immr lillmt noaw jouxspxrln ooeslnl oil frlds 40 autand unl k l johnson ason rldey uotb juno u ftfod on flnnday jane imiall bliiouimld oborsotowli ihih to mr and urp tbos bom mtlgnter v ffbomrsom in aeornetowft on wednesday jsn 9td to mr end mm win thompson daughter jfzrbx wlurrllail ificsat aiouwllllams on waanos- aay slat inst mr james wnethain of georgetown to mlu minnie itloo ol glen- neigjprmod news r by cptfcss- jta njhd bxchnfigrt news itaj pe mr aril sills and mondi al 98aqaeva tplnied the mud ctntt jte te th0ebday july 0 1800 notes and comments in the famine of 1892 800 00000 wu devoted by ramie for relief bnt in 1880 the whole expenditure on agrlonlture upon which 85 per oent of lbs russian people depend wee only 132500000 in ho eerao year he army and rjevy oost 200000000 f w thompson manager of the ogllvie flour mills report the ontlobk for an immense wheat crop in manitoba and the territorial present indication are for a crop of over 10000000 bushels and allow ing for possible let backs it will eloeed 8500000 anyway last yeari crop though unusually largo wu only about 82000000 the olobt corrtepondentat dawion city in bla laet letter published on monday bays any definite eitlmato of the gold output cannot be given before the 10th ta jane by that time several of the rioheat olairni will have paid their govtrntaont tithe and some definite computation may be poiiible bnt as my telegram of the 25lh a speculative estimate from a reliable offilolal soaros puoes the amount at between twenty and twsntyflve million from the assessment roll of the town ship of esouetiug the following interfiling statistics snglsaned the popuutloo is 8787 then are resident ratepayers 1 1 nonresident ratepayers 10 x aores assessed wus78 acres cleared 15706 sores woodland 7875 aores swamp 130s8j seres orohard and garasn 1016j aores fall wheat 9829 cattle 0582 sheep 8618 hogs 2187 hores 2185 the bntaian government has adopted a somewhat drastlo measure in order to suppress jjraokenneu in st petersburg it has taken away from 25000 shops the rxbt to ssll slooholio liquors and haa replaced these by 5000 establishments placed under the control of the slate and sfiqeled at equal dlalanoes apart these establishments are directed by yonng wgmsn the liqnor is delivered in bottles to whloh i affiled a government mark the oonsorosr can obtain only one bottle jo each shop and if when ha visits another establishment be shows the least sign of jntoxloation no liquor will be served him qbbbnoc scho erin the following report based on the exam inations for jons shows the stsndiog of the standing ot the pupils of greenock s b no 8 erin iv jlas jennie allan 202 willie ssflfw andrew hurray 218 howard mmtwk obarjss allan 20 uisrtadnle allan 208 hay ciipps 285hrercnrrle 250 ill jii blohard near 282 bobbie our- rie 467 jennie orewton and jimmle our- flh 3ft jred orewaon 260 thos mooot- rfftson tfl cecil hclaoblsn 241 joieph aan900 second chester modain 285 ada allan 275 bobbie allan 208 elva moleoh- lau28 mabel bills 241 ethel beid 226 daisy bennett 821 ptii sr mabel beid 271 lome mo- arthur 292 willie moartbur 250 darwin orlops 340 eddie allan 195 nellie thompson 180 ft i br maggie near 205 lonile onr- rie 254 eddie near all fred masalas 206 herbert lambert and blenobo ihonipeop2ql orewaon 195 mabel ffiown iso harola mrfljauuiao 147r willis allan 146 lena allan 180 lambert 440 annieorowson 280 arohle allan 216 myrtle allan 300 jfarks possible 800 average attend ance 47 at the oloaa of the ordinary exercises an interesting programme was given by tba pupils after whloh cake and lemonade want served e 0 cubits tesober irs of bla ntwsbank barn on the frametlwednesday w t wilson has resigned the position 1 postmaster here and mr charles a goddeb has been appointed la hie place the bloomsbary pic nlo held in moklnnons grove on the 1st inst was a dotlded success the day waa fine and large crowd gathered to enjoy the games races dancing eta haying is the order ot tbe day some ot the hay orop is very good while other is light mrs jos haw is visiting relatives and friands at speyside milton mr b d bproat has passed the primary examinations at tbe ontario college of physicians and burgeons bev george bicbardson the new methodist pastor was heartily welcomed- ji tyjnjinqie before time was npon his arrival last week owing to hla former pastorate here he is not regarded as a stranger hi first official dnty the day be arrived wae marrying a couple mr biohardsona initial sermons on sunday were able discourses i father bnrke has engaged the milton band for bis garden parly at oakville on july 18th the recital by the pupils of mr e w lee last thursday was a mnsoioal event of unusual merit and pleasure the pupils acquitted themselves with much credit and their accomplishments reflooted very highly upon mr lees effloiency aa a teaoher dominion day waa quietly but very loyally spent by our oitizeoa bvbrton the presbyterians held their anniver sary servioea on snnday and a garden party st oapringe on monday evening quite a number from here went over afler the supper was ssrved the enterlem- ment consisted of muslo by ibeerin band oapiinge choir speakers clubs iuging etc a very enjoyable time was spent by all who ventured out miss liaxie benson ol toronto la home for a months vacation mr b simpson of noasagaweya and miss mcpbee from mount forest are visiting at mr marshalls mlsl talbot of guelph is spending a week with acquaintances here mr adam grieves of gelt was at his sisters mrs john evert last week miss peaeh spent dominion day with mrr hcrtop at eden mills mr and mrs j mckinnon of gqelph were the guests of dr mcoullough on snnday miss o abbot left on monday evening to spend tbe week with her sister mrs wis foster erin township crew80ns corners thb western fair to b meld at london from sep tember 7thtoloth i see trie directors of this ever progressive institution and themselves facing tbtir uonualdlulcullythat of providing anfflolens accommodation for exhibitors and visitors at the great lira stook and agricultural show of western canada but now as in the part they are equal to the occasion baring plenty of money and hard earned experience an extensive addition is in courts of construction to the msohinery hall nearly doubling us capacity tbe agricultural horticultural and dairy buildings have been moved and reset to as to form one immense exhlbl lon ball and one hondred and fifty feet of an- addition baa been built thereto alto a oew permanent- office building over one hundred and fifty feel long is being erected at tbe king st entrance for express telephone telepraph barber bbdptparcsl boom and press offloes end it to crown all two large open stand 840 fast by 40 feet np to dsta in every particular lforths oonfort with additional refresh bmhtibootbs snd dining halls underneath the queens park fair grounds bare been greatly beautified by tbeabeve allera- v hoot ami additions tile prises offered have been inoreased ntllovsriw000 oos thoueand cf tnvsmoanl going to ths live stock classes pfiss fill book itsslf is greatly imptpyej being very much condensed la aljtut containing more information pat uplnllttsri form than auyona we bm a very refreshing and much needed abower passed over this vicinity monday night four fine new barns were raioed in this seolidn last week on friday messrs alex barns john biohardson and 0b as davidson raised nsw barns on their farms sod on monday mr o swoon hammer of churchill raised a fine barn all the raisings passed off without any accidents the schools were dosed for tbe summer holidays on friday last mr john bennet was anited in marriage to miss mary lambert daughter of wm lambert of erin on wednesday last we wish the young people every buoness in their new relatione mr robert olanoy of bookwood delivered a very impressive sermon on sabbath morning in the motbodist gburoh hie discourse wu especially addressed to young people and we believe that his sermon will have a luting effect on all who bad tbe pleasure of hearing it mr cisnoy will always be a wsloome visitor to this appointment mr m orewron haa jnst complsted ing a tbtrly loot well for mr james gamble his new drilling machine is a great improvement over the old drill and be oan now drill from ten to twenty fesl a day mr and mrs b piokett of khatohbull and messrs thee and obu bamshaw of lowville spent sunday at mr ju bamshaws mrs thos welkins spent a few days during the week with friends in toronto ahjpsssv raotpn piwnilio long ax per lanced thletltn of fergus etlaoroeae on d day tbe oht3ploilfaf fioroum ntoh in ilia rojal dutroipuyec on domiuion day between the tfriitleii of fergus and tbo orecento of aaton waa odo of the mot portimanlikojhnd enjoyabto giroes ever wiinesied in i lift park here notwitb atfttididg that iergub is one of ho ot eiperieooed dubs in the country tho homo team won bfln viotory with a porn of fi 0qi to a about 1000 tfpcottttor wuneaed the same bolween 100 and 300 of whom aooonipaned the fergus learn the thlellcs were confident of epooeai ue tbey had their beat available team iu the field but the greeoeota determined to vyluu ulr play and united and skilful effort woqld acoomphsh that desirable outcome fergus scored the drat two goae darlotbe flret half houci plaj then acton got to work and daring the next hoar aoored four atraifthta tbe tables were now juroed the score being 4 to 2 to in favor of tbe horpe tea ip fergus then ecored their new books and magazines np then a rou battle began fergus putting foith all iheir energy to tie the soore bob to no avail tho aotoo defeuce beid them down to a finish and four minulea before call of time by a beautiful piece of combination work down theoentro aoton sacred their fifth goal it was a great matoh and a credit to both teams as not a man adorned tbo jenoo and not a drop of blood was drawn on elthrr side the exoltmeiit wsa intense throughout and the local spectators went home delighted withrtbe outcome and folk satisfied lhat tbey bad sem a game of laorosae bb it onght to be played r fergubon of waterloo refereed the game to tbe satisfaction of both teams aotou will go to fergus on the 14tn july tbe teams were named as follows fergub goal riohardson point kerr oover point olen let dofenoe clark 2nd bpike srd gow centre james forester 8rd home groves dud kyle 1st curtib outside graham inside joeepb forester aoton goal topper watson point shields- cover point t kjdor 1st defence yorky watson dud r scott srd c williams centre e byder8rd home mclntoib 2nd f cornett 1st heoderacu outside 0 erwin inside w gurney icpkt8 ok tub aftk1inojn autou cornot band ditoonrsed bweet raoaio between goals durlug the match the relrenhmeut booth of councillor francis and fred storey did a rushing trade there were cono of tbe gait tactics in thirmatcl a more gentlemanly lot of ucrosee playerb than the fergus men are not to be foond the grand aland was remarkably quiet when the first two goals were recorded fergus supporters did their whole doty in encouraging their players field osptain matthews was quite swell with ble snowwhite costamo well done boys i every one of you played well and deserve tbo applause aocordded you prettier combination play could not be imagined than was excuted by the thilles who says aoton people dont patronize olean sport tbe publlo will be glad to attend more matohea like that of saturday visitors all have good words for acton park its boientiflo laorosse the people waoc to see and not slugging bouts like tho gait uperlenoe esque6inq township affairs j filoundi ii hurton forlum my foe a romance the w j qm o limited cloui tl 00 pspeil moeiue the heroine la born on board a british man of war ot nhtob her father in captain durum the eeluo nf cartagena rff the spanish west indies in llo year 1780 her father raeels lil death from stray shot mother dies shortly afterward arladoo named after her father s ship brows up a beauty and groat heiress an attempt by a nobleman ruined in purse and name to marry her for her money baa long and disastrous consequeuoes life on a british man of war during a war with trance adds many adventurous episodes to tbe story the london of the period is deftly sketohed in the background and the story ends amid tbo caqnon smoko of quiberon the methodist magazine begiua its fiftieth volume with a specially patriotic number it has two wellillustrated artioles on two ol canadas great industries tbe agricultural college goelph and scientific farming and the lumbering indnetr br e h ijewarl and chancellor burwash contribute artioles on the niguer criticism and the mimetry of canadian methpdijra in the college there are in all eight illustrated articles price slto tba cud of the year toronto william briggs montreal c w coatee halifax b f hueslis 9 00 a year f 1 00 for six months blood p0is0 ning terrible bvfferinc of princesedwafid ccjjnty pahmbr hospital treatment fallekl to- bene fit him and life wae despaired of airaln well and sti ong to tim diuy a rich lady cured of her deaf nees and noises in tbe hdal by df nloholson e artffioal e x naa aedt 1000 to ills institute so that deaf peoplo nnable to procure the ear drums may have them free apply to department u b the institute longoclt gunners nory loudon w england often people oatoh a woruo cold in bummer than in the winter dont negleot it check it at onoo by using dr wood e norway pine syrup the best remedy for all kinds of long and throat trouble have yo ne if you suffer its agonies and rail to get a remedy wo want yon to try nerviline itp aotlon on norve pain is simply marvellous norvllino is the rnobt pleabant and powerful remedy in the market try it brave men favl viotims to atomsobf liver and kidney trouble aa well as women and all feel the result ir lots of appetite poieons in the blood bschaobe nervonsness beadiohe and tired listless run down feeling but theres no need to feel like that listen to j w gardener idavllle ind he ease blectrlo bitters are jist tbe thing for a man when ho is run down and dont caro whether he lives or diea it did more to give me new btrengtb and good appetite than anything i could take i oan now cat anything and have a new lease on life only so orutt at j d moeeea drug store every bottle guaranteed flvfe things tbe five diseases for whiob shilohs cough and consumption cure la especially recommended are coughs colds whooping cough oroup ad consumption no medicine ever made by man is equal to it in any respeoti sold under a positive guarantee money back if it fails 25 cents so coots and tl 00 a bottle qeorqetown ytid nit mb tbentry forms are most sots llabofayng separate form for each department tba tsv law nly to make a mark or otion tbey may wish nd neossaarr infor- r forth on each and m roorartlootioir ml fgflinu bev g a mitchell b a and family took their departure for their new field of labor at waterloo on thursday morning a large number of friends assembled to wish them god speed we understand they received a very oordial reception upon arrival at waterloo georgetown auooeeded in defeating straetsvllle on dominion day at lawn tanis by 4 events to 3 as fellows singles mohogh streetsvllle beat wetherald georgetown 0 40 61 bolton georgetown beat gradrn streetsvllle 8 0 04 80 hennvreon georgetown beat morgan strretsville ol 76 goodwilliivgaorgstownrbeat mrv- obinii streetsvllle 7 s 86 76 doubles mohugh and graden blreetsvlllr beat bntton and wetherald oeorgetown 01 62 henderson and goodwille george town beat morgan and ohittg htreetsvllle 16 080 a bev john baundera m a and family were cordially welcomed by the members of tbe methodist church to their new obarge here npon tbelr arrival last week a large number of our snorting citlssns went to acion on saturday lo see tbe big laorosse matob tbey snjovrd it and obeered for aotou too mr bowmans fine usw bank barn raised a week ago is 60 xloo feat the herald is- holidaying this week no issue will bs tent out until the iflih july mr j b mcleod barrister sailed fur items or interest drawing out of last meetipg obas eirkpatrick of llmehcnse was voted is 00 to assist in the support of mn prootor she being unable to provide for herself thomas marshall was also voted 10 12 toward the support ol batty trahy tbe treasurer was authorised to pay the following amounts being in eaoh case two thirds value of sheep killed by dogs the thereof being unknown joiihv monally one sheep 64 00 o o thomp son two lambs iu 66 the tender of the hamilton bridge company for the erection ol a eteel bridge in the village of norvat said bridge to be one hundred feel long fourteen feet lo the olear for roadway and complete in every respect aooordlog to specifications for the sum of 1138 was accepted a new 1800 bridge will be built on the fourth line opposite lot 4 to replace the one carried away by last springs flood owing to tbe oonlinued illness of mr james coalson a member of this council who has been absent for a terra exoeedlng three montbs ths conuoll extended to biru a further absence until next meeting of the council as per b b o 1807 chap 228 seot 207 tho following accounts for road repalts eto were ordered lo be paid lllobard klokloy per order of illram graham pathmaster w 3 00 alex holmes building oalvort on town line sth concession erin paj log like sum mrs bobert uepberson gravel soppllsd for 2nd lino thos byder patbmsster lour days nlllog gravel daniel bali bnlldlng culvert lot 21 dui line john evans repairing paper mill hill loth eon thomaa bell repslrldg road msclrlne walter lawson commlsrloneer re pairing bridge and ouvsrt lot 10 eon 7 robert meuenercy flvo days opora ting road macnlno albert graham per ordar john ij irfmlie palhmaater gravsl sup piled on road division albert qrabam per order of illram graham pathmaster the next meeting ol tbe ooonoil i beid at thecsll of the reeve kate molran a nine year old goderioh girl fell into a tank and was drowned on saturday their business booming probably no one tbing has caused such a general revival of trade at j d mokees drug store as their giving away to their many customers of so many free trial bottles ol dr kings new discovery for consumption their trade is simply enormous in this valuable remedy from tbe faot that it always oures and never disappoints coughs colds asthma broncbitlsrcroup anovall-otner-tbrcat- snd lung diseases are quiokly oured you oan test it before bnying by getting a trial bottle free large size 50c and si 00 every boitlo warranted the united states government balance heet shews a dtfloit of nearly 989000000 for the year dosed on june 80 red hot prom the qun front the mllcvlllo kuu a reporter of the ollevillo inn recently bad an opportunity tp investigate a euro made through the ueo or 11 i willlomu pink pills for pale ieoplo wl oh la little ebort of miraculous tlio at jeot ot the euro is mr william ii coi tlln a woll known farroor who lives iu vmoliasburg township prlnoeedwurd cou ty wheu the reporter drove over to aee ir oouklin he na under the impression irom what he had beard of tbe case tin ho would flud a partial invalid but to lie surprise found a stalwart robubt man of six feet aotivoly engsged unloading ogs from a sleigh on making known t o object of his visit the reporter wusinvi id into the bouse and mr conklin gavo 1 ib story as follows you cn pee for yourself th it toy oon diuon is now one of good liealtl and jet i have been near deotb b door a yoatiago last summer i injured m hauu witlhhe result that blood poiaomni let in j a doctor was cslled in and the usual leat ment given and the hand apparent bot woll and i stsrted to work it soon tiied put however that tbe poison had not on entirely got rid ol and it spread thnush my whole bjslem the doctor was culod in but loofilug on my oaso as on ski advised mo to 10 to the hospital nt utio vllle thla i did and remained ijiro throughout fho rnonlb of ootobcr i 17 my condition waa derperati and sb 1 aa not making any progress toward recoi y i may frankly say that i gae iny cue up as hopeleas believing that i couli ipt recover i bsbcd to be taken home itien tried various treatments with no h tor results i could not walk without lp and i was doubled up like a jick riife at this stsgo i was advised to tr idr williams pink pills and sent for la i a dozen boxea after using tbo first half dozen my bppetite returned and night awcatb wbioli had been tho bane f my bleeping hours deserted mo enowiru imt the pills were helping mo i sent f 1 r a further supply meantime a snaj ng came in my hip which finally broksnd from that on my progrebb v as moro 1 ipid and i am again au sound as ever auc ible to do a days work with anjooe i can only add that jdr williams pink tills brought me to my preseut stale ot good health and so long as i iio i shall pi ilao the remedy that brought mo baok from verge ot ihe grave dr williams fink pills cure by g dog lo the root of tbe disease tbey n low and build up tho bood thun dn mg dlseaso from ihe aystem avoid imltt oiib by icsistlnq thai every box you purebb 0 1b enolosed in a wrapper bearing c jyll trade mark dr willlamsjpink piu lo pale people if yonr dealer dooe not keep them they will bo sent postpaid at 50 oente a box or six boxes for 92 jq by addressing tbo dr williams medic no co brookvillc oat afc my we owe our best thanks to or constituents for- the largest months dry goods selling wt have ever had in june it is gratifying to us to know thkt the people appreciate our honest efforts at straight business our business has been straight from its very inception no side shows furni ture furores ift enterprises no su ar coating of the medi cine we devote all our energies to the supplying of the people with the best in the lines we carry we give you the best store the best stock and the best values and these are the only means we employ to gain your trade we believe we have the confidence of the people generally and with this belief we are mafcifig preparations for an- iricreased business july will be a clearing month- everything in summer goods must go at soinev price we lookto the people for a big months trade we will do our part come for everything in summer goods our stock was never so complete and well assorted at this season i it aphukud i stuaraotarjili aooa wages bi b1udi 1 oattull piaitlo paiturit vj montb 00 r wltlft tubb and h give to cfttuoi london boftd q hutpq on tho ph wavnii tba iiriruej l raodlog t oonsoa lot 1 leucd for a toi prpsocutod aoton jqdb 1 th frank dossrler co cuelphs greatest store tbe t which this c crowd what are tlvey wliioli thoagb alwaya drunk are never intoxicated toasts bub cures 9 li in -lea- mr jolinw lamb diligent river u s writes i recently bad a aovore atlaok of ebinglca but am glad to say that two bottles of burdock blood bittera cured me completely it is wonderful rornedy fpr blood dbordera i three popular kiokb bmokloj iog and talking workinq nioht and d iv tho baaloet and mfghueet liti i thing that ever wa made is dr king b ew lite pille hvtry pill is a eugi plobole ol health that cbantioa i tnto strength libtlesboeas into brain fag into mental power wonderful in boltdlng np the iheal only 25o per box sold by j jd jlcl dragiat drmk coated laknebb anerky heifro tho mialaler inoath of tbo intinor 1 ho j one 20n the right house lbtaoi isued 1843 hamilton s tavorite shopping pijvce wish gqods reduced will place on sj a groat tnanyl colored wasjie was tho ball that bit g b steadmanot newark mlob in tbe civil war it caused horrible ulcers that no treatment helped for 30 years tben bnoklens arnica salve ncred bim cores cats braises bnrns boils felons corns skia craptlons best pile care eg earth 25o per box cure guaranteed sold by j d moeeo drdggist mrs dodds an old lady visiting at fort ope was borced to death by tbs explosion of a lamp which she was oarryint 00 so 940 8 00 ill be england on taenday on str labs ontario of tbe beaver iiinr lis expects to be absent about two months mr john r barber m p p has returned a from trip lbroasu now ontario along with other members ol tbs legisla tor mfssktlla m ryan liaa been engaged as snbslitnle for hits annie ryan on ths pablto bchool staff darlnil ths laltets abseoos at ths normal school on wsdliisday bsihw ths paplls nomwr of vxpdplls of ths hi pthwutli hlssludsay who has idrowtfcrffwlhwi alsuant ml rockvvooo the garden party hsld at mr 8 harris on friday wis very well atienrfel they reatlssd a very gnodly amount from salss at booth and a very good programme was presented a number of oar citisscs attended the hioyolo meet at goelph on dominion day among ths visitors in town on tbe holiday were tbs lolloniuti mies fabsy toronto mise robinson toronto mr s shipley alisa oraiii mill i bolley stratford ulea m mathsaoo hamilton are v m are jtu married lo ihe old lime belief that4onsnmitiopl i incurable if so yoa prs wridedjo a wilitaksn noiion bbllobi oooghn mfbnfpklon cora has over just dracwina around how many thousands of women understantt tlie sad and pitiful meaning of that simple phrase just dragging nround women ever where who feel that they have a work and a mission of woman- hood to ac complish in this world will np- preclnti instant the dlshcsctcited spirit of mrs mottle venhans of tioga hancock county illinois i had been sick for seven ears ahe iv p isbul jnat dragjrlsjr myieir nmunl at last i took three bottlem or itr pierce n in vorlte preaerlpllon and live of olilen meillcnl dlscavery and it is imfimtibl it ttrsent m rvorilt the good tlime tneillclncs dlit me my husband aays oohleiicdlcnl ducprerv i the best medldne he ever tried tor a couah no praise is too high for dr pierce a inedldilea another indy mrs r p monfort of rtmiiiou warren co iwi ay i think dr pierce a oolden medical dlscbvery the jlnest iiieillcluc on record i hsve taken a number of txitllcn onr cdlclne that relieved ray terrible headaches women who suffer should irrlte to dr r v pierce of buffalo n y he will send them the best professional advice thnt can be had anywhere in america and entirely without charge neither the oolden medical discovery nor the favorite prescription contains any alcohol to in ebriate or create a morbid craving for stimulants livery woman should own a copy of his splendid book thccomnion sense medi cal adviser it is tin grandest medical book for popular reading ever written it contains a fund of knowledge of precious value to women 11 has over a thousand pages elaborately illustrated with engrav intra snd colored pistes the first great edition of more than hslrainiltlon copies was sold at it jo each the profit from this ndaeed df filerce to carty cut his cher lir mln nf i frr d prof whlcbiin pnpercovers will be aenl i mminv mpa or a heavier clotn- one laxa liver pill ovcry ninht r thirty days makes a complete can if bilionsness and constipation thst i jast s5 cents to bo cared fifteen or twfinty buildings woro bu tsd at bolnwell eutsiliug a loss ol 8uo0o0ab snnday i charles sbsw aged elevoa yesrcof ploton was trowned wbila boatidf satnrday lloffmnn alleadochcipywdfcrt nrn indispensable in my iiouho 1 linekhen thorn to mr irliikts untl thay nil unnt tortlthcni fcii t d mo ft liutfalnzen boirh k l iahllov conk tsadm moutour falls f 1 u iioffhans headache powdery will euro any kind of bondilli in 110 minutes without cmulm nn dlnniireeablo after oint- 1 ury orosoldby nil driirgun in 101 en elopes nnd 26c boxes tnts liorrh av nut a ru brtdssbnrsr onl skx solid oo i best 8ti15 iifi n 4 i so ioo 100 5 j re gold fu best ulansaf wsgnamnteo pcrfoot satlsfsatitti globe optical co 3 yonge street torentb that we have the best widresa goods stock isspown bffltway in continually oyefs nowadays plays havoc with in order to make a of our stock we i morrow rtmrnnjjf oesof fashionable iress goods nt one- quarler to on third less than tbelr regular pricei nearly everything in our immense assortment has been marked down but there s space here for a few him pnly orqondle mshns in dainty floral patterris uiety of shades were 25c now 15c organdies n fancy striped designs mauve ad pink shadings were 35c now 20c i lain colpotl swiss muslirjs in nntnc ant cream were 20c now 12c piques inwhito grounds with striped opigns in mauve navy pink andblick were 40c now 25c gingbimo jin arious patterns and shades ormcrly i2jc now 10c another ne formerly 25c flow 10c linen cnp with white stripe kas- 30c no j aoc swiss mtjlins in green and yftllow groundtf embroidered in black were 7 i now 40c lmousselitc do soie in white grounds with colored patterns and in colore i grounds with white pattens spots and striped designs were 75c now 50c colored muslins tn pretty ptaid pit tens pink and white and blue ind write were 22c now 15c children s plain bioccswcrc- slocklngs with spliced veth 5 5i and 6 were 35 ssnr w so zoc sizes 6 and 7 vere 30 and 35c now 25c size 7 were 45c now 35 ladies fancy plaid silk stockings sires bj 9 and gj were ot 5 4 low t dies lisle stockin3 in iancy check patterns sizes si 0 arj 5 were 60c now 35 i tjndsrwear beducod ladies natural cashmere vests short sleeves open front were 45c now 35c same with clpsed iront wore 35c now 2 prints bsrtooed 15 pieces of navy bias prints reak indigo dye various designs reds ed to 10 pieces of prints in light grj a variety of good pattei 10c alue now mens vests 1 plain tan duck vests pearl assorted sizes were j valuable fpoe undst x prepr- fitreels a late llobart j bum lionas kltobeo tsr repair baa i fruit r shop letoam jcalab boyoi vallsy or jx tohtaken grown mori roost oomp soiung free aa positions a beseooredaav lookiogfsvatoj mission qftersjfl 1000 00 per ye one nearest of a wallstablli tent than ezpell lit chicago 111 j i impor- j ooiipany uinorsirios ttoohester n y jrjour jpj iobaulr jtoths si notla heraby j fe deceased hat behalf s all psrsoif i of tin on or about m d j ire isld or to other mwd 0 a iu t hlrty oct div sal t lalss by them dulv wukoiotlil while duck vests hi check and striped patf 34 and 40 to 48 werea j235 now a i cream cashmere vestsfyl stripes and checks were ss 00 now ti 35 and write for samples and prices of everything vou roqffl inquiries and orders by mall recelte prompt and careful attemuoduwfl the charges to any railway station in ontario onall orders afartng ly over address all letters to department s t thomas c watkins hamilton king st east col- hughson st crandtrunk cheap excursions and north dakota titu vflili 1 going trip to commence on juit i81i1 or 18ui jw llturn trinw baoompietodjr- j sopt lslh sept wth 1h80 1690 lvturn tripw bacjoajplctodionir beftht opt lslh sept inh 18w return tlakota ottn bo nurcln ngeiita udtll ttlon of tho btvllwktvy syitoro in ontwilo auj fare and ope of the currentaoco one way far any further partloulsrelltlngt modation els irom kil iron al irslid trur iliooat mn olirii ratjs aso3in v irdioraqisrj e dutpaflsr ag toronto m what it represents wheaou sit for a photograpjryou want the likeness to repieftettt you properly when you sit to ut we want the worjk to represent us properly our imprint is seen on none put tho best photo graphs and for sake as well as yours we arc sure to give you life like satisfac tory photographs photo bhtist rcton mtolll rioad upji biff hill tfie ik lheelawlliij sswaodlnut kst c at robert nobles iflour feed and seed store jzeanfes improved new j7azuab siifar boot turnips seaaies prim purplo top xxepumjav bub wastbury mancles jfeyr oiant yellow tlmmmoih vllow carrots improved white i wslmmmi j in get 1 mssjun ren curing b lallaruptlonal ony rema w growth vrivteu- dwert xsmox rtpe seed 7 big out welf are offering special bargains in millinery for the next 30 days all hose in need of jach will iii d it to their advaiwge to callland inspect our gods before purchasing elsewhere e bq01liis jgoodgrowt nrsqees may j will ahu uouslsxl nfromtw of res ly for trial iil areas olnceipt of 35 c piels iitl st tciton rwejiwllh walelr irotel s etc