed his strange guide bounded for ward straight op the mo do tain path and it loomed to brandt that be followed after with incredible speed tbe direction they took was over tbe same trail he had so ofteotrod in the past two years but the rapid figure ahead did not- bait at the shaft bat kept atralgbt on some twenty rods furtheilhotcmed and doabled- on hie track trria manoeuvre be repeated several times tbou wput ahead again brandt following now the path was crooked and uueven no vr darting straight up tbeslde of the moutitnli then plunging as abruptly down again in this manner tliey followed a oauraa that took them through unbroken patolieaf- trees and over ground quite unfamiliar to brandt sud denly with tbo ntrttiiijtj eeoond bight of dreame ho realized thai tliu dark fptatohes on the enow aheud of him were blood and even in hib dream hla own blood rati cold at tbii jnnoturelhe form ahead of him atiddenly topped short taiid brandt who waa bat a few paces bohiiud pulled up jnat in uboe la avoid stepplug into a deep caver- nous bole that yawned at hia feet and all abont the margin the a now was splashed with dark rod blood win ile up from the cavern at bta feet ianucil ta faiut roau a oold sbiver paaaod over his frame the real cold of the snow and nifjbt air aud the feeling of returning conaoioaeneaa he rubbed bis eyes and looked about him he really stood on tbe mountain aide and not far from home he ooaldl ice his cabin at a liltl distance but he wa on the opposite side of tbe monotoin from his plaim bjo most bavo kood clear around it in bis dream but how did be come there at dead of night aud by what unseen hand led i ho waa not a coward a life in tbe mines of california in those days did not tend to lessen mans courago but a feeling not unlike the crawling of a slimy snake down bis spine orept over him when be looked about end found everything eiaotly as he had seen it in his drtaam there waa the pathway by which he had come and on that pathway were horrors i the patouee of dark red blood 1 god 1 the ejaoulatiopesoaped his lips involontarily at fain feet yawned the dark oavern of his dreams end again he heard the faint groan conquering an impulse to pat distance between that dark bole and hlmalf hm tnnr1 tilt mrl llatpnnil the ftpd not merely a pooket ae ao many leads proved to bo in those days of i udder- ly realized fortunes and as sudden dis appointments then he b tailed it off and poated the accustomed noticei of warning to trespaeaers a visit to nevada city i next in order to have hia property duly recorded moneyed speculators in ban franoisoc gat wind of the mine and paid a visit the result ot whioh waa tbe exchange of all his right and title for the anugeum of 8500000 the very next ship that nailed outward bound through the golden gate bore as cabin paasengeri harry brandt and his dog ben the latter in the proud possession of a brand new collar the finest tha oopld be prodtioed in those days by san franoiaoo silveramitbb ilvesoutof tune i cauc1um at bis word in that manner after the moon rose light inu the rnoqntaln side for a longdistance he went to the- door more than once to look ont but neither hide nor hair of the dog ooold be seen and be re turned to the fire more dlsoonaolate and miserable than ettifv tbe evening paiaed and brandt still sat by tbe fire he had no heart to go to bed and leave ben outside bat alter many fruitless journeys to the door and back again be threw himself on ths bed ail jressed as he was and went to sleep tbe son strearoiog amroes bis faoe the next morning awoke hlro and he sprsng up with a vague hope at hii heart but ben was not there he wbjstted lood and jong bot no ben rtspbbdsrd to the familiar call and be sbooldersd bis plokaod shovel for hu daily tramp up uietriv o blsleadith a heavy heart ho fsltbfol friend trotted before him this morolng looking back ever and anon for a wnrd of kindness from bis maswr 1 1 was a long loneeome day add resulted as all the previous daye bad rssalttd in groan was repeated not not a groan a whine the truth came to him like a flash h iaben 1 that thought dispelled all lesser ideae and lying down in the bdow be peered into the hole calling ben dear boy are you there a glad whine a soft tap of his tell reapooded good boy be patient 111 get yon out and be darted down tbe aide of the mountain taking the ihorteit cut to bis oat in regard 1 01 a of the faot that bis feet might at any moment ran into some over grown shaft ft was bat li tuple task to gather up a blanket from txie bed a strong rope bis pick and shovel and a dark lantern end hurry baok to the spot where he had left the dog climbing down into tbessliaft he found that it was not deep and tbe entrance to a to no el half way inside of wrhloh bejtilay a hiaty examination o the dog showed that the wound consisted of aprttty badly laoerated shoulder probably beiog the result of rohning agslnat scinelhiag sharp on his way to tbe mice ihim aooouuted for tbe blood on the eoow and after losing oonalderable blood the dog was unable to get cot of tbe shaft and io some oocqlt manner this fact warcomm untested to bis maitar brandt did not waste time upon apeoola tlons as tqths cause of hla dog condition but quickly bound np the shoulder in strlpa of rage whioh he iriad brought for that purpose therdog submitted to this operation with his usual sjoo se and fortitude but when his roaster attempted to move him he realatedt with all his might finding resistance in vain be straggled to his feet and loosing op into his masters face with tbo wellunderstood look of intelliganoe braude had so often seen there he pressed bis- ubse down on the hpot npon wbioh be hidt lain brandt pat his lantern down close to the ground and oxamlnodlt carefally in spite of the wounded shoulder ben wriggled about in the fashion dogs bave of showing their satisfaction a smothered ejaoalatloa broke from tbe young man he had pat his lanterndossil to a nngget of gold as large as his flat ban licked bis thongh limo in its many foraib is obeof the moat ordinary substances met with on this earth yet the essential element wbioh goes to the oompcaltlon of lime is not by any means a familiar body ae is well known to everyone who has loarned any chemistry lime is tbo result of the onion between oxygen gas and the metal oaloinm this very remarkable element calcium is however never found in nature nnleae in bach intimate obemical onion with bome other element such as ox y yen or chlorine that tbe characteristic properties of the jnetalia disguised tosoe calol u nal tea i f yon most go to tbe chemical laboratory where by iugeniona processes the sby ele ment is temporarily divoroed from its union with the oxygen or other bodyfor which it has so eager ait affinity though moat of ma have never ueen a partiole of oaloinm it may well bo doubted whether tbero is any element more impor tant to tbe economy of this erlh or more widely distributed over it c lei urn iain the waterd of the hcu the cup of spring water owes much of ita uvigorating freubneas to the calcium which it holds in solution tbe white cliffs which have been given the name of albion are but one of the many forma of ctlclum try to imagine what this earth would be like if calcium were withdrawn the birds oonld not lay any cgifa the sea could prodaao no shslls man and other auitnels would need to have bmies very different from tboae whiqb they now ppsaeas buildings would in great part vanish even tbe hills and mountains would to a oonsiderable extent disappear probably a very large part of the total rnaaa of this earth would be taken away if all tbo oal oinm were tb bo removed without calcium a world inhabited la the same manner aa the present ope would be clearly iinpusaible there are it may be lowly organ jams on the earth to which calotnm is apparently of little ocneeqaenoe and it is conceivable that a world of living types of some kind could be oonbtrnoted without tbe aid of that partionlsr element wbioh is generally indlspenslble on oar globe bat snob a world would be totally different from the world we know under present conditions the significance and importance of oaloinm in onr economy oan hardly be overestimated attention has been drawn to be impor tance of cftlolnra on the earth wo have now to add that tuia same element appears to be more widely diatrlbnted among the various bodies in the universe among the most remarkable features in the photo flphlr pnntrnnri nf ihninn ira twin way broad and very dark and very conapiouooa lines in every photograph of the ultra violet light of the son these unas stand forth so boldly as tb arrest attention more than other feature of the speotrum- it haul been known that these lines were due to the presence of oaleium but there were certain diffioaltles connected with their interpretation qome recent researohea- by sir william and lady hoggins have cleared away all doubt it is now certain that the presence of thebo lines in a speo- trnin demonilrates that the remarkable element which enters into tbe composi tion of lime on ibis earth is also in tbo sun these same hues have indeed been detected in the photographic spectrum of many other bodies thus tbe interesting faot is established that this particular element whioh plays a part so remarkable on pqr earth ia not peoaliar to oar globe bat that it isdlffaaed far and wide thronghoat the aniversesr robert ball in humanitar ian two newspaper stories masters band and wrlgnledl almost ont ot hla skin in delight brandt tied np thenugtfat in the corner of the blanket and looked sabont for more every blow of his pick yielded- a piece of earth rioh with the preotouis metau the yoaog fellow disappointed for so long and now seelopi his besthopei rsnllawd felt his brain reeling and had to pott bis head ont of ths shaft for sir in order to regain bis senees which be felt were fast deserting him then he sat down on ths ground and putting bis arms about the neok of ths faithful animal borstfoto tears ben sat upright like a martyr bearing the added pain that the weight of his m eaters arms about his neok idflleted wlthont a murmur youve won the spans lonlght old fellow and yon shall wear them or im a daffer i be orled when he bid recovered hie equlllbriom od dog doi nostter were on tnetrny ib vithoat word to tbs other miners brandt worked hlr olalrn- antll he hid satieaed birnsalf that it wai really aflnd over in vincennes ind there lived a yonbg man who on reading of the des trac tion of the battleship maine became filled with a desire to invade cuba with the first batch of war correspondents his name is j willourhby weep sod bets aatd to have written to bob paine mknaging editor of the cleveland prod as follows for f 10 per week i want to go to gabs as yohr correspondent and will jive with the cubans camp with the gubaua apd if necessary tight by trie side of general gomeit the recipient of the letter is a wit and in eoaastlo reply to mr weep inqaired of him what sum be i would demand to go arid die with the cubans he wai amazed a fewdays later to be handed a letter from vincennes in whioh the would be war correspondent made tbisanswer fifteen dollats per week and expenses it goes without saying that mr weep was employed andmofil strange to say he was one of the best men in the field he is now numbered with the regular writers of the paper and at more than 15 per the secret of a serene strong inspiring life is a life in perfeot tune with god a keynote- many a man has at least e sub consciousness of an imperfect adjustment of hlsjife somowhero ip aorno way self is grating against dnty just enough to give a perhaps undefiaedjmpresslon of discord- and jastas one toaaea simtesalyvon the bed when uncomforable in sleep constant ly seeking eaae in new poaltions so the imperfebtly by fitfuneas abaentmindedneei peevisb- ness cjrjiciam all symptoma of a graving for peace such a one usually baa a vsgue expeotanoy that some time or other be too will pobeobb suoti experiences as be bears clesoribed by others some day botoo will reach bis beat estate will live a life catm strong elevated above pettv haraaeirtg but that can he attainod to now adjustment of the lifts to goda revealed plan jb tbe remedy cookery for boys it la not in reason perhaps to expect the boys of tbe family to bo brougb t up to a knowledge of cookery still every boy ehoald be suffiotentlyiuetraoted in this art to be able to pock without making a dis- gustiag anil unpalatable roeas of ir the army ration or any other equally simple and common artioles of food all boya ne n i otbeia ndjabpji ldoibecf0 kfl but every young rn an of 18 or 20 should for tbo sake of being able to meet a possible emer gency in domestic pr national life know how to boil- rice stew fruit fry bacon apd make coffee the idea that it ii beneath the dignity or does not belong to iljodutiua of tbe boys of the famiiiea to nsiiit their mothers and eiatera when occasion requires in the domestic realm is inimical to the prodaation of good boldfera and it may be be added of good huabanda portland orefjoninn keepino his place warm a good story is told of sir walter saott it seems that be wax far from being a bril liant eoboar and at sohoot lioff atutlty at the foot of his olosa after he beatlme famous he cue day dropped into the school to pay a vitlt to tbe eoene of hia former woea the teacher was anxious jo make an lolpreasiou on the writer aud put the papi is through their faoluga po sh to ahow them to the beat advantage after awhile soon laid but wbioh is the duoco 7 yon have one surely hbow him to me the teadber called np a poor fellow who looked the piotare ot woe as be bashfully come toward the distioguiahed visitor are yon the dunce asked scott tee sir said the boy well my good fellow hero is a crown for yon for keeping my place warm a colon w va rrvtrtfif money saved and pain relieved by the leading household remedy dr thomas eoleotric oil a small quantity of which nsually saffices to cure a doagfa beal a cut bruise or sprain relieve lumbago rhenmatistn neuralgia excoriated nipples orinflamed breast a meddlesome woman was sneering at a young mothers awkwardness with her infant and said i declare ar woman never oagut to have a baby an leas she knows how to bold it i nor a tbngoe qfltly ruannhdeil ihn ynnng mother lr j d kelloggs dysentry cordial is prepared from drugs known tb the profession as thoroughly reliable for the cure of oholera dyientery diarrhoea griping pains and snmmor complaints it has been used sncoessfally by medical practitioners for a number of years with gratifying resulte if suffering from any summer complaints it is juat tbe medicine that will oure yoq try a bottle it sells for 25 oeuts there are tomany perils between the cradle tnd the grave that it is a wonder that a man ever gets from ono end to tbe other said an irishman always relieves quickly mrs j i madge virden man writes 1 have used flagyards yellow oil for the past ten years and find it a splendid remedy for neuralgia bronohitis croup spralnsi chilblains etc in fact wo nseit for almost every pain and it always relieves quickly gentleman purobaaiog batter and how does yonr mother make those pretty patterns on tile butter my dear little girl with our comb air when you have a severe congh or cold that other remedies wbot care try dr woods norway pine syrup it never falls price 35 cents to a ukllk in 1770 tlioroa not d damaol in yo towrio but dlstanood leoomplotollo by polly id bor prim grayo rowho that nta bor formo oeo noatlio i would i woro yo goldon phiho that clapa bor frock eocurllo boo i mlglitkiaso bor dfmplodcliluuo when dowuoabq loouadomuijio yo llttlo rullla at bor wrlato t onvla for its nearuobbo to bar falro band wbicuoi hath itieaocl tboaofoldaof puokorod and whon t eoo bor aby brown oyos tbroliilmy lubes glanoltiro within my robor quakor gulbfe my boar to la atit ddancingo and when uponyo windy bfiuaro v by bdppiochanco i uioqt bcr we thoo and tbou caoh othor tboro sure languago noor was ewoater 1 if 1 behold hor oyelidfl fallo beneatbo uiy ijlancos btoadle i oanaot help but liopb withal since wo are friends alroadlo how often ltavo i longed to looko within ye allksu shaker that bends abovo yo aliifil agebook o of this moto lovelle quaker but ah her plotlo reproves my alltooftriiont pttbalon i foar bomotlmcs yo spirit moves in very worldllo faeblon for in tbu oltlo wboro yo ponu above yoaword bath honour yo raacalb of king goorges uiouiio hod boat not sax6 upou her for tbo i am a luunuo of pcaco and tlioiny boarto is tondor id oballapgo all yo xjolonirs lfoodworotodofondobor fio folly if im niovud todayo by sainto lusload of spirit to tall my tdlo to tboo i pmjo that tbou wilt doign to bcaro it tie onlle that baiiito valontlno for tbao ami mo discovert that we should walk us thino and mino not frlonda olono but loyura jennie uttt llarlatoick in the february badltit home journal 9b5tnesb ittcns borntr fire insurance kcoj your amium aid how muoh jribiirunco do you oorry and not aro you iiiuurel jh tbo question now ushed na experience bag shown it to bu a moit vaiutble asbbg und in many crteen tbo unly hteel uf ler a lire insurance- in uuso of are nofc ooly eimbiea a inerulihni to reeume bneinosa but to inn iiitniii hid todepoudenco by obiviatuig the uca389ity of asking favore how muob tuoiirry 72 porcsrit on the nvoroge value oliiis property is not too tnnob under ordinary uironmatanoes dnring tliu beasutiq wlion btooka are temporarily increased short date poliolea oan be plaood in addition to the yearly onee a uotion aeeins to provail among a great many bneiuotib men that onoinsaranoe oompauy is ab good as another so far aa pajing a loaa la concerned and aa tbe preniiama do pot vary to any extedt tbo merobaut bnye insurance nnlibo anything else generally giving the order to aome friendly agent with wlinm it ia well to be on good term for bu8ineaa or personal reaaone the queetion of examining tbe quality of bia insurance never outers his mind always seek tbe beat and moat reliable companies in which to place jour insurance it is advisable to examine your poliolea carefully aoe that tbe dates and amounts agree as well aa particular items very slight orroro each aa omiaaiona or snb- an arkansas editor who rear that a young lady in new york kneaded bread with her gloves oo eaya we need bread with oar pants on wo need bread with oar boot ou and if our aubsoriben in arroara awt pay- up soon we iball need bread without anything on lanquid women atitntionb oi seemingly unimportant woraa will at times make a great deal of trouble the boy and his trade seventeen ia the preferable ago for going to a trade but iu many pasea sixteen is not too young nor eighteen too old writes barton oboyney in the february ladla tome journal bui all condi tions being favorable it ie wellfor a boy to arrange his apprenticeship so that he oan finish bia trado by the timo he la twenty- one one of the advantages of going to a trade early is that it allows the lad tirw to make a change ahould he dioover thai he bta made a miatake in ehooalng bis vocation and there ia no iofalliblo method or rule that can be followed in order that euoh mistake oan be avoided but the best pourae to purine is for the lad to folly acquaint himself with the details of tbe trades to whioh bo may inollna before ho makes a aoleolion tbi can bo easily done at the expenao only of a little observa tion and inquiry then tho matter of natural aptltudo can bo considered anil it la a raoit important faotor bo th tue lad can avoid going into anything for wbioh lie has no upsoial htnobs it is asserted that every one ia adapled for aome one thing bntter tban anything else and the boy ahould etrivo lb discover what that one thing ia it would be a great miatake for a lad without a natural bant lor meobsnioa lo nttemp to learn tbo maohiuiets trade and iho obanbee weald be against snob a boys proper adsinie- ment for ones beat work and development aro tlio butoomo of being congeuially employed rug and mat makers take the help that south american nervine offers and bo well tstrohbsvtvtja happy week and expsnaef about the same time managion editor paine was surprised on reaohlog ills desk one afternoon to ond a telegram awaiting hie arrival on which 1180 waa doe it waa a oaref oily worded applloatlon for a job front a young man whs resided in zanet- vllle ohio booh an assurance appalled fains snd he sat down and daahed off an answer in keeping with a popular song be had heard the night before sod wbioh bad beenronnlng through bit head all day bead yonr answer in the atari read the dlspalob and it was marked oolieot but on tbe following morning he tore open a second telegram from zanssville here it is ths stars say noms within 34 hoar ths applicant was on hand in cleveland and the editor gave the ybaug man a position on the paper buoqets oomssto those who ptruvere if you take hood8araaparllla fllihfnlly- encl persistently- you will sorely be benefited miss lnoloda butober of teeiwater ont had a very severe attaok of malarial fever it left her very weak languid and threatened with nervous prostration ssa amwi mo w es ed to her arid she tried it after taking a few doses abe felt great beniflt she oontlnued taking it until six bottles were need when to use her own word i was completely restored to health i can rebommend is as a great remedy bold by a t brown the hardens ws borrow are the hardest to bear dr lows worm syrup la a eafe sure and reliable worn expeller acts equally well on children or adulli be sore you getliows how lo care heedeoherbome people suffer nnwd misery day affcr day with headaoh there is rest nlther day pr nlgb unil tb nerves jrf all uoilrung thacwbe generally a alsordefed skimaoh and a cure oai ha effeoled by nsua prmeleap vegetable pllla ooutalo- josaantlrakrja dandelion mrflnlay wmw- pwrnsfsas fills a brslolass article for illlons headache color their rags and yarns with diam ond dyes tub world famed pyes for pro ducing brluiaat and un fading colors i have made several very handsome huge and mats for tbe house that 1 am very proud of the rags and pieces of cloth and flannel used in my bugs and mala were all dyed with yonr wonderful diamond dyes the colors are rioh and brilliant and i and tbey are unfading diamond pyes are the best i ever used mm l f botktoii winnipeg man to ins da a rlob lady oured of her deafnessand nolies in tbo dead by dr nicholsons arlldoal bar drums baa sent 1000 to hi institute so that deaf people unable to prooore the ear drams may have them free apply to department k b the ioatllute longcott gunners cury london w england