Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 2, 1899, p. 4

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i w ii ml every coiigk makes your throat more raw and irritable every cough congests the lining membrane of your lungs ceasetearliig your throat and lungs in this way put the parts at rest and give them a chance to healyouwul need some help to do this and you from the first dose the quiet and rest begin the- tickling- in the throat ceases the spasm weak ens the cough disap pears do not wait for pneumonia and con sumption but cut short y cold without de dr ayers cherry pec toral plaster should be orertaeltuijsofeteryper- son troubled with a congn write to the doctor unuwel opiortniimwndjonkit- mrltnce mfoentlf aualuy u for- ssvidk ton medical taviot writ realr all the psrtleaurt lo tour wl whet jour exparff i h w- your experience h men with our cherry faetormu- toff will receive prompt ropljr without addrmidiujc 8hootino dreams a writer speaks of the persistent peculiarity id his dreams ot not being sble niter game was sighted to tiro the gun and has often wondered ii ihia happens with other dreamers my own experience coincides with bis aud i think may bff too general to be peouliar anoldar brother however onoo hud ft ho tun of- dlllerotit experience she rub- earlier boyhood days was an old qintlook queens arm that had the power to shoot off a tree top and an ilmoit tqual reverie foroe it was the idol an well as the terror of our young uvea arid wi carried over iho new hampshire hills with herolo tooling oco night in the atillness ot the later hour there was a tremendous jar jul our sleeping room aa if a heavy body had been violently thrown down paterfamilias around by the shook oaroo rushing in just as my brother in a emaolmnolent con dition was blowly gathering himself up from the floor to regain his plaoe in bed from which he had dropped a moment before father exolairhedrvbill what la the 7 matter to whioh bil drowsily replud i dreamed i fired the old gun and it kloked mo put ot bed it was empbstio enough to bim tobe peonliar cbft hljrt to die brurhto disease pronounood past hope by physlolanosouth amerloah kidney cure h the life saver a traveller for a wellknown western manufacturing arm was eo halo and hoarty that the poalbility of his aontraot- ing kidhoy trouble was farthest from his niind but throngh constant exposure urighle diaeaae that most insidious ot allmentb laid bold on him he dootorcd for months pliyeioiana gave him but a abort time to live a friend who hwd derived great benefit from south american kidney onre reoommedded it to bim when he had taken soven bottles all aigtis of the disease had left him and today be ii aa well as ever sold by a t brown faint aud diuy spoils aro exceedingly dangerons bettor take a few boxen of mllburiia heart aud nurvo pillb and ouro them beforo thoy bcoomo tco serious mrsueo nxali 1b3 colborne st loudon out is bhe had frequent attuckhuf lizlnrm but these pills ourod her comluetely co retith a box a buchetoi amy 1iavo no real liapplncb but hocaoauee a lot ol real misery hamilton lady finds laxallyer pills a perfect euro for i k headache teach1no children good manners wtoixtiaa thtjbsday makoh 3 1899 ht tqontiq jtolitb wat t to said tho hobby hone id as boihook hfabeed ite a long way to go oer tbo wblto inoa foem to the kittle boyihomo jlut i hear tbo tin horn blow and i mut race away till im oat of breath to tbo uttle boy who will ride mo to death p and tho toy dram aald ive a hardened bead and away on my itloki ill go from this icy dome to tbo little boyihomo i can beat my way through the snow away away till im oat o breath to tbo little boy who will beat me to death and the toy doll aaid r gold crownet bhone over tbo wintry enow to the little glrli of tho golden eurli in fairy obaoh ill no- far far away till im but o breatb to the little glrli who will klai mo to death i but the elephant said if that tray im led and they treat yon all so bud ill tall y now that therell be a tow and theyll wish tboy novor bad for ill pack them all in niy trunk yon eo and loolc it and throw away the key t pearsons weekly her b1rthdav mlia leftover almperidgly i have bad jail twenty birthdays daaber anavelyah i mait remember yon with rotes when feb 20 come round good manners cannot be learned iu a moment there are certain forma whiob looutyba agreed people mutt cqnfoimio it they wiab to appear well bred and those art often not at all what the natural inclination wonld prompt one to do under the oiroamstanook children matt be tmaght these oooteuttonalitiesand we moat dotbeautprised if they are aometimea slow lexbixif them nor deapalr if after maoh teaching tbey at tlmea relapse into nalfvct barbarism patient perioverauce in jtrain- injt them will at uit prodaoa the desired resjalt the oonitant repetition that seem so irksome combined with the silent foroe of dally example will efieat the endia view a wellbred oh lid february ladies home journal the man who forgete a favor eoldom forgives an injury your wcnt sjiot perhaps it is your throat or your bronchial tabea if you take cold easily take bootta fjmulsion it obecka any tendency in your bye tern to serious lang trouble iu a wise pedagogue that pourr whale oil on tbp troubled watere haryarde yellow oil cares spraim braibos sores wounds outs frostbitee obilblaiup btlngaof inseots bump eoalde oontusloua etc price 26 oents the world is left free to enjoy its bin because the oboreh wants to be left free to enjoy its slumbers look well dont bo overanxious to give soroo one a piece of yonrailfld hl loss-may- be- too- keenly felt write 1 his man mr j j markle 27 iianidowne ave toronto bridge contraotor was cured by aliiburna bbenmatio pills of a bad attack of bhenmatiam whioh laid him up in bad lor weeks he wiirteiryortallaboittliis bare if yon writs him a close studentof hitman nature never lenda money to his friends dr lows worm syrup is a sale aore and reliable worm expeller aots eqnally well on children or adults be sure oa get ijbwi there ia no earthly love so true and inexpensive aa a mothers love oho laxaliver pill every nlgbt for tbirtydayamkesa oornpleteoareof biliousness and oodetipatiou that is just 25 oeuta to be oared hibbler does your novel end happily t soribbler no j it been rejected by every publisher that- fashionable raphy chiroo- to the boys and girls if tiey are delicate and sickly palnes celery compound will maka them strong and rohuat boys and girla who are railing weak and siokly are suffering from a weakened con dition of the nervous system the nerves tissues and mnsolei ot onr boys and girla are extremely delicateand sensitive and qaiok- ly disturbed by ill heattb when yon find your dear oneb nervous oroii irritable and weak when tbey do do not sleep well whan they have bead- aohe variable appetite sallow skin sunk- eneyes and skin troablaii be assured the blood is tonlsnd tbin and nervous force is at a low ebb children with weak stom- the way of the tranagreisor is dften- times the shortest route to the united slates wlbarna sterling headtohs powders onre the worst headache in from five to twenty minutes and leave no bad afier- sffeots one powder so 8 powders 10b 10 powders 25o golnu to hear a sermon ia not always going to worship god ton dpnl knpw when diarrhoea or dyianlery may attack yon to always kt prepared to oheok them at ocoe by havini on band dr fowlers bxtrsot of wild strawberry nights of sorrow bring out the star ot promise tbos sabln of egllnton says i have removed ten corns from my feet with hollowaya corn core reader go thou and do likewise ton can bury your nose so deep in some life of christ that you cannot seethe everpresent lord nearly all infants are mora or lets enbjeot io diarrhoea and inoh ood plaints while teething and aa this period of thelrllves is the moat orltlpal motbera should not be withoot a bottle of dr j d kelloggs dysentery cordial this med icine is a peoiflo for saoh oomplalnts and is highly spoken of by tbose who have uatd it the proprietors say it will core any oasa of chniera or summer ooroplaint detting people to join the ehuroh it comparatively easy work bot the way cf the orose is still unpopular doctors now agree that consumption is curable three things if taken to gether will cure nearly eyery case in the fyst stages the majority of cases more ad vanced and a few of those far advanced the first is fresh air the se cond proper food the third scotts emulsion of codliver oil with hypophosphites ibeuredj yomu8t not jpifeii weight and not thrive on ibslr ordinary daily diet tfaty are in need of a jspeolal norve medl- oins tdnio and blood cleanser like painea coliry compound noted for iu wonderf ol flesh hallding and nerve braoing qualities palnas celery oompopndis the great and only trne rpedioino for weak and rail bod fob and a net rand nerves it has no eojnal u a mediolne for tho young in7theb8tpgriteial-prentrnn- part of the dominion have gladly tastlfled to the great work that painea celery dom- pound has done for thiir children ave strongly oounsel mothers andfatbere to have their boys and girla use painea oompoand at onceif they era not showing signs of healthy and natural growth pallias celery compound la pleasant to the taate free from all dangtrona naroot- ioe and cannot harm the moat delicate child what did you get at the pontoffico eary inqnired mra hornbeak waall i dont know exaotly replied the honest agrioalturaliet holding oat to her the document whioh he had been studying most of the way home from the fully ninety pertrut of the lviimon of this country hiiltci- from tuck hdiidncliov luor dlhotdtt iitul eonstipiitiun urts nt tlm bottom oltlui trmibk luxalivorpillhnro tho lieudimho by corroctlnk tho eivitbo and thoy do their work imtlly and perfectly without nuy grip pain or bioko nt ng buttholliunilton liitly w n-forrmllo- uit iiiiino is mr olti toiuliiirtnit jlfirnddrurtrt is 10 stvvtwi wt north tliia ifl wlmt fln uyk iioing troullrtl with aevero bond- tichoh i wni iidviktnl by ii friimiil to try -lnxn-liver-pillm- 1 only reaulrcdio ust hulf n bott lo wluui thit liouduolio viinishod nnd 1 have not beon troubled with it rineo luxullvor pilm j3o all drugguts drwoodsnorway pine syrup ia the simplest oaf eet quickobt euro for all coughs and oolda of childrou or qdulta prico 25o bioyclino indoors in pitrit- they have nn innouioui dovico cnublink wbcotmon to ridu ihojr bioyoloh up n ontle hlopo nuui ly oiitbinl or u nulo lontt arid thqn to count dnwn naiti nil within die walla of a covurinl buimin of no extraordinary hio tlu bitimin ii ciroutur having formerly iwoti hhcii for n phnorttma exhibition mid tliu truck is oarriod up vviililn tbo wullu 1 1 ho ft bpirul etairwuy mkwiiig four ininpiitj lurim tho total aaoout in ihirtjsix fott aud tho grade two fevt and a imlf to omi hundred a uarcon septiratori tho truck into two parte ono for aecoudinfj the other for deeueudlng whathe ansvvered a oertuin doctor had oocruioi when only a beginner in the niedical profehbion to attend a trial aaawitueo9 couusol in orosbexftmining the young m i made several bttrcaatia roroarkb doubting tho ability of eo young o man to udderstatid bis bublneea doyou know ihebymptoma ot conoussion of the brain 1 waked the learned conoeol i dortpliod tbo doo- tor well aontinuod tbo attorney suppose my learned friend mr bag wig audinyeolf wefo to ban our lietvds togeth er ehould we get conouebiod of the bruin v your learned friend mr bagwig might aald tho daotorquiily avcgetablcpxcpamlionroras- slmilatlng ihetoaludrcguia- llilistomuiormldawelsof that the facsimile signature -of- lllldhlin considerate fellow they hail been ongagrd for nigh upon 17 ycara and then ono day fibs told hm eliyly horaoe dearest mimma thinks we have been engaged quite long enough does biib ho said why- lvo been thinking so for a long time but i didnt like to break it of beforo but well still be friends wput we jplromotesdidesllonclieeiriil ikssarabratcantalnshduier oprurnmorpluae por mineral not narcotic xavtcfouaswozipttamr apcifcct bemeily ti brjnsllpaj lion sourstomachdiarrhomj worms convulsionsreverisn ness md loss of sleep 3 is on the m 1c 1m tuinii itaiivay oot no vtht ooiko liaht kail 0 c8 am i ksprcmi 0 g n exnroibv kxnrteti ill 60 ntn mall 7 ib pm ftlall 6 hpin i n ntrra rapper machine mm mcw oeeveey bottija oyp facstrnue ssnature or hateful wretch no said ahe i could not marry you unleeis you opuld give me a btono front i thonjtht he murmured rz1dr flxed- ly at her enamelled brow that you would prefer a plaaterjone feoaitorla is putop in eaesiw eotues only it jtbot toll in bulk dont allow ibjcne to sail i aaytuor elia on the plea or promlsa that it jut as rood and will ianiver erery piir- e -at- be that jm get oabtoeia jifciiji 1111 t1mk of clorilnll maub ooliifj wept 9 40 am aud 0 co w oolna eoat 10 115 am and g co pm ttilg tluio ublu want into cltcct ou molda may 10th 1809 w barber bros fapel makers georgteto wlf ont mike a briouittoi iiig11 gbide weekiy nes the paper used in this journal la from the above mills wm bakbbr bros everton and eden mills heplaceto gofortha best flour bran middlings chop feed e for sale ppp s4srs l village ifjoltbls whatever it la utwll to tba postmark on tba envelope i can kinder ffuess at it identity i spose oon aiderin this place it was mailed at that itj from niece gladys who ia attendln board- in school but if it wasnt for that oprf olne- 1 am safe in sayinv thet i bhonlddtji know whether it is a cipher dispatch frocn ouby a presoription written by a ordas- eyed horse dootor a pieos of chinese mns ip or the handiwork of a gang ot ants that- bad fallen into an ink bottle and as it is 1 am free to oonfes that i dont know whether gladys is aahlo ns sometbin tell- in ds somethiu or prabtialn shortbant and the st vitus danoe at the same time a touching remembrance on a railway journey morley bad for a boropsnion an old gentleman who had beep trying to maka himself more comfortable with the aid of a somewhat deflated air ib a we organs-of-awlmilation-ean- i oubu proft mu w k cbaaing spray wt tread diamonds tinder onrfeet one of sorts symptoms headaohe loss of appetite furred tonnae and general indisposition these aymptoms it ne- rlaoted devolop into septa disease ii is a trllo saying that an onnoe of preven tion is worth ia pound of onre and a little attention at this point may taya months of slokneaa and largo doctors bills for this oompleiot take from two to three of parmolees vegetable pills on going to bed and one or two for three nigbte in soooeaalod and a core will be effected blow it up for bim bm his action wa arretted by tha exclamation stop air stop that cushion contains my deceased wifes breath -flaiii- trmtbeat remedy for- spring wathr wsakneaa tlio coward measures difflodltiea with a telescope the brave man with bis foot harjards yellow oil can be applied externally or taken internally a madi- oina cheat in iuelf dares cots burns sprains gathering lamps son throat croup quinsy kidney complaint etc prioe jmsq all dealers atbestio arguments are but the log of oowards in the dark ihltl- yuia pwii torlnianu rrndtniudreii c i g visaiinrfsisiillimwutl- i ioiasiii aofiil frajntbtib port or dowma ctwnut toronto iln the hear six week8 in pain dunqeon a confirmed invalid from apute rheumatism- south amarloart rhsumatlo cure oive him hi liberty geo eoalaod of chatham n b is a oarpnter and blpbullder by trade tbronxh exposure to all kinds of weather he oontraoted a moat aoolo form of rheu matism his joints swelled and stlnvnsd nd he wa laid up in his bed for six irreka after dosiofs had failed to relieve him lie triad bouilr amarloan ilheurnttlo care and to nmi hi own wnnu i in 34 hopraafter liadopmmmioed taking the rrrndy the pain alllf rnr thn swelling sabalded afld todayil am a ourrd man bolclbyt tho blood is the very essence of life as it courses through the system itcarties with it if pure and rich nutrition to every cell in the body if impure it spreads disease if thin and rvatery it fails to nourishj hence we have weakness debil ity and decay it is the wonderful power bbb has in purifying impure blood makihe thin ivatery blood rich and red hat is itt the bottom of its marvellous success in curing- disease those who nre pale thin weak troubled with blotches pimples or erup tions of any kind should taka bbb it makes the pale check rosy tho skin clear and smooth and infuses new energy into weak wprn run down shattered constitutions skin i beg to state i have used clear burdock blood bitters for im- pure blood piiuplcs on the face c and derived srrcat benefit front it my skin is now very clear and free iroin all enintions i only used four bottles of the llub andenh strongly recommend it to any persunsuffirinu from imnurities intheblood or eruptions of the akin mrs g h helmobb- spences bridge bc kvery i have taken bbb every spring spring now for some years- to purify my blood and keep my systcmin good order and can honestly 1 do hot tcnoy of its equal a man cant do no and when he doaenc need to do say that anywhere mrs anqtb barnks lunenburg n- god is oallioii his chnrcb to arits and shake herself from the dust of gold no trouble getting tho children to take dr lowa pleaant worm syrup it always does its work effectually without any eathartio to be given afterwards prloe 26 oeots injustice of tate much without money he has monoy anything there never waa and never will bs a nniversal panacea in one remedy for all ills to which ueahls heir the very nature of many outati ve being enoh that were the gorms of other and differently aeated dibeasea rooted in the system of tbspationt what would relieve ono ill in turn would aggravate tho other we have however in qdinine wine when obtalnedin a sound unadulterated state a remedy for many and grievous ills by its gradnal judiolona nae the frallostsystems are led into con valescence aud strength by the influence whioh quipine exerts on natures own restoratives it relieves the drooping b irits of those wltli whom a ohronlo state of morbid despopdenuf and look of interest in life is a disease and by trtnoulllzldg the nerves disltosas to suana and afresh- ing sleep impartsvigor to the action of the blood whioh being stimulated oourset throughout the veins strengthening the healthy animaj lunations of the system thereby making activity a neoeaeary rearilt atreugtheuing the franle and giving life to the digestive organs whlob nat orally demand inoreaiod subatanoe reault im proved appetite northrop 4 lyman of toronto have riven to the publis their quinine wine al the uaoal rate and guaged by the opinion of j scientists this wine approaohea nearest perfection of any n the market all druggists soil it tbe anger of detiny is undoubtedly on the bandof fate naturei3 dimples milton and homer were both blind this is oonolusive evidenae that out of sight iaut alwaya oat of mind fjhiaago flew i 720 bottles k tbla is a good many but os it is wyeths wont last long wuttbiwq mqthiit it is the belt k tonic produces copious how of milk and btreaffthod- the whole system wpaakpi makes tlie little ones healthy and strong i iwvampai it iaa refreshing tonic bever- k re ciyhiir rtrcngtli nnd lone to tfic system and thus helping to throw off ilic illness of i whatever nature it may be i pyiireaptica it produces a rcliili for food acufa a dlcestivc pnd fortifies and i strenffthens the system full dozen 8j3bo a t brown chemist adruggut the power o god is oat off when nee it to torn nnr refreshing sleep hem irt jflvpiils miss margaret brown 027 oolbornb 8t london orit anya my mother has bebn ttfflloted with nervousnesb and tonernl ejauity for a long time she offered a great deal with insomnia and found it almost impossible to sloop i wont to w t strongs drugstore and got a box of jillburns heart and nerve pills which site took and derived eo muoh benefit front them that i bouglit another box tor her they have dono her a wondorftil lot of good malting her nerybus system muoh stronger giving her restful sloop nnd removing rnrniy other rymptpms which previously distressed i ji ifl eon truly sny that these pills are a glfeat rehiedy fjor nny ono rnfforingfrom lyrahsrmkeinji debility mnle g milbqrns heart and neryo pills an movaboior 8 for125 stall druggist disappear and beauty fades under the shadow of torment- ins skin troublea but dr asnewe ointment is a qulok and safe healer after a auaplcfon is onco direotod to wards man it is difficult to elde track it had lv grippe mr a nlokersoni parmer writes vlast winter i had la grippe and it left me with a severe pain iu the small of my back and hip that uaed to ottoh i me whenever- i tried to climb a fenoe this lasted for about two months when i buught a bottle of dr thomas eclrotrlo oil aud need it both internally and externally morning and evening for three days at the oxpiratiou of whioh time i was completely bared a bedroom set an extension table a lounge a stand a mattress and springs or any other article in furniture requirements at a living profit only all qoods delivered undertakings j ii al j its branches calls day of nignt attended coffins delivered prices to suit every ones heeds chopping every day at everton mills and every tuesday thursday nnd saturday at eden mills always buying wheat no credit henry hortop sun savings and loan co head office toronto ont authorimed capital 500000000 tenyesar maturity shares are paid monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease 6oo paid in maturity value ijioooo money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appll- cation to r j mcnabb agent aeton main 8treot planing mills ac q nt john cameron architect and contractor manurotnrorof saab doors framoa moulding in all atyloe dressjwa matcbofo ajo7 moolditia to or u ah nptlt- wu assorted atdok on band at prices toeal- h the times m john cameron propheto r f leasanrfloiitewofr for nen tnd wanuh dsyor evening 0 tp 13 weekly no camtisslnr or e- prrience needed plain inn raelioiis and worl mailed on flpp lent ion addma mpnorial companv london ont j a speigcht 4b co eton the nnceaaing torment of an itohing skin which is the natural oonaeqosnoe and ontooroe of auoh skin diseases as tettar ealt rbsam ring worm eossms aicers blotohesandolherskin eruptions is allayed in an inatant with one application of dr agnews ointment and id a very few days the most stubborn oases give way to itt maglo healing power and leave lb akin whole perfeot clear and aa soft si a baby it will cure piles in from three to five nights dr agnews liter pills are the ohaspsst made 20 cents fur forty dosea sold by a t brown the eonlulaw ia often the ohild of sorrow dyspepela or indigestion is ocoaaioucd by the waut of notion in tun miliary ducts loss of vitality in- the stomaoh to secrete the the gspiilojolors without whioh digestion cannot go on j also being the principal reuse uf headache parraelefa ygetabls pills taken before going to bed ore while nevar fail lblerehfandneota oore mr v w aelidown ahdown out writes t vpsrrols1 pllla are taking the lead against leu others which i have in stock when yon find a man ohaokling beoauso a neighbor hes been oaughtin evil watob him and yonll oitqh him next asb in louaon iilte containing condensed wlsdona for thousands a baker living nt 287 diindns street london ont goo hoborts by nnmo kocommonds doans k1dnev pill3 bocause thoy cared him ho hnd pain in tho book his urino was rodcolqrod and painful in passage tho euro through doans kidnky pills was quick nnd oontploto thnts liow thuy nlways net bocnnne tboyro for klduoyu only jf you hnvo blckkldnoys dont experiment with nn unknown romody tako no sulmtituto for doans kidney pilm good frinino means revenue and profit to the merchant or business man securing it rod r priinting means expense and disappointment let us bring you revenue and profit with the good quality of printing wr turn out mm anamolutt novelty rrin6sjt taws tpcavs ban akhkard tortl a child can h opkiate yfjmr smffia hyvwiwbboajtowrjv jittific hmericait best ibb en wire fencing opb bjtlvaoh saiiakavtr you want the btjst arid tha cheapest mcmullena fencings and nettings com bine these two qhaluies no others dol hog fencings at special low prices al other varieties cheap mcmuliena are the only good nettings sold in canada they are unequalled for poultry yards trellis lawn fences aak your hardware mer chant for mcmuliena goods if you cannot buy of him write to tqe manufacturers at plcton ont or to tub b gkbehimo wire co limited hamilton and montreal general agents jakes coopbr montreal general geat fof railway fencltfofs i interesting bokiii jm0w jfon nro swlml h alaaien nr utcd 1 of yonp inyentloni or improvement nnd wo will tell you fras our oplnon mi to whether it it prebablr patenuvblo wo irnlo r npoclalty pf annuontlona rqiontejt in othur hands highest roforoncos furnlahod biabiox haitlorf patbmt ewmoitobs txnaum olvtl weebanloal fnnlnrra flntunlraef tba rolrleetinle rohool of 8iilinilw lincmoraut aptim setcnwh ij tii tvitanv hdmeers ratent law avaoolntlon amitcan wnb r worha aawelttoia rr w fnnliiiiit wntir mora aaaow p q sliivtvyora aammlitl ii aaaoc j i iilbcrcan socutrorcititeii tnt r ii i miw tom ufi tiro hcnmal3m wwu atumtio butiomo waititwrnm u4 immism v

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