1 yt ttiw- ijl lulfatffafa g biennis id aotou mr and mn donnts a dsasbl on tuesday july 18tb ti afakr7rr loko ubnhon at tha restdenoo of the brides parents uramosa on wednesday lstta july y rov henry brand jobn r long editor liurlloftton oarittto to saalo daughter of frank uoneon esq kramoes oniris amdkbbom at the residence of tbo bridos father on wednesday 18th july by bev h a maopborson bobert oilppa to miroib daugbler ot william anderson esq mil of orowsons comers died creech in georgetown on saturday july 8tlt mm baoiuol oieeab bbed70yoan 7 months uclkax at lot b coo l erin on tnoadayiatb july mary smith widow of the late donald mclean aged 79 yean tuainxouav at tho residence of nor ion pearson avenue toronto on saturday 15th july eluaoalrow widow of the lato george tuahlngbam aged 66 yoara aud 7 month it jutoit jfm fuss thursday july 30 1890 notes and comments la the imperial parliament the iuue of i805000 from the jionsolidated fund wu authorized for the purpose of acquiring the the niger gouipsnys territories la weal afrioa now that the halt act is being atrlotly eaforoed by the newfoundland authorities glnut the french thn letter are rctaliat- mg by driving newfoundland flihing veaaela oat of tha harbors along tbe treaty oomt with the lamented death of hon bena- or sanford last week and of the hod w b ivea and hop 0 a geoffrion this weak the country haa loat three of ita prominent and useful men their deatha are lamented in all olroles and espeoially in the homos at ottawa volea for 2500 for a monument at stoney greek and woo for a tablet at harvey park burlington height have pasted the house ot commons the land marks to be created will commemorate important events in connection with the war of 181213 touncle a brief but enjoyable outing down rlvar 8t clair and beyond the qreat c b contention the editor of tho fbkb pukbs and mr moore returned borne on jtrldav evening after a delightful holiday outing along the river st clair and in tbe stale or mlohinan the pleasures of the trip wore intensified by meeting numerous old friends and eohoolmttea at various points vialtedand this renewal of old time friend ships was mutually appreciated taking the old reliable and well equipped g t b train for the west on the morning of tho fourth of july we were landed in barnla early in the afternoon having an hour to apart we called upon mr w bjder the popular host of the yendome one of the best equipped hostelries on either aide of the st olairbiver billy as he waa familiarly known when a boy in his native town here heartily welcomed the folks from aoton and mado the stay pleasant messrs newton brothers formerly of litnehouse are running tbe sarnla woollen mills here and dolpg quite a business the street railway tuns to mr samnel motarna door he is still goffering from the unfortunate accident by whloh he lost a limb nearly two years ago bat hope a further operation will give him relief while walling upon the wharf for tbe detroit beat an unexpected pleasure was aura in meeting mrerhnghoanwro i o flne o tborourhlisgsboaiij tho oily ooulrlbuted 25 000 fojehbe expense ot the convention and as mocii more in deorattom and illuminations detroit nlwaya remarked for its oleafn and tidy slreots and lioulo vards was at ita bescund tho heorrt ot its perfeotl while aud absolutely olran pave ments was revealed vheu the ptdenlriau read on enamel sinns at frequent mtorvala on all ulroete pleasu dont apt ou the sidewalk- the most ot the couvontiou muoutiga were held in two immense teiiti looatod on vacsnt iota on woodland avenne about threo rnilel from the olty hull tbeae tonta accummodated about 10000 eaoh and the uccoustio arrungemenis rendorod hearing possible iu any local inn without difficulty during onr stay in dotruii we mot mr w j hughes formerly of aoton who is iu partnership with his brother in law another canadian- doing bualuoi no commercial artists two or tbreo dialers in art floods take all the work they oan produce one customer alone giving thern orders last jeer amounting to 17000 pleataot dials were also enpyed with bev dr glfford and dr bert howell who were filiut the oily after the convention on aioudsy an boura ride on tho michikau contial b 11 took us to monroe the adopted liuiue of mr 0 w hill photo artlis formerly ot aotqo jr hill has prospered iu hi present surroundings and is the posaesaqr tbe dominion commercial travellers association haa started a movement for tbe improvement of hotel accommodation by addressing to every hotel proprietor in canada a number of questions regarding food sample rooms bedrooms ventilation and sanitary conditions the recent japanese papers say that marquia i to former premier of japan in a recent address deolared his firm belief that tbe partition of china among the powers of eorope is only a question of time he added that japan muat take steps for bar own protection making every effort to maintain a rate of progress equal to that of the countries by which she will be oonfronted an influential deputation recently waited on hon geo w boss and hon e j davis to urge tbe adoption ot more effect ual meadb for tbe treatment of inebriates as the establishment of farm colonies is regarded as not yet warranted it was urged that aoroe assistance be given to hospitals setting apart space for tbe re ception of inebriate patients the anbjeot attracting considerable attention and poblia will soon warrant a reasonable outlay on experimental treatment qlobe literary notes the august number of tbe delineator ia called tbe midsummer uumber and pre sents a oomplete analysis by illustration and deaorptlon of all that is latest and moat fashionable in tbe world of dress iq addition there is tbe entertaining and instructive monthly miscellany the departments ol fancy slitohes and em- broderiesbyemma haywood social obser vants by mm frank learned the mill iner tbe dressmaker knitting oroohetlbg among the nswest books etc eto order from the local agent for butterlok pat terns or address the delineator publish ing co of toronto limited 88 biohmond st toronto out kil on the track 1 sad death of an esteemed resident of esqueslntr fur several years mr thomas fisher sr of lot 14 oon 5 jsaqaeslng has been mentally feeble bat be waa well oared for at home and lived perfectly contented last friday however he left home and was not missed for a few hoars that afternoon after a fruitless search about tbe farm bis son mr william fisher drove oat ia search of him he traced the old gentleman up tbe fifth line and found that he bad bad dinner at tbe home of mr jas mltohell at lot 80 con 5 two and a half miles east of aoton the old man had proceeded qp the fifth line and on saturday morning was seen at grand valley mo fortber trace ot him oonld be foand and mr fisher jr returned horns on sunday a message resohed the homo that an elderly man had been killed on tbe o p b track between grand valley and orangevills on saturday night and ha was believed to be tbe fogillve mr william fisher and a friend proceeded to grand valley on monday and foand the mangled body to be that ot hla father aud conveyed it to tbe home that evening muoh regret ia felt at ttilsuntlmoly end of an old real- dent who was held in general esteem robbed the grave a startling incident of which mr john oliver of philadelphia was the subject is narrated by him as follows i was in a most dreadfal condition my skin was almost yellow eyes snuken tongas ooated pain continually in bank and sides no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day three physicians bad given me up fortunately a friend advised trying elsoirio bitters and to my great joy and anrprlse the first bottle mads a degidad improvement i uontinnsd their ase for three weeks and am nbw a well man 1 know tbey saved my life and robbed the grave of another victim noons should fail to trjrthomooly so eta guarantescy at j d hokserdrug store it is when you so feel your weaknesa as to lean on god for atrenfiih thtt ou are aafe from the assaults of satan promotion of oaneral happiness is seoored by nsrfilius the great nerve- pain eon the highly psnstrating properties of nsrtltlne make ii never falling in all oases ot rheomatlam neuralgia cramps pains in tbs btok and side lumbago to we heartily commend it it is a gnat avil as wall as a misfortune lo be unable to utter a prompt and decided no boms men soooesd in hcokwlnklng end deceiving tbamsstvs aud awns even seem 0 suppose that they sen dtewim almighty odd a former esteemed resident with whom the time was enjoyably whiled away boarding the white star line steamer greyhound we found ouraalvea in the oom- pany of a big crowd of excursionists who wsre out for tbe day to celebrate tha glorious fourth and they were a jolly goodnataredoompiny after calling at port hoton the otptaln generously treated his passengers to an extra not on be regular time mate oftbe steamer and ran up into lake huron giving about an hours sail in tbe braoiog breezes of tbat flue freshwater sea on tbe west shore above pt huron we passed huronia parle where thousands of united slates oltlxena had forgathered lo celebrate tbe day to ibe boom of oannon the blare ot trumpet and the cuatomary blgb falutin spread eagle oratory on tbe st clair tbe exoureionisl is taken along one of the grandest waterways ot tbe world tbrongh some of the most piotur- esque aoenery and past thriving and enterprising towns and delightful summer resorts on both sides of tbe river no where can more of beauty interest and health giving expsrlenoes be orowded into one day than duriog a trip from sarnla to detroit along the st clair biver at the city of si clair we left the boat in order to spend a few days with the sister of the editor mrs l s botlio and family a four mile drive behind one ot mr botlinu favorite roadsters broagbt ua to tbe family residence in west china here a most enjoyable visit waa made it embraced family visiting drives to marine city a tour of st clair and a visit to the well known diamond crystal saltworks where it is olaimedpthe flneat table salt io the world is manufactured by a new seoret process bev balph duff late ot george town is pastor ot the congregational ohurob at st clair and mita agnes adama and mrs glass early residents of aoton also reside here and mr jamea hamilton who a quarter of a century ago was a baker in acton ia prospering in the same basinets in st clair a visit of considerable lotereet was made to the dairy farm of mr e b stevenson where is located one of the finest oomblned oreamery cheese factory and ice cream works in the slste the ice cream was sampled and pronounced ot superior quality in addition to mr butlioa farming interests be is engaged daring the winter months in feeding and fitting the horses need by the travelling salesmen of the capewell horse nail co of detroit sometimes having a dozen of tbese horses in his stables at a time on friday evening a fifteen mile journey down tbe river brought us to the prettyjslty of algonao tbe pressnt home of bev a j holmes snd family mr holmes is pastor ot tbe first methodiat charon there he is well known by a number ot peek pbibs readers and preaob- el in the church here while visiting a oouple of yesrs ago algonao is a real- dental town very prettily aitnated on a bend ot the river and is the summer heme of msny residents of detroit and other olllet and the winter home of numerous lake oaptalna and sailors one street has no less thsn nine oozy homes ot steamer captains the trip from algonao to detroit on the splendid steamer city of toledo on saturday morning waa muob enjoyed bev snd mrs holmes aooompalned qs and pointed out tbe varlooa places of interest along this picturesque waterway the roate is a oontinoous pasasge past sprightly villages gay summer resorts oamplog grounds and pleasure parks among tho latter there is notably tasb- moo park vary popular this stesonai a point for picnics and expnretoot passing down tbe south channel wojmer the ship oanal and proceed thence into lake st clair about noon we round belle isle detroits great pleaaure park and a few mluatea later are landed at the detroit docks in a downpour of rain the central prebyterlan ohurob waa the tendozvpus of all canadian delegatea to the great christian endeavor oonvsntloo nsre we were registered with the 070 other canadians and immediately felt at home dlhriartiverrthb brighte and somo 10000 persona proceeded to belle isle for the peace meeting of tbe convention under tbe oaka and the oom- blued stars and stripes and the union jack these thousands met and listened to inspiring addresses by hon w o may- bury mayor ot tbe oiiy father- endeavor clark rev charles m sbsldon and bev w f wilson of hamilton the address by bev mr wilson wax psrhape the happiest of the afternoon at all events il sliolted oonllnuoas and vociferoas applause saturday evening waa given op to re- cipiioiii the delegates from oaaada and jbejuiildgloloclvmwastbsiiterialneifr royally by the ladies of central presby terian gharcb and a delightful evening waa spent the city was given over to the endeavorers during tbs week bul this waa perhaps more generally manifsot on sou- day than on any olbsr day of lbs conven tion it was a dsy of rich blessings and grand rervloe in all the churches the c invention throuuriont waa a mag- nluosnl sneoese secretary bisr said in ibe presenoe of the wiittr there is some thing more solemn and inipreealve about this convention than i have ever before eiperlsnoed in the fourteen anuual iielh- erlogs i have attended the influence owriad away by the 28000 delegates from all sister provinces and countries will be tirreaohlng indeed detroits welcome was oordial iu every repect the olty snd the elilstn maul- fasted tletr respect in a rnultiiulo ot ways and no dslegele oonld feel other than beat part of tbe olty tho visit with this warmhearted family was highly enjoy able the second day wua spent in view ing ihe attractions ot the place and its piptureiaue environments a trip by steamer down luiain giver to lotus beaob took us past the old fort where a decisive battle io the war of 1812 18 was fought and through tbe canal a veritable venice waterway from snake blver to the light boose johnsons island on baiain river it faat beoomlng a popular reaqft top touriats and the summer hotel oooduoted by mr and mrs johnson deserves tbe high reputation already attained the home like comforts tje splendid culalue lbs attractive scenery and the fino mineral springe jointly contribute to give it popu- larityand succees we bad a successful afternoon at flsbjog on snake river and tbe oreel when emptied waa fount to opp tain no less than seven varieties of palat aoloflab lily bay and the lotus beds are interesting points for the visitors but ihe beet of friends moat part and wednesday morning we said adieu to tbe old sohool friends who had so royally enter tained as and the i 30 tip fiat afternoon landed ue in london while at glencoe pleasant greeting waa extended by mr william gordfin an esteemed native of acton the london street gar riots bad eubaided but it waa humiliating to canadiina to are such a beautiful indo9 trfoas and generally well behaved a oity under martial law with the troops of cavalry and jpfantry marching the streets and bawng a deadly gatfng gun in charge a tery pleaaant vlalt was made at tha home of mr j e boomer one ot londons successful business men a native ot hal ton by the way and at tbe wellington street methodist parsonage the home of bev jos edge the f 0 london conference formerly pastor here the sunday previous bev mr edge had beld reopening services an expenditure of 3000 in improving and beautifying hii ohurch having been made daring the two months previous suooess conllnueu to characterize hie efforts and mrs edge is still his worthy and appreoiated helpmeet their intereet in aoton is undimlnishsd and many were the enquiries rolating thereto this oomple led our ofrcoit of objective points and our arrival home on friday evening oonoluded one of she most pleasant and intereetlog outings in our experience it is hoped ibe recital of tbese jottlnga by tbe way will oontribnte something of interest and information to fbbb pakss readers cored of epilepsy th estory of a stcathar1n e8 lady who is restored to health she suffered severely sometimes having a many an four spasms in a weekseveral doctors consulted without benefit prom tha star st catharine hn s b wright of 3- catharines hai for a n amber of 3 ears been a aevere offerer from epltepiy from whloh dread dineaie ahe fa now happily free to a reporter who recently oalled upon her to ascertain the manner of her core ahe aid u to dr williams pink pils i owe my releaee it is some years since 1 had my flrat attack at times i did not know what tbe trooble wap bat the dootor who was ol led in to attend s at one said it waa epilepi and that the disease was incurable after this i had the spasms aa often as two three and four times a week i had no premonitory symptoms bat would full no matter where i was i at way a alept heavily after an hack finding that the local treatment wai not helping me my boiband took me to a dootor in hamilton he also aaid that be oonld not care mo bat that be ooald give me medialuo that would prolong tbe period between the spasms tbls be accomplished bat x longed for a oare rather than for relief and i dually non suited a specialist who told me that he oonld core jne bnt that i must have patience i aakod him haw long be thoukht it would require to effect a core and he replied at hast six mo u the he ememdiolttettnrtftoairit faitbfolly bat instead of renin better i was aurely growing worse after following his treat ment for tome months without avail i felt tbatl could not hope for a oare and was about resigning myself to my fate my later however urged me to dive dr williams pink villa for pale people a trial and rdlnotantly i decided to take her advice for a time after beginning to nse tbe pills i continued to have tho spasms but j felt that gradually ii ey wrre leas severe and my strength to iwar them greater arid i persistod in the treatment until the time came when the spasms oeased andi waaiweiriind strong as ever 1 had beeu 1 took in all twelve or fourteen bootee of dr williams pink pills and although several years have elapaed i nee i discontinued their use 1 have not iu that time had any return of the malady 1 owe this bappy release to dr williams pink pills and will always have a good word lo say for thtm the experience of jeare haa proved tha there u absolutely 7 no disease due to a vitiated condition nf the blood or shattered nerves that dr williams pink pills will not promptly oare and those who are suffering from such troubles would avoid much misery and save money by promptly naviriinn 10 this treat men get the genuine pink pill every lime and do not be prrtuarf l to take an imitation or some oihrr remedy from a dealer who for the eatteof our pioftt tnltimeelf may say la jut as gord dr williams pink pill- cure wben other medicines fail wantsthe militia btttter paid d henderaon m p champions the cause of the volunteers and says a uood word for the 20th bait while iu committee on supply en he hquhu of commons lint week mr david heiidertiuii 31 p fur this couuiy called tha attention of tho minimer of militia and dtjfenoo to the dcairabllity ot an inoreaae of pay to the non otimmiraioned officers aud men of ihe volunteer force of the country he said as wo find loportud in lannard 1 hhi oho of thouo who fax or an itiorouse in pay of non commibbioucd ofllcors mid turn we are told that this is tho growing time and that the revenuo in buinnt then i do uot aeu tiny rotnon why iiiohq youug mm should he halted lo go out and da 111 iu tbe warm dab of june leaxlng their employment and their homec lqifntf their viugea and living on humble fare when the government hui plenty of money to pay them properly i thiuk the th floiernroeut should tako thin matter into con a id art hon my opinion la that men who go out 10 camp ought to bo paid a dat wniu cual to what the cn earn at home the ahoull not bu avked to live op humbler fttro hap ley get at home notwithstanding the reduction of tbt item i still hope ihe minister ia asking for a bumulent sum to increase the pny of the uou commineioncd officer a aul man of the volunteer foroo throuhoqt thg pnlire lilhinlberrepn53 with liiavd to what my hll friend flivys i always 1 in ten to him because when he bpeaku he ppeaka to the point no one would be more glad than i aa an old man ot tbe militia force to be abo to vote a lare sum of money for the non 00 in missioned officers and men it 1b a j u eat loo tl worth uonaidering but i think the young men of caoada officers as well as nonoommisioned cfficerb and men are prepared to make some sacrifices in order to defend this country td i tinfe they would be disappointed if they were not permitted to do bo i thick my bon friend mistakes the feeling of loyalty aud patriotism of the young men who join our battalions and go ntp camp if bp aoppoaes that they are led to do so by any mercenary mqtlve l tbey waut is to get enough to repay them for any dfrepb expense or loss that pay occur at present f think ft ja pot necessary to make any provision ol that kind on the contrary i think our young menwould rather resent it in reply mr henderaon said i am grateful to tbe boo minister for tbe manner in which be haa received my bpftnebtlon i 0 not doubt the loyalty of youpgqanadlaqb qnd their wflllngneqa tq join tho volunteer force and flc tbennelves for tho defenoe of the oountry i have never been oonneoted with the service bat i have been a careful onlooker aud the conclusion i have come to is that wo muat not allow tbe jonng men to feel tbat they are treated by the government in such a way an to cause them iobb the qoyemroept rnqat deal fqirly wih thorn andwbed they go to oamp make thorn aa oomfortable aa tbey can and bo far aa rations are concerned to give them aa good as they are accustomed to at home and in a pecuniary way they must not be oalled apon to buffer tbe iobb of wares bepaqoe most of these young men are wage earner it tboy realige thai tbe government will give them fair componea tion tho joqdg meu will go into the force with spirit i think that the government in these growing times might be a little more liberal to theae young men who so willingly effer their services to the oountry i wish to be parfeotly candid on this rpsttpr i am pot ashamed to gay bat i am advocating an increase in the ejpendr itare i have a warrant from my con stituents to make this demand i believe tbat is their sentiment and it has been made olear to me in anoh a way tbat i have tbe almost confidence in asking the minister to take the action i request continuing mr henderson referred to local matters as follows in tha 30 lb battalion lome rifles in the coqoty ot halton wo have prehaps one ot the most efficient battalions iu weiitem ontario and i am aoro tbe miuiater who is always ready to assist the militia in any way be otfibtytjatranthowhoae ad mi out ration 1 i have a rroat deal of confidence except perhaps wliop he takes the liberty of promoting a junior major over a senior major- the minifltan or militia they are all happy now mr hknjpbrfiox i desire to draw tbe ministers attention to the fact tbat in aoton we have an anoiout drill ball the roof of which is leaking this hall con tains the armoury ot no 0 company which la in charge ot oaptafn langtou a very efficient officer and a gentleman whose ability the hen gentleman no doubt reoogniied when be met him at tbe niagara camp recently x would like it the minister ont of this largo vote would devote a email sum to improving the armoury so as to protect the military property there which belongs to tbe dominion the ministen ov militiv my attention has not been oalled t the matter before but i will enqohe into it mr hkmdkrson i have not oalled the minister a attention to it before but as it is a bomewhat important matter i will take tha liberty of addressing him a letter upon tbe sabjnt save tjb baby first nistlticlaof mojtherhinrt is to prencrve her little one ita hfc otul heal th lake prcted l ncc ctii otr litr o n 11 hit common rtruul jss5 which wonilii who mc look ing foi willi lo the coining of a new mid prlcioim imliy into the world fir1 foci 1 unit thej may not theniseh l b be nhlc to go hfiftjy through tilt lrin onltiil anil secondly comes the ftnr th it the dnrlinj little baby b life or health or general well- being 111 1 boinchow be sacrificed but there is no renl ntcil of npprclun biou 111 titlicr direction if anj woman who is expecting to become n mcthcr vvill follow the example of mrs ornn sttles of downing dunn co the niost perfect confidence nja he felt 111 the hnpp outcome of thin critical penott both for the mother and the child i june hctrn intending to write to you ever aay mrutlka in fierce of ilnf since my baby win born an intercmliiik litter to dr falo ji y in reenrd to what nitt nurte prescription linn one fur me 1 cnuilui pinine it cnniikii for i have not tin i n well fir he yean iih i mow tin in jfl inm i hntt n tj ihj bo wefjil 1 1 ii11 i wahmcl onlyn hhort time untl hi 1 ice 1 kt up i hnvi iu 1 iuki one kcu dn i have not bud nny nomli trouble mince i got lip x ivah not only kitrprlrhl mjhclf but nil of my fricndri hcrp nrchurprihtd lo see mc ko well the properties of this gmiul tre- bcnption and wlmt i hih nocomplished for thousntln flf women arc more fully detterlhed m pne chnptpr of the people 3 common sense metucnl adier byu v pierce m p a splendid thousaiidpnge liluslmt ftiuunu h will be acnt fr paper bound for 31 one cent stamps to pay the cost of ciintonis and mailing onl or cloth bound for 50 stamps tlie inohlc prescription in entirely free from alcohol unlike nearly nil other proprietary metuclaen for women wlifch merol give n tfttb pornry ritiniulntlon and nrc likely to itulnce t morbid iinlienllliy cravinn fna i pmorite sreftcrlpuntl fllwsi jiitrry nud ucrvetoue that real hcaithy and permanent a man cannot loavo a bitter legtoy to tho world than a well educated faibily how to jot walii we refer to the riobnebs of your blood if j on are pale and thin you arc poor in strength and nere power sootld emul- bion drives away thinness and pallor and brings nob red blood and nerve power a duel is very quickly managed only takeb two second b to arrange it it w hdaniels of toronto has purchased tho wardering busi ness of ts ward aoton ptl will be pleased to receive acotltln- uanco of the patronage with which mr ward was favored and a fair share of the business ot tho community generally shaving haircutting and all 0arber work done in firstclass style satisfaction is assured to every customer first class up to date work in all depart business keeps active here in spite of everything the store attractions continue and more people are anticipating needs in view of our prices come when you may you will always find things here to interest you and bargains to look at we want a bigger trade each season and if special values will get it we will have it we do not intend to let july and august be the dull months there are no dull months in this business we keep every thing bright and cheerful hereand special values stimulate the trade bests and shoes we know what we are talking about when we talk boots and shoes and when we tell you that we can give you them at rockbottom prices you know what that means we are making room for our new stock and during july and august things will be lively in this department do notfail to visit our boot and shoe department when in the franlr dowleroo7 cuelphs greatest store a coolheaded han is he who puts on a llgt aqd comfort able straw hat in warm weather you hae a large variety of styles to choose from in our well selected stock of chic and jaunty rough braids and plain straws trimmed with the best silk bands in navy black and fancy colors at prices lower than you cin match anywhere from 50o to 1 so our new silk shirts are uptodate 8ee them one frioe only rtp tvtw1 cmjfn merchant tailor xl xn fcxojil and mens furnisher guelph mr daniels is the originator and manu faaturor of daniels hair grower a marvellous discovery fir cunng bald ncss hair falling out and all eruptions or irritations of the scalp the only remedy ever- known tp nroduoo a new growth of hair on a bnld head a fov well known citizens of acton are using this remedy and hive succeeded in getting a good growth of hair their names and references may be had at this shop remedy will also pro duce a strong moustache in from twelve to fifteen weeks ten treatments of remedy for trial ill be mailed to any address on receipt of 25 els w h daniels mill st aoton hoffmans rq powders st a qalclr sure safe remedy torj ck uud ncurulislu tin aches thoy aro guaranteed not n f contain bromides narcotics ri i thartlcs or anything that can dc raniro tho slomnch or afreet llio nerves sold in lotont enclupcn and 2s cent boxes aak yoar druggist for them tiie nopmiair nit tin c brldscliarar onl a thousand tongues oould not express tbe rapiurs of annfe k springer of 1125 howard bt philadelphia fa wben she foand that dr kings new discovery or consumption had oompletaly oared bar ot a baoklna oongh thai for many years bad mads life burden all other remedies snd doctors oonld give her no help bat she says of this royal cure it soon removed lbs pain in my ehest snd i can now sleep aonndly something i oan soaroely remember dolutf before i feel like soundihir its praise thronnhout the universe 80 will every one who tries dr kiuks mew disoovery for an trouble ot tha t ohmtor lungs frioe b0 ota guaranteed at j d mokeea drug store at swedish weddings among the middle and lower olaasss tbe bridegroom carries a whip tbls is an emblem ot hla authority in the domestlo olrole a provincial reputation hamiltons marble worke guelph ia tbe aoena 0 very active operations at prcseut he will ship shortly mouuments for ertotlon at baruli llidjelown loudon berlin slaanilion stratford gall and other points no better indication of tbe superior work and material aupplied by this old and reliable ostabllebrnentj than tha uniolioited ordera from a distance whloh come to mr j h hamilton tbe proprietor a large ahipmant of bweedlab and seotoh granite baa joss been reorlved an i luoiidra a number ol attraotita new designs solid gold 388 boat gold fiu 1 60 6 yra gold fill 100 best glosses 100 wo ffnarantoo norfoct satisfaction globe optical co 93 yonge street toronto preserve joly 20tii the right house lstanlished 1843 hamiltons tavorite shopping place summer clearing sale people expect a little more for their money nowadays than during the reg ular season and those who do their shopping at tbe right house are not dlsap pointed in fact the more you spend here now the more you save because it s our policy to turn unusually dull months into busy ones by a liberal cutting down of prices a few items of interest are given below those who read and act will profit gloves and mitta ladies black lace mitts that were 32 and 40c a pair reduced to 15c ladies white and cream lace mitt that were 30 to 40c reduced to 25c some white and black lace mitts that were 65c a pair now 35c colored taffeta gloves various shades were 25c now 15c 4 button black bilk gloves sizes 6 and 6j only were 40c now 25c ladles stockings- two very special lines of ladies black cotton stockings with spliced heel and toe hermsdorf fast dye alrsizcs per pair 20 and silka keduoed- foulard silks just the thing for summer dresses blue grounds with fancy patterns in white very choice regular 50c now 40c regular 65 and 75c now feoc regular fti 35 now i 00 blouse bargaina- a large lot of stylish well made shirt waists in a full range of sizes variety of fashionable de signs including hecks stripes and plaids in all the leading shades worth as high as 1 00 selling at the spcclil price of 65c wash dreia goods ginghams in neat check designs in pink and white and black and white were 45c now 30c ginghams in striped patterns 27 in wide were 12 now toe organdie muslins 32 inch white ground with green floral design were 35c now 20c dimity muslins in stripes and fancy patterns in pink green and mauve vserei2jc now to table linens- go inch bleached tabling ia fern patterns formerly 65c reduced to 50c painch bleached tabllngs neat floral design formerly 50c reduced to 4oc special lines of unbleached tabling reduced in price 72 inch waa 55c reduced to 45c 54 inch was 25c reduced to 20c other lines of unbleached table damask in various patterns in- cuding ferns rosebuds and chrysanthemums 60 inches wide for 35c 66 inch 45 55c up to 75c 72 inch 45 75c up to 1 size 20x20 linen napkins for summer use arlous patterns per dozen 85c up to tl 35 malt orders receive prompt attention we prepay the freight or- oxpress to any railway station in ontario on all orders amounting to i5 or over address all letters to department s thomas c watkins king 8t east cor hughson 8t hamilton waited ahhiteud careful oubg man of good diameter in cqcb towunlilp of canada uood wo tea bubluohs ox peri on co not etientlnl ijuadlcy gauitlothon co limited urautford ont caitlepastujie- cattlo imslurud otiep by tbo lenson or month oti w0 acres near crowbona corners wltli buab and b prion crcttc good attention aivon to cattlii address mrs a waters bs london itotd uuolnl or apply to mr robert 111 ton ou tbo prunibob for lurtbor particulars warning to the public the privilege of flabltir on tbo stream running tbroufch tbo farm of mr jobn a gordon lot 2b con 5 eequcilng bas been loosed for a term of joare trcbpaaaora will bo proaocatod according to law it j ucnabb tor tho leasees aoton june 21st 1800 tenders wanted rpekdehs will be received ap to friday slot x inst for the building of two closeti and a foncettt act oh 1ubllo botaool flans andfnecl 0 cations may bo icen at free fares ofqco tho lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted tenders will also bo rocelvod at tbe aaunotlmo for tbo solo of tho old buildldg and woodshed building is a good frame ib x 5 suitable for driving sbod eto my ordrr uougul holmes chairman of commlttoo valuable residence and lot in acton for sale the undorslfidod offer for sale tbe fino proueriy ou the corner of main and blver btrceta acton belonrinn to tbo estate of tbe lata itobert eoyco on tbe property is a well built brlok bouso story aud a half seven rooms kitchen pantry etc tbo bouso is in good ropalr bss polt water thero are a number of fruit trees a good ardon and a large stable tbe property is situated in a desirable part of tbe town for terms and partlonlors apply to joaiah xloyae everton george tough grand valltjy or william bembtbeet aoton wanted agents in ovory district on tbo continent to tako ordera for high grade canadian grown nursery stock and todi largest and moat complete assortment in tho trade fait- soiling specialties superb samples furnished f roe correspondence in any language these positions are money makers and territory should bo secured at onoe for tbe season by all hustloro looking for a good thing- our salary or com mission offers interest to anyone not earning looo 00 per year get in communication with oar nearest offloo an opportunity to represent a well established bone ability more impor tant than experience luke brothers company u international nursorlos oblcago 111 montreal que itocboster n y four parcels ol valuable prope in acton f sal tbe following property belonging to mr patbiok kbeiznr row of buffalo is offered for sale at low prices and easy terms pabcmli that flne brlok residence and two lota on the corner of cbqrob and qnolpb streets contains 8 rooms bird and soft water splendid orchard ond good garden paboke s good bunding lot 66x193 on gnelph street next to alex itamsbawe now residence apon wnfon is a yoong orchard paucbe 8 the store and dwelling on mill street occupied by unrney bros who carry on a general business is in splendid location central and convenient pabchl 4 three good building lots at tbo corner of young and mill btreets a splendid site for a manufacturing establishment owing to la proximity to q t it depot for terms and particulars omuuroat the office of w h denny young st acton notice to ceedit0rs of the estate of archibald campbell late of the village of acton in the county of halton esquire deceased pursuant to tbs statutes in that behalr notloo u baraby given tbat all parsons baring aar claim aoalnst tbo astata of tbo said axoblbald oampball wbo dlod on or abont tbo twenty bmond day of hay a d 1b99 aro required to send by post prepaid or to other viae deliver to a j blaokrnnon of the said tillage of acton solicitor for tbe executors o tbe said estate on or before tbe tblrtyflrat dsy of july a d 1899 a statement containing tbo name address and particulars of tbslr claims and of tbe securities if any beld by them duly verified by statutory declaration and tako notice tbat after tbe laat mentioned date tbe said eiecutors will proceed to distribute tbe swots of tbo said deoeasod among tboae entitled thereto having regard only lo the olalma ot which notloo anall bavo been received as above reqnlred and that tbe executors will not bo lladla for tbe said assets or any part tboreof so distributed to any person or persons of whpia olaim tboy shall not then have bad notice a j miokinkon m or j mcdonald and ilarrarot elisabeth oampball the execntora herein dated thosrd day of july a d1899 farmers wants aro many bnt i oan supply all in my lin i have in stock extra heavy creamer cans strainerbails extra heavy fine milk pails galvanized pails seamless pressed milk pans and countless other dairy articles ouidoorwokiv roof ing etc a hpecialty call for quotations before placing orders for this class oi work g aa pannabecker mill street aoton p s all the wants of people in town will also receive best attention what it represents when you sit for a photograph you ant tbe likeness tq rcpicscnl you ropcfly when yon sjtjtp us wo ant want a properly when yob fltjp us wo tbe work lo represent us properly 1 grand trunk chsap excursions and north dakota going trip to eotntnenoe on jot 18th or 181b 1899 heturn trip to be completed on or before sept 12th sept 17th 1800 betnrn tickets oan be purchased from all agents and at all stations of the grand trunk r bjslerulrrtjntaritjarjtibeaat fare and one third of the currant second class one way fare any furthsr partlenls relating to rates acoom modktlon etc from h 8 holmes agent aoton modioksoh dlstpaswr agt toronto 1st in the matter of the estate of john allan the elder late of the township of erin in the county of wellington gentleman deceased ntiph la berebyjgtven pursuant to chapter 1 b 8 0 1807 tbat all creditors and other persons bavins any claim against tbo eatatte of tbe aaid jobn alum deceased who sj of jane a p 1800 at the aaid township of brln aro hereby reoo rod to sand by post prepaid or otherwise deliver o b h prfngle tsramnton solicitor for the biooutors of tbe wm of tbo raid deceased on orbefore tbe twontyeeoond y gcjalw a dis a statement in wrltlos of their nunee addresses aud descriptions together with full particulars of tbelr claim or olairos duly verified by statutory declarations and the nature of tbe security or secarlttea til ny held by them jf and nouoeii hereby fortbor riven that alter the aaid twentrseoond day of fair ad 1899 tha said executors i will i proceed to aiatrlbote tbo smts of the said estate among tho persons entitled thereto baring regard only o tho claims lofwhioh notice stisllbevo been rooelvod by them and will not bo liable for the assets or hjf person or persona of 7o not s b r b ibwqub brampton a jans sharp bockaid st obolt dunoan oampbellpbeltanham p o bxecntors dated at brampton tbls fourth day of july ibm seasonable- our imprint is seen on none but the mat photo- sraphs and for our sake as wall at yoiirs wo are sure lo give you life like satisfac tory photographs h r357ush53iit photo rtist rcton a frightful blnjulcr will ottso oauss a horrible barn bosld cat or braise buoklens arnio salve tha best in the world will kill ihe pain anil promptly heal ii dares old sores fsver horss ulosrt bolls felous corns all skin erupjont baal alls oure on earth only 60 ots a box oors guaranteed sold by j d mokoe druggist articles obtainable at browns prug gtore pure paris green mixes well with water white hellebore persiatic plant spray tnstanfeouse kitler kills insects on rose brrahea encumber vises eto tanglefoot insect powder moth camphor helpepper crude carbolic acid creolin a t brown mill slreel acton