Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 20, 1899, p. 1

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volume xxv no jj acton ontabio thursday july 20 1899 pltlce three cents ijb tten jfm firm ib fdbl1bued every thursday morning xt the freepressstesm printing office vii li street aoton ont thumb op souacniptlon ono dollar per year trlotly in advance all subscriptions discon tinued when tho tiiuo forwbich tuoy havo boon paid boa oipired the dato to which overy subscription is paid la donotod on tho address label f adyentiaisa rates transient advertise ments 1u aonta per nonpareil lino for first in sertion 8 bents nor llao for each subeoquoat insertion oohtiuor luteo tho following table ahowa our rates for tho insertion of advortlaoniontb for pacified periods spaos 1 ylt 0 mo 3 1io 1110 soinohas loinohea siqobe linoh 0000 3500 9000 000 3900 9000 1900 300 2000 1300 700 900 70o 300 950 100 advertisements without specific direction irill bo inserted till forbid and ohargod accord- ugly transient advertisements must bo paid n advance advertisements will bo ohangod onco each f phangba oftener than rw uuaukua uuoaor tuiui ico a nidiinrtitq oompc mn bo at regnlai rates changes for contract advortuomcnt mus oo n sue office by noon on tuesdays accoants payable monthly hpmqorb editor and proprietor neja supply of lrawri tennis rackets and balls all fresh new goods strong in hammocks prices very law days book store ctuelph day sells cheap -thb- traders bank of canada capital authorized 1 000000 capital paid up 700000 cuelph branch wo are novr ibbuioh monoy orders payablo at par at auy branch of cbartorod dank in canada excepting tho yukon district bt tllo following rates uudor 8io acouts 810 to 820 10 cents 930 to suo 12 cent t10 to 50 ii contb flushuss birwiorp medical john m macdonald m dcm btjcce8b0j to j f uren m d o m office and residence corner mill tv frederick roots acton offlco hours 6 to 1030 am 1 to 2 pm and ton pm tv- i j r forster bucckb80u to dr a b elliott lato resident physician and surgeon to vio- torla hospital for flick children toronto office hill street lately ocopplod by dr elliott d r dryden ere bad toqoit and nose molioans block douglas st near p 0 guelph orrica houna 10- m to 1 pm and 3 to 6 pm bondybio am to 1 pm ll bennett ldb dentist i aionostowh ontuuo jcoghlan d dsl ds dentist woiui cubefttlit done pmces moderate office ovb bdowhb dnco btorh houiisevbbt dat fbou 9 to 6 tmbe1 bell dd6 ld8 dbnta bnqoxyixxb b hon on gbadttxtb of tobonto unnlrrx work made satisfactory prices moderate vlbitina days monday afternoon camp bellvllle tuesday aetonofllco clarks hotel friday kookwuwl legal m clean mclean barrialersbolloltors notariob conveyancers xo private funds to loan offloa towtkhall aoton wm a molmm jno a moleas aj maokinnon bxabtxm bolicitob coktetamoed onioimill street 1q mattbows block upstair j- b mclfiod banutan bolicitob cohvstancbd main street goorgotown money to loan at lowest oarrent rates ii j monabb lerk fourth division court gouuty of 111- oooodveymioflrabontftrondliifoab8udoo itsftl biteta asqt money to loan etc- v 0jrio porrymwjbrjlock aoton ont ztisckilanx0us tttlss williams nkjsic jjjl o okouobtown babomsor to wl ijldiaw u preparod toglvo tuototiah lntraotlon in mailo piano or orsan latbeory and praouoo por torm apply to hufl william at mr jai mattbew reauloaoo onfinaav evanlng ol eaob woelc renbs gbibx t- otmj oahada i boilqftor of patantl for xnantlon eta application for the canadian amor- waters bros pictures waters bros frames waters bros artists goods waters bros guelph wyndham stebet new store w barber bros paper makers geobgetown ont kak a bpboultt of machine finished book papers hioh grade weekly news tho paper used in this jour no ib from the above mills wm barber eho cashpaid for farm produce butter onions eggs poultry fork etc apples wanted aikenhead produce co o parsons manager cor mill and main sis acton opposite clarks hold main 8treet planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor trauon 01 i tnirtrtwo vaan experlano 1 for pam doib nunan bookbindbb eanamst qmlph ontario otr william store nt book pu kind mad tp orflor caloftorydailptionoatoll7boiina w aaailf fl promptly don jrabriage lioenbes bb mooeb m imiiks o uaamaaa ijionn ajpriiateoffloe nowitamasirwinlrad iunod twldmcwuituiilng frerm offlm aoton m hbmbtbbkt lxabiibir aoonohiaa r tbe ooontla o walliagton ana bltoa hdanlafla thfaaafbbm offloe aoton or ktoryrmldenoela aoton will be promptly at- bnduto taroisltqasonaule t alio money to loan on th moilfatorawo hnmltand a tho lownt rata ol inmreit in burnt of moo and pwardi bubsonfobd 8 o u30 the weluimatonmutoal fire insurance company xatabliatasdlb40 jiad offloa octblph out nbubangb on oash and mutual plan any loonliliuuloalloo- forwarded to my addrea fox mor tolopuoue 6b will bo promptly ittandodto john taydob agont guelpb aotobt- l lacliine and repair shops henby qiundkoii proprietor i kb wall aqulppm wltb all the machinery 4 noealary to uta all rapalr to mubln- a asdagrlooltural impletaantatand tp do all lnamitinawingborimlmandaral biaaannlaulbg woodwork rapalr aarformd lnlaxbflaototfr manoar wanta repair kuy saoalsl or itnplarjant of anyaii baw acton sovvmllls and wood yard 2ucbs brolnillsl iiamoraotuaiin akd diujr ix mber jiata ahlatldm jfooil illo ndi biwood in i rromphj uyrod to any part at tho town at h and lab oat to laiigth alway on band na obmmualcatlod uanufaoturor of saah door framosafouldfng in all stylos dressing l and moulding to order on short notice will assorted atook on band at prices tosu tbe times john cameron proprietor seed corn wholesale and retail for silo and ensilage yellow horsetooth 65c a bushel mam south white 6o0 red cob ensilage 65o early learning 700 mammoth cuban wis early white dent salzars north dakota clouds early yellow comptons early early butler and ao other kinds we carry largest stock in clty- also buckwheat knpe seed turnlpsels highest ouitrent itate op inteitest fiald on atna doposltod of 1 and onwards dtoreet allowod from dato of doposit to date of wltbdrawal sod paid or compounded half yearly advancos mode to roslionalblo farmors oo their own nsnios at tho lowest curront ratoa noaliargo mado for collootlns salos notes if payable in guolpu a gcucrallanklns hublncss trausaotod i jlr-f-ajoiibsit- manager about this time of the year so many people are getting married that the question comes what would be most suitable for a present we have a variety of articles in which you cant help finding something that will please sure we have sterling silver ware from the best makers silver- plated ware guaranteed qusdrople plated cutlery for all the different noes carvers with and without cases john m bond co- hardware oztelph jgoetrg wben pa wa a hov i nlabt at id ot boon hero whoa my paw be waa a boy they must of boon excitement tbon wbon my paw was a boy in bcbool lid always took tbe prjuo ho used to holt boya twice bis euo i bot folks all bad bulgln eyea- wben my paw as a bqy tbero waa a lot of wonders dono when my paw was a boy how grandpapa must bave loved bis sou wuenjnypaw was a boy hivd rlt tbe coal and chop tbe wood and tblnk up overy way be could to always jat bo swoet and b wben my paw was a boy then overytblnt waa in its place wbon my paw was a boy now bo could rasste jampand race when my paw was a boy i ho nover dover disobeyed ho beat in overy gameboptayed goo i what a record they was mado when my paw was a boy i i wtaht at id boon baro wben my p he was a boy beyii neror wnu ilue afiod paw was bis model boy hut still laat night t heard maw liaise up her voice send call my paw the worst fool that alio over saw ho ought of staid a boy georgia chicago times- herald scled jftanug iuottng seeds -at- robert nobles flour feed and seed store ronnies improved new eaaish sugar boot turnips ronnlos prixe purplo top elephant baus westbury mangles wow of ant yellow mammoth yallov carrots improved white dwarf essex rapo seed thereare two kindsof men to be found everywhere those who are obliged to dress roughl while at work and those whose occupation in volves no difference inattire for the laborer we have heavy substantial boots for the business man comfortable sensible shoes for the boys and girls good knockabouts and for- the ladies the latest novelties in footwear our spring stock is now coming in and em braces goods sure to please our customers as to style quality and prices call amd ses 0tjb kxw lines w williams mill st garden seeds 3c pkt 10 for 25c ceo j n thorp j cuelph j d mckoo druggist our agent for acton orders left with him will receive prompt attention uptodate basinsn hathodi and practice are tangfat thoro jgbly at tho qublph business college and shorthand institute indlwldnal tuition no olaaim ter anytime ited in any way jbhalip prlnolpal htadanto may enter any time if yon are interest wrlto for circulars a aorntb wantbdfor the llla ind aoblevimenu of admiral dawoy tb worlds rreatmt naval baro by marat balsteadtbe ufalong f rland and admirer of th nations idol rlfftm and best book dvsr b00 pa6gbt by ten lnenas nearly 100 pace bautona luustra- tlons only bnormous dsmaud bl eommlmlona outntjree obanoa of a u- tlma writ qulok his dominion company 3rd floor oaxton uldg obloaoo tbla word is oar mnyrlgbtadgaarantufor n it makes tbem tbe standard for their several fiurposes and ita prosenoe protoota yon from mltauoni and inferior goods look for it plant spray perslauo plant spray containi no mineral iolaonart0nlo or pari green bare death to all meet life lungf ete harmless to vegeta- tlon canadas only reliable spray sheep dip perslauo sheep dip is a preparation for tbe cure of ikln disease and tbo eradication or vannln in sheep and cattle it is highly medi cinal and does its work with no draatlo or irritating affeots endorsed by leading sheep raisers horse wash partialis horaa wash is a swolally prflii mmlleainbut for the onro of skin diss eienllar to boraea and for ridding tbsm o u amtpaiuandtarmln it baa a sprpaaslnil nt nalang stiovt brightsn th pslt andpntt ft akin in a thotvghly hoaltbj eondltlon rnoa 100 per bios can pig wash perslauo pitt w5h is saooesafally ned in all oases of skin diseases of awlne and for awtroy tv0 ql uarrels 1iy nwhette loveweli then you have bad experience in graded work aside from your regular coarse superintendent adams asked in a ear prised one tbe eyei of the rlrl before bim met hie with a frank smile yet i taught two years did you think it imposaible the genial superintendent made a gestore of remonstanoe it if an unusual oabe for a wellsalaried leaohar of a graded sohool to apply for a position like tbis may ieee your testimonials while he scanned the papers she handed him the candidate awaiting his decision looked from the window out along the qniet street then baok again to the small room whobe outer door bore the inscrip tion office or tbk bdpbjiineendent or scnoolh it was in the village blfih school building and faintly across the corridor she could hear tbe murmur of reciting voices an advertisement of tbe perry pictures and a catalogue of a teachers agenoy bad fallen from bis desk to the floor i could hardly ask for anytbiuit more satisfactory than these or from better antboiity the superintendent said as he returned the envelopes then abruptly have yon ever lived in the country i bave been so fortunate the reply oama quickly are you willing to bind yourself for any given time miss lincoln 1 am willing to accept a years engagement in borne way the easy replies of this girl seemed to the superintendent different from the eager fawning ones of moat of his applicants he was not a- young man but his voice bad the iropetuousneaa of youth as he asked suddenly do yon mind tell ing me just why you want to try this thing t the faint flmh in her face deepened but her eyes didnot leave his face as she replied lam perfectly willing to tell yoq this wben i seen red the position at home almost immediately after gradua tion i considered myself fortunate i enjoyed the work exceedingly but during the last year t have made the deolsiou that the study of educational questions will be my life work and i want abroder soope than i have at present my know ledge of existing conditions in rural dis tricts is wholly confined to the little i have r aionowby aotoal- sxper ing nil hoe and termor generally pwu akin in healtnr condition and auiorcs a hejllby appuranoa in ttas dmssd animal for markst 4ien house opray ftssar bpray and poultry allar to tbo feathered aou as adtslq- perslauo hen rome powder destroy vermin nt stock on fowls or in abeda fectant destroying garma and purltylog the atnioiphera tjavrilborallyther prevent roup and kindred diseases porobaas these goods from your dealer or send to ua dlreot for thorn wo invite corres pondence the pickhart renfrew co limited etouffvllls ont lenoe bhe hesitated i am wllliog to toll you too that events have so shaped themselves in my life outside of school that i desire a complete change of environment you most not think mr adams because x have never lived la ft farming oo mm un ity that i do not realize that living in aaoh and in a city like my own are two different things i want to know of real ooantry life and to ses and mlugle wltb what i believe to be the traest type of the old kevi england stock again the winning smile upon her face wont yon let me i admiration showed itself in the gaze of the superintendent i shall only be too glad miss lincoln i believe yon are the bind of person td enjoy the life yon will come in contact with to find the seeming ly unavoidable obstacles id your sohool work ao incentive toward abolishing them i am fortunate in seoarlng yoor services huth lincoln rose to her feel she had the air of one no used to defeat will you tell me exactly how to get there she asked superintendent adam laughed at her perplexed tone pointing across the street to the poetoffioe he showed her a conveyance of a type fast dying out in new england tho canvsacovered top formed a canopy edged by the rolled side curtains at the back a trouk was strapped ons of the two horses had dropped his head and with dosed eyes was patiently switching away flies tbat he said is the stage come hero by train as yon did today and a two hoars rids on the stage will take you to the centre ot the town someone will meet you there and carry yon the other three milea he watched for a look of surprise or contempt in her expressive face bat saw none and as she thanked him and left the offloe he said half aloud that is an unusual girl a week later fonnd ruth lincoln estab lished as tesoker in district number four bussville th small room whose dingy walls replaced the delicately tlnledrones hehadlett the huge wood atove instead of the gilded radiator and the lack of tbe many conveniences abe had thought necessary made her long for a moment for ber last years third grade baok in the new olty building their poor little aesthetto sensftf she murmured they sorely need help the many obstmtes thai rose in her path can only be appreciated by those who have taught mob a mixed sohool but bers was one of those fortunate spirits thai enjoy conflict and shs faithfully studied remedied hr in many bases perfected errors itutb boarded with the family of a farm er and fonnd ample opportunity to learn or experience of their everyday lives the winning waythat had incited the liking of tbe buperiiiieudemt wiw quilt ce effective with tho plain folks of the riit trlot although they never mw her whin she was aught but bright and cheerful therewere limes when her dark eyoa held a aadqocu that belied ilm fun and sparkle and koenahumor that showed itself in many ways- them was ruuob critloiara of these normal ideas that replaced the good oldtime ways this waa borngood- natnredly i had rather teach school than keep school she atid quietly after tho expression of the iewa of one who believed in saying frankly and flatly what she thought from the li rat the allegiance of the child en never wavered as the term wore away the sad llghte in tho brown eyes coud bo noticed oftener bat the honest interest sod sincere friend linessfor all thoae uljo came in contact with did hpt change if she made pbysoh- ologioal atndiea she never allowed them to euepeot it the last day of indian summer bad faded and the chill of november bad ettledovethedrearylandsnap wh i old stage dilvtr left a young man at the postoflloe on bis afternoon trip twont hurt you none to walk tuiut moton three miles he told his passenger as he turned up the cellar ot his light fall coat whos that bprnoe young feller lime a loafer questioned watching tho tali figure striding dowu tbe road i da ono what bia nemo wuz was the reply hes goin down to john baseetts whero the teaoher from down east boards he thought he could get roo to carry bim down but i warnt no seoh fool tbe unknown pasaenger apparently failed to find any beauty in the dreary stretch of dying vegetation and muttered as the slightly stiffened mud covered tbe polished brown leather of hia shoes i know im a confounded fool to sprint oil up here ten to one ahell b as unap proachable sa over but i cant stand it any longer she haint come home yet mrs basett said when bhe answered his knock gazing ourloualy at his uncovered bead with ehortseeing eyes i duunose i remember her savin anything about ex- pectin aoybnddy iler questioner caught sight of a pair ot distended eyeb and a younger edition of the face before him and tho bine eyes sparkled mliohlevoaaly thank you he said pleaaantly i think ill go over to the building if sohool is oat turning he direoted his steps toward where at the top ot a sharp pitch a little white school house stood as tbe door closed behind him be heard distinct ly in shtill tones warnt be handsome ma ruth was sitiiug at her desk trying to look into the eyea of jirnmis gates one hand rested on bia drooping bead the other patting bis worn little coat bleeve tell me all about it jimmie she eald why did you uuarrtil at all let alone fighting i dunno what we did got mad about bouest mciaa lincoln the offender broko out but we did get orful mad and theu we fie honest im sorry but id hate to tell him bo ruths day bad been an unusually hard one and her lip quivered aa bhe lifted jimmiea obin ebq was thinking of another quarrel between older children they too had been orf ul mad i want you to learn right now dear bhe said softly that the best thing you can do when you quarrel about nothing at all- is to say you are aorry quickly it grows harder every moment it is ranch better for you to aay so than george run now and find him goodnight the tenyearold pngiliat stopped for a moment to stare at an intruder who was coming boldly into the roomthon took his little tin dinner pail and hurried home ruth bowed her tired headon ber desk and longed tp cry the sound ot a firm step oansed her to throw baok her bead and turn a flushed face to a familiar figure that a husbands strategy was bending over ber horblfdcu wi speedily imprisoned jn two gloved ones and a pleading voice with an irresistible teasing note said would you rather say yon are sorry or have mo ruth lets one of us say bo quick every moment makes it harder you know irving you wretch i a transfiguring light shone tbroogb the moisture in her eyee and her tone spoke volumes a day later superintendent adams sat sorting hie mail hs tore open and hastily read a letter tbat seemed to displease bim i thought id got hardened to this sort of thing he eiol aimed running- hia fingers through his hair with a funny gesture this is the seventh teaoher that has left to be married this year but i thought this ons wis really interested in educational problems life work indeed i he snorted then he wrote dear mias lincoln of ooarse i will release yon and wish yoa the happiness wbioh you deserve but ill never pin my frith- to an educator of your aex again sincerely j l aiuuh what to dd with the boy tliti life of the phyaioian is a hard our but at tho same time not altogether pry like a confessor he u necessarily intruat- od with many family soorets a prominent phybioian who has re moved to another olty waa on a visit to frieuds hero recently says the louisville gourierjourual as tha guests at a dinner smoked their cigars and tobacco smoko was forming curls toward tbe ceiling some very good stories were ex changed the physician told tbe follow ing experience whiob he said wae one of tbe queerest he had ever had i bad just made my rounds aaid ho gone to my bedroom and put on my slippers and lounging robe o spend an hour or ao with my family befdre retiring i had not been in long before my doorbell rang violently and an excited whistle came up through the epeaking trumpet as at that time there waa no sneb a thing as tbe telephone in existence i answered the summons which was to come quick to jo smith etrou cbestoot- typicalturk street an he was thought to be dying i hastily put on my overcoat and ordered my horaea aronnd to the front door i drove ont to the number indicated when i found the neighborhood in great excitement from tbe comments 1 learned that mr smith bad quarreled with his wife and that in a state ot exasperation bad attempted to kill himself by taking arsenic i went at once to hia bed aide where i found the man with hia bead thrown baok and bis respiration labored i felt his puhe and to my astonishment i found it perfectly normal i could not for the life of me bee bow a man near death could bave snob vitality whilo i was making these investigations his wife who was very hysterical was orylog bitterly and betraying herself for refusing to grant ber husband his wishes ob john she eald if you only get over this i will never refuse yon suoh a trivial thing as a tew thoaeand dollars i began to think she might become insane her distress was so genuine while i was looking at the patient x noticed a strange expression on his face i bad sent for a stomach ptynp end was waiting its arrival tbe patient managed to gtvo me a patbetiolook as he winked his eyo i was perfeotly nonplussed how to proceed as i felt tbat the man must be feigning i paid no attention to the wink as i determined it tbe fellow was imposing on me that i would make bim get the worst of it i ordered everybody out of the room when tbe pump arrived i adjusted it ready to begin operations in the intervals mrs smiths shrieks were heartrending i spanned the patients face slowly and saw be was perfeotly conscious of everything that was going on finally he said doo for gods sake dont nsa that pump on mel im all right but dont give me away there i was in a predicament i had however elided a confession from the patient that i bad already antioipated without further ipqniry i pot up the pump and administered an emetic i administered a very severe one and tbe man was made sick of his trick before be was through with it i had been made a party to some sort of a fraud and i had to carry out my part i made up a number of visits and ran np a big bill when the man got well he called on me and bald doo i am coder many ob ligations i married a widow of consider able property she waa old enough to be my grandmother i wanted several thousand dollars to make a trip and bave a good time in the east bhe refused to grautme the jrerjacst so i thought i might frighten bertuto giving it to me i natarally concluded to try the suicide scheme i bought arsenic went up to my and left a note to my wife bidding her goodbye aud regrettlog that i had annoyed her by asking for her money the scheme worked admirably ale you know here i am with all the oash i want so old man make ont yonr bill and we will settle at onoe scoundrel 1 escaped me hot i con cluded that i would at least have some of the profits i made ont my bill for 8o0 the fellow never hesitated and said tbat it was reasonable considering the service i had rendered biro a self sacrifice a conversation was held a short time ago between huiband and wife concerning the future welfare of their only son tbe mother was for giving him a profession bnt the father thought tho professions were crowded and suggested starting tbe boy in mercantile life tbe fathers reason for being opposed to his eon on i ctlog- professional life was that be had a brother who while very clever had nothing to show for his years of labor but a mere llviog and a good big account on the debit aide lbs niuney spent in educating himself the father although not having the ednoatlon at his brother bad some years ago engaged with the bradleyoarrstson oo limited of brentford ont first as canvassing agent being promoted from time to time until now ho was in the very front rank with this company and making lots of money he has also see lot of the world having been sent to australia beath afrloa england and the united states it wss therefore not to wondered that he waa opposed to his son taking np a profession and the ion in question had a liking for mousy and travel it wae anally decided that hs ought to follow in the footsteps ot his father and enlist with this old reliable publishing honse specially as hs hedfnst received a good salaried offer from them there is a current prejudice against honaeolaanlng but every real woman likes to tie her head in a towel and stir things up from garret to cellar man is known by the company ho keeps woman is kuown by the companies she i has wben she entertains not all tbo heroes were at santiago one of them came forward recently in topeka when the uanta fa railroad fonnd it necessary to reduce the force employed in the freight department among those who were to be discharged was a man with a wife and half a dozen children and bis salary was the familys only inoome lines ppearedia bisface as the expiration ot bis terra of eervioe drew near and hia eyes told a story of en tiering and despair dean waters a fellow employee saw all this it mado him sick al heart and his folks saw that something was the matter but be kept his thoughts to hlmielf for a week he watched the other workman suffer in silence and at night bo oould not sleep for thinking ot the hardship in store for this mans wife snd utile ones then be made a re wive going to the head ot tho department heaaid r ft i resign my position will you keep mr blank yea replied tbe bead of tbe depart ment accept my resignation said waters and be left the room without another word topeka capital at a rtoeiit private bonquti in washington n gentleman related an amulog occurrence in wbioh he had been oneottho actors it took place in turkey just before the rnaiiun war of 1877 thib gentleman and another a morion n interested themselves ttb they travelled in studying the various oriental types which were encountered along the way their interests in minor types vanished before a magnificent specimen of the turkish array ofujer who enterod the train one day he was dressed in the fullest and mntt superb of turkish uniforms with red fez on his dark head and abundance of gold lace on bitcbai qrqat spurs glittered on his boots he waa accompanied to the traiu by several- orderlies and aorviute who placed bis luggage in the compartment whioh the two americans occupied he had straight black hair and mustaohe and bin skin waa almost of the dolor of bronze as he climbed into the cotnpart- jfwnfc frn npnnjf in qpoi french to the lin a crtiat of bread tiutl a corner to uloop in a mi nil to to smllo and tui hour to wuop in a pint of joy to a pack of trouble and never n tuugh but tliu mount coiuo ilunblo and that in life a crust and a corner that lovo umkoa nroolous with tlto buimo to warm and tho toam to refresh uh aud joy b b co m uweotur wtiun cares cdmu aftor and a uldnu is tlio flu oat offollu for lauchtor andthatlalifol a lawsuit averted americans for disturbing them thoy responded as beat they could in the same language insisting that they were not inconvenienced presently tlto turk lighted a cigarette and settled baok easily in bis seat the americans fell to talking aloud in eoglidh about their companion typical specimen of the turk that fellow ia said one of them rather and yet thore is something about him that is not just like the turks answered the other possibly oust note tbat bard and orael expression about the mouth and chin yes hes a terror probably and yet i dont believe hes a turk he must be some other sort of oriental x ciroisaiao perhaps id like to know just where that fellow was born so should 1 the turkish officer whose face had worn an expresiion of stolid unconcern all through this dialogue here took bis cigarette from between bia lips aud turned torthe americans with a smile gentlemen he said i have no objection to gratifying your onrioslty as to my native place i was born at louisville kentucky i the astonished americana were profuse in their apologies which were accepted with the best good nature it tamed out that the tark wa one of tho several confederate officers who after the close of the civil war had accepted service in the army ot tbe khedivo of egypt this one had afterward left egypt and taken an important rank in the service of the saltan of turkey lite in the open air in that put ot the world had lent a dark tngo to the swarthy akin which is not unusual among kontuokfans ot good family or indeed among ameriins generally babvbly3 name baby bly was such a sweot little thing that no name seemed to be good enough for her papa proposed to name her rose because her oheeks were so pink and mamma suggested violet because her eyea were so blue but they both agreed that she onght to have a belter name than either ot these i will make a list of all the games i can think of aaid- aunty lou mamma can cross off from the list one name that she does not like and then papa cross off another and so they will take turns till all tbe names are orossed off bot one and that one must be babys name so she wrote a long list of namcp be ginning alice and ending with zoe baby bly watched tbe writing with great interest when the last was noiabed she reached for tbo pen but ber little hands aeem never to kuow wbero they are going so it ia no wonder that t u th everybody rnu to oatch it but it was to into tbo ink bad ruu in a black stream all over the list and blottodit from top to bottom but see here aaid papa baby baa chosen her own name she has blaoked out all the others on the list and has juat left one to be sure said mamma and what name could be sweeter so baby now is little mary bly willi l here ib a good story ot a man called william who is engaged as a wlndow- oleauer at a oertain great hotel in london one morning william instead ot doing his work was amusing himself by reading the paper and as bad luck would have it the manager looked in whats this he aaid william was dumfonnded pack up your things and go said the manager so poor william went to the office drew the money which was owing to him and then went upstairs and put on his sunday ololhoa coming down be went to say goodbye to some of tbe other servants snd there he happened to run serosa the manager who did not recognize bim in his best coat do you want a job aaked tho manager yew sir said william- in do wt yes sir you look a bandy sort of obap i only gave the last man 220 bnt ill give yon 25a thank yoa mr said william and in half ao hour be was in tbe same old room oloautng tbe window this time and not reading the paper tifjim colonel n o bordern tho genial claim agent of tbo burliuiton in missouri once paid a oluim for ndentli loss without investigation ot tho facta it happened a good many vears ngo and ho doesnt apeak of it very often jor fear ho might indued other attorneys for the plaintiff to resort to si miliar tiolioa an otdplug of a mute belonging to ono jones got an tho riiihtofwayover in linu county one day ttnd tho obsequies occurred eoon after tho westbouud train on mo alobj jouot filod a atntement recttiuft hia borortvament which lie broadly iiiuiod waa hudoeptiblo to amelioration by a uuouniary consider ation no tormti woro offered by the comptuy and he put the matter iu tbe bauds of judgo w h browoleo a prominent attorney of brookfield brown- lee wrote the claim agent several letters fifteen or twenty each one getting hotter and more peremptory until the last oue fairly bizzlod stilt no answer judge browntee baa a great reputation as an orator and some aa a literary man and poet he resorted to strategy before ohooatng the last resort he grabbed his quill aud ground this out our donkey stood on tho railroad aido your train en mo whisf lag by tho driver pullod or open wide and knocked our mule skyhigh j no bell was rounded oor tho hill nor frlondly waroin toot and if you fall to pay yout bill lly qoorgo well odor suit jones check fpr full amount oame on return mail the pulpit and the pew between a minister and his congregation there is an action and reaction ao that the mluiater makes the oongregition and tbe congregation makes the minister when one speaks of a ministers service to his people one is not thiukiug of paw rents and offdrtorea and statistics and crowda nor of schools and guilda ami classes and leatures the mister achievement of the minister is to form ohtracter nnd to make men the chief question therefore to consider about a ministers work is what kind of meu has he made and oue at least ot tho most decisive questions by which tho members of a congregation can bo judged ia what have they mado of their miniater 1 by tbat one does not meau what salary they may give him nor bow agreekbls they may be to him bat how far ho bm become- a man and risen to hia height in the atmosphere ot his congregation same congregations have ruined- ministers by harrassing them till they lost heart and aelfoontrol aud became pstvjbh and illtempered some congregations again have ruined rain- istera by b humoring aud pelting thorn tbat iney could endure no contradiction aud became ohildufa that congregation has done ite duty mobt effectively wbioh hap created an atmosphere so genial and yet bo bracing that every good in its minister has been fostered and everything potty killed ian mclaren in the july ladm home journal how he proved it wheu sir christopher wren wus building the town ball of windsor a fid got y mbmber ot tbo oorporalion tbo the alory goes inuiuted that tho root required further support and desired the architect to add moro pillars invaiudidsir christopher biurehimthatth6dangit w imagipmyj he knew batter tho alarm sproad and the great arohiteot wi worried into adding the desired columns yeara passed and in later times when arohiteot and patrons were dead cleaning operations in the roof revealed the fact that tbe supposed additional supports did not touch the roof by two inches though this waa not perceptible to the gazer blow by thia ingenious expedient did wren paoify his employed and manifest hie own architectural akill to futuro generations more than sesquipedalian a correspondent sends ub a german word copied from a german periodical whioh la longer than tho word of fortytwo letters printed recently it is as follows napolitanerdudelflaokspteifergobollaohaft teratlitzungsverein this word contains aixty lettera it means approximately apeaking the neapolitan aid association of bagpipe players they ought to be a longwinded set indian bulls a tryinq time there is almost oertain to come a time in the life ol every young man wben ho will f that he is without the sympathy of those on whomhatbelfevsvl he ooold most surely count to ons bubbling over wltb enthusiasm it la certainly disheaten- ing to find- oertain older persons refusing to share bis ardor and evsn questioning the wisdom ot his conduct it would be well for the mature and the experienced to act with discretion as for the young man if he yield to temptation and ait down in sourness of spirit disheartened with his faith in man shattered u will be a terrible mistake no no the true man with heart stayed on god will continue to do bia duty as it is given him to see it without regard to what man may aay or do especially wtll hs guard himself sgalnst a morbid and sullen and over sensitive habit ktchange he was green tbe louisville commercial prints a story at the expense of a gentleman ot that city not sparing his name which is here omitted this gentleman wiahiug to take hia family into tbe country for the summer looked at a small farm with a view to renting it everything was very much to his mind and the negotiation was nearly completed when the question of hiring also the farmers cow oame up bhe waa an excellent cow the farmer said and even after feeding her calf would give five quarts of milk a day five quarts a day i said the olty man that is more than our whole family could use then noticing the calf following its mother about the pastors hs added i tell yoa what i will hire the- small cow i think shes just about oar else the newspapers published iu the native tongue ot india occasionally contain para graphs whioh testify that built are not oouflood to ireland oue paper ou thottjjtilbirihname- atwlthlvo and in one of its columns aunounced with uncouaoious simplicity that some specially interesting matter had been lield over for want of space another journal printed thla brief annonuoement our next paper day falling on christmas day the next issue of this journal will not appear when a man is henpecked even the attomon who would treat him the bams way jfeel borry for bim it ia more blessed to give that to receive eipocially when y unr cook uiakoa jeuer strawberry shortcake than that sent over by the woman next door a provincial reputation hamiltons marblo works quelpb is tbe scene pf very active operations at present he will ship shortly monuments for erection at sarnia ridgetowu london berlin darollton stratford gall and other points kgbetler indication of tfi superior work and material buppliedby this old and telisblvaibllshment than the unsolicited ordsmffimpie dis wbioh oorae to proprietor a large ahipm ktid boot oh g rani to bas jdat and inolndea a number of ettr designs

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