Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 13, 1899, p. 4

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jfcv tmrty aid gf ho how is thlsp perhaps sleepless nights esused it or grief or lck- nsss or perhaps it was cure no matter vliat the cause you cannot wish to look old ct thirty gray hair la starved hair the hair bulbs have been deprived of proper food or proper nerve force ayers hair vigor increases tho circulation in ths scalp gives mora power to the nervc3 supplies mfss- liz elements to the hair bulbs usd according to dlrec- tors cray hair begins to show color in a fsw days soon it has all thscoftness ana richness of youth and tho cayir of tarty lite returns would you like our book on the hair wo will gladly send it to you yfrlteaal it you do not obtain all the benefits you expected from the vigor write the doctor about it he may be able to suggest something of value to you address dr j c aye co lowell mass ten wise maxims t 2utott fxu flms thursday jolty 18 1899 kjj fjrmttg julks a change of bbart i care for nobody and nobody eares for mo sons tommj at play in tbo awoot now hay wbero nobody could boo bo bis mothor znado tbo are and searched for tho old ben a nest while the bon from lta plaoo blah ovorhoad went sliding into tho woat she filled tbe water liail and plokod tbe barrloa for tea and wondered down in ber tender heart whoro her llttlo boy could be alono in the dim old barm tommy grew tired ot play when the cows oamo homo and tbo bbadowa feu over tho new mown bay so into tho kitchen ho ran with a noisy hi i yl i yl t hla mother had mado him a frosted cske she bad made him a sanoor pie bo he gave her a lorlng bag i will help next tima amid be i care for somebody and aomebody cares for me 1 never put off till to morrow what yon can do to day a never trouble another for what you oan do yourself 8 never epeod your monoy before you bave it never buy what you don t want because it la a oheap 5 pride cobis more than hunger thirst or oold 6 we seldom repent of bamt eatoti too little 7 nothing in tronbleaomo that we do willingly 8 how muoh pain the evils hao aost u that have never happened 9 take things always by tho smooth handle 10 when angry ooant ten before jou speak if very angry a hundred the voice of london a writer in the strand magaalnn de loribea tbe astcniahmsnt he experienced when riding over london in a balloon at a height of more than half a mile he heard the deafening roar of tbe great oity beneath him as it could not be beard when on tbe ground the noise even at that height waa so harsh and interne as to be painful to the ear how perfect a seond oondaotor the air is waa shown when tbe balloon drifted far over the oity to a wooded part of the country where the murmur of the leavesmoved bytho wjndhalf a mile below was distinctly heard no rhyme there he was addressing a lowly bat intelligent audience eomewhere in the vlolnity of seven dials and he had seleoted for his discourse bbymes and rhyming so that he might illustrate to these rough and ragged minds how far the oharmea of poesy oan brighten tbe poor mans heart and touobtng upon the difficulties of rhyming he said his easy enough my trends to get a rhyme for so simple a word ab sea well gnvnorexolalmed one ot mb bearers it all depends on tbe judge my bill got seven years spare moments mediaeval i woaldnt mind tbe death bo much aaid the man who bad been condemned to die on the wheel if it wasnt for one thing what is that 1 triumphantly biased the ohlet inquisitor this wheel you ase looka snah a confounded low grade afiiiir new york truth hit him again a small church was sadly in need of repairs and at meeting was held in it for thai purpose the minister having said five hundred dollars would be required a very wealthy and equally stingy member of the ohnrob rose and said be would give one dollar just as be sat down however a lamp of plaster fell from the ceiling and hit him on the bead whereupon he rose ap hastily and oalled out that he had made a mistake he would give fifty dollars this waa too muob for an enthnataatlo member present who forgetful ot everything oalled oat fervently 0 lord bit blhragalrrt a wellknown farmer of new glasow p q says paines celery compound saved my life an acoomadotinq sheriff i a oallforna sheriff who oi iirert of having oonbolonao btriketi mur ienr lve tbemaelvaa up ami datura free trunpor tattoo to now york thuo to bxpirttte ihoic crime upon the 1411 1 to we uddrissed tha iwat oudidtito us follows 80 our coiifoienco aint eab oh ah replied tho murder er i have the ourso n gain upon my brow wander wander but flud no rel aud ou ro the man i am and you want to be banned i feel that i oanuot real eaey till i am well my frieud replied tho sheriff thoughtfully tho county treasure aint well fixed at present qnl i don t want 0 take any ritike 1ti oajje youre not tho mm and aro just gabion a tree- rldo to new york beside those mew york court oiut be trusted to bant a man on tho whole as jou bay you deecrvo to be killed and as it oant make much diffierenco to you or society how you are killed bo long abjouarp f nquaa jll ul joq uqyaelt ro aayiuft he drew his revolver but that pnaotenoe striken murder bad departed in the direction of alofihtt wjth euoh fervor that peoplo oould hardly see tbo brand of oaiu on his brow for dust pawned his legs your honor this mau pawned his legs to buy liquor said an offlcer fit magistrate fosters court 10 chicago the other morn log every one present craned forward to oatoh a sight of the prisoner charged with unusual offenbe what mnu where 7 demanded tbe magistrate and a couple of policemen satisfied bis curiosity by holding up h w harrington for inspec tion the prisoner was without both lower limbo the officer explained that he wai found on clark street the night before in a bopeleis state of intoxication and unable to propel himself after beipg looked np he told the officers that he had pawned his cork legs the magistrate dismissed the prisoner and instructed the police to assist him in the recovery of his artificial limbs vegetable frcparationforas- slauatlag foetoodartdrcgula- ting the stomachs ondbowela of iiiiiiun ptomotesdigesliongheerrul hess and rest contains neither oprutrtmorpliine nor mineral mot narcotic jtaveafexddrsilnaupjreben imflm smi- runr apctfecmem4yfq tioln sour 5lomacn worms convulsionsfeverish- n and l o sl ea facsimile gignqlurc f new york see that the facsimile signature is on the wrapper of eyeby bottle oip castoria pastor is pat up la onetuo bottles only it u not sold la balk dont allow anyeno to sail you anything she on the plea cr promise that it ii jnit as ood and will answer every pnr poio jobctf that you got oabt0 ei a dr lou s dpr8 it i nurohaaed a botlle of dr tjowa worm syrnp for my little girl 3 years old and gave tier the medicine bb direoted tbe reault was she passed iifteon round worms in live dayfi mra b roy eilman- agb ont xhe boraelebb oarriao cannot begin to come np to tbe tailless kilo halyards yellow oil is a clean pre paratian to use will not stain tbo skin or oil the tlithing it redncee awulllug allays inflammation takes ont pain and ourea cutn burns brmsgp nprains osked breasts nore throat quinsy elo fxice 25o old men tbmk nothing laata aa loni aa it naed to 11 ii ii cures sliliil h mb dunbar had been a sufferer for fifteen years hospital treatment and patent medicines failed to care him six bottles of paines celery compound made him a new man rose that thrives in a cemetery the best white rose lor cemetery planting ia madame plantier it ia a variety of anmewbat slander growth and on tbia aooonnt la aometlmes termed a bal climber bat it requires no trellis being muob mora graceful when allowed to train itself than wben given a anpport of any kind it throws up a great number of rtalks on which great quantities of milk- while donbla flowers are borne in clusters during june and july july ladiu home journal wills a bicnandbom go montreal gsktlemen after fifteen years ot terrible suffering from that most miserable of all iroublea dyspepsia 1 have been completely cured by falnea celery com pound and i am delighted to make my ezperienoe known for uib good of sufferers wbo bave not jet found the great dyspepsia baniaher soring my long years of agony doctors in bt jerome and st lin prescribed for mr john w lamb diligent river u s writea i recently hud u severe attaok of abingleb bnt am glad to aay that two bottles of bnrdook blood bitters cured me completely it 1b wonderful remedy for blood disorders thero ia uow talk of a federal inveatigtt tion of combines this sugesta a white wah traat didnt dare m no bind of pretty boquets on the table will compensate for notbiog to qui six oils the most oouolualvo testimony repeatedly laid before the pubho in tbe columns of the daily press proves that dr thomas eoleotrio oil au absolutely pure combination of six of tbo finest remedial oils in existence remedies rhanmatia paio eradicates affeotions of tbe throat and lungs and cares piles wounds soros lamenflbb tumors burns and injuries of horses and cattle a man wheeling a baby cab beems to find every bit of bad sidewalk in town often people oatoh a worse cold in summer than in the winter dont negleot it oheok it at once by using dr woods norway pino syrup the bebt remedy for all kindb ot long and throat trouble dr lows worm flyrnp is a safe sore and reliable worm expellar acta equally well on children or adults be lure you t lows nith the man who is contented inodioority will be a happy man corner atones to join of the finest afr usllea ever wit rnvybe found in nagement hope jivery tjme tbebjjmian bea and the llrushlioq have njuerlnk bout you u tirf heaifotiinavribi orach tli a end seat ho is the man who hi mo on board first and took tbe seat that ida crltio woold jump at if it bad teen vacant timm tint mm yha indiana eai mosquitoes this being the ease the uaska indian probably baa many different trains of blood in him there aro somo pretty rank papers published in the mining camps bnt a boot tbe toughest paper in his country is that made of ganolne maullls fiber me and attended me and for a time i was in the montreal hospital bat all tbe best medical aid failed to meet my case i had also used a great many patent medicines but they failed to give the result they promised a friend who bad successfully used your paines cobsry compound advised me to give it a trial and now i thank heaven for my deliverance from a slow death after nator six bottles of yonr wonderful medi cine i am perfectly cored feel yonnger ttronger and more aotlve i oan sleep eat and do all my work now with pleasure paines calory compoupd certainly saved my life yours sincerely john dunbar new glasgow p q if a man objects to on draped figures ho oan use oanvau covered ledger osfltew novelty ttsinssjt talks it plays cam bc heard ion a child can w opeaxte itj pdi6e xedwiffl onentord as aycmarrxosft agdttwahted 35 i n bvkwy town and viulaofl a0ope5s can talking maoiimt co london oimt what dyspeptics need is not arti ficial d gestants but something that will put their stomach right so it will manufacture its own digestive ferments for twenty years ndw burdock blood bitters has been permanently curing severe cases of dyspepsia and indigestion th it other remedies were powerless to reach mr james g kcirstead collina kings co n b says i suftrcd with dyspepsia for j ears and tned everything i heard of but eot no reuef until i took burdock blood bitters x only used three bottles and now i am well and can cat meat w hith i dared not touch before without being in prcit distress i always recommend b b b as being the best remedy for all stomach disorders and a pimilv medicine no man should be hopeless bo long ab ho has two good honest friends hie hands tbe proprietors of pttrmelees pills are constantly receiving letters similar to the following which explains itbelf mr john a beam waterloo ont writes i never used any modioine that can equal parmeleos pills for dybpepbta or liver and kidney complaints tho relief experienced after using them was wonder ful as a safe family medioioo parmeleos vegetable pills oan bo given in all caoea requiring a cathartio it is easy euoogh to take thmqb philosophically but it b burd to part wilh them tbat way thero never was and never will ba a universal panacea in ono remedy for all ills to which fleah is heir the very nature of many cuiativen boing buoh that were the germ a of other and differently boated dibeauee rooted in the system of tho pationt what would relieve one ill in torn would aggravate the other we have however in quioine wine when obtained in a sound unadulterated atato a remedy for many and griflvoos ills by its gradual judicious use the frailest e sterna are led into con valebconoo and strength by the inflrjonco whiob quinine exerts ou nat are a own restoratives it relievos tho drooping spirits of thobe with whom a chrouio elate of morbid despondence and lack of interest in life is a disease and by tranquiluing the nerves dibposoh to sonnd and refresh ing bleep imparts vlor to the action of tbe blood whioh being stimulated oourjjes throughout the veins strengthening tho bealthy animal functions of tho system thereby making activity a necessary result strengthening tbe frame and giving lifo to tbe digestive organs which naturally demand inoreauod substance rosult im proved appetite northrop lyman of toronto havo kiven to the poblio their qulnino wine at the usual rate and guaged by tho opinion of scientists this wine approach oa nearest perfection of any the market au drnggibts sell it economic power is beouiod with ft canadian steel airmotor farmers who study economy cannot ignore the fact that wind power chcipcit the canadln airmotor will i ay for itself in 2 vearb iump all your water kun tho machinory in your barn we have supplied the c p r the last three years with about 20 outfits also the british government in cyprus and jndia as well as in england egypt australia c write the ontpcf2io jitflnd engin6 and pump co li3msixd atlantic ave toronto largest manufacturers of windmills under the british flag pumps of every description you can get it a parlor suite a sideboard a bedroom set an extension table a lounge a stand a and springs or any other article in requirements mattress furniture at a living profit only all goods delivered c undertaking in all its branches calls day or night attended coffins delivered prices to suit every ones needs when a man feela all ont np over something doeb bo realize tho orneltios of vlviseotion from stratford out mr h wilkinson wntea that he excerisnadd great rehof at bhenmatism from using two boxes of milborns rheomatlo fills this remedy is a speolbo for rheacoatibm sotatloa lumbago neoralgia and gont nlar- jlbnrt hnpw lnrly lltidwrjwo a an onnoe of performsnee is better than a pound of promise castoria for infanta and children tutu- upaws fffljic w what to expbot love in childs there are three conditions when the blood is poor when more flesh is needed 7when there isweakfresr of the throat or lungs there is one cure that is scotts emulsion it contains the best cod- liver oil emulsified or di gested and combined with fhe hypophosphite8 and fcerine it promises more ipt relief and more last- 7ciit in these cases than rjbwined from the othef reoieayt umljitajata owhu toronto tbrnk w slum e o children the aort of love of whiob wa ourselves ars oapable the obitda love for the parent aud tbe psrente love for the oblld are esseutially different snd we may only arouse a sort of antaffoninl in ilia young by inslatinu upon our right to a self saorlflolng atrvolion let us be oontsnt with the sweet dependence the demonstrative fondness that is natures response to opr nature promoted bostowa of ourselves upon our ohildren a drgree of sturdy eelflbness however ia the prerogative of healthy obildhood and tba mosquito isut tbe only bore that sings at bis work corns oaose intolerable pain hollowaya corn cure removes the trouble try it and see what an amount of pafu is saved a mans idea of martyrdom ia tn got his own breakfaat before the reat of the family are op sprained back sprains strains and injuries of the back often cause kidney trouble doits kidrey fills the b is tun proof core okddoi bo ifvgifdr mm1tjornnbt be regarded altogether blameworthy ivomag home journal hmtwiva yellow oil oaree ipniine braire eoree woaudt oute froetbltep ohilblin vtintf of iuffoti barne eoldi oontuiioui eto xrioe 115a wholeso pun an illiterate oorreipondenl who wai at fcloeebow to panotoaie a latter he wn wrttinf to a friend added i hi following poeucrlpt z fanoy i matt have ef oat a namlwr of fall etopt ahdj oommw but i dont tartly koowvfiefa to 41a them 1 bve ineetttfimcbttbvtapvtpni hie p aoovaafcyoo to pnaee pht tbeco iu their proper plaaef t mrs s horning- glasgow street guufph ont mijs doans kidney ptlls are prund 1 have not been ill since lakinj thim which was over a year ngo inat winter and can give them my warmest prutsc i for they restored mo to health after 25 yiars of suffering twcntyfivo years ago i sprained my back severely and ever since my kidneys have been in a very bad state the doctors lod mo that my left kidney especially una in a very bad con dition a terrible burning- pain was always present nnd i suffered terribly from turn- daonndtimrin the arnall ofmyback topether with other painfull and distressing inptoms common in kidney complaint i could not sleep and suffered much from salt rheum hen i first commi need talcing- doans kidney pills ijiad little orjio faith in hem but i thoutrht i icu1d try themj and it rrocdthe nent cxcnmcnt i ever made had only taken two boxes when the pain left my back entirely three boxes more or five in all mide a complete cure afler 2yc in of sufierlng from kidney dtsoase i am now linltiy and strong- again and will be pleased to substantiate what i liae staid should anysno wish to enquire remember the poor and also try to ox it so yon oan remember yon did something for them if you want to be healthy during the warm weather see that your bowela move regularly ovory day if they dont take lax liver fills tbe natural laxative that never gripes purges or biokena when anoveust writes shonyed him qrosbly it doesnt mean that she was orosseyod look oat fur the engtun we mean yoar heart ketp it strong dont let it flatter or beat with a weak strobe scotta emulsion feeds the blood it makes the heart beat stronger and greatly improves tbe circulation mauy a self made man would bave fared better had be let tho contract to somebody olae one laxa liver pill every night for thirty days makes a com pie to euro of bilionsnss and constipation that is jubt 25 cents to bo cured there ia nothing loo rood for tbe email boy who has a pretty grown up bister a terrible tk j a speiqht co acton maple leaf grain gbindebs cltlfh tudm uailway oolnu wfht iv ail 10 02 a in kxiiroao q 25 p 111 mall 7 15 p m oolno kaht txprcflb o 35 a n i xpreeb 10 50 am mall 0 14pm mlxoil 10 oj p tu sunday rrniim oltil woht 10 02 a in going eaetgjj u m lhi ui t1uf 01 xohintl maili going woet 0 40 u m and 160pm going boat 10 25 a in and 6 go n m tbib time tablo wout into effect on sunday juno 20th 1800 w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont uakb a bpkqialty of machine finished book papers iiioh grade weekly news tho papor used in this jonrna in from tho above mills t tom babber a- bro casn pai1 for farm produce butter onions eggs poultry pork etc apples wanted aikenhead produce co g parsons manager cor mil and main sts acton opposite clark s hotel two sizes for anv power no l has io inch rever sible burrs 8 inch single burrs both baye ball bea r 1 ng burr p i a c es relief springs and shake feed grind fine and fast with least power always truaranteed a trial given hundreds in use coold shapely atmuir co limited brantforcv ont trying cxpewotico from which sho ts at last freed by the ubo of its burns heart and nervo pills mr t j armstrong one of port hopes best known citizens spenka as follow my itia3liadvtcrriljnrtimc wuhlier heart for the last fifcim months the puns x ere intense and she had a smothering ft eling- togahtrwith shortness of breath weakness nnd reneral debility medicine seemed to do her no good and we had about pivcn up trying- when hho started to lake alilburn slic irt end nerve pills they hae toned hey up wondur fully r sho is stronger tolay than she has been for months thanks to milburn s heart nnd nerve pills i am sure thero can bo ho better remedy from their remarkable effects m mrs armstrongs case life should bo jubt ononsh of a tfnnd to ktep the edge toolu of the brain sharp and bright dyspepsia canbo gured with dr von stans pineapple tablets 36 cents and io cents tlioy aro dolloloiib chaptbll xv 1 bo wonder that chronic dyspoptlos aro e it optical of ourob i j thoy havo trlod tills tbat and tho other without obtalnlog roliof bo re tbom fora few dnya and then loavo them wono than thoy wuro lioforo 4 tho fruit ponsln at tho plnoapplo id dr von stan a lhnoipjio tauletb aoooni pi 1 ah ob what tbo lianli cbcmlcala an 1 nlnibl pupilo in othor dyipopsla proparn uniib can uover do n dbpepia cured wltli dr von htana riiioaiiplo tablets- alwaya taya curod fubtaui roliof from dlitroas and a lutiiik oiira aro tha u ovary ing result which follow tho uhh ot tbeae infallablo thlotflfio in a liox ntusoonta amall alio 10 oonts thoy aro dollghtful to tho tasto laxallvcp plls are tho most perfect remedy known for the cure of con st ipnt ion dyspepitln biliousness and sick headache they work without a gripe or pain do not sicken or weaken ot leave any bad after efft rig tho alaska canduonh ia not aa largo but it ia muoh lighter than tho south aroeriotn tapir milbnrnb sterling hetdaohtr powdora enre the worst beadaoha la from five to twenty minntea and leave no bad after effects one powder so a powdora loo 10 powders 25a lnxtjllvor pills ou re constipation siek hoadaohe and dyspepsia oontaot with a sharp man is very apt to do i one a confidence in humanity very matfy persona die uunnally from cholera aud kindred summer complaints who might have boon saved if proper remedlob had been need if attaoked do not delay in patting a bottle of dr j d kclloggts dysentery cordial tho medioioo bat never rails to effect a cure thnao who have need it say it aota promptly and thoroughly bubduts iho pain and diseate john mcqueen agent for the above has changed his wire aooms to building on w e smiths property john street wbere miybo seen frost a wood binders and mowers and a complete line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs tn my absence mr john t elliott who resides on the property will attend fothe wants of customers john mqube ac 3 g th red bird best to pay and cood for year j jlvery ono has opportunities but only ho that provoa thetn calls our attention to them ten out of every hundred of the worlds pn pal m tion pprak tho unhali language and what u more they are the upper ton how to cure hawdnoho boms poople suffer untold misery day after day with headache tboro la rest neither day or niht untt1 tbo tiertea are all unatruiif tbe ou so is generally a dliorded atomaoh and a oare oan ba effected by tulug varmeleea vope table pills containing mandrake and dandelion mr flnlay warh lyaander p q wrilee i find parmelfah pills a rrit otes article for bilious headache cramps d colic always releved promptly by dr fowlers ext of wild strawberry when you mi reucd with an attack of cramps or doubled up with colic you want a remedy jou aro biiru will give you relief nnd give it quickly too you don t want an untried something tlmt may help you yon want dr rowlcrs extract of wild strawberry which ccry one knows will positively cure cramps nnd colic quiekly just a dose or t wo and you imxoeisc but now n word of proof to back up tbeae assertions and we havo it from mr john hawkc coldwater ont who writes dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry is a wonderful cure for diarrl urn cramps and palnatn the stomach i wns a great selterer untiv i no it a trial but now i have perfect comfort m the txtilsorl cliain when bjcycle manufacturers and riders the world oer were ha ing trouble with their bicycle chains which in spite of all they could do would wear and stretch it wis a cinadian who found a way out of the difficulty the wilson chain with which 3 3 spring has come and perhaps you want to replace your milk cans with new ones of bright new heavy stock made to order and to your satisfaction we can ghe you just what you want at very low prices eavetroughing come in and see samples and let me quote you prices for eavetroughing for either your house or barn our work has been highly spoken of by our many customers repairs promptly attended to c a pannabecker mill street aoton twjajkindsjojwe there are two kinds of men to be found everywhere those who are obliged to dress roughly while at work and those whose occupation in volves no difference in attire for the laborer we have heavy substantial boots for the business man comfortable sensible shoes for the boys and girls good knockabouts and for the ladies the latest novelties in footwear our spring stock is nuw coining in and em- braces goods sure to please our customers as to style quality and prices oall and seje our new lines w williams mill st mra to went good idut may bo aeonred by onr aid arddreas the patent record baltimore ma ked birds are fitted this canadian was mr wm wilson one of the experts piid by this company to bring tho red bird nearer a state of absolute perfection this invention consisted of a patent whereby the centre part of the pin was hardened giving the hardened steel pin bo we 1 wis this received that the lajgest chain manufactur inf establishment in the world purchased the american right to produce it since then there havo been many iml tartons but as is always the case with imitations none nre so rood ai tho genuine article such is red lilrds are fitted with to day the 600ld bigycle co limited j o mckee agarit ammiisaiumiuiuiuaiiuittiuiiuuiujiiiuiuiuiuiuiuiut e n t s ififinifaiiamnii3iii send us a noih alntob 01 medt 1 of your 1 invention or improvement nml wo will toll j kxjsf plon iw to uhothor it is j probably pauintnblo o ninko n specialty of applications rojeotoil in other hands highest refomnowturnwiod j h ft mabiom patint solioitoks ft jcxpsavts j gsfical pnplnrrn arailtialm of oio j folytecholo bohqol of iiuiiim i u nachlors in applies boicqoas laval tilvrrslly memberl raunt law association amllcan wntrr works j association nw bnnlhnd wntrr worlcit awn j f q bnivoron association aitoc alomber can 3 aodotj of cltll knslnerrs jir a i mu jniwyoikufibido mtrnmrat m 5 khh4nawioiorwmhimorai o l 50 years bxperikncb anynnassafllat qutoktr asosrtaln inranuor uonsatrll mntrm nabttlmarks destqnb cotyriahts ac t moeruln nr opinion frte wbatber ithoonfllklalutmkt cnmrannlfm landbook on patenta itanu rooetra taaurinirjniu ami ft xh t in tti sckntifk american

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