Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 9, 1899, p. 4

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your heirt bets over one bun- dr6d ttiouamttl llmea caoh ono hundred thousand supplleaor good or bod blood to your brain which is it if bod impure blood thenyouj brain aches you are troubled with drowsiness yet cannot sleep you are as tired in the morning i is at night you have no nerve power you food does you but little good stimulants tontcs headacne powders cannot cure your but will it males the liver hdneyt skin and bowels perform tbelr proper work it removes ill im purities from the blood and it makes the blood rich in its life- giving properties tohmmton rooovry you will be more rapidly cored if yeu will take a laxative dose of avers pills each night they arouse the sluggish liver and thus cure biliousness writ to op oaofaia tvejjnr the xuihrtstraleea of wat juton jtm tt thursday february 9 1899 ije ijointg jfolhs tbe b wav tii bettor to laugh than to cry doar a prot orb you 11 grant me li true tjibost to forgot to bo sad dr the bouts ease h better than ruo tie better to be rood then bo great dear to bo happy la bettor then wuo you ii find if you smile at the world dear tbe world will imila buck in yoar eyet helen l tovme hagyarda yellow 0 onru iprmim brnlaoa sores wountfr onu frottbitoi chilblain etfags of iouotb barm iosldi oontaaiodi eto pritfe 25a beea in the boa pet never make honey milbqrns stirling headaohe powdtr core tbe wont headaohe in from fir to twenty minute and leave no bad after effects ooe powder fie 8 powder 10o 10 powders 25o a wishbones service br pakenbam wabb who recently resigned tbo buhoprlp of oibory ta cele bratod alike for bis piety and hie wit there is a atory told of how be proponed to bis wife he was mt a dinner party and waa floated be aide the woman ot hie oboioe in tbe con no of the dinner he found that be had boon helped to tbe witaiok boue and as often 1 tbe custom in country hoqaei he palled for tbe wish wttu hie fair neighbor tbe little vxhsped bone was broken ana too bllfaop bviuk eeuced-tbe- wiefa whispered to bis companion as he laid down his part of the bone will you lay your bonea with mj bonea she btnahlogly whispered assent and after pinner the engagement was announoed hobsons choice dispaaiionate poet paoaei to observe i learns that instead of a garland of bay oat berou weiring a miotic too pray waihidgtoo star his concern a qommeroial travoleron bis trip called upon a well known oliemmt he who nervous as ho put bit hand tu his pookt aud handed out a card i represent that con corn eaid llio young man you are fortunato replied tbe chemist the commercial iravelor whb qncourttged aud aaid i think so airt bu tbo ohemlst who trades with us id eien more bo my firm ffcee she tiuwt lino nf nrn17i n the country i ehouldu fr have itiouh it slowly responded the man of medicines her complexion looks natural and he handed baok the photograph wbioh the yonog man had given him by mistake he took it and left without waiting to make any frewell remarks london blelch in an iriih court recently an old man waa called into the witness box- and being old and a little blind he went far in more senses than one and instead of fioing np the stairs that led to the box mounted those that led to the benoh the jadgo took tbe mistake good- humored y is il a judge you want to be my good man ho asked ah inn yarn honor was the reply im an ould man now and meboe its all im fit for will yon have a place of pity mr goodman t asked bobbys mother of the minister thanks no he replied t will you bobby she inquired no i think not said bobby rather hesitatldgl themintalerlooksd it bobhyjn nor- priie i bought all little boye were fond pe tbey era replied bobby i could eat ihar ball pie bnt ma said lf yon didnt taksany inausnt aud shed save it for to morrow hakes people well palnes celery compound the chosen medicine of all classes in our community to lead a ohild is lo command an army coughs jjiiat stick you dont seem to be able to throw them off all the ordinary remedies jouve tried dont touch them the cough remedy for you is dr woods norway pine syrup it loosens the phlegm allays the irritation heals and soothes the in flamed lung tissue mr wu terry blenheim ont says i i can recommend dr woods norway fins syrup as the very best medicine for coughs and colds sore throat and weak lungs dp woods norwajf plm syrup never fails to core tlie reputation of pioei celery com poaed extendi from day to day tbosa who stand in need of the hauling and recnperatirs powers of natnros health reatorer mrs advised to uae it by tboee who havebeenmadewil and strong in the home on tun atrest and vfaere people con gregate painee celery compound u ever recommended and kindly word apoken in its favor in ibis way the popularity of the areas medioloe is made enduring and its immenae aatea stir the envy of the ordinary patent medicine proprietor and the jealom minded doctor the wealthiest families of the land the best and moat observant people in our eltiu and towns and the oomrnonsenss people in oar arrienltaral dlitrlota plaoe palnes celary compound far above all other known remedies the paat and present hiitory of pinee clary compound la the one great medi- oins for rnndown and pbjsioally weak people tvben the vital forces are low and tbe nervosa organism shattered than it la that tha marvellous mediolne manifests itawondnrae healing virtaea weakness depression tired feelioge languor diges- tlve ironblea hsadaches rheumat and neuralgia- are qulokly baniahsa owinojio tbe nouriabment that painaa oelery com pound iconaxtt to brain nervea and tissue it is the great everyday borne mediolne or all olaesaa of oar population very successful quotation in the cralton sohoolg it is quaternary to have regular quotation days on which each pupil is required to give a quotstion and anaounco the name of the author the day before tbo latest occasion of this sort one of the boyb oomplained to another that be had no quotation for tbo morrow ill tell you a good ooe said the latter and the questionless one waa happy when it oatne to tbe letters torn to quoto he rose and said with great oonfl denoe t gastestyoung man shakespeare but the reoiter waa uotpreprjor the tamnltuoua applause wblob greeted his quotation pittsburg chronicle telegraph rhmw7ul what is tbe religion tbat ia ased for a cloak has no warmth in it to prevent consumption sard to care easy to prevent sootts emnlaion nourishes the body ksepa all the orranaand iissusa healthy andthe- consumption germs cannot get a foothold when oho robes go to war tbe devil runs the ambulance they do not gripe mrs m gillard 82 st antoine st montreal qne saya i have used jjaxa- liver fills for headaches oonatipatlon to and have found them free from griping tendencies and i can recommend then above all others a colored putor in toxin demanding bla salary is reported to have said brodern i cant preach beah and boad in bebin i one lxlivor pill every night for thirty days makes a complete aore of bllioaaness and ooastipation that is just 25 cents to be carod as she heard it after the new servant had been installed in the home of a new jersey housewife tha day anally came when the privilege of goinc ont bad to be decided on thl fell on a thursday to wbioh the mlstraw assented you may go today bridget she said and every other thursday all right maam replied bridget the next week on thursday anrpriie waa great at bridgets coming from her room all togged oat for another afternoon ont the mistress rebelled and asked her if abs remembered tbat aha waa to go only every other thursday certainly i do maam certainly 1 didnt yon lay i oonld go out that thurs day and every other thursday- that thursday and every thursday afterward uo no 1 replied tha mistress tbat thursday and every aeoond thunday thereafter sore you didnt a ay ao yon positively told poa thai thursday and every other thursday b w castorln la for infants and children castorln in iv luumless substitute for cnstoi oil paregoric drops and sootliugr syrups it contains neither opium morphine nor other narcotic substnnco it is plcivumt its guarantee in tlilrty years use 1y millions of mothers cnstoria destroys wormtl and allays foiqiihii- nehh cantorln cures diarrhoea and aviiul colic castor in j11h ea tee thing troublcs cures constipation and flatulency cnstoria assimilates tlic food iuntc4 the stomach and bowels of iufuirts and childion rhlni hcnlthy and nntiunl tilccp castorln is the chluhciis fnnnccn the itfotherh lrleiid jj4 ittt stocktaking bargains sffle are offering big reduc- tions in black and castoria cabtorla is an excellent medicine for clitlfcn mothers luuc repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children br g c osgood lowell aats castoria caatorliav is so well i i u 1 i clill ireil tlint ireconinjeiil it uh uiiperl ir i any pre scription known to nit ii a aucuicit m d jjtoaklr v the facsimile signature of appears on every wrapper l i iii i aaaal f attaaaawg work of helpmates i was drivlog tliroagb ono of tbe beat farming distriota io western ontario a few years ago i expressed my admiration yes fluid nay companion wbo know the oountry thoroughly nrarly all the farmern around here have aecond wivee 1 why wao my surprised iqalry oh he answered lliey killed their first wives making the frmrpeitri expositor gharaoier is vrbat we ars nq not watobed dorothys inquiry iorothy line a buby brother who has reoently beeu 111 with tho ooming ihrousb of bis first teeth i thiuu bo bub the baldest bead i ever flaw on an infant it has oaased dorothy great anxiety- 1he fltood at the molherajincq ono day gently patting lhe1iule head be carefal dorotby eaid tbe mothor von poor little brother is eiok he i cnttlnfl bis teeth dorothy patted tbe bald bead refleotively 4 ebe said is il going to make him aick when be cats bis hair washington pott v am i the first girl yon ever loved aha aaked bin mora aa a matter of habit than anything else 1 oannot tell a lie aaid he yon are not ton are simply the best in tba banoh being a modorn maid she waa content with that a druaoists faith whats moat called for must be the bast remedy a dragglels testimony of tbe popularity of a remedy or medioloe is a proof tbat it will do what il promises paul llvingood druggist of allantowp pa saya or agnws remedies bars aold away beyond my expsotaliorj yon oau quote ma for saying tbat dr agnws catarrhal powder ia lbs best sailer for oatarrh miave in tbe atore many ofmy oostomers praise it highly il is a great remedy and haa a continental repotation bold by a t brown gertie papa will oar new mamma go mad after a while 1 father what a question why do yon think suoh a thing gertie well i heard her tell tbe cook yesterday tbat abe waa badly bitten when aha married yon now think about your health in tbe warmer weather of spring yon should b itxpna and in robsat health your blood par and yonr sppstlt good other wise yoa will be in danger ol serious illness parity and enrich your blood with hoods sarsaparilla and than prepare for spring ibis mediolne makes rich red elocd and gives vigor and vitality a short prayer will raaoh farther than a long one i fi tor infants ml qiildxtu disappeared kidney pains all gone jhhit did lt doans kidney pills how do you know a kingston kan says so mr w j pappa j 12 bame st king ston ont writes as follows havmp- been troubled with kidney disease for yefers and not having received any per manent relief unfil i used doan s kidney pills j take great pleasure m lcttiny others similarly afflicted know of the wonderful curative properties possessed by doans pills before talking- them i waa troubled at night by havintj to rise but can now sleep and do not feel weary in tho morning i hope that this may induce other sufferers from kidney or urinary troubles to give doan s kidney pills a faithful trial for i know that no other remedy could have acted so well as they did ia my case doans kidney pills are the only sure cure for backache llrijtliti dlnemie diabetes dropsy and all kidney nd urinary troubles price 50- all drugtilstt the doan kidney pill co toronto out ask for doans and rsxttse all others fnatuies w dyspepsia qirej natnras remedies are net uve mans they ni of tho many remedies titencled to core dyapei pjur stomach distress after eatvift weight in theatomacl rind on tha stomach toss of aptbtito dizziness nausea il ished blood catarrh of tha au ui ina r results of indigestion only igly siiccessfnl that la natures o dr von stans pine jtomach sick headache l 0 is uniformly and unlallg remedy found only in pple tablets oto vegetable pepsln3 mix meat and pineapple e of 103 and the pineapple tho pineapple contain a large s attxrob most potent aid in digesting f jid agitate the mixture at a temp m tmmplatrly rllgcit thn meat take two of dr von stans hncapplf tablets alter your iamb a they will digest your food without aiovfrom tho stomach this course rests strengthens and heals tholitomach the tablets c thoy glveim- j sand your stomach yi be as strong and hearty as that of a xknners boy they ore as jileaaant to the palate candy at all druggists 35a a box or the von stan medicine t and ct froin pralrlo itch lone harold six bat portage ont writes 1 triad b b b for tba disease oallad prairie itob i only took thrs bottles and to ny great satisfaotioii was complete ly onttd for a dead reanrreotio opperlnnlty there is no keep ia mind that scotts emulsion contains the hypo- phosphites these alone make it of great value for all affections of the nervous system it also contains glycerine j a most valuable soothing and healing agent then there is the codlivcrml ac knowledged by all physicians as the best remedy for poor blood and loss in weight these three great remedial agents blended into a creamy ertiulsion iriave able timhe a remark- atottpownttcbuvtoioiisb 1 eiolted iisdy hurriedly on beaob why isat swnething done for that snip in dlitreaa oosstgaarcl borrledlywe bave sent the orew litis to ooms ashore man excited laay dear me wero tbey waliliibjor n forml invitation itlienmatie talu oonr snell dove p 0 ont little mikeylher wbat la an ootosenarian molitibbflrtyari ootcgsnatlan nie by la a- moo that boa eight toes on aioh fat a daeayilre jewellers wife fothllimo spells mffllukt mb iilfswilu mrs o elimljecanalstreet dunn- ville ont whose husband keepa a jewellery store and la one of the best h 0 writes i w aflliotird with rharnatltm in my feet nnhles aud knew and after trina verv remedy 1 copld hear of found relief at laat in milbnrne bhenmatlo pills the sloven foot is often concealed in patent leathrr hea sta dr aansiw cur for th heart on do hatpstd ik so mnutaa two bott cur mrs m k calbysr 90 paolio avs toronto ws tronblrd viltb heart dfsaasa for years oonld not tand on a obalr with out trowlok dutsy j going np sfr or being suddenly atsrllsd bronabl on palpita tion suffocation and intents pains under h ahosler bladas bbe tried many rerntdlss was treated by jieai without pari ymrto trnbl 8c4dbyatbrown known and moat nmgresalve citizens of dunrivflle ont gives the following de scription of her recent experiencein the us of nf liburns heart and nerve pills i took mllburns heart and nerve pills foriweak nerves diszlnea palpita tion of tha heart smothering spells at j sleeplessnesa before luted nijrhtand them i could not jret restful sleep and litem so unstrung that i my nerves were ol wemid atari fn alarm at the least noise and easily vorrlcd l rebruary i commerjeed taking this valuable medicine and it proved the right remedy for my weak and shattered nervous system mllburns heart and ncnve pills restored my nerves to a atronir and healthy condliion gave regu lar arid normal action of the heart i aleep well now and am belter in f 11 ssb ll auul dratrrlsls -jsftnsrtet- sick lynjnssj ttvery aiidratgiiu oaller what is the matter with fldo tbat you are watching him to cloaely charlie mamma said your bat was enough to make a dog laugh and 1 wanted to see him do it there never waa and never will bu a univeraal panacea in one remedy for all ills to which fleah is heir tho very nature of many cuiativea toing anoh that were tbe germa of other and differently mated diseases rooted in the system ot the patient what would relieve one ill in tarn would agitravate the otuer we have however in quinine wine when obtained in a sound unadulterated etite a remedy for many and grievous ills by it gradual judicious use the frailaetsyatema are led ioto oon- valescenee and strength by the influence whlob qolntna exerta on natures qud restoratives it relieves tbe drooping spirits of those wltti whom a chronlo rate of morbid despondent and laok of interest in life ia a disease and by tranqailizlng the nerves dispose to sound and refresh ing sleep imparts vigor to tha aoilon of the blood wbioh being stimulated courses throughout the veins strengthening tbe healthy animal fmtiotione of the system thereby making autivity a necessary result atrengtheniug tbe frame and gtyiog life xo tbe digestive organs wbioh naturally demand inareauod aubataaoa reanlt im proved appetite tiorthron a toyman of toronto havo ativen to the publlo their quinlno wine at the ushl rate and gutged by the opinion o solentiate this wine approaohea nearest perfection ot any u the rnirket all druugists sell it 1 am eurprlaed that a man like basso j should have married a girl wbo had no routlo in ber at all nothing surprising about il she was willing to listen to his alnging the proprietors of parmalees pills are constantly receiving letters slmlllar to the following which explalus iteell hfr john a beam waterloo ont writes i never used any mediolne that can equal parmalees pills for dyapeptla or liver and rtfdney complaints tha relief experienced after using them waa wonderful aa a safe family modiolus parmelees vegetable pllla oan be given in all oases requiring a oalharllo oholly i hope that scotoh dialect will not beoonle fashionable atsy thope nor ball jove i we bad troubl fpodgh in aoqolablng an engliih aoosnt donoberkoow drlbwi pleasant worm byrop haver tails oontalns its own purgallte prlos cents what la the mafieri ot his ooachman f the honos arerannlng away sir cant yoo pullsbera up im afraid not then slid tbe lawyer after judicial delay rnn loto aomethiou cheap ro rn ear to jaw- i have been for years moro or less subject to eruptions on my skin the left side of my fnco from the top of my car to half way down my jiw wns in a very bad state being almost raw mnkinjr shaving very piniftil i was advised to try burdock blood bitters one bottlo perfectly cured me i cm hoiustly re commend bbb to all who suffer from any skin disease g white-cnrie- vale nwt bbb cures salt rheum eczema tetter shingles boils pimples sores ulcers and ull forms of skin diseases and eruptions from the smallest pimple to the worst scrofulous ore colored dress goods v also- w toffies 4 cottons flannels flannelettes boots and shoes etc croceries new prunes cannedl opris jlarpialade choice teas andl offles ttvri 1 11 1 k r railway time tabtibj uad tit ii mi uailway ooiiso west mall 10 02 b 111 rxjirobb 3 25 p in i xtircsn 7 10 p di mail mtxod aoihq fabt 0 8s ir 10 mm fl uprn 10 03 p tu tim1 of clobinu sta1ch golug wo-t- 0 40atn andctoittn olimnffl6c 10 fl5 a in anils u i tn tbla tltno tablo wcut into ufltct on monda may ldtb 1b06 speight tfc brady manufacturers of it iisa attknet co i ttl ttttttttt7ttttit t ttt maple leal geain john mcq0eei agent for the above has changed his wire- rooms to building on w e smith s property john street where rmy be seen host tv wood binders ajw mowers loth hay bearll plati aprlni idsbake feed r firte and last wllwiesaji power always guaranteed a trial given rlaridreds in use oold8hapety tjtmulrco limited iatford ont and a complete line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs t my absence mr john t elliott whe resides on the property will attend to the wants of customers john mcqueen dynamos electric motors water motors oasolwe and a as enaarssbrxssrstroir casrirras to order repairing promptly done georgetown ont stoves tinware- emetrqugh1n tlio latoat designs in coal and wood boatlritt and cook stoves euy matiatio oasy on fuol tlnwro in profusion of beit qua lit lov prlcpg brdora taken for mavotrounhlng to bo put up wlieu aeslred call and ro pricoa u on oral joliblog promptly done g a pannabeeker mrs beeords blook aoton we hitch the dollar to a v bigger lpad than it ever drew before our cntirc btock ov footwear at lowest prices to cash buyers fall- winter stock complete while others burn tbe midnight oil in marklhg up prices pre paring forasaleourpncesgo scoot log down the toboggan slide of genuine lov and reasonable prices you can get it a parlor suite a sideboard v a bedroom s an extension table alaage a s a mattress and springs or any other article in furniture requirements at a livimo profit only all goods delivered undertaking in all its branches calls day or night attended coffins delivered prices to suit every ones needs w williams boots and 8 hoes acton riveter for vending harness belffffo c inrlavin1l1fl to tummljtwr- a t mrmwl txikcximiuatavwltbmtusmlaf rt vauxoa itmtmltlnisvruol brvr intmtttimsl amntar mt for special prlooi tatmmloe smiirfi co unliorr toronto out itlrwlvoo far alttolnumtlilii ibrllb ijj xva p ho me work for flan 1 ad womaa day or events 6 to ia weekly r no cauvasalua or s perience aeeded iastrocuoassi work fnailed qa appllcatldn mbnobjatcompyy w4 il ef j a speiqht co apton thiorrab6 wiri fenoinacc 1 ftoton ontario you want the boat and the cheapest- mcmullena fendnos and nettlogs com bine then two qualities no others do- hog fencltiks at special low prices all other varieties cheap mcmullens are the only good meltings sold in canada they arc unequalled for poultry yards trellis lawn fences ask your hardware mer- chant or mcmullens goods if you cannot buy of htm write to the manufacturers at ficton out or to the b gkbenino wtal co limited hamilton and montreal general agents jamxs cooper montreal general agent for railway fencings fob ww affel nniassaoatfislostan of moneiof rti3 jsventlonorlmdroiomont nntt wo wwtoll lr avsw our opinion na to whotlmr it is i nrobably jiatentntilo vo mnko n snpelalrjr tiapplloatlons rojootoel in other bands give ono slo tho riht of wsy and it will wreak the universe if 3s est with arolu stock or wyeths is0l1 eactxcsot frfs thb rioht kino iiowbvbr mprmtlp wqtheb it lithe belt li tonic iroctuces n copious flow of mlllc and sreaglheaa the whole a mem cbiii 1 malci hie hllle ones jteallliyaad itronp hvayuj it un rcfrcililntf tonic bever- 1 sieblviofr itrcnglh slid lono to tha system luff nils netplnir to dmow ui the illness of vrjstyer aalure it nay be pyapgrmcsl it produce a relish for foophwrt aift clikcitlve and fortlllcs and strenfrihena iho system avll dozen 3 bo a bbowh ohomist dni8galt ckrfeulw and so do you why becal se the local news of the day is here compact becausl there is nothing in it objectionable because it is intensive not expensive compact not prosy reliable not sensational because its reports are facts and not the careless spreading of surmise r patentable wo mnko n n leatlons rojootoel in c best raforenooa nirnisltod majuon mahiort 4ateeaatileal pnglnrrrs graitqatesoftbs nbtseaalo sehool of fitulmriliik baebaloisla apblied bolenoes iavai lnlvently ksttbsr patent law assoctntinn aineitoan waterverks asaoolatlon kaw bnqlnntl wnter works alloo a q flaiverora aseodstloi aasoo mombsroan loeletjorcltlbnalncn 1 t ip subscribe for thefjjle prjjss arid have it sent regnlarlyto your abduess jltbrl-

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